Home indoor flowers Telegram program translation. How to install Russian language on telegram for different devices. Telegram: Russian language for computer

Telegram program translation. How to install Russian language on telegram for different devices. Telegram: Russian language for computer

Until recently, the biggest problem for the audience of the Telegram messenger from the CIS countries was the lack of official support for the native language. The developers of the program simply did not consider the territory of Russia and the CIS countries to be a priority market. Yes, one could be outraged as much as one wanted, but Pavel Durov and his like-minded people had their own clear position on this issue. And so, at the beginning of October 2017, official support for Russian, Ukrainian and some other languages ​​​​was announced, and a new platform for translating the program into many others was also presented. Unfortunately, at the moment, the new localization is implemented only in mobile versions of the program, although the application for computers can be localized manually.

In this regard, the question arises - how to Russify "Telegram" on a phone or tablet? How to put Russian on Telegram on a computer? We will provide answers to them in today's material.

As mentioned above, the mobile version of Telegram for Android and iOS, starting from version 4.4, has received official support for the Russian menu. Now, to enjoy a clear language, just switch it in the settings. But now, you heard the news, open the program, and the interface is still in English. Because of what it can be? Let's look at a few reasons.

  1. You have not updated the mobile version of Telegram through the app store. Russian is available on the newest version.
  2. You updated the mobile version, but did not switch the language in the settings. Unfortunately, the interface in Telegram does not automatically switch to Russian, so even after the update you will have an English menu.
  3. Your phone is running Windows Phone. To date, the program for this operating system cannot be Russified.
  4. You are using Telegram on your computer. At the moment, regardless of the operating system, Telegram for a computer does not have official support for new languages.

How to enable the Russian menu on the mobile version

  1. First of all, you need to check if the latest version of Telegram is installed on your device. This can be done through the app store. Depending on the operating system, this will be the Android Play Store or the Apple AppStore.
  2. If an update is available, download and install it. Depending on the speed of the Internet, the process will take from a minute to five.
  3. Run the updated program and set the language in the settings.
  • Android: in the upper left corner, click on the button in the form of three horizontal stripes - Settings - Language - Russian;
  • iOS: in the lower right corner, click the Settings - Chat Settings - Language - Russian button.
  1. The program interface will immediately switch to the selected language.

How to Russify "Telegram" on a computer


Thanks to the fact that Telegram introduced official support for Russian in the mobile version of the messenger, you no longer need to perform any tricky manipulations to manually Russify. Unfortunately, on the computer you will have to use the second option, but we believe that soon the developers will introduce this feature on the computer client. Tell us in the comments if you liked the official Russian translation of Telegram.

If you use a messenger called Telegram, but in English or any other non-native language, you can increase your comfort when using such technologies by translating everything into the language you need!

If you have Android...

If you want to translate Telegram into Russian to "Android".

Here are the steps you can take to change the display language to Russian if you have Android:

1. On the Internet page tlgrm.ru, that is, on the official website of the program, you need to request (the robot (bot) is responsible for sending) the so-called localization file, in this case the Russian localization file.

2. After your Android receives a special message containing the file, click on it (tap on it).

3. Click on the button on the window that appears, on which three dots are drawn, located in the upper right corner of the dialog box.

4. When you do the previous action, a new window will appear in which you need to select the application of this localization file. In English it will sound like this: "Apply localization file".

5. Now you need to select the Russian language in the settings (in English it will be “settings”) (in English “Russian”).

6. The device should switch to the desired language you have chosen in the Telegram program.

What to do if the required language is not in the list of languages?

Follow a simple sequence of actions:

  1. Go to the search in the Telegram program itself.
  2. Enter in the field the name of a special software add-on that will help in resolving your problem - "RusLangBot".
  3. After a successful search, this program appears first in the list of all found.
  4. Now you need to press the start button - "Start".
  5. In the window that appears after such manipulations, from the menu items presented, you need to select, respectively, "Android".

By the way! In most cases, the robot sender sends this file to clients (users of Android devices) automatically. In this case, all that needs to be done is to first click on the download button. And only after that - select three dots (menu) that will appear at the top, to the right of incoming system messages.

The second step is to install (run) the successfully downloaded file.

If you have an iPhone or iPad...

By selecting the appropriate section on the website of the Telegram program, which is called that in the menu on the iPhone), you can order a file, that is, make an application. What to do next?

The procedure for installing the language on the specified gadgets (devices):

1. Now you need to wait a bit until the file is downloaded (Example: it will have the name: “iOs - Russian.strings” if you have an IOS-based phone, and it will “weigh” less than two hundred Kilobytes).

3. Now, as in the previous section, you need to select "Apply Localization".

4. Click Russian: "Settings" in the "Main Menu" - and you're done!

If you have a computer...

First you need, as in all previous cases, download the desired file from the same website of the official Telegram. To change the language settings, follow the following algorithm:

1. Go to the site tlgrm.ru in the "Desktop" section.

2. Download the file (downloading the file is simple: you need to click on the blue arrow pointing down by clicking on the left mouse button by double-clicking on it).

3. The file must have the following name - "Russian strings".

4. It must be installed on a personal computer as a program, that is, click on the installation program downloaded to the repository.

There is an alternative to the last point. Acting according to "Plan B" is as simple as following the previous scenario (algorithm):

  1. Click Settings.
  2. Find the main settings item. They are called so - "Main", that is, "General".
  3. The next step will be the combined pressing of three keys at once. So, first press (more precisely hold without releasing) a combination of two: “Shift”, “Alt”.
  4. Now the third button is pressed: "Change language", that is, "Change language".
  5. Now find the downloaded file and run it.
  6. After restarting the messenger program, everything should work out: the changes should already affect all program windows, folder names, its settings, etc.

This way is suitable for solving the issue of Russification of the telegram program for the following operating systems:

  • Windows.
  • OS X system.
  • linux.

To Russify the Telegram communication program, you need to download and run the appropriate file. For different devices, the steps may be slightly different.

Translating telegram into Russian is very easy! It will only take a couple of minutes! And you won’t have to look for where to download telegram in Russian!

Initially, only the following languages ​​are available in the messenger interface: English, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian, Arabic, Portuguese, Korean. by simple manipulations, we will add Russian to the list!

Telegram in Russian: two ways of Russification

We found two ways to Russify the messenger, both with the help of bots.

Russian language for telegram: method one, 6 steps

You can set the Russian language for telegrams using a universal bot. This is how we Russified the messenger in a matter of seconds.

1. First, download the bot itself.

2. We get to his page, we read:

3.Choose the platform we need, download the file.

4. Go to the settings (Settings on the top panel), the settings window opens and now, regardless of it, we type the word on the keyboard loadlang

5. After that, the following window will immediately appear:

6. Select the downloaded file (there are already several of them on the screenshot. Russify and desktop :)) and press Enter. That's all wisdom!

Telegram in Russian: the second way of Russification

1.Enter in the search bar telerobot. Robot Anton will appear, and we select it.

2. Depending on the platform, enter:

For Android - “locate android”.

For IOS users - “locate ios”.

For Windows Phone - on “locate windows”

3. The bot sends a file with localization. Download

4. You need to apply the file:

5. Apply:

6. Russian appeared in the list of languages.

And now - your telegram in Russian!

If you try to Russify the desktop version, Telegram for a computer, in this way, you will not succeed. Here we have to go the other way. Either choose the first way of Russification, or use the help of Anton's robot, but with dances and tambourines. So…

Telegram: Russian language for computer

1. Bot RusLangBot does an excellent job, see instructions above.⇑

2. Anton's bot will require a couple of additional steps:

We type in the search @telerobot:

We send the command “locale windows”:

We go into the settings, simultaneously hold down the shift and alt keys and click on change language

The folder with our localization file opens. Double click on the file.

We restart the program.

Everything worked out, now our telegram on the computer is also Russified!

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Now the world is full of all sorts of services that allow you to translate individual words, phrases, sentences, or even entire texts. Each of them has its pros and cons. Although Google Translate and Yandex Translate services are now actively promoted, many Russians still prefer to use another service for translation. It is called "Translate.Ru", and the domestic company PROMT is responsible for its development.

A few hours ago, on the part of its 20th anniversary, the PROMT company added its proprietary text translator to Telegram, making it part of the communication service. Now any messenger user can translate from one language to another in a fraction of a second without the need to use third-party software. The function works on smartphones, tablets, computers and any other devices that have a native client of this messenger.

The bot-translator "Translate.Ru" is responsible for translating the text, which is always ready to complete the task assigned to it. Moreover, in addition to automatic translation, it is able to carry it out in different contexts - scientific, technical, educational, business and others. This significantly improves the quality of the translation, depending on the purpose for which the user needs it.

As of March 2, 2018, the translator bot built into Telegram can work with 15 languages, including Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and others. In the near future, the developers plan not only to expand the functionality of the Translate.Ru bot, but also to increase the number of languages ​​into which it can translate texts. This will make it popular not only in Russia and the CIS countries, but also in other regions of the world, including the USA, Europe and China.

Earlier, Yandex launched its own bot in Telegram, which is ready at any time, which plays nearby. It works due to the neural network, the developers assure, and everyone can try it even now.

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Telegram is a convenient and popular messenger for computers and phones, with only one drawback: it does not have the Russian language. But this seems to be a problem only at first glance. In this article we will tell you how to translate "Telegram" into Russian on a computer.

Please note that the methods described below are primarily suitable for PC. Methods for smartphones are not very different, but still have their own specifics.


The developers of the program did not include the Russian language in the list of available localizations in the settings, but they write about how to translate Telegram into Russian on a computer on the official website.

Follow these instructions:

  • run the program;
  • go to the contact search bar (top field);
  • type (or copy from here) telerobot;
  • Telegram will find the bot - click on it;
  • if you entered the name correctly, the chat will open;
  • give a command to the bot - send him a message in the chat with the text locate tdesktop;
  • in response, in just a couple of seconds, a file will come, save it to your computer in any folder that is convenient for you to find;
  • go to Settings in the main menu;
  • hold down the key combination Shift + Alt and click on Change Language ("Change language");
  • a window with a file selection will open - go to the folder where you saved the file sent by the bot and select it;
  • when a window appears asking if you want to install a new language, click Ok.

Russification completed. You may need to restart the program.

Important! When updating Telegram and installing new versions, repeat all the steps according to the instructions, because due to amendments in the code of the program, the localization settings of another version may not work correctly.

By the way! You can use another bot, RusLangBot and another locale windows command. There is no difference between them.


How to translate "Telegram" into Russian on a computer if you have an "apple" operating system? The instruction is similar to the one described above, however, with the only amendment: use the locate osx command for the bot.


The problem of how to translate "Telegram" into Russian on a computer with Linux is that in the version of the program for this OS, the bot from the contact search is usually not found (although the attempt is not torture). If the bot is found, follow the instructions from Windows and send it the locale tdesktop RU command.

If the bot was not found, go to the official Telegram website and go to the page with localization files. Select Russian, download directly or click "Get from bot". By the way, in the same way you can download the file for both Windows and Mac.

The second problem with Linux with Telegram is that in some distribution versions, the Shift + Alt key combination, which calls the "Change language" menu function, does not work. To solve this, go to settings and type loadlang on your keyboard.

Interesting! The loadlang life hack works on both Windows and Mac, although there is no reason to use it.

Online version

Unfortunately, the online version of the messenger cannot be Russified. When trying to open a localization file, the program gives an error.

Alternative ways

All the above methods of how to translate Telegram into Russian on a computer are official and proven. However, there are also ways of Russification from third-party developers in the form of programs with a name similar to the original messenger. Their use is not recommended, as software from unknown sources often contains malicious code and can easily turn out to be a virus.

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