Home Diseases and pests How to count calories. Calorie calculation per day. New Harris-Benedict Equation

How to count calories. Calorie calculation per day. New Harris-Benedict Equation

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Surely there is no person on earth who, wanting to lose weight, did not hear the word calorie. At the same time, for those who are losing weight, this word causes fear. After all, unwanted kilos appear precisely from calories, and for everyone who follows a diet, a significant reduction in the calorie content of the menu will certainly lead to ideal body proportions.

  1. There are no restrictions on the choice of food. Dishes are prepared solely from your own preferences.
  2. When calculating calories, it is possible to independently adjust the quantitative indicator of food, i.e. portion size.
  3. A person who counts calories per day can easily track the fluctuations in his weight, while the usual nutritious diet will remain at the same calorie level, or possibly a decrease.

How to calculate calories for weight loss: table

  1. The first thing to understand is that to burn 1 kg of body weight, you need to spend 7,700 kcal. The same amount of calories will be needed in order to gain 1 kg.
  2. The best option is to keep a weight loss diary. In it, you need to record all the results obtained, as well as plans that will stimulate achievement. All day you will need to make notes with portions of food eaten, so it will be more convenient to monitor the correct diet.
  3. At the same time, it will be necessary to record all the physical activities that are carried out during the day.
  4. The third table records the data on the dropped weight.

It is also worth noting that the weighing process is carried out daily, in the morning, immediately after waking up. Comparing notes in three tables. A person has the opportunity to independently determine the diet and the amount of physical activity, which together will help to quickly get rid of extra pounds.

Calorie table for weight loss: the number of calories per 100 g of product

Fruits Kcal Vegetables Kcal
Bananas 90 Boiled potatoes 60
Grape 70 Green onion 18
Cherry 25 Onion 43
Grapefruit 30 Carrot 33
Pear 42 Cucumbers 15
Melon 45 Sweet bell pepper 19
Blackberry 32 Parsley 23
Kiwi 50 Tomatoes 20
Apricots 47 Eggplant 28
Avocado 100 Green pea 75
Quince 30 Zucchini 18
A pineapple 44 White cabbage 23
Orange 45 Cauliflower 12
Watermelon 40 Sauerkraut 28
Strawberry 38 Red cabbage 27
Dogwood 41 Rhubarb 16
Cranberry 33 Radish 16
Gooseberry 48 Radish 25
Lemon 30 Turnip 23
Raspberries 45 Lettuce leaves 11
Mandarin 41 Beet 40
Peaches 45 Pumpkin 20
Plum 44 Dill 30
Currant 43 Horseradish 49
Cherries 53 Garlic 60
Blueberry 44 Spinach 16
Apples 45 Sorrel 27

Flour products Kcal Dried fruits Kcal
Butter rolls 301 Raisin 270
Bagels 330 Fig 290
Black bread 206 Kishmish 310
Wheat bread 266 Dried apricots 290
Rye bread 213 Dates 290
Rye flour flatbread 375 Prunes 220
Sugar 295 Apples 210

Meat and poultry Kcal Dairy products Kcal
Mutton 316 Cheese 261
Ham 366 Yogurt 51
Beef stew 180 Fat kefir 61
Beef 170 Kefir (1.5%) 39
Brisket 475 Low fat kefir 31
goose 301 Milk (3.2%) 62
Turkey 150 Whole cow's milk 68
Sausage var. 250 Ice cream creamy 220
Sausage p / c 380 Yogurt 59
Loin 430 Ryazhenka 85
Rabbit meat 115 Cream (10% fat) 120
Boiled chicken 131 Cream (20% fat) 300
Fried chicken 212 Sour cream (10%) 115
Beef liver 100 Sour cream (20%) 210
Kidney 66 Dutch cheese 357
Sausages 160 Lambert cheese 377
Pork chop 265 Parmesan cheese 330
Pork stew 350 Russian cheese 371
Heart 87 Sausage cheese 267
Sausages 236 Curd cheeses 380
Veal 90 Cottage cheese (18% fat) 225
Duck 405 Low-fat cottage cheese 81
Language 165 Cottage cheese with sour cream 261
Mushrooms Kcal Nuts Kcal
Dried porcini mushrooms 211 Seeds 580
Boiled mushrooms 26 Walnuts 652
Mushrooms in sour cream 230 Ground nuts 470
Fried mushrooms 165 Pine nuts 620
Honey mushrooms 20 Almond 600
Boletus 30 Pistachios 620
Aspen boletus 30 Hazelnut 670
Fish and seafood Kcal Butter sauces Kcal
Granular caviar 250 Melted fat 930
Pollock roe 130 Ketchup 80
Squid 95 Mayonnaise 625
Fried carp 145 Light mayonnaise 260
Shrimps 85 Creamy margarine 745
Crabs 70 Margarine sandwich 670
Pollock 70 Baking margarine 675
Seaweed 16 Corn oil 900
Perch 95 Olive oil 825
Eggs Butter 750
Chicken egg 1pc. 65 Soybean oil 900
Egg powder 540 Melted butter 885
Cereals and legumes Kcal Ready-made salads Kcal
Green peas 280 Korean carrots 134
Wheat flour 348 Seaweed 80
Rye flour 347 Squid salad 240
Cocoa 375 Crab stick salad 217
Buckwheat 346 Mimosa salad 183
Oatmeal 374 Olivier salad 198
Pearl barley 342 Vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers) 30,7
Millet 352 The vinaigrette 130
Barley 343 Vinaigrette with herring 179
Corn 369 Radish with sour cream 103
Pasta 350 Caesar salad 303
Rice 337 Greek salad 188
Soy 395 Sauerkraut salad 77
Beans 328 Herring under a fur coat 193
Lentils 310 Young cabbage salad 120

Calorie consumption per day

Few people do not know the well-known statement that the amount of calories consumed should be less than their expenditure. A person who leads a sedentary lifestyle must follow a diet of 1200 calories per day, for an adherent of an active lifestyle that is engaged in any kind of sport, the menu should be made up of 1800 calories per day.

To perform physically difficult work, a man will spend approximately 3200 kcal, a woman - 2700.

Consider how to count calories correctly to lose weight. In order to make a calculation, you must use the table of calorie content of products. Do not panic if the numbers differ in different sources - these are average figures, so the difference in a few calories is not significant. The best option is to use the table, where there is an extensive list of products, and it is even easier to print it out for yourself for clarity and place it in a convenient place for use, for example, in the kitchen.

Over time, familiarizing yourself with the calorie content of dishes will become a habit, and it will also become easier to calculate the required portion. For example, the average of a cheese sandwich, pork chop, brass pie, and side dish would be 370 calories. A small portion of oatmeal, a coffee drink with cream and sugar, plus a boiled chicken egg - 130 kcal.

200 ml of freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juice, milk and spring vegetable cuts - 120 kcal. Tea with sugar or coffee - 70 kcal.

It is worth realizing that weight loss will not be instantaneous. The result will be clearly visible after at least 5 days from the start of calorie counting.

Snacks before bed are taboos. Dinner must be no later than 18:00. For example, you can make vegetable salad, oatmeal in water with raisins, and green tea with jasmine. A few hours before bedtime, you can drink kefir or natural yogurt (up to 200 ml). If the feeling of hunger persists, you can drink a cup of tea with mint and honey and eat ½ an apple. You can also eat a small slice of hard cheese (20 g).

A good breakfast is a very important aspect of a calorie diet for weight loss. It should be 1/3 of your daily calorie intake. A good option would be porridge, boiled eggs, steamed lean meats and salad with vegetables.

In order to fill up, which means that the volume of one serving should be no less scarce than before the diet, it is worth completely eliminating sugar, white bread, foods high in fat and oil. The best way to prepare any dish is roasting or steaming.

By eliminating several calorie items from your menu, the amount of daily calorie intake will decrease by 10-15%. Such products include: baked goods, fatty meats, smoked meats, fats and sugar. Food intake is divided 6 times a day, while the portion size is reduced. This method cuts calorie intake by another 5-7%.

You need to know this! After drinking 200 ml of cool water, you can burn up to 50 kcal. This method works for the calorie-counting diet as well. The norm is 2 liters of water per day. The fluid helps the body cleanse itself of accumulated waste and toxins.

How to count calories for weight loss

To correctly calculate the calorie content of a dish, you should pay attention to the product label. It is worth remembering that the calorie content of the dry and finished product will differ. For example, the calorie content of 100 g of dry pasta is 300 kcal. When boiled, their weight increases, so 100 g of boiled pasta will have almost half the calories.

Calorie counting for weight loss means converting each meal into numerical coefficients. This is not exhausting fasting, but the correct calculation of an individual weight loss program.

Calculating the number of calories per day for weight loss

Initially, a notebook is started, in which for one week it is necessary to record each meal, and accordingly calculate the calorie content of the dish. To calculate the calorie content of a dish, it is necessary to sum up the calorie content of each ingredient, taking into account its amount.

The next step is to reduce the calorie content of each portion, while you need to start the process of daily weighing. It is necessary to achieve the result of 200 g of daily weight loss. Having reached such a mark, it is necessary to stop and no longer reduce the calorie content of dishes - this will be an individual indicator of the required calorie content.

Continuing to eat in the prescribed mode, while losing 200 g of excess weight per day, after a month the arrows of the scales will show a result that is 6 kg less than before the start of the calorie counting diet.

Photo by Anna Makarova

Text by Irina Matveeva

How to maintain the correct balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates? Is this necessary for everyone or only for those who want to lose weight? And in general, is it necessary to count calories, or is this already the last century, and there are more progressive methods? We asked these questions to nutritionist Anna Makarova. Anna looks great - looking at her slender athletic figure (at 46 she looks 35), she immediately wants to become her client, but for now, an expert in the field of fitness and proper nutrition has shared her knowledge with the readers of the site.

How to calculate calories correctly?

To begin with, I will explain what basal metabolic rate (RO) is - this is the minimum amount of energy that our body needs per day to ensure normal life (blood circulation, respiration, body temperature maintenance) in conditions of complete rest. Simply put, when we sleep and practically do not move, our body continues to perform a rather laborious process: the heart beats, the liver and kidneys are working, hair and nails grow, cells are renewed. Our body never sleeps and therefore spends a certain amount of kilocalories.

Calculation of GS for men: 10 × weight (kg) + 6.25 × height (cm) - 5 × age (g) + 5

Calculation of GS for women: 10 × weight (kg) + 6.25 × height (cm) - 5 × age (g) - 161

The result is the amount of your basal metabolic rate. Having determined the value of OO, you can calculate how many kcal per day you need to maintain the body at a given level of load. To do this, OO must be multiplied by the coefficient of physical activity (it is different for everyone):

  • 1,2, - for sedentary people (there is little training, they are of low intensity or are absent altogether);
  • 1.3 - for people with low activity (light training 1-3 times a week);
  • 1.5 - for moderately active people (work of moderate severity or training of moderate intensity 3-5 days a week);
  • 1.7 - for active people (physical work plus training or intensive training 6-7 times a week);
  • 1.9 - for extremely active people (physical work plus very intense sports).

The resulting value is your daily calorie requirement. Based on this figure, you can calculate the required calorie content of your diet.

To maintain your current weight

Calorie intake should be equal to the calculated cost. For example, your RO is 1300 kcal, the daily requirement is 1887 kcal, your diet should be 1887 kcal.

For weight loss

You need to create a calorie deficit of about 10-30% less than your daily ration (depending on your current weight). For example, your RO is 1300 kcal, the daily requirement is 1887 kcal (coefficient 1.3: workouts 1-3 times a week), your diet for weight loss will be 1500 kcal (reduced by 20%). It must be remembered that the calorie content obtained should not be lower than OO, in this case, below 1300 kcal. Since the body every day will not receive in full the minimum amount of energy that is necessary to ensure normal life. As a result, all metabolic processes in the body will slow down.

To increase muscle mass and also for pregnant women

A calorie surplus is required. For example, in order to gain the missing weight, the excess energy will be about 200 kcal / day (this is an example, everything is individual).

How to calculate BZHU?

To maintain your current weight:

  • protein> 14% of the diet (1–1.5 g protein per kilogram of body weight);
  • fats - 26-30% (1-1.2 g / kg);
  • carbohydrates - 56-60% (6-6.5 g / kg).

To increase body weight:

  • protein> 18% of the diet (2–2.5 g protein per kilogram of body weight);
  • fats - 26-30% (0.8-1.0 g / kg);
  • carbohydrates> 56% (6.5-7 g / kg).

To reduce body weight:

  • protein> 18% of the diet (1.2–1.8 g protein per kilogram of body weight);
  • carbohydrates

Material on the topic

Do I need to count calories and BJU?

In order to effectively change your body and weight, such calculation is the most reliable and accurate method. With the only proviso that it is proteins, fats and carbohydrates that must be counted and taken into account, that is, not only calorie content, but also the composition of the diet according to BZHU.

It is the balance of calories - the starting point for all calculations. And this is impossible do it by eye or intuitively.

In my work, I practice this particular method, and all my clients keep a food diary, count calories. Yes, the majority do not like it at first, many resist, but then they say thank you. Because only thanks to this method, firstly, everyone loses weight due to fat mass, and muscle remains or even increases.

Secondly, this method allows you to analyze your diet and see mistakes. For example, one man found that almost 30% of the diet was spent on olive oil, and another girl was wildly afraid of even one piece of bread for breakfast, but when she saw how much it was in kcal, she calmed down and now eats and enjoys, as her main the mistake was different. And she discovered it only by calculating the ratio of the BZHU.

With the knowledge of how to correctly count the calories in the food you eat, you can easily adjust your diet in order to lose weight without harming the body. The kilocalorie table will greatly simplify the calculation process for losing excess weight. But how should calories be counted for losing weight, and why is the system effective? This is what will be discussed today.

Nutritionists recommend, for the effectiveness of the weight loss process, to count the incoming calories so that they do not exceed the energy expenditure. Each table of calorie content of products and ready-made meals includes a list of food ingredients, the energy value of which is indicated per 100 grams. After reading this article, you will know:

  • why and how to count calories in order to lose weight without harm to health;
  • method of calculating individual energy requirements for weight loss;
  • categories with the most suitable foods for a diet, each of them contains the most complete table of ingredients with KBZHU;
  • are there foods with negative calories;
  • tricks for keeping low calories in recipes.

Why count calories

Knowing how to count calories is a great way to achieve any goal you set, whether it's losing weight, maintaining weight, or gaining muscle mass. If you know your calorie intake and know how to calculate the incoming energy, then you can easily make up the diet for the day, including your favorite foods in it.

The main task of the calculations is to provide the body with the necessary amount of energy for the whole day. Let's take a closer look at the methods of calculating the energy value and how to determine the daily individual needs.

Calorie Counting Principles for Weight Loss

The table with information on the energy value per 100 grams will help to determine the calorie content of products, but first of all, for weight loss, you need to calculate your daily energy requirement. To do this, you can use several methods, which are given below.

Why calorie counting is effective for weight loss

If the body receives more energy than it spends, then it begins to store it in the form of fat. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing difficult - you need to strictly limit yourself in food for a week in order to noticeably lose weight. The effect will be, but short-term, and as soon as the food returns to its usual mode, then the kilograms accumulate with an increase. Calorie counting is considered a much more delicate method of losing weight because:

  • there is no stress from starvation. Thanks to competent calculation, severe restrictions on food are not expected;
  • you can add your favorite foods to the diet;
  • there are no harmful consequences for the body, since the diet will be balanced in terms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • due to self-organization, there is a transition to a conscious healthy diet;
  • lost weight is not returned.

  • correctly establish the calorie content of the diet;
  • take into account with the help of applications that you can download for free or a diary of all consumed food;
  • take photos of the form and track progress periodically.

Calorie Counting Algorithm for Weight Loss

Each person is unique, therefore, depending on age, weight, gender and level of activity, an individual need for a certain amount of food is formed. For the convenience of calculating the daily calorie intake for weight loss, you can use a special calculator, inside there is already a goal for burning fat. You just have to enter the necessary data:

Daily calorie intake:

Harris-Benedict formula: Kcal

According to the Mifflin-San Geor formula: Kcal

Weight loss guidelines:

Calorie Range: Kcal

Daily protein intake: g

Daily fat intake: g

Daily intake of carbohydrates: g

Or make a calculation yourself.

Basal metabolic rate

The basal metabolic rate (from BMR - basal metabolic rate) or basal metabolic rate (RBM) is calculated using the Muffin-Jeor formulas for men and women:

Physical activity ratio

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) data is multiplied by the physical activity ratio:


Activity level

Examples of activities

lack of stress, sedentary work, passive lifestyle


for light exercise (slow walking for 30-50 minutes 3-4 days a week, household chores)

with moderate physical activity 3-5 times a week (60-70% of your maximum heart rate for 30-60 minutes per workout)



for active people exercising 6-7 times a week at moderate to high intensity (70-85% of your maximum heart rate for 45-60 minutes per workout)

Over high for very active (heavy / intense physical activity, heavy manual labor, athletics, team sports, 6-7 times a week for 90 minutes or more per workout)

What is a calorie table

Each table has indicators of energy value (kcal) and BZHU of various groups of products in 100 grams in raw form, i.e. before cooking. It is from these indicators and the weight of products that you need to build on when building a diet for weight loss.

Negative calorie foods

Very often, among people who are losing weight, you can hear about foods with a negative calorie content, for example, vegetables, which require more calories from the body than are contained in the product. In reality, everything is different.

In fact, there really is no such thing as negative calories. Any food contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates or organic acids. Vegetables and herbs, seasonings and some fruits are those ingredients, the energy value of which is equal to the energy expended by the body for their processing.

During digestion, the body spends a certain amount of energy for this work. It would be wrong to think that the kilocalories from previously eaten chocolate will be spent on processing, for example, grapefruit.

Proteins require the largest amount of energy expenditure of all macronutrients. Eaten chicken fillet for 200 calories requires 140 kcal for its processing. Therefore, only 60 remain "free". But this has nothing to do with fats and carbohydrates. For example, if you consume a spoonful of vegetable oil, it will be completely absorbed almost immediately, since the body does not need energy to process it. Fiber-rich food that takes a long time to digest can be systematically eaten in large quantities while losing weight and hope for a miracle, and then suffer from an upset stomach.

We can conclude: you need to build your diet so that it harmoniously combines all the nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of a person.

Calorie tables for weight loss products

High-calorie foods should be avoided during a weight loss diet. The calorie tables below contain exactly those ingredients that can most organically fit into the diet of a losing weight person.


Products, 100 grams

Carbohydrates, g

Energy, kcal

Low-fat cow's milk 0.5%

Milk 1.5% fat

Milk 2.5%

Low-fat cottage cheese 0.6%

Curd 1.8%

Low-fat kefir

Cheese made from cow's milk

Cheese "Adyghe"

Whole milk mozzarella cheese

Whole milk ricotta cheese


Chees Feta"

Yoghurt "Activia"

Greek yoghurt

Meat, poultry

Meat of animals and poultry are the main source of protein in the diet of people who are losing weight. Allocate white meat, which is considered more dietary, as well as red. The lack of carbohydrates is a big plus, but in red meat, before buying, you must definitely pay attention to the amount of body fat. It is recommended to give preference to the least fatty products.

Products, 100 grams

Carbohydrates, g

Energy, kcal

Beef, tenderloin

Pork tenderloin

Beef liver

Pork liver

Beef heart

Beef kidney

Broilers (chickens) 2 cat.

Chicken 2 cat.

Chicken breast

Chicken legs

Chicken liver

Chicken heart

Turkey, breast

Homemade goose, meat

Quail, meat and leather

Vegetables and greens

Greens and vegetables are considered indispensable in the process of losing weight. They contain fiber, which is not absorbed by the body, and the number of calories and BJU in foods is extremely insignificant. They also improve digestion and fill the body quickly. You can eat any kind of vegetables, a portion of potatoes must be carefully controlled.

Products, 100 grams

Carbohydrates, g

Energy, kcal


Sweet potato (sweet potato)

Sweet potato boiled without peel

Mustard leaf

Ginger, raw root

White cabbage



Brussels sprouts

Kohlrabi cabbage

Red cabbage



Kale kale (kale, Kale)

Collards collards (Collards)



Green onion


Red onion



Ground cucumbers

Greenhouse cucumbers



Sweet pepper

Parsley greens

Parsley root

Ground tomatoes

Greenhouse tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes

Salted tomatoes

Radish green

Fresh rosemary

Leaf salad

Celery greens

Celery root

Fresh thyme

Jerusalem artichoke

Wakame algae (undaria pinnate), raw

Laminaria (seaweed) raw

Kelp (seaweed), dried

Dried spirulina

Nuts and dried fruits

Nuts and seeds are a balanced source of nutrition that must be present in the diet of people who care about their health and shape. They contain polyunsaturated fats that lower bad cholesterol, control hunger and are a versatile protein source for vegetarians.

Dried fruits are also very beneficial due to their high content of micronutrients, enzymes and plant fibers. With their help, you can quench your cravings for sweets, but in reasonable quantities. Candied dried fruits should be excluded from the menu at the time of losing weight.

Both of these products are still quite high in calories, so it is necessary to control their use, entering into your norm.

Products, 100 grams

Carbohydrates, g

Energy, kcal

Roasted peanuts

Brazilian nut


Pine nuts

Roasted cashews

Raw coconut

Hazelnut (hazel)

Almond nut

Roasted almonds

Almond petals

Macadamia nut


Sunflower seeds, dried kernels

Pumpkin seeds, dried kernels

Hemp seeds, shelled

Cannabis seeds, unpeeled

Sesame seeds

Flax seeds

Poppy seeds

Chia seeds

Raw pistachios

Fried pistachios without oil with added salt

Hazelnut (cultivated hazel)

Roasted hazelnuts

Dried bananas

Dried cherries

Dried pear

Dried melon

Raisins raisins

Dried figs

Dried peach

Prunes (dried plums)

Dried apples

Fish and seafood

Fish and seafood are excellent sources of protein. The low calorie content of the product makes it ideal for weight loss. Red fish also contains omega-3s. This type of polyunsaturated fatty acids has a beneficial effect on all body functions, which is especially important during the period of weight loss.

Products, 100 grams

Carbohydrates, g

Energy, kcal

Far Eastern flounder

Baltic sprat

Caspian sprat

Kamchatka crab, meat


Atlantic salmon (salmon)

Fish milk


Red salmon


River perch


River cancer

Low-fat Atlantic herring

Low-fat Pacific herring

Ocean horse mackerel


Atlantic cod

Pacific cod

Blue tuna

Yellowfin tuna (yellow-tailed)

Sea trout

Language of the sea


In the case of sweets, everything is simple - you need to exclude products that contain sugar. If you really want something sweet, then it is better to give preference to dried fruits. Also, the modern market offers a wide range of dietary products without sugar and fructose.

Before buying, be sure to make sure that these ingredients are not included in the composition and do not forget to write down the treat in your food diary. Self-discipline and goal-setting should come first, not letting temptation take over.

Fruits and berries

The amount of nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins in 100 grams of fruits and berries is colossal. These products are considered an extremely healthy delicacy, but do not forget that they contain fructose, which, if consumed in excess, can be converted into fat. Therefore, it is necessary to control the consumption of this food group during the period of weight loss.

Products, 100 grams

Carbohydrates, g

Energy, kcal




Fresh figs







White currant

Red currants

Black currant

Bread and bakery products

During the period of weight loss, it is better to give up the usual bakery products. There are exceptions in the form of bread made from whole grain flour and bran without sugar in the composition. Together with the product, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber will enter the body, which have a beneficial effect on the digestive processes.

Another indispensable ingredient in the diet of those who are losing weight is bread, which is also rich in fiber and vitamins. Pay attention to the composition, they should not contain sugar and fructose.

Flour and pasta

Durum wheat pasta, like cereals, is referred to as complex carbohydrates, which are an excellent source of energy and help in building a harmonious and healthy body. However, heavy consumption can lead to excess body weight. For healthy baked goods, it is also recommended to give preference to coarse flour.

Products, 100 grams

Carbohydrates, g

Energy, kcal

Wheat flour 2 grades

Wheat flour

Seeded rye flour

Peeled rye flour

Rye wallpaper flour

Pasta made of durum flour, premium grade

Corn flour

Rice flour


Eggs are one of the most versatile and affordable foods. They are part of a healthy diet and are relevant during the period of weight loss.

Calorie table of drinks

Various kinds of drinks are present on the menu of any person every day. And it is here that many make mistakes in calculating calories, because they do not take into account the calorie content, for example, latte, but milk is added to it, which has a certain energy value. The addition of sugar also significantly increases the calorie content of the drink.

Alcoholic drinks

Alcohol blocks the breakdown of protein into amino acids, which lowers the rate of fat burning. Alcohol also removes fluid from the body, which interferes with the process of protein absorption, neutralizing any goal pursued by the person. Therefore, during the period of weight loss, it is worth giving up such drinks.

Soft drinks

If the goal is to get rid of excess fat, then all sweet carbonated products should be forgotten for a while, since they contain a large amount of sugar. If you really want to enjoy your favorite taste, then you can pamper yourself with products marked "Zero" or "0 calories". All kinds of juices also include sugar, so it is recommended to give preference to freshly squeezed products.

Products, 100 grams

Carbohydrates, g

Energy, kcal





Lime, freshly squeezed

Lemon, freshly squeezed



Coca Cola Zero

Black grain coffee without sugar

Green tea without sugar

Black tea without sugar

As usual, before writing this article, I entered the query “how to count calories” in Yandex and read several articles on this topic. And, as usual, I was upset by the poor quality of the articles. The authors "pour a lot of water" and write a lot of unnecessary text, which absolutely does not carry any information on the topic. Therefore, in my article, I will try to briefly and on the topic talk about how to count calories correctly in order to lose weight.

In short, to lose weight, your body should be getting fewer calories than it burns... To calculate your approximate daily calorie intake, use the formula (your weight) x 30 (average daily intake per kg of body weight) = (your daily calorie intake). In order to lose weight, you need to consume 30-50% less calories than your norm. That is (your weight) x 30 - 30% = your maximum calorie intake per day. For example, if your weight is 80 kg, then 80 kg x 30 - 30% = 1680 kcal. This is your maximum calorie intake per day.

If you do not want to calculate your rate, use the table in the figure. This will be your starting point. Make adjustments to your daily calorie intake every week. In a week, you should lose no more than 1 kg. If the weight goes off more than 1 kg per week - this is bad (the liver suffers and muscles are "burned"), increase the number of calories per day by 100-200. If the weight is worth, or goes less than 300 grams per week, increase the daily allowance by 100-200 kcal. The optimal weight loss rate is 300-500 grams per week. It is safe for the body. If you lose weight very quickly, the weight will return as soon as possible.

To find out how many calories you consume per day, you need to keep a food diary. In it you write down what time, what and how much you ate. To do this, you need an electronic kitchen scale. They can be purchased at any hardware store or hypermarket. Knowing the amount of the product and its calorie content, you can calculate how many calories were eaten. The calorie content of a dish or product is always indicated in 100 grams, so the weight of the dish must be divided by 100.

An example of a diary entry (the calorie content of an egg is 157 kcal per 100 g, white bread - 265 kcal per 100 g, sugar 398 kcal per 100 g):

8-00 Breakfast.

Scrambled eggs from 2 eggs (120 g) 1.2 x 157 kcal = 188 kcal.

Toast 30 g 0.3 x 265 kcal = 79.5 kcal

Coffee with sugar. Sugar (2 teaspoons - 10 grams) 0.1 x 398 = 39.8 kcal

Total: 307.3 kcal.

Note that the calorie content of tea, coffee, pepper and other spices can be ignored, since such a low error can be neglected.

The calorie content of all products is usually indicated on the package. It is the calorie content of the raw product that is indicated. For example, the calorie content of buckwheat is 313 kcal per 100 g. But when you cook it, you add another 300 grams of water per 100 grams, the calorie content of water is 0 kcal, so the weight of the dish will already be 400 grams, and the calorie content will still be 313 kcal, and for 100 grams of finished porridge it will be only 313/400 * 100 = 78cal In the same way, you need to count the calorie content of all the dishes that you cook. Write down what and how much you put in the dish when you cook it, and then divide the total calorie content of all foods by the total weight of the dish. For an example of calculating the calorie content of a soup, see the figure.

At first glance, it may seem difficult to calculate the calorie content of each dish. But firstly, you just need to count the calorie content of your favorite dish once, and always use the resulting value. Secondly, the calorie content of many ready-made meals can be found on the Internet, and not counted. For example, the calorie content of Olivier salad or noodles is always approximately the same.

In one of the private clinics where I underwent a weight loss course, we were even advised to take away the calorie content of the water boiled away during preparation and the bones left after eating, which we do not eat. That is, for example, after eating a piece of chicken, it was recommended to weigh the remaining bones. When I asked what to do if you dine at a party or a restaurant, the doctor replied that the bones need to be taken with you in a bag and weighed at home. This, of course, is nonsense and absurd. I believe that the error in the form of food leftovers is negligible. 50 kcal per day and even 100 kcal, practically, will not change anything. In extreme cases, if the process of losing weight is very slow, it is better to lower the daily allowance than to complicate your life by calculating the calorie content of bones from chicken or fish.

In general, I believe that you are already taking a big step when you decide to count calories for weight loss, you will need to discipline yourself as much as possible so as not to forget to count. Therefore, the easier this process is, the better. Over time, you will learn to count the calorie content of food consumed “in your mind”, you will know the rate of your portions, and you will learn not to overeat.

To calculate calories, I use the Calorie Chart smartphone app. It allows not only keeping a diary, but also automatically recognizing and counting the calorie content of many dishes. It is not necessary to use this particular program, there are many similar programs for both Android smartphones and iPhones.

On days when you are physically or emotionally stressed, you can slightly increase your daily calorie intake, but not more than 30%. Just don't confuse a really high load with a light load. For example, if you brought a heavy bag with groceries from the store, walked the 10th floor up the stairs, because the elevator broke down - this is not a high load. But if you dug potatoes all day without straightening your back, walked 10 km, or rode a bike all day, this is an increased load, and you can increase the calorie intake for this day.

If you do not have a shift work schedule, it is more convenient to calculate your daily calorie intake from sleep to sleep. That is, even if you ate after 24-00, you do not need to record these calories the next day. An exception is if you work day and night in shifts, then during the shift you need to consume more calories per day, and less on days off. In this case, the calorie intake regime must be developed individually.

Do I need to count calories?

The Calorie Counting Diet is the Most Effective Diet because it works according to the laws of science. If the body spends more energy than it consumes, it will simply have nowhere to take additional energy, except from fat reserves. And it doesn't depend on your body type and your constitution. Someone will lose weight faster, someone slower, but you will definitely lose weight if you spend more energy than you consume.

Let me remind you that even if you are counting calories, it is important to speed up your metabolism for successful weight loss. To do this, eat as often as possible, but in small portions. You need to eat every 3-4 hours. Even if you can't eat on time, eat at least an apple or drink a glass of yogurt. Don't be afraid to eat before bed if your daily calorie intake allows you. When you sleep, the body also needs energy, during this time there are restorative processes.

Finally, I want to note that despite my experience in dietology and fitness, I am not a doctor and I cannot prescribe treatment for you, but only give recommendations and advice. Whether or not to follow them is your decision.

I will be glad if you share your successes and your experience in the comments, tell us about your way of counting calories, and maybe add some important information to the article. Ask your questions, I will try to answer.

In recent years, the problem of obesity has been extremely acute. Many of the people are preoccupied with losing weight. All kinds of diets, teas, pills - all of this is used as a means to regain former harmony. But there is another system that can lead to success. Nothing special, if you stick to it, you don't have to do it - you just count calories and lose weight.

System features

How to count calories to lose weight has been known for a long time. This technique was invented at the beginning of the last century. It's another matter that before such an urgent need for it did not arise. Times have changed today. Many of us still doubt the effectiveness of this method and ask the burning question, is it possible to lose weight by counting calories. Nutritionists around the world answer in the affirmative. What's more, they are confident that this is the most effective way to help reduce the daily diet. If you are in doubt as to whether you need to count calories, check with your healthcare professional. Perhaps his words will convince you.

Counting calories and losing weight: all the advantages of the method

The theory of calculating the energy value of food is a kind of diet (let's call it conditionally "Counting calories"), which must be followed not once, but throughout life. It has its own advantages, which you can appreciate as soon as you begin to adhere to its basic rules.

  1. You will be able to notice the effectiveness of the method to become slim within a month.
  2. If you are attracted by the Calorie Counting diet, the menu can be very varied. Absolutely all dishes are allowed here. Another thing is that you can eat them in limited quantities.
  3. Weight is shed naturally. You will not give up delicious and healthy foods. You won't have any digestive problems.
  4. The result achieved with this method will last for a very long time, if not permanently. The point is that over time, you will understand how to count calories in foods. This will become a habit with you. Without compulsion, you will begin to eat only in this way - counting calories. Consequently, the body will not suffer from overeating, and the weight will be normal.

Disadvantages of losing weight with this method

All the disadvantages of the diet "count calories and lose weight" are purely subjective. You may be scared off by 2 factors:

  • The complexity of the calculation.
  • Irrepressible desire to exceed the daily rate.

With the second, everything is clear. This happens from time to time to everyone who has ever been on a diet. Psychological methods can work here that can help you, for example, hang on the refrigerator a picture of a slim movie star you would like to be like. Or your photo, where you are beautiful, slender, attracting the eyes of all men. Don't you want to be like this again? As you know, nothing happens without labor. Therefore, it is worth collecting your willpower into a fist. Later, after a few months, such thoughtful eating will become a habit with you. And you will automatically cook without thinking about how to count calories in order to lose weight.

Stylish clothes that are a couple of sizes smaller can also be a good incentive. The desire to get into these wonderful little things as soon as possible works wonders at times, and we do not deviate from our goal - we just count calories and lose weight. And soon the dream comes true.

As for the difficulties with calculating calories, they are only noticeable in the first weeks. Then you will already know by heart the energy value of this or that product.

A bit of arithmetic

So, we made the decision to count calories from today. A table of foods with an indication of their energy value will help you with this. But before turning to it, you need to know the daily calorie requirement of the human body. See what nutritionists have to say about it.


Sedentary and knowledge workers

  • Women (18-40 years old) - from 2400 to 2600 kcal.
  • Women (40-60 years old) - from 2200 to 2400 kcal.

Service workers (seller, postman, etc.)

  • Women (18-40 years old) - from 2500 to 2750 kcal.
  • Women (40-60 years old) - from 2350 to 2550 kcal.

Heavy manual workers

  • Women (18-40 years old) - from 2700 to 2900 kcal.
  • Women (40-60 years old) - from 2500 to 2700 kcal.

People of retirement age

  • Women (60-70 years old) - from 2100 to 2200 kcal.
  • Women over 70 years old - 2000 kcal.

This data is scientifically called the optimal calorie corridor. You just need to look into them if you are attracted by the Calorie Count Diet. The table will tell you how many of them per day are acceptable for you. If there are more of all the dishes included in your daily menu, then you are overeating. In that case, you shouldn't be surprised where the excess fat came from on the sides and why you can't fit into last year's pretty jeans.

How do you know your calorie baseline yourself?

The information provided by nutritionists is, of course, invaluable help, but you should not discount the individual characteristics of each person. Fighting excess weight depends on many factors. These are height and weight, metabolic features, lifestyle, sports. After all, all these indicators are individual. There is a special formula that helps to determine exactly your need for a daily amount of food and their energy value.

It's simple:

  • For women, it looks like this: 650 + 9.6 x (weight) + 1.8 x (height) - 4.7 x (age).
  • For men, it's a little different: 60 + 13.7 x (weight) + 5 x (height) - 6.8 x (age).

The data obtained should be multiplied by one more factor. It depends on some individual characteristics. Multiply by:

  1. 1.3 if you are sedentary.
  2. 1.4 if you exercise 4 hours a week.
  3. 1.5, if you devote 6 hours a week to sports, while moving a lot.
  4. 1.7 if sport is your best friend for 12 hours a week.

The resulting data will be your baseline. If you want to gain weight, increase the number by 20%. If you want, on the contrary, to lose weight, reduce the resulting figure by 20%.

How to get used to counting calories

No one denies that at first this approach to preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner will tire you. After all, this is rather unusual. But over time, you will get used to it.

After all, we cook almost the same dishes for home, which alternate with some frequency. Holidays are an exception. But there are many low-calorie recipes for special occasions. A low energy value does not mean at all that they are tasteless. What delicious! And you will see for yourself.

So, starting today, we are counting calories. but you will have to do most of the work yourself.

If you are skeptical about this method and believe that you are eating right, nutritionists suggest doing a simple test. Write down everything you have eaten for today, and then calculate what the energy value of the foods you eat is. You will learn a lot of interesting things for yourself. In addition, you will see what foods can be excluded from the diet without prejudice.

Some useful rules

We made a decision - counting calories and losing weight. The table is our main assistant in this matter. But do not overlook the following points to help you understand how to count calories in order to lose weight.

  1. and water is considered zero. But this is without any additions. So, only the calories of sugar, milk, jam and everything that you put in tea are considered.
  2. If you are preparing a complex dish, then its energy value consists of the energy value of all components. Therefore, each component will have to be calculated.
  3. When frying, take into account the calorie content of not only processed foods, but also oils (about 20% is spent on frying).

Interchangeability of products

The good thing about a calorie-based diet is that it doesn't force us to give up our favorite foods and eating habits. If you want chocolate, why not try it? Just not the whole tile, but a small piece. Do not forget to calculate how many calories it contains. You need to do this only the first time and write down the result. In the future, you will already know the energy value of a square of chocolate.

But it is best to use the principle of product interchangeability in cooking. For example:

  • You have a sweet tooth. Without treats, you feel irritable - and always in a bad mood. There is a way out. Replace candy with marshmallow or marshmallow. They are completely free of fat, but they are just as sweet and delicious.
  • Whipped cream or curd mousse can be used in place of ice cream or cream.
  • Do you like cutlets? No problem, steam them. Tasty, satisfying, and most importantly - healthy.
  • Be careful with your coffee. Unlike tea, coffee is already food. Quite a high-calorie drink. In addition, it is absorbed by the body for a long time. If you are better off switch to chicory.
  • Soda is also high in calories. Replace it with mineral water, and if you want something sweet, give preference to natural juice.
  • It is better to buy branded bread products. Not only do they speed up metabolic processes and cleanse the body, they are also considered the lowest-calorie foods.

Dr. Bormental's diet: counting calories

One of the most popular diet programs today. Its name is rather arbitrary, since Dr. Bormental existed only in Bulgakov's "Heart of a Dog". In nature, there is no such doctor at all and never has been, and a methodology has been developed by leading psychotherapists and nutritionists. It is based on calorie counting and psychological aspects of our behavior.

It's no secret that many of us often eat food without ever feeling hungry. Someone agrees to taste a wonderful delicacy for the company with a friend. Someone seizes stress and resentment with their favorite delicacies, Someone comes up to the refrigerator out of boredom, opens the door and reaches out to something that you can easily do without at the moment. Some people consume food just out of habit. For example, when watching your favorite TV series (I eat, because I have always done this).

  1. We'll have to forget about products that do not give a feeling of satiety (sweet kefir, yoghurts).
  2. It is better to take food hot.
  3. Limit the use of alcohol, spices and spicy foods, as this provokes appetite.
  4. Eat little, but often. The best option is 7-8 times a day.
  5. The intervals between meals should not exceed more than 5 hours.
  6. Dinner should be 4 hours before bedtime.

Voice of the people: reviews of the calorie-counting weight loss system

Be that as it may, it is useful to listen to those who have long been building their lives according to this method. How did they cope with the first difficulties? Did you achieve the desired result quickly? And in general, is it possible to lose weight by counting calories. Reviews convince us that it is possible. Judge for yourself.

  • Some people manage to lose 11 kg in 100 days. It's even faster than numerous calculators on the Internet promise. The first week is usually the most satisfying - up to 1700 kcal per day, the second - up to 1500 kcal, the third up to 1200 kcal. To achieve a more effective result, people also limit fat to 40 g per day.
  • According to others, the main thing in such a diet is calculating the ratio of carbohydrates-fat-proteins. And also all kinds of vitamins, hepatoprotectors, minerals. Such people allow themselves 1600-1700 kcal per day. In a month, they lose 7 kg - and the weight does not return.
  • For many, the roller coaster diet is preferable. Every day there it is recommended to consume a different number of calories - from 600 to 1300. In 50 days, they will lose up to 9 kg. And at the same time, the weight goes away daily.

And in conclusion, a few more small tips that have been listened to by those who have successfully lost weight following this technique.

  1. can be recognized in tables. Today in the literature you can find a great variety of them. But, according to people seeking to lose weight by counting calories, these tables are average values. Therefore, it is sometimes worth examining the packaging of the product. It also has data on its calorie content.
  2. To make it easier for yourself to count, you can use the Excel table. It is quite convenient for these purposes. Of course, there are errors. But most of the time, this happens when you calculate the calorie content of difficult-to-cook foods. If you prefer unprocessed and simple food, then Exel gives you the exact result. By the way, in the same table you can keep a food diary.

As you can see, the calorie counting system works in practice. So maybe it's time to study it and take care of your own health and body care?

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