Home Fertilizers Pork loin calories per 100 grams. Pork loin: product description, calorie content. Use of pork loin in cooking

Pork loin calories per 100 grams. Pork loin: product description, calorie content. Use of pork loin in cooking

Pilaf is easy to cook in a slow cooker; it always turns out crumbly and nutritious. How to cook chicken pilaf in a slow cooker? You should not load all the products at the same time, wanting to free yourself from the hassle. It is better to soak the rice grains for a couple of hours, fry the vegetables and meat, add spices: the result will be amazing.

How to cook pilaf in a slow cooker with chicken

Your favorite dish, the main components of which are rice and meat, can be prepared using either a thick-walled cast iron cauldron or a multicooker. How to cook chicken pilaf, crumbly, very satisfying in this modern miracle pan? You need to read the instructions for Redmond or Panasonic, choose the right rice that won’t stick together, the necessary spices, and a high-quality poultry carcass. Perfect fit dietary fillet or fattier parts that are highly nutritious. On average, the calorie content of this chicken dish is 100 kcal lower than dishes with fattier meat.

Recipes for pilaf in a slow cooker with chicken

The multi-pot helps you put new recipes into practice tasty food and speed up the preparation of your usual food. It saves time for the housewife, who prepares food and presses the necessary buttons. Pilaf in a slow cooker with chicken will not require any effort and will become a hearty, crumbly, aromatic meal. With breast, the dish will turn out to be dietary. Wings or other fatty cuts add calories.

From chicken breast

Chicken breast pilaf is tender – that’s what the white meat makes it so. There is no need to fry it for a long time until it turns brown. It will be stewed until soft, so will the rice; the dish can be safely eaten by the elderly, children and those who are on a diet. Can be used Brown rice, which lowers cholesterol and gives energy to the body. We study and remember the recipe for pilaf with chicken in a slow cooker, consider step by step photos and let's get to work.


  • breast – 1 pc.;
  • rice - one glass;
  • oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • seasonings – 1-2 tsp;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrot – 1 pc.;
  • water – 2.5 cups;
  • barberry – 1 tsp;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the breast into pieces and place in a slow cooker. Start the “Frying” program and cook in oil for 10 minutes. When completing the process, stir.
  2. Chop the onion and carrots and add to the breast. Cook on the same program for 10 minutes.
  3. Add rice, stir, let it fry for 5 minutes.
  4. Add spices, salt, barberries.
  5. Mix everything.
  6. Pour in water, start the “Pilaf” program for the specified time.


It is best to take polished steamed grains, and long-grain grains look best. Achieve crumbly pilaf It doesn’t work out right away with chicken using a slow cooker – you need to master the technology. The main thing is that the chicken does not turn out like porridge, does not stick together, does not boil over, and for this you need to not overdo it with the amount of water.


  • rice – 2 full glasses;
  • chicken – 0.7 kg;
  • water – 750 ml;
  • bulbs – 2-3 pcs.;
  • carrots – 2-3 pcs.;
  • garlic – 5-7 medium cloves;
  • barberry - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • zira – 1 dessert spoon;
  • dry spices – 1 teaspoon.
  • black pepper, salt - to taste;
  • oil for frying – 3-4 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the chicken and cut it up.
  2. Rinse the rice several times.
  3. Onions in half rings, carrots in strips.
  4. Pour oil into the bottom of the multicooker bowl and set the frying mode. Fry the meat, sprinkle with spices.
  5. Add onion, then add carrot sticks. Continue frying.
  6. Turn off “Frying”, add cereal, cumin, barberry, pepper, salt, and add water. Mix
  7. Close the lid and run the “Rice” function for half an hour.
  8. Add the unpeeled garlic cloves by piercing the rice with a spoon. Leave with the heat turned off for an hour.



favorite dish for many, it can be prepared in large quantities and feed the whole family to the full. Pilaf can be either a separate dish or a side dish. Nowadays they prepare both vegetable pilaf and meat pilaf. different types meat such as chicken, beef, lamb, pork, etc.

The most budget-friendly and popular is chicken pilaf, which we will discuss in more detail.

Nutritional value of pilaf and chicken

Of course, the main ingredients of pilaf with chicken will be the pilaf itself and chicken meat, The nutritional value of pilaf will consist of all its ingredients, namely:


Rice is classified as a food product complex carbohydrates, it is very rich in fiber, vitamins E, PP and group B, as well as other beneficial substances and minerals, such as iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus and others.

100 g of rice contains:

  • fat 0.7 g
  • proteins 6.5 g
  • carbohydrates 78 g

Chicken meat

Chicken meat is protein product, it is also rich in useful substances and minerals, most of all phosphorus (about 230 mg), potassium (about 195 mg) and sodium (110 mg) in chicken.

100 g of chicken contains:

  • fat 14 g
  • proteins 17 g
  • carbohydrates 0.5 g


Onions are a well-known antiviral product; they are rich in vitamin C and various phytoncides that strengthen the immune system.

100 g of onion contains:

  • fat 0 g
  • proteins 1.5 g
  • carbohydrates 11 g


Carrots are a storehouse of vitamins and useful substances. It contains vitamins of all groups B, C, E, A, D, fiber, magnesium, iron, folic acid, copper, thiamine, and much more.

100 g of carrots contain:

  • fat 0.08 g
  • proteins 1.2 g
  • carbohydrates 6 g

Sunflower oil

Oil is an essential ingredient for pilaf; it consists entirely of fat, about 99 g per 100 g of product.

Spices and salts

Salt does not harm the body at all, but on the contrary, it is necessary and plays a role in it important role in the right quantities. Daily salt intake should not exceed 15 grams.

As a result, you can calculate Approximate content of fat, protein and carbohydrates in 1 serving (200 g) of pilaf with chicken:

  • fat 15.4 g
  • carbohydrates 59.1 g
  • proteins 18.2 g

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Technology for preparing pilaf with chicken

Technologies and recipes for preparing pilaf with chicken may vary, for example, some cook pilaf traditionally on the stove, and some cook it in a slow cooker. Let's consider these two cooking technologies separately.

Traditional method

Ingredients: rice 600 g, chicken 700 g, sunflower oil 30 g, carrots 150 g, onions 200 g, salt, garlic, water.


  1. Chicken for pilaf should be divided into small pieces and rinsed well. Already packaged chicken meat, wings, legs or thighs are also suitable for preparing pilaf.
  2. Pilaf will be cooked in a cauldron, so it should be heated over a fire and add sunflower oil.
  3. You should wait for the oil to heat up in the cauldron, and then put the prepared chicken pieces there, lightly salting them.
  4. The meat in the cauldron should be slightly fried and while this is happening, you can start frying. First you need to wash, peel the onion and chop it on a board.
  5. After the bow you need to peel and grind the carrots on a coarse grater.
  6. Now you should add onions to the cauldron with the chicken. and wait golden crust, then add a little water and simmer under the lid for 5-10 minutes.
  7. Add grated carrots and close the lid.
  8. Rice needs to be washed and add to the cauldron.
  9. The entire mass in the cauldron should be filled with a small amount of water. and salt.
  10. Pilaf sits on the fire until the water boils away, and the rice will not be fully cooked.
  11. Stir pilaf and add two cloves of garlic and leave covered for 5 minutes.

Pilaf is ready!

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Cooking method in a slow cooker

Ingredients: rice 2 cups, chicken 400 g, sunflower oil 30 g, carrots 1 pc., onion 1 pc., salt, water.


  1. Wash the chicken and cut it into small pieces or use packaged thighs, wings or legs.
  2. Pour oil into a multicooker bowl, then place chicken pieces on it.
  3. WITHOUT closing the multicooker, select the “FRY” action, turn on the multicooker timer for 15-20 minutes, stir the chicken periodically.
  4. After 10 minutes in the “HEAT” mode, add chopped onions and carrots to the bowl.
  5. Add spices and stir until the timer on the multicooker stops.
  6. Rinse the rice and place in a bowl, add 6 glasses of water and close the multicooker.
  7. Select the “STEW” or “RISE” mode and set the timer for 50 minutes.
  8. After the timer ends, wait 10 minutes for the pilaf to arrive, open the lid and stir the pilaf.

Pilaf is ready!

Remember that when cooking in a slow cooker, you need to strictly follow the sequence of adding products and make sure that the rice does not turn into porridge. Rice cannot be boiled, only stewed, otherwise the result will not be pilaf with chicken, but porridge with meat.

Calorie content of pilaf with chicken

In 100 g:

  • Rice– 130 kcal (1 serving 70 g – 91 kcal)
  • Chicken– 190 kcal (1 serving 40 g – 76 kcal)
  • Carrot– 41 kcal (1 serving 17 g – 7 kcal)
  • Onion– 40 kcal (1 serving 20 g – 8 kcal)
  • Sunflower oil– 884 kcal (in 1 serving 3 g – 26.5 kcal)

Thus, one serving of pilaf with chicken contains approximately: 208.5 kcal.

Pilaf with chicken is quite a high-calorie dish, but nutritionists say that both rice and chicken are 95% absorbed by the body, so consuming this dish does not cause problems with the digestive tract. If a person has a good metabolism, then one serving of pilaf will practically not harm his figure.

You can reduce the calorie content of chicken pilaf by choosing low-calorie chicken breast and unpeeled brown rice. These products will not affect the taste of pilaf, but energy value One serving can be reduced to 86 kcal. Adding a little red pepper and lemon juice to the pilaf will help increase your metabolism.

Pilaf is a famous Asian dish that is traditionally prepared from meat, rice, vegetables and spices with the addition of fat. The original recipes use pork or lamb, but the nutritional value of the dish can be significantly “lightened” by preparing dietary pilaf with chicken. And if you make it in a slow cooker, then it is quite possible to reduce the oil content to a minimum or even do without it altogether.

Diet pilaf

Of course, the combination of high-calorie fat with carbohydrate-rich rice can hardly be called a dietary food option. Animal fat in tandem with carbohydrates is converted into fat, which is then deposited under the skin of the person who abuses such treats. This is also indicated by the caloric value Asian dish, cooked according to original recipe. For a 100 gram serving it can reach as much as 500 kcal! As you know, for an adult who wants to lose weight, the average daily calorie intake is no more than 2000 kcal. Accordingly, if you consume only 300 g of such a treat, the limit will be almost exhausted. But this does not mean that such a tasty and beloved dish should be forgotten forever. Diet pilaf with chicken, cooked in a slow cooker, contains almost half as many calories, and without any damage taste qualities and the benefits of the dish.

Meat for cooking pilaf

The main ingredient of pilaf is meat. And, as you know, it varies in nutritional value and fat content. The most high-calorie food is lamb. Pork is slightly inferior to it in this regard, and beef is even less nutritious. But the lowest calorie is chicken, in particular the breast. 100 g of chicken contains only 150-180 kcal.

Rice for pilaf

Another mandatory ingredient for preparing pilaf is rice, which is quite high in calories (100 g of cereal contains 360 kcal). But when cooking, rice absorbs water and becomes soft, resulting in 100 g ready-made dish its nutritional value is no more than 150 kcal.

Classic round white rice is best suited for preparing pilaf.

But supporters healthy eating It is advised to use brown rice, claiming that it contains many different microelements, and it is also more useful. The calorie content of such cereals does not differ from polished white ones. But the appearance and consistency of pilaf can be seriously affected by such changes in its composition. In this situation, each gourmet must determine for himself what is more important to him - the appetizing and taste of pilaf or its usefulness.


The third important component of pilaf is vegetables. In the dietary version of this dish they have very great importance. After all, they contain the minimum number of calories. In this regard, the more of them there are in pilaf, the more they “dilute” its calorie content. Traditionally, carrots and onion. These vegetables classic recipe fried in large quantities fat But this is not a dietary option. It is possible, and even better, to do without frying at all or fry with a minimum of oil.

To reduce the calorie content of dietary pilaf, it is advisable to stew chopped vegetables directly in a slow cooker with chopped chicken. You can add a little water or a little olive oil if necessary.

Dietary pilaf: recipe

So, we offer a recipe for low-calorie chicken pilaf cooked in a slow cooker. To prepare it you will need:

  • 300 g chicken breast;
  • 150 g rice;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • ½ tsp. ground pepper;
  • salt to taste;
  • 1 tsp. turmeric;
  • greens and garlic to taste.


It is also worth focusing separately on the seasonings and spices for pilaf, which give this dish a subtle taste, piquancy and aroma. Pilaf is an oriental dish, and, as you know, Asian cooks simply adore spices and do not prepare almost a single dish without them. According to nutritionists, seasonings are very useful for people who want to lose weight. They significantly improve intestinal function, speed up metabolism, and this promotes weight loss. If desired, you can also add curry, hops-suneli, barberry and others to the dietary pilaf.

Cooking method

Let's look at how to prepare dietary pilaf. The process begins with processing the meat. Chicken breast wash, dry with a towel and cut into small pieces. Lightly grease the multicooker bowl vegetable oil, pour the meat into it and set it to the “Frying” mode. Next, the vegetables are prepared. Peeled carrots are grated on a fine grater, onions are cut into half rings or cubes. All vegetables are poured into the slow cooker with the meat and simmered until they become tender and soft. While the meat and vegetables are being cooked, soak the rice for 10-15 minutes in cold water, then rinse thoroughly and place in a strainer to drain. Pour water into the multicooker at the rate of 1 part dry rice to 2 parts water. Bring to a boil on the “Frying” mode and add rice, add tomato paste, seasonings and mix. Set the “Pilaf” mode. Cooking time may vary depending on the model of the electrical appliance and the volume of food. As a rule, this takes approximately 1-1.5 hours. There is no need to open the multicooker and stir the diet pilaf or perform other actions. The device itself will notify you with a sound signal about the end of cooking. The dish can be served immediately. Or leave the dietary pilaf in the multicooker on the “Warming” mode for a while. In this case, the dish will remain hot until meal time.

There are even lighter options for dietary pilaf - fruit, mushroom, with seafood, with eggplant. The calorie content of 100 g of such dishes can be only 100 kcal.

In global meat production, pork occupies a leading position, as a result of which it can automatically be called the most consumed meat. Pigs have quite tender, aromatic and tasty meat.

Pork loin is the back part of the carcass, which consists of meat, a layer of fat, part of the spine and ribs. This part meat is usually classified as first grade. The loin is divided into: boneless loin, bone-in loin and cutlet part. The loin is great for chops, roasts, schnitzels, escalopes and kebabs.

The main advantage of pork loin is the combination of iron and complete protein, which are considered conductors of oxygen into the human body. In addition to iron, pork contains a lot of other minerals (zinc, selenium, molybdenum, tin, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus), which we need for the proper functioning of the whole body. In addition, it is enriched with vitamins (B-group, choline, PP).

The calorie content of the loin is 384 kcal. The composition included proteins - 13.7 g, fats - 36.5 g.

As much as possible beneficial features meat can be stored in a loin that has been trimmed of excess fat and cooked in one piece in the oven. The use of spices (garlic, cumin, hot pepper) will help with the digestion of meat.

Calorie content of raw smoked loin

Raw smoked loin is a real meat delicacy, which is prepared from pre-salted pork with a modest addition of lard (the back part of the carcass). It is customary to cook loin both with and without skin, and the layer in the lion's share of cases is 1-3 cm. This product is characterized by high nutritional value and delicious taste, as well as an impressive shelf life.

In addition to traditional sandwiches and slices, a lot of dishes are made from raw smoked loin. Hot snacks are made from it, added to salads and solyanka, and pancakes are stuffed with it. There are more gourmet dishes, for example, loin with prunes and mushrooms, raw smoked loin, baked with apples - it would be very difficult to list everything.

The calorie content of raw smoked loin is 469 kcal. The composition also contains proteins - 10.5 g, fats - 47.4 g.

Raw smoked loin contains many vitamins, micro- and macroelements: riboflavin (B2), thiamine (B1), vitamins E and PP, as well as sodium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, potassium, calcium.

The quality of the loin can be assessed by its smell and appearance. The surface of the product should be free of any darkening or stains, hairs or bristles, mucus or mold deposits. When cut, the color at the surface should be monotonous, the fat should be white (without yellow tints). Odor should also be assessed. A high-quality raw smoked loin should have a delicious smell of smoked meat without various kinds impurities.

Some people deny themselves pork dishes, believing that it is the fattest, and therefore the most harmful look meat. Meet pig dishes in diet menu and it is unlikely to succeed at all. And in vain. After all, pork is an excellent source of energy, vitamins and microelements.

Pork carcass parts

It is customary to divide this meat into two kinds:

  • The first includes less fatty parts animal: l shoulder, loin (back), brisket, loin, ham.
  • The second type is defined as those pieces that contain layers of fat: neck, shank, drumstick.

The table below provides information on the calorie content of raw pork carcass parts.

The benefits of pork

Despite the fact that pork is considered heavy and high-calorie product, do not forget about its beneficial properties.

  • Pork contains all B vitamins. Thiamine (B1) converts proteins, fats and carbohydrates into the necessary energy. B2 is good for vision, and B6 and B12 protect against anemia.
  • This meat is recommended for nursing mothers, as it increases lactation.
  • It is believed that pork has positive influence on masculine strength.
  • Arachidonic acid and selenium contained in meat fight the symptoms of depression and participate in cell renewal.
  • Pork has a beneficial effect on work gastrointestinal tract.
  • Iron and zinc in pork are the main enemies cardiovascular diseases.
  • Potassium and phosphorus have a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system, which is why pork is recommended for older people suffering from osteoporosis.

Pork calories

However, it is also not recommended to indulge in this meat in large quantities. All because of the impressive fat content and high energy value.

How to enjoy pork without harming your figure?

  • Those who are concerned about their health and physical fitness should avoid both fried pork and fried cutlets from pork.
  • Much Stewed, oven-baked or grilled meat is healthier. Moreover, you can reduce calories also by removing oil and fatty marinades and sauces from recipes. It's best to serve the pork with juicy fresh or tender steamed vegetables.
  • Boiled meat is considered the healthiest. Add vegetables and spices to the water and get a delicious lunch! And pork broth will serve ideal basis for borscht or rassolnik.
  • A good option is pork and beef cutlets. The total calorie content of the dish is low, but try cooking them in the oven - and you are guaranteed a slim waist! Get rid of the breading and instead white bread and milk, add grated zucchini to the minced meat. In the same way, you can reduce the energy value of pork cutlets.

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