Home Indoor flowers “What is walking in a dream? If you see Walking in a dream, what does it mean? I dreamed that I was walking in the mud: the nuances of decoding Why dream of walking in a dream

“What is walking in a dream? If you see Walking in a dream, what does it mean? I dreamed that I was walking in the mud: the nuances of decoding Why dream of walking in a dream

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Walk according to G. Ivanov's newest dream book

Will be promoted; increase in wages; unexpected money.

H. on stilts: will be promoted; increase in wages; unexpected money.

Walk the British dream book

Walking - Walking is such a natural activity that we don’t think too much about it until we are deprived of it. It matters what or from what you left in a dream, as well as the fact that you walked and did not run - this indicates a lack of striving for the goal or a lack of a sense of danger.

Sleep: Did you purposefully move towards something or from something? How did you feel? Maybe you walked but didn't get anywhere like on a treadmill? This indicates a realization that you are not achieving your goals. Think about what you can do to ease the situation and make a difference in your life.

Walk in the dream book of A. Mindelle

You dreamed of walking - you seem to be walking somewhere at night - some difficulties await you, but you can easily cope with them. A woman dreams that she walks fast - this woman is waiting for happy love.

Walk in the Psychoanalytic Dream Book

What does it mean in a dream to walk around something

1. Walking in a dream around a building or other object means creating a "universe" in which an action can take place. This is giving that place a certain significance.

2. From a psychological point of view, we all need to have a place that belongs only to us, and to dream about walking around some object means responsibility for ourselves and our actions.

3. We symbolize the creation of the center of our universe by walking around a certain object.

Walk through the Home Dream Book

You dreamed of Walking - the movement of affairs. Walking in a pleasant area - peace of mind and successful business progress; wading through the thickets - spiritual rebirth; Walk fast - rapid development of events; going somewhere at night is unknown; the desire to establish a connection with the subconscious.

Walk in the dream book of Martyn Zadeki

Walking barefoot is a loss; and in boots - profit; in the shoes - a drawback.

Walk on the dream book of Shereminskaya

Walking in the dew means gaining health, grace.

Walk in the Islamic dream book

Walking in a dream with dignity and dignity, says that a person seeks to observe the true laws of Islam, and there will be luck and God's help in life. Walking around the market means that a will is written on the person who saw this dream, and he will receive it if he deserves it, as Allah Almighty said in the Quran: "And they said:" What is with this messenger? He eats food and walks to the markets "(Koran, 25: 7). And whoever sees that he walks barefoot is a sign that he is a good believer and his misfortunes will end. And some say that this dream for a man portends a catastrophe or great misfortune with his wife, which will be the reason for their divorce.

A person may have night visions of walking barefoot. In most cases, such dreams portend problems in your personal life, disappointment and frustration. The exact meaning depends on the analysis of all the smallest details. The appearance of the surface on which the dreamer walked, other actions performed by the sleeping person, and also what emotions the person experienced in a dream are important.

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      Key values

      Dreams in which the dreamer sees himself without shoes are of great interest to connoisseurs of all kinds of interpreters of night visions. However, in order to understand why the dream had a dream in which a person walked without shoes, it is necessary to analyze many details of the dream:

    1. 1. If you dream of walking barefoot down the street, then soon a person will be able to extricate himself from some unpleasant situation. Another interpretation of a dream is to receive false information, which will lead the dreamer to make the wrong decision at a crucial moment. This will lead to significant material losses. If in a dream a person saw himself in poverty, then this promises ailments and minor troubles.
    2. 2. Walking along the winding path in the village - soon events will occur that will leave a bright emotional mark on the dreamer's soul. If at the same time blood is visible on the legs, then one should expect unexpected material profit. A leisurely walk without shoes on young wet grass heralds a meeting with a childhood friend. A modern dream book portends a cold. He walks barefoot as a result of the loss of shoes - to a big scandal with a soul mate or a break in relations.
    3. 3. See your footprint in the sand - to quickly move up the career ladder. The dreamer's persistent efforts will be adequately appreciated by the authorities. Another meaning of sleep is a new romantic acquaintance, which will develop into a serious relationship.
    4. 4. According to the Islamic interpreter of dreams, if a man dreamed that he was walking barefoot in the mud, then poverty and serious health problems should be expected. The possibility of divorce with your spouse is not excluded.
    5. 5. Slowly wandering around the cemetery without shoes - to longing for love. A quarrel with a soul mate or a break in relations is possible.
    6. 6. If a person dreamed that he was walking barefoot on small pebbles, then soon he will have a lot of responsible work that will need to be done quickly and efficiently. If the stones turned out to be rather slippery, then one should beware of the fact that someone wants to manipulate the dreamer and subordinate him to his will. Walking on large rocks bodes well for a dubious business proposal from untrustworthy companions. It is worth postponing the conclusion of transactions and the signing of important contracts.
    • What do barefoot walks in winter portend?

      If the dreamer dreamed that he was walking without shoes on large snowdrifts in winter, then this characterizes him as a self-sufficient and self-confident person. Life prepares many trials, but all problems will be easily solved. The dreamer stands confidently on his feet and will reach great heights in the near future. For women, such a dream is a symbol of a lack of attention from a husband or a young man.

      Walking on the ground slightly powdered with clean snow is a sign of great and mutual love, as well as a solution to old problems. If the snow is dirty or the dreamer's feet are frozen in the snow, then this indicates treason. Also, such a dream prophesies an unforeseen situation, as a result of which the dreamer's reputation may be severely damaged.

      Running in the snow and falling into it - to difficulties in the material sense.

      Walking barefoot on ice - to a quick takeoff up the career ladder, through puddles - the dreamer will soon be able to solve many problems. Falling under the ice - you should watch your words and deeds. Otherwise, envious people can take advantage of the opportunity and ruin the dreamer's reputation.

      Do not feel the cold at all - to victory over enemies and ill-wishers. To feel a strong cold on ice is a difficult life period. Accidentally stepping on a piece of ice is an obstacle to achieving your goals. Leaving traces on the ice - soon the dreamer will become a famous person. However, he will have to pay for this with his personal life.

      Walking barefoot without shoes, while carrying them in your hands - soon problems will arise in a person's life, in the solution of which someone from relatives will help.

      Why dream of walking without shoes in the summer?

      A carefree summer walk on the grass promises a new stage in life. In the near future, a person will be able to get rid of old problems that he could not solve for a long time. If the vegetation was dry, then this portends the reconciliation of the dreamer with ill-wishers and spiritual uplift.

      If the dreamer saw in a dream how he walks through the puddles after the rain, then this characterizes him as a rather optimistic person who does not pay attention to minor obstacles on the way to achieving his goals. If a little dirt has been brought home, then soon one should expect an improvement in the financial situation.

      Walking on the warm asphalt warmed up in the sun - to the fulfillment of a cherished desire, on hot earth - to the failure of a responsible business due to unjustified haste and inattention of the dreamer. If on the way a person stepped on a small stone, then you should expect interesting news from distant relatives.

      A barefoot ride in public transport portends getting rid of complexes, an increase in the dreamer's self-esteem. To make purchases in this form - to the acquisition of an expensive, but necessary thing for the house.

      Walking without shoes on sea foam means getting rid of old ailments or interesting communication with a respectable person.

      What did the dreamer walk on?

      The meaning of a dream largely depends on what kind of cover the dreamer had to walk on.


      A walk on the sand heralds a long journey. Seeing your footprints in the sand is a nostalgic memory of lost opportunities and wasted time.

      If the sand turns out to be very hot, then this portends an unpleasant surprise. A situation will occur in which the dreamer will be confused and will not know how to do the right thing, since a decision will have to be made as soon as possible.

      If a person dreamed of wandering in the desert without shoes, then this means that in real life he feels very lonely. The dreamer should devote more time to hobbies, meetings with family and friends, you can change your job or place of residence. This will help relieve your melancholy mood.


      If in a dream you happened to take a walk in the mud, then this promises the occurrence of problems in everyday life, large financial expenses. If your clothes get dirty, this is a warning sign. A person will commit an act for which he will be very ashamed.

      If such a dream was dreamed on the eve of a crucial event in the dreamer's life, then this portends the emergence of unexpected obstacles on the way to achieving the goal.

      Seeing blood on your feet portends pipe dreams and frustrated hopes.


      A dream in which a person walked on the ground without shoes suggests that in the near future a period of calmness and peace of mind will come.

      If such a night vision was dreamed of by a person who is in a difficult life situation, then this promises a solution to all problems. However, for this it is necessary to calmly and without emotion ponder all your further actions.


      Walking on the grass with morning dew is a materially favorable period.

      If the dreamer had a chance to walk barefoot through a blooming field, then this portends the fulfillment of a cherished desire.

      If such a dream was dreamed before the wedding, then this promises a calm and harmonious relationship with the second half.

      In the event that the dreamer is in position, night dreams promise a calm pregnancy and easy childbirth.


      Walking barefoot on asphalt promises a lot of trouble, possibly litigation. This will lead to physical and mental exhaustion of the dreamer.

      A walk on dirty asphalt portends the spread of false information about the dreamer by envious people. To see a child jumping through puddles on the asphalt is a health problem. However, the ailment will not be serious and will not cause complications.

      If, while walking on the asphalt, a person felt all the irregularities, then soon he will have an acquaintance with an interesting person.

      If the dreamer happened to walk on an asphalt road with large potholes, then this portends health problems.

      According to the modern dream book, such night dreams portend a deception or a scam into which unscrupulous fraudsters will try to lure the dreamer. You should be careful in dealing with unfamiliar persons.

      If the dreamer dreamed of a man walking barefoot on broken glass, then this suggests that he will soon be able to find out a lot of interesting information about his previous generations of relatives. This can come in handy at a difficult time in life.


      Seeing in a dream the clear water in which the dreamer happened to walk promises a solution to old problems and questions. The decision will be made quickly and correctly.

      If the water was dirty, then this bodes well for quarrels and misunderstandings in relations with loved ones, seething - for lack of confidence in their abilities to resolve an important issue.

      Walking barefoot on the floor when visiting your best friends is a warning symbol. The dream says that one should not unconditionally believe everyone in a row.

      If there were not enough slippers for the dreamer in someone else's house, then this suggests that a person's reputation will soon suffer from the evil intrigues of envious people and ill-wishers. These people spread false information and gossip. Night dreams, in which a person had a chance to walk without shoes in a public place, have the same meaning.

      If you happened to walk barefoot in your apartment, then this promises the arrival of unexpected guests, which will require a lot of physical, moral and material costs from the dreamer.

      Running on a flat road is to fulfill your cherished desire. If the process of running was constantly accompanied by some obstacles, then soon the dreamer will make a hasty decision, which he will regret very much. If you happen to run away from enemies on the ice, then this suggests that a person has a tendency not to solve a problem, but to evade its solution.

Sometimes we do not think at all about the meaning of our dreams. We forget or simply do not pay attention to symbols and signs that warn us of imminent happiness or unexpected failure. It is worth being more attentive to this voice of the unconscious - sometimes it says a lot of useful things.

Anything can dream, so we simply consider many dreams to be stupidity or a joke of our brain. In fact, there is a sacred meaning in visions. For example, a dream associated with a walk down the street may seem completely banal and not foreshadowing, and we do not even know what meaning it carries.

Walking barefoot in visions means that you have inner strength and energy. Many esotericists and some scientists recommend walking without shoes both on the ground and on the floor at home in order to restore your energy. And a dream in which you walk barefoot predicts many interesting events.

Let's start analyzing what dreams of walking barefoot. If you find yourself without, then the dream book interprets this as a support in life on yourself and your own strength, as well as as your connection with the world around you.

Pay attention to the subtleties and plot of the dream, to its both obvious and hidden meaning.

  • Who wandered?
  • On asphalt or ice?
  • How did you feel?

Who roamed where?

If you dreamed that you walked with bare feet, it means that harmony and peace await you. You will become more fortunate and accomplish a lot as soon as you begin to manage your emotions and assess the situation soberly. Remember, the more calm you have, the further you can go.

Seeing your friend walking without shoes means that he is on the right path. Soon, his affairs will skyrocket. Be happy for him, and he will answer you with support, but if envy swallows you, then your friendship will come to an end.

If in a vision unfamiliar people wandered around with bare feet, then this indicates imminent changes in your life. You will get to know resourceful and energetically charged people, which will improve the quality of your life significantly.

Walking on thin ice in a dream and seeing how from every step you take it is covered with a cobweb of cracks means that you feel insecure in yourself and your strengths. You have gone too far and are now experiencing fear and anxiety. Do not worry, just go through your fears - and then faith in yourself will return to you.

Also, running on ice means that you are a risky person and are not afraid to lose. Sliding bare feet on thick ice is a quick solution to all your difficulties and problems. Walking in a dream on the ice, and then falling under the ice - the Eastern dream book connects this with the fact that the business you are starting is risky.

Walking on hot asphalt - to the heat in your relationship with your spouse. You need to pay more attention to your family and less to your work. Also, walking without shoes on the asphalt means that you are not moving fast enough towards your goal, you tend to be lazy and miss out on good opportunities.

Walking barefoot in the mud means that you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation, where you literally have to listen to very unpleasant things. Running through the mud means that all your attempts to escape from your negative sides are meaningless: until you understand that a person should have both black and white, you will not advance further.

Finding yourself outside the city and wandering the earth, plunging your feet into a black scattering, means that you will find your source of energy. Also, walking barefoot on the ground means that you have practically found your calling, and you just need to start moving in the chosen direction.

If you dreamed of how you were walking along, then this is a very good sign - it means that everything will work out for you and good luck is in your favor. Walking on grassy ground is a symbol of your connection to the world. Walking barefoot down the street in front of other people means that you are a fearless person. Also, walks on the street portend many unexpected meetings.

How did you feel?

Getting excited about running through the mud means that even if you find yourself in a difficult situation, you will not lose your presence of mind and sense of humor. But to be indignant at the dirt on your feet means that you are not ready to accept yourself as you really are.

  • Being overwhelmed by a walk on the water means you are ready for new discoveries.
  • But if you still have unpleasant sensations from being in the water, it means that you will not be able to accept new knowledge yet.
  • Being scared walking on water means that you are afraid of your inner world.

Feeling strength and vigor, walking with your feet on the ground, means that these feelings will now always be with you. You should walk barefoot and in reality to keep your energy normal.

Walking barefoot is a powerful charge of positive emotions. Even if you did it in a dream, the next morning you will wake up refreshed and rested. Therefore, the question of why one dreams of walking without shoes, we declare closed.

Find out from the online dream book what the dream of Go is about by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreter authors.

Walking in a dream: interpretation from 100 dream books

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What is the dream of Going for and what does it mean:

A dream about walking - Walking in a swamp in a dream - to trouble, walking on water - to unexpected joy, through the forest - to a quarrel, across the field - to gossip. If you walk fast in a dream, it means that obstacles await you, very slowly - beware of wasting time that you will have to regret, harm from being late, the possible end of love happiness.

Seeing yourself walking knee-deep in mud - to profit, sadness, knee-deep in water - to joy. Turn back - to loss. If in a dream you walk in a circle, it means that in reality you can meet an old acquaintance.

Walking with a heavy burden in a dream is a sign that your work will be well paid. A ditch in your path is a harbinger that obstacles and irritation await you. A deep moat dreams of unhappiness, but if it is overcome, success awaits you after misfortunes and failures. Many holes in your path mean worries, longing. Shaft, to see the embankment in front of you - to difficulty, to go over it - to overcome obstacles, to fall through it - it means that your work may be in vain. The one who walks on water in a dream can soon expect wealth and fame.

Idiomatic dream book

Go to what dreams

  • Go - "Avoid sharp corners" - avoid conflicts, move in harmony with others;
  • "Go around or go around an obstacle." “Go to the panel” - prostitution, despair, poverty, despair, greed (“easy money”).
  • “Going through fire, water and copper pipes” is a difficult experience, gaining authority.
  • "To follow on the heels" - to chase, repeat someone's experience;
  • "Fuck you ..." (curse). "Go out the back door" - hide, be unrecognizable.
  • “To walk from hand to hand” - prevalence, prevalence.
  • "Going sideways" - harm from the consequences of the act.
  • "Go far" - the irreversibility of the situation;
  • “To go far” or “far-reaching intentions” are great successes, ambitions.
  • “Not even give a step to step” is a strong restriction.
  • "Crawl on all fours" - submit, humiliate yourself.
  • "Trample someone" - to deprive place, dignity.
  • dreamed of "marking time" - to be inactive, to procrastinate or to act in vain.
  • "Step by step" - slowness, gradualness, moderation.
  • "To be led by" - dependence on someone else's influence, subordination.
  • "Walking on its hind legs" - humiliation, curry favor.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

How does the dream book Go interpret?

Dream about walking - Go fast - obstacles; on the grass - betrayal of a friend, difficulties; in the swamp - other people's squabbles; in the company of friends - the unfaithfulness of the wife; to bypass something - a change of position.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation Go out of your dream

Dream about walking - Go - Period of life, the course of current affairs (based on the nature of the movement, road, place ...).

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To have a dream about Go, what does it mean?

Dreams about walking - Walking alone along the road or trail - you pull the usual burden of everyday worries. Can you arrange a vacation for yourself?

Walk alone through a field, forest, labyrinth - you are entangled in some problem. Ask a reputable person for advice. I dreamed of walking across the bridge to the end of the plan. It will bring you success. Walk in a crowd - no one understands you. Take a closer look at your surroundings. Someone you have not counted on before can support you. Walking together three of us - you have a task for which composure is required. Luck is likely. Mobilize your efforts.

Esoteric dream book

Walk in a dream:

Dream about walking - Go Fast - to overcome obstacles. Legs are braided - for many years, for a long fruitful life. Slowly, stomping - fast progress towards the goal.

Modern dream book


Dream about walking - Walking slowly and with difficulty - Humiliation, poverty, illness.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918.

Why dream of Go

Go on the attack - If your ardent imagination in a dream imagined a picture when one ship came close to another and a hand-to-hand fight began between the people on them, this promises you some kind of adventure in a new company, where you will be easily accepted, but from where later very it will be difficult to break free.

If you imagined that you were among the passengers of the attacked ship and you were attacked by pirates, as they are usually portrayed in the movies, therefore, you are guaranteed new sexual experiences, which there is no point in resisting - your stamina will be broken one way or another.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridiana

What did they dream about Going

Walking is a symbol of change, the hard work that a person does every day. Therefore, a dream in which you are walking somewhere should be interpreted depending on the pace of walking and on the route you are moving.

  • Walking knee-deep in mud - unpleasant situations and gossip await in the future, which you, however, will be able to overcome, having gained invaluable experience.
  • Walking slowly in a dream - This is a sign of uncertainty about the goals that you want to achieve. You want to postpone the onset of an event.
  • A person who moves at a fast pace in a dream may face unexpected obstacles in reality.
  • Walking quickly in a dream is an obstacle.
  • Walking on the grass is a betrayal of a friend, difficulties.
  • Dreaming of bypassing something is a change.
  • Going towards a person is a bad state of affairs.

Psychological interpreter of Furtsev

Dream about walking - The dreaming of walking on foot is associated with a lot of stable expressions, which psychological interpreters interpret literally.

  • Bypassing sharp corners - in reality, you will be able to avoid a conflict situation.
  • Follow on your heels - repeat someone's experience, even sad.
  • It is considered an unfavorable sign if you dream of walking on the grass. Then you should be afraid of the betrayal of a loved one.
  • Anyone who dreamed that he was leaving through the back door would have to hide his wrongdoings.
  • Walking alone along the road or trail - you are carrying the usual burden of everyday worries. Can you arrange a vacation for yourself?
  • Walk alone through a field, forest, labyrinth - you are entangled in some problem. Ask a reputable person for advice.
  • Go across the bridge - Complete your plan. It will bring you success.
  • Walk in a crowd - no one understands you. Take a closer look at your surroundings. Someone you have not counted on before can support you.
  • Walking together or three together - you have a task for which you need concentration. Luck is likely. Mobilize your efforts.

Romantic dream book

Dreaming about walking

  • Dream of walking - A married man who dreamed of a procession surrounded by friends needs to be wary of betrayal on the part of his wife.
  • A dreamy leisurely walk means that you are missing some important moment in life. Delay can cost the lover the loss of happiness.
  • If one of the spouses dreamed of a road with many holes and obstacles, then in reality this means difficulties in the family, as well as the illness of someone from the family.
  • A deep moat promises misfortune and strife. But if you manage to overcome it, then after a series of quarrels, great joy awaits you.
  • A young girl to walk through a blooming field - to a meeting with a man who will surround her with love.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation: Go:

  • Dream about walking - Going forward - Obstacles are surmountable. Imagine that it is easy and joyful for you. At the end of your road, a place where people are waiting for you, where you are welcome.
  • Go hurriedly and quickly - in reality, an obstacle will arise in your way; have to stop; use the moment - look around, decide, outline the milestones on the way.
  • A young woman sees herself walking fast in a dream - this woman will have a great inheritance.
  • Walk slowly through the beautiful area, admire the scenery - soon you will become the owner of a large fortune.
  • Walking on tall grass - you have some difficulties ahead; perhaps they are due to the fact that the person you relied on will cheat on you and pass on important information to the competitors' camp.
  • You make your way through thorns, thorns cling to your clothes - your affairs will be difficult to progress; you will give and face ingratitude; you will ask and face cold indifference; your actions will have a completely different effect than you expected; you will not be able to impress people the way you want.
  • In a dream, you dreamed of walking through a swamp and with difficulty pulling your legs out of the bog - other people's quarrels interfere with your common cause; they also want to drag you into these quarrels; at the cost of great effort, you will be able to stay on the sidelines.
  • Going somewhere in complete darkness, your heart sinks from fear that you will step into a hole, into an abyss - in reality, you are unlikely to be able to avoid misfortune.

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

If you dreamed of walking barefoot, then a loss awaits you.

If you walk in boots in a dream, then you will have a profit.

Walking in a dream in shoes - you will have a drawback.

See also: why do shoes dream, why do you dream about running, why do you dream about legs.

Dream interpretation of A. Vasiliev

What is the dream of walking?

If you dreamed about how you walk barefoot in the mud, then incredible rumors are spreading about you.

Big dream book

If you dream of Walking, what is it for:

Walk, leave - If you dreamed of people walking winding paths, then get ready for the fact that complications may arise in your affairs. A series of unpleasant misunderstandings will cause coldness and indifference in your relationships with others.

If in a dream you walked on foot in a pleasant area, then for sure you will soon get rich, and everything will turn out well for you.

Seeing that you were going somewhere at night - then you will have a futile struggle for well-being.

If a young woman dreamed that she was going somewhere quickly, then she will inherit property and achieve mutual feelings from the man with whom she is passionately in love.

Lunar dream book

Go to what dreams:

Walking (barefoot in the mud) is a shame, incredible rumors are spreading about you. Mercury.

Dream interpretation of I. Ermakova

Why dream of Walking, the meaning of sleep:

Walking at night is a sign of anticipating boredom and longing.

The oldest dream book

Interpretation of what you dream of walking:

Walking on stilts means illness, or a delay in a foreign land. Soybean offender promises arrest. Walking on water is a good sign for those going on a water trip and intending to get married, as well as for those who are in litigation.

A soybean boy promises the love of a woman of free behavior, a woman - that she will become such. For statesmen and leaders of the people, soybeans promise wealth and glory.

Dream interpretation of the signs of the zodiac

Why dream of Walking in a dream book:

Walking on the mirror floor is a signal that you are misinterpreting the hints that your intuition has been sending you for a long time. Walking in boots with untied laces in a dream means the danger of being bankrupt or owing a large amount of money to people who are extremely dangerous to contact.

Loff's dream book

Why dream of Walking in a dream book:

Walking, leaving - in a dream, if you are trying to get away from some life situations, such a dream can tell you a solution to the problem. Most likely, you already have several options for solving the problem, the dream will tell you which one to choose. Leaving family - you want to take a break from your loved ones. This does not mean discreet withdrawal from them, but simply relaxation away, perhaps setting new priorities.

Dream interpretation of O. Smurova

What do they dream about and what does it mean to Walk:

Seeing that you are walking - this predicts an illness for you.

If a criminal dreamed of walking, then this promises him severe punishment for his crimes.

Big dream book

Why dream of Walking - dream analysis:

Why dream of Walking - interpretation of sleep:

Seeing that you walk in heels - then for some reason you consider yourself a very non-sexual person. In fact, this is not at all the case, your partners have the highest opinion of you.

Dream interpretation for girls

Why dream of Walking in a dream book:

If you dreamed about how you walked on stilts, this indicates that in ordinary life you have often wishful thinking.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

If you dream of Walking, what is it for:

Walking on large stilts: a) balancing in business between success and failure; b) get into a very precarious position.

If the stilts break and you fall, trouble is coming due to the fact that you entrust the business to strangers.

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