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Phone book for computer. Download phone book. Characteristics and types

Thanks to the active development of the Internet, the process of communication between people is becoming easier and simpler every year. Many different messengers, social networks and programs for voice communication allow you to build communication between people, regardless of their location.

One of the most popular programs for voice communication is TeamSpeak 3.


In order to understand what exactly this software is, it is necessary to consider its capabilities:

  1. In addition to voice communication, users can transfer files to each other.
  2. For more comfortable communication, it is possible to connect to existing or create new channels.
  3. The program has a text chat.
  4. If necessary, you can turn off the microphone and speakers.
  5. Any conversation can be recorded.
  6. Channel users can be independently added, blocked, and assigned special rights.
  7. If the user wants to expand the functionality, then it is extremely easy to do this thanks to the available plugins.
  8. In the event that you are not satisfied with the appearance of the program, you can always change it, thanks to the availability of themes for design and changing icons.

Advantages and disadvantages

To get a complete picture of what exactly TS3 is, you should consider both the advantages and disadvantages of the program. Let's start with the pros:

  1. Extremely high speed when transmitting audio, which is ensured by the automatic selection of the most unloaded server.
  2. The presence of voice control. The program will start its work only when it hears the user's voice. In the event that there are too many voices around, you can configure voice activation using a hot key.
  3. The sound quality of the TS3 is at an extremely high level. There are no interference or hiss.
  4. Very simple and intuitive interface. Even the most beginner can figure it out.
  5. The software uses the most advanced codecs such as Speex and Celt.

Now you should pay attention to the shortcomings of TeamSpeak 3, which are undoubtedly present:

There is no way to download in Russian from the official site. In order for the interface to be in Russian, you need to download the crack separately.


TeamSpek 3 for Windows 7 and later versions of this operating system is an excellent choice of software for voice communication. Also, a huge advantage among competitors is the ability to create your own channels, the choice of the optimal server to ensure high quality communication. The program works on 32 bit and 64 bit systems.

TS3 analogues

Skype. Probably the most famous software for voice communication. Like most such utilities, Skype has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the main features of Microsoft's creation is the ability to make phone calls. Unfortunately, this feature is not free.

Mumble. Another, no less convenient application of IP-telephony. Mumble is mainly used among fans of online games. This is due to the presence of the function of adding a plugin to any MMORPG, which greatly simplifies the communication process.

TeamTalk. A free application with a fairly simple interface and convenient settings. High quality sound, no delays. Also, it is possible to create your own channels.

Ventrilo. An equally popular IP telephony application with high sound quality and ease of use. There is a call recording function. Communication in Ventrilo is possible both in a group of people and privately. One of the benefits is IRC chat, available as a separate add-on.

Zello. Unlike analogues, Zello is an online walkie-talkie. It is possible to create your own conferences. Applications are available for both PCs and smartphones.

This article examines the best programs that replace notebooks in the electronic 21st century. They work on both PCs and smartphones. Some of them will be used as a simple replacement for a regular notebook, while others will become full-fledged organizers.


At present, the PC replaces a lot for people. Those simple things that were done by hand can now be done on a computer. The notebook is no exception. Why rely on the safety of paper when a notebook for a computer is guaranteed to leave everything in its memory in its original form? It's time to take advantage of the benefits of civilization in this case.


Almost the most famous program, a notebook for a computer, is OneNote (literal translation - "one entry"). This is an application from Microsoft, which is even installed by default in the latest (8 and 10) versions of Windows. But even if the user has an earlier OS or for some reason OneNote has been removed from the computer, it is offered for free download from the official Microsoft website or in the "App Store".

Mars Notebook

The advantage of programs that can be used like a piece of paper tucked under your arm is that in the end, all that mountain of information recorded in scraps can be sorted, because these will be files of the same extension, and not scraps of notebook pages or notepads with incomprehensible notes by different pens.

Notebook for the computer Mars Notebook successfully copes with the duties assigned to it to store information. In fact, it is paid, but Russian-speaking users on the official website can register it for free. At the first start, you need to create a database in which records will be created. The advantage of this approach is that different databases can be created for different types of notes, moreover, if several people use the program, each should also have its own "corner". The number of such bases is not limited.

Mars Notebook has a convenient interface: the entries are on the right side, and on the left are the sections and items in the tree structure to which these entries belong.

Notes can be either simple (text) or extended. This means that it is possible to add pictures, music, videos and other files. There are also a lot of settings and peculiar chips in the form of a calculator, calendar and other things. No wonder this program is called advanced.

Mars Notebook is a notebook for a computer, that is, it only works on Windows. For Android, alternative applications have been made by various developers with a similar tree structure and similar functions.


Notepad++ is ideal for those who are looking for something simple. Notebook-program with a bunch of additional "goodies" as in Mars Notebook, discussed above, this is, of course, interesting, but not everyone agrees to deal with the many settings and functions it offers. This is where Notepad++ comes to the rescue. This notebook for a computer is similar to an extended version of a regular notepad. For example, the function of many tabs has been added (as you know, in the program that is installed on each PC by default, it is not possible to open several documents at once).

Not only multitasking is supported (which, by the way, is remembered by the program and can be reproduced later), but also text scalability, and various plugins allow you to work with different encodings. With all the features and excellent speed, "Notepad ++" also weighs quite a bit and installs very quickly. Moreover, the program is free.

Available "Notepad ++" both on a computer and on a smartphone. This is also a notebook for Android, which, like many other software, can be downloaded on GooglePlay by simply entering the name in the search.

Exiland Assistant

Exiland Assistant packs an entire organizer into itself, presenting a complex structure expressed in a user-friendly interface. The Exiland Assistant notebook program for the computer is suitable for those who like to approach things thoroughly. If in "Mars Notebook" the idea of ​​a database is implemented as a useful feature, then here it is brought to the ideal.

Exiland Assistant allows you to fully manage your personal data. It becomes a salvation for business people, for whom, in fact, it was created. There are three versions of this program - free, single user and a whole network organizer for many users to work at the same time. The latter is sometimes even chosen by small companies to store databases of their employees. Still, in addition to a lot of useful features and functions, Exiland Assistant has good data protection, which includes backup.

Sorry, this notebook for Android is not available as an app. But it has synchronization with Microsoft Outlook, and this official software is available on Google Play, which allows you to use Exiland Assistant installed on your PC at any time, saving information to Outlook and then importing it to Assistant.

Portable electronic devices have taken root quite firmly in the lives of each of us. We are used to being surrounded by multifunctional smartphones, tablet computers, laptops and other gadgets that can replace “all at once”.

Characteristics and types

Let's start with general information - an electronic notebook allows you to create your own notes, view them if necessary, edit and delete them. Today, such a function is available, for example, on any smartphone or tablet - but each of these devices has a host of other functions. But not everyone is attracted to such multitasking. There is a category of people who want to have just an electronic notebook at hand that stores important information for them and reminds them of any upcoming events.

Undoubtedly, today this category of devices has no future - they will be forced out of the market by tablets in a few years. In the meantime, there is a demand for such devices for two reasons. The first is accessibility. Push-button electronic notebook organizers are quite inexpensive - at the same time they are able to receive information and display it in a convenient form. The second reason why books of this format are still in demand is an interesting design. Some developers create handwritten e-books that allow you not only to take notes, but also to draw, sketch and create graphics.


Since the devices are obsolete, their price is quite low. Some books sell for $5-10 on bulletin boards (by hand). Others are given away for free. Another thing is a modern (handwritten) electronic notebook. Its price can vary at the level of 90-120 dollars. Moreover, for this money, the buyer receives a simple graphics tablet, suitable, as already described, for drawing and converting the result into electronic graphics.

Button notebooks

Among the devices that work on the keys, older models should be attributed - this is an electronic notebook Casio DC-7800RS, DC-8500RS, SF-4900RS and others. They differ little among themselves - only in some technical details (memory size, different designs, a set of tools). For example, on one book there is one directory for telephone numbers, on the other - three. One model is capable of storing up to 128 KB of information, the other - up to 256.

Another well-known manufacturer - Citizen - also boasts of its products in this niche. For example, these are the models ED 1500 RX, RX 3400, ED 7600RX, ED 4800 and others. Outwardly, they differ little from the products of a competitor company - the same principle of a "clamshell", consisting of a small screen and a Qwerty keyboard. Device memory is limited to the same 64, 128 or 256 KB (depending on the model). Most of the offers related to the sale of these devices are posted on sites like Avito - Citizen and Casio electronic notebooks with buttons are no longer sold in electronics stores.

Disadvantages of keyboard books

The reason for this is obvious - "calculator-like" devices simply will not find their customers. Firstly, they are very bulky and take up more space than the most ordinary smartphone. Secondly, the amount of memory of such devices is very limited, so they cannot place graphic files in them. Thirdly, the same graphic files cannot be stored on keyboard books and due to incomplete navigation - the control here is the same as on a calculator: there are buttons, several navigation buttons and keys for switching one or another mode. Yes, and synchronization of this type of device with a personal computer is out of the question.

handwritten notebooks

Of much greater interest may be devices that are entered using a touch screen. The screen on them is not the same as on tablets - you can’t start a movie, go online or play Angry Birds here. No, the handwritten electronic notebook supports entering information using a stylus - a pen, the touch of which the device recognizes. As a result, it identifies the lines you draw on its surface.

There are many more uses for these books. For example, you can create graphic files and drop them to your computer using your device as a graphics tablet. Even such a book can become a full-fledged notebook, in which the user is offered the opportunity to store their sketches and sketches. It is obvious that books of an outdated modification, arranged on the principle of calculators, do not support this function.

Notable models of handwritten books

One of the most interesting today is the model from the Asus EEE NoteEA800 tablet manufacturer. The device itself is a cross between a computer and an electronic "reader" - it has a black and white screen, powered by "electronic ink" technology, which supports handwriting. As various reviews show, the model perfectly conveys the graphics, which can be a real find for the artist. True, now the model has already been discontinued - it is not easy to buy it in an electronics store.

Another interesting handwriting electronic notebook is NoteSlate. It costs $ 100, and the design is not much different from the tablet. A media player is installed on the device, it is offered in 5 color variations. In addition, the stylus that is included in the kit makes it easy not only to apply text, but also to erase it with the help of an “electronic eraser” placed at the end. Thus, do not be afraid that you will ruin the drawing. This book is connected to a PC via a micro USB input.

Cheap tablets as an alternative

Taking into account the fact that outwardly an electronic notebook is not much different from a tablet, and the latter is clearly superior in functionality, some manufacturers have taken a tricky step by releasing cheap tablets under the guise of electronic notebooks. For example, this is what Wexler did, which released an inexpensive but book-like tablet. We are talking about devices of the Book series. Their cost starts at $ 30 - quite an affordable price for a notebook. They support both handwriting input and playback of video and audio files, viewing images on a color screen, and more.

How to choose?

Making a choice of which notebook you would like to purchase is, of course, not easy. There are a lot of models on the market, each of which has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account. But we will proceed from what you need in the first place.

If you want to buy an old-fashioned electronic notebook that looks like a calculator, it could be Casio or Citizen. Searching for them is very simple - on any bulletin board there are several people who want to sell such a gadget or even give it away for nothing.

In the event that you would like to have a reliable assistant who will store your notes, you can purchase an inexpensive tablet. It, in addition to the function of entering and storing information, also supports a number of other options that may be useful to you. If suddenly you fundamentally want a device with a black and white screen - buy an electronic notepad like those released by Asus or NoteSlate.

Finally, those who are looking for a device for drawing and creating graphics can be advised to purchase an inexpensive graphics tablet.

You can find the best price for the device you are interested in by simply monitoring offers from different online stores. With online access, this can be done in a few minutes. At the same time, remember that you should not blindly chase a low price. Check the reliability of the seller, reviews about him and specify the details, such as delivery time, its cost, the availability of a guarantee for the goods. Or just visit the nearest real electronics store and make your choice live.

Despite the development of technology, the traditional phone book remains an indispensable attribute of business people, office receptions, reception services of various establishments.

The most demanded formats of such notebooks are A4, A5, A6. To make the phone book easy to use, the sheets are marked with letters of the alphabet (Cyrillic or Latin) and lined. For frequently used printing products, thick cardboard or leather covers are practical. Often phone books are supplemented with information sections:

  • postal codes of cities of the Russian Federation and other countries;
  • reference books of measures and weights;
  • geographic Maps;
  • telephone codes, etc.
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Alphabetical phone books in Komus

In "Komus" you can buy a phone book of a convenient size with a suitable cover design and the availability of up-to-date reference information on the flyleaf or in special inserts. If the phone base is small, an A6 mini-notebook is sufficient, for a solid list of contacts you will need an A5 or A4 book.

Printing products are sold online at special prices, individually and in batches of any volume. Address delivery of purchased phone books is carried out after order payment. The client chooses the appropriate payment method independently from those offered on the site.

Discounts and bonuses apply for regular purchases in Komus. To find out the conditions for free delivery, discounts or other additional opportunities, view the information on the portal or consult with a member of the advisory service by phone.

Is it inconvenient for you to keep a list of numbers in notebooks because you constantly lose them? Do you forget to congratulate your loved ones on the upcoming holiday? Or, perhaps, the phone suddenly broke down, and all the contacts and data about them remained in the device’s memory? If at least one of the above occurs, we strongly recommend that you install the Phonebook.


The phone book is software designed to be installed on desktop computers or laptops with Windows OS. The developer declares official support for Windows in the range from XP to 7. Nevertheless, even if you use the "eight" or any other later versions of the OS, the application will still work quite correctly. We state this from personal testing experience.


The phone book will help its users to store all the necessary information in a compact and organized way. They will not have to, as in the case of the paper version, look for updated data among the obsolete ones that have been crossed out for a long time. In addition to full names and phone numbers, the program also allows you to store contacts' email addresses, their dates of birth, and many other details. Users can edit and delete unwanted contacts, search them by number or name, and sort them according to the parameters described above. The phone book can be launched automatically when the operating system is loaded, and to work with it it is not at all necessary to open the working window of the program - you can control all the functionality directly from the system tray.

Key Features

  • compatible with most versions of Windows;
  • allows you to store not only the names of contacts and their phones, but also other information related to these people;
  • has the ability to edit outdated contact data or delete them altogether;
  • allows you to split contacts into groups;
  • has a simple and intuitive interface;
  • Implemented auto-start of the software with the computer turned on;
  • you can work with the Phonebook even from the system tray.

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