Home indoor flowers Gotta get up early. Getting up early: what is the use and how to accustom yourself. Mornings are a great time to work on yourself.

Gotta get up early. Getting up early: what is the use and how to accustom yourself. Mornings are a great time to work on yourself.

Yoga began to creep into our minds timidly through the glossy magazines of the 90s. Every year its popularity has increased: today psychiatrists already advise daily meditations with references to serious scientific studies, therapists recommend doing 10-minute pranayamas to relieve the symptoms of a runny nose, and kinesiotherapists strongly direct their patients to continue rehabilitation in the warm embrace of yoga instructors.

The ancient Indian teaching has so excited the minds that every second now is a vegetarian, vegan or raw foodist. Happy carriers of female energy in long skirts, who advocate abandoning work in favor of complete psychological and financial dependence on her husband, are also a bizarre mutant brainchild of yoga philosophy.

Another life hack borrowed from Indian philosophers did not bypass the pale-faced office workers. These are awakenings at sunrise, which are designed to make a person happy, successful and healthy.

Why get up at dawn?

Women who are focused on developing their spirituality are happy to talk about the benefits of early awakenings. Usually they do not have a medical (as well as any other, at least some) education, but they have an earnest faith in the miracle of a raw food diet, homeopathy and strange dances to open the female chakras.

At first glance, their arguments seem quite reasonable:

  • If you're a mother fucked up by your many offspring (who are the majority among the spreaders of the early awakening trend), you will finally have precious time for yourself without the background accompaniment of "Maaaam, I pooped."
  • If you are an unfortunate office mouse, you will have a chance to calmly tune into a working mood, instead of jumping up 15 minutes before the exit and galloping to the subway, pouring half a liter of crappy coffee along the way.
  • If you have forgotten who you are and why you came into this world, you finally have a chance to realize the importance of your own existence in the predawn silence.

In general, getting up at five in the morning is a serious application to finally start to control your unpredictable life, have time to redo all your affairs before lunch and feel like an adult and successful person.

However, optimistic forecasts are shattered by the reality of human physiology.

Why don't people fly like birds

A person can firmly decide that he needs to grow wings, write an article “25 reasons to start growing wings right now”, believe in what is written and wait for it to happen, at the same time gaining like-minded people on social networks. Alas, the wings will not grow from this.

A person has no power over protein synthesis in his body and over the algorithms by which this process is implemented. He cannot, by the power of thought, change those mechanisms of the work of his body that have been created in the process of evolution for millennia and have shown their success for the survival of the species.

No matter how puffed up the little man is, he knows that protein molecules are synthesized exactly as prescribed in the genome, and go to the growth of muscles and bones, the formation of hormones and enzymes, but they do not go to the growth of wings. Contrary to the illusions about our powerful control over the options “sleep” and “wake up”, the value of volitional effort here also turns out to be very conditional.

How sleep turns on

We have a “magic button” in our brain – the hypothalamus. It is responsible for the cyclic change of sleep and wakefulness. So that the brain does not fall into tyranny and does not begin to immerse a person in a nap when it is irrelevant, a connection between the hypothalamus and the retina is provided. It is she who constantly “reports” to the hypothalamus how much light it has received, and in accordance with the information received, it regulates human activity.

Lots of light? Fine, morning! We raise the level of testosterone, we make a man a noble erection. We kick the thyroid gland, let it work: it increases blood pressure, pulse and stimulates appetite

We push the thermoregulation center: hey, hey, it's time to raise the body temperature by half a degree, otherwise our man, look, wrapped himself in a blanket and does not want to wake up. Get up, it's time to get up!

Little light? We increase the level of somatotropic hormone, we transfer the body into storage and recovery mode. We increase the level of melatonin, let the person yawn and think about how to quickly move to a horizontal position. We lower the temperature - let him look for a blanket and quickly take cover. Good night sweet dreams.

Important bird: how to determine your type of daily rhythms

The mechanism I have described is common to all people. But there are nuances that make a person "owl" or "lark". It used to be considered that only the regime in which a person is accustomed to exist determines what kind of "bird" he will become.

No one paid attention to the poor fellows who hated early awakenings from kindergarten, slept on matinees, did not understand anything until lunch, but then they came to their senses and worked with pleasure and had fun until late at night. It is these people who write angry posts on Facebook about the inhumanity of the existing system, where you have to be conscious at 8-9 in the morning. And where can I get it, this consciousness, when neither coffee, nor exercises, nor attempts to go to bed early help? These are the true "owls".

There are few of them, and for some reason they were useful to our species in the process of evolution. Maybe at the dawn of mankind they generated great ideas at night. Or maybe they protected the sleep of other people from predators and hostile communities. One way or another, circadian rhythms are registered in their genotype, which do not coincide with the generally accepted regimen. Early awakenings for such people will bring neither joy nor new discoveries, but only bouts of misanthropy and an unhealthy addiction to caffeine. Morning exercises for "owls" - a real torture. But evening sports do not bring them any problems. Such people are quite active in the evenings, able to enjoy physical activity and do not have problems falling asleep even after intensive strength training closer to midnight.

True "larks" are also few. Their nervous system is sharpened for early awakenings, it is easy for them to get up, they feel great in the morning and fall asleep easily at dusk. The "larks" do not understand the nocturnal bouts of inspiration, as well as the evening vigils at the tablet screen in order to prove on the Internet that someone is wrong. They do not tolerate night shifts well. Then they suffer from severe insomnia. Best of all, their body functions in a rigidly built regime.

If there are not so many “owls” and “larks”, then who are the rest of the people? The authors of the gloss dubbed them "pigeons". These are highly adaptable people. Their hypothalamus is less conservative in terms of the formation of circadian rhythms and more attentive to messages from the retina. This means that the preferences of such people can change depending on external conditions. It is the "pigeons" who notice with the onset of spring that it has become easier for them to get up in the morning, and the night's sleep seems to be becoming deeper and more refreshing. This is because the lengthening of daylight hours helps to improve the daily fluctuations in melatonin production and fine-tunes the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness.

It is easier for those who easily adapt to live - this is the law of evolution, which explains the fact that the majority of us are "adaptable". There is a chance that the transition to early awakenings will bring the "doves" a better quality of life. Provided that the rises at five in the morning are compensated by going to bed no later than nine or ten in the evening.

Normal or hidden disease?

There is a problem that is considered to be typically "owl". Some people can not build a daily routine, at least somewhat consistent with the generally accepted. They do not manage to fall asleep in the evening - absolutely, categorically. The notorious glass of warm milk does not help, the cleanest crisp bed linen does not save, and from airing the room to the temperature of the sobering-up station, there are no changes either. Usually such sufferers stare dejectedly at the TV until the morning, and only in the morning they begin to fall asleep. If they are freelancers, then they sleep until lunchtime. Wake up with a feeling of deep disgust for everything that exists. And if the service calls, they joylessly trudge to work, sleep on the go until the evening, and then again they cannot close their eyes.

A feature that always attracts attention is the general negative tone of the story of such people about their lives. They are usually pitied, prescribed sleeping pills and recommended to "pull themselves together." Of course, none of the above helps. Because so often a subdepressive state occurs - not depression yet, but not the norm.

The fact is that such “false owls” break down the neurotransmitter metabolism in the brain. Knocks out the production of dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine. And at the same time, the “conductor” function of the hypothalamus, which controls sleep, also breaks down. But such people cannot keep track of the trouble with the mood and, in general, life seems to have faded, lost its colors, and they attribute everything to the damned regime, lack of will and their own “owlness”. Although neither the regime nor the Spartan will will help here. And antidepressants and psychotherapy will help.

Why pensioners don't sleep

Every morning, young people wake up in despair to the merciless ringing of the alarm clock. They hope to sleep off in retirement, unaware that this plan will prevent most of them from realizing their own brains. Due to the age-related decrease in the volume of the cerebral cortex and the decrease in the number of nerve cells, the need for sleep decreases from 7-8 hours to 4-5.

The daily rhythms of the elderly also change: most of them turn into "larks". The structure of sleep breaks down, its quality deteriorates. What does not add joy to life

Therefore, already at 4 in the morning, full of misanthropy and enthusiasm, pensioners wake up to do great things: storm public transport, queue up for a doctor at 6:00 (although the appointment time is 11:45 in the coupon), write complaints about sluggish and sleepy representatives of state institutions and teach anyone who gets in their way.

Pensioners can tell everything about the "charms" of early awakening: about the indispensable feeling of daytime weakness, and about the impossibility of taking an hour's nap during the day, because this will mean the impossibility of falling asleep in the evening without sleeping pills, and about the terrible mood with which you have to get up in the morning. Unfortunately, they have no choice. You have to balance in search of the lesser of evils, alternating night vigils with taking sleeping pills.

How to choose the right mode

To get up or not to get up early? There is only one criterion for the right choice - your own comfort. The need for sleep, as well as the optimal time to wake up, is an individual thing. Therefore, it is not worth heroically overcoming what is inherent in the genotype. Daily rises at 5:00 in the morning will turn for the “owl” at best into irritation to the whole wide world, at worst, insomnia, pressure surges and bouts of wolf hunger will begin. And the "lark" is unlikely to wonder about early awakenings - he always gets up at dawn anyway.

You can't fool your own hypothalamus. Therefore, it is better to hurry into the arms of Morpheus, while he is favorable to you.

Many successful people wake up early. They get up with the first rays of the morning sun. Whatever their motives, all these people benefit greatly from waking up before the first rooster crows.

But why is waking up early a common feature of many highly successful people in life? Why do all of them, regardless of fatigue, get up at dawn when the rest are still sleeping sweetly in their beds? Let's try to figure it out.

victorious mood

A person can gain a sense of control from overpowering their inner voice. If your mind wins in such a battle, then everything begins to argue in your hands, which has a positive effect on achieving your goals. The ability to recognize your inner voice is the best defense against it. So, when the morning alarm goes off, a voice tells you that you went to bed too late, so you should not get up so early. Or he convinces you that you can take a nap for literally another five minutes, etc. Don't listen to him! Those who stay in bed are not competitors for people who can fight the inner voice. If you can defeat yourself, then no one can stop you on the way to the goal.

More time

If you start getting up every morning only one hour earlier, then in a year this figure will turn into 15 days! It becomes scary when you realize that you are wasting time in this way. Therefore, if you constantly do not have time for something, then try to sleep less. After all, a person needs to take only six to seven hours a day to sleep. If you spend more time in bed, you are wasting your life.

More activity

Morning is a great time to exercise. We are charged with energy for the whole day, which allows us to work enthusiastically and concentrate on work. Try running in the morning. After such exercises, you will feel invincible. And it will be much more difficult for stress to affect you, which will not only make your professional activity more productive, but also bring harmony to personal relationships.


If you have children in the house, then you know how rare it is to be in silence. If you want to calmly do some business or meditate, then do it early in the morning. In addition, early awakening allows you to better engage in subsequent activities. You can use this time to write, draw, or do other creative work.

Finding your muse

Many early risers report increased inspiration and creativity in the morning hours. A lot of great works were created at the beginning of the day. So if you dream of giving the world a masterpiece, then perhaps an early awakening can help you with this.

Time for food

Breakfast is a very important meal that we often neglect due to lack of time. If you eat a bagel on the way to work, then you will not have enough energy to work productively all day. If you wake up early in the morning, then you will have more time, respectively, you can have a full breakfast. This will help you be efficient and productive.

One step ahead

Early birds are always one step ahead of the crowd - they are calm, collected and already doing business when the rest are still in a hurry to get to work. The lark has everything under control. After all, if you wake up early, then you will have more time for planning, strategic thinking and organization. You will see that you are wasting much less time. An additional advantage is the possibility to get to the workplace earlier. This will allow you to be less distracted by colleagues and finish what you have planned on time.

So if you don't already have the habit of getting up early, then start right from tomorrow. Go to bed an hour earlier so you don't feel too tired in the morning. It may take some time to develop a habit, but you will soon experience all the benefits for yourself. After all, millions of successful people can't be wrong.

To decide what time is best to get up, you need to take into account your daily routine and responsibilities (work, study, family, hobbies, travel). For example, it will be very difficult for you to get up at five in the morning if you work at night or stay up late with textbooks.

When you have decided on the time, pay attention to the following four points:

1. Goals and attitude towards life.

2. Evening ritual.

3. Sleep quality.

They will help you get up in the morning without difficulty. Let's consider each item separately.

1. Goals and attitude to life

You need to be prepared that at first you will have to sacrifice a lot. For a while, you will have to give up parties. Until the body adjusts, you will be more tired, and your productivity may drop. To cope with this was easier, you need to have clear goals.

Why is it so important?

  • First, goals motivate us. They help you get out of bed when you want to take a nap.
  • Second, goals determine our actions. Each goal should have a certain system of actions, by performing which we will achieve the desired result.

For example:

  • Target: lose 5 kilograms by April 1, 2017.
  • Action system: consume less than 2,000 calories per day (no sugary or fast food) and exercise: cardio twice a week (running or swimming), weightlifting twice a week and yoga to stretch.

Define three main goals for yourself and write down a system of actions for each.

2. Evening ritual

To wake up in the morning easily and comfortably, you need to prepare in advance in the evening. Here are some tips.

Don't use electronic devices before bed

The light from the screens of smartphones, tablets and computers has a bad effect on the quality of sleep and the speed of falling asleep. Therefore, turn off all devices 1-2 hours before going to bed.

Get ready for tomorrow

Determine plans for the next day in the evening, so that in the morning you do not waste time and energy on this. Decide what to do, what to wear, what to cook.

Review the day

Time flies by imperceptibly, and if you do not stop and think about the most important things, you can miss a lot. Therefore, in the evening, evaluate what you did during the day, for which you are grateful, what made you happy.


Everyone has such a busy schedule these days that it's hard to find time to read. But if you turn off all electronic devices a couple of hours before bedtime, you will surely have at least 30 minutes for a good book.

3. Quality of sleep

Usually we do not think about what affects the quality of our business, and how we can improve it. But you should always remember the following factors.

  • The drinks. Don't drink coffee or alcohol at least six hours before bed, otherwise you won't get a good night's sleep. Better drink green tea or water.
  • Food. Don't eat before bed. This loads the digestive system and also affects the quality of sleep. Snack on something light like nuts or a glass of milk.
  • Sports. Avoid exercising at least three hours before bed, otherwise you will have a hard time falling asleep. It is better to postpone the workout in the morning.
  • suitable conditions. Buy a quality mattress and pillows. It is advisable to sleep in darkness and silence, and keep the temperature not too high.
  • Mode. Go to bed at the same time. Of course, at first it will be difficult. While the body will work in the old rhythm, it is better to go to bed when you are tired. In a few days you will enter a new mode.
  • Time to sleep. Determine the ideal time for falling asleep and waking up. During the night, there are several cycles of sleep, consisting of alternating phases of REM and non-REM sleep. A complete cycle lasts about 90 minutes (1.5 hours). To be alert, you need to wake up when the cycle is completed - after an hour and a half, three, four and a half, six, and so on. Of course, you will not be able to immediately determine the right sleep time for yourself to the nearest minute, but you will definitely find the best option.

4. Awakening and morning ritual

There are two approaches to help you get up earlier. Choose the one that suits you best.

  1. Immersion method. You get up immediately at the scheduled time and try to maintain the new routine. This approach is more difficult, because such a sharp change will make you more tired. In this case, you can take a nap for 20-30 minutes during the day.
  2. Gradual habituation method. This approach is more efficient because you change your wake up time gradually. It is best to move it for 10-15 minutes for 1-3 days until you get used to it, and then move it back again. For example, if you usually get up at eight, do not try to immediately start getting up at six in the morning. First, set your alarm for 7:45. Get up at this time for a few days, and then set your alarm for 7:30. Yes, this approach will take more time, but it will be easier for the body to adapt.

When you have decided on the approach that is comfortable for you, try to also adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Don't set an alarm ringtone that annoys you. Find a song with a slow intro that makes you feel good (of course, after a while, this song can start to make you angry). For the first few weeks, don't leave your alarm clock next to your bed. Then you have to get up and turn it off.
  • Report to someone. Surely one of your friends gets up early, try asking them to support you. Agree that you will call or text them 10-15 minutes after waking up.
  • Turn duty into a game. Hang a calendar in a conspicuous place and mark with a cross the days on which you managed to get up early. In a few days you will have a chain of such crosses in front of your eyes, which will only grow over time, and you will not want to interrupt it. This trick will help keep you motivated.
  • Do something right after waking up. This will wake you up from your sleepy state. Even simple actions like drinking a glass, washing your face, making your bed will work. Open a window and ventilate the room. In no case do not read the news, do not go to social networks and do not check email. You will have time to do this later, and dedicate the morning only to yourself.
  • Do something nice in the morning. Brew your favorite coffee, sit with a book or have a quiet breakfast.

What else to do in the morning

Of course, this is individual, but here are a few suggestions:

  • Think about your goals and evaluate your progress.
  • Go in for sports.
  • Meditate.
  • Read.
  • Get creative.
  • Spend time with loved ones.

Sometimes you may not wake up early, but don't feel bad about it. Be glad that you slept a little longer, and then go about your usual business. And tomorrow, put in more effort.


But what about the weekend?

It all depends on you. But when you're just trying to get into the habit of getting up earlier, it's best to stick to your new routine on weekends as well. When you are already confident in your abilities, you can pamper yourself by sleeping a little longer.

How many days in a row can you get up later?

When you first begin to accustom yourself to a new routine, do not miss more than 1-2 days, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to return to early rises. If you have been getting up early for more than a month, missing 2-3 days will not be so scary.

How to be in travel?

Don't be too hard on yourself. Try to stick to the routine. If you can't, just do your thing as planned.

What if my friends invite me to a party?

Wonderful. Have fun and don't try to wake up at the same time as usual. Get some sleep and come back tomorrow.

It takes time to train yourself to get up early. Start small and you will definitely succeed.

Getting up early is good. This has been in the headlines of articles for some time now. There are countless tutorials on how successful people start their day at 5am. But the question is not only how early to get up and get enough sleep, but is it necessary at all? This article will resolve this dilemma, and not only it.

Modern division of society

From some point in society, it has been an unspoken rule to divide all people into the First, respectively, the birds are nocturnal, and at the late time of the day they are awake, while the latter are clearly early birds. Certainly there is something in it. But does this mean that someone is allowed to sleep until twelve?

If we take as an axiom the assertion that it is harmful to a healthy organism (and even more so to an unhealthy one), then the answer, of course, is negative.

But an axiom is an exceptional thing, so it is better to consider the evidence.

Why get up early?

All nature on Earth is subject to solar influence. It is easy to see that with the first rays of this brightest star, all living things begin to wake up - therefore, the processes in the human body are also activated somewhere around sunrise.

If the activation occurs during sleep, it turns into This leads to a deterioration in health.

Consequences of getting up late

The negative impact is on:

  • normal cell secretion;
  • healthy functioning of the hormonal system.

Leads to:

  • cellular mutation;
  • malignancy - malignancy of cells.

Consequences of getting up early

The consequences are as follows:

  • increase in vitality;
  • improved digestion;
  • stability of the nervous system;
  • less susceptibility to depression, stress, etc.

"Owls" and "larks" - true or false?

V. M. Kovalzon confirms the scientific prerequisites for the emergence of the division of people into early and late "birdies" - this is a genetic predisposition. At the same time, according to him, at present, the vast majority of people who identify themselves as one or another species are not innate "owls" / "larks", but overtrained.

In modern times, the pressure of the social schedule, professional orientation strongly influences. For example, all actors are owls, and doctors are larks.

Genetic predisposition is rare, although it occurs, albeit in a smaller percentage. For real "owls" no instruction on how to get up early and get enough sleep will not help.

Time to get up early

Those who are most inspired by an early rise advise everyone around them to get up at sunrise, but at certain times of the year it can be at 4-5 in the morning. Not everyone is capable of such feats. The ideal time is 6 am. This is not a prerequisite, but in any case, the rise must be no later than nine. But how do you train yourself to get up early? What's the point if the alarm clock is set at the right time, but the body still resists?

The trend is that cheerful and optimistic people do not experience problems with an early rise. They love this world. Not wanting to lose a minute of time to sleep, they themselves strive to get up early and spend the whole day productively and fruitfully. Isn't that the key to success?

How to get up early in the morning?

First of all, recommendations are offered for consideration that make it easier to climb in principle, and in general are good habits:

  • do not eat at night;
  • ventilate the bedroom before going to bed;
  • it is also useful to breathe fresh air - take a walk, go out onto the balcony, or at least look out the open window and stand like that for a couple of minutes;
  • go to bed no later than ten or eleven at night, the deadline is not to stay up until midnight.

"The morning greets us with coolness!"

Tips for getting up early in the morning:

  • the music on the alarm clock should not be loud and sudden - such a transition early in the morning will be stressful for the body, on the contrary, it is better to put calm, pleasant sounds, perhaps spiritual classics or sublime voices;
  • you can arrange to get up early in the morning with someone - a sense of responsibility helps;
  • the alarm clock should be put on the other side of the room - so in the morning you have to get up at least in order to turn it off.

Strategic Approach

How to learn to get up early? It is not for nothing that the question is posed in this way - "to learn", "study", "science". This is a long-term deal with the regime of the day, not a one-time need. Therefore, it may be worth developing a whole plan with a real strategy.

We use two main approaches (we choose which one is more pleasant / effective):

  • it is necessary to fall asleep and wake up every day at the same time (well, at least approximate, an error of 10 minutes is not considered);
  • listen to the body - if he wants to sleep, then it's time to go to the world of dreams.

The second approach is good for trained "owls" - despite the habit of staying up late, the body continues to work according to its biological clock. But it does not fit the true "owls" at all. What then should they do? How to get up early in the morning?

We use psychological tactics

How to learn to get up early? If the most brutal physical methods are still ineffective, then it's time for psychological installations.

  • The principle "I see the goal - I see no obstacles." Learning to get up earlier is easier if you have something to do it for. You need meaning, you need a goal, and then nothing will be an obstacle to an early rise.
  • Love for life and optimism and positivity.
  • Dream and passion.
  • Sports as a way to influence the rhythm of life, maintain body tone, allow the body to get tired during the day and in the evening want to warmly embrace sleep.
  • Motivation as an internal setting of the need to understand how to accustom yourself to get up early.
  • Good morning anticipation. Let this time not be associated with stress, nerves and migraines. Want to learn how to get up early in the morning? It's easy if it's enjoyable. Let the beginning of the day be associated with hot, fragrant and delicious coffee, a cool breeze, the atmosphere of something new, a kiss of a loved one. Really, you don’t want to exchange it for a dream!
  • Self-discipline about what to do in the evening. For example, a book is relaxation, and TV is an energy vampire, a pleasant conversation is useful, and sitting at a computer in social networks is the opposite.

Insomnia is the scourge of modern society

How to get up early in the morning? For this you need to sleep. And in order to get enough sleep, it is required that sleep takes a sufficient number of hours. And for this you need to go to bed earlier. Bingo! So, the important question arising from the original question is: "How early to go to bed and early to rise?"

It would seem as simple as shelling pears - to force yourself not to pass the time until midnight watching TV shows or work. But here the light is turned off, the eyes are closed, there are only blankets and pillows around, and sleep still does not go and does not go. So an hour passes, and two, and three. The clock is almost five in the morning, in an hour to rise. And how do you get up early? Unless you don’t go to bed at all - this is almost what happens.

Unfortunately, this condition is becoming the rule, not the exception. And it's called insomnia.

Causes of the problem and how to deal with it

All causes of insomnia can be divided into two large layers:

  • Mental. These are stress, and depression, and nervous breakdowns, and sometimes even serious disorders.
  • Mental fatigue. Its basis is increasingly information overload, the brain is working for wear and tear, but inefficiently, feverish scraps of data appear and disappear in the head, there is no way to accept or process anything new, not to mention filtering.

Insignificant at first glance, household causes of insomnia:

  • inconvenience of sleeping clothes, bed / sofa;
  • drinking before bedtime drinks that contain caffeine;
  • heavy dinner;
  • medications;
  • factors that irritate the senses: strong lighting, loud noise or unpleasant odors;
  • the presence of bad habits (alcohol and cigarettes have a negative effect on sleep patterns).

As you can see, insomnia is a consequence that can only be eliminated by eliminating the cause. Therefore, from the list above, you need to choose the appropriate item.

Folk ways to get rid of insomnia often consist in herbal infusions that must be drunk before bedtime. This really has a positive effect on the general condition. Herbs such as mint and chamomile calm the nervous system. Honey has a beneficial and completely harmless effect before going to bed.

Of course, if the cause of insomnia is much more serious, these remedies will not help, you will have to consult a doctor. But these are exceptional cases, the most common reason at the present time in the modern world is the irrational use of energy and the distribution of time. People engaged in mental work often overexert themselves, use coffee and energy drinks to wake up, and then suffer because they cannot sleep.

It is worth remembering that proper nutrition and proper sleep patterns are interrelated things, so it is also necessary to monitor both healthy and regular meals.

Get up early - who doesn't need it?

After reviewing the useful tips for getting up early, you can go back to the beginning, to the beginning of the article and what was said in the first headlines.

So, the division into "larks" and "owls", as well as the important fact that they are trained (for the most part) and real.

Real larks didn't need this briefing. Trained - too, because they have already (although, perhaps, with difficulty) mastered the technique of getting up early in the morning.

The owls remain.

How to understand if you are a real "owl"?

The essence of the "owl" is not that she cannot sleep at night. Maybe. And with a special desire, even get up early. The problem is, she doesn't need it. Moreover, it is harmful to her.

At the beginning of the article, it was said that the natural clock sets up the body to stay awake during the daytime and rest in the dark. With Owls, it's the other way around. And just like "larks", if you sleep before 12 - ruin your health, so it is not recommended for real "owls" to force themselves to get up at six in the morning and run to new achievements.

A few signs of a real "owl":

  • regardless of how many hours were spent sleeping, and whether there is a feeling of a well-rested person, productivity is reduced in the first half of the day;
  • moral inclination to start things in the evening - a feeling that spiritual energy wakes up at this time;
  • when trying to live according to the “lark” regime, by 22-23 hours the tired body wants to sleep, but at the same time inspiration sets in, which cannot be caused during daylight hours.

How to live a real "owl"?

Unfortunately, both study and working time in official institutions starts at about 8 am - it is quite inconvenient for the "owl", which, even after a good night's sleep, is not able to perceive information at such a time. But for her there is another way out (in terms of work), for example, freelancing, in which the worker himself plans his schedule. Freelancing can be done by representatives of such professions as a journalist, programmer, web and graphic designer, illustrator, blogger.

In addition, night shift work is possible - these are security guards, taxi drivers, and various establishments open around the clock. So "owls" will get rid of the need to yawn in the workplace.

Many creative professions involve an irregular work schedule, which in this case can be called a way out. Forcing yourself to do something unnatural for the body is not worth it.

But if the "owl" of you is only imaginary, trained, then take heart and, putting into practice all of the above tips, start a new life from a new, early morning.

There is such an interesting and wise proverb: “He who gets up early, God gives him!” Many people, according to their life observations, have drawn the following conclusion that the sooner get up in the morning the better you feel and the more you do.

Motivation: get up early

Want to to get up early but lack the motivation to do it every day? Below are 10 reasons why you should do it every morning. 1. Welcome a new day!

Every day, as soon as you wake up, think - today I was lucky to wake up, I am alive, I have a priceless human life, and I am not going to waste it. I will use all my energy to develop myself, open my heart to other people,.. And what is the harm of this.2.Great start.

As a rule, my day used to start like this: I, as always, jumped out of bed late, got ready for work at a frantic pace, picked up the children at the same rhythm, and drove them to school, usually being late for. At work, I looked rumpled, disheveled, and generally barely alive. But at the same time, I was also irritable, ready to pounce on someone for any little thing. Not the best start to the day, that's for sure. Now I have a refreshing morning ritual, I manage to do a lot of things before 8 in the morning, and at a time when the rest are just starting to work, I am already ready for a powerful active start! In my experience, starting the day by waking up early is great! 3. Peace and quiet.

There are no children screaming, crying, no one is playing football outside the window, there are few cars, the TV is turned off. The morning hours are very peaceful and quiet. This is my favorite time of the day. And I really enjoy this period when I can calmly think, gather my thoughts, plan important things for this day. 4. Dawn.

People who wake up late are missing out on one of nature's most stunning recurring day-to-day events - sunrise. It is so beautiful to watch how it gradually becomes lighter, the deep blue of the night flows into soft blue colors, diamond rays begin to play in the sky, nature turns into incredible colors. It is great if you do your morning run at this time. Physical activity is a great start to the day, the body is filled with the energy of awakening, invigorates and the mood rises and you realize “What a wonderful day!”. 5. Breakfast.

When you get up early, you have time to have a normal breakfast. Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the whole day. Without breakfast, your body is tormented, and by lunchtime you are already so hungry that you pounce on the most unhealthy food. For the fattest, sweetest, and of course, take the largest portion. And if you had a good breakfast, that is, you will want it much later, and not so much. In addition, eating breakfast while reading a good book and having a cup of coffee, in the quiet silence of the morning, is much more pleasant than grabbing something on the way to work, or at your desk. 6. Workouts.

Of course, you can do sports not only in the morning. For example, I have found that exercising after work is quite enjoyable. But after work, some other important things often form, because of which you have to miss classes. Morning training can actually fail only if the weather is very bad, if you work out on the street. 7. Efficiency.

Morning is the most fruitful part of the day, when the brain is actively working and there is an opportunity to do much more. By evening, all the work has already been done, you can go home early to spend time with your family. 8. Have you set yourself goals?

There is no better time than morning to review and analyze their global goals, make a plan and assign tasks. Big goals need to be broken down into a group of small ones. Thus, you should have an intermediate goal that you want to achieve this week. And in the morning you need to decide what to do today to move towards achieving this goal. After that, if possible, immediately do the work that you have planned. 9. Road to work.

Nobody likes traffic during rush hour. Leave early before the streets are too busy and you'll get to work faster, thus saving you time. At the same time, of course, it is better to agree on a personal work schedule with superiors, if possible. 10. Meetings and meetings.

It's much easier to get to morning meetings on time if you get up early. Being late for a meeting is disrespectful to the people you meet. If you arrive on time, you will be treated with respect. Plus, you have time to prepare. Now you know what get up early not only good for your health but also for your success. How to learn get up early?In the beginning, it can be very difficult to rearrange your daily routine - a habit, as you know, is second nature. Many are accustomed to go to bed when they want, and get up at 7-8 in the morning when they need to go to work. On weekends, it's natural to go to bed later and wake up later.

Consider the example of one person who lived according to the principle of the majority of people. Once he decided to try to get up every day at 5 am for a month and realized that it was more useful, healthier and more productive. Of course, it is very difficult to get up at 5 in the morning if you do not know how to do it correctly. Everything needs a good strategy.

There are two main approaches to sleep. The first approach is to always go to sleep and wake up at the same time.

Supporters of the second approach believe that you need to listen to your body and go to bed and wake up when you want. They are sure that our body itself knows how much time it needs to sleep.

Through trial and error, this person came to the conclusion that both of these approaches are not 100% optimal for him.

As we have repeatedly said, the choice of approach depends on the goal. The goal of this person is maximum productivity during the day, a sense of harmony, balance and happiness.

If you try to go to bed at the same time, you will often have to go to bed even when you don’t feel like it at all. Each of our days is absolutely different from other days, which means that the needs for sleep and rest are completely different. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to set yourself up for the fact that sleep should always last the same time. It seems to me that if you can’t fall asleep within the first 5 minutes, it means that it’s too early to go to bed.

If you follow the second approach, that is, I sleep as much as I want, then you will almost certainly sleep from 8 to 10 hours, and this is an absolutely waste of precious time. Although, if there is no big goal in life, you can sleep for 12-15 hours a day.

The less meaning in a person's life, the more time he sleeps. This is obviously because real life happens in the waking moment. If a person does not see the point in feeling alert and purposeful, then sleep becomes more meaningful for him. The best solution is to combine these two approaches: I go to bed only when I really want to and wake up all 7 days a week on the same time. The body itself feels when it is time for it to rest, while I wake up no later than 5 in the morning.

Here is what, according to my observations of the body, turned out in humans:

In the evening, I trust my body more than my mind, and in the morning everything happens the other way around - the mind takes over the body. At night, the body is disconnected from everything human and plunges into an animal unconsciousness, so when the alarm rings at 5 in the morning, I do not listen to my body, because I do not trust it. But in the evening, when I am fully conscious and the body requires sleep, I treat it with respect and do what it asks. Sometimes I go to bed at 21:30, sometimes I am productive until 24:00, but on average I go to bed at 22:30. I usually fall asleep while reading a book - my eyes just close on their own.

I put the alarm clock away from the bed, then you have to get up to turn it off. Usually, in the first 5 minutes after sleep, there is a struggle inside me between the mind and the body, which wants to return back to the unconscious state of complete relaxation and bliss. Then the drowsiness passes and pride for your first victory in the new day appears. Very often, immediately after waking up, I read something positive and inspiring for 5-10 minutes - this allows me to stretch my mind, heart and soul.

Now I sleep about 1.5 hours less than I used to sleep, and I feel much better, more alert, livelier and more energetic.

Assuming an average work week of 40 hours, then 1.5 hours each day is an additional 14 work weeks per year! On the other hand, if we assume that a person is awake 18 hours a day, we get an extra month a year! And if you take a 10-year perspective, then you get almost a whole year of life! Now draw your conclusions. Who is informed is armed. Better to know than not to know. Easy to do, but even easier not to do. This is our freedom - to do or not to do, to know or not to know.

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