Home indoor flowers The most famous dogs in the world. The most famous dogs The most famous rescue dog

The most famous dogs in the world. The most famous dogs The most famous rescue dog

Mukhtars, Balls, Laiki and Bugs are four-legged friends who have been living side by side with us from time immemorial. Shaggy and smooth-haired, big and small, serious and funny - they are always there. In provincial villages and in boiling megacities, in the snow, in the desert, even in the sea and in space - where there are people, they will also find a place. They are shepherds, hunters, guides, nannies, security guards, rescuers - one can list their "professions" endlessly. Dog loyalty has long been legendary; they succeed in everything they undertake, if only their beloved owner is nearby! And so their heroes appear among the tailed ones, about which everyone from young to old has heard. Who are they - the most famous dogs in the world?

Belka and Strelka

The list of famous dogs is headed by our compatriots, modest charming outbred Belka and Strelka, who became not just pioneers, but literally conquerors of space.

Having withstood a harsh selection, which was carried out according to the criteria of sex, age, weight, height, color and even personal charm, Belka and Strelka became one of the twelve dogs participating in the project. Like all real astronauts, they were subjected to severe training - they were taught to endure overloads, be isolated in a confined space for a long time, take special food, and not react to high noise levels. They successfully coped with the task, and yet managed to get only on the role of doubles. The honor of the first attempt went to other dogs - Seagull and Chanterelle, whose flight, unfortunately, ended so plainly and without starting - at the nineteenth second after the start, their rocket exploded.

Just a month after that, on August 19, 1960, Belka and Strelka went into space to spend more than a day in orbit, making seventeen orbits around the Earth. Their safe landing not only became a worldwide sensation, but also clearly proved the possibility of a safe return from orbit. Once on Earth, the dogs quickly rehabilitated after stress, and they spent their further life in peace and prosperity at the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine.

The data obtained during their flight served as the basis for the development of the upcoming space flight of Yuri Gagarin.

Pavlov's dog

In St. Petersburg, on the territory of the Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, there is a bronze monument to a dog. It is a monument to all the dogs - nameless and countless - whose lives have been sacrificed on the altar of science. In this age of advanced technology, it is easy to understand conservationists who vehemently oppose experiments on animals. They probably forget that most of these progressive and gentle technologies would not have been invented and developed if it were not for the research of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, many of which were carried out by one Soviet scientist. The bronze dog, sitting on a granite pedestal, was firmly entrenched in the nickname Pavlov's Dog.

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov's research has made an invaluable contribution to modern science and medicine. They would not have been possible without the four-legged, thoroughbred and mongrel, which served as the basis for his work. But it is highly unfair to consider Pavlov a vivisector. Numerous eyewitness accounts confirm that the scientist treated the experimental animals very carefully, even in the most difficult periods for the laboratory, he tried to create the best conditions for their life. And the infliction of irreparable injuries during the experiment has always been very hard, trying to protect the life of each dog. It is to these dogs, whose lives have become an invaluable contribution to modern science, that the monument is dedicated.

But for the most part, the phrase "Pavlov's Dog" is associated with the concept of a conditioned reflex. In a series of experiments, the scientist proved the possibility of the formation of previously non-existent reflexes in dogs, developing associations, for example, between a light bulb and getting food. This even gave rise to a number of cartoons and anecdotes: a mongrel asks Pavlov's Dog what a conditioned reflex is. “See the red light? - answers the Dog, - as soon as it lights up, that blockhead will bring us food!

In 1904, Pavlov was awarded the Nobel Prize for his research, becoming the first recipient of this honorary award in Russia.

The dogs that helped him in his research are worthy of eternal memory and deep respect, because they saved not hundreds or thousands, but millions of human lives.

Santo von Haus Ziegelmeier

The German Shepherd, which we all know as the Commissar Rex, is the real star of the cinema of the canine world, ranked third among the most famous dogs in the world.

The superstar of the popular detective series was born in 1991, in an elite nursery in Germany. And already at seventeen months he took part in the casting for the role of a tailed policeman. Thanks to his upbringing from professional cynologists Carl Miller and his daughter Teresa, Santo (whom his teachers and acquaintances called simply BJ) got the role, although the selection was made from forty applicants, many of whom were older and more experienced. In the name of the success of the filming, BJ trained for four hours a day and learned more than thirty commands, the crown number was the theft of a sausage bun, without which not a single episode of the series can do.

From 1994 to 1999, BJ performed his only but favorite role, and received a fee of $ 15,000 for each episode. Even when he retired, he remained the richest dog in the world for a long time, and caring teachers took the old dog with them to the shooting so that he would not get bored and could be in a familiar environment.

When asked about the fantastic successes of Commissioner Rex, police dog handlers shake their heads reproachfully - after all, a real service dog cannot independently make decisions, conduct an investigation and save the city from bandits alone. But do not forget that behind a good adventure film there is a lot of hard work - including BJ's honest acting work.


The fourth place in this list belongs to Hachiko, who became famous for his endless devotion. An Akita Inu dog from Tokyo dedicated his life to patiently waiting for his deceased owner at the entrance to Shibuya Station.

Its owner, Hidesaburo Ueno, was a professor at the University of Tokyo and would take the dog with him when going to work. Near the station, the dog lagged behind, and at three o'clock in the afternoon he returned and met the owner from work.

On May 21, 1925, a professor at the university had a heart attack and died in the hospital. The orphaned Hachiko was then only eighteen months old, however, without waiting for the owner, the dog showed perseverance and returned to the station the next day to wait again until late in the evening. Despite the attempts of the friends of the deceased to pick up the dog from the street, he invariably returned to the station, and spent the night on the threshold of the house where the professor used to live.

This story would have remained one of the many obscure sad stories, if in 1932 he had not caught the eye of a journalist from one of the largest Tokyo newspapers. After asking local merchants and hearing the story of Hachiko, the journalist wrote an article that deeply touched the souls of the Japanese, "A loyal old dog awaits the return of his master, who died seven years ago." People rushed to Shibuya Station, couples in love wanted to see with their own eyes the living embodiment of devotion, and Hachiko continued to wait for Professor Ueno - until his death in 1935, when his faithful heart stopped beating on the way to the station.

A monument to Hachiko was erected during his lifetime, and his story served as the plot for the creation of a cult Japanese film, which was re-shot in Hollywood in 2009 with Richard Gere as the owner of Hachiko.


The fifth place husky named Bolto was brought to fame by the terrible events of 1925, when diphtheria broke out in the town of Nome (Alaska, USA), threatening all residents and especially children.

One misfortune followed another: a heavy wind did not allow the planes to take off. To deliver a batch of antitoxin (diphtheria serum) - the only thing that could save the infected - was to be delivered from the nearest railway station, which was more than a thousand kilometers away. It was decided to assemble several dog teams, which, replacing each other, were supposed to pass the box along the chain.

Gunnar Kaasen, the owner of the team led by Bolto, was responsible for the penultimate stage. The path turned out to be dangerous and difficult, they reached the place only late at night. In order to make up for the hours lost on the difficult road, the driver decided not to waste time stopping and changing dogs, believing that they had passed the most difficult section. The team had not gone even a few miles when a snowstorm began - such that, according to Kaasen, it was impossible not only to orient and follow the road, but even just to consider anything at arm's length! The probability of falling into a ravine, or going astray and freezing was monstrously high, but then Bolto showed himself to the fullest, confidently and accurately leading the sled through the storm straight to Nome. The dogs walked 73 miles (~110 km) in 7.5 hours - and the epidemic was stopped.

Being one of the many sled dogs that saved thousands of lives then, it was Bolto who became a symbol of valor and an unshakable will to win. A monument to him stands in Central Park in New York.

The sixth place went to not just an honest, but literally incorruptible employee of the Dutch customs, a drug-detective dog named Leo. The unique dog went down in history as a customs shepherd dog.

For nine years (usually dogs serve much less), Leo worked at Amsterdam Airport, and during his years of service he showed such a zeal for work and professionalism that many people could not even dream of.

With his help, about three hundred people transporting drugs were arrested. In luggage, hand luggage, cargo and mail, Leo found a total of 18 kilograms of cocaine, 28 kilograms of heroin, 1 ton of marijuana and 3 tons of hashish. The total cost of this intoxicating arsenal is difficult to even calculate, but we are definitely talking about tens of millions of dollars. Drugs were given to pharmacists for processing into medicines, or destroyed.

At the end of his service, the dog received a state pension and a place in an upscale hotel for senior dogs.

For his unprecedented achievements in the field of combating drug smuggling, Leo was awarded a place of honor in the Guinness Book of Records.

Seventh place belongs to another fictional dog - countless stories, films and television series are devoted to the adventures of a devoted and resourceful fluffy collie named Lassie.

This image was created by the American writer Eric Knight, the author of the story "Lassie Comes Home", which later turned into a novel, so popular that it was translated into twenty-five languages. The first film about the friendship of a boy with a smart and loyal dog was released in 1943, and the role of Lassie ("Girl") was played, oddly enough, by a male named Pal.

The handsome and clever Pal coped with the role so successfully that he became its permanent performer, and in the sequels that were filmed after his death (in the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s), entire nine of his descendants in a straight line are also males.

This discrepancy is explained by the fact that collies, with proper care, practically do not shed, and can flaunt their long silky coat all year round. While collie “girls” shed twice a year, and filming would have to take breaks. In addition, males are larger, more enduring, and, of course, after the first star performer - Pal - this peculiar tradition arose.

At the moment, there are at least thirty films and series about Lassie, which take place at different times and in different places. Only the image of a smart, affectionate and infinitely devoted dog remains unchanged.


Eighth place in the list of famous dogs belongs to a dog named Barry from the monastery of St. Bernard in Switzerland. It was there that dogs were bred, capable of finding and rescuing people who got lost and frozen in the alpine snow - strong, intelligent and infinitely kind, as we know modern St. Bernards. Barry was one of those rescuers.

Many times after a blizzard, he went in search to find, or even dig out a living soul from under the snow, warm it with his warmth and take him to the monastery, where the monks come out and cure the victim. Different sources give different numbers, but all agree that Barry saved about forty people. Among these forty was a small child whom the dog dug out from under the snow, tried to wake and warm for a long time, and, in the end, the boy managed to climb onto the dog's back - so Barry was able to deliver him to the monastery.

Noble work and touching love for people gave rise to several sad legends - according to one of them, Barry froze to death, warming his child with warmth, according to another, a certain soldier whom the dog tried to wake up from cold oblivion, woke up and, mistaking his savior for a wolf, stabbed him . The latest version has been widely circulated, and Barry's monument bears the plaque "He saved forty people, and was killed trying to save forty-one." In fact, these stories have no real background, and Barry lived quietly in the monastery to a ripe old age.

Rin Tin Tin

The third actor dog on this list is the German Shepherd Rin Tin Tin, who has played a record number of roles in American films. No one prepared him for a superstar career. The puppy was picked up and brought from France to America during the First World War by Corporal Lee Duncan, who is not indifferent to service dogs. He raised and raised a puppy, and when the dog grew up, he began to participate in exhibitions and competitions.

Then fate intervened. In 1922, the young film company Warner Brothers suffered huge losses and was on the verge of bankruptcy. At that moment they were filming the film "The Man from Hell's River", a wolf was supposed to participate in the filming, but the fanged predator flatly refused to cooperate and fulfill the director's requirements. Duncan, who happened to be nearby, suggested Rin Tin Tin for the role of the wolf, the dog fully justified the hopes placed on him, and the picture was a resounding success.

Since then, Rin Tin Tin has been systematically recruited for the role of wolves, as well as police shepherds, and just dogs. He set an absolute record by starring in more than thirty films! Not every human actor has such an impressive track record.

After the death of the screen star, Duncan had his son, Rin Tin Tin II, and then Rin Tin Tin III was born. And the first Rin Tin Tin received his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.


The list is completed by a mine-detecting dog, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, an East European shepherd dog named Dzhulbars, whose contribution to saving the lives of soldiers and civilians is difficult to underestimate.

Trained in the Krasnaya Zvezda military unit by the famous cynologist Dina Volkats, Dzhulbars managed to detect over seven thousand mines and about one hundred and fifty shells during the war years. His unerring instinct and indefatigable spirit took him all over Russia and beyond - he participated in the demining of large objects in Prague, Vienna, helped secure the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv, and this is only a small part of his achievements.

In March 1945, for the successful completion of a combat mission, Dzhulbars was awarded the medal "For Military Merit" - an unprecedented case when a dog was awarded a military award.

However, few services are as dangerous as mine-detecting. Already at the very end of the war, Dzhulbars was wounded, and for health reasons could not take part in the Victory Parade in Moscow - he could not walk. This news turned out to be significant enough to be reported personally to Stalin, who literally ordered the dog to be carried across Red Square. “Let this dog be carried across Red Square in my arms on my tunic,” said the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and he really gave away his worn tunic without shoulder straps for this. At the Victory Parade, following the box of soldiers of the mine-detecting service, Major Alexander Mazover marched with a marching step, holding a stretcher built from a tunic, on which the hero dog lay.

Fortunately, Dzhulbars managed to recover from his wound, and after the war he even acted in films in the Soviet film adaptation of "White Fang".

A dog is man's most devoted and faithful friend. For more than the first millennium, four-legged friends have been serving people, showing such dedication that representatives of the human race could envy. Many of the dogs managed to leave a noticeable mark in history.

History of Pavlov's dogs

One of the most, of course, is Pavlov's dog. And we are not talking about a single dog, but about thousands of four-legged heroes who laid down their lives on the altar of serving people. Here you can talk for a very long time about the ethical side of the issue. However, to this day, doctors rely on the studies that were conducted by the Russian scientist. Thanks to cruelty to dogs, millions of human lives have been saved today. Many treatment methods are based on the recommendations given by the Russian physiologist.

Pavlov himself, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, loved four-legged helpers and sincerely admired them. He often wrote that he grieves with all his heart for every lost life. The physiologist resorted to euthanasia only if the dog no longer had a chance to exist normally. Currently, the phrase "Pavlov's dog" is used when it is necessary to talk about cruelty, sadism. Surprisingly, the contemporaries of the great Russian physiologist often wondered why he spent so much of his time and mental strength on nursing laboratory animals. They said: “This dog will die anyway - maybe in a year or two. But he's still going to feed him for free."

Merits of four-legged heroes

Thanks to four-legged heroes, today mankind knows that reflexes are divided into conditional and unconditional. Also, experiments with Pavlov's dogs made it clear in which area of ​​the brain a signal is generated to start a certain reflex. This gave a powerful impetus to the development of neurosurgery.

A few decades after Pavlov himself departed to another world, no one even remembers the nicknames of his experimental subjects. In memory of them, in 1935, a monument called "Pavlov's Dog" was erected in present-day St. Petersburg. On a high pedestal, you can see a Doberman Pinscher, which is surrounded by the heads of dogs of other breeds around the perimeter. From their open mouths pour streams of water.

Dog Dzhulbars

Another famous dog was a German shepherd named Dzhulbars. The dog was the only four-legged hero who was subsequently awarded a medal. He was able to detect 7468 mines, as well as more than one and a half hundred shells. With the help of Dzhulbars, Prague, Viennese cathedrals, palaces over the Danube River were cleared of mines. After the war ended, Dzhulbars was awarded the medal of honor "For Military Merit". The crook became the most famous dog, took part in the post-war parade of 1945, held on Red Square. But the dog could not walk on his own, as he was wounded at the end of the war. At the Victory parade, the four-legged hero was carried on Stalin's overcoat. The excellent instinct of the indefatigable hero was proudly noticed by the sappers who cleared the grave in Kanev, as well as the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv.

Rogue Talent

Dzhulbars, or Zhulik, as he was called for short, was the personal dog of Dina Volkats, the wife of Alexander Mazover, one of the most famous cynologists of the USSR era. The famous dog was trained by his mistress for a wide variety of services. But especially skillfully Rogue knew how to find mines. In the first years after the end of the war, on many buildings one could see the inscription: “Checked: no mines!” Under these inscriptions were the names of those military personnel who carried out the check - this was the rule for sappers. So did those mine detectors who worked with dogs. They did this with particular pride, since it was believed that checking a four-legged sapper was a guarantee of safety.

The feat of Laika - the first cosmonaut

The infamous dog is also the first cosmonaut - Laika. It was her flight that showed that a living being can endure the state of weightlessness, survive the launch itself into orbit. However, the fate of the poor dog was sealed long before the launch itself. Sputnik 2, on which she went into orbit, was not equipped to return back. Small consolation: Laika had everything to live in space for at least a week. But even this experiment could not be carried out to the end. The poor animal died four hours after the launch of the satellite - the cause was the stress from the launch, as well as overheating due to a failure of the thermoregulation system. In the Western media, Laika was called "the loneliest, most unfortunate dog in the whole world."

Hachiko is an example of samurai devotion

Dog Hachiko has become one of the most famous dogs in world history. A film was made in his honor. Hachiko has become a true model of loyalty and devotion. This story took place in Japan. An Akita Inu puppy was given to a professor named Hidesaburo Ueno. The owner and his friend were practically inseparable. Every day, Hachiko accompanied his friend to the station and returned specifically to meet him again. But one day a terrible misfortune happened - Ueno suffered a heart attack at work, and he never returned. Hachiko by that time was only about one and a half years old - he was a very young dog.

And he kept coming to the station to wait for his master. Every day, Hachiko stubbornly walked to the station and waited. The professor's relatives tried to take the dog home - in vain. Hachiko faithfully returned to the same place to see his friend someday. Waiting for a faithful dog lasted nine whole years. So Hachiko died in his endless waiting. The day of his death was declared mourning in Japan - after all, at that time the whole country already knew about the dog, which became the standard of true fidelity.

The most famous and famous dogs: collie Dick

Dog Dick of the Collie breed served in the 2nd Regiment of the Special Service under the name "Keletsky". In the personal file of the dog it is written: “During the years of the war, I discovered more than 12 thousand mines. He took part in the demining of Stalingrad, Lisichansk, Prague and other cities. However, Dick was destined to accomplish his main feat in the city of Pavlovsk.

It was so. Dick, just an hour before the explosion, discovered a huge landmine weighing 2.5 tons, in which there was a clockwork. And the land mine was located not just anywhere, but in the foundation of the Pavlovsk Palace. If there had been an explosion, thousands of people would have died.

After the end of hostilities, Dick, despite numerous injuries, won victories at numerous exhibitions. The four-legged hero lived to an advanced age and was buried with all honors - as befits heroes.

Kamikaze dogs

However, dogs were often used as kamikaze during the war. They were simply tied around with explosive devices on all sides, the poor animal threw itself under the tracks of the tank and died. Until 1943, there were units of kamikaze dogs. According to some estimates, they were able to destroy up to 300 enemy tanks. But even more four-legged heroes died during the battles themselves.

Some dogs died even before they threw themselves under the tracks of the tank. And sometimes they had to die at their own hands - after all, a dog with a mine, which for some reason did not complete the task, was a danger to life.

On March 14, 1942, the commander of the 30th Army, Lelyushenko, reported that during the defeat of the enemy in the Moscow region, German tanks were put to flight by dogs. The enemy was afraid of anti-tank dogs - the Germans specifically hunted for four-legged heroes.

Mukhtar - dog nurse

Mukhtar continues the list of the most famous dogs in the world - a dog that saved wounded soldiers during the war. On the battlefield, the dog crawled up to the wounded man and offered his side to him. Medicines were fixed on this side. Moreover, if a soldier of the Soviet Army was unconscious, then the dog licked him, brought him to his senses. The four-legged orderlies, even without any pulse check, knew whether the person was alive.

During the war years, a well-known orderly dog ​​named Mukhtar pulled out about 400 wounded from the battlefield, and also managed to save his guide, corporal Zorin, who was shell-shocked. The orderlies for 80 wounded rescued from the battlefield were then awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. It turns out that Mukhtar was supposed to become a five-time Hero ...

Terrible dog fight

Not far from the village Legedzino in Cherkasy region you can see a monument to the four-legged guards of the borders. It was they who tore the throats of several hundred fascists. On the monument you can read the inscription: "Stop and bow!" This is followed by a text stating that 150 service shepherd dogs died at this place with the death of heroes, remaining forever faithful to their owners. These were some of the most famous dogs in life, who managed to show true prowess in the fight against the enemy.

A dramatic episode in the history of the Second World War is the feat of 500 border guards near the village. Legedzino, which is located on the Talnoe - Uman highway. This detachment also included 150 (and according to some sources, 250) service dogs. The battles were long and exhausting, and the commander of the detachment, Major Lopatin, was asked to disband the dogs. After all, there was nothing to feed them anyway. However, the major did not comply with the order, the four-legged fighters remained in the detachment. Uman was a city of great strategic importance. 22 fully equipped divisions rushed towards it, which also included elite units of the SS - one of Hitler's personal guard units.

Oskar Münzel, in his book Panzer Tactics, describes how terrible the spectacle of this battle was. At a critical moment, when the Germans attacked again, Major Lopatin gave the order to bring in the last reserve - to send hungry dogs into battle. 150 four-legged fighters rushed into a deadly fight against the Nazis, pouring them from machine gun fire. Some dogs dug into their throats even when they were in a deadly convulsion. The Germans began to retreat. However, tanks came to their aid. The bitten fascists climbed onto the tank armor and from there they shot the four-legged heroes.

500 border guards gave their lives in battle. None of them surrendered. The dogs that managed to survive, according to eyewitnesses, remained faithful to their owners to the end. Each lay down near her master and did not let anyone near him.

St. Bernard Barry

A dog named Barry is another of the most famous dogs in the world. Information about him has survived to our time. In Paris, a monument to a dog is erected, by the neck of which a girl is holding. This is a monument to a four-legged hero, about whom they usually say: "He saved 40 lives and died on the 41st."

In the Swiss Alps there is a dangerous pass called St. Bernard. The cold season there lasts 8-9 months, and frosts sometimes reach -34 o C. Many people there became victims of the elements. In the 16th century, a monastery was built here, the monks of which were engaged in breeding large dogs. The breed was named after Saint Bernard. Four-legged pets could find and dig out a person even under a large layer of snow. When the dog got to the freezing one, he lay down on him and warmed him with his breath. And so that the lost one would not die of hunger, a bag of provisions, a flask of wine and a warm blanket were tied to the neck of the St. Bernard.

Barry has become one of the most famous dogs in history thanks to his instincts. When a storm approached, he became restless and often himself went to the mountains, where he easily looked for those in distress. Once Barry sensed people in one of the deep crevices and began to make his way to the victims of the elements. In the abyss because of the avalanche was a woman with a child. When the woman saw the dog wanting to help, she used the last of her strength to cover the child with a cape and tied the shawl to Barry's back. The dog licked the baby's face until he woke up. He then carried the child safely to the monastery.

Barry's death

Barry has become a very famous dog since he has saved 40 people. He died by a freak accident. In 1812, the dog once again found a frozen person and warmed him with his warmth. When the rescued came to his senses and opened his eyes, he saw the snow-covered muzzle of a huge dog. He thought it was a bear and stabbed him with a knife. The seriously wounded dog barely made it to the monastery. He survived, but was no longer able to engage in rescue due to weakness. In 1814, Barry died. For many years after this story, the St. Bernards were also called Barryhunds.

The most famous dog breeds: rating of four-legged pets

After reading such stories, even those who have not previously experienced a particular passion for four-legged pets may have a desire to get a dog. But this step must be approached consciously, first considering all the costs. For those who are interested in what types of four-legged friends are popular today, a list of famous dog breeds will be of interest:

  • welsh korg;
  • bullmastiff;
  • German Shepherd;
  • Border Collie;
  • chihuahua;
  • dachshund;
  • French Bulldog;
  • Golden retriever;
  • Pomeranian;
  • miniature poodle;
  • St. Bernard;
  • mini maltese;
  • Siberian Husky;
  • Yorkshire Terrier.

There is nothing more touching and beautiful than the love of four-legged friends. They are ready to sacrifice their lives to save a person. In a dangerous situation, they behave like real heroes.

An article about the most fashionable and popular dog breeds in Russia, Ukraine in 2019.

The fashion for dogs of a certain breed changes as often as the fashion for things. This can be explained not only by the desire to be the owner of a new breed of dog, but also by the need to have a four-legged friend next to him with more perfect abilities and character traits.

In Russia and Ukraine, the fashion for dogs in recent years is also determined by the financial capabilities of the owners. Often people simply cannot afford the maintenance of a large dog, so they choose a pet of a small breed.

Top 10 most popular and fashionable dog breeds in Russia in 2019: rating, photo with names

Before naming the most popular and fashionable dog breeds in Russia, it is worth noting that for city residents the priority in choosing a pet is its size.

At the same time, people living in cottages and private houses with garden plots choose dogs, capable of protecting the territory and possessions of the owner.

In general, the top 10 popular dog breeds look like this:

10th place: Chow-chow

There are many versions of the origin of this breed, but most connoisseurs still tend to believe that chow chow- a distant relative of Shar Pei. Dogs of these breeds, both of which were bred in China, are distinguished from others by a purple tongue.

The Chow Chow is a working and companion dog. In ancient times, chow chows helped reindeer herders, fearlessly driving away packs of wolves from herds, guarded houses, hunted and were used as draft animals.
However, in small-sized apartments of modern Russians, chow-chows feel quite comfortable. Chow-chow will not require long walks with jogging from the owner. These animals need a short walk and a minimum of attention.

They are tolerant of children and animals in the house, although they do not express much joy from their presence. But if the owner "gives up slack" in some matter, the chow-chow will instantly feel it and will certainly try to establish dominance over the household. Therefore, dogs of this breed need an imperious owner.

IMPORTANT: The dog's thick, dense coat requires special regular care.

chow chow

9th place: Sharpei

sharpei considered a descendant of the Chow Chow. Back in 1978, the breed was recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest breed in the world. But the cute, funny look of plush dogs and the funny folds on their body quickly did their job. The 21st century can be safely called the era of Shar-Pei, because today every 60 Russian family has a Shar-Pei.

It used to be the hard short prickly hair of Shar Pei and protective folds helped these animals to survive in battle and hunting. Modern sharpei, although they have retained their ardent temperament and instinct of a fighter, feel great in the city.

IMPORTANT: Owners should not forget about the origin of their pets and take care of their upbringing and training in time.

8th place: French Bulldog

The breed was bred in England in the 19th century with the aim of obtaining a decorative companion dog. french bulldogs, despite their gloomy appearance, they are very loyal, friendly, loving, affectionate and cheerful animals that do not require special conditions of detention.

IMPORTANT: These dogs are suitable for busy people. Living in a small apartment, the French Bulldog will also be very pleased.

The excessive attachment of these animals to the owner can even be annoying. The dog is ready for anything to be noticed, petted or played. Another disadvantage of the breed is that all French Bulldogs snore in their sleep.

7th place: German Shepherd

Guards, rescuers, guides, watchmen, shepherds and detectives - german shepherds they are easily trained in all these canine "professions" and successfully help people. Smart and active German Shepherds need human interaction, be it long walks, learning commands and tricks, or active play.

These dogs are better than others for guarding the home. After passing special training, the German Shepherd will become a reliable companion, protector and friend.

IMPORTANT: Since the shepherd needs to protect, protect and save, the closed space of a city apartment will become a prison for her. To keep these animals, you need a house with a garden plot, where the dog will feel like a mistress.

6th place: Pekingese

In the old days, miniature dog breeds Pekingese were the decoration of the palace chambers, and not everyone could afford to buy such a pet. Modern Pekingese are residents of apartments and houses of millions of ordinary people.

These dogs are arrogant and jealous, but despite this, they are affectionate and friendly. They are in dire need of the master's approval and love and may be offended if they are not paid attention.

IMPORTANT: These dogs are not demanding for the duration of the walk, they feel good in a small apartment.

5th place: Toy Terrier

Dog breed Toy Terrier were bred in England in the 19th century to hunt rats. Despite their miniature size (no more than 28 cm), these dogs are very energetic and purposeful, they tend to display aggression towards their "enemies".

Toy terriers do not require frequent walking. This dog can be called a toy (this is the translation of the name of the breed) for an apartment. However, this animal does not tolerate children, has an absurd character, is prone to stress and tantrums.

IMPORTANT: Toy Terriers do not feel their miniature dimensions. They can easily rush to the neighboring mastiff if they feel threatened by him.

4th place: Jack Russell Terrier

Despite their small size, dogs of this breed have restless energy. The breed was bred for hunting burrowing animals. They do an excellent job with this task. You can say more: hunting is the goal of life for Jack Russells.

These dogs are very energetic and active, so keeping them in an apartment is problematic - the animal needs to spend a lot of time walking or hunting. Russells get along well with children, because they are united by a love of noisy games and fun.

3rd place: Husky

- descendants of the Eskimo sled dogs. Even the original name of the breed sounded "eski", as the abbreviated "eskimo". Back in 2000, it was one of the rarest breeds, but in less than 20 years, dogs with adorable eyes have won the hearts of people.

Huskies are very good-natured, loyal and loving animals. This dog for a family with children has a high intelligence and a good mind.
The dog is very energetic, can be stubborn, needs many hours of daily walks, runs, training and work. She has no protective qualities.

IMPORTANT: All Huskies do not tolerate confined spaces. Wherever the dog is, it will try to dig everywhere, climb over the fence, or simply run away. Every husky has run away from her own home at least once in her life.

The only weak point of all huskies is a tendency to epilepsy. If you buy a puppy "from hand", there is a high probability of getting a sick animal that needs special care and serious treatment.

2nd place: Labrador Retriever

Every Labrador in the soul - a lifesaver and helper. The breed was bred for hunting and fishing, but thanks to their intelligence and gentle nature, these dogs quickly became companions and friends.

Labradors are devoid of aggression, love to play with children and be the center of attention. These are balanced obedient dogs that do not pretend to leadership. Probably, thanks to these qualities, the breed is incredibly popular.

IMPORTANT: The average lifespan of a Labrador usually does not exceed 12 years, and this short lifespan is the only drawback of the breed.

The dog has a good visual memory and an excellent sense of smell. This allows Labradors to be successfully used to search for drugs and explosives.

Labradors can be kept both in an apartment and in a private house. The most important thing is to devote a lot of time to your pet and walk with him every day.

1st place: Yorkshire Terrier

A unique little dog, the only animal whose coat will not harm an allergic person. Now york- expensive fun, exclusively decorative dog. However, in the distant past, Yorkies were used to hunt burrowing animals.

Today, Yorkies have lost their hunting skills. They are good with other animals in the house, tolerant of children in the family. Also, these dogs are very quick-witted, smart and educated.

IMPORTANT: Yorkshire Terriers need attention, sufficient mental and physical activity.

Top 10 most popular and fashionable dog breeds in Ukraine in 2019: rating

10th place:

9th place:

8th place:

7th place:

6th place:

5th place:

4th place:

3rd place:

2nd place:

1st place:

In the top three there were no significant changes. However, Ukrainians gave the 5th place to two dogs of fighting breeds at once: the American Pit Bull Terrier and the Staffordshire Terrier, uniting them in the name "Pit Bull".

Both of these breeds were bred for bullfighting. The creators wanted to get dogs that can poison large animals to the last, and they succeeded. Temperamental, aggressive and fearless dogs fought to the bitter end.

Today, pit bulls are pets. With the right serious training, they can become excellent companions, reliable fearless defenders and affectionate caring nannies.

IMPORTANT: In some countries, keeping and breeding pit bull terriers at home is prohibited by law.

staffordshire terrier

Probably at some point the dog will start to show character and try to establish dominance. You need to be prepared for this and respond in time to such manifestations.

IMPORTANT: The Pit Bull Terrier should not be left alone in the house with children or pets.

Ukrainians gave the 8th place to the Rottweiler. This beautiful powerful dog is a descendant of the Italian Mastiff. Rotti is a brave defender for his master and a dangerous opponent for the enemy. He is distrustful, but extremely calm. Power, strength, courage, intelligence and devotion are the main qualities of Rottweilers.

IMPORTANT: The Rottweiler needs proper upbringing and a firm hand. Otherwise, the owner of the strongest jaws can become dangerous even for his master.

On the 10th place of the Ukrainian top popular dogs was a perky and energetic dachshund. These dogs were bred to hunt burrowing animals. Due to the structure of their body and paws, dachshunds easily penetrate into any hole and take out its inhabitants.

Dachshunds are very attached to their owners and do everything possible to attract attention. With these dogs you need to walk a lot or just communicate. They are curious and smart, energetic and quick-witted.

IMPORTANT: Dachshunds are very fond of digging holes. This should be taken into account when choosing a dachshund as a pet.

The most fashionable and popular breeds of small dogs 2019: names and photos

Little cute dogs, more like funny toys, can brighten the life of a lonely person or become favorites of a large friendly family. Special conditions for keeping most small breed dogs are not required, so in an ordinary city apartment you can safely make such a four-legged friend.

The most fashionable small dogs in 2019:

- Loyal, graceful, intelligent and cheerful. These dogs have always been in fashion, but in recent years the breed is at the peak of popularity.

- the smallest dog in the world. Moderately active and friendly, does not require special conditions of detention.

- Energetic, prone to aggression, a real little warrior.

– despite its diminutiveness, it is very active and fast. They tend to show aggression in stressful situations. Daily care of wool and teeth is necessary.

- touchy, jealous and narcissistic, constantly requires the attention of the owner.

- Energetic, friendly and playful. Leads an active lifestyle, can not stay in one place for a long time.

- cheerful and devoted to the owner. The body of the animal is covered with soft thin short hair, only on the tail and head the hair is long. This dog needs to be kept in a warm apartment. For walking in the cold season, you will need clothes.

Maltese (Maltese)- a three-kilogram snow-white miracle. Calm and balanced, at the same time fearless and brave.

- more like a soft toy than a live dog. Smart, calm, friendly, quick-witted, easy to train.

The most fashionable and popular medium dog breeds of 2019

Dogs of medium breeds can be kept both in the house and in the apartment. They do not need many hours of walking, at the same time they are able to show guard qualities.

chow chow- a dog with an unusual appearance and a difficult character. The head of the family recognizes the owner, with the rest is kept on an equal footing.

chow chow

- soft character, lack of aggression and cheerful disposition of these animals conquers more and more hearts. Huskies are excellent nannies and true friends, however, they are very poor watchmen.

- under the stern appearance of these dogs, a soft, kind heart is hidden. They get along well with children, are loyal and quick-witted.

- distrustful of strangers, inclined to show character. Outwardly, it looks like a plush toy with cute wrinkles on the skin, but in reality this “toy” is an excellent watchman and a serious rival.

Amstaff- a formidable energetic wrestler with a subtle sensitive nature. The dog has a high intelligence, a penchant for training. He gets along well with children in the house and selflessly protects them. basset hound

- a good guard, protector and fighter, easy to train. Moderately aggressive, has a balanced psyche.

The most fashionable and popular breeds of domestic dogs in Moscow with photos and names in 2019

In the capital of Russia, expensive show-class dogs of small sizes are popular, which can emphasize the status of the owner. Top 5 popular dog breeds in Moscow looks like this:

5th place: West Highland Terrier(the cost of a show-class puppy is about 1000 USD) - despite its miniature size, he likes long walks, active and cocky.

4th place: Welsh Corgi(about 2000 c.u.) - a cheerful, cheerful and very agile dog. It lends itself well to training, friendly to all family members.

3rd place: Pomeranian(about 1500 USD) - a beautiful and cheerful dog with a "smiling" muzzle. He loves to swim and play outdoors. One of the long-lived breeds.

2nd place: Golden Retriever(about 1200 USD) - a dog for the family. Cheerful, mischievous and energetic, at the same time responsible and quick-witted.

1st place: Yorkshire Terrier(about 2000 USD) - Beauty, grace, bright mind, cheerful character, miniature size and absolute hypoallergenicity of the coat make this dog the leader of all fashionable tops.

Popular dog breeds for an apartment in 2019

Video: TOP 10 best dogs for an apartment

The most popular "apartment" breeds:

  • Bolonka
  • Poodle
  • Chinese Crested
  • Cocker Spaniel

Yorkshire Terrier - apartment dog

Future owners need to understand that no matter what breed of dog is chosen, not just a pet will appear in the house, but a full member of the family.

The dog in the family is the best friend and protector

The animal needs care, care and attention. If you are not ready to devote enough time to the dog, no qualities and features of the breed will save the situation - over time, the character of the animal may deteriorate. At the same time, even a mongrel mongrel can become a reliable protector and loyal friend, provided that the owner is kind.

Video: The most popular dog breeds

Many people like to read about the life of stars - famous people from the fields of culture, art, show business. But, in addition to people, there are other stars - animals that became famous not because they belonged to human stars, but for their own, so to speak, merits and achievements. Some of them became famous for their roles in movies, others for their love of travel, and some even for their boundless loyalty... Let's find out more about the most famous dogs in history.

Santo von Haus Ziegelmeier

Yes, not only kings live with such names - the tricky name belongs to the well-known "Commissioner Rex" from the popular detective series. Santo was born in 1991 in a German elite cattery. To qualify for filming, he had to beat about 40 competitors! During the filming, he also did not relax: under the guidance of cynologists, he trained for 4 hours a day and learned to perform more than thirty commands, one of which became his hallmark - this is the theft of a bun with sausage.

By the way, he retired from "business" a long time ago - back in 1997, but after the first years of the show, he became the richest dog in the world. After him, the role of Rex was played by four more dogs, but Santo was sometimes taken on - so that he would not be sad and remember the old days.

Of course, many cynologists note that his role is unrealistic: even the smartest service dog cannot do such things as hunting down criminals, doing business, etc. alone. However, for the audience, he remained a favorite, despite the sometimes fantastic abilities. And, of course, it is impossible not to note his acting skills! By the way, it paid well - Santo received 15 thousand dollars for participating in each series.


This traveling dog has seen more in a few years than most people see in a lifetime. To date, Buti has become the only dog ​​in the world that has visited both poles of the Earth - both the North and the South. Of course, one might think that they took the dog with them to harness to the sled and use it as a draft force, but this is not so - he traveled as a member of the family of the Englishman Ranulph Fiennes. From 1979 to 1982, Fiennes and his wife were on the same trip that they had been to the poles. And Buti was with them. Moreover, he found a girlfriend (during his stay in Canada) and almost never parted with her until the end of his life.


This dog earned recognition for himself not at all by filming a movie and not by saving a person, but by his endless devotion to his owner. You probably watched the movie "Hachiko" - and so, this dog actually existed. The Akita Inu dog lived in Tokyo and belonged to a professor at the University of Tokyo. Every day I accompanied the owner to the metro station when he was going to work, and at 15.00 I met him there.

When the owner died unexpectedly on May 21, 1925 (he was taken to the hospital straight from the university with a heart attack), the dog was only one and a half years old. Not waiting for the owner that day, he came to the subway the next, then the next, another and another ... Despite all attempts to take him away from that place, the dog found ways to appear at the subway again and again. This continued until the dog's death in 1935. In 1932, a journalist from a major newspaper drew attention to him, and after the publication of an article about Hachiko, dozens of people rushed to the metro station to see the faithful dog live. By the way, the dog died during the journey - once again heading to the subway to meet the owner.


The border collie named Rico is today called the planet. And his fame began more than prosaically: he lived in an ordinary family among ordinary people, until his owners said that the dog understands several dozen names of toys and can bring those things that you ask him about. The sensational statement was checked and - indeed, it turned out that the dog is distinguished by special intelligence. So, he and the owners were placed in different rooms. The owners asked to bring some of the toys that he knew - and Rico unmistakably brought what was needed - from several dozen items. When a new thing was added and the owners told to bring it, the dog also did the right thing, realizing that an unfamiliar word means a new object.

Scientists who have studied the phenomenon claim that the thinking of this dog is developed approximately at the level of small children who are just starting to learn the language. It remains to be seen: are all dogs so smart or does Rico have a special mind?

Balto (sometimes - Bolto)

And our top dog-hero named Balto will complete our top dog, who managed to deliver anti-diphtheria serum in a strong snowstorm, thanks to which he saved many people in Alaska from the epidemic in 1925. When the epidemic broke out here, an anti-toxic serum was urgently needed, hundreds of miles away. Due to a snow storm, it was not possible to send a plane, and then it was decided to transfer the serum by dog ​​teams, with each team doing only part of the way, thereby forming a chain. The last, most difficult part of the journey fell to the lot of Gunnar Kaasen and a team of dogs led by Balto. The blizzard was so strong that Kaasen admitted that he could not see his hands even if he brought them very close to his face, but, nevertheless, Balto managed not to go astray and reached his destination. This mini-expedition went through frost and storm for more than 7 hours, but they managed to deliver the serum, thanks to which the epidemic was stopped in just 5 days. A number of cartoons called "Balto" were made about the heroism of the team.

Nothing makes a movie better than a dog in the lead or even a supporting role! Let's remember the top 26 most famous celebrity dogs.

The real name of this glorious St. Bernard giant is Chris.

The dog that appeared in all parts of the film "King of the Air" is actually called Buddy. It was he who played the Comet in the series "Full House".

Marley - the same one from "Marley and Me" - was played by 18 different dogs. And as you can see, they were all extremely sweet and charming.

Walt Disney was serious about cutting that famous spaghetti-eating scene from the cartoon. He thought that, firstly, it would look completely unromantic, and secondly, the stupidity of dogs eating spaghetti. Fortunately, something got in the way of Walt, and now all fans of the cartoon, including four-legged ones, love this scene.

Meet Terry, a small Cairn Terrier. Approximately this is how everyone imagined Ellie's friend from The Wizard of the Emerald City - Totoshka.

The audience liked the dog from The Mask so much that she got a larger role in The Son of the Mask. True, this time both the film and the four-legged actor made a splash less. Therefore, when they see Jack Russell Terriers, everyone still remembers Milo from The Mask.

It's true what they say that dogs look like their owners. Here, for example, Einstein is an exact copy of his movie master, Doc Brown. Played by his dog named Freddie.

This fluffy, intelligent critter in the movie "K-9" was played by the dog Rando.

Of course, you did not pay attention to the fact that the famous Lassie was actually played by a male. This is because collie girls shed very heavily at least once a year and could not be filmed. The first role went to the dog Pal. After his death, Lassie was played by relatives very similar to him, and they tried not to advertise it.

Volta, a white American Shepherd, was voiced by John Travolta.

The real name of the French Mastiff Hooch from the painting "Turner and Hooch" is Beasley. He can rightfully be considered a very successful dog actor.

Slinky or Slinky is the famous toy dachshund from Toy Story.

13. Puffy, There's Something About Mary (1998)

One of Puffy's daughters lives with American singer Clay Aiken.


Each of them deserves a separate description, but for your convenience, we still decided to put them together.

15. BJ (Santo von Haus Ziegelmeier)

BJ is the unofficial nickname of the actor who first played Rex. And after his retirement, so that the audience did not notice the substitution, all the new commissars had to be made up a little.

It was Dyck who managed to become the most successful Mukhtar. The dog just loved shooting. Most of all he liked the close-ups.

17. Steve (Step)

The English Setter for the film "White Bim - Black Ear" was selected for a very long time. The role eventually went to Steve. The dog appears on the screen in all scenes, except for the one where Beam gets his paw stuck in a railroad switch. This difficult sentimental trick was performed by Styopa's understudy - Dandy.

You know this dog as Hachiko. She played the most faithful dog of the Akita Inu breed in the world.

His story happened in real life. A monument was erected to the hero Balto in Central New York Park. An annual dog sled race is held in his honor.

He played the obedient Sharik in Four Tankers and a Dog. General plans were filmed with another dog very similar to Trimmer.

This is the only dog ​​awarded a military award. Dzhulbars discovered several thousand combat mines and shells. And in 1946 he appeared on the screen in the film "White Fang".

A couple who probably know that "a man is a FRIEND to a dog."

23. Max, The Secret Life of Pets (2016)

Thanks to Max, the world learned how pets treat their owners and what they are ready to do for them.

A simple village dog - hardworking and very good-natured. Who knows how things would have gone for the inhabitants of Prostokvashino, if not for his ideas.

Watching the Barboskin family, not only small, but also some adult viewers can learn how to solve pressing problems.

26. Scooby-Doo

The work of the detective team without Scooby-Doo would definitely be more boring.

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