Home Flowers Program for formatting microsd cards transcend. Program for formatting sd cards. What to do if MicroSD is write protected

Program for formatting microsd cards transcend. Program for formatting sd cards. What to do if MicroSD is write protected

SD Card Formatter is a free desktop program for formatting SD/SDHC/SDXC cards. It is an indispensable tool for restoring the compatibility of SD and microSD memory cards with operating systems and devices. Correct formatting does not always, but in many cases eliminates the problem of file system incompatibility.

The SD Formatter application is designed entirely to work with memory cards, format them using SD / SDHC / SDXC standards. Therefore, if for some reason your sd card is not formatted, we strongly recommend SD Formatter as a formatting tool instead of the standard utilities included with the operating system. Those applications also work with almost all types of flash drives and cards, but the result is not optimal in terms of speed. Manufacturers advise formatting the sd card using special applications. SDFormatter is one of the best for formatting.

How to format an android device

In fact, formatting the memory of a tablet or phone running Android is not difficult.

To format the memory card, you need to go to Settings - Privacy - Reset settings. However, in the latest versions of Android, this method is not available, so we would advise you to format the memory card on your computer. How to do it - read below.

How to format a phone tablet through a card reader

To format a tablet or phone, you will need a card reader and the installed sdformatter program, which can be downloaded from the link above.

  1. We take out the microsd / sd card from the android device
  2. We take a card reader, connect it to a computer and insert a memory card into it
  3. Run the sdformatter program
  4. In the list of disks in the sdformatter window, specify the letter of the memory card connected through the card reader (you can check the correspondence by the disk label or by the contents of the memory card). Be careful, make sure that you are going to format exactly the memory card that was in the phone!
  5. We go into the settings of the sdformatter program (Option button) and select the Full OverWrite formatting type.
  6. Click Format, wait for the formatting to finish.
  7. We take out the sd card from the card reader and insert it into the phone.

How to format a memory card on your phone using SD Format

You can read about how to work with SD Formatter in the official instructions or follow the instructions in the Message Area of ​​the program. The utility is very simple in its design, and we will note the key features when working with it.

Download SD Card Formatter

The first thing you need for successful formatting is to download the SD Memory Card Formatter application.

Important. To launch SD Card Formatter .

Connecting a memory card to a computer

We carefully remove the memory card from the mobile phone (or tablet) and connect it to the PC using a card reader. Alternatively, you can simply connect the device to your computer, which has the SD Memory Card Formatter program installed.

To work with media, you will need one of the following special devices:

  • USB SD Card reader - a separate device, connected accordingly through the USB port of the computer
  • SD Card slot - usually available in any laptop/Macbook.

Formatting settings

Formatting is configured through the Option window. The Format Options provide two types of formatting:

  • Quick format - files and folders are marked as writable, but the formatting does not affect the data in the files
  • Full (Overwrite) format - the program also deletes the contents of files.

In other words, after Quick format, you can still try to recover files, while after Overwrite format, the chances are extremely small.

Selecting a disk to format

From the Drive list, select the sd card to format. As a rule, the program does this on its own. Conveniently, hard disk partitions are not displayed here, so it's hard to get confused and select the wrong disk. However, it is still worth double-checking the name of the letter if other storage media are connected to the computer.

If the flash drive was inserted into the SD slot after the program was launched, the disk may not be displayed immediately. In this case, you need to click the Refresh Button and check the status field. The blue logo in the main window indicates the successful connection of the SD card.

A similar scenario is also valid if you do not know how to format an Android phone: follow the instructions exactly, SD Format is quite suitable for working with this mobile OS.

Performing formatting

To apply the settings, click OK, to start formatting - Format in the main program window.

When formatting is complete, a window will appear with the status Memory Card Format Complete! Information about the file system, available memory card capacity, and cluster size is also available here.

Instructions on how to format an SD card

Summary. SD Formatter is an excellent program for formatting microsd, sd and other memory cards. If you do not know how to format an sd card using standard means or are faced with certain problems reading information from a memory card, this utility will provide all possible assistance. The program is absolutely free and safe, and you should not be afraid that after formatting you will get a "brick" at your disposal.

Supported SD card interfaces

The sdformatter utility supports multiple device interfaces for working with SD, SDHC, microsd and SDXC

  • SD slot on computer
  • USB SD reader
  • PC card, CardBus or Express Card SD adapter (ExpressCard SD)

Before downloading sdformatter and just before starting to work with the application, you need to make sure that you have the ability to work with the sd-card using one of the above protocols with the sdformatter program.

SDFormatter application interface

SD Formatter interface A few SDFormatter program settings required when formatting a memory card. If your memory card is not being formatted, we advise you to pay close attention to all parameters without exception.

1 Status

This field shows the status of the SD memory card/SDHC/SDXC memory and the device interface.

  • Blue: activity status.
  • No logo: SD memory card or SDHC/SDXC memory card or SD interface of the device is disabled.
  • Grey: no connection. These can be SD memory cards, SDHC/SDXC cards recognized by the SD Formatter utility.

2 Drive

This list indicates the disks of the SD memory/memory card, SDHC/SDXC card that have been opened and recognized by the SD Formatter. A drive from this list can be selected for formatting the SD memory card.

3 Size (Size) sd card

This field indicates the capacity of SD/SDHC/SDXC cards on the selected drive.

4 Message Area

This area displays messages or notifications from SD Formatter to users. This area is useful for additional information in case the sd card not formatted.

5 Refresh Button

This button is used to update the information on the SD memory card/memory card or SDHC/SDXC storage cards. When this button is pressed, the SD Formatter receives the latest information from the SD storage card. This button is useful when new memory cards, SD/SDHC/SDXC memory cards are added via the unit's SD interface.

6 Volume Label

This field in the sdformatter program is used to display the label of the sd volume. Enter a new volume label that will be written to the SD card during formatting. You can enter up to 11 characters in the Volume Label field. If the volume label name was NOT English, this field may not display correctly. In this case, you should enter a new sd card volume label in English.

7 Select button (Option)

This sdformatter utility button is used to select options when performing a format operation. When the button is pressed, a window with options to format the SD card is displayed on the screen.

8 SD card format options

This area shows the current SD card formatting options selected in the format window options. If the sd card is not formatted, you should vary with the program options.

9 SD start button (Format)

This button starts formatting the sd memory card. After clicking this button, a format confirmation window will appear on the screen. You can continue or cancel formatting the disk/sd card.

10 Exit button

This button is used to exit the SD Formatter application after the memory card has been formatted.

It should be noted that memory cards supporting SD/SDHC/SDXC protocols have a so-called protected area dedicated to standard security features. The SD Formatter 4.0 utility does not format this same security zone. Therefore, always use an appropriate application or an SD compatible device to provide an SD protected function to format the protected area on the memory card.

System requirements to run sdformatter

This information will be useful if your memory card is not being formatted and you need to install the sdformatter application.

If an sdxc card is connected directly through the computer's sd slot without installing a driver, the card may not be recognized correctly, and therefore a message will appear asking you to format it. In this case, do not agree and do not format the memory card: this may result in a complete deletion of data on the storage device and unwanted formatting in a file system that is not compatible with the SDXC device.

SD Card Formatter vs Standard Formatting Tools

In Windows and Mac OS, basic tools are available for formatting a hard drive, usb drive, and sd card. However, this method is not recommended as formatting can significantly degrade the performance of the storage device.

There is no such drawback in SD Card Formatter. Moreover, the program is often used to fix memory card recognition problems after incorrect standard Windows formatting.

Unlike system utilities, SD Formatter does not affect the protected area. This reserved area on the memory card is required for security functions. Formatting is not recommended.

As the developers of SD Formatter clarify, formatting is configured for maximum performance (for the FAT file system). Thus, when formatting, you can use the default settings.

Like other programs, SD Formatter cannot format encrypted memory cards (for example, BitLocker To Go). Therefore, a mandatory step is to decrypt the content before performing the operation.

Answers to questions from readers

How to format a flash drive on Android?

Answer. To format the memory card of an Android device, you need to remove the card from your phone or tablet, then connect it to your computer using a card reader. After that, open SD Formatter and find the flash drive in the list of storage devices. All subsequent actions are described in the instructions for formatting a memory card above in the text.

The operating system gives an error with the following content: "Windows cannot complete formatting." What would it mean, how to solve the problem?

Answer. Usually this error appears in two cases: if for some reason it is not possible to complete the formatting or it is not possible to format the USB flash drive using regular OS tools.

There are two methods for solving formatting errors and, accordingly, two tools. The first is the built-in system utility diskmgmt.msc (launched via Start - Run). The second program, you guessed it, is the sd formatter. Through it, you can perform quick and deep (low-level) formatting of the microsd card.

What is low-level formatting microsd?

Answer. Low-level formatting is a type of formatting a memory card and a flash drive, which performs cleaning and subsequent testing, creating a file table and copying it to the service section of a storage device. As a rule, low-level formatting should be resorted to only in extreme cases, if the microsd or sd card works with errors.

I recently bought a 16 GB memory card. The phone supports more, but during operation there was a problem when using the phone for an hour or two for a long time. Applications on the memory card open and immediately close, but when the phone is rebooted, everything gets back to normal, and then it's bad again. Why is that?

Answer. Not the fact that the problem is related to the memory card. If a certain application causes a conflict, it may affect the operation of other programs. It might be running in the background.

Check if there are any unnecessary applications on your phone. Removing them may improve the situation.

If the method with deleting applications does not work, try formatting the microsd memory card. This can be done both through the phone (in the Android settings), and through the card reader, on the computer. SD Formatter is just this very program for formatting a memory card.

Flash drive problem. 2 days ago I bought a new 16 gig flashcard. I inserted it on Android and completely formatted it and then moved the files from Android to it. After formatting the sd card, everything is fine, but when I download some videos and applications from the Internet after 5 minutes, they are damaged. More precisely, he writes: it is impossible to play the video and the black screen. The application writes: error parsing the package. I formatted the microsd again - everything seems to be clean. And the files get corrupted again. last night in the android folder in the sd card I saw strange files with an unknown format 2-3 gig in size. I tried to delete, but writes a failure when deleting. rebooted Android and they disappeared. could it be a virus or something else?

Answer. The package parsing error in Android occurs, as a rule, due to the wrong size of the apk file. This means that the installer was not completely copied to the microsd card.

It is possible that the wrong format was specified during formatting. Android supports FAT and exFAT, try this one or that one. See above for how to format a microsd using SDFormatter.

If the problem persists, uninstall unnecessary and recently installed applications on the phone, as a last resort, update the Android firmware.

The phone sees the flash drive, reads the photos that were on the flash card, but does not open applications on the flash drive. Samsung galaxy s3 mini phone.

Answer. If you can't open apps on your phone, you can move them to your phone's internal storage using the app manager. The second option is to download them again from Google Play and install them on a memory card.

If the application still does not open, format the memory card in FAT or exFAT.

I was watching a video on the Nomi_i4510 phone and suddenly I forgot about the percentage of the charge and the phone passed out. I put it on charge, turned it on, and it says to me in the notifications they say "sd card is missing, if you can't connect the sd card, press forget the device." I reboot the phone and go to the settings, then to the storage and drives, and there is such a picture: the internal storage SD card (damaged) and below - the SD card is missing. I go into the SD card is damaged and it says that in order to continue using the SD card, you need to format it. I click "Format" and now it's formatted, everything is ok. But the fact is that the SD card partition (missing) is still there and the reboot does not help. That is, the SD card is connected and working normally and as if it is missing. What to do, how to format the sd card?

Answer. Try formatting the sd card not through the phone, but using the sd formatter program. Also try inserting another memory card into your phone and check if information about the missing card appears. If yes, update the phone firmware and reboot the device. As a last resort, you will have to reset Android to factory settings. Whether the game is worth the candle is up to you (be sure to save all important files from your phone to your computer beforehand).

About 2 months ago I bought a HUAWEI LUA - 21 phone. It reads a memory card, but when I download a photo or a program from the Internet, they always write: "no memory", although I have a new micro flash drive. And every time the notification "Preparing SD card" appears.

Answer. The appearance of errors may be due to incorrect formatting of the memory card. This is a fairly common problem, it is easy to fix it:

  1. remove the sd card from the phone,
  2. connect to PC (via card reader)
  3. copy the files from the flash drive to the PC (make a backup copy)
  4. format the memory card to Fat32 or exFAT
  5. copy files from PC back to flash drive

After these steps, the sd card should be normally detected by the phone.

Can you please tell me if it is possible to decrypt the sd card with this program? Since there was a failure in the phone, and the files remained encrypted and the phone does not read them.

Answer. Unfortunately, you will not be able to recover encrypted data after a factory reset. Neither additional software like SD Formatter, nor the built-in features of Android will help. For further use, you need to format the sd card. It is clear that you will lose encrypted data on microsd.

Formatted phone. Now he asks for an account that has been synced with him. I don't know this account because I turned off sync. What to do?

Answer. Probably, we are talking about a Google account, which is indicated in the Android settings or immediately at the stage of initial phone setup. Create a new Google account and connect a new email.

Phone Lenovo A7000. Reads microsd as internal memory. There is a lot of free space on the map, but it does not even allow applications to be updated. I deleted a bunch of applications, left only the most necessary - I still can't download anything. How to make a memory card an external media? Resell only?

Answer. Most likely, the problem is in the wrong formatting of the card. Try formatting the sd card on your computer, choosing Fat or extFat as the file system on microsd. The SDFormatter utility will cope with this task.

A memory card is a convenient way to store information that allows you to save up to 128 gigabytes of data. However, there are times when the drive needs to be formatted and standard tools cannot always cope with this. In this article, we will look at a list of programs for formatting memory cards.

The first program on this list is SDFormatter. According to the developers themselves, the program, unlike Windows tools, provides maximum optimization of the SD card. Plus, there are some settings that allow you to slightly adjust the formatting for yourself.


The RecoveRx utility from Transcend is not too different from the previous one. The only thing I would like to have in the program is more fine-tuning. But there is data recovery in case of loss in the event of a memory card crash, which gives the program a small plus.

AutoFormat Tool

This utility has only one function, but copes with it quite well. Yes, the process takes a little longer than usual, but it's worth it. And given that it was developed by the well-known company Transcend, this gives it a little more credibility, even despite the lack of other functionality.

HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool

Another fairly popular tool for working with USB and MicroSD drives. The program also has formatting with a little customization. In addition, there is additional functionality, such as an error scanner on a flash drive. And in general, the program is great for formatting a non-opening or freezing flash drive.

HDD Low Level Format Tool

This software is more suitable for HDDs, which is evident even from the name. However, the program copes with simple drives. The program has three formatting modes:

  • Conditional low-level;
  • fast;
  • Complete.

Each of them differs in the duration of the process and the quality of mashing.

How to restore an SD card or USB flash drive if the computer does not see them, does not read or write data? Problems with flash drives are rarely caused by normal wear and tear. More often, the causes of problems with them are ignoring the rules of safe removal of the device by users, experimenting with various software in which these flash drives are involved, as well as their initially lousy quality. Below we consider a list of possible actions carried out in the Windows environment that can solve the problem, unless, of course, the cause lies in a mechanical failure. And we, friends, will go from simple to complex.

Recovery of SD cards and USB flash drives in Windows environment

  • Note: below we will only talk about restoring the performance of flash drives, but not about saving the data stored on them. This is a separate topic, and there is a site on this subject. Most of the methods for recovering SD cards and flash drives suggested below will result in the loss of their data.

1. Hardware lock

SD cards, MicroSD adapters and flash drives can be hardware-protected from writing data or completely blocked even for reading. These devices have a lock switch, which must be set to the "Unlocked" position accordingly.

2. Problems not related to the drives themselves

The cause of problems with SD cards and flash drives can be the Windows security policy. You need to find out if access to removable drives (in full or in part of writing data to them) is blocked by the computer administrator. You also need to check the card reader or USB ports of the computer. If everything is in order with the latter - the card reader reads other SD cards, but there are still problems with the flash drive, no matter how you connect it to other USB ports, let's move on.

3. Windows Explorer

Standard formatting using Windows Explorer can help in simple cases such as unsuccessful data writing to a USB flash drive. Or when for some reason a smartphone, tablet, camera or other device cannot handle this operation with respect to SD cards. In any of the current versions of Windows, in the Explorer window on the drive, we call the context menu, click "Format".

We leave the original file system and first try a quick format.

If it fails, we repeat the operation, but with full formatting (uncheck the quick one).

4. Windows Disk Management

You can try to format the format in disk management. To launch this tool, in the system search field, enter:


In the disk management window, focusing on the size of the drive, we are looking for it among the drives connected to the computer. And in the context menu called on it, we start formatting.

You can immediately choose full formatting.

If your flash drive has a partition structure like a hard drive, you need to delete each of those partitions. This is done using the option in the context menu "Delete volume".

And then, in place of the resulting unallocated space, you need to create a single partition. To do this, in the context menu on this very unallocated space, we launch the “Create a new volume” operation and follow the instructions of the step-by-step wizard.

5. Programs for low-level formatting

Regular formatting tools may not help in difficult cases, for example, when flash drives are displayed (in the same Explorer or Disk Management) as unrecognized devices with the RAW file system. The latter means that either the Windows environment does not understand the file system of the drive, or there is no file system as such in principle. Actually, this is what causes problems with a flash drive or SD card when it works on other devices, with other operating systems. In such cases, third-party Windows programs designed for the so-called low-level formatting will help restore the USB flash drive.

In fact, low-level formatting is a procedure that is carried out either in the production environment of flash device manufacturers, or in serious narrow-profile services. Various Windows software that claims this kind of operation actually performs the usual full format, but by mechanisms different from those used by the operating system. Such programs are good at dealing with flash drive problems if these problems occur at the file system level. Let's look at two of these programs.

HDD Low Level Format Tool


The shareware portable program HDD Low Level Format Tool can format various types of storage media, in particular, SD cards and USB flash drives. After unpacking the archive with the program, run it, agree to the license terms.

Choose free use.

Directly in the program window, specify the problematic drive and click "Continue".

We confirm the decision.

We are waiting for the operation to complete and check the operation of the media.



The completely free little program SDFormatter is another tool for so-called low-level formatting. Works with both SD cards and USB sticks. We install SDFormatter into the system, launch it, in the "Drive" column we indicate the problematic flash drive. Click "Format".

The program wants to make sure the seriousness of our intentions, click "OK.

Asks not to touch the drive while the operation is being carried out.

Upon completion, we test a USB flash drive or SD card. If it doesn’t help, repeat the operation with the settings for a complete rewriting of sectors (nothing more than a full format). Press "Option", select "Full (OverWrite)". And also click on "Format" at the bottom.

If using the above methods it was not possible to reanimate the flash drive, and it is still under warranty, you need to stop at this stage. And take no further action, except to contact the seller with a request to replace the device. All the actions that are described below should be resorted to only when, in fact, there is nothing to lose. The instructions below apply to USB sticks, SD cards, and MicroSD cards. However, in the case of the latter, the probability of recovery is extremely small.

6. D-Soft Flash Doctor

D-Soft Flash Doctor performs the so-called low-level formatting, and along the way it also detects bad sectors (cells). Well, and, accordingly, knows how to block them and replace them with backup ones. The program can help when flash drives or SD cards have difficulty reading individual files that have fallen on bad sectors. The program is free and portable. I did not find the official site, but it can be freely downloaded on the Internet.

In the D-Soft Flash Doctor window, the first thing to do is run a scan for errors.

In my case, there were no damaged (broken) sectors.

But if in your case, friends, the scan results are different, and bad sectors are found, we start the recovery process.

The window for this operation promises that the process will not last longer than 10 minutes, but in fact, remapping bad sectors on a drive with a capacity of more than 4 GB can take quite a long time. So it is better to run the recovery operation at night.

7. Flashing the memory controller

Programs for the so-called low-level formatting or their analogues, in any other form declaring the function of resuscitation of all types of SD cards and / or USB flash drives, turn out to be powerless in the event of a software failure of the controller when it needs to be flashed. This problem may have different symptoms, but more often it is either the computer does not completely see the drive, or it sees, it can even read data, but cannot format it by any means. In particular, due to write protection, despite the fact that the drive is not blocked by hardware.

In such cases, special resuscitation software can help USB flash drives. It can be found, in particular, on the specialized web resource FlashBoot.ru. The first step on this site is to go to the download page for the ChipGenius utility:


This is a portable utility that displays the factory characteristics of flash drives, which will later serve as identifying signs for finding specific software for flashing the memory controller of specific flash drives. Download ChipGenius, run it, click on the desired media, look at the characteristics.

First of all, we need the VID and PID values. As additional identifying features, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer of the flash drive (Device Vendor), the manufacturer of the memory controller (Controller Vendor) and the serial number of the controller (Controller Part-Number).


In the fields "VID" and "PID" we enter our values ​​taken from the window of the ChipGenius program. And click "Search". After that, we will see a table with a list of various types of flash drives, and in the final column of this table, links to download utilities for flashing the controller will be displayed.

Additional data from the ChipGenius program, in particular, Controller Vendor and Controller Part-Number, will help you find your specific type of drive. But, alas, a solution in the form of a link to download the necessary utility will not be offered in every case. For certain types of drives, just the names of the utilities will be displayed. You need to look for these utilities by name on the Internet yourself. But for many types of media, no solution will be offered at all, as, for example, in my case for a Kingston flash drive. In such cases, with identifying features, you can contact the search engine. And search the Internet for a solution for the same VID and PID.

Or by the name of the manufacturer of the flash drive and the serial number of the memory controller.

Formatting a memory card completely erases the data from the media, this procedure also helps to get rid of errors associated with reading the card. SD media is used primarily in phones, but it can be inserted into a camera, music player, and anywhere else that has a flat slot for this type of memory card. An SD card is considered a medium up to 2 GB, it often requires formatting, and in this article you will learn how to do this.

How to format SD from phone

If you are using a microSD card, you can clear it directly from your phone. Go to your smartphone settings and do the following:

Find the "Storage" section. Go into it.

In some phones, the algorithm looks different, for example, in Samsung. Open the device tray and select the gear icon.

Find the "Smart Manager" section. In it, you can find the block with the SD card and click "Clear". This completes the formatting.

How to format an SD card using a computer

Sometimes SD cards have problems when formatted through a phone, camera, or other devices. Then you need to format in the computer. Insert the flash drive into a special slot or adapter.

Go to "My Computer" to see the camera's SD folder. Once it appears, right-click on it.

In the list that appears, find the "Format" section.

A window will open in front of you, configure it in sequence:

  • The default speed is 121MB. This is enough for the whole process to take a short time and not load the system;
  • The file system depends on your operating system. NTFS only used on Windows FAT universal, and you can read it on any OS, but it has a limit of 32 GB. Better choose exFAT, since this format has no restrictions on the size and types of operating systems;
  • It is better not to change the cluster size;
  • The “quick formatting” checkbox should be checked only if you have already performed a full formatting with the specified parameters.

Click “Start” and the cleaning will start immediately.

How to format SD with RecoveRx

If the above methods did not suit you, then there is one tool left - special software for formatting SD cards. One of these software is called RecoveRx. You can download the program from the link https://en.transcend-info.com/Support/Software-4/

Go to the site and click on the “Download” button, after which you will have a choice of operating system.

Once the software has loaded, double-click on it. You can easily install the program: agree to the license agreement, select the language and installation directory. The whole procedure will last no longer than two minutes.

Open the program and go to the “Format” section. Please note that in this program you can try to restore flash drives that were previously broken or showed an error.

In the column "Disk" put the letter of your flash drive, and below click on the picture "SD". Formatting with this program will help correct some errors and completely clean the memory card.

If you need to change the type of file system, then just click on the word “FAT”, you will see a small menu with a list of types.

As you can see, you have many options for wiping your SD card, which can be both quick and easy, or quite laborious if the flash drive shows an error.

Any of the applications we have reviewed effectively deletes information completely, connects via usb port to external devices, HDD, SD memory cards, etc. The most popular ones are able to find bad sectors, resize volumes, format flash drives for Unix systems. But each special program has its own audience, so we will choose the best one in several categories.

We really liked the toolkit Flash Memory Toolkit. Using the utility is a pleasure. Its context menu provides access to all necessary functions. The developers even screwed up benchmarks, which already deserves respect! However, it was not without drawbacks - the latest version of the program dates back to the times of Windows XP, which means that the algorithms of the utility are outdated. It is also put off by its high cost.

An alternative is the combination D-Soft Flash Doctor And MiniTool Partition Wizard Free. Both tools are free. You can download programs from the official site in the latest edition, updates are released regularly, functionally they complement each other.

Suitable for home use JetFlash Recovery Tool- a proprietary utility for flash drives and hard drives Transcend. Its interface is intuitive, it is maximally simplified. But again, there is only one limitation - only branded devices and a number of compatible chips are supported.

No such shortcomings USB Disk Storage Format Tool. It was developed by HP, but is compatible with any equipment. The program not only restores flash drives, but also erases all information from any HDD at a low level, which will be useful, for example, as part of the pre-sale preparation of a laptop.

It's a pity, but the application from HP does not always find damaged devices. For this there is a "one-button" EzRecover. The algorithm of its action is simple - we find the device, click on it, reset it programmatically and overwrite it on default settings.

Main features of the program Low Level Format Tool appreciated by professionals. It most likely identifies a damaged drive, meticulously formats and remaps sectors, but does not know how to do banal things - create partitions. The application can add functionality MiniTool Partition Wizard or Acronis Disk Manager.

I would also like to draw attention to SD Formatter- this specialized service software was developed for memory cards of cameras and smartphones. He himself will select the best recovery algorithm and carry it out with high quality. Fine tuning is present.

And if you are engaged not only in repairing flash drives, but also in testing, you cannot do without Flash Memory Toolkit. The utility is a little outdated, but its benchmarks and diagnostic methods are relevant.

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