Home Flowers The most difficult question about the bird. Fun questions about birds for elementary school students. Introductory word to the quiz

The most difficult question about the bird. Fun questions about birds for elementary school students. Introductory word to the quiz

Quiz for schoolchildren with answers

1. What bird lives from two to four years: eats, drinks, sleeps and mates on the fly? (Common swift)

2. What birds breed on ice at an average temperature of minus twenty degrees Celsius and a wind speed of twenty-five to seventy-five kilometers per hour? (Penguins)

3. In which bird, when running at full speed, each step can be equal to seven meters? (At the African ostrich)

4. What modern bird has the largest wingspan? (The albatross, wandering in the southern seas, has a wingspan of three meters sixty-three centimeters)

5. What birds make the longest flights? (Arctic terns breed in the Arctic Circle, fly to Antarctica for the winter, and then return back, making a flight of thirty-five thousand kilometers)

6. Which bird flaps its wings most often? (Hummingbird. The usual frequency of strokes is ninety strokes per second, during courtship - two hundred strokes per second)

7. In which birds, each feather is equipped with a small muscle that controls its movements: on land, feathers bristle, creating an insulating air gap, and in water they are firmly pressed to the body, like a waterproof barrier? (Penguins have the densest feathers: there are eleven to twelve feathers per square centimeter)

8. Which bird has a beak length of forty-seven centimeters? (At the Australian pelican)

9. What an amazing bird, leaving the nest, does not return to the earth until it is fully ripe, which takes from three to ten years; does she fly all the time, only occasionally resting on the water? (Dark tern)

10. What birds of prey are the most vigilant and able to see a pigeon at a distance of eight kilometers? (Peregrine Falcons)

11. This little bird is making a nest in the hollow. And if someone wants to feast on her chicks, she skillfully portrays a snake - stretches her neck, hisses. For such a virtuoso control of her neck, she got her name. Which? (Wryneck)

12. What bird got its name from a large goiter that enlarges its throat? (Turtle Dove)

13. The finch is not afraid of the cold at all, arrives in early spring when there is snow in the fields and flies away in late autumn. Why was he called the finch? (He flies away and arrives in a cold, "chilly" time)

14. The beak of this bird is bent crosswise, as if it is compressed, squeezed. For the shape of its beak, which looks like an instrument, this bird got its name. Which? (Klest. The Russian word “to cross” meant “to squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.” From this verb came the word “ticks”)

15. The beak of this bird is huge, like a butterfly net. Horseflies, flies, mosquitoes, which disturb cattle so much, will not escape this trap. So this bird flies to where there are a lot of cattle, and feasts on insects. And people thought that she was coming to milk the cattle, so they named her ... How? (Nightjar)

16. The name of which wading bird comes from the ancient Russian verb meaning "to move slowly"? ("Heron" from the verb "chapat" - to walk slowly)

17. The name of which bird says that it is shaking with one part of its body? (Wagtail)

18. What family of birds does the peacock belong to? (To the chicken family)

19. What bird can swim better than fly and run? (Penguin)

20. What sacred bird, according to an ancient legend, could be reborn from the ashes, why did it become a symbol of immortality? (Phoenix)

21. Which parrot has a crest? (Have a cockatoo)

22. The arrival of what birds do we consider the beginning of spring? (Arrival of rooks)

23. What songbird gets its food by diving into the water under the ice? (Dipper)

24. What bird breeds chicks at any time of the year, even among the snow? (Klest. Klest. Klest feed their chicks with pine and spruce seeds)

25. What birds spend the night buried in the snow? (Black grouse, partridges, hazel grouses)

26. Which bird has eyes shifted to the back of the head and why? (A woodcock, because it gets its food by sticking its beak deep into the ground)

27. What flying nocturnal predator appears in our country only in winter? (Polar white owl)

28. What bird makes a bed of fish bones in the nest? (Kingfisher)

29. What forest bird is white in winter and piebald in summer? (White partridge)

30. What are the smallest birds in our country? (Root root (wren) and kinglet. They are almost the same height: smaller than a dragonfly-rocker)

31. Which of our forest birds have yellow males and green females? (At the crossbills)

32. What bird cries like a tattered cat? (Oriole)

33. Which bird "barks"? (The male ptarmigan makes a sound similar to a dog barking during the current in spring)

34. Name the pink bird that the song says it is "the child of the sunset." (Pink flamingo)

35. Hairy caterpillars are covered with poisonous bristles, and birds avoid touching them. Even to humans, these caterpillars are capable of delivering painful sensations if they get on the skin, eyes, mouth or nose. And only one bird eats them with pleasure without harmful consequences for itself. What is this bird? (Cuckoo)

36. Australian radio begins its broadcasts with a very unusual call sign borrowed from the wildlife. Every morning the voice of the kookaburra bird (or kookaburra) is played on the radio. What is unusual about the cries of this bird? (She laughs loudly and contagiously. This sound is designed to give all people who wake up to give a good mood for the whole working day)

37. Which bird is the symbol of pedagogy? (Pelican. It has been noticed that in times of famine, pelicans can selflessly peck meat out of their bodies to feed their chicks)

38. What bird in Russia symbolizes marital fidelity? (Swan. Since a pair of swans, having met once, lives together all their lives)

39. What bird “observes the family hearth”, serves as a symbol of family well-being and takes care of the number of offspring in the family? (Stork)

40. What birds mutter in the spring: “I will buy a hoodie, I will sell a fur coat”, and in the fall: “I will sell a hoodie, I will buy a fur coat”? (Male grouse (kosachi). These words are selected in imitation of the spring and autumn muttering of kosachi)

41. When they say about a bird: “She flew over the sea to die”? (When the hunter "misses" on it)

42. What bird can kill a man with a kick? (Ostrich)

43. Which bird has the longest legs and the longest neck? (A flamingo. He flies, stretched out like an arrow)

44. What are the most birds on the globe? (In the first place in terms of numbers - the detachment of chickens. In the second - passerines)

45. What birds walk most of the way from the south on foot? (Crake, marsh hen)

46. ​​What is a “woodpecker's forge”? (This is the name of a tree in which a woodpecker sticks cones in order to process them with its beak. On the ground under such a "forge" a whole mountain of broken cones often accumulates)

47. Which bird got its name from the island on which it lives? (Canary from the Canary Islands)

48. The ancient Indians called this bird parapushta, which means “fed by another”. And what do we call this bird? (Cuckoo)

49. What bird does America's Thanksgiving go without? (No turkey)

50. Which raven bird can fake the voices of other birds? (Jay)

51. This bird became known after the discovery of America, and it is called by the name of an Asian country. What is this bird? (Turkey, turkey)

52. What birds, according to the legend, saved the city of Rome? (Geese)

53. What are the American ostriches called? (To Nanda) And the African ones? (Emu)

54. Why did the raven fall into the category of the wicked, according to the Christian doctrine? (The Bible says that at the end of the rain, Noah's ark stopped at Mount Ararat. Noah was the first to release a raven from the ark, so that it flew around the area and scouted if there were any places where the water had come off. search for corpses)

55. What second bird did Noah send from the ark to scout? (Dove. He returned with an oil branch in his beak and was numbered among the sacred birds)

56. According to the legend, what birds fed the Babylonian queen Semiramis? (When the mother of Semiramis, the goddess Derketo, refused to raise the girl, she was fed by pigeons, stealing milk from the shepherds)

57. What artist made the drawing "Dove of Peace" in 1947? (Pablo Picasso)

58. The song about which bird did Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev sing with his comrades in the famous film? ("Black raven, black raven, why are you climbing over me? You won't wait for prey. Black raven, I'm not yours ...")

59. Who cuckoos at cuckoos: male or female? (Only male cakes)

60. Tradition says that the famous statesman, archon, strategist and commander Themistocles during the war proposed to include bird fighting in the combat training program of young Athenians. Which ones? (Cockfighting, so that the warriors learn from them selflessness, fortitude and courage)

61. Which European country has long bore the name of a cock? (France was formerly called Gaul from the Latin word "gall" - rooster)

62. What birds were mercilessly exterminated in China in 1959 as crop destroyers? (Vorobyov. When these birds were exterminated, the locusts came and ate the entire crop)

63. What kind of birds do the Chinese specially train to capture the fish with their beak and bring it to the owner? (Baklanov)

64. Why doesn't a trained cormorant swallow the caught fish? (A special leash is put on their throats, which does not allow them to do this)

Birds are our friends, take care of the birds. Help them in difficult times. Don't kill birds. They are very useful.

1. Introduction to the quiz

Spring has come. The birds are returning to their homeland. Soon their spring singing will be heard here and there. We are glad to the arrival of birds. They returned - which means spring, and “the meadow laughs again,” and life goes on as usual. At the beginning of the quiz - a wonderful verse by Georgy Skrebitsky.

What a morning, what a breadth!
Hazy and distant villages ...
Everything around and hides, sparkles,
Meeting the first spring day.

The sky is turning blue, the sun is shining
Snow beams burned.
There is no happier day in the world
Than the birthday of spring!

2. The first block of questions

What do we call birds that go to warmer regions in winter and fly back in spring?
Answer: migratory birds

What do we call the birds that stay in their homeland for the winter?
Answer: wintering birds

Have you heard the blackbirds sing? And not only blackbirds, but also larks, nightingales, orioles? What are the names of the birds that sing better than others?
Answer: songbirds

Why did the birds sing?
Answer: Because spring has come, it has become warm, you need to have offspring, try to please each other and find a mate.

3.Second block of questions

Which migratory birds are familiar to you?
Answer: A - stork, B - shorebird, C - bittern, G - tie, rook, D - thrush, F - lark, H - finch, I - oriole, K - sandpiper, cuckoo, L - swallow, blue tit, M - flycatcher, P - quail, P - fieldfare, C - swift, starling, nightingale, T - wagtail, C - heron, H - lapwing, lake gull, U - duck.

Why do birds fly away to warm lands?
Answer: the main reason is inadequate nutrition during the winter months

When do storks and herons fly south?
Answer: when water pools freeze

What migratory birds fly at night?
Answer: cranes, robins

What kinds of birds travel "on foot" to the wintering place?
Answer: corncrake, quail

How do migratory birds navigate?
Answer: landmarks are: seashores, mountain ranges, river valleys, sun

4 Riddles About Migratory Birds

In the summer he goes after the plowman, and in the winter he leaves with a cry. ( Rook)

All day gallop across the arable land, and the bird is called ... ( rook).

On the pole is the palace, in the palace is the singer. ( Starling)

5. Starling

“Start serenading, starling!
Through the timpani and tambourines of history,
You are our first spring singer
From the Birch Conservatory. "

In what calendar periods does the starling have a shiny black plumage with a greenish tint, and in which speckled (with white spots), with a characteristic metallic sheen?
Answer: black - in spring and summer, speckled - in autumn and winter.

When does the starling arrive?
Answer: in March

How many generations of chicks do starlings have per season?
Answer: two generations

Where does the starling winter?
Answer: in Europe, Africa, Central Asia, the Caucasus

6. Rook

“Rook over a birch thicket.
Light and dusk conspiracy.
Always silent about something
A taciturn country. "

Where does the rook winter?
Answer: in North Africa, Central Asia, on the Black Sea coast

What does a rook eat?
Answer: insects, field mice, snails, (can catch a young hare)

When does the rook arrive?
Answer: during the period from February to April

What family does the rook belong to?
Answer: to the raven family

7 swallow

“The grass turns green,
The sun is shining;
Swallow with spring
In the canopy flies to us. "

Why is a swallow sometimes called a killer whale?
Answer: because the barn swallow belongs to the genus of killer whales

Who is the enemy of the swallow?
Answer: Sparrow. He often attacks and captures swallow nests, throwing out tiny chicks from there.

When does the swallow arrive?
Answer: in the middle of May

What does the swallow eat?
Answer: exclusively flying insects - flies, grasshoppers, dragonflies, butterflies, bugs.

How many generations of chicks do swallows have per season?
Answer: two generations


What determines the color of birds?(The color of feathers n is determined by the presence of pigments in the microstructure. In most bird species, males and females are colored differently, and the male, as a rule, is colored brighter.

Which bird has a tail shaped like a musical instrument?(The bird has a lyrebird, which received its name in the form of a tail, similar to a lyre. The length of the whole bird is 130 cm. In males, two

What chickens are the progenitors of our chickens?

(Banking rooster and shrub hens, relatives of our chickens, still live in dense India.)

What kind of eagle is called a bearded man?(A lamb eagle. It has a tuft of feathers, as if forming a beard.

How to explain the variety of beaks in birds

(Beakbirdsthe organ of her attack and defense. In all, it serves to seize food, but many andeat herbeak too. The size, shape and structure of the beak are determined mainly by the life of the bird, the way it feeds. In birds of prey, the beak is usually short, bent with a hook, in shape and structure, well adapted for tearing meat or inflicting strong blows on the victim. Granivores have a short and dull beak, while most insectivores have thin and sharp beaks. Waterfowlwide and flat.)

Why does a pelican have a leathery bag under its beak?

(Holding its beak to its chest, the pelican empties the water and fills it with fish while fishing.)

It is known that in nesting birds, nestlings are born helpless and blind, from the outside world they are able to perceive only some signals. Why the food put by a person in the nest will never be eaten by a chick, no matter how hungry he is?

(The food swallowing reflex is manifested in nest-type chicks only when its pharynx is irritated by the beak of the parents, who, in turn, are prompted to feed by the oscillatory movements of their wide-open mouths, which have a bright orange and yellow color.)

In the 60s. XX century a new direction appeared in science - Bionics. The goal of this science is to solve engineering and technical problems based on the study of the structure and life of living organisms. Today we all use a zipper. What natural material is analogousthisclasps?(The contour feather of a bird, the fan of which consists of many thin and narrow plates interconnected by hooks.)

When the bird sings louder - in flight or sitting on a branch?

In flight, since with each flap of the wings, the air sacs are stretched and the air in this way enters the bird's vocal apparatus in a stronger stream.)

Which bird, with its simple song, foreshadows the imminent arrival of spring before the others?(Hoodie

What bird sings before a thunderstorm, making sounds like playing the flute?


Does the starling have its own song?(No, he imitates the singing of other birds and different sounds.)

Why don't eagles fly over the sea and forest, while petrels die over land?(Eagles and other birds soaring in summer plan on their wide wings, using air currents rising from the surface of the earth heated by the sun. There are no such currents over the seas or forests, or they are very weak, here the eagles lose their support and are forced to fly, flapping their wings -willi, but they are poorly adapted for such a flight. Petrels fly perfectly, using gusts of wind and swirls of air over the waves, and over land they cannot fly for a long time and die.)

Why do swifts and swallows fly high on a clear day, and above the ground before rain?(Before rain and thunderstorms, atmospheric pressure decreases, flies and midges sink closer to the ground, so insectivorous swifts and swallows fly low above the ground.)

Which birds fly faster than others?(Insectivores and birds of prey. Insectivoresto catch insects in flight, and predatoryto have time to overtakechowlprey. The fastestswift, hummingbird, swallow.)

Why don't swifts land on the ground?(Because they have very short legs and long wings. If the swift lands on the ground, it will not be able to take off again.)

Why lightning never strikes birds and why birds do not die sitting on wires of high voltage lines(Lightningthis is an electrical discharge, and feathers and fluff- frompersonal insulators that do not conduct electricity. Birds sit on one wire without touching the other at the same time. An electric current can pass through the body of a bird to kill it only if the electrical circuit is closed, i.e. when a bird comes into contact with two wires.

Why do birds freeze on the fly in winter?(In severe cold, the birds sit with their feathers spread out, ruffled.MefThere is still air with feathers, which does not allow external cold to pass to the bird's body and retains the heat emanating from the bird. During flight, the feathers are flattnohug the body, to which the cold rushes with force from all sides.)


What bird can fly with its tail forward?(Hummingbird)

Which bird flies the highest?(Eagle.)

What is the smallest bird in our country?(Kinglet)

What is the biggest bird we have?(Ostrich.)

When is the body temperature of birds lower - in summer or winter?(Always the same.)

What bird is called by the name of the writer?(Go-gol.) "

In which country do white cranes build nests and chicks?(In Russia.)

How mother pelicans feed their chicks /(They regurgitate various fish from the goiter.)

How does the grebe escape from enemies?(Dives into the water like a submarine.)

How many eggs do Siberian Cranes lay?(Two.)

How does the gray heron hunt?(Stands motionless, sucking in his neck and curling one leg.)

Which bird breeds chicks in the rain?(Swan.)

What birds do little swans look like?(To the ducklings.)

Who wrote the story "The Ugly Duckling"?(G.H. Andersen.)

What other tales of Andersen, in the titles of which there are

do you remember the names of the birds?("Nightingale", "Wild Swans".)

Which bird has the longest tongue?(In a woodpecker up to 15 cm.)

What birds have wings covered not with feathers, but with scales?(At the penguins.)

Which bird has a very long tail?(Magpie.)

Where do titmice nest?(In the hollows of trees.)

L0. What are the benefits of tits?(They eat bugs and larvae.)

When are geese especially angry?(When the goslings appear.)

How long are the wings of a goose?(Up to 1.5 m)

How do geese protect their children from bad weather?(Hiding under the wings.)

What is the stork's favorite treat?(Frogs.)

Which bird's nest hangs above the water itself at the end
veweaving in the form of a soft bag?(Remeza.)

Remember the proverbs associated with birds.

Follow bird proverbs. Distribute
cards on which the names of the birds are written.

Sparrow. Sandpiper.("The word is not a sparrow will fly out, not
sing you can't fool the old sparrow on the chaff "," Everyone
Kupik praises his swamp. ")

Goose. Tit.("The goose is not a pig's friend", "Better a titmouse in the hand than a crane in the sky", "A titmouse is small and a bird.")


In the summer they live in the north, and at the beginning of winter, flying away from the northern frosts, they settle in the forests. They feed on rowan and other berries. You will see how they, like red balls-ki, hang on the tree, and you will remember that the New Year is coming soon.(Bullfinches.)

They are very curious. Hunters know this well. And they also know: there is no bird more careful. There is a large flock! They wrapped their heads under the wing and sleep peacefully. Why should they be afraid? They have a watchman. From each edge of the herd there is an old bird, not sleeping, vigilantly looking around.(Wild geese.)

They arrange beautiful dances in the swamp! They will gather in a circle, one or two come out to the middle and begin to dance. At first they just jump, and then they spin and jump, and even dance as if squatting. And those who stand flap their wings to the beat.(Cranes.)

The most interesting feature of this bird is how it stores itself for the winter. Hard work begins when the pine nuts are ripe. By winter, she manages to prepare up to 70 thousand nuts and hides them in small portions (10-20 pcs.), Burying them in the ground or moss, sowing behind the peeled bark, under rotten stumps. And in total he makes about 6 thousand hiding places. How can you remember them all? It turns out that these birds have a wonderful memory, much better than that of humans.(Nutcracker.)

From whatever side you look at this bird - it is strange and wonderful. The largest in the world, but cannot fly. It uses its small wings for balance while running. The head and neck of this bird are bare, and the long legs end in two toes.(Ostrich.)

Which bird eats up to 60 times a day? These birds are. the smallest on Earth. They feed on nectar and, flying from flower to flower, flap their wings at a speed of 80 times per second. Such a fast pace requires a lot of energy, so the birds have to eat very often.(Hummingbird.)

A source

Borzova Z.V., Dagayev A.M. Didactic material on biology: Methodical manual.-M.: TC Sphere, 2005.

Interesting and informative quizzes for younger students and schoolchildren of secondary school age. Quizzes on the topic "All About Birds". All quiz questions with answers. Quizzes on the knowledge of bird species, on the knowledge of historical information about birds, about the biological characteristics of birds.

Quiz "All About Birds"

■ Why is the woodpecker called the “helper” of other birds? (The woodpecker grinds the bark of trees and thus makes it easier for other birds to get food).

■ What kind of forest bird makes a nest on the ground? Penochka.

■ Who sleeps during the day, flies at night, scares passers-by? Owl, owl.

■ What kind of birds live on the high seas for years, even sleeping on the waves, swaying like a float? (Albatrosses, frigates, phaetons).

■ Why did scientists justify the cuckoo, despite the fact that the foundlings of the cuckoo throw other chicks out of the nest? (The cuckoo is the only bird that eats furry caterpillars (poisonous and most voracious, destroying the forest by hectares). No other bird touches these caterpillars.)

■ What other birds were used in ancient Greece to send messages over long distances? (Pigeons. Pigeon mail exists in our time).

■ What is the main reason for the migration of birds to warmer regions with the arrival of autumn? (Only due to lack of food. Cold is not the reason for the flight. A hungry bird freezes, a full one - never.)

■ Which birds fly to us first in the spring? (Rooks.)

■ Why do rooks “open up” spring, and swallows arrive later than other birds? (Because of the way of feeding. Rooks look for food in the soil, and swallows catch insects in flight. Insects appear in the air later, respectively, and swallows arrive later than other birds.)

■ Why are migratory birds in such a hurry in the spring and in the fall? (Birds do not fly away in the fall as long as there is food.)

■ Which birds do not fly at all? (Ostriches, penguins.)

■ In which birds does the male hatch eggs? (Ostriches.)

■ What bird doesn’t know its mother? (Cuckoo chick.)

■ What is the name of the large-headed crested bird, on whose head the feathers stand upright? (A horned bird.)

■ Which birds have a special nursery? (At the penguins.)

■ Where do crows sleep in winter and autumn? (In the trees in gardens and parks, gathering in small flocks.)

■ What is the name of the male crow? (A crow, and a raven, is a completely different bird, although they are relatives.)

■ Who is resting sitting on the wires? If it flies low to the ground, it will rain. (Martin.)

■ What is the meeting of two roosters called? (Cockfighting.)

■ What time does the sparrow wake up? (Later than all birds, but always at the same time at 5-6 in the morning.)

■ What is the name of a large, bright bird of the order of chickens with a long tail, which is partially domesticated? (Pheasant, peacock.)

Quiz "Wonder Birds"

■ Who is called the king of birds? (Eagle.)

■ What is the largest bird in the world? (Ostrich.)

■ What is the smallest bird? (Hummingbird.)

■ Which bird flies the fastest? (Swift.)

■ Which bird flies the highest? (Eagle.)

■ What is the smallest bird in our country? (Kinglet.)

■ Which bird has a long tail? (Peacock, forty.)

■ Which bird can fly with its tail first? (Hummingbird.)

■ Which bird in our forests best imitates bird voices? (Starling.)

■ Which bird is a symbol of beauty, purity and tenderness? (Swan.)

■ Which bird is considered the mistress of the night forest? (Owl.)

■ Which bird lives in a basket nest? (Oriole.)

■ Which yellow bird with a black tie builds a nest on sand and pebbles? (Plover.)

■ Which birds catch insects on the fly? (Swallow, swift.)

■ What birds are faithful to each other all their lives? (Swan geese.)

■ Which birds got their names from their beaks? (Dubonos, shirokonos, etc.)

■ Which birds hatch twice a summer? (Tits, pigeons.)

■ Which bird's nest looks like a floating island? (Chomgi.)

■ Where does the warbler build its nest? (In the grass, her nest looks like a hut.)

■ Which bird has the longest tongue? (At the woodpecker.)

■ Which bird's beak looks like a hook? (Hawk.)

■ Which bird's beak is the real bag? (Pelican.)

■ Which bird's beak looks like a net? (Nightjar.)

■ What tools do the waders' noses look like? (On the awl and sickle (awl and serponos curlew).)

■ For some reason this bird is called that, although it does not catch any turnips? (Repolov.)

Blitz quiz "From the life of birds"

■ Bird house. (Nest.)

■ Massive settlement of birds. (Market.)

■ Whistle for luring birds and animals. (Decoy.)

■ Hole in birdhouse and budgerigar house. (Tray.)

■ Hands of a bird. (Wings.)

■ Duck legs. (Paws.)

■ Forest Doctor. (Woodpecker.)

■ Feathered messengers of spring. (Rooks.)

■ The child of any birds. (Chick.)

■ Bird mouth and nose. (Beak.)

■ Cackling brood hen. (Chicken, or nag.)

■ A bird hovering over the ocean. (Albatross.)

■ American large multicolored long-tailed talking parrot. (Ara.)

■ Large eared nocturnal bird of the order of owls. (Owl.)

■ Northern waterfowl. (Loon.)

■ A bird that looks like a swallow. (Swift.)

■ Forest hen from the proverb: "Deaf, like ...". (Black grouse.)

■ Is a penguin a bird? (Yes.)

■ For her love of shiny objects, she is called a thief. (Magpie.)

Quiz for junior schoolchildren "International Bird Day"

Chelysheva Irina Vasilievna, educator of the OKU "S (K) O boarding school VIII type No. 5", Kursk.

Correctional educational:
- to generalize and consolidate children's knowledge about birds;
Correctional and developmental:
- develop interest, observation, broaden the horizons of children, arouse interest in the natural world;
Correctional and educational:
- to cultivate respect for feathered friends.
Equipment: bird voice recording, presentation, multimedia projector, chips, certificates for awarding the winners.
Quiz progress:
Educator:- Today we will talk about our friends. Which ones? Listen to the recording and you will understand. (The phonogram of bird singing sounds).
There are a lot of birds in the world - about 9000 species. There are very large birds, there are tiny ones, no larger than a butterfly or a dragonfly, and weighing a few grams. There are birds that can fly above the clouds, and there are those that cannot fly, such as penguins.
Some birds live in the forest, others in the steppe. But there are also such birds that cannot live in the forest or in the steppe. They live only in the desert or mountains, while others only on the seashore.
Some feed on fish, others on insects. There are birds of prey that feed on animals. And there are those who eat only plant foods: Mainly berries and seeds (woodpecker, goldfinch).
Some settle in hollows, others build nests on the ground or on the branches of trees and bushes.
Today we will hold a quiz on the topic: "What do we know about birds." Let's split into two teams. Each team must come up with a name for themselves. Our quiz will consist of four contests. For each correct answer, the team receives one token. If the team does not have an answer, the opposing team has the right to answer.
- Before starting the quiz, we will warm up a little with you.
First competition "Warm-up"
Educator:- The first team to give the correct answer earns a token.
Me gray-winged
Everyone has been calling since childhood.
As a symbol of peace
Both love and honor. (Pigeon.)

This bird loves the sea.
Used to live in the open.
The blue will dive into the sea -
Will bring a fish in its beak.
What kind of bird? Guess - ka!
Everyone knows what it is. (Gull.)

Flies all night -
Extracts mice.
And it will become light -
Sleep flies into the hollow. (Owl.)

The brothers got up on stilts,
Looking for food along the way.
Whether on the run or on the move
They can't get off the stilts. (Cranes.)

Sits in a cage all day
And he keeps repeating under his breath
But hearing the door creak
He screams "Philip-Philip"
Give Kesha to drink faster,
Who is this - (Parrot.)

Feathers are black and shiny
Can be pretty cocky
Everything - the end of pests!

The name of the bird is ... (Starling.)

She lives under the roofs
It builds its nest from clay,
Fussing all day
Doesn't sit on the ground
Flying high in the clouds
Moussek eats on the fly,
In a black dress coat, sweetheart,
And what is called? ... .. (Swallow.)

Kar-kar-kar! Kar-kar-kar! -
That's the whole repertoire.
Announces the crown of the maple
With his singing ... (Crow.)

Tufted head,
In a swamp, as in a canteen:
Thinking about food
Walks-wanders on the water,
Where the fry swarm in the shallows.
Catching fish, frogs.
Capture, throw a frog, a la.
Juggler, apparently ... (Heron).

To this white-winged bird
Doesn't sit in the zoo.
To make people smile
Flies to them with a bundle ... (Stork.)

The second contest "Don't yawn, answer the questions!"

Educator:- Each team must quickly answer ten questions, if you do not know the answer, say “further. The second team is silent, does not prompt. For this competition, you will receive as many chips as you give correct answers.
Questions for the first team:
1. What birds do not sit on the ground, or on the water, or on the branches (Swifts)
2. The smallest bird (Kinglet)
3. What bird breeds chicks in winter (Klest)
4. What bird barks like a dog (Male white polar partridge)
5. What bird is the name of the writer (Gogol)
6. Where starlings nest except birdhouses (in Dupla)
7. Where are penguins found (in Antarctica)
8. What are the fastest birds (Swifts)
9. The largest bird in Russia (Bustard)
10. Which bird is drumming (Woodpecker)
Questions for the second team:
1. Which bird makes the farthest flight (Arctic tern)
2. Does the chick breathe in the egg (Yes)
3. Which birds do females and males sing for (Bullfinches)
4. What bird is called an insect (Flycatcher)
5. Do our migratory birds nest in the south (No)
6. A bird that only sings high in the sky (lark)
7. What bird is named the same as the boy? (Slavka)
8. Which bird name is associated with the horse? (Skate)
9. Which bird runs underwater? (Dipper)
10. What bird is the name of the dance? (Tap dance)
Third competition "Living Synonyms"

Educator:- It is necessary to choose the names of birds to get expressions used in comparison with people. For example, "wet" (helpless) like a chicken (wet chicken).
Assignment to the first team:
1. Wise as ... (owl)
2. Snooty like ... (rooster)
3. Thievish, like ... (forty)
4. Important, puffy, like ... (turkey)
5. Long-legged, like ... (heron)
6. Big-eyed, like ... (owl)
7. A predatory look, like ... (a hawk)
8. A sharp-sighted look, like ... (a falcon)
9. Nose with a hump, like ... (eagle)
10. The neck is tender, long, like that of ... (a swan)
Assignment to the second team:
1. Loyalty ... (swan).
2. Love and tenderness ... (pigeon).
3. Big-eyed, like ... (owl).
4. Yellow-mouthed, like ... (chick, chicken).
5. Chatting or rattling like ... (forty).
6. Twitter, fun to talk like ... (sparrow, bird)
7. Cooler like ... (pigeon).
8. Punch (call trouble), like ... (crow).
9. Hammer (say the same thing), like ... (woodpecker).
10. Dignified gait, like ... (peacock) (acts like a pava).
The fourth competition "Proverbs about Birds".

Educator:- I start and you finish.
1. That bird is bad (for which its nest is not cute).
2. The word is not a sparrow (it will fly out, you will not catch it).
3. Better tit in hand (than pie in the sky).
4. Goose pig (not a friend).
5. Old sparrow (you can't fool the chaff).
6. On someone else's side, (happy with his funnel).
7. Raven crows, (will not peck out the eyes).
8. Every sandpiper (praises his swamp).
9. Forty martyrs (forty birds arrive).
10. Annunciation - (release of birds to the wild).
Awarding of the winners and the most active players (certificates).
Educator:- I would like to finish our quiz with the poem "Request" by N. A. Zabolotsky.
The wounded bird was not given into the hands,
The wounded bird remained a bird.
I still dream of this long-standing dream:
A bird shuddered on the bloody grass.
Birds, fish, animals look into people's souls.
You feel sorry for them, people! Don't kill in vain!
After all, a sky without birds is not a sky,
And a sea without fish is not a sea,
And a land without animals is not a land.
Giant people, giant people
You have rifles, nets and traps.
You have fearlessness, you have strength forever.
And there must be a heart. Human heart!
Human people, countries and peoples,
We are now forever debtors of nature!
We must somehow pay off this debt,
Let the wounded bird spread its wings!

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