Home fertilizers The largest whole fruits. Large fetus during pregnancy - causes, signs, how to give birth. What is a large fruit

The largest whole fruits. Large fetus during pregnancy - causes, signs, how to give birth. What is a large fruit

The fruit of the jackfruit tree

The largest fruit in the world is the fruit of the jackfruit tree (Artocarpus heterophyllus). This is an evergreen plant, up to 20 m high, with edible fruits. Jackfruit leaves are dark green in color, rather dense, oval-shaped, about 20 cm long. There are many leaves on the tree, but the branches themselves are fragile, so the fruits are located closer to the base of the trunk and ripen from 3 to 8 months.

How to understand that the fetus is immature?

The jackfruit bears female and male flowers, which are pollinated by wind and insects. The name jackfruit (Jackfruit) comes from a Portuguese word distorted in one of the dialects of southern India (where this tree comes from), meaning "big and round".

Jackfruit fruits are the largest in the world, as they can reach almost a meter in length and weigh up to 25 kilograms or more. The fruit is covered with a thick, hard, bumpy skin. It is possible to understand that the fruit is immature by the green color of the peel and a dull sound when tapped. When the fruit ripens, it becomes a golden color with a green tint or a brownish-yellow color. At the same time, if you knock on it, a hollow sound will be heard.

When cut, the fruit is easily divided into pieces. The juicy pulp is rich yellow with a pleasant aroma of pineapple and banana, but the oblong brown bones in each slice and the peel unpleasantly smell like rotten onions. One jackfruit fruit can contain up to 500 seeds, while each seed is 2-4 cm long.

Jackfruit pulp

The pulp of the fruit is very sticky and fibrous, so it is better to remove the peel and seeds with rubber gloves, after lubricating your hands with oil. When the fruit is overripe, it becomes coffee-colored, and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months. Ripe pulp is used fresh, unripe - pre-cooked. Jackfruit is also mixed with other fruits, added to ice cream or coconut milk. The seeds are edible when boiled or roasted like chestnuts.

homeland of jackfruit

India is considered the birthplace of jackfruit, where the fruit is very popular, as it has great nutritional value and contains about 40% carbohydrates, 7% proteins and 0.6% fats. Jackfruit has another name - "bread for the poor", because of its nutritional value (contains 40% starch) and cheapness.

One of the heaviest fruits was grown by George and Margaret Schatauer from the islands of Hawaii, USA. This fruit weighed 34.4 kg, its length was 57.46 cm, and in girth it was 121.28 cm.

The largest fruits in the world There are "giants" among citrus fruits, there are quite a lot of exotic fruits of enormous size, and there is the largest berry that grows in Russia. Outwardly similar is jackfruit and breadfruit.

The largest citrus fruits

Among the citrus family, the largest is pomelo or pamela. It is often compared to grapefruit. The fruit is usually round in shape. In diameter, it can reach twenty centimeters. Known fruits that weighed about ten kilograms. Its flesh is dryish, and the taste is sweet. Pomelo - the largest citrus fruit Pomelo grows on the island of Tahiti, America, Israel, Southeast Asia. For Russia, this fruit is not so exotic, since it can be freely purchased in almost any supermarket.

Large breadfruit The breadfruit resembles such an exotic fruit as jackfruit, but this is only a visual resemblance. Breadfruit grows in tropical regions, it can be seen more often in Oceania and Southeast Asia. The yield of this plant is so high that in some countries its fruits are the main food of the local population. Giant breadfruit can weigh up to 4 kg. The fruits are quite large, they can reach thirty centimeters in diameter. Weight is about four kilograms. It is surprising that it is consumed both as a vegetable and as a fruit. The ripe breadfruit is eaten as a raw fruit, while the unripe fruit is used in cooking as a vegetable. It really has a bready taste, which is felt only when tasting the cooked unripe fruit.

It is impossible not to name among the large exotic fruits the well-known pineapple. His homeland is Asia. The most delicious is the Thai pineapple. The large, round fruit is the coconut. Its weight reaches three kilograms, and its diameter is up to thirty centimeters. A rather large berry is pepino. Its other names are sweet cucumber and melon pear. The shape of pepino can be any, but the weight usually reaches seven hundred grams. The ripe fruit is juicy, its taste is similar to the taste of melon.

The largest berry Among the known berries, the largest is watermelon. In the wild, it weighs no more than two hundred and fifty grams, but the cultivated watermelon sometimes grows to enormous sizes. In Russia, the watermelon record holder gained a weight of sixty-one kilograms, four hundred grams. But the American record is even more surprising. There they were able to grow a berry, the weight of which is one hundred and twenty kilograms. Watermelon - the largest berry The birthplace of watermelon is South Africa, but it was cultivated by Jews and Arabs. In Russia, melons appeared only under Peter the Great, he was the first of the Russian tsars to taste the juicy berry. Already in the nineteenth century, watermelon in Russia became a public treat.

The pulp of the largest berry

The color of watermelon pulp can be not only red, but also pink, and orange, and even white. The stripes are also not always green. There are watermelons with stripes of black and bright yellow. You can read more about the largest berries here.

Jackfruit is the largest fruit in the world

The largest fruit in the world There is a fruit whose name is "jackfruit". It is recognized as the largest in the world. The plant itself is evergreen with many dark green leaves. Even its leaves are huge, they have an oval shape, they reach twenty centimeters in length. Bangladesh and India are considered the homeland, but the plant has also spread to Africa, the Philippines, Asia and Brazil. Jackfruit branches are weak, which is why massive fruits are attached closer to the trunk. Ripening lasts three to eight months. The size of the mature fruit is amazing, it can grow up to one meter and weigh about twenty-five kilograms. The fruit is covered with a bumpy thick peel. To determine if the fruit is ripe, pay attention to the green color, and also tap it. If the sound is deaf, the jackfruit should not be picked yet, it should still ripen. When the peel turns yellow-brown or yellow-green, this means that the jackfruit is already fully ripe. If a ripe fruit is tapped, a hollow sound will be heard.

The cut jackfruit is divided into pieces. Its peel has the smell of rotten onions, while the flesh itself is fragrant and juicy, reminiscent of the smell of pineapple and banana. Ripe pulp is eaten, but if the fruit is unripe, it is processed before consumption. Most often, jackfruit is combined with ice cream, coconut milk or other fruits. Each fruit contains about five hundred seeds up to four centimeters in size. They are also used as food, for this they are fried in a pan. Jackfruit is very nutritious, which is why in India it is also called "the bread of the poor." Although it is a low-calorie product, it is high in carbohydrates. There are many microelements and vitamins in jackfruit, but most of all - vitamin C. There is a jackfruit-record holder - this is a fruit that has grown to a size of one meter, one hundred and twenty-one-odd centimeters in girth. According to uznayvse.ru, its weight was thirty-four kilograms, four hundred grams , and the length is almost fifty-seven and a half centimeters.

The largest fruit in the world is called "jackfruit", and is an evergreen plant with edible fruits, reaching a height of twenty meters. Jackfruit leaves are dark green in color, oval in shape and about 20 centimeters in size. The tree has many leaves. Since the branches are rather weak, the fruits are located closer to the trunk. They mature from three to eight months.

There are female and male flowers on the jackfruit, actively pollinated by the wind and various insects. The largest fruit in the world (Jackfruit) takes its name from the words "big and round". The name is a corruption of the Indian dialect by the Portuguese.

The fruits of this plant are truly huge. They can reach a size of one meter, and often weigh more than 25 kilograms. The jackfruit is covered with a thick, bumpy skin. An unripe fruit is quite easy to identify: just pay attention to the green color of the fruit, and a dull sound when tapping indicates that the fruit still needs to hang on the tree. At the same time, a greenish-yellow or brownish-yellow color of the jackfruit is a sign that the fruit is ripe. When tapped, such a fruit makes a hollow sound.

The fruit, when cut, is easily divided into pieces. The pulp of the fruit is quite juicy, exudes the aroma of banana and pineapple. However, the peel of the jackfruit emits an unpleasant smell of rotten onions. One fruit can have up to five hundred seeds, despite the fact that the size of the seeds varies from 2 to 4 centimeters.

Jackfruit pulp is sticky and fibrous. That is why it is advised to clean it with rubber gloves, after lubricating your hands with oil. The treat can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two months. If the fruit is overripe, it acquires a coffee color. Ripe pulp can be safely eaten, and unripe it is better to pre-process. Jackfruit pairs perfectly with other fruits, ice cream or coconut milk. The seeds can also be consumed by toasting them in a frying pan like chestnuts.

Jackfruit belongs to low-calorie foods, with only 90 kilocalories per 100 grams of pulp. The high content of carbohydrates (22.4g per 100g) has led to the fact that in India the fruit is considered "the bread of the poor." Jackfruit is truly a very nutritious food. There are quite a few proteins in it, and there are practically no fats. However, the fruit is high in water, dietary fiber, ash, and saturated fatty acids. The leader among the vitamins contained in the largest fruit is vitamin C. A, B1, B2, B6, B9 and PP are not far behind it. The potassium content of jackfruit is also quite high (303 milligrams per 100 grams of raw pulp). In addition, it contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and also has sodium. Of the trace elements, iron, zinc, copper, selenium and manganese predominate.

Oriental medicine actively uses the pulp of the jackfruit. It is used to treat pharyngitis, indigestion and stomach ulcers. For the gastrointestinal tract, these fruits are very useful. The pulp allows you to normalize the work of the intestines. The effect of jackfruit during alcohol intake is interesting: the fruit reduces the effect of alcohol on the human body.

The birthplace of the largest fruit in the world is Bangladesh and India. These trees gradually spread to the Philippines, Asia, Africa and even Brazil.

The heaviest fruit ever grown by George and Margaret Schatauer. Their jackfruit weighed 34.4 kilograms with a length of 57.46 centimeters. In girth, the fruit was 121.28 centimeters.

You might think that the largest fruits / vegetables in the world are the fruits of some exotic plants. However, the champion here is the pumpkin, although not the most common.

It is called so - giant (Cucubrita Maxima). Her homeland is South America, the Andes mountain system. Here it is called fired up. In October 2010, a pumpkin was grown in the United States, the weight of which was 821.2 kilograms, it reached 4.7 meters in girth. This is a record so far.

The wild form of this plant grew in what is now Argentina and Uruguay. In pre-Columbian times, such a pumpkin was cultivated by local Indians in northern Argentina, southern Peru, northern Chile and Bolivia. In the XV century, with the expansion of the territory of the Inca Empire, the giant pumpkin began to be grown in the north of South America. In the XVIII century, this plant was brought to the United States and gained recognition among the inhabitants of New England. Currently Cucurbita maxima grown all over the world, but especially loved in South America, Europe, USA, India, the Philippines and South Africa.

Giant pumpkins from different angles

The fruits of the giant pumpkin are covered with a hard rind and can weigh up to several hundred kilograms. Their color is orange, red, green or gray, the surface can be smooth or ribbed. The shape is round or oval. The seeds of this pumpkin are large, thick, white or brown, smooth. The peduncle is short, spongy, almost cylindrical in shape.

From other species of the gourd family giant pumpkin differs in that its stalk is soft, round, covered with a crust and does not actually penetrate into the fruit. The stem is soft and has a rounded shape. The leaves are not fleshy and soft. The color of the seeds is from white to brown, they are often thickened.

There are a number of subspecies (groups of varieties) of the giant pumpkin:

  • Banana: elongated fruits with pointed ends, white skin and brown seeds;
  • Delicious: turban-shaped fruits, slightly ribbed surface, very hard fruit rind, white seeds
  • Marrow: fruit shape - round or pear-shaped, tapering towards the edges and towards the base, white seeds;
  • Show: large, orange fruit with white skin and white seeds;
  • Turban: Turban-like fruits. Some varieties of this group (for example, "Buttercup") are the so-called "winter pumpkins". The color of the fleshy part of the fruit is dark green. These gourds are widely distributed and can be stored for a long time.

The flesh of the giant pumpkin is tasty and nutritious. It is used for making pie fillings ( pumpkin-pie), can be preserved and can be stored for a long time when deep-frozen without compromising the quality of the product. Due to the fact that the pulp of the giant pumpkin has very little fiber and a sweet taste, it is ideal for making soups and baby food cereals.

There are "giants" among citrus fruits, a lot of exotic fruits of enormous size, and there is the largest berry that grows in Russia. Outwardly similar is jackfruit and breadfruit.

The largest citrus fruits

Among the citrus family, the largest is pomelo or pamela. It is often compared to grapefruit. The fruit is usually round in shape. In diameter, it can reach twenty centimeters. Known fruits that weighed about ten kilograms. Its flesh is dryish, and the taste is sweet.

Pomelo grows on the island of Tahiti, in America, Israel, Southeast Asia. For Russia, this fruit is not so exotic, since it can be freely purchased in almost any supermarket.

Large breadfruit

The breadfruit resembles such an exotic fruit as jackfruit, but this is only a visual resemblance. Breadfruit grows in tropical regions, it can be seen more often in Oceania and Southeast Asia. The yield of this plant is so high that in some countries its fruits are the main food of the local population.

The fruits are quite large, in diameter they can reach thirty centimeters. Weight is about four kilograms. It is surprising that it is consumed both as a vegetable and as a fruit. The ripe breadfruit is eaten as a raw fruit, while the unripe fruit is used in cooking as a vegetable. It really has a bready taste, which is felt only when tasting the cooked unripe fruit.

Large exotic fruits

Of the exotic fruits, several of the largest can be distinguished. One of them is durian. This is a huge fruit weighing from two to ten kilograms. Its peel is greenish-brown in color, all of it is covered with large spines. The fruit has an extremely unpleasant smell and a specific taste, which is why not all tourists dare to try it. Locals use durian both raw and as an addition to ice cream, pies, meat dishes and mousses.

Guanabana is an exotic fruit, considered one of the largest. Place of growth - tropical America. Its weight can reach twelve kilograms. Most often, the fetus weighs three kilograms. Outwardly, it looks like a green elongated shaggy melon. The taste of the fruit cannot be called sugary-sweet, it is refreshing, sourness is felt in it. With the help of guanaban you can quench your thirst.

It is impossible not to name among the large exotic fruits the well-known pineapple. His homeland is Asia. The most delicious is the Thai pineapple. The large, round fruit is the coconut. Its weight reaches three kilograms, and its diameter is up to thirty centimeters.

A rather large berry is pepino. Its other names are sweet cucumber and melon pear. The shape of pepino can be any, but the weight usually reaches seven hundred grams. The ripe fruit is juicy, its taste is similar to the taste of melon.

The biggest berry

Among the known berries, the largest is watermelon. In the wild, it weighs no more than two hundred and fifty grams, but the cultivated watermelon sometimes grows to enormous sizes. In Russia, the watermelon record holder gained a weight of sixty-one kilograms, four hundred grams. But the American record is even more surprising. There they were able to grow a berry, the weight of which is one hundred and twenty kilograms.

The birthplace of watermelon is South Africa, but it was cultivated by Jews and Arabs. In Russia, melons appeared only under Peter the Great, he was the first of the Russian tsars to taste the juicy berry. Already in the nineteenth century, watermelon in Russia became a public treat.

The color of watermelon pulp can be not only red, but also pink, and orange, and even white. The stripes are also not always green. There are watermelons with stripes of black and bright yellow. You can read more about the largest berries.

The largest fruit in the world

There is a fruit whose name is jackfruit. It is recognized as the largest in the world. The plant itself is evergreen with many dark green leaves. Even its leaves are huge, they have an oval shape, they reach twenty centimeters in length. Bangladesh and India are considered the homeland, but the plant has also spread to Africa, the Philippines, Asia and Brazil.

Jackfruit branches are weak, which is why massive fruits are attached closer to the trunk. Ripening lasts three to eight months. The size of the mature fruit is amazing, it can grow up to one meter and weigh about twenty-five kilograms.

The fruit is covered with a bumpy thick peel. To determine if the fruit is ripe, pay attention to the green color, and also tap it. If the sound is deaf, the jackfruit should not be picked yet, it should still ripen. When the peel turns yellow-brown or yellow-green, this means that the jackfruit is already fully ripe. If a ripe fruit is tapped, a hollow sound will be heard.

The cut jackfruit is divided into pieces. Its peel has the smell of rotten onions, while the flesh itself is fragrant and juicy, reminiscent of the smell of pineapple and banana. Ripe pulp is eaten, but if the fruit is unripe, it is processed before consumption. Most often, jackfruit is combined with ice cream, coconut milk or other fruits. Each fruit contains about five hundred seeds up to four centimeters in size. They are also used as food, for this they are fried in a pan.

Jackfruit is very nutritious, which is why in India it is also called "the bread of the poor." Although it is a low-calorie product, it is high in carbohydrates. Jackfruit contains many trace elements and vitamins, but most of all - vitamin C.

There is a record-breaking jackfruit - this is a fruit that has grown to a size of one meter, one hundred and twenty-one-odd centimeters in girth. According to the site, its weight was thirty-four kilograms, four hundred grams, and its length was almost fifty-seven and a half centimeters.
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