Home Flowers Why do you dream about cockroaches? Live, red, black and large cockroaches in a dream. Why does a woman dream of cockroaches? Why does a woman dream of one medium-sized cockroach?

Why do you dream about cockroaches? Live, red, black and large cockroaches in a dream. Why does a woman dream of cockroaches? Why does a woman dream of one medium-sized cockroach?

The most general definition of the meaning of such dreams has a favorable meaning. Most dream books that do not go into detail indicate that a cockroach dreams of money (often unexpected), general good luck in upcoming events, or good (again unexpected) news. It should also be noted that cockroaches in a dream can also mean their banal presence in your apartment, if this is really the case, then it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with specific methods of dealing with them and the only one that ensures their destruction with a Guarantee -.

At the same time, such dreams very often have nothing to do with a person’s real life., many of us, before the appearance of cockroaches in everything, saw them only in pictures. Therefore, such a game of our subconscious arouses keen interest. In this article we have collected the most complete information on the topic of why cockroaches are dreamed of in various situations. All variations are based on long-tested and well-proven dream books, so you can easily find an interpretation of dreams about cockroaches that is suitable for your specific case- whether you are a man or a woman, and the insect you dreamed of is red, black or any other color, large or small, flying or crawling, alive or not, alone or in the company of spiders, beetles and bedbugs, whether there are many of them in the dream or few. Also separately described are cases when in a dream you have to catch, crush, poison or kill cockroaches, as well as why they are dreamed of in an apartment, house or on a person’s body.

Why do you dream about live cockroaches?

Note that most people who see cockroaches in a dream indicate that the cockroaches were alive. The interpretation of such dreams suggests that the person who dreams live cockroaches, there will be new interesting things to do at work, financial benefits if a person is engaged in business, happy news from family and friends and new pleasant acquaintances, however, without any special prospects for establishing close, long-term relationships.

But if cockroaches in a dream are not only alive, but there are still many of them, then dream books interpret this as the imminent appearance of global changes in a person’s life - the appearance of children, a change in sphere of activity, place of residence, or even marital status. Many live cockroaches also dream of long and close trips that a person does not plan in advance. If, at the same time, cockroaches are small, then it’s worth remembering recently received instructions (from management) or new tasks; perhaps you did not attach due importance to them and now they require your increased attention. And here large live cockroaches dream of winning the lottery or an unexpected return of an old debt that you might have even forgotten about.

Why does a woman dream of cockroaches?

If cockroaches appeared in a woman’s dream, then you should forget about the previously described interpretations of dreams. Most dream books classify such dreams into separate groups, which is perhaps not surprising, given how emotionally and psychologically women differ from men.

So, A woman dreams of cockroaches, if some changes are coming in her personal life. This probability is especially high if there are a lot of insects in a dream. Most often, such a dream means a pleasant acquaintance with the opposite sex, while the woman’s current marital status does not play a role - you yourself will decide whether the meeting will remain a fleeting incident in life, or will develop into something serious. However, keep in mind that if in a dream, a woman appears one big cockroach, then a love adventure can only have serious consequences, so be careful and decide in advance how much you need it. But when a girl dreams of a cockroach young age, she should take a closer look at her new acquaintance; perhaps his intentions are not serious, and his courtship is not sincere.

Married and (or) pregnant woman A cockroach at home also dreams of upcoming household chores associated with receiving guests, organizing a holiday or celebration, as well as the upcoming implementation of a significant number of purchases, including for a child. Red color of a cockroach in a dream, at the same time, means that the troubles will be pleasant and will end happily.

Why do you dream about live cockroaches in an apartment? ?

Live cockroaches in the apartment dream of the economic well-being of a person or his entire family (if there is one). There is a particularly high probability that what you see in a dream will come true if you dream of live cockroaches crawling into your apartment (house). And the size of this well-being directly depends on the number of insects - if I dream about a lot of cockroaches in the apartment, then the difference with the current situation will be especially great. Note that this variation of sleep should not be confused with any other, in which insects, in principle, are also in your home. The emotional emphasis here should be placed on the fact that in a dream cockroaches are in your apartment (house), and not on other factors.

Cockroaches in the apartment and, at the same time, in the bed (bed) in a dream means an improvement only in your personal financial situation; nothing should change for family, friends and relatives.

The opinion of dream books and their interpretation of dreams differs sharply if In a dream you saw cockroaches on the human body - head, hair, arms, legs and so on. Then cockroaches dream of health problems, but do not be alarmed, with careful attention to your body and correct (with our help) interpretation of dreams, they will be insignificant and will be quickly resolved.

Why do you dream about big cockroaches? ?

In a dream, these pests can be of any size - they dream about how just big cockroaches, so huge. The interpretation of dreams, in this case, is very different in different dream books. Some say that large cockroaches in a dream foretell the appearance of influential ill-wishers who can cause harm both in your personal life and in your professional activities. And others, on the contrary, predict that the dreamer will achieve significant success, and the larger the cockroach in the dream, the greater the future achievement.

Sometimes, however, I dream cockroaches are small or even very small. Then the dream book advises you to pay attention to the activity of these insects; if small cockroaches quickly move in one direction, then expect to get rich quickly, but if small pests settle in a dream and scatter in different directions, then you should be more attentive to your own spending, otherwise your financial situation may change for the worse.

Special opinion about large (huge) cockroaches in a dream from an esoteric dream book, which tells that they are dreamed of if you have accumulated a lot of unnecessary property at home (in common parlance - junk), from which it would be good to quickly get rid of it.

Why do you dream of crushing cockroaches?

In order to correctly interpret the meaning of your actions in a dream in relation to cockroaches, you need to find out the nuances of human behavior that will significantly influence the interpretation of dreams.

Squashing cockroaches in a dream you dream about the successful completion of some business that you have been doing for a long time and to which you devoted a lot of time; in the case of a dream for entrepreneurs, this may mean the successful completion of a business or transaction. Please note that crushing these insects in a dream means carrying out the action itself, without reference to its result, and the emotional coloring of the dream is positive for the sleeper. And here crush one cockroach(action completed) dreams of meeting with an old acquaintance.

Kill cockroaches in a dream can mean imminent changes in the service. And here the determining role is also played by whether you do it with disgust or not. In the first case, kill them, means to expect negative events at work, but in the second, on the contrary, such actions dream of moving up the career ladder.

Poison cockroaches dreams of little pleasant news, and if a person is currently sick, then of a quick end to the illness. Also, such actions in a dream may mean the unexpected arrival of guests or distant relatives.

What stands apart is a dream in which a person happens kill a big cockroach. The interpretation of dreams in this situation comes down to the fact that a person should interrupt current affairs for a while (not force events), which may not turn out quite well, and rest, after which everything will end happily.

Why do you dream of red or black cockroaches?

Interestingly, these two colors of these mustachioed pests are most common in dreams. And the meaning of the dream, at the same time, can differ significantly.

Red cockroaches dreamed if you are facing negotiations or the implementation of certain agreements (at any level, including household ones). The red color signals that not all of your partners’ promises should be trusted. Big redheads cockroaches even mean that any assurances from these people should be treated with skepticism.

Black cockroaches in a dream may mean approaching problems with your close circle, and their occurrence will be provoked not by your actions, but by the negative attitude of these people towards you, which they hid for a long time. Wherein, big black cockroaches dream of a warning that the deterioration of these relations will occur abruptly and irrevocably.

Unusual variants of cockroaches and their colors in a dream - white, Madagascar, stasik, flying, may mean that the person or people who have recently appeared in your life are far from being what they seem at first glance and you should take a closer look at them before letting them in closer to you.

Why do you dream about cockroaches, spiders, beetles, bedbugs and other insects?

A person who sees in a dream not only cockroaches, but also any other unpleasant insects - spiders, beetles, bedbugs, ants, lice, flies or mice with rats - experiences extremely negative emotions and premonitions associated with the negative image of all of these creatures. However, Most dream books give a fairly positive interpretation of such dreams.

Cockroaches and spiders in a dream, for example, they mean the approach of emotional attachment, perhaps even love;

Cockroach and bugs dream if you should pay attention to creative activities, both in terms of hobbies and as a professional activity;

Dreams where they are present cockroaches and bedbugs portend a bonus at work, or a cash gift from loved ones;

Cockroach, in the company of ants, lice, flies or bees dreams of the successful completion of a business that you have long given up on due to its futility;

Only cockroaches and rodents (mice or rats) when interpreting dreams, they usually mean minor troubles at work.

So, we tried to give the most complete and accurate interpretations of dreams in which cockroaches are present. And in conclusion, let’s say that you shouldn’t forget that everyone chooses for themselves whether to believe dream books or not, and can use the acquired knowledge both to their detriment and to their benefit! Don't let your dreams determine your real life.

P.S. And the most popular dream about cockroaches (according to research) is a dream in which a woman dreams of a live red-colored cockroach (often in company with a spider), which she tries to crush.

The Prussians themselves, appearing in our night visions, are a good sign. They portend financial profit and good luck in all areas of life. But a detailed interpretation suitable for each individual dreamer will depend on how the large cockroaches behaved in the dream:

  • If they crawled along the ceiling and walls, the dream foreshadows fame and success, which the dreamer will achieve through his own efforts;
  • Cockroaches eating scraps from a plate promise significant profits in the foreseeable future;
  • A large Prussian who died after eating poison foretells victory in a discussion or competition;
  • A strange dream in which large cockroaches danced to music promises a visit from long-awaited guests;
  • A cockroach flying around the apartment portends good news about someone from your circle.

Also, dreams involving large cockroaches can foreshadow other pleasant events. If you saw this unpleasant image in your night vision, you can expect a quick return of old debts. It is also possible that in the foreseeable future you will become the owner of an impressive inheritance.

Interpretation based on the color of a dreamed Prussian

If the cockroaches you dreamed of were not just big, but truly huge, and had a black color, you should be vigilant and careful, because a conspiracy is being prepared against you among influential people.

If the same huge Prussians were painted red, in real life there are selfish intriguers among your circle who want to gain your trust in order to receive some benefit. You should be wary of deception and gossip.

Interpretation for interaction with cockroaches

In many ways, the interpretation of night vision depends on what emotions the sleeping person experienced towards the object of the dream. If you experienced indescribable disgust and other negative emotions in front of large cockroaches in your dream, this is a favorable omen. In the foreseeable future, good luck will accompany you, and success awaits you in business and endeavors.

An attempt to catch a Prussian symbolizes the desire for peace, harmony and prosperity between family members. The dreamer who has observed such a night picture makes every effort to achieve the desired harmony.

A night vision in which a sleeping person poisons these pests using various insecticides is a warning. Such a dream encourages you to think about your activities - perhaps you should abandon some of the started or planned activities. There is a risk of a dark streak and unfulfilled hopes if you do not spend the evening analyzing the situation.

A dream in which you happened to kill a cockroach portends changes in your professional activities. In the near future, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your main talents as effectively as possible. If the Prussian was crushed by the dreamer by accident, you should expect good news or a meeting with a relative or friend.

The most unpleasant dreams

A dream in which a cockroach falls on the head of a sleeping person evokes a strong feeling of disgust. However, you should not be scared or worried, since in fact this is a favorable omen. Such a dream promises the fulfillment of a cherished dream, and in the shortest possible time. In this case, a large cockroach falling on your head indicates that a bold and serious dream will come true. If a huge number of cockroaches fall on you, the situation is even better. You can safely expect real gifts of fate.

However, a night vision in which a large Prussian dog crawls across your body does not have such a positive interpretation. It foreshadows the emergence of a dangerous situation for you or even a real threat. You should exercise extreme caution, refraining from dubious meetings and interactions with unreliable people, not entering into conflicts and monitoring the condition of your body.

A dream in which large cockroaches filled the entire apartment, leaving no free space, has a positive interpretation - it foreshadows the onset of a bright streak in life that will last long enough for the dreamer to enjoy it and take a break from difficulties.

Aesop's Dream Book

According to the interpretation given by this dream book, large cockroaches dream of something bad. If a large cockroach in a dream attacks a sleeping person, in real life he will have to fight for the happiness of his family. Large black cockroaches speak of gossip and intrigue spreading around the dreamer, while white cockroaches speak of deception and lies.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

According to this dream book, cockroaches themselves portend making a profit or winning the lottery, but if you see them in your food, in real life you will suffer from envy. Moreover, it is unknown whether someone will envy you, or whether this unpleasant feeling will overwhelm you.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

As this dream book says, dreaming of cockroaches represents an unreasonable waste of time. In real life, the dreamer who observed them in a dream will pay too much attention to unpromising projects or think too much about things that do not deserve it.

Dreams are not so easy to solve. Symbols and signs cannot be interpreted unambiguously. Many of them carry deep meaning. Often in this way the subconscious tries to convey something to a person. Special books (dream books) know why a woman dreams of cockroaches that run around or there are a lot of them.

general information

Subconsciously, people disdain insects. In the apartment they become a source of infection and infectious diseases. The interpretation of a dream depends on many details.


Cockroaches are most often associated with guests and money.

A large number of individuals in a dream indicate that a woman will meet her beloved friends and have a pleasant time in their company. Perhaps old contacts will be restored.

In material terms, insects portend:

  • receiving a bonus;
  • career growth;
  • salary increase;
  • success in business.

Some sensitive people are particularly frightened by the abundance of cockroaches in their dreams. But the more there are, the stronger fate will bestow upon the dreamer. Gifts, money, and other benefits will fall into her hands.

All details must be taken into account when interpreting. If there are a lot of cockroaches, then a person will receive a pleasant increase in income. When insects rush into loose debris, this indicates the need to handle money carefully. It might be worth using them sparingly.

In a dream, a woman sees insects running all over her - this means meeting an interesting man who will soon become her husband. If a lady is already dating someone, cockroaches portend separation.

Some features

In any dream, details are important. Large cockroaches (exotic species) do not bode well. If an individual bites the dreamer and she feels pain, then this means an immediate need to fight for a place in the world. Trouble can affect close people and relatives.


Large cockroaches sometimes promise a meeting with a wealthy man.

In some dream books you can find an interpretation - large insects directly symbolize the dreamer’s inner fears. Experiences and problems do not give rest and pour out in this form. This sign means a quick solution to the problem.

Red cockroaches running along the walls symbolize empty talk and useless vows, empty words that will not be fulfilled. The signs recommend that a woman not tell others about her intentions, not reveal her goals and paths to them.


Don't expect help from those around you. Believe in yourself first and foremost. Rely on and rely on your strengths.

An overwhelming number of cockroaches crawling on your hands and hair means a sudden influx of money. The number of insects will indicate the size of the profit.

Sometimes mustachioed pests carry various warnings. For example, they symbolize a bad conscience. Often they can talk about a woman who deceived someone or intentionally treated him badly. Insects can be the embodiment of the fact that money was obtained fraudulently.

Black cockroaches mean that there is an unscrupulous person around the dreamer. He weaves intrigues, spreads gossip and plots against a woman. Perhaps influential people are thinking about something unkind. In rare cases, insects mean people need to be wary. Otherwise, expect negative situations that may not bring the best results.


In some dream books there is an interpretation that the destruction of insects is due to the fact that a person is afraid of something or someone.

Sometimes a woman seeks not to kill, but to catch a cockroach. This symbolizes that she strives to find peace in the family and wants to maintain the relationship. Sometimes this indicates the presence of a goal that one wants to achieve at any cost. Therefore, if you manage to grab a cockroach, your wish will come true.

If there are an abundance of insects running around the table and the dreamer is trying to catch them, then soon her superiors will appreciate her merits and reward her with a bonus or promotion.

Various dream books

Famous psychologists and esotericists interpret certain symbols and signs in their own way. Miller sees cockroaches as only positive things. According to him, they indicate that there is nothing to worry about. In the near future, a woman’s life will improve and change for the better.

The author believes that subconsciously the person was worried about a certain difficult situation or misfortune. In the near future it will be resolved in the most positive way. In any case, the woman remains the mistress of the situation and everything depends only on her. Any situation can be changed in the desired direction. The main thing is to act.

According to Vanga’s dream book, cockroaches bring:

  • troubles;
  • vanity;
  • troubles.

These are not global problems, but they still bring some discomfort. Over time, you will be able to overcome them. Insects climbing up the wall to the ceiling promise unexpected income. If they crawl from the ceiling to the floor, there will be money, but not much.

In the works of Astromeridian one can find references to the fact that living and dead cockroaches dream of good events. Most likely you will be able to change your place of residence. In some cases, a large number of insects that crawl in different directions indicates that gossip is spreading around a person.

Live cockroaches in the house bring prosperity and good luck. They may indicate visits from dear guests with generous gifts.

The dreamer strives with all her might to find out the essence of certain phenomena, although this will not bring any effects. Hordes of cockroaches indicate a secret enemy. In some cases, this is a subconscious fear of losing something important, although you can relax and enjoy life.

Russian and literary dream book

Each nation has its own characteristics of perception of certain phenomena. Cockroaches can indicate uncleanliness and sloppiness. Seeing a large number of insects means getting quarrels and conflicts.


If an insect fell on the dreamer, then she needs to expect unexpected troubles

In the case when a woman sees herself working as an insect exterminator in a special company, this means that she will not have to be afraid of enemies. They will be more than punished by fate. You don't have to put in any effort to do this.

Sometimes poisoning pests means the appearance of an intrusive acquaintance. Getting rid of his attention is not so easy.

When a woman catches insects herself and succeeds, she will soon make a profit. If a married couple dreams of this, they should stop implementing their plans for a while, as they will not be successful.

Modern version

Some views on esotericism undergo changes over time. A large number of insects dreams of prosperity and a comfortable old age. In the near future the person will move or change his place of work.

For an accurate interpretation, it is not enough to simply read dream books. It is important to focus on personal associations and emotions. Thus, many symbols are associated with real events. It is advisable to record the dream you have in a special diary, since the details will fade over time.

Why do you dream about a lot of live cockroaches?

There are many signs in dreams that you should pay attention to. If a woman dreams that insects are tangled in her hair, you need to change your appearance, and it’s better to do this in a coordinated way.

If cockroaches swim in the water, this indicates minor troubles. You shouldn't be afraid of them. Because you can overcome all obstacles.

Many cockroaches in a clothing pocket indicate gifts.

Big cockroach in dreams

If you are bitten by a huge cockroach in the arms of Morpheus, this is a warning about defending your opinion. It is also possible to meet with a powerful representative of the stronger sex, with whom you will strike up a love union.

The unnatural color of an insect is a positive indicator indicating outside help.

What Miller and Vanga's dream books say

According to the most popular dream books, a cockroach indicates the resolution of difficult situations. If you see yourself among a large number of Prussians, then this is a difficult stage. A dream in which you eat an insect as food will indicate bad habits.

According to Vanga, a single cockroach is not a very good symbol. If he crawls on you - an awkward moment. A lot of Prussians symbolizes something positive. For example, material profit.

This night vision can hardly be called pleasant. Any person will experience a feeling of extreme disgust and bewilderment after it. Some people might even consider it nightmarish. However, many interpretations indicate that the appearance of such insects is most often a good omen.

But in order to understand exactly what numerous living arthropods look like, it is necessary to turn to various collections. Each of them gives its own unique meaning depending on the smallest details.

Why do you dream about a lot of live cockroaches: interpretation of the dream

If a person dreams of a lot of cockroaches, he usually wakes up unpleasantly surprised by such a sight. But a very large number of these insects most often foreshadows some kind of material benefits.

A particularly repulsive impression remains if in the nightmare there were many cockroaches on the body of the sleeper. Why dream of such horror? It turns out that the person has been dissatisfied with himself for a long time. He needs to dare to make important changes in his life.

When he sees insects running around the bathroom, a lot of worries and fuss await him. They will not bring misfortune, but will take a lot of effort and time.

Seeing a lot of cockroaches in a dream: meaning for a woman

The dream book also takes into account how any representative of the fairer sex usually reacts to such an unpleasant vision. Almost every girl can be scared by cockroaches, especially if there are a lot of them. Therefore, you should choose the most important interpretation of such a symbol in order to calm down and cheer up.

  1. When these insects appeared to a woman in a nightmare, financial well-being awaited her.
  2. She is trying to catch them - such a sign signals that her relationship with her loved ones has gone wrong. The subconscious mind tells you that you need to have a heart-to-heart talk and find a common language.
  3. Sometimes a woman sees how many cockroaches scatter in different directions in a dream and experiences a feeling of helplessness. What does such a signal most often mean? As a rule, a large burden of everyday worries awaits her. They will greatly exhaust the owner of the house mentally and physically.
  4. If the insects are sitting and are not going to hide from view, then the lady will be promoted.
  5. If she nevertheless caught an unpleasant individual, then her ideas will be fully realized.

Interpretation of sleep depending on details

In order to explain the vision in the best possible way, it is advisable to remember all its significant and even minor details.

It is also necessary to try to understand why cockroaches dream when they attack a person. A dream when you see a lot of insects warns: someone is trying to push him or her out of the family or from work. Sometimes the effect of a sign concerns not themselves, but relatives.

If the Prussians are running around, then some kind of fraud is afoot. It will be very difficult to resist him. Therefore, it is better to be careful in advance. If trouble happens, it will be difficult to correct the situation.

The dreamer's actions

It is equally important to remember what the person did in this nightmare obsession.

The size of insects also becomes important. It is necessary to clarify whether a person dreamed of many large or small cockroaches.

A lot of large cockroaches disappeared to God knows where right before our eyes, why do we dream about this feature of their behavior? It means that troubles will soon subside.

You should also clarify what you dream of about many small cockroaches. If a large number of tiny insects appear, then the person will soon receive a lucrative offer. It must be accepted, since a new chance will not present itself.

Location of insects

It would also be useful to remember where the cockroaches were and what their location means. It is of considerable importance. Seeing a lot of cockroaches in a container in a dream becomes a good omen. It promises to receive a large sum of money or win the lottery. However, the limited movement of insects indicates that it is better to put aside money and not spend it on trifles.

When you dream of a lot of cockroaches in the kitchen crawling on the wall or touching food, it foretells a promotion and an increase in salary.

Many insects running around the table indicate that if a person is trying to achieve his goals, then he has a difficult path ahead of him.

Why do you dream of a swarm of cockroaches when they crawl on the stove or sink? The award is expected to be presented. They cover the walls - the amount will be insignificant. They disappeared from sight - the prize would go to someone else.

Attention! If insects climb into the bed, the person will be disgraced.

Other dream options and their interpretation

In conclusion, we should tell you how specific collections cover this issue:

It is necessary to study in great detail why cockroaches are dreamed of when there are many of them and they are alive. The most common meaning of a vision is the motive of gaining great material wealth or fulfilling desires. Very rarely does this unpleasant picture foreshadow something bad in reality.

The sight of a cockroach crawling along the floor or wall of a room immediately suggests unsanitary conditions. Although the insect is not large and a person can easily deal with it, its mere presence in the house characterizes the owner as a sloppy person. This is why cockroach control products are as popular as the companies that rid your home of them.

Since people don’t like Prussians in reality, most people don’t consider sleeping with them successful either. Dream books give conflicting answers to the question of why cockroaches dream. There are many interpretations of dreams. Each is quite logical and is based on centuries-old observations of the relationship between night dreams and future events.

The most common modern decoding is encountering difficulties, unpleasant troubles and discovering a dishonest person in your circle of acquaintances. Some dream interpreters refer to health problems or overwork of the body.

The ancient Slavs, on the contrary, rejoiced at such a dream. The image of a cockroach was associated with prosperity and comfort in the home, as well as the ability to successfully resolve complex issues. After sleeping with a large insect, the girls were expecting new clothes and gifts.

Interpretations of sleep in different dream books

An explanation of why you dreamed of cockroaches and what events this dream will bring can be found in the famous works of clairvoyants and psychologists. Their interpretations take into account all the details of the dream: the color and size of insects, the number of Prussians and their actions in relation to a person and his home.

According to Miller

The main meaning of the presence of cockroaches in a dream, according to the dream book of psychologist Gustav Miller, is accumulated difficulties and problems that should be dealt with immediately. The sleeper will certainly emerge victorious and change his life for the better.

A cockroach falling into a plate foreshadows minor squabbles in the near future. They concern only the dreamer himself, and he will try to hide them from his friends.

If insects are swallowed along with food, the dream no longer shows minor problems, but the secret vices of the person who saw the dream. He is afraid that they will find out about them, and the unpleasant dream demonstrates his fear and confusion.

According to Vanga

The clairvoyant Vanga did not like it when the image of animals or insects appeared too clearly in dreams. She believed that their presence betrayed the primitive, rude thoughts of the sleeper or promised unkind events in the future.

If there is only one pest, there is a chance that the family will turn away from the dreamer in a difficult situation. A lot of cockroaches, in her opinion, will bring empty worries and troubles.

In a similar way, she explained why she dreams of red, live Prussians crawling under her feet. Sleep will bring nothing but gossip and unnecessary conversations. To avoid disruption of your plans, you should behave more modestly and be less frank with colleagues and acquaintances.

Black cockroaches, together with spiders, represent powerful ill-wishers who are intriguing against the sleeper. White insects reflect the intentions of hypocrites to interfere in the dreamer's life.

A dream with a large cockroach crawling up the wall has a positive meaning. He promises good profits. A dream about catching running insects has a similar meaning.

A giant cockroach, in the dream book of an astrologer and seer, marks a win in a gambling game. It’s worth trying your luck in the next few days before bedtime. The insect also represents an assistant who is able to participate in the dreamer’s fate, which will lead to an improvement in the latter’s financial situation. Most likely, it will be a guest who suddenly arrives.

Cockroaches swimming in food demonstrate a large number of gossips and envious people who wish the sleeper to lose good luck. By reducing communication with unnecessary people, you will be able to protect yourself from evil tongues.

According to Freud

Sigmund Freud attributed dreams with insects to thoughts about children and offspring. Seeing a lot of crawling cockroaches and watching them is typical for people who dream of having a large family. When the dreamer poisons or catches Prussians, his sexuality contains features of pedophilia. The more brutally he kills them, the more likely the manifestation of sadistic tendencies.

If he is engaged in breeding cockroaches, his personal life is in a deplorable state, and he is experiencing problems with his partner.

According to Hasse

Miss Hasse, like Nostradamus, after sleeping with a huge cockroach, recommended trying your hand at gambling. A substantial jackpot cannot be ruled out. However, the presence of many large black cockroaches in a dream indicates poor energy in the home or the objects in it.

Dreaming of insects in a latrine guarantees income and positive changes in life. Exciting trips and fun entertainment are possible.

According to Loff

The more disgust a dream with cockroaches causes, the worse its consequences will be. Seeing a lot of Prussians under your feet means family discord. The sleeper tries his best to maintain peace with relatives and worries about the quarrels that happen.

Cockroaches falling on the dreamer's head characterize him as an absent-minded and inattentive worker. If duties involve a risk to life and health, the dream warns of a possible accident.

By Longo

The white magician considered the dream of a cockroach to be a bad omen. Depending on the situation in which a person finds himself, he is either surrounded by deceitful people or is involved in empty undertakings. In both cases, the best development of events will be to look at what is happening from the outside and reassess your aspirations and your immediate circle of acquaintances.

Hordes of black cockroaches indicate the dreamer's fear of a turning point in life. A girl who has seen such a dream suspects that her friends are plotting against her. Killing pests in a dream shows that the sleeper wants to forget about problems and establish normal relationships with others.

Hordes of cockroaches in most dream books are interpreted more positively than one pest. Anyone who boldly enters into battle with insects in a dream and in reality will prove himself to be an energetic and successful person.

Live or dead insects

Night dreams with cockroaches breeding in the house promise the arrival of guests with rich gifts. The family will grow for a while, and the hours spent together will become memorable and sweet for everyone. If huge insects run and leave traces behind them, wealth will not leave the sleeping family for a long time.

According to Vanga, dead insects lying around mean the end of a difficult period filled with adversity. It's time to celebrate victory over difficult circumstances.

Freud considered dead cockroaches a sign of sexual impotence and, as a consequence, the absence of offspring in the future.

Red cockroaches

A man dreams of red cockroaches when he experiences pangs of conscience due to an unfair or ugly act. It is possible that he received a large sum of money dishonestly. For a girl, Prussian hairstyles show her close attention to appearance and fear of causing someone’s condemnation.

Black cockroaches

Some dream books advise to perceive a black insect as a sign of well-being, significant achievements and the presence of a rich patron. Other sources associate the dream with the sleeper’s vain fears or his loss of illusions about friends or certain events.

Dreams with pests are divided into harmless ones, in which insects simply crawl by, and alarming ones. In the latter, cockroaches can even attack a sleeping person.

Seeing a lot of cockroaches

For an unmarried girl, a dream with a large number of cockroaches will bring disappointment. The new gentleman will turn out to be an unworthy poser, and getting to know him will end in nothing. If the insects are black, the dream warns of provoking friends. Some of them are jealous of the dreamer and gossip behind his back.

A flock of red Prussians represents the presence of good friends in the sleeping person’s life and pleasant communication with them. For a businessman, the dream promises profit from all his endeavors. According to Longo, a lot of cockroaches symbolize recognition from superiors and promotion.

For spenders, a dream with scattering cockroaches indicates an inability to manage money profitably. It should be considered as a warning about possible troubles due to too much spending.

Squash insects

For people building a career, the dream shows that they can easily cope with obstacles on the way to the desired position. They are full of energy and will soon show their best side. You won't have to wait long for a promotion.

For housewives, a dream with hordes of cockroaches that they try to crush is promised joyful meetings with loved ones and friends. At the same time, there are also chores ahead: preparing a meal, setting the table and cleaning the house. However, the hostess will accept these concerns with pleasure.

If all attempts to kill at least one cockroach are in vain, in reality a person risks being left without a livelihood. His investment intentions are unjustified. You should heed the warning dream and not invest your savings in dubious enterprises.

catch insects

If an insect gets entangled in the hair and has to be removed from there, this is a sign of intense mental work. The subconscious mind tells you that the sleeper is overtired and it’s time for him to get rid of at least part of his worries. Nostradamus explained the desire to catch a cockroach in a dream by attempts to save the family in reality.

According to Miller, catching cockroaches means an unwillingness to move forward and make an important decision. The dreamer is a true conservative and sincerely believes that everything new is the enemy of the good. However, life does not stand still. He would have to accept it and not try to slow down her rhythm.

Cockroaches in bed

A cockroach sneaking into bed symbolizes the ambiguous behavior of a person sleeping in reality. This is a sign of discord in relations between partners; even betrayal of one of them is allowed. Inner experiences result in a dream with a pest. For a woman, the dream predicts meeting a generous lover.

A cockroach bit me in a dream

A cockroach bite symbolizes worries and resentment. If, despite the small size of the insect, a trace remains after its attack, memories of unfair accusations will remain for a long time. Unfortunately, the dreamer expects to lose a friend or money.


Any dream book interprets the appearance of cockroaches in two ways. Minor details can radically change the meaning of a dream. There is no need to worry about it, since small insects, even if interpreted negatively, will bring problems that are easy to deal with. It is better to focus on good explanations, such as the arrival of guests or the receipt of unexpected profits.

Dreams are quickly forgotten, but if few can direct their plot according to the desired scenario, most are quite capable of influencing events in reality. Once you set yourself up for success, it will be much easier to achieve it.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. In my spare time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

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