Home Fruit trees Anastasia Volochkova: “I spend every free minute with Said. The director of the play with Anastasia Volochkova explained why he removed her from the role

Anastasia Volochkova: “I spend every free minute with Said. The director of the play with Anastasia Volochkova explained why he removed her from the role

A scandal erupted around Anastasia Volochkova’s theatrical debut at the School of Modern Play drama theater - the director of the play “A Man Came to a Woman,” Joseph Raikhelgauz, removed the 40-year-old ballerina from the role because she did not fulfill his requirements. Also, her partner, 58-year-old Said Bagov, will no longer appear on stage.

According to Raikhelgauz, Volochkova and Bagov tried to make adjustments to theatrical production, which did not suit the scriptwriters. In the story, Anastasia plays a modest girl who works as a telephone operator, so she must appear on stage in simple dresses, but the outrageous actress decided to appear in public in provocative negligees, dresses with a deep neckline and high heels. The ballerina refused requests to follow the script, since her image in the performance does not coincide with the stage one.

They arbitrarily decided to remake the performance, which they did at the premiere. I told them that I would leave the performance in a form in which I would not be ashamed to show it to the audience, or I would not allow it to be played in such an ampoule. But the artists went on tour,” director Joseph Raikhelgauz shared with Life.

However, there were complaints not only against Volochkova, but also against Bagov. The director of the play explained that on stage Said could not control his Caucasian temperament, so quarrels constantly arose during rehearsals.

This is where the hero says: “Tie my hands!” And he told me: “I am a Caucasian man and I don’t want my hands tied!” - Joseph explains. - The heroine should go out modestly dressed, and only then puts on her best dress. And Nastya says: “I cannot enter in a modest dress, because I am Anastasia Volochkova.”

After the premiere show on April 2, Raikhelgauz decided to remove Volochkova’s partner from the play and replace him with another actor. The scandalous ballerina was hostile to the director’s decision and stated that she would only go on stage with Bagov. But soon there was a rift between the partners: the aspiring actress accused Bagov of betrayal because he agreed to play in another play.

“I defended my partner to the last, not considering it possible to act treacherously towards a person,” Volochkova said in in social networks. “And in return I received the revenge of the director, whom I considered a mentor, teacher and my support.”

Said Bagov, in turn, does not consider himself to blame for disrupting the ballerina’s theatrical debut. According to him, Anastasia was misinformed, so the case ended in another scandal.

Nastya decided that I betrayed her, but this is not so,” Said Bagov, who was removed from the role, told Life. - She didn’t listen to any explanations. She is a master at creating hype around herself, and I was amazed at how quickly she trusted unverified data. Creative conflicts need to be resolved within the theater, and not outside it. I'm sorry that she humiliated herself like that with that statement.

Meanwhile, the theater’s website still contains a poster with the names of Volochkova and Bagov on it. According to the theater administration, most tickets for the April and May performances have already been sold out. The next performance with the ballerina was supposed to take place on April 30, but, as it turned out, it had already been cancelled.

Recently it became known that Anastasia Volochkova’s partner in the play “A Man Came to a Woman,” Said Bagov, was removed from the role due to disagreements with the director. The actress tried to stand up for Said, with whom she was rumored to be having an affair, but in the end she herself was left without work.

On her Instagram, the star announced that the performances with her participation have been cancelled. Anastasia also accused not only the director and management of the theater, but also Bagov of betrayal.

“I have often encountered betrayal in my life, but I never imagined that overnight, 2 days before the performance, I would be betrayed not only by the director, but also by the partner whom I defended in their long-standing confrontation with the director,” wrote Anastasia ( Spelling and punctuation are copyrighted. - Editor's note).



Meanwhile, the director of the play “A Man Came to a Woman,” Joseph Raikhelgauz, said in an interview with Life.ru that he removed Volochkova from the role because she looked vulgar on stage.

In the plot of the production, Anastasia plays a modest girl, a telephone operator, who dresses simply and discreetly. However, the artist voluntarily appeared on stage in provocative negligees with a low neckline.

“They arbitrarily decided to remake the play, which they did at the premiere. I told them, I will leave the performance in a form in which I will not be ashamed to show it to the audience, or I will not allow him to be played in such a role. The heroine must go out modestly dressed, and only then does she put on her best dress. And Nastya says: “I can’t go out in a modest dress, because I’m Anastasia Volochkova,” Raikhelgauz said about the work of Bagov and Volochkova.

"A man came to a woman"

As a result, the director had irreconcilable differences with Said, and he removed him from the role. In turn, Anastasia stated that she would not play with another partner, but soon accused Bagov of betrayal, since he agreed to play in another play.

By the way, due to the fact that Anastasia refused to play with another partner and disrupted the performance, she may face a fine.

“She will have to pay a penalty. Secondly, the theater is a state-owned state-financed organization. According to the law on public procurement, we report on all concluded contracts. They are also required to report cases of violation of these agreements. Anastasia has a chance to get on the “black list” of unscrupulous “service providers” (this is how artists are called in official language with whom it is undesirable to enter into contracts),” Ekaterina Kretova, head of the theater, told Komsomolskaya Pravda.


Meanwhile, Said Bagov visited Volochkova in her mansion with a bouquet of flowers. Anastasia could not remain angry with her lover for long and welcomed him into the house.

Said Bagov’s friend Valentin Gaft told about the troubles. “I know Said very well: he did a lot for this performance. He is a very good, talented and respectable person. But they have a conflict with the director. I don’t know what the matter is, but it will be a pity if it all ends,” - the legendary artist noted with regret.


Joseph Raikhelgauz’s contradictions with Said Bagov arose several weeks ago. The director asked the actor to behave a little differently on stage so that his couple with Volochkova would look more harmonious. However, he continued to work as he saw fit. Raikhelgauz, accustomed to the complete subordination of the artists, did not want to put up with what was happening, so Bagov was removed from the production, reports ProZvezd.

It is unclear who Volochkova, who has become a stumbling block, will play with. Recently, Anastasia, with her characteristic frankness, declared that she had fallen in love with Said. “We love each other, I won’t hide it,” she admitted. “We live once: you need to be yourself. In general, I believe that on stage partners should have feelings for each other, only then they will play even better, and the audience - to believe them even more. Many of my stage partners were beautiful romantic relationship. And now the theater has given me a new meeting."

The ballerina spoke about her acting career with aspiration. She immediately responded to the offer to try herself in the theater and began work with enthusiasm. Volochkova boasted that, together with Bagov, she translated the action of the play into a modern twist. In addition, she invited specialists who worked in her mansion to repair the scenery, and brought her own things to the premiere. “Only my robe, in which I appear in the second department, costs about 70 thousand,” said Anastasia.

Director Joseph Raikhelgauz explained why Volochkova is no longer an actress. The theatrical romance is over, Anastasia is crying again on Instagram. Volochkova recently shocked everyone with the news: the former ballerina was simply erased from the play “A Man Came to a Woman.” The reason was her vulgarity on stage and unauthorized reshaping of the performance, which in the troupe of the School of Modern Play theater is not allowed to anyone except the director.

Volochkova is no longer an actress: two performances with her in leading role became a failure. Now poor Nastya is in tears again: “... in the end they abandoned me.” It turned out that Anastasia Volochkova in the production “A Man Came to a Woman” did not look good together with Said Bagov, even Volochkova’s name on the posters did not save her from failure. During preparations for the performance, Nastya announced her relationship with her partner - Said Bagov became her new lover.

However, Volochkova’s theatrical career did not work out: the director was dissatisfied with the picture he saw on stage when Bagov and Volochkova played. According to him, Anastasia was vulgar, and Bagov did not suit her. Naive Anastasia came to Bagov’s defense and showed strange solidarity, confusing personal and work. She stated that she would also leave if Bagov was removed from his role in the play “A Man Came to a Woman.”

Volochkova and Bagov: Raikhelgauz did not appreciate

It is difficult, even impossible, to go against the opinion of Raikhelgauz as a director: as a result, the actor Said Bagov voluntarily refused to participate in the play. Volochkova, out of naivety (or thoughtlessness?), intervened in the subtle behind-the-scenes relationships and began to express her opinion about the performance and the actors. It caused nothing but irritation, and, moreover, it strained relations with Bagov. As a result, neither he nor she plays in the play - Raikhelgauz’s opinion prevailed. In addition, for some reason the relationship with Said immediately crumbled to dust. Or maybe there was no relationship?

Anastasia Volochkova assured everyone on Instagram that she had found a friend and love, but for some reason everything went to waste. Now the failed actress and former ballerina is left with nothing. According to Anastasia, the current situation is the result of a double betrayal, and she fell victim to it. In the mouth of a 15-year-old teenage girl, this would sound understandable, but as a forty-year-old woman with experience in Bolshoi Theater can she be so naive?

Why Volochkova is no longer an actress: Raikhelgauz

Joseph Raikhelgauz explained the reasons for the failure of the production with Volochkova. The director removed the former ballerina from the role because of her vulgar appearance on stage and complete failure to fit into the character. According to the plot, the heroine Anastasia - shy girl a telephone operator who dresses simply and discreetly. However, the artist voluntarily appeared on stage in provocative negligees with a low neckline. And she even dared to flaunt it in the press. Raikhelgauz did not appreciate such initiative:

“They arbitrarily decided to remake the play, which they did at the premiere. I told them, I will leave the performance in such a form in which I will not be ashamed to show it to the audience, or I will not allow it to be played in such an ampoule. The heroine should appear modestly dressed, and only Then puts on her best dress. And Nastya says: “I can’t come in in a modest dress, because I’m Anastasia Volochkova.”

Professional incompetence is the diagnosis given to “actress” Volochkova. Not a single professional actress would put outfits above her role; such a thing would never even occur to her. Only amateurs put themselves above their role.

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