Home fertilizers What are speech errors? Speech errors: types and types, classification. II. Errors in the formation of forms of different parts of speech

What are speech errors? Speech errors: types and types, classification. II. Errors in the formation of forms of different parts of speech

In Latin there is a word lapsus. It denotes a mistake in a person's speech. From this word, the well-known abbreviation of a blunder appeared. Only if a blunder is considered a gross violation of the norms of speech, then lapsus does not have such a strict meaning. Unfortunately, there is no analogue of this word, which denotes speech errors, in modern Russian. But lapsus are found everywhere.

Speech errors are divided into normative errors and misprints. Misprints are mechanical errors. In the text, the word may be spelled incorrectly, which will complicate the perception of information. Or, instead of one word, another is accidentally used. Misprints are also found in spoken language. These are reservations that can be heard from people every day.

Mechanical errors occur unconsciously, but a lot depends on them. Mistakes in writing numbers create a distortion of factual information. And the wrong spelling of words can completely change the meaning of what was said. One scene from Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, directed by Miguel Arteta, illustrates the problem of typos well. The printing house mixed up the letters "p" and "s" and in the children's book they wrote the phrase "You can jump on the bed" instead of "You can jump on the bed." And according to the plot of the film, this situation resulted in a scandal.

Special attention was paid to misprints during the Stalinist repressions, when an incorrectly written word cost a person his life. It is impossible to eradicate the problem of typos, since a person makes them unconsciously. The only way you can avoid this type of speech error is to be careful when writing the text, carefully choosing the words you say.

Types of regulatory errors

Speech errors are associated with a violation of the norms of the Russian language. Types of speech errors:

  • orthoepic;
  • morphological;
  • spelling;
  • syntactically-punctuation;
  • stylistic;
  • lexical.

spelling error

A pronunciation error is associated with a violation of the norms of orthoepy. It appears only in oral speech. This is an erroneous pronunciation of sounds, words or phrases. Pronunciation errors also include incorrect stress.

The distortion of words occurs in the direction of reducing the number of letters. For example, when instead of "thousand" the word "thousand" is pronounced. If you want to speak competently and beautifully, you should rid your speech of such words. The erroneous pronunciation of the word "of course" - "of course" is also common.

Pronouncing the correct stress is not only correct, but also fashionable. Surely you have heard how people correct the wrong accent in the words “Alcohol”, “ringing”, “contract” to the correct ones - “alcohol”, “ringing” and “contract”. Incorrect emphasis has recently been more noticeable than before. And the opinion of your erudition depends on the observance of the norms of pronunciation.

Morphological error

Morphology is a branch of linguistics in which words and their parts are the object of study. Morphological errors are obtained due to the incorrect formation of word forms of various parts of speech. The reasons are incorrect declension, errors in the use of gender and number.

For example, "doctors" instead of "doctor". This is a morphological error in the use of the plural.

Often use the wrong form of the word when changing the case. The genitive case of the word apples is apples. Sometimes the words use the wrong form of "apples" instead.

Common morphological errors - incorrect spelling of numerals:

"The company owned five hundred and fifty-three branches." In this example, the word "fifty" was not declined. Correct spelling: "The company owned five hundred and fifty-three branches."

In the use of adjectives, the mistake of misusing the comparative degree is common. For example, such usage: "more beautiful" instead of "more beautiful". Or "the highest" instead of "the highest" or "the highest".

Spelling mistake

Spelling errors are the wrong spelling of words. They arise when a person does not know the correct spelling of a word. Have you ever received a message where you found grammatical errors. A common example is writing the word "sorry" with an "e". To prevent such spelling errors from happening to you, read as much as possible. Reading stimulates the perception of the correct spelling of words. And if you are used to reading correctly written text, then you will write without making grammatical errors.

Spelling errors, in principle, happen due to ignorance of the correctness of words. Therefore, if you are not sure about the written word, you should consult a dictionary. At work, learn the list of words specific to your field that you need to remember and in which you should never make grammatical errors.

Syntax and punctuation errors

These types of speech errors occur when punctuation marks are incorrectly set and words are combined incorrectly in phrases and sentences.

Missing dashes, extra commas - this refers to punctuation errors. Do not be too lazy to open the textbook if you are not sure about setting the comma. Again, this is a problem that can be dealt with by reading a lot of books. You get used to the correct punctuation and already on an intuitive level it is difficult for you to make a mistake.

Syntax violations are common. Coordination errors are common. “For happiness, a person needs a favorite place to relax, work, a happy family.” The word "need" in this sentence does not fit in the enumeration. You need to use "need".

Professional editors find that management error is common. When a word is replaced with a synonym or a similar word, but the control does not agree with the new word.

An example of a management error: "They praised and congratulated Alina for the victory."

They praised Alina. They brought congratulations to Alina. Parts of the proposal do not agree due to mismanagement. After "praised" you need to add the word "her" to correct the mistake.

Stylistic mistakes

Unlike other types of errors, stylistic errors are based on a distortion of the meaning of the text. Classification of the main stylistic speech errors:

  • Pleonasm. The phenomenon occurs frequently. Pleonasm is a redundant expression. The author expresses the thought, supplementing it with all understandable information. For example, “a minute of time has passed”, “he told the true truth”, “a secret spy was following the passenger”. A minute is a unit of time. Truth is truth. A spy is a secret agent anyway.
  • Cliche. These are well-established phrases that are very often used. Cliches cannot be fully attributed to speech errors. Sometimes their use is appropriate. But if they are often found in the text, or if the cliché of the conversational style is used in business, this is a serious speech error. The expressions "to win", "golden autumn", "overwhelming majority" belong to the cliché.
  • Tautology. A mistake in which the same or single-root words are often repeated. In one sentence, the same word should not be repeated. It is desirable to exclude repetitions in adjacent sentences.

Sentences in which this mistake was made: “He smiled, his smile filled the room with light”, “Katya blushed from red wine”, “Peter loved to go fishing and catch fish.”

  • Violation of word order. In English, the word order is much stricter than in Russian. It is distinguished by a clear construction of parts of the sentence in a certain sequence. In Russian, you can swap word combinations as you would like. But at the same time, it is important not to lose the meaning of the statement.

To prevent this from happening, follow two rules:

  1. The order of words in a sentence can be direct and reverse, depending on the subject and predicate.
  2. Secondary members of the sentence must agree with the words on which they depend.

Lexical speech errors

Vocabulary is the vocabulary of a language. Mistakes occur when you write or talk about something you don't understand. More often, errors in the meanings of words occur for several reasons:

  • The word is obsolete and rarely used in modern Russian.
  • The word refers to a highly specialized vocabulary.
  • The word is a neologism and its meaning is not common.

Classification of lexical speech errors:

  • False synonym. A person considers several words that are not synonyms as synonyms. For example, authority is not popularity, and features are not differences. Examples where the mistake was made:"The singer was an authority among young people" instead of "The singer was popular among young people." "Brother and sister had many differences in character" instead of "Brother and sister had many differences in character."
  • Use of similar sounding words. For example, the use of the word "single" when it is necessary to say "ordinary". Instead of the word "Indian" they can write the erroneous "turkey".
  • Confusion in close-meaning words. "Interviewer" and "Interviewee", "Subscriber" and "Subscription", "Address" and "Addressor".
  • Unintentional formation of new words.

It's easy to make a speech error. Sometimes this happens in the case of a reservation, and sometimes the problem lies in ignorance of any norm of the Russian language or because of the confusion of the meanings of words. Read a lot of books, speak correctly and do not hesitate to once again refer to a dictionary or textbook. Constantly work on oral and written speech so that the number of errors is close to zero.

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Speech is a channel for the development of intellect,
the sooner the language is learned,
the easier and more complete the knowledge will be assimilated.

Nikolai Ivanovich Zhinkin,
Soviet linguist and psychologist

Speech is conceived by us as an abstract category, inaccessible to direct perception. Meanwhile, this is the most important indicator of a person’s culture, his intellect and, a way of knowing the complex relationships of nature, things, society and transmitting this information through communication.

Obviously, both learning and already using something, we make mistakes due to inability or ignorance. And speech, like other types of human activity (in which language is an important component), is no exception in this respect. All people make mistakes, both in and in oral speech. Moreover, the concept of speech culture, as an idea of ​​"", is inextricably linked with the concept of a speech error. In fact, these are parts of one process, which means that, striving for perfection, we must be able to recognize speech errors and eradicate them.

Types of speech errors

First, let's look at what speech errors are. Speech errors are any cases of deviation from the current language norms. Without their knowledge, a person can live normally, work and communicate with others. But the effectiveness of the actions taken in certain cases may suffer. In this regard, there is a risk of being misunderstood or misunderstood. And in situations where our personal success depends on it, this is unacceptable.

The author of the classification of speech errors below is Doctor of Philology Yu. V. Fomenko. Its division, in our opinion, is the simplest, devoid of academic pretentiousness and, as a result, understandable even to those who do not have a special education.

Types of speech errors:

Examples and causes of speech errors

S. N. Zeitlin writes: “The complexity of the mechanism for generating speech acts as a factor contributing to the occurrence of speech errors.” Let's consider special cases, based on the classification of types of speech errors proposed above.

Pronunciation errors

Pronunciation or pronunciation errors occur as a result of violation of the rules of orthoepy. In other words, the reason lies in the incorrect pronunciation of sounds, sound combinations, individual grammatical structures and borrowed words. They also include accentological errors - violation of the norms of stress. Examples:

Pronunciation: “of course” (and not “of course”), “poshti” (“almost”), “plot” (“pays”), “precedent” (“precedent”), “iliktrichesky” (“electric”), “colidor” (“corridor”), “laboratory” (“laboratory”), “thousand” (“thousand”), “right now” (“now”).

stress: “calls”, “dialogue”, “contract”, “catalog”, “overpass”, “alcohol”, “beetroot”, “phenomenon”, “chauffeur”, “expert”.

Lexical errors

Lexical errors - violation of the rules of vocabulary, first of all - the use of words in unusual meanings, distortion of the morphemic form of words and the rules of semantic agreement. They are of several types.

The use of a word in an unusual sense. This is the most common lexical speech error. Within this type, there are three subtypes:

  • Mixing words that are close in meaning: "He read the book back."
  • Mixing words that sound similar: excavator - escalator, ear - colossus, Indian - turkey, single - ordinary.
  • Mixing words that are similar in meaning and sound: subscriber - subscription, addressee - addressee, diplomat - diplomat, well-fed - well-fed, ignorant - ignorant. "Cashier for business trips" (necessary - seconded).

word writing. Error examples: Georgian, heroism, underground workers, winder.

Violation of the rules of semantic agreement of words. Semantic agreement is the mutual adaptation of words along the line of their real meanings. For example, you cannot say: I raise this toast", since "raise" means "move", which is not consistent with the wish. “Through the door wide open” is a speech error, because the door cannot be both ajar (slightly open) and wide open (wide open) at the same time.

This also includes pleonasms and tautologies. Pleonasm is a phrase in which the meaning of one component is entirely included in the meaning of another. Examples: “May month”, “traffic route”, “address of residence”, “huge metropolis”, “to be on time”. A tautology is a phrase whose members have the same root: “The task was set”, “One public organization acted as the organizer”, “I wish you long creative longevity”.

Phraseological errors

Phraseological errors occur when the form of phraseological units is distorted or they are used in an unusual meaning. Yu. V. Fomenko distinguishes 7 varieties:

  • Changing the lexical composition of a phraseological unit: “While the essence and the case” instead of “While the court and the case”;
  • Truncation of a phraseological unit: “It was just right for him to hit the wall” (phraseologism: “hit his head against the wall”);
  • Expansion of the lexical composition of a phraseological unit: “You turned to the wrong address” (phraseologism: contact the address);
  • Distortion of the grammatical form of a phraseological unit: "I can't stand to sit with my hands folded." Correct: "difficult";
  • Contamination (association) of phraseological units: “You can’t do everything idly by” (a combination of phraseological units “sleeveless” and “idly folded”);
  • The combination of pleonasm and phraseological unit: "A random stray bullet";
  • The use of phraseological units in an unusual meaning: "Today we're going to talk about the film from cover to cover."

Morphological errors

Morphological errors are the incorrect formation of word forms. Examples of such speech errors: “reserved seat”, “shoes”, “towels”, “cheaper”, “one and a half hundred kilometers”.

Syntax errors

Syntax errors are associated with a violation of the rules of syntax - the construction of sentences, the rules for combining words. There are a lot of varieties of them, so we will give only a few examples.

  • Wrong match: “There are a lot of books in the closet”;
  • Mismanagement: "Pay for the fare";
  • Syntactic ambiguity: "Reading Mayakovsky made a strong impression"(did Mayakovsky read or did you read Mayakovsky's works?);
  • Structural offset: “The first thing I ask of you is your attention.” Correct: “The first thing I ask you is attention”;
  • Extra correlative word in the main sentence: "We were looking at those stars that dotted the whole sky."

Spelling mistakes

This type of error occurs due to ignorance of the rules of spelling, hyphenation, abbreviation of words. characteristic of speech. For example: “The dog barked”, “sit on chairs”, “come to the railway station”, “Russian. language", "gram. mistake".

Punctuation errors

Punctuation errors - incorrect use of punctuation marks with.

Stylistic mistakes

We devoted a separate topic to this topic.

Ways to correct and prevent speech errors

How to prevent speech errors? Your speech work should include:

  1. Reading fiction.
  2. Visiting theaters, museums, exhibitions.
  3. Communication with educated people.
  4. Constant work on improving the culture of speech.

Online course "Russian language"

Speech errors are one of the most problematic topics that receive little attention in school. There are not so many topics in the Russian language in which people most often make mistakes - about 20. We decided to devote the course "" to these topics. In the classroom, you will get the opportunity to work out the skill of competent writing using a special system of multiple distributed repetitions of the material through simple exercises and special memorization techniques.


  • Bezzubov A. N. Introduction to literary editing. - St. Petersburg, 1997.
  • Savko I. E. Basic speech and grammatical errors
  • Sergeeva N. M. Speech, grammatical, ethical, factual errors ...
  • Fomenko Yu. V. Types of speech errors. - Novosibirsk: NGPU, 1994.
  • Zeitlin S. N. Speech errors and their prevention. – M.: Enlightenment, 1982.

49. Types of speech errors: a methodology for their prevention and correction.

Types and examples of speech errors

Speech errors These are errors associated with violation of the requirements of correct speech.

    The use of words in their meanings. Example: We were shocked by the excellent performance of the players.

    Repetition of single-root words in one sentence (tautology): The writer vividly describes the events of that day.

    Speech deficiency (occurs when the right word is missing). The car dropped both.

    A mixture of vocabulary from different historical eras. Anna Sergeyevna and the prince went to the registry office to get married.

    Pleonasm (hidden tautology). Example: colleagues.

    The use of extra words. A young girl, very beautiful.

    Poor use of pronouns. This text was written by K. Ivanov. It belongs to the artistic style.

    Unjustified repetition of words. Maria loves flowers. Mary knows all about them.

Causes of speech errors

“The complexity of the speech generation mechanism acts as a factor contributing to the occurrence of speech errors” Nikolai Ivanovich Zhinkin.

The main causes of speech errors are:

    Misunderstanding of the meaning of the word (when the word is used in an unusual sense). The fire got hotter and hotter and hotter.

    The use of synonyms (each such word can have its own functional and stylistic coloring, this leads to speech errors). For example: "blooper"- professional jargon, but "hole"- a common word.

    The use of polysemantic words (using them, be sure to make sure that they are understandable to the interlocutor).

    Lexical incompleteness of the statement (missing an important word).

    Use of obsolete words. (Example: Everything in the store is now discounted.

    Words of foreign origin (having a passion for borrowed words, be sure to find out their exact meaning).

    Errors in the formation of words (for example: they want; dog kennel; on the forehead, etc.)

    Incorrect use of paronyms (words similar in sound, as a rule, of one part of speech, but different in meaning and structure). For example: addressee - addressee.

    Lack of lexical compatibility in the sentence. A good leader must set an example for his subordinates in everything.(The word "sample" is used inappropriately, it should be replaced by the word "example").

    Inappropriate use of dialectisms (expressions or ways of speech used by people of a particular locality). For example: A scraper came to me, and sat until the morning. ( Shaberka is a neighbor).

When choosing words, it is necessary to pay attention to their meaning, usage, stylistic coloring, compatibility with other words. Since the violation of at least one of these criteria can lead to a speech error.

Ways to correct and prevent speech errors

Often in the speech of people (especially very young people) there are lexical and stylistic errors, i.e. the use of words in an inaccurate or unusual meaning (and the reason for this is ignorance of the meaning of the word). IN the book "Speech Secrets" edited by T. A. Ladyzhenskaya options for working on the prevention and elimination of these errors are presented.

In the meantime, we offer you our selection, designed to prevent speech errors:

    Associate with knowledgeable and educated people.

    Visit theaters, museums, trainings.

    Constantly monitor your speech (pronounce words correctly).

    Good speech exercises are recognized - essays and presentations.

Grammar Nazi is your middle name? On the one hand, it is very unethical to play a know-it-all both in person and in online correspondence on social networks. But on the other hand, this is ignorance - to be illiterate and not know your native Russian language. Everyone has a girlfriend or boyfriend who regularly says “call”. How it cuts the ear, and with undisguised irritation you slap her for it. But what if you try in a joking manner to say “call” in response? It will be much more effective, and at one point you will hear the long-awaited correct accent!

Examples of speech errors in Russian

People communicate through speech, it is a kind of communication channel. And, as you know, if the signal is broken, the connection can break. Therefore, in order for human bonds to remain inseparable, speech must be correct. What kind typical mistakes are made in the pronunciation of a proper name?

Ukraine or Ukraine?

All derived country names must be pronounced with an accent on the consonant: Ukraine, resident - Ukrainian, language - Ukrainian. It is a mistake to emphasize the letter A.

Marilyn Monroe reading

Decline Maria Tsigal by cases

Who what?
- Maria Tsigal.
- Who, what?
- Maria Tsigal.
- To whom; to what?
- Maria Tsigal, etc.
Women's surnames that end in a soft sign do not decline.

In Ivanovo or in Ivanovo?

How often do we hear: “We live in Ivanovo” or “We live in Ivanovo”. Right - live in Ivanovo, live in Ivanovo.
Below are examples of typical speech errors in Russian and the peculiarities of the use of these words.

Inside? INSIDE!

When dressing, we tuck the blouse INSIDE the skirt. Opening the envelope, we look INSIDE. No prefixes "in" must not be.

Dress up? WEAR!

This case is perhaps the most common misuse of the word in speech. There is a simple rule by which it is easy to remember the correct use of these words depending on the context. WEAR a hat - WEAR a daughter. When it comes to yourself, in this case, put on, someone else - put on.

Marilyn Monroe carefully reads a book

Finish school, university? FINISH!

The school asked me to do my own project. And here's the thing BEHIND over. You tidied up the house - Finished. As you understand, they finish the job, and the educational institution (university, school, auto courses) ABOUT finish.

Boiling white? BLUE WHITE!

You cook pasta or meat, and snow-white foam always forms on the surface - boil, as our ancestors called it once in ancient times.

Therefore, white wardrobe items are boiling white - and no others!

Colleagues? Just COLLEAGUES!

The word “colleague” already has the following meaning by default: “a person who works with me, or who has a similar profession”, so explain that “Vasya is my work colleague” is a redundant expression.

Creams, sweaters, jumpers? CREAMS, SWEATERS, JUMPERS!

We hear the ending “a” in these words regularly, it brings a certain “simplicity” into colloquial speech. It is much more “poetic” and more correct to use the “s” at the end: today we went shopping and bought warm jumpers, and then we went to the cosmetics department and bought nourishing creams.

Eat? EAT!

When pronouncing the phrase “I ate”, remember that it sounds like it comes from the mouth of a mannered coquette. The word "is" is universal. It is worth distinguishing the boundaries of the possible-impossible. Asking a child if he ate is quite ethical.. However, an adult man who answered about himself: “I ate” is bad manners.

Lie down? LAY!

This is one of the most common mistakes in speech. Remember the rule: the word "lie" does not exist, it is used only with prefixes: Put on the table, Put in a pile, etc. The famous phrase from the movies: “put the phone down” is also not the norm. Just "put it down."

Surely, in half? HARDLY, IN HALF!

Remember the popular in the 90s group "Na-na"? So: in the case of these words, no “na-na” is needed: IT IS UNLIKELY today we will go somewhere, we will divide the fruit in HALF.

Marilyn Monroe reading a book in bed

Upon arrival, upon arrival, upon completion? ON ARRIVAL, ON ARRIVAL, ON END!

The correct use of these words primarily rests on your visual memory, frequent reading and interest in dictionaries, since there are no test rules for them. It remains only to remember well, to memorize.

sheet? SHEET!

How easy it is to make a mistake with the end of the words "nya, nya." get out colloquial "sheet" from our vocabulary! To do this, you have to remember your childhood and Chukovsky's famous poem "Moydodyr":

“The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away, and the pillow, like a frog, jumped away from me ...”

Vacuuming? Vacuuming? I CLEAN WITH A VACUUM CLEANER!

The struggle for cleanliness in the house often ends in a struggle for correct speech! You are putting things in order, but suddenly a friend called and asks what you do. You answer: "I vacuum ... I vacuum ... I suck dust" ... That's right - "I clean with a vacuum cleaner"!

According to the order, orders? According to the ORDER, ORDER!

The preposition "according to" is always followed by a noun in the genitive case, that is, answering the question “what”: “according to what? Order." The bonus for the month was issued according to the order of the director of the enterprise.

Wash? WASH!

Using the words to wash, rinse, remove the additional ending “sya”, you seem to attribute the action to yourself, that is, you are going to rinse, wash and scrub yourself from dirt.

Shoes? SHOE!

It is impossible not to recall the famous phrase from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus", which has become almost winged: "Whose shoe." The word "shoes" is unchanged. Correct usage: tried on a pair of shoes today which I really liked.

Tea, sugar or TEA, SUGAR?

Experts of the reference service of the Russian language "Gramoty.ru" answer: both options are acceptable. And they add: if earlier forms on -u, -u (drink tea, eat soup, add sugar) were preferable, now they have acquired a colloquial connotation and are gradually losing their popularity to forms on -a, -i (pour tea, put sugar) .

Marilyn Monroe reading a book while lying on the couch

Expresso? ESPRESSO!

How about going for a cup of your favorite espresso? If you're hearing this, you're practically offended to the core! This is the most common misuse of the word in speech. The reason for the confusion is the confusion of two words from Italian and English, which have a similar sound and the same meaning: espresso - fast in Italian, express - "quick, urgent, emergency" in English. We will travel by express train from Moscow to St. Petersburg, enjoying a cup of our favorite espresso while sitting in the dining car.

What are found:

  1. Pronunciators: carves (wrong) - pays (true), of course (wrong) - of course (true).
  2. Lexical: Indian - turkey.
  3. Phraseological: the combination of two stable phrases ("slips and folded") - "You can't do it with folded sleeves."
  4. Morphological: towels, pianos, cheaper, etc.
  5. Syntactic: there are many books on the table (incorrect agreement).
  6. Spelling: tubaret, vogzal, here, etc. (found in written speech).

Funny misspelled words

Often we make funny mistakes in words and do not even notice it. Sometimes this happens by accident (proverb), but more often than not, the person doesn't really know how to pronounce the word correctly. Evoshny, evonny, theirs - it's so rustic. These are incorrect derivatives of the words "his" and "them". "It would be funny if it wasn't so sad." The most common mistakes in Russian are often made automatically. We heard this word somewhere, remembering it on a subconscious level. Therefore, if you do not want to accidentally embarrass yourself at some kind of performance at work, in public, carefully “filter the market”.

"Etovat" - what kind of animal is this?

Few people know such a word as this. And it turns out it exists. Its meaning can be compared with the English Do, denoting an action, but indefinite. This is a universal verb that can be replaced by another depending on the context.
- "What did you do today?"
“Yes, it’s been all day!”
“Stop it here for me!”
Here it is, a diverse Russian language, different in it and the features of the use of words in speech. Some words that are not currently used are often mistaken for speech errors by those who do not know their meaning. For example: lamb - lamb, hail - city, blueberry - nun and etc.

Crib! You can check the word you are interested in - its pronunciation, stress, spelling, features of meaning and use - using the Gramota.ru, Gramma.ru, Yandex dictionaries portals. The Orfogrammka.ru website allows you to get rid of errors in whole sentences and paragraphs - to put things in order, for example, in the text of a comment, a letter. It is interesting to train literacy by doing online dictations (everyone heard about the Total Dictation project?) and interactive exercises, which are many on Gramota.ru

Examples of sentences with frequent speech errors constantly heard:

  1. I don't have bills paid.
  2. You have to put things like this.
  3. Will you call me?

Even in the media, this is often allowed: “Thanks to the earthquake, thousands of residents died.”


To speak the native language correctly is not only the duty of a citizen of the country, but also his respectful attitude towards other members of society. That is why it is so important to instill in a child a love of learning a language from childhood. Incorrect tongue-tied speech leads to misunderstanding in communication between people.

Larisa Fominykh

Grammar or speech error?

The need to distinguish between grammatical and speech errors in the creative work of students is dictated by existing norms. The first type of errors is an integral part of the literacy assessment, the second (as one of the components) - for the content. During the verification of USE essays (part C), they must also be distinguished. However, in practice, there are often difficulties in their differentiation. The purpose of this note is to help the teacher in determining the nature of these shortcomings.

A grammatical error is a violation of the structure of a language unit: incorrect word formation (there is no such word in the language); incorrect formation of word forms; errors in the construction of phrases and sentences. Violations of this kind account for about 31%.

A grammatical error, depending on its nature, can be made in a word, in a phrase or in a sentence. It doesn't require context to discover it. Unlike spelling or punctuation, a grammatical error can be detected by ear, and not only in a written text, while a spelling error can only be detected in writing.

Consider main types of grammatical errors.

I. Erroneous word formation: cake; liked; chewing gum; showed indifference.

II. Errors in the formation of forms of different parts of speech:

1) nouns (gender; nominative and genitive plural forms; declension of indeclinable nouns): where is the second shoe? my birthday; our engineer; real friendships are few; ride on ponies;

2) adjectives (double comparative or superlative): less successful; the most beautiful fountain; more attractive;

3) numerals (incorrect formation of case forms of cardinal numbers; errors in the use of ordinal and collective numbers): over eight hundred meters; seven skiers; on page thirty-eight;

4) pronouns: how many hours of class? with their neighbors; evon book;

5) verbs: lay down walls; want to eat; erase from the board; chishet five times in a row; slam the door; drive straight; tomorrow I will tidy up (wash off); this also includes a violation of the species-temporal correlation of verb forms in the sentence: When December comes, the weather changes dramatically.

6) participles (they do not have a form of the future tense; they are not used with a particle would; you cannot mix recurrent and irrevocable forms): everyone who writes an essay will receive a credit; there is not a single book that would attract our attention; studied all available information; troops fighting the enemy;

7) gerunds: walked, looking around; applying ointment to the wound; having bought a service;

Sh. Syntax errors- violations in the construction of phrases and sentences:

1) errors in management: describes about the battle; thirst for power; I can't wait until I leave

2) in agreement: young people are eager to learn; people believe that life will not get better; with a group of tourists who are fond of rafting on mountain rivers;

4) in the construction of sentences with homogeneous members:

a) the member of the sentence and the subordinate part are used as homogeneous: I want to show the meaning of sport and why I love it;

b) with two verb-predicates there is a common object that cannot be used in this form with one of them: We remember and admire the exploits of heroes;

c) inaccurate use of double union: As the old people as well as the children were the first to be evacuated(it is necessary: ​​both ..., and ...). I not only prepared on my own, but also attended an elective(not only but…);

5) in the use of participial phrases: There is little difference between the topics written on the board;

6) participial phrases: Skating on the rink, my legs hurt. And then, preparing for the exams, it was as if he had been replaced.

7) in the construction of complex sentences (distortion of conjunctions; the use of two subordinating conjunctions at the same time; "stringing" the same type of subordinate clauses): The bell rang, you need to go home. Everyone began to praise the performers as if they were real artists. He said what he did not know about this case. I heard that you asked me to tell you that you will come soon.

8) violation of the boundaries of proposals: 1. When the wind ran through. And the clouds quickly ran across the sky. 2. I poured a hedgehog of milk into a saucer. And put the hedgehog in the box.

However, one should be aware of the phenomenon of parcelling, when the author deliberately divides the sentence to give it more expressiveness or to highlight the thought: The very thought of betrayal makes me uncomfortable. Because it defies my beliefs.

9) mixing direct and indirect speech: A.S. Pushkin writes that I aroused good feelings with my lyre.

The main types of speech errors

Speech errors- These are errors associated with violation of the requirements of correct speech. The reason for them is the poverty of the students' vocabulary, inexpressiveness of speech, indistinguishability of paronyms, non-compliance with the lexical compatibility of words, speech stamps, etc. From the point of view of grammar, there are no violations, all forms of words, syntactic constructions correspond to the language norm, however, in general, the text of the work indicates the poverty of the student's speech .

1) The use of words in an unusual meaning for them: The pathos of his work is laughter - the writer's formidable weapon. Monologue of wind and tree...

2) tautology (repetition of single-root words in one sentence): The enemy was getting closer and closer.The young district of the city was named after the name of the street. The writer vividly describes the events of the Great Patriotic War.

It should be noted that the use of single-root words in one sentence may be quite acceptable. In the Russian folk language, there are a number of expressions like: all sorts of things, jokes, do their job, roar roaring, howling howling, moaning with a groan. Either stand standing, or sit sitting, or lie down lying down. (proverb)

Many of them have already become phraseological units or are approaching them. In works of art, the author may consciously resort to tautology:

Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done. (A.S. Pushkin)

The smoke goes from the pipes to the chimney. (A.S. Pushkin)

I wish you and myself more pride, less pride. (K. Vanshenkin)

3) pleonasm (hidden tautology): the main leitmotif of his work; we invite you to meet the New Year holidays away from the cold, blizzards and cold weather; specific feature of creativity; colleagues;

4) mixing of paronyms: representatives of high society led a festive life; after a quarrel between neighbors, hostile relations were established; this dish is very filling;

5) violation of lexical compatibility: around gloating hunger, devastation; the standard of living of the population has deteriorated;

7) speech stamps: now let's talk about heating; in the summer we like to relax on the sea; the exam can be held at the end of the development of the subject;

8) dialect, vernacular, slang words: he is used to living for free; she looked great; in the image of Khlestakov, Gogol showed a terrible impudent person who shamelessly lies and grabs a bribe;

9) mixing vocabulary from different historical eras: Marya Kirillovna and the prince went to the registry office to get married. Liza served as a housekeeper for Famusov;

10) unjustified repetition of the same words in adjacent sentences (usually these are verbs of movement, being, speaking): Boy was dressed in a burnt padded jacket. Vatnik was darned roughly. AND were he has worn trousers on. A soldier's boots were almost new.

Such a defect should be distinguished from repetition as a stylistic device, which is actively used by poets and writers:

Beauty does not go in vain.
Do not grow even in a black year
Maple in vain, and willow in vain,
And a vain flower on the pond. (Yu. Moritz)

Hazy noon breathes lazily,
The river flows lazily.
And in the fiery and pure firmament
Clouds drift lazily. (F. Tyutchev)

11) the unsuccessful use of personal and demonstrative pronouns as a means of connecting sentences (as a result of which ambiguity is created): Don't lend the company car to your wife. She may get into an accident. We watched the film in the new cinema. From him we have a good impression.

12) bad word order: Dobrolyubov called merchants from Ostrovsky's plays representatives of the "dark kingdom". Prelude and nocturne for Scriabin's left hand were performed by Margarita Fedorova.

To make it easier to use the classification of these errors, we will present them in an abbreviated form in the table:

Grammatical errors Speech errors
1) erroneous word formation: pleasure to live; wakefulness; sign for life; 1) the use of the word in an unusual meaning: In an allergic form, Gorky tells us about Petrel.
2) errors in the formation of word forms: no places; more strict; five hundred rubles; wait; theirs; 2) violation of lexical compatibility: cheap prices; he constantly replenishes his horizons;
3) violation of the types of temporal correlation of verbs: sat at the table and does not talk to me; 3) tautology: Everyone was in a businesslike mood. The increase in crime has increased by five percent.
4) errors in coordination and management: from the part of the novel I read; 4) pleonasm: colleagues; feathered birds;
5) violation of agreement between the subject and the predicate: Mankind is fighting for peace. Young people on the bus push and make noise. 5) unjustified repetitions of the word in adjacent sentences: The guys woke up early. The guys decided to go to the forest. The guys went into the forest along the field road.
6) errors in the use of participial and adverbial phrases: While sledding, I got a headache. Reading books makes life more interesting. 6) Unfortunate use of personal and demonstrative pronouns, creating ambiguity: The girl has a hat on her head. She looks flirty.
7) errors in the construction of complex sentences: Before leaving, we went to the river. 7) the use of a word of a different stylistic coloring: To poison Lensky, Onegin courts Olga.
8) mixing direct and indirect speech: The governor told the oil workers that we appreciate your contribution to the region's economy. 8) mixing vocabulary from different historical eras: Gerasim returned to the village and began to work on the collective farm.

Training tasks

1. Find grammatical errors in sentences and determine their type.

1. The logs were heavy, so they were put on sticks and carried.

2. The accident occurred at the five hundred and eleventh kilometer from Moscow.

3. The management of the organization hopes that in this way they can stop the growth of the queue in kindergartens.

4. And we made a new swing in our yard!

5. Writing a review, Iskander used a rhetorical question.

6. These plans need and deserve all support.

7. But the father answered that you are still small for such work. Chatsky's ardent speeches are addressed to the nobility, who do not want and are even afraid of change.

8. Now the methods of water purification are becoming more perfect.

9. The spring sun shines brightly, and the birds sang.

10. Having risen to our floor, the door of our apartment was open.

11. From a distance, floating logs on the water were visible.

12. The sons of Taras dismounted from their horses, who studied in the Kiev bursa.

2. Find speech errors, determine their type.

1. We foresaw all the difficulties of the campaign in advance.

2. Khlestakov sat in the britzka and shouted: “Drive, my dear, to the airport!”

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