Home Flowers How to make a robot in a telegram. General points of setting up bots in telegram. Setting up bots with BotFather

How to make a robot in a telegram. General points of setting up bots in telegram. Setting up bots with BotFather

And if you have not subscribed to the bot from the site, then it's time to do it! @iPhonesRu_Bot

Now it is very fashionable to start Telegram bots. Each large Internet resource or large company has its own bot in which customers receive answers to questions or read news. If you have your own website, social network group, or just an interesting bot idea, then this guide will help you contribute to the magical world of Telegram with minimal effort.

There are two ways to create bots. The first is to write an application using the Telegram API, and the second is to use the service to create bots. One of these manybot.io, we will use in the article.

Install Telegram

The instructions from the article can be executed in the Telegram version for any platform:

  • Windows/Linux/OS X(the link will open the version for the operating system with which you are sitting)

I myself will use the version for OS X, since it is not very convenient to create a bot without a full keyboard.

Create a bot

1. We type Manybot in the search, click on the bot icon and click on the button start:

2. Click on the button Add a new bot:

4. Go to @BotFather, press the button start and enter the command /newbot:

6. Enter the name of the bot that will be displayed during the search and the technical name of the bot, copy the received API token:

7. Return to @Manybot and paste the API token from the clipboard into it:

8. Specify the description of the bot:

9. Bot is ready:

10. Find your bot through the search and start using:

We create our team

A good bot should have commands. So that the user enters a request, and in response he receives something interesting / useful. Here is an instruction on how to create a simple command:

1. Recruit /commands:

2. We type the name of the new command and the text that it will issue in response (if desired, files can be attached to the text):

3. Press the button Save and wait for the creation of the command to complete:

To edit a command /hello need to dial /commands, /hello:

To see the response of the command, you must click the button Show command. Unfortunately, I did not find a way to check how the bot will look like in the app for subscribers, other than asking someone to log in from their account and see:

Adding an item to the menu

If desired, for the command, you can make a button in the menu that will launch it.

1. Recruit /commands:

2. Click on the button Customize main menu and then on the button Add menu item:

3. Select from the list the command that we want to add to the menu and specify the name for the button:

Enable auto-posting from social networks

Bots can be configured to broadcast news from Twitter, Youtube, VK or RSS.

1. Recruiting a team /autoposting:

2. Press the button with the desired social network and indicate the link to the page:

Create a scheduled post

In Telegram bots, you can send messages that will be sent to all its subscribers. Here is an instruction on how to create such a message and schedule it to be sent at a specific time:

1. Recruiting a team /newpost:

2. Enter the text of the post and click on the button Postpone Post, specify the current time:

3. Specify the time of the post and save the post:

We collect data

With the help of bots, you can conduct surveys among subscribers:

1. Recruit /commands, select the menu item Create a team and enter a name for the new command:

2. Click on the button Add a question, select the type of answer and enter the text of the question:

Good day everyone. Vasily Blinov is in touch again. Today you will learn how to create a bot in Telegram. I wrote a lot about their useful features, now it's time to get your own assistant.

Now Telegram is in great demand and its popularity is growing day by day. We will not leave without attention and bots for him.

What are useful?

Just bots have become one of the main trends of Telegram. Let me remind you that they are robotic dialogues inside the messenger, capable of quickly solving many problems:

  • show news on a given topic,
  • find and download any information,
  • answer frequently asked questions,
  • send updates from the site,
  • replace or supplement the email newsletter,
  • can conduct surveys
  • play with visitors, etc.

Thus, the user subscribes to topics relevant to him and quickly finds the information he needs, receiving from the bot an answer to the question of interest.

Mine will let you get to know them better.

Creation methods

Write code with pens

To do this, you need to know programming languages ​​​​(Python, PHP or Java), and there are also a lot of nuances such as hosting registration and other things. This can be a huge problem for some.

Fortunately, there is an easy way to make a bot for ordinary users who do not have programming skills.

Take advantage of a special service

Our savior is Manybot.io.

It was on it that I found the Russian interface, clear instructions and the functionality needed in the first stages. Robots on this platform can:

  • send messages to subscribers,
  • make beautiful menus
  • to auto-post from the RSS of your resources.


First of all, let's open @manybot in messenger. Let's press the "Start" button.

Let's choose the Russian language from the proposed list.

Click "Add New Bot".

We follow further instructions. We need to register with @BotFather.

Let's enter the /newbot command.

Coming up with a common and technical name with a tail bot. Most importantly, do not forget to copy the received key-token.

Let's go back to Manybot, show it this code by clicking "I copied the token".

Let's come up with a description.

Congratulations, registration is complete. Now you are the full owner of your own Telegram robot.


Let's start creating the menu and the first commands. To do this, you need to find your robot, for this, enter its name in the search box. I have this @iklife_bot.

Create a simple command

The whole principle of bot is answers to human questions, so you need to write commands and answers to them.

To do this, call the configuration menu - / commands.

Enter the name of the command and the text that it will issue in response to clicking on it.

We are waiting for a message about the successful creation of the team.

Making a menu

It is much more convenient when visitors can quickly select all commands directly from the menu. To create it, let's go back to /commands and then "Configure Ch. menu".

Then "Add menu item". We call it, select the previously created command.

The menu item is ready!

Check it out, see what happens. Everything is working. Similarly, other commands with menu items are created.


The main advantage of @Manybot is the instant setting up of auto-posting of entries from a site with an RSS feed or from social networks. networks, or YouTube directly to the chat. Thus, readers will always be aware of updates without leaving Telegram.

Let's launch it!

Enter /autoposting.

We are waiting for verification and a message about successful completion.

Now you will see my articles right inside @iklife_bot.


That's all, I hope this article will help you create your first bot. If you still know simple ways to create them, please share in the comments.

Thank you for your attention!

Bots in Telegram are special accounts that work through the messenger API, which allow you to perform many different functions. Some of them act as add-ons for channels and groups: games and quizzes, search engine bots, exchange rates, creating polls, etc. In order for the chat to have additional functionality, you need to know how to set up a bot in Telegram, this will give many advantages to the development of the channel.

There are also bots used to automate business processes: sales, collection and processing of applications. Their and other commercial accounts promoting their business on Telegram.

For their proper functioning, it is necessary to set up robotic accounts: set commands with which they will perform their main functions.

An example of why you need to set up such accounts is a channel dedicated to business ideas.

The channel owner created his own bot to automatically post content. To implement his idea, he started setting up the bot by programming commands that will be used to publish content.

Since this requires knowledge of PHP, he hired several programmers. After the bot setup has been completed, the entire process of managing its functionality is carried out using special commands: / start - to start, / setdate - setting the date for publishing material, / settime - setting the time.

This allowed the administrator of this site to simplify the process of publishing content.

Of course, there is no need to write a bot from scratch. Before, you need to find it. To do this, enter his login in the messenger search. For example, let's take the account of the Yandex search engine @ya.

After that, you need to start setting it up. The entire workflow is performed using special commands that are entered through the "/" sign.

To do this, write in the correspondence / settings.

The settings menu will open in front of you. Here you can set the city for which information will be searched, connect mobile subscriptions or open an additional menu.

Additional functions will appear in the menu, which you can also observe in the Yandex search engine: News, Translator, Exchange rates, etc.

How to set up Telegram bots through a profile

The second way to open the settings menu is to click on the three dots icon in the upper right corner.

In the menu that opens, select "Show profile".

In the information window, click "Settings".

For a mobile app, do the following:

  1. Open the Telegram app.
  2. Log in to the bot account you need.
  3. In the chat window that opens, click on the icon of three dots in the upper right corner.
  4. Select "Settings".

The main thing to remember is that not all bots have the possibility of settings, since not all developers allow other users to make changes.

Setting up bots with BotFather

You can create a new bot and set your own functions and commands. To do this, you will need an @BotFather account.

Find it in the Telegram app search and open it.

Click Run to get started. You will see a complete list of commands for managing BotFather: creating and configuring bots.

After that, the system will notify you about the successful completion of the name setting process.

Now we need to provide a description. To do this, type /setdescription.

Make a short description: indicate what functions the bot will perform, you can write a few words about the developer or about who this account will be useful to.

Creating and configuring additional bot functions

Now let's move on to setting an avatar for our account. To do this, enter /setuserpic. After the command is entered, attach a photo.

Click on the paperclip icon on the left side (in the application on smartphones, the icon is located on the right side) and select an image from your computer or mobile device.

This completes the avatar installation process.

Now let's move on to the main settings - setting the commands that will be supported by the bot.

To start this process type /setcommands in chat. Commands are entered without the "/" sign. Enter them in the format command1 - description.

This step completes the creation process. Of course, you can make finer adjustments - add games, new teams, etc.

Now you can use the created bot: add it to your chat or channel, promote it by posting links on forums or adding an account to various directories.

The account you created has three global commands:

  1. /start - This syntax is used to start.
  2. /help - syntax opens a help window: account information, description, instructions.
  3. /settings - This command allows other users to customize your bot to suit their needs.

Common problems

Many novice users face various kinds of difficulties when setting up bots. For this reason, general problems should be considered, as well as options for solving them. This will allow you to avoid difficulties in the future or deal with them quickly.

Commands don't work. Sometimes there is such a problem that the commands that are responsible for the settings process do not work on some bots. If this is an account created not by you, but by other Telegram users, then the reasons for this may be:

  • you entered the command incorrectly;
  • the developer removed this syntax or there was a bug;

In the first case, you need to find out if the command was entered correctly. In the second case, contact the bot developer and tell him about the problem. Contact information about the developer can be found in the account description. If he removed the customization feature, he will let you know or fix the bug if there is a bug in the code.

Telegram robots are programs that automatically perform certain actions and respond to user commands. Messenger developers encourage their creation, so it is the leader in the number of robots. How to create a Telegram bot for your business or general use? Consider the possibilities and technologies.

Existing Options

There are three ways to create a bot in Telegram:

  1. Create in constructor. It could be another messenger service like @manybot. Or an online shell like Chatfuel.
  2. Independent development. To do this, you need to have skills in programming and deploying server applications, starting with installing the software.
  3. Purchase. Now a lot of companies and private developers have appeared, offering individually to order. Prices start at 500 rubles, but average 10-15 thousand.

If you have the time and some software skills, we recommend trying to create in the constructor. This will help you understand the scheme of the programs, which will come in handy when ordering, if you decide on it.

Programming process

Many services are designed to simplify the online shopping process. The development uses Payment API methods that allow you to link payment systems to the program. The process is carried out according to the algorithm:

  1. The developer implements the keys and selects a provider connected to the system to perform transactions.
  2. The "Pay" button appears in the bot.
  3. The user of the robot can make payments by entering his data. They are linked to his account. Mobile payments are also available.
  4. Financial transactions are carried out directly between the client and the payment system. Telegram is not involved in this process. Its task is to provide a platform for the implementation of functions. Due to this, payment data is not available to third parties.
  5. The customer receives a transaction report that includes all purchase details.

At the same time, the developers of the messenger do not accept any claims, shifting all responsibility to the payment system and the user himself.

But they promise to block unreliable providers based on reviews. Today, you can create a Telegram bot to sell for Qiwi and Yandex.Money.

Create your own bot

The Telegram interlocutor simulator is a program that runs and works on your side. It sends requests to the Telegram Bot API, which is quite simple:

  • The program accesses the set parameters by reference;
  • Telegram responds with JSON array.

Telegram has the ability to manually install a webhook instead of uploading messages so that they send each letter themselves. To create a Telegram bot in Python, it is better to use some kind of reactor, for example, tornado.web.

Before you create a telegram bot and run it, you need to go to the desired address and catch the output signal. This is done in order to return the manual event unloading behavior.

The logic will be in the tornado.web.RequestHandler class, which the reactor accepts to process requests.

CMD stands for a dictionary of all available commands. send_reply is a function to send a response. It accepts a ready-made Message array.


First you need to teach the bot program in Telegram the /start and /help constants:

The message['from'] object is an array of type User. From it, the bot receives user data, his ID and name. It would be better if the response function belongs to message['chat']['id']. So when communicating, there will be a User, and in the case of a chat, the id of the latter.

Setting /start has two functions at once:

A command without parameters is needed to display data about the bot;
with parameters - for identification.

Now you can create any custom task. For example, /base64.

For those who use mobile Telegram, it will be useful to give @BotFather a list of commands that a new virtual interlocutor should accept:

If a Telegram user wants to see a list of available tasks (for example, to find out how to kill the program after completing the task), he will need to write "/".

How to teach a bot to speak

Telegram sends the entire message. The restriction on the need to precede commands with a slash was created only for the convenience of users. This allows you to teach the program to respond in a human way. In order to enable her to receive all messages in groups, you need to write /setprivacy to the @BotFather helper, thus turning off privacy.

Add a handler to Handler:

You need to include speech in the list of commands:

The value 75 here represents the probability of what the user wants to say. The format_map constant is useful for describing strings that require substitution.

So the bot will be able to respond to greetings and address the interlocutor by name.

The sent messages can be not only text

Now that you know how to create a telegram bot, you can make it possible not only to write phrases, but also to share images, audio files.

For example, you can extend the RESPONSES dictionary like this.

Bots (sometimes called robots) are special accounts in the Telegram messenger that automatically process and send messages.
They can be created not only by programmers, but also by ordinary users who want to get acquainted with the features of these robots.

The beauty of bots is that they can do just about any task you ask them to do. Robots can register users on the resource, send out newsletters, answer questions, and so on. As you can see, the scope of their application is literally limitless.

To create a Telegram bot, you, of course, need an account in this messenger. You should not think that you need to have phenomenal knowledge to work with them, because all processes take place on the server where the bot is launched.

So, now let's go directly to the development process. First you need to launch the application and enter "Manybot" in the search. He represents some Telegram bot constructor, so in the process you definitely will not encounter difficulties:

Then start following the instructions of the robot and press Start:

After that, Manybot will start giving you hints in your native language and offer you several options. In our case, you need to select "Add a new bot":

Then you will be asked to add BotFather to your contacts, which is known in the circles of the application as the ancestor of all bots that have ever been created in the messenger. It's pretty easy to start a conversation with him. Just type and send a message to /newbot:

From this moment begins the direct development of bots for Telegram. First of all, give your robot a name. Come up with it and send the text with the name to the chat. Remember that the bot name must end with "bot":

You will immediately be given a special bot code, which must be copied and sent to the dialogue with Manybot:

In principle, this step is already considered the final one, so the instruction on how to create a bot in telegram, comes to the end. The robot is practically created and can start functioning independently. Now just set its description:

Did everything work out well? Then it says that we are successful writing a bot for Telegram. From now on, you will work specifically with your bot. Extraneous dialogues are no longer needed:

After that, try pressing the "Settings" button so that you can set the goal of the robot's life. If you need automatic broadcasting of updates on the site, select the "Autoposting" function:

Broadcast can be carried out from YouTube, VK, Twitter and RSS:

If you want to send an RSS feed from a resource to a chat, just select the appropriate line. Now it will be much easier for your subscribers to follow the latest site content:

So the question is, how to write a bot for Telegram may be considered closed. You yourself were able to make sure that there is nothing supernatural in this process. Most importantly, your users will always stay up to date.

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