Home Flowers University program. Universities and educational programs. Features of the national curriculum

University program. Universities and educational programs. Features of the national curriculum

Levels of training: magistracy, postgraduate studies, residency

5 priority areas: science, education, medicine, engineering, social management

Recommendations for admission to foreign educational organizations

You need to start preparing for admission to a foreign university in advance - preferably a year in advance. This is due to the difficulties in preparing a package of documents, the deadlines for submitting documents to foreign universities, the need to pass language and professional exams at certified testing centers, which set both the dates of the exams themselves and the deadlines for pre-registration for these exams. There are such centers in almost all major cities of the Russian Federation.

Information about the delivery of TOEFL can be viewed

Information about passing the GRE can be viewed

Information about passing the German language test TESTDAF can be viewed

Each foreign university sets the deadlines for submitting documents for admission. The terms of each foreign university participating in the Global Education Program can be found

List of educational programs in foreign universities

An approximate list of educational programs implemented in foreign universities in the areas approved under the Global Education Program.

IMPORTANT! This list of educational programs is not complete, it can be updated and supplemented. We ask you to check the availability and details of programs on the websites of universities.

Presentations and webinars on admission to foreign universities

  • Webinar "How to enter a foreign university with the Global Education program" (link)
  • In order to become a consultant of the Program, it is necessary to pass certification, which gives the right to conduct consultations on the Global Education Program. Certification is carried out by passing a test on knowledge of the conditions and requirements for participation in the Program.

    For cooperation and certification, please contact the Program operator, which is the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, by phone 8-800-50-50-623 or by email [email protected]

We figure out how to choose a university and a specialty using the capabilities of the site site

On this page you will learn how to choose a university online according to any criteria.

Our entire website is a detailed information about all universities in Russia, presented in a convenient form. However, even in such a form as, for example, in, it is difficult to select specialties, compare them, etc.

IN ORDER FOR YOU NOT TO SUFFER, WE DEVELOPED A FILTER that will show a selection of universities and specialties in them according to all the criteria you need : geographical, by subjects of the Unified State Examination, by the cost of education, form of education, specialties and much more.

In order to select educational institutions, you must either open the filter, or read the section where you will find the USE calculator, you can choose a profession:

EVERYTHING IS SIMPLE HERE: to choose a university online, you must specify the parameters you need for selection in the tabs "Conditions", "Specialties", "Geography", "Unified State Examination". It is optional to fill in everything and click on the red button "PICK UP". You are required to complete only those fields that will affect the selection.

For example, you need universities

1) full-time education
2) with a specialty "Jurisprudence"
3) in the city of Moscow
4) for which the Russian language, history, social studies are required from the Unified State Examination
5) our USE scores in these subjects are 215

Let's start opening tabs one by one:

1) Conditions

In this tab, you can specify the form of study, the cost of education per year (if not important, leave it as it is), readiness to pass entrance examinations, university parameters (only state, only with a military department, only with a hostel).

2) Specialties

Here is a list of specialties. You can choose one or more specialties. If nothing is filled in, then the search will be performed in all directions.

3) Geography

Here you select the cities in which the search will be carried out. If empty, search all.

4) USE

Here we select the subjects that you hand over and the passing scores for them.

You can combine the selection of a university online. For example, without selecting a specialty/-s, the search will be carried out in all, without selecting a city, you will start a search in all cities, etc.

It is also important to note that all information about universities on the Internet is obtained from their websites and various sources. The most correct will always be to contact the university directly. Fortunately, contact details are also attached to each university with us.

Use on health!

Hello reader! You probably already understood that studying at the university is a very important stage in life, which most accurately reflects the future fate of a person. Higher education helps not only to find a job worthy of one's qualifications, but also to gain respect from colleagues and superiors, as well as to rapidly move along the so-called "trade union line" and secure a comfortable existence. However, for now, all these are dreams, and the student, as you know, "lives from session to session."

It is just about this period “from session to session” that it is worth talking in more detail, since in the charter of any university it is called the “curriculum”. If you strictly follow all her recommendations, then problems with academic performance certainly should not arise.

Before talking about the features of the educational process, it is worth noting that curriculum called an action plan approved by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation, which allows you to determine the amount of knowledge and skills suitable for a particular course of study at the university.

In simpler terms, it is clearly defined which segment of the program the student must complete in the first, second, third, fourth and fifth years. In accordance with the curriculum, teachers create syllabus, that is, they provide in writing information about what students will do in each course in pairs, what knowledge and skills they will receive, what new sciences they will get acquainted with and how deeply.

So, if we talk in a simple way, then the curriculum at the university is the boss, and the curriculum is his subordinate. That is why this type of reporting concerns not so much students as teachers, who, within the established time frame, must provide the expected amount of both theoretical and practical information proposed for study by university students.

In those cases when the teacher understands that he does not have time to “subtract his hours”, he organizes voluntarily - forced couples at an inopportune time in order to quickly catch up with the material that was not completed on time.

Perhaps such scrupulousness is not important for the student, but the task of the teacher is to provide for study those topics that were approved by the curriculum at the beginning of the academic year. In general, this is very important, and this most important issue should not be ignored.

Principles for creating a curriculum

As I said, the curriculum at the university is approved by the Minister of Science and Education of the Russian Federation, and the curriculum is approved by the dean or head of the department. It immediately becomes interesting, but on what principles is the selection of the program, which many teachers of higher educational institutions honor, like the charter and the second Constitution?

There are several evaluation criteria here, and let's discuss them in more detail:

1. Relevance of the selected topics and subjects. Scientific and technological progress, however, as well as the achievements of science and culture, do not stand still; Therefore, those topics in the curriculum that were relevant a few years ago have now become “morally obsolete”, that is, unclaimed.

To understand what is at stake, let me remind you of the immortal Lenin and the brilliant Karl Marx with his Capital. In the first case, our mothers and fathers knew by heart the biography of this "people's favorite", and all the congresses of the CPSU in detail and completely bounced off their teeth (even if you wake me up at night and ask).

As for “Capital” by Karl Marx, I personally did not go through this topic at school and university; and the life of Vladimir Ilyich in my history textbook was devoted to only a couple of pages. Now, I think, it is clear what "obsolete information" means.

2. Social education of students. Studying should be not only cognitive and compulsory, but also have a social connotation, that is, the material is selected so that the student learns something useful and vital from the information received, and does not leave the content of the subject "behind the scenes", so to speak.

3. Development of creative abilities. Very often the teacher says about some of his students: "He does not see beyond his own nose." In this case, we are not talking about poor eyesight at all, but about narrowness of outlook, lack of imagination and primitive thinking.

If a student does not know how to sort and apply the information received on a pair, then it is unlikely that he will become a competent and qualified specialist in the future. However, it is quite possible to learn this in five years, the main thing is to set a goal and take a responsible approach to the educational process.

4. Sequence of presentation of knowledge. The curriculum is structured in such a way that the curriculum begins with simple and accessible information, but gradually becomes more complex and deep. Simply put, without knowing the multiplication table, you can’t solve examples to find the discriminant, for example. I think the main idea in this case is clear.

5. Communication of the studied subjects. The curriculum includes those subjects that are interconnected or logically complement each other. For example, it can be ecology, chemistry, biology; or psychology, sociology and natural science. In general, it turns out that a Russian student receives a comprehensive education, which cannot be said about foreign teaching methods, but more on that later.

Now it is clear what the school curriculum is, and what points are important in its annual compilation or correction. As a rule, the curriculum at the university has not changed dramatically for many years, but every year it is supplemented with new facts and topics that, as you know, are relevant at the moment and keep pace with the times.

Features of the national curriculum

This means that in September, after the holidays, they begin to spontaneously attend a number of lectures within their specialty, and after that they independently select for themselves those subjects that, in their opinion, are the most necessary.

No, of course, there is basic knowledge that you want or don’t want, but you will have to get it, however, already in the second year, a student of an overseas university studies those topics that they consider the most necessary in their future profession.

And they can also attend painting pairs, literary and artistic circles, but only for their own pleasure, or to consider themselves a comprehensively developed person. Such seminars are additional classes, but students are ready to go to the university solely for the sake of attending them.

Now it is clear why domestic specialists are so in demand abroad. The fact is that these are generalists who, while studying complex mechanisms, write essays in parallel in business Russian, or conduct experiments in chemistry (in the first year).

Where an imported specialist will expect the help of another narrow specialist, the domestic one will sort it out himself; remember at least an episode from the immortal picture "Moscow does not believe in tears", during the conversation between Katya and the head of the shop about the breakdown of the machine.

How to build a curriculum?

I found information on the net that the curriculum can be built in two ways - concentric and linear. Although this information is more necessary for teachers, I still decided to figure out what these intricate terms mean. And here's what I dug up:

concentric way- This is a systematic repetition of the material covered, but each time in a more in-depth form. As a rule, this technique is used in modern higher educational institutions, colleges and vocational schools. As the practice of many years shows, the method really works in practice, and has already allowed to release more than one excellent student (qualified specialist).

Linear way associates the curriculum with "links in the same chain". The task of the teacher is to consistently pay attention to each link, and proceed to the next only after an in-depth study of the previous one.

In this case, the main emphasis is on the logic that connects all the links of one chain. This method of curriculum creation works best in schools, but can also be used in other schools.

In conclusion, we can only add that it is not the students who set the curriculum, it is not for them to cancel it or ignore it. If you come to study at a university, please follow all the rules that exist within its walls, which have been working here for a long time and honed to automatism. And amateur performance, arrogance and systematic violation of the rules are definitely not welcome here!

Conclusion: In the article I presented, I told in detail to all interested students and not only what the curriculum at the university is, who invented it, and how it is correctly compiled in practice.

The topic is important, the topic is necessary, especially when there are still five long years of hard study ahead! On the pages of the site, the site succinctly presents all the information on a given topic, so henceforth no one should have any more questions.

Now you know what is a university curriculum and how important it is for successful learning.

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