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Princeton university what they teach there. Prices and requirements for admission. History in facts

Canada is a country with a developed system of education at different levels. The number of colleges in the country, both public and private, is approaching the 200 mark. The quality of education is controlled by the association of regional educational institutions.

The advantages of Canadian colleges include special, personal attention to students, small study groups, as well as moderate cost compared to higher education institutions.

There is no national educational system in the country. Each individual province of Canada takes responsibility for this issue. The state helps military personnel and the indigenous population to receive education.

For foreigners, colleges in Canada are of particular interest because of their affordable cost and a large selection of study programs. In colleges, you can become a bachelor, complete diploma and postgraduate programs. Everything takes place taking into account the requirements of the labor market, and the study itself is based on obtaining practical skills.

Classes are held in classrooms where working conditions are recreated as plausibly as possible. takes place in prestigious organizations.

Admission to the college of this country guarantees in the future a good job as a specialist. Foreigners are attracted by both favorable and. For admission to a Canadian college in 2019, it is necessary to collect a package of documents for the admission committee:

  • a school diploma of secondary education or a university diploma;
  • the average level of knowledge of English - the minimum requirements;
  • confirmation of linguistic knowledge;
  • a portfolio of creative works, if you plan to enter the faculty of graphic design or animation. It is also mandatory to pass an exam in drawing.

The cheapest places to live for college students are student residences and the home of a local family. The second option is chosen by many foreign citizens, since there is a separate room in a large house, meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner - are included in the price, and you need to pay about 800 Canadian dollars per month, which is considered a pretty good deal.

It is worth considering the fact that all students who have not reached the age of majority are required to live with a host family by law. The exception is the summer language program at the college: students study and live on the territory of the educational institution throughout the entire language course.

Types of educational programs

All colleges in the country are divided into community, that is, public, and technical - technical orientation. The rating of educational institutions is on many sites of the relevant subject. Training takes place with the aim of training professionals in the field of business and production.

College them. J. Brown

Each educational institution offers students various educational programs:

  1. Mastering skills in programming, accounting, marketing, website design, construction (the student receives a diploma 3 years after admission).
  2. Mastering professions such as a firefighter, hairdresser, marketing assistant or secretary (the student receives a certificate after training for a period of 6 months to 1.5 years).
  3. Obtaining a bachelor's degree in the following specialties: tourism, business administration, computer technology.
  4. If a student has a diploma or bachelor's degree, a student may complete a subspecialty postgraduate program in one calendar year. Directions - personnel management, programming of computer games, marketing in the field of beauty and fashion.

The best thing you can get from college education is a practical focus in any chosen field.

An obligatory element of the curriculum is the time period for which students undergo practical training. For this reason, many locals prefer college education, as practical skills are essential for any high-paying job.

Entry methods

Admission to a Canadian college involves a variety of ways. Everyone can choose the most suitable for themselves. Many decide to take preparatory courses at the chosen educational institution. The terms depend on the knowledge of the English language, but, as a rule, training takes six months or a year.

It is worth considering that the received certificate is valid only within the framework of the institution in which it was received. Therefore, it is worth deciding in advance in which college there is a desire to undergo basic education. In addition, the method is the most expensive of all - the courses will cost no less than 8 thousand dollars.

An effective way to enter is to take linguistic courses at a private school, which will positively affect the level of English proficiency. The certificate received at the end will be valid in almost all colleges in the country. Short-term English education in boarding schools will cost 3 thousand dollars.

The method of entering a Canadian college by passing or differs in the possibility of a remote location from the chosen educational institution. The limits of passing scores depend on the chosen curriculum: IELTS - at least 6, TOEFL - 80. The method is perfect for those who are well prepared, for whom passing the test is not difficult. The exam is paid - about 500 dollars.

Another way is to take exams at the chosen college in different disciplines. It can be listening, a grammar and vocabulary test, an essay about yourself, reading, and more. etc. All results are relevant only for the specific institution where the student was tested. One test costs approximately $100.

College education in Canada is prestigious and in demand among both local graduates and foreign students. There are three types of colleges in the country offering professional education in Canada.

Vocational colleges

Graduating from such a college, a student acquires practical skills for working in various areas - business, trade, manufacturing, and the service sector. The program of study in such a college is designed for two to three years. After its completion, the student acquires the skills to work in cinema, multimedia spheres, in the field of computer innovation and Internet research, and graphic design. For those who prefer vocational education in Canada, a wide range of study programs awaits.

Many vocational colleges are private but are under the control of provincial departments of education. Another advantage is the low cost of studying in Canada for Russians.

Upon graduation from some vocational colleges, students will be encouraged to continue their studies at a higher education institution. As a rule, we are talking about those educational institutions that are members of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC).

Education in technical colleges

Education in vocational colleges is carried out according to programs focused on one or another technical specialty, which also includes general academic subjects.

The benefits of studying at a vocational college are a high degree of training of specialists, well-equipped classrooms, the necessary laboratory equipment, an interactive learning style, close cooperation with future employers, obtaining excellence in information technology, mining, environmental protection, cultural services and tourism. Curricula in technical colleges are designed in such a way as to combine theoretical and practical knowledge and experience with leisure activities.

Many technical colleges are ISO certified and constantly strive to improve the quality of education to meet the ever-changing needs of today's society. Also, many technical colleges can be a start for those who want to get a higher education. As a professional pre-university training, college programs are ideal.

University colleges

These are special educational institutions that have been able to combine the traditions of higher education with serious training in applied and academic disciplines for many years. University colleges in Canada are considered an important component of the higher education system, as they offer professional pre-university training for students in a wide variety of programs, including language ones. Upon graduation from such a college, students receive certificates and diplomas of the appropriate type, as well as a unique opportunity to continue their education within the walls of a higher educational institution. To do this, there are special transfer programs and credit systems.

Canada is a country of students and immigrants

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Canada? Probably Niagara Falls, maple syrup and hockey. This country is famous for its unique nature and love for sports: Canada has hosted the Winter Olympic Games three times. However, the country attracts not only tourists and athletes.

More than 250,000 immigrants come to Canada every year, and even more wish to move. Over 3 million people from all over the world apply for immigration every year, and more than 125 thousand foreign students go to universities and colleges in Canada to get an education, most of them for the purpose of immigration. Thus, education in Canada is becoming more and more attractive in terms of subsequent immigration. Getting an education abroad used to be an almost impossible task, but nowadays the situation has changed radically. Today, enrolling in a foreign university or college or language courses is a completely doable task. And Canada is one of the few English-speaking countries where you can get a relatively inexpensive and high-quality professional education in public and private colleges, and you can get higher education in Canada not only at universities, but also at colleges.

A diploma from a prestigious Canadian university such as the University of Toronto or a diploma from the University of British Columbia, of course, opens up brilliant job prospects for its holders. However, in most cases, exactly the same prospects open up after graduating from college in Canada. At the same time, the college training program is a training program for practitioners who are ready to start working in a company, in production or, for example, in an office immediately after graduation. They do not need to be retrained, they have already received all the practical skills in the college where they studied. A nice bonus for them will be the cost of education, which is significantly lower than the price of studying at a university with the same prospects for a graduate in the future.

Most people with a Russian mentality or the mentality of the CIS B countries are firmly convinced that higher education can only be obtained at a university or institute, while many want to get not only a bachelor's degree, but also, having continued their studies, a master's degree. In Canada, this teaching model of education does not work in most cases. In Canada, an indicator of quality education is, first of all, acquired practical skills that will help you earn money after graduation, so many here study at colleges - this is both cheaper and more practical.
Important exception: if you want to "move" science or become a teacher, then you cannot do without a university education.

If you completed a bachelor's degree at a Canadian college, then throughout the Western world you are recognized as a specialist with a higher education. No restrictions - undergraduate graduates boldly start their careers as specialists with higher education. For Canadians, these are obvious things. For the vast majority of positions and vacancies, a university degree is not required at all, a college bachelor's degree is quite enough.

What is the best college to study

To study in Canada, you can choose almost any public college - the quality of training will be excellent everywhere. But choosing a college in the city of Toronto will be the most preferable and here's why. Toronto is the most industrialized city in Canada, where it is quite easy to find a job with the highest wages.
Of the colleges in Toronto, the most popular public colleges clearly stand out, such as Seneca Colleges (Seneca College), George Brown College (George Brown College), Humber (Humber College) and Centennial College. Successful completion of these educational institutions is a guarantee of your successful career and financial success in the future.

With the education system in Canada is constantly developing at a rapid pace, which attracts more and more international students. Studying at colleges and universities in this country opens up great opportunities. According to statistics, about 95% of students who have completed best colleges in canada receive prestigious professions in the same country throughout the year. Also, having received Bachelor in Canada You can easily find work in other countries.

Since one of the states with the highest standard of living is Canada, college education this country is considered very prestigious. Education here can be obtained by students who have graduated from school, former students or older people who want to have a new specialty. Before making a decision about studying abroad, it is worth knowing what are the colleges in canada offer a suitable training program. Below on this page you will find a list of all Canadian colleges.

Duration of study

If you like best Canada, college education which suits you will take about 4 years. When choosing an educational institution in the province of Quebec, the passage of the educational program will be 3 years.

How to apply to college in Canada

Responsible moment before entering best colleges in canada is to collect the necessary documents. If they are not submitted on time, then it remains only to count on the possible availability of vacancies. Applications for Canadian colleges are accepted in January and February. At the same time, you should prepare all documents in a timely manner:

  • a completed application form, which is available on the website of the educational institution.
  • certificate or, in its absence, an extract, which should indicate the grades for the last 2 years of study, or a bachelor's degree and an English translation of any of the listed documents, certified by a notary.
  • certificate of passing tests for knowledge of a foreign language TOEFL or IELTS.

Princeton has about 5,000 undergraduate students and about 2,000 undergraduate and graduate students applying for master's and doctoral degrees. The ratio of men and women among students is approximately equal to 51:49. Foreign students on average make up about 9% of all undergraduate students.

It is believed that getting into Princeton is more difficult than any other university in America. Thus, out of 18.9 thousand people who applied in 2007, only 1245 people, or 9.6%, were admitted. Entries included 8% African American, 15% Asian American, 8% Hispanic, about 1% American Indian, and 6% of mixed ethnicity and racial origin. 11% of enrolled students in 2007 were foreigners.

The number of teachers at Princeton is more than 1200. Among them there are Nobel Prize winners in physics, literature, economics and medicine.

Tuition at Princeton

University tuition fees are among the highest in the United States. In the 2007-2008 academic year, it amounted to 47.4 thousand dollars a year. This included $33,000 in tuition, about $11,000 for room and board, and various mandatory expenses for textbooks, telephone, recreation, sports activities, and the like. - 3.4 thousand dollars. The average annual amount of financial assistance from various sources (loans, grants, scholarships, student work) for those who entered in 2007 amounted to 31 thousand dollars.

Tuition fees at Princeton University for 2014-2015

Princeton is not only a recognized leading center for the preparation of undergraduate and graduate students, it is one of the world's major research centers. On average, the university annually spends more than 140 million dollars on research in various fields. These funds come from government departments, private corporations and non-profit foundations. The endowment of the university (a non-profit fund created for development purposes) reaches almost 16 billion dollars. Every year, scientists and university teachers publish more than 2.3 thousand units of printed matter. The university has more than 60 research institutes, centers, programs and projects in various fields of knowledge.

The library fund of the university is unique. The main library is located in Fireston - the length of the bookshelves in it is more than 70 miles, more than 2 thousand students can study here at the same time. Its funds contain over 4 million volumes. The library collections of all Princeton libraries contain more than 11 million titles - this is undoubtedly one of the largest book collections in the world.

Student life at Princeton is extremely varied. The university has more than 200 student organizations of cultural, religious, political, ethnic and other orientations. The campus has six drama theatres, a university orchestra, a choir and jazz ensemble, an opera house and a church choir.

Princeton is well known in the sports world as well. More than 1,000 students annually take part in inter-university competitions, the university field 40 teams in various sports, it is consistently ranked in the top ten US universities for its sporting achievements.

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