Home Roses Parents Victoria Melnikova is the wife of Denis Crazy. Unexpectedly: this is what the son of actress Elena Yakovleva looks like. Romantic relationship with Rita

Parents Victoria Melnikova is the wife of Denis Crazy. Unexpectedly: this is what the son of actress Elena Yakovleva looks like. Romantic relationship with Rita

Actress Elena Yakovleva said that her son Denis considers his tattoos to be a mistake and dreams of getting them down.

The 25-year-old son of Elena Yakovleva is now almost more popular than his famous mother, and all thanks to his bright appearance. About 80% of the body of a young man is covered with various tattoos. The artist's heir is often condemned for such a love of body art, but the star always protects Denis.

The other day, 57-year-old Yakovleva gave an interview in which she admitted that her son has long dreamed of getting rid of tattoos, considering them to be mistakes of his youth. However, he cannot do this yet. Also, the artist compared Denis with rapper Timati.

« Compared to what Denis has, Timati is resting. He still has to work and work. So much has been said about decorating my son's body that I even got tired of talking about it. Both Denis and I have long repented that it happened in his life. Now he regrets that he got these tattoos. But each person must grow up and grow wiser himself. I couldn't put my brains into him at that moment. Let's do something. We want to see a drug that eats away at tattoos is not as painful as it is now.", Said the artist.

Denis got his first tattoo as a teenager, and then his mother did not mind at all. However, Yakovleva hardly expected that her son would go to the master again and again.

Now only the lazy does not discuss Denis's appearance. The young man himself is not shy about drawings on his body. Moreover, he got a job at a school, where he tries to convince the younger generation of the need to think over their actions.

« Children listen with such interest to his stories about tattoos, including how he regrets that he made them. He had an immediate understanding with the children. Since the son works at a school where children from all countries come, there are tribes where tattoos are considered a terrible sin. And when these guys saw him, they immediately became friends and are still texting.", Said Yakovleva.

The 57-year-old actress herself dreams of her son communicating with children not only at work, but also at home. Elena does not deny that she wants to become a grandmother and hear the sound of little feet in her house.

However, the heir to Yakovleva is in no hurry to give her grandchildren. Recall that in July last year, the heir to the actress married an old friend of Victoria.

Communicating with "Sobesednik.ru", Yakovleva noted that her son is happily married. The artist hopes that now Denis will stop experimenting with looks and find his true calling.

Denis Valerievich Shalnykh turns 25 this year. The young man has a striking appearance, is making progress in bodybuilding, and his skin is more than 70 percent covered with tattoos. Looking at him, it's hard to believe that he is the son of actress Elena Yakovleva.

Denis Valerievich Shalnykh was born on November 7, 1992 in the family of actors Elena Yakovleva and Valery Shalnykh.

As a child, the blond boy starred in the movie The Secret of the Wolf's Mouth. This was his first and so far the last film work as an actor.

Then Denis continued to work in the cinema, but already as a worker on the site, dragged the scenery, was an assistant to the production designer. And when he graduated from high school in the UK, he entered the directing department of the Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting.

In his youth, the son of Elena Yakovleva was seriously carried away by tattoos. Perhaps this was facilitated by Denis's first love - Margarita, who worked as a tattoo artist.

The boy's mother, Elena Yakovleva, told reporters about his first tattoo experience: “When Denis wanted to get his first tattoo, he told me about it. Like, I want to fill a portrait of Dick, our dog, the family's favorite, - says the actress. - I was surprised: “How is the portrait? Is that possible?" It turned out, perhaps - from the photograph. And Denis made a very beautiful portrait of Dikuni on his arm. So the first tattoo turned out to be cool and touching. I remember, even then I asked: "Was it painful?" The son admitted that he was very much. "

At first, parents were not very happy about their son's hobby for tattoos. “But I don’t drink or smoke,” Denis reassured mom and dad. And the parents followed his example. Denis's father, actor Valery Shalnykh, got himself a tattoo on his shoulder, and Elena Yakovleva pinned a butterfly on the lower back.

For several years now, the son of Elena Yakovleva has been actively involved in sports. Today he is more interested not in cinema, but in a career as a fitness trainer, and he is making great strides in bodybuilding.

Denis studied at the directing department of the Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting, but dropped out in his third year, realizing that he did not want to associate his life with cinema. “The parents openly said that we shouldn't follow in their footsteps,” says Denis. Now the young man is engaged in music and sports.

Elena Yakovleva stated that most of all she is afraid that her heir will take anabolic steroids or anabolic steroids. The young man even swore to his mother that this would not happen in his life.

Denis dated his first girlfriend Rita (pictured) for a long time, the couple lived together and even planned to get married. However, last year, young people still broke up. After parting in social networks, Rita changed the name of the groom Shalny to Miller and removed the ex-lover from her friends.

Denis does not like media attention and prefers not to give interviews. But a few years ago, he nevertheless decided to talk to journalists after rumors about his drug addiction began to be actively discussed on the network. “I don’t drink alcohol, I don’t smoke and I don’t drink anything at all,” Denis Shalnykh said in an interview for the program “You won’t believe!”.

The creators of the show decided to effectively announce the release of an already bright young man covered with numerous tattoos, and presented him as "the son of an intergirl", beating the title of one of the most famous films of Elena Yakovleva. Denis was clearly not enthusiastic about the interview. On his page on the social network, he posted a screenshot of a video with a story about him and advised "media whores to kill themselves."

Elena Yakovleva and her husband Valery Shalnykh accept their son as he is and support him in all his endeavors. When Denis grew up and left his parental home, their bond became even stronger.

The actress told reporters: “The distance only strengthened the relationship between parent and child. We began to communicate more often and more than at the time when we lived in the same apartment. Meetings and partings are warmer. We call our son every day, talk for 15-20 minutes. We just share the news: who was where, what he saw. I do not like to scold or teach him - I myself am too careless by virtue of my profession. Even because of his tattoos all over the face, we are not a scandal. I have already resigned myself - let it be the biggest misfortune that will happen to Denis in his life. Thank God, he doesn't use drugs, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, goes in for sports, well, the boy has such a flaw - tattoos. "

And recently, Denis introduced his new chosen one to his mother: after parting with the tattoo artist Rita, the young man began an affair with a graduate of the Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity, Victoria Melnikova. Elena Yakovleva, as always, accepted the choice of her son.

The son of actors Elena Yakovleva and Valery Shalnykh Denis, covered from head to toe with tattoos, somewhat refined his appearance.

The famous actress Elena Yakovleva has long been accustomed to the fact that the appearance of her 25-year-old son is criticized and discussed. The heir to the movie star Denis loves tattoos that even cover his face. In addition, the young man is known for his love of piercings and ambiguous statements.

Yakovleva herself has repeatedly noted that she loves her son as he is. For many years, Denis also did not intend to change, but recently he nevertheless made adjustments to his appearance. So, Crazy grew a beard and changed his hairstyle. This led to the fact that Denis's appearance became generally softer, and his eyes look more expressive. In the photo on his Instagram, it is noticeable that the son of the actress spends a lot of time in the gym. At the same time, stylists report that after changing the image, the tattoos covering almost the entire body of Crazy began to look quite organic.

The heir to the actress began to increasingly choose clothes in restrained, neutral tones, which his subscribers liked very much. According to fans of the star family, the changes that have taken place went to the benefit of the young man.

However, Shalny himself noted that these changes are not the result of pressure from society. Moreover, Denis said that he absolutely does not care about the opinion of strangers. " Dear subscribers. If I do not know you, then I will not watch what you write to me there in direct in 99% of cases. Therefore, you can not move in this direction and not try to contact", - said Denis.

Elena Yakovleva herself has long been accustomed to her son's extravagant antics. According to the actress, Denis has the right to express himself as he wants, and there is nothing reprehensible in his unusual appearance.

By the way, recently the star mom has a new cause for concern. The fact is that Shalnyh received a hand injury, which is why he was forced to go under the surgeon's knife. Denis himself admitted that in a difficult situation he was supported by friends, family and his beloved cat. Now the artist's heir feels great, and now nothing threatens his health.

One way or another, fans of Yakovleva do not lose hope that someday Denis will follow in her mother's footsteps. Moreover, he had training experience at the Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. However, for now, the young man does not think about working in cinema, preferring not to advertise his career successes in other areas.

On social networks, he prefers to share thoughts and observations, but he tries to fence off his personal life from everyone's attention. Despite the incredible popularity of his mother, Denis himself lives modestly, and this is absolutely fine with him.

The only son of actress Elena Yakovleva and her husband, actor Valery Shalnykh, 25-year-old Denis Shalnykh, got married. The chosen one of a charismatic young man, whose entire body is covered with tattoos, was Victoria Melnikova, a graduate of the Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity.

Denis and Victoria arrived at the registry office in outfits that were far from the concept of classic suits of the bride and groom: Denis was wearing a black T-shirt and jeans, Victoria was wearing a white shirt and a black skirt. Immediately after the official part of the event, the newlyweds went to one of the Moscow restaurants to celebrate this event in complete secrecy.

Wedding rings of Denis and Victoria

Denis and Victoria in the registry office with a photographer

Several years ago, Yakovleva's son became a real Internet sensation - the young man was widely discussed in the media in connection with his love for body painting. Then Denis made the first tattoo on his forehead, now half of his face and most of his body are "clogged", and the collection of pictures continues to grow. Once Denis had plans to follow in the creative footsteps of his parents. He entered the directing department of the Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting in Moscow, but then dropped out and began to engage in bodybuilding.

At 56 years old, not only is he not going to rest on the already well-deserved laurels, but also continues to work actively, playing on the theatrical stage and constantly acting in film and television projects. However, the workaholic stellar mother has a problem that she calls only "the torment of hell." The fact is that her 26-year-old son Denis born in wedlock to actor "Sovremennik" Valery Shalnykh, cannot find his place in life in any way. The guy is thrown from side to side: he abandoned his studies in Britain, and when he returned to Russia, he does not know what to do with himself.

As Elena Yakovleva says about Denis, "he is an absolutely separate substance: he is not like either her or her husband." Denis Shalny, who, due to numerous tattoos, including on his face, now looks like a freak, has not taken root in any from educational institutions, which he dropped out almost immediately after admission, and then refused to study abroad, saying that in British universities they teach sciences that are completely unnecessary in Russia.

Elena Yakovleva sadly forced to admit during a live broadcast 7days.ru: “The choice of his profession is hell for me. Because the institute to which my husband and I persuaded him to enter, Denis left. We understood that there was a loss of people now. Many said: "Why study if there is nowhere to work?" They even sent him to London. But Denis said that they give knowledge that will not be useful at home, there is no point in training. "

Returning from the UK to Russia, Denis decided to do bodybuilding. For his mother, this son's hobby was a great discovery. True, in the field of pumping up muscles, the actress's son also failed to achieve any great results, since the young man's first performances were unsuccessful.“Now this hobby has passed. He needs something else now, creative. Denis says: “Mom, look what a plastic make-up! I want to do plastic makeup! " - Elena Zakharova explained.

Denis Shalnykh, son of actress Elena Yakovleva

Unfortunately, in Russia, the profession of a plastic make-up artist is not taught anywhere, but there is a school in Los Angeles, however, training in it costs fabulous money. In the meantime, actress Elena Yakovleva complains, talking about her 26-year-old son: “Of course, he throws the boy, he throws it. He just has to decide for himself, decide for himself. Because you can't stick your head. Of course, it was easier for us ... "

By the way, if the son of Elena Yakovleva does not work out with studies and work, then in his personal life he succeeded. In the summer of 2017, Denis Shalnykh married his beloved Victoria Melnikova... There was no magnificent wedding, as well as the outfits of the bride and groom. Denis was in black, and his chosen one was in a white shirt and skirt. Judging by the numerous joint photos on social networks, young people live in perfect harmony, and his wife really likes Denis's appearance.

Son of actress Elena Yakovleva Denis Shalnyh with his wife

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