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What are quests in reality? This concept is becoming fashionable today. Let's try to explain with an example. Have you heard anything about "Room Escape"? They usually play with a team of 2-4 people. Of course, the more people there are, the more interesting it is. So, your task is to find secret clues and notes to the room in order to find the key and get out of the room. Agree that playing Sherlock Holmes and Watsons is very exciting and relaxing.

They say that detectives help relax the nervous system through a fascinating plot and focus. Yes, people who play games in reality say that while participating in an exciting process they forget about all their problems and worries, rest after annoying working days. And most importantly, you don't need physical training to complete real quests. Only attention and logic works here.

Organizations offering real games exist and successfully develop in any city. There are dozens of them in megalopolises. For example, one of them is quest-ufa.ru. Come in and see for an example. By the way, here they have examples of the most addicting games. Not just a "Chamber of Secrets" with tips, but also with a mystical plot. Agree that the plot plays a decisive role in any game.

In the quest "Chamber of Secrets" from "Turn on" you not only look for clues to get out of the confined space, but also face paranormal phenomena in reality, help solve the riddles of a Russian intelligence officer who disappeared during the Second World War and was engaged in occult sciences in the Third Reich ... This is the plot! Already goosebumps, reminds something of a story about Indiana Jones. Do you want to find yourself in his shoes for an hour? We advise you to sign up for such an assignment.

The second variant of the quest is Virus-Z ("Virus - Z"). This is a 100% addicting adventure in the spirit of American disaster films. The Ebola virus has mutated, and your task is to find an antidote in an hour. The survivors are just you and your team. Scary zombies are walking outside and will soon start breaking down doors. Can you do it in an hour using hints and encrypted messages?

Quest rules

Every game has rules! So: play from 2 to 4 people. An hour is given for the task. If you do not pass, you will forever remain in a closed room! Joke. The door will eventually be opened, but you will be left with a feeling of dissatisfaction. You will probably want to go through it again. You don't need special clothes, items for breaking locks and passwords either - people come to play right after work or school.

All participants must be at least 16 years old. Otherwise, the presence of parents is mandatory. Anyone should go on a quest in reality at least once. Looking for a company on quests in your city and feel free to sign up. You will not regret it!

Don't leave the room, don't make a mistake ...

(Joseph Brodsky)

Thursday 26 March thanks spbblog I managed to get on testing a new quest from "Rabbit Hole" - "A Miniature Machine".

I will share my experience. What is it like to finally "leave the room", what is the meaning of the quest in reality and how to set your personal best!

In reality, the quest is new entertainment for Russia, but it has already become so popular that it would even be strange to explain what it is. The idea is simple: who of us would not like to feel like a hero of a book, a movie, or just an adventurer saving himself or the world? It's time to finally physically "leave the room" in which you live and try something new. For example, "leave the room" with the help of the brain. Thinking, after all, must also be trained!

I went through the quest for the first time and in the company of people I did not know, but the sensations were unforgettable. The travel time can hardly be boasted - as much as 54 minutes, and there were a couple of tips, to be honest, there were. But the quest is well done. We did not notice any special "blunders" and illogical moments, the staff is friendly, the cookies are delicious. In general, everything is as it should be. The entourage is quite original - the heroes of the quest are invited to feel like "little" people on the desk of the would-be scientist. And I must say, "growing big" was not so easy!

So how not to be blunt on the quest, go through it without prompts and meet the minimum time?

1. Choose the quest "within your power". Almost all companies have a gradation of the level of difficulty of quests. Who are you: a beginner, a specialist, a pro?

2. Be careful. All the details are important, even those that seem unimportant to you at first.

3. Don't get hung up on one puzzle if you can't solve it. Just get distracted and look around - as they say, "the truth is somewhere nearby"!

4. Divide. It is no coincidence that there are several people in the team. While you are sitting and the five of you are thinking "what is this master key for" time goes by.

5. Don't overcomplicate. Any quest is made so that it would be possible to complete it in an hour. Everything is quite simple and you will need Google, a large Soviet encyclopedia and deep knowledge of anything.

6. The logic of any quest is the search for the illogical. Yes Yes exactly! Look around: what's out of place? Move it to where it should be, and most likely get closer to the answer.

7. Don't be nervous. Yes, you are limited in time, but this is not a reason to panic. Because it takes time to panic too. Such is the "vicious circle".

8. Do not forget that you are on vacation, not on an exam. Don't take what is happening too seriously!

9. Do not use force. Tighten the muscles of the brain, but not the arms. If "this thing doesn't fit in", then it just shouldn't fit in there. Elementary Watson!

10. Don't think that you are the smartest. Alas and ah, but if you passed your first quest too quickly, then, most likely, it is simply poorly written. According to statistics, only 10% manage to get out of the first seen room of a well-written quest!

The weekend is around the corner and nowhere to go? Any weekend is an opportunity to have a great time. Everyone knows this. And having a great time with friends is simply a must for everyone who plans a weekend away from home and in an active manner.

What to do on the weekend?

Lots of options for what to do - and more often than not, the basis of every activity is the game. Playing activity, especially in a team with people you know well, is not only a way to relax and get away from the dullness of everyday life. Sometimes it is also a way to pump some knowledge and even develop some aspects of your personality. Pleasant and useful in the atmosphere of a chase, detective, scientific experiment, whatever, and most importantly in the company of friends - all this is a quest. And now we will show you how to complete quests perfectly and how to become the best in passing this type of games. If interested, read on.

How to complete the quest? Did you ask? We answer!

  • First, never forget that you are in the game. Any circumstances you find yourself in are simulated. Any outcome of the game will be in your favor, because the passage in any case will teach you something and simply strengthen the team spirit. So don't worry too much, just have fun and have fun.
  • An important point in understanding how to complete quests is attention to detail. Always pay attention to every centimeter of the assignment room, as well as to any remark of the presenter or any peculiarities of the text in the prompts.
  • And now the downside of being attentive to every detail. Don't be confused! Try to apply any find in relation to the task, and if it does not work out, do not waste time and look for new clues!
  • If you are not playing with friends, try to act at the same time with other participants. In order to understand how to complete the quest, it is important to know what it is. This is the principle "together towards the goal", not "towards the goal alone."
  • Memorize problem solutions. Because they never repeat, and you shouldn't try to repeat what has already happened. The organizers always strive to diversify the game, so you need to understand: "always new, always unsolved" is almost the motto of every quest. Look for new ways.
  • Pay attention to what level of the quest is chosen. It is advisable to follow the gradation of difficulty. That is, if the team has little experience, then it is better to postpone the level of the pro for the next time. Beginners or specialists - the choice is yours, but the difficulty in how to complete the quest at the level of a specialist without any experience at all is also available.
  • Teams are formed from several people for a reason. Separate and solve problems in parallel, this will save a lot of time and you will quickly reach your goal.
  • How to complete the quest without complicating it from the very first visit? Be sure to remember that the main thing in a quest is most often the search for the illogical. Try to put everything in its place, and this will lead to a clue.
  • Don't use force. There is always a risk of breaking something in a room with a task, and probably no one will want to pay for breakdowns. Therefore, do not complicate, if the key does not fit into the lock, put it aside and look for, for example, a picture frame with a shape into which this key can be inserted. Be careful.

Organizational matters

And now a couple of tips on how to properly organize a visit before going through the quest alone or with a group of friends:

  • The game must be booked in advance: by phone, on the organizer's website or through an operator. It is also imperative to confirm the reservation: without confirmation, you can be deployed already on the spot, be careful and do not get caught.
  • Be sure to come on time! All the knowledge about how to complete the quest may be unnecessary if you are late. The standard quest time is 60 minutes, so come ten to fifteen minutes before the start in order to have time to ask the necessary questions and hand over your outerwear to the wardrobe, if any.


  • Persons in a state of drug or alcohol intoxication are not allowed to participate in the game, so it is better to postpone a visit to the bar until later. Paying for damaged property is not the best way to end the evening anyway, so try to follow this rule.
  • And also check about health restrictions. Some quests, for example, horror quests, are best avoided by people with diseases of the cardiovascular or nervous systems. Pay attention to this when choosing a game.
  • And of course, attentiveness, attentiveness and more attentiveness. Listen to the operators before starting the game, remember the important points.


All of the above is also true for online quests. Attentiveness, reaction, teamwork - and soon you yourself will be able to tell how to go through a trollface quest, for example.

And most importantly, have fun with everything that happens! After all, the quest is not a difficult obligatory task, but entertainment and training of quick wits. We wish you a good game, and may luck be on your side!

We hope that the article was interesting for you and that you were able to find the answer to your question.

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