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Wikipedia describes ecstasy as positively colored affect, entailing the highest degree of pleasure, delight, inspiration. When it occurs, the human mind erases the boundaries between the real world and inner experiences, transferring the individual to a weightless state of complete satisfaction.

What can be ecstasy?

The Italian doctor P. Mantegazza in his book “The Ecstasies of Man” identified several varieties of such a condition, namely:

1. Ecstasies of an affective nature. This group included:

  • the sexual ecstasies that arise from the intercourse of a man and a woman;
  • altruistic ecstasies that bring satisfaction from self-sacrifice, awareness of the need and affection: family, friends and others;
  • religious ecstasies that reach their epic during spiritual prayers or immersions in oneself, when the individual merges with God or the Universe.

2.mental ecstasies subdivided into:

  • creative, bringing satisfaction from the rapture of their ability to speak, present themselves;
  • intellectual - the ecstasy of knowing the truth.

3. Aesthetic ecstasies represent:

  • ecstasy of sensation - euphoria of infinity, feelings of flight;
  • visual - the pleasure of contemplating the beautiful, any action, object or phenomenon;
  • auditory ecstasy - the enjoyment of the sound heard, which plunges into euphoria.

Physical condition in ecstasy

The physiological manifestations of ecstasy can be expressed by the following physical changes:

  • decrease in respiratory rate;
  • slowing or speeding up the heartbeat;
  • visual and auditory hallucinations.

The state of ecstasy is described in the following steps:

  1. Absence of thoughts and feelings.
  2. Touches, smells, sounds are not perceived.
  3. No memories, no flashing pictures in my head.

Yogis meditate in this state. It is noted that during this period their pulse and metabolism slow down, and this allows them to be in this state from several hours to several days, without food and water.

Ecstasy is not an orgasm

Very often, orgasm is called ecstasy, but this is wrong. Because they are completely different concepts.
An orgasm is an intense physiological pleasure derived from the uncontrolled contraction and tension of certain muscles in the human body. Although the end result of orgasm is similar to euphoria, as it is characterized by a feeling of pleasure and complete satisfaction. There are different ways to achieve this state, and the orgasm lasts a matter of seconds.

Ecstasy, on the other hand, cannot be achieved by irritation of the erogenous zones, since it is the result of a psycho-emotional perception that is not associated with physical arousal.

And a few more words about ecstasy

All of the above can be summed up in a few lines. Ecstasy is a process that occurs in the head and leads to an explosion of positive electrical impulses. entitled:

  • emotions;
  • happiness;
  • bliss;
  • satisfaction.

All these sensations beat with an uncontrollable fountain, leading a person to ecstasy, as the highest point of spiritual pleasure.

Ecstasy- (from the Greek ἔκστασις (ecstasis) - displacement) 1) a state of extreme enthusiasm, frenzy, admiration of the human spirit, caused by a special influence of the Divine; 2) a state of frenzy associated with the influence on human consciousness; 3) a kind of affective state.

Meanwhile, the internal signs of demonic frenzy are fundamentally different from the internal signs of an ecstatic state in which God's saints are under the influence of God's grace. While the latter is accompanied by the disclosure of the inner forces of the human soul and their aspiration to God, the former, on the contrary, is characterized by the suppression of personal qualities, clouding of the mind and will, irritable and sensitive human spheres.

Passionate, sinful movements of the flesh and soul are not characteristic of a person who is in a state of grace-filled ecstatic frenzy, while one who is under the influence of demons is characterized by the excitation of sinful movements. After all, the task of the demons is precisely to overshadow the best in a person and set him up in a bad, pleasing way.

Experiencing such an ungodly state, a person is often unable to see the danger; it happens that he is carried away by a state of excitement, euphoria. And then he looks for opportunities to experience it again and again. Moreover, this happens even when the victim of a demonic obsession realizes that he is being moved by a demon.

Representatives of all kinds of occult practices, witch gatherings, satanic rites can serve as an example here. Thus, step by step, a person loses moral and spiritual control, degrading, turning into an instrument of demonic forces. In addition, these practices can lead to serious psychological and nervous disorders.

If we are talking about cases of deceit, skillful adjustment of demons to angels, reposed saints, or God Himself, as a result, even an ascetic who seemed to be steadfast can bow to the side of the demon.

According to the observations of G. Bertram, who published in 1956 the article “Praeparatio Evangelica in der Septuaginta” (“Preparation of the Gospel in the Septuagint”), the word amazement, “ecstasy” (Êξτασις) is used in the Greek Bible (together with the corresponding verb) 89 times, while corresponding to 30 different Jewish roots.

The word "ecstasy" comes from the ancient Greek "displacement, admiration, frenzy." In a religious context (original meaning) it was understood as the pinnacle of delight, the highest inspiration. The term itself was used in the period of antiquity by Aristotle, Plotinus, Plutarch. It was also used in the "New Testament" to describe a change in consciousness, accompanied by enthusiasm and religious frenzy. Such a state sometimes visited the apostles. For example, in ecstasy was Peter, the apostle who received a vision from God.

What does ecstasy mean?

The state implies the exit of human consciousness beyond the framework of givens: mental and material. Painful ecstasy is possible - an oppressive passion, intoxication with something, clouding of the mind. And, as an alternative, facilitating ecstasy, introducing a person to the "truths of being."

According to Plotinus, this state suggests a preliminary catharsis (purification). And then the soul is able to rise above the "existentiality" of the mind, in contact with the "super-existential". In some branches of mystical and religious teachings, such a state was welcomed and even achieved artificially. However, in late Christianity, religious ecstasy is condemned in favor of quiet humility over the will of God.

Modern interpretation

In the modern context, the religious meaning of the word fades into the background. Poets understand this state as poetic inspiration and delight. Psychologists - as a kind of affective disorder. Esoteric - associated with sexual feelings. And the ritual-mystical content is given less and less attention.

). Frenzy, an ecstatic state of the spirit, as if separated from the body, so that the subject, in this state, does not notice anything around him; kind of effect.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N..,



painfully enthusiastic state, strong excitement, forcing a person to forget even physical. flour.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F.,



extreme degree of enthusiastic excitement, reaching to frenzy, to self-forgetfulness.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M.,

. Synonyms:

See also other dictionaries:

    ECSTASY- (from the Greek displacement, movement, frenzy, delight), the term is other Greek. philosophy, one of the concepts of Neoplatonism. In his original meaning, the word E. meant, in particular, the transition from a normal state to an abnormal one (as in ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    ecstasy- ah, well. extase f., c. Frantically enthusiastic state; extreme degree of enthusiasm, reaching pain. ALS 1. How all your friends Must be ecstatic at this change; You know such phenomena among them. 1815. Shakhovskaya Lesson ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    ecstasy- See ardor... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. ecstasy, inspiration, ardor; trance, top class, ecstasy, rapture, exaltation, fascination, admiration, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    ECSTASY- ecstasy, ecstasy, pl. no, husband. (from Greek ek from and stasis position) (book). A frenziedly enthusiastic state, an extreme degree of enthusiasm, reaching the point of pain. “Ecstasy ... is that excited state. When a person, under the influence of ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Ecstasy- (from the Greek. έκστασις frenzy, admiration) positively colored affect. The highest degree of delight, inspiration. The term, recorded in ancient literature, to refer to a special state of consciousness in which one is lost ... ... Wikipedia

    ecstasy- a state of extreme delight, reaching a frenzy. Dictionary of practical psychologist. Moscow: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998. ecstasy ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    ecstasy- Ecstasy, a, m. 1. and in sign. skaz. What l. good; what you like. Ecstasy girl. 2. int. Expresses positive emotion... Dictionary of Russian Argo

    ECSTASY- (from the Greek ekstasis frenzy, admiration), the highest degree of delight, inspiration, sometimes on the verge of frenzy ... Modern Encyclopedia

    ECSTASY- (from Greek ekstasis frenzy admiration), the highest degree of delight, inspiration, sometimes on the verge of frenzy ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Ecstasy- (from the Greek. extasis admiration) a term recorded in ancient literature to refer to a special state of consciousness in which the boundaries between the external and the internal are lost. This state is accompanied by a feeling of ecstasy… Psychological Dictionary

    ECSTASY- (Greek ekstasis being outside, displacement, being outside oneself) a state of altered consciousness, accompanied by: a person’s loss of a sense of time, delight, extreme positive emotional rapture, often visual and auditory ... ... The latest philosophical dictionary

    Ecstasy- Ecstasy ♦ Extase A state that allows one to go beyond oneself and everything around, in order to dissolve in something else (in particular, in God); a kind of leap into transcendence or the absolute. Thus, it resists enstasis ... Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

    Ecstasy- (from the Greek ekstasis frenzy, admiration), the highest degree of delight, inspiration, sometimes on the verge of frenzy. … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Ecstasy- (Greek ekstasis, literally “state outside”, from ek “you” and stasis “state”) - a frenetically enthusiastic state, as well as a type of affective mental disorder; a state, as it were, of being carried away from the sensory world. It was ecstatic... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    ECSTASY- (gr. transcendence of self): the movement by which our spirit seems to transcend ourselves and touches a higher and universal reality (God, nature or history). Neoplatonism (in particular, Plotinus) sees here an act, ... ... Eurasian wisdom from A to Z. Explanatory dictionary

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-building dictionaries. Here you can also get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word ecstasy

ecstasy in the crossword dictionary


Dictionary of medical terms

ecstasy (Greek ekstasis frenzy, admiration)

    the highest degree of delight, inspiration;

    in psychiatry

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


ecstasy, pl. no, m. (from Greek ek - from and stasis - position) (book). A frenzied, enthusiastic state, an extreme degree of enthusiasm, reaching the point of pain. Ecstasy ... is that excited state when a person, under the influence of a spiritual and moral movement, is unaware of anything that is happening around him. Pisemsky. Bring someone. into ecstasy. Fall into ecstasy. Shout something. in ecstasy.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    m. A state of extreme enthusiasm, reaching a frenzy.

    m. A kind of affective mental disorder.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


Ecstasy (from the Greek. ekstasis - frenzy, admiration) the highest degree of delight, inspiration, sometimes on the verge of frenzy.


(from the Greek ékstasis - frenzy, admiration), the highest degree of delight, enthusiasm, sometimes turning into a frenzy.



Ecstasy(from - displacement, movement; frenzy, admiration, being outside, being outside yourself) - positively colored affect. The highest degree of delight, inspiration.

The term is recorded in ancient literature: Aristotle, Plutarch, Plotinus.

The term was also used in the Greek translation of the Tanakh Septuagint: Deuteronomy, the Psalter, the Book of the Prophet Daniel, the Book of the Prophet Habakkuk, the Book of the Prophet Zechariah, as well as in the books of the New Testament: the Gospel of Mark, the Acts of the Holy Apostles, to denote a special state of consciousness in which boundaries are lost between outside and inside. This state is accompanied by a feeling of enthusiasm.

Ecstasy (film)

Ecstasy- Czechoslovak-Austrian black-and-white feature film directed by Gustav Mahaty in 1933.

The film "Rapture" gained world fame thanks to the scandal about the first film in the history of full-length feature films, containing a ten-minute erotic scene with a naked female body while the heroine was bathing in a forest lake. The picture was banned from showing in a number of countries and released a few years later with censored notes. The film was condemned even by Pope Pius XII. Hitler forbade its screening in Germany altogether and allowed it to be released in a censored version under the title Love Symphony only in January 1935. In most of the tapes shown in the US and Europe, the nude scenes of the actress were cut.

The film was included in the top ten most famous films of Czechoslovakia of the pre-war period.

Ecstasy (disambiguation)


  • Ecstasy is a positively colored affect. The highest degree of delight, inspiration.
  • Ecstasy is a Czechoslovak-Austrian black-and-white feature film.

Examples of the use of the word ecstasy in the literature.

A new guest under the shade of a strawberry-pink alcove, and the body of its owner, shuddering in ecstasy from new caresses.

And from the consciousness of the temporality of your joint happiness, from dissatisfaction with everything lived until now, from the gray haze of tomorrow's stupid inept caresses of your husband, you, little Amati, merging with talent in ecstasy, sing so that they say about your father-creator that he is a sorcerer.

He quickly mastered piloting a high-speed airliner - and after the IL-18 it’s not difficult at all - and then he began to amaze us, shake us and introduce us almost into a religious ecstasy with their Babaev landings.

Smoke, flashes, color effects, the buzzing of sensory clothing and jewelry, people falling into ecstasy, and people losing consciousness - all this madness suggested thoughts of Babylon before its end, but we stubbornly continued to wait.

Through the open bathroom door, as Dorothy dried off and put on her nightgown, the television screen showed an incredibly ugly elderly couple grinning in fake ecstasy from a coffee pot with instant coffee.

A miraculous deliverance, making its way into the spatial world of higher spheres, contracting and expanding in rhythm to the rhythmic essence of that difficult, but mysterious space in the gaps of the caves of which, curtaining themselves with stalactites and stalagmites, resting, eternally existing, self-centered, the foundations of music itself, unfolding which forms the lungs of every light breath, pierced only by the pecked ribs of the musical foundations of the composer's skeleton, renewed by chalk lime, the waters of the pool, which have not been exhausted to the musical foundations, appearing in imitation of the sacred loneliness of the ghost's thought, tasting the bitter tincture of conscience for the purpose of rhetorical coughing with a taste of time and rowan berries, which are swallowed up in clusters in that frantic unbearable stubbornness, carried away from itself, letting itself through the singing slot of consciousness, stubbornness of thinking, wishing to arouse taste in things that have fallen away from existence as such their inner

Despite the openness, calmness, and benevolence of the Riders, Archie Westin still could not fully understand the strange and bizarre mixture of religious ecstasy, reverent attitude to service and practical acumen, which distinguished the culture, education and customs of the soldiers of the Seventeenth Regiment, immigrants from the three planets that make up the so-called Trinidad.

It was a sense of duty assumed by all the oppressed of the world, a feeling that is as awkward and difficult to talk about as a religious one. ecstasy, and at the same time as authentic as the one you experience when you listen to Bach, or when you stand in the middle of Chartres or Leon Cathedral and watch the light fall through huge stained-glass windows, or when you look at the paintings of Mantegna, and Greco, and Brueghel in the Prado.

But in perfect ecstasy unlucky soldiers were brought bright cans - after smoked goat meat, grapefruit juice and pork with beans seemed to them truly a gift from God.

To serve as a clerk at Manfield, in the ladies' department, it was my youthful love dream, the sweet joys of fastening buttons and buttons, wonderful ecstasy lacing up, criss-cross, to the knee, a satin-lined, dainty kid boot, just unimaginably tiny for a lady of the Clyde Road.

The victim is dressed in black crepe, she bursts into tears or loses consciousness, which brings the villains into a real ecstasy.

The children ran away screaming, the warriors laughed until they dropped, and when Kamau, yielding to the general request, pressed the klaxon again and again, I saw on the faces of the women an expression of utter delight, real ecstasy and thought that, captivated by the klaxon, none of them would have resisted Kamau, if he only wished for it.

Lively, fiery introductions to Cardano's articles, so unlike the usual, extremely monotonous language of his writings, clearly confirm the enormous difference in his thinking at the beginning and at the end. ecstasy.

Riding Conde, she brought the prince to the brink ecstasy, then suddenly pressed a leather bag filled with pieces of ice to the bottom of his abdomen.

Filipinos came in almost the same ecstasy, as from ballpoint pens, and hid foil trays for further use in the household.

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