Home Berries Why dream of a dress: wait for joyful events and good prospects in life. Dress on a strange woman. Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter Dress »›

Why dream of a dress: wait for joyful events and good prospects in life. Dress on a strange woman. Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter Dress »›

The interpretation of dreams occupies a significant place in psychoanalysis. In everyday life, people use dream books to quickly interpret unusual or disturbing visions. A common sign is a blue dress in a dream.

Miller's dream book

According to the dream book, a blue dress is an auspicious sign if it is clean and new. They notice their own feelings and the reaction of others to the outfit. To measure a blue wedding dress - to quick changes in life, the blue color speaks of the purity and good intentions of others. If the outfit is torn or dirty, there are stains on it, then the woman will have a rival in love.

Buying a blue dress is an unexpected act that promises success in financial affairs. Children's outfit of heavenly color predicts difficulties in relationships with people, misunderstanding. Seeing yourself in a long blue dress is a bright date, but a short relationship. For a man who happens to see a girl in blue, a vision promises flirtation and unforgettable emotions.

A dream in which you have to take off your outfit promises a severe illness.

Family dream book

If you dreamed about a blue dress, this suggests the following:

  1. This promises a woman a reliable partner. A married woman has a faithful and loving spouse, a single one will soon have a meeting with love, and the relationship will be long lasting. At the same time, it is a symbol of clean and respectful relationships.
  2. Children's outfit speaks of naivety, childishness. A man dreams of children's clothes to states of uncertainty, confusion. For a woman, this means that soon she will decide on her life goals.

Sleep for a man is not a typical case. If you see a woman in this outfit, there is a temptress nearby.

If the spouse or girlfriend is in a torn and dirty outfit, unknown facts about the partner will be revealed.

If you try on clothes yourself, this means a lack of attention from your spouse.

Freud's interpretation

According to the teachings of the psychoanalyst, people who feel insecure dream of a blue dress. A dark color indicates an additional barrier. If suddenly a new dress turns out to be dirty or torn, an awkward situation, shame or failure awaits the dreamer.

A bright wedding dress is a dream of a woman who wants to stand out. Buying a beautiful outfit means gaining self-confidence. A beautiful outfit that is oversized speaks of doubts. It is worth thinking about the direction of activity, the choice of another profession.

The dream interpretation predicts a black streak in life for a man, when he will seek protection from a woman. Seeing someone at a funeral in blue means trouble, breaking up a relationship or losing a job. If he is trying on a woman's outfit, then subconsciously wants to change social role, stop leading.

According to Freud, if you dreamed of such a dress, the following will happen:

  • do-it-yourself sewing - a desire to take control of the situation;
  • choosing and mending clothes - to restore reputation;
  • to break - unworthy behavior, shame;
  • blue with a deep neckline - sexual dissatisfaction;
  • dreaming about silk blue - danger from a loved one.

Gypsy interpretation

Sleep means the following:

  • a rich blue outfit with gold promises wealth to wealthy people, and predicts poverty for the poor, death for the sick;
  • dirty and torn - to sorrow and misfortune;
  • new promises joy, increase in material wealth, success;
  • losing an outfit for a girl is a loss of honor and moral decline.

A woman's dream, in which she is in a man's outfit, means seducing someone, for a man to be in women's clothes - to deception.

If the outfit is on fire, the environment will slander, the dreamer is haunted by boredom, deception, slyness.

Psychological dream book

Try on new outfit- to drastic changes, incl. and in appearance. Blue is associated with heaven, promises ease in business, good luck. If a woman dreamed of a dirty robe, her reputation will be ruined, put in an awkward position. A blue wedding dress is a forced originality at work or school. Old outfit - for a meeting with old acquaintances. Trying on it and feeling someone else's gaze on yourself - to condemnation, a rival in your personal life.

Dream interpretation Blue dress is beautiful dreamed why the blue dress is beautiful in a dream? To select the interpretation of the dream, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams with a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a beautiful blue dress in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Why dream of a dress: wait for joyful events and good prospects in life

Everything that happens in a dream must be treated carefully, because only then can all the signs be correctly interpreted and be ready for any life turns. Thanks to dream books, dreams are correctly interpreted, and the near future becomes clearer. In women's dreams, quite often the image of a dress appears, which is a symbol of a relationship, and the interpretation depends on what color and in what state it was. Now it's worth taking a closer look at what the dress is dreaming of.

Just watch

What does such a dream mean, in which the girl only looked at the dress, but did not touch or try on it?

  1. To dream of a dress - in the near future, joyful events will occur in your life and there will be a lot of them.
  2. An iconic dream is to see a new dress in the window - soon your most cherished dream will come true. All opportunities appeared for this event, the main thing is not to miss your chance and take a step towards a meeting.
  3. To see a long dress - some unexpected event will happen. It is quite possible that someone will pleasantly surprise you with their deed.

What was the dress like?

It is a very good sign to put on a brand new dress in a dream - in reality a good profit awaits, and all good intentions will be embodied in reality. In addition, this may indicate that your life will change qualitatively, you will achieve all the successes on your own.

If the dress was clean, then prosperity awaits you, and the stain suggests that there will be obstacles on the way to the intended goal.

Dreamed black dress? In no case should you be afraid of this sign, and even more so, believe the beliefs that this is for mourning. The most that can happen is apathy, which will be unfounded, caused only by fatigue. It is necessary to get distracted from work and relax, surround yourself with joyful events and positive.

When you dream about a dirty and even torn dress, this suggests that there are people around you who wish you harm. If there were holes on the clothes, then you need to be less gullible and not trust everyone in a row.

If there was a green dress in a dream, then this speaks of your hopes. In no case should you lose faith in the best, as you are hoping for a reason.

When a girl dreams of a new thing, then in real life an interesting acquaintance will occur, which, quite possibly, will end in a strong marriage. Other dream books interpret this sign as a harbinger of love. Also, a dream may say that an old friend will soon call you on a date.

A blue dress seen in a dream speaks of the dreaminess of the sleeper. Dream Interpretations advise to return to reality before it's too late, otherwise you will have to live your whole life in castles in the air.

If a woman in reality avoids red clothes, and in a dream she dreamed of a red dress, then dream books interpret this sign as restraining her own feelings or sexual dissatisfaction. Wearing a dark red dress in a dream means that in everyday life you will face aggression. If the dress is crimson, then you will win in any sports competition or argument.

Dream Interpretations say that seeing a yellow dress in a dream speaks of someone's insincerity. You need to be careful in real life, as it is quite possible that someone will try to deceive you or will not be completely sincere with you. Take a closer look at your surroundings, do not trust everyone.

If the dress seen in a dream was old or carnival, then this good sign, since in reality some unusual event awaits you. It is quite possible that you will be invited to some kind of social event or other large-scale event that will give you a lot of impressions and emotions.

A dream in which the dress was blue suggests that soon you will fall in love. Dream Interpretations do not interpret what consequences this will have, they simply indicate that you will be in a state of love.

If the dress was very beautiful, then in reality fun and a lot of pleasure awaits you. A candid dress suggests that entertainment will turn your head.

Buy, sew or donate a dress

The dream in which you are presented with a dress suggests that the person who gave it to you in real life can become your patron.

Have you bought yourself a dress? In personal matters, success awaits you, or you will make peace with someone with whom long time were in a quarrel.

If you sewed a dress in a dream, then in reality a difficult situation may arise in which a plan of action will be required from you. Wearing a dress made by yourself is a rival in a relationship.

When you dream that you were dressing a stranger in a dress, this indicates a strong friendship. It doesn't matter who you dressed in a dream, soon in reality you will meet a person who will become real and true friend for life.

The dream in which you choose a dress in the store speaks of new interesting opportunities... There is a high probability that you will be made such an offer that will open up great prospects for you.

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Why is the blue dress dreaming?

The world of Hypnos is mysterious. But people have long noticed that the appearance in dreams of certain symbols, be it living beings or objects, things, foreshadows the emergence of specific situations... For example, clothes are a sign of what is prepared by fate in the near future.

What if dreaming about a blue dress?

Each color carries certain information not only in real world but also in dreams. Blue communicates the intentions of a person, is a symbol of the fulfillment of his desires. But dream books often disagree, whether the blue color seen in a dream has a positive or negative effect on the fate of a person.

For example, wearing a blue dress, in one source - to mental suffering. Another reports that the same action is for success. Therefore, in order to get the correct answer to the dream, you need to pay attention to other details of the dream.

For example, if a dress is new, then in real life a person will decide on something. It is important here to assess the setting in which the event is taking place. If the acquisition of clothing or the receipt of it as a gift occurs in the place where a person works in the real world, then the sleeping person will decide on something related to his work activity.

Clues are always encoded in dreams. And, if the interpretations of the dream books of the main symbol are contradictory, the solution to the dream should be sought precisely in the circumstances of the dream.

What a blue dress dreams of must be understood in this vein. For example, if a girl sees a wedding dress blue, which means that soon she will have a meeting with a new fan who will justify all her hopes.

In the event that the dress is dirty or torn, the dream informs that at first the gentleman you like will turn the girl's head, but later quarrels and disagreements will begin.

What portends?

Seeing an unusually beautiful blue dress and admiring it (but not wearing it) is a symbol of spirituality and purity. Such a dream suggests that the inner world of the sleeping person is beautiful, and at the moment a person is going in his development in the right direction.

In that case. if the dreamer sees many people in blue clothes, the dream informs that in reality he is pinning hopes associated with progress in life on the help of strangers. The way these people behave in relation to the sleeping person will tell you whether he will receive support.

If they are aggressive, then it's time for the dreamer to change his plans.

Wearing clothes in a dream is a sign of good luck or bad luck. It all depends on how the thing looks like. In order for it to symbolize goodness, its appearance should not have any flaws. Torn, not Nice dress, regardless of its color - to trouble.

An unusually long dress that is worn on the dreamer - to condemnation of his actions by loved ones. Seeing a child in blue clothes is an auspicious sign. He reports that soon the sleeping man will end the period material difficulties and hope for a better life will arise.

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I dreamed of a blue dress - the nuances of interpretation from dream books

Rarely does a man dream of a dress - and girls and women who adore changing outfits and flipping through fashion magazines see wardrobe items in their dreams all the time. What is the dream of a dress of a certain color? What will the dream book say if you put it on for a friend or daughter, sewed it, was it simple or very catchy?

The general interpretation of such a "fashionable" dream

Since mainly women see such dreams, most of the transcripts are addressed specifically to the fair sex. However, if a man dreamed of a stranger in blue, he can remember what her outfit looked like - was it old or new, with ruffles or flowers? All of these details are important.

Old or new?

  • Not fashionable, but neat. This is not a bad dream. He can promise intruders who will bring good news. Be hospitable, do not show coldness to these relatives.
  • New. The dream promises you good luck, so if you dreamed of starting your own business, changing your job, you can do it now. But do not forget to “turn on” your head as well - the dream promises good luck, not a magic “ball”.
  • In holes and stains. What is the dream of a blue dress that is well-worn? Your subconscious mind warns: you either ruined your good name, or too often get involved in adventurous business projects. Take time out, take a break from too decisive activity, come to your senses.
  • Crumpled: you can get sick, not much, but still unpleasant.

Cut and cut are important too

  • Strict, businesslike. Such a blue dress in a dream - to a promotion at work or to receive an award.
  • Discreet but elegant. You have a good character - you are decent, and even with strong willpower. Such a disposition will allow you to achieve a lot in life.
  • Very feminine with ruffles and frills. You are frivolous, and if you do not take up your mind now, very soon you will have to "rake" problems.
  • From the lightest fabric (chiffon, chintz), and even bright color... Take off your rose-colored glasses, because in dreams you can miss half of your real life.
  • Long cut, fashionable, expensive and luxurious. The dream promises a pleasant surprise. It can also mean: thanks to you, a loved one will show himself from an unexpected side.
  • Was it a wedding? If you are young, you will soon find out that a fan is "hovering" around you; if the dress fits perfectly on the figure, this admirer will be the person you have loved for a long time.
  • For a married beauty, to see a blue wedding dress is to a crowd of fans. Dress with holes: When arguing with your man, don't go overboard. Dress with dirty spots: Your partner has almost stopped loving you.
  • A wedding dress of a heavenly shade in a business woman's dream - for negotiations with a business partner. If you looked great, so will the deal.

Shade and patterns on fabric

  • Bright color. You respect yourself, but you do not offend your loved ones either, showing them your love in every possible way. Also, this dream can promise a dream come true.
  • Dark. To a quarrel with a friend. The main thing is not to go overboard, no matter what she tells you.
  • Faded, almost blue. You have a black streak that you have to overcome on your own.
  • Black polka dots on blue fabric. Your closest friends, showing you signs of attention, are actually maliciously jealous of you.
  • White peas. A crowd of fans will soon gather around you. But while directing the outer "gloss", do not forget about spiritual beauty, otherwise the ranks of admirers will very quickly thin out.
  • Decorative dress (old, too designer cut, concert): for an amazing event that will excite and amaze you.
  • Thin, slippery fabric: your position in life is precarious. The worst dream is considered to be a dream in which a "guest", familiar to you from real life, appears in a blue dress made of such fabric - it is she who will betray you without a twinge of conscience.
  • Winter, fleecy, warm material: sleep promises you profit, prosperity in the house.

What did you do?

  • They put on themselves, worn. To incomes, maybe even unplanned ones. The dream promises: you will not need anything if you spend this money wisely.
  • We looked in the mirror at ourselves in such a dress: people respect you, your good name will be useful to you in business.
  • Dressing up another person. You will soon find a loyal friend.
  • They wanted to buy, they chose in the market or in the store. Fate will give you a chance - hold it with both hands!
  • Trying it on: for someone you are a model of behavior.
  • Bought: you need nice little things, which we often deny ourselves.
  • Sewed. The time has come to realize your creative plan.
  • Poured over with a drink, stained: a strong man will offer you his help.
  • We tried to hide the stain from others: in real life, your conscience is unclean, although all relatives and friends consider you an angel of heaven.

Interpretation of famous authors

If folk dream book interprets a blue dress as a typically female symbol, what will world-famous psychoanalysts say?

Miller's dream book

  1. A dress of excellent style in a girl's or a young woman's dream shows a real lady. Everyone is delighted with your taste, manner of speaking, talent.
  2. Holes in a blue dress: you will do something bad that your loved ones will not praise you at all.
  3. Have you tried on a dress? Perhaps you will have a rival.
  4. In a dream, you thought about diet or sports, because you wanted to buy a blue dress of a certain size (style)? If another "rubs" near your beloved, you will quickly cope with it.

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

  1. Buying a blue dress - you are surrounded by envy.
  2. Try on, put on: acquaintances consider you an accomplished person. Also, a dream shows that you are ambitious.

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Why is the dress dreaming

Almost every woman has dresses in different colors and styles in her wardrobe. In dreams, a girl can also see multi-colored outfits. To correctly interpret the dream, you need to remember what the dress from the dream looked like.

A dream in which a woman had a chance to choose an outfit can have very different and sometimes unexpected meanings:

  • Choosing a dress in a dream and putting it on right away is a good omen. This promises unexpected profits, prosperity and success in the professional field.
  • According to the modern dream book, choosing a dress, but not having time to try it on, is a sign of a new romantic acquaintance, which may end with a marriage proposal.
  • Choosing a dress in the store for a long time, getting lost in the assortment of goods, is a sign that the dreamer is unsure of herself. She needs to work on her self-esteem.
  • If in night vision a girl decided to choose a beautiful evening dress made of expensive fabric, then in the near future she should expect a sharp takeoff in career ladder... Another meaning of this dream portends a stormy and passionate romance with a handsome and courteous man.
  • To see a new beautiful dress in a shop window and admire it - to the speedy fulfillment of a cherished dream or to receiving joyful news from relatives.

If the wardrobe item seen was dirty, shabby and in holes, then the dreamer should be more careful with her close environment. Someone is very jealous of her, and will try to tarnish her reputation. Opening your garment in a dream - to unforeseen material waste.

Trying on clothes made of paper - to profit, from matting - to disappointment. If a woman dreamed that in an outfit that she liked there was too large a neckline, then this portends new things at home or the beginning overhaul housing.

If you dreamed about wet clothes, then this suggests that the girl will find herself in an awkward situation. Put on a crumpled outfit - a dream foreshadows the dreamer's acquaintance with a new man who will beautifully look after her.

According to esoteric dream book a dress on which fleas are teeming is an unfavorable sign that there are many gossips and envious people in the close circle of the dreamer. You should not tell unfamiliar people about your plans or desires.

If a man dreamed of his beloved, who is putting on a new outfit, then this promises a big scandal with one of the dreamer's relatives. Wearing women's outfits yourself is deceiving and disappointing.

If a woman dreamed that she deliberately went on a diet and lost weight in order to put on a beautiful dress, then this portends a victory over a secret rival. This woman wants to destroy the dreamer's relationship with her lover.

The wedding dress, despite all the prejudices, promises the dreamer success and prosperity in all matters, especially in relationships with her beloved man.

Losing a dress is a big unexpected expense. Taking off your outfit is a sign of a disease that can be diagnosed on time and avoided serious complications.

A long dress in a dream promises a pleasant surprise. A woman will be surprised by someone's act or gift.

According to the psychological dream book, a long outfit is a symbol internal growth and spiritual enrichment. A girl should think about starting yoga, studying astrology, feng shui, esotericism.

If the chosen dress had a medieval cut, this is a sign of the dreamer's strong moral and physical fatigue. She should have a good rest. This will help to tackle important issues with renewed vigor. To dream of a carnival or an old outfit means that soon an unexpected event will occur that will leave pleasant memories.

To buy an outfit in the style of the 60s and 70s - it is possible to meet an unpleasant person from the dreamer's past, whom she is trying not to remember.

If you had a dream, a dress in which was long and with beautiful embroidery elements, then this promises a woman good news.

If a girl dreams that she is choosing a dress of a certain color scheme, according to the dream book, this may have a special meaning:

  • A multi-colored outfit portends a long road.
  • A dress with polka dots is a symbol of the fact that the girl is defenseless against the intrigues and gossip that the envious people spread about her.
  • If the chosen item of the toilet was green, then the dreamer should believe that soon there will be a white streak in life, and all troubles will be left behind.
  • Brilliant Evening Dress embroidered in gold promises a woman an acquaintance with a rich groom, who will beautifully seek her favor. Subsequently, this man will become a reliable support and support for the dreamer.

A dream with a yellow dress foreshadows the girl's acquaintance with an interesting person who will be close to her in spirit.

According to the modern dream book, a yellow outfit is an unfavorable sign. This promises deception and betrayal on the part of close friends or a loved one. If a woman dreamed that she was returning yellow clothes to the store, then this portends a break in relations with her soul mate.

If a girl dreamed of a blue dress, she should be wary of deception and fraud. According to the English dream book, a blue dress foreshadows deep romantic experiences and a feeling of love.

If a girl dreams pink dress, then night vision tells the girl that in her immediate environment there is a person who will always help out in difficult moment... Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at the people with whom the dreamer often communicates.

A pink dress in a dream promises a quick promotion on the career ladder, and, accordingly, growth wages... According to Miller's dream book, a pink dress means the dreamer's victory over her inner complexes and an increase in self-esteem.

If the dress in a dream was gray, then this promises a woman hard work to ensure her financial independence.

Many girls dream of a red dress. The interpretation of night vision with a red dress depends on the emotions that arose in the dreamer. If she looked at him with admiration, then soon a fateful romantic meeting awaits her. If the outfit caused a feeling of anxiety and fear, then this warns the girl that she should avoid casual acquaintances.

Thanks to the dreamed blue outfits, the girl will understand that she needs to learn to be more down to earth and look at things realistically. This will help avoid bitter disappointments in the future.

The black outfit suggests that in the near future the girl may be overcome by the blues and depressive state... In order to overcome sadness, apathy and fatigue, you need to get more rest.

Clothes of beige light colors promise a long and harmonious relationship with your soul mate, which will end with a trip to the registry office.

Toilet white promises an acquaintance with a very promising man.

An orange dress foreshadows rapid career advancement.

If a woman dreamed that she was sewing a festive outfit and it turns out to be extremely beautiful, then this is a favorable sign that promises changes in life for the better.

If a woman sewed a black robe, this indicates her lack of confidence in herself and her strengths. It is worth working hard to improve your self-esteem.

The girl sews a dress, but she cannot achieve the desired result? Soon, obstacles will appear in front of the dreamer, which she can overcome thanks to the support of a loved one.

Sewing a wedding dress for an unmarried dreamer predicts a pleasant acquaintance with a young man who will soon become her husband. For a married woman, such a night vision portends a calm and harmonious family life.

If in a dream a woman sees how a new dress is being sewn for her, but she does not like it at all, then this promises bitter disappointment and betrayal of the second half or problems in the professional sphere.

Sewing a short dress is an unfavorable sign that can portend problems at work, in the family, with friends. Sew the decoration to the floor - a dream warns a woman that soon she will be undeservedly accused of something.

According to the modern dream book, sewing a dress that turns out to be crooked is an unfavorable sign, portending a change for the worse. In order to withstand all adversity, you will need to spend a lot of time and effort.

If a woman had not to sew a dress in a dream, but to cut it, then this is a warning that soon the dreamer will have to clarify her relationship with close relatives or her beloved man.

If you happened to try on a sewn outfit, this is a sign that the girl is surrounded by a rival and envious woman who is trying to interfere with the dreamer's plans.

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Remembering that in a recent dream you saw a blue dress, do not try to explain the vision in the usual way. Such a wardrobe item is of particular interest and is interpreted differently by dream books. Moreover, it is not the last color that matters!

Style and figure

To dream of a dress that fits perfectly on the figure is good. This is a symbol of a calm, dignified life, without shocks and serious worries. If a sleeping woman admired herself in an elegant toilet, then in reality she is admired by those around her. She is loved, pampered, forgiving minor flaws. Its generally accepted positive qualities are: kindness, tenderness, sincerity.

When a dress of a good style is made of blue material, then no one will doubt the exclusive morality of the dreamer. A luxurious azure outfit guarantees peace and tranquility in the family.

The color of serenity

Why dream of a blue dress while trying on? The dreamer only intending to wear it, in reality, needs to beware of a rival. But if the process of dressing up in a dream was successfully completed, the dress sat on the figure without problems, then the intrigues of the insidious lady who laid eyes on your man will be unsuccessful. Accordingly, there is no reason to worry about this.

The color blue has a special meaning in the interpretation of dreams, associated, first of all, with spiritual life, excellent upbringing, and developed intellect. In addition, azure is associated with a cloudless sky. This applies to dreams in which this color promises peace, serenity, and even, to a certain extent, luck. But at the same time, blue dreams of those who need rest, the support of the most dear people.

The dream interpretation interprets a blue dress as a sign of readiness for reconciliation. A person who has noticed such an outfit in night dreams will show prudence and compromise, or find a worthy way out of a difficult situation. But good intentions will not always resonate with others, so you need to realistically assess the situation and sometimes even show character.

Why dream of a blue dress, which is obviously short to its owner? The dream book advises anyone who slept and saw such a plot to think about a change of scenery and good rest. A long dress of the color of a cloudless sky can be seen in a dream, when in reality everything is quiet, smooth, - fate is favorable to the dreamer. If a lady in blue is seen in a dream by a man, then he will have an acquaintance with a special, very refined, refined one.

Fitting, sewing and other actions

To understand why a blue dress is dreaming, one must also take into account the actions with it during sleep. The dream book promises that just seeing an azure outfit is not bad. If you put it on, then the dream will be followed by minor but annoying problems. I dreamed of buying a long evening toilet, which means there is no reason to worry about finances. Congratulate yourself if you dreamed of a baby in a blue outfit. Such a plot is preceded by a large financial receipt in your personal treasury.

What is the dream of the blue dress that you are trying to sew? Such a dream should move you towards introspection. Someone from above is giving you a chance and advice to think about own behavior and, most importantly, thoughts and feelings. If you follow this recommendation, you will find spiritual harmony, important knowledge and you will be lucky both in your personal life and in the service.

In a dream, you thought of ordering a blue outfit in an atelier, but in reality, according to the dream book, you have a pleasant meeting or acquaintance. When you wake up, you remembered that in a dream you bought a blue dress or received it as a gift, then you should know that you have a great chance to make peace with an important person for you.

Wedding outfit

The most original brides choose blue for their wedding dress. If in a dream you managed to observe a girl in such a dress, then luck and success will not leave you. The dream book promises a young girl, if such a plot dreamed, a quick meeting with an interesting man who will not hesitate to offer a hand and heart.

In a dream, the blue dress on the bride symbolizes the beginning of a new stage in life. All changes, events that occur to the dreamer after such a dream will be for his good. Maybe he will not understand this right away, but such a dream can be considered happy. A person will have new acquaintances, he will be enriched with new knowledge and invaluable experience.

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The world of Hypnos is mysterious. But people have long noticed that the appearance in dreams of certain symbols, whether they be living beings or objects, things, foreshadows the emergence of specific situations in reality. For example, clothes are a sign of what is prepared by fate in the near future.

Each color carries certain information not only in the real world, but also in dreams. Blue communicates the intentions of a person, is a symbol of the fulfillment of his desires. But dream books often disagree, whether the blue color seen in a dream has a positive or negative effect on the fate of a person.

For example, if a dress is new, then in real life a person will decide on something. It is important here to assess the setting in which the event is taking place. If the acquisition of clothing or the receipt of it as a gift occurs in the place where a person works in the real world, then the sleeping person will decide on something related to his work activity.

Clues are always encoded in dreams. And, if the interpretations of the dream books of the main symbol are contradictory, the solution to the dream should be sought precisely in the circumstances of the dream.

What a blue dress dreams of must be understood in this vein. For example, if a girl sees a blue wedding dress, then soon she will have a meeting with a new fan who will justify all her hopes.

In the event that the dress is dirty or torn, the dream informs that at first the gentleman you like will turn the girl's head, but later quarrels and disagreements will begin.

Seeing an unusually beautiful blue dress and admiring it (but not wearing it) is a symbol of spirituality and purity. Such a dream suggests that the inner world of the sleeping person is beautiful, and at the moment a person is going in his development in the right direction.

In that case. if the dreamer sees many people in blue clothes, the dream informs that in reality he is pinning hopes associated with progress in life on the help of strangers. The way these people behave in relation to the sleeping person will tell you whether he will receive support.

If they are aggressive, then it's time for the dreamer to change his plans.

Wearing clothes in a dream is a sign of good luck or bad luck. It all depends on how the thing looks like. In order for it to symbolize goodness, its appearance should not have any flaws. A torn, ugly dress, regardless of its color, is in trouble.

An unusually long dress that is worn on the dreamer - to condemnation of his actions by loved ones. Seeing a child in blue clothes is an auspicious sign. He informs that soon the sleeping man will end the period of material difficulties and hope for a better life will arise.

Long dress according to the dream book

Why is a long dress dreaming? The dream interpretation interprets this image very favorably. Seen in a dream, he promises friendship, a new admirer, the embodiment of hopes. But sometimes a dream symbol can warn of gossip, lies, sad news.

Pleasant events await you

A long dress in a dream often portends a surprise, a pleasant surprise. It can be news, an incident or an act of a person from whom this was not expected at all.

Why dream of an unusual long dress to the floor? The dream interpretation promises you a visit to a serious important event, interesting event, presentation.

What did you feel in a dream?

The dreamed plot is often accompanied by emotions, they also need to be taken into account when interpreting a dream. So, if you saw a red dress on yourself in a dream and at the same time felt joy, the dream book states: there is a great love ahead, capable of bringing unforgettable experiences.

But if, looking at the red, you were worried or felt fear, the upcoming events will bring something bad. Therefore, you should avoid dubious entertainment and be more careful.

Why dream of seeing yourself in blue? According to the dream book, this speaks of the dreamer's excessive daydreaming. It is necessary to perceive the surrounding reality more realistically in order not to be disappointed. Also, the blue outfit reflects the dreamer's loyalty, her dedication to her ideals, business, some person.

Colors tell a lot

The interpretation of sleep attaches great importance to the color scheme of the dreaming long dress. If it:

  • red - there is a quarrel;
  • blue - an early meeting with a new fan;
  • green - hopes will come true;
  • pink - strong friendship: there is a reliable friend to whom you can reveal your secrets;
  • yellow - you are surrounded by lies, gossip, envy;
  • blue - a journey ahead;
  • golden - in reality the sponsor will help;
  • black - get sad news;
  • white - soon marriage.

Also, a light long dress in a dream - pink or blue - portends romantic experiences, a quick fall in love. And the green hanging in the closet, according to the dream book, promises: the authorities will appreciate the efforts of the sleeper at their true worth.

Dreaming about black is often a harbinger of a little apathy due to fatigue. You just need to relax, surround yourself with positive. White in a dream means heartfelt joy.

Orange or other pungent colors - indicates the dreamer's selfishness, her self-confidence, arrogance, which it is better to get rid of.

What did you do with him?

Why dream of trying on such an outfit and buying it? The dream book promises big profits. It is possible to receive a cash gift or an increase in salary.

Had a dream of dressing someone in it? Such a vision, regardless of who exactly figured there, symbolizes a very strong friendship. Even if there is no such friend in reality, he will soon appear.

Why dream of wearing a beautiful, elegant evening dress? The girl is in for fun, pleasure. New beautiful promises new acquaintances, incidents, generally the beginning of a new life.

Dreams Come True!

A beautiful long dress on a mannequin in a shop window, which a woman admired in a dream, promises: there will be an opportunity to fulfill her dream quickly and without spending too much effort. Now is the most favorable time for this, you just need to take the first step without hesitation.

Rich, luxurious - according to the dream book, means: a woman will have a life of contentment. Perhaps she will successfully marry a wealthy person or receive a good inheritance.

Miller's dream book: auspicious sign

To dream of an elegant silk long dress for a young woman is a good sign. In reality, she will receive universal recognition, having amazed everyone with her good manners, impeccable behavior and mind.


Miller's dream book

Seeing clothes in a dream- dream prediction. The success of your business depends on what the clothes were like in a dream: whole and clean, or soiled and torn.

See great but unfashionable clothes- portends that you will be lucky, but neglect valuable ideas.

If you give up on clothes that are out of fashion- then soon you will move away from your current environment, start new business, start new love relationships. All of this will completely change you.

Seeing yourself and others dressed in white- means change, and almost always sad.

Walk with the man in white- means for him illness and grief, unless it is a young woman and not a child. In the latter case, pleasant events can be expected.

See yourself and others- portends quarrels, disappointments and unwanted travel companions. commercial activity does not live up to your desires.

See yellow clothes

If you see a silently moving ghost in yellow, under unnatural lighting- a change for the worse should be expected. Good luck will accompany you if you see a beautiful yellow fabric in a dream.

Seeing blue clothes in a dream- means that your energy will help you achieve the fulfillment of your desires. Friends will support you.

Seeing crimson clothes in a dream- means that you will get rid of terrible enemies by changing your intentions in time.

See green robes

See multicolor robes- portends drastic changes and the interweaving of good and bad in the future.

Seeing clothes that do not fit well on you in a dream- implies the end of some of your attachments. It is possible that you will make a mistake in some enterprise.

Seeing an old man or a young man in well-tailored suits- means that you will undertake some unpleasant and troublesome business.

If a woman dreams that she does not like her clothes- a dream portends that she will meet unpleasant rivalry in achieving secular success.

The dream promises the jealous suspicions of her friend.

Seeing in a dream the loss of some detail of the toilet- means obstacles in commercial affairs and obstacles in love.

For a young woman to dream of herself in a black suit- a dream portends sadness and disappointment.

If she sees in a dream another woman in crimson clothes with a crepe mourning veil on her face- this means that she will be surpassed by a rival whom she did not consider equal to herself; bitter disappointment will embitter her against all women.

Dream interpretation of Medea

clothing- represents the character of the dreamer and preoccupation with problems that are reflected in the specifics of clothing.

New clothes- goal achievement, success.

Old, shabby clothes- difficulties.

Being naked or half-dressed and feeling anxious- fear that someone will reveal your secrets.

Blouses, shirts- problems of manifestation or concealment of feelings.

Dress, coat, jacket- Problems external relations(with outsiders).

Pants, skirts- preoccupation with sexual image.

Panties, bras- sexual fears, innermost aspirations.

Hats- concealment of thoughts

Freud's dream book

Clothing, including uniforms- symbolizes the nakedness of the person on which you see it, or is generally a symbol of the naked human body. However, for a person wearing a uniform, a symbol of nakedness will be some irregularities in the form.

If you undress in your sleep- you are shy, ashamed of your naked body (maybe already because of your age).

If you dress up in someone else's clothes- you underestimate the attractiveness of your body.

If someone's clothes caught your attention, you liked- you would like to see him naked and even have sexual contact with him; or you accidentally saw him naked, and you really liked this sight; or you very vividly imagine his naked body.

If your attention is drawn to clothing on your sexual partner- intimacy with him gives you great pleasure.

If you don't like the clothes on a person- you have a physiological dislike for him, and sexual contacts with him will not give you any pleasure.

Dream interpretation of lovers

If you dream that you do not want to wear clothes that are already out of fashion- this means that you will part with your beloved and you will have new connections. This dream promises a change.

The dream in which you are dressed in white- portends quarrels and loneliness.

See yellow clothes- to entertainment and new acquaintances.

Blue clothes- portend the support of a loved one.

Green robe- promises hope for cloudless happiness with the chosen one.

If in a dream the clothes are not right for you or look bad on you- it means that you will break with your previous attachments.

If a girl dreamed that she didn’t like the way she was dressed- this portends her rivalry and intrigue. Perhaps she will be separated from her loved one.

The woman who in a dream admires the clothing of other people- a loved one will suspect of treason.

Losing a piece of clothing in a dream- portends unexpected obstacles in matters of the heart.

If a girl dreams that she is dressed in black- this means that she will be disappointed in her friend.

A dream in which another woman is dressed in crimson clothes- portends the appearance of a rival who will destroy her happiness and embitter against all women.

An abundance of bright things- portends broken hopes and unhappy love.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter

Clothes in a dream- symbolizes the position of a person in society.

Separate parts of the wardrobe- have their own meaning and are described in the relevant articles.

If you noticed someone's costume- such a dream may hint at the true character of this person.

Your clothes or clothes that don't belong to anyone- in a dream, it often reflects your immediate prospects.

If you dream about new clothes- this suggests that your status may change soon.

If you like your clothes- this is a sign of imminent changes for the better.

Dirty or torn clothes- portends serious problems with the reputation.

Uncomfortable clothes- a sign of dissatisfaction with your current position. Alas, such a dream does not promise you quick changes for the better, and you will have to work hard to make your status more acceptable.

If the clothes are too big for you- a dream warns you that the position you are trying to occupy clearly does not correspond to your capabilities.

Sportswear- suggests that you should be more energetic in your business.

Too motley clothes- indicates the uncertainty of the situation. Most likely, you are wasting your life for trifles.

Service form- this is a sign of responsibilities that you or someone from your environment will have to fulfill. At the same time, the meaning of uniforms does not always have a direct meaning.

For example, a military uniform- usually symbolizes a certain need and inability to evade any responsibility; fireman uniform- indicates the need to settle disputes and conflicts, and so on.

Jewish dream book

clothing- a waste of money.

Female dream book

If in a dream you notice that you are wearing a black suit- continuous troubles and undeserved grievances await you.

D. Loff's dream book

clothing is a reflection inner peace and individuality. Does your clothing evoke admiration or ridicule? It is a mirror of your self-esteem.

Loss of clothing- speaks of your vulnerability. Don't believe me? Try to undress, say, in a department store - let's see how confident you feel while doing it. Of course, it can also be sexual or exhibitionistic fantasies.

Give clothes- the matter is ambiguous. Who has not received clothes as a gift, which later became the talk of the town as a sign of bad taste? However, buying items of clothing that fit you well and make you feel confident bodes well for your self-esteem. Sometimes you buy things for special cases or clothing attributed to magical properties... In this case, you are simply looking for understanding or protection.

New family dream book

Dream about clothes- is always a kind of prediction. It all depends on the color of the clothes, as well as on what it was like in a dream: clean and whole or dirty and torn.

Great but unfashionable clothes- a sign that you will be lucky, but neglect valuable ideas.

If you saw yourself or someone else in white in a dream- expect changes, and not the best ones.

Yellow clothing- portends interesting entertainment and financial success.

Blue- says that your energy and support of friends will help you achieve your cherished desires.

Crimson- promises deliverance from terrible enemies.

Green robes- a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness.

Multicolor robes- means drastic changes and the interweaving of good and bad.

If the clothes do not fit well on you- you will have to part with some of your attachments. You may be making a mistake in some enterprise.

A woman who doesn't like her clothes in a dream- will meet unpleasant rivalry in achieving social success.

If she admires others' clothes- the jealous suspicions of her lover will fall on her.

A young woman who saw herself in a dream in a black suit- sadness and disappointment are coming.

Dirty and torn clothes- always dreams of deception and warns against communicating with strangers, as well as against an act that can tarnish your reputation.

But clean clothes- dreaming of well-being.

Modern combined dream book

A dream in which you dream about clothes- can have both auspicious and ominous meanings, depending on the cleanliness and condition of the garment.

See beautiful but old-fashioned clothes- means that luck will smile at you, but you will neglect progressive ideas.

If in a dream you refuse unfashionable, outdated clothes- in real life you will find yourself in a pleasant environment and acquire new connections, do new things, new love will inspire you - and all this will turn you into a completely different person.

Seeing yourself or others wearing white robes- means events or changes in life that will sadden you.

Walk in a dream with a man dressed in white- predicts this person's illness or misfortune, unless it is a young woman or a child. In this case, you will be surrounded by nice people.

Seeing yourself or others dressed in black in a dream- portends quarrels, disappointment and grumpy companions. Perhaps the course of business will not meet your expectations.

Yellow robes- dream of fun, entertainment and financial success... it auspicious dream... But if you see how a ghostly, supernatural glow emanates from clothes, then such a dream may portend a change for the worse.

Blue clothes- a sign that persistent attempts and fortitude will lead you to victory. Your friends will loyally support you.

Seeing crimson or dark red clothes in a dream- predicts that you will avoid the intrigues of powerful enemies by changing your intentions in time.

Green clothes- a symbol of happiness and prosperity.

Multicolored clothes seen in a dream- predicts rapid changes. Everything will mix in your destiny, both good and evil.

If you dream that clothes do not suit you is a sign of the transience and variability of your tastes and hobbies. Most likely, you will make a mistake in some endeavor.

Seeing old or young people wearing appropriate clothing- predicts that you will start doing a business that will not suit you and will cause you a lot of trouble.

If a young woman dreams that she is unhappy with her clothes- in real life, she will meet many annoying obstacles on the way to her goal.

If she admires the clothes of others- in reality she will be pursued by the jealous envy of friends.

Losing a piece of clothing in a dream- a sign of concern in love and commerce.

A young woman to dream that she is dressed in a black transparent suit- means that sadness and disappointment will soon await her.

If she dreams that she meets another woman in crimson clothes and with a mourning crepe veil on her face- a dream predicts that she will be surpassed by a rival whom she had not taken seriously before, and her soul will be filled with bitter disappointment.

When interpreting dreams about clothes- you should be careful, careful and notice whether things look natural and natural.

If a bright supernatural light breaks through the clothes, and the faces of people wearing these clothes are distorted- beware: on life path Terrible misfortunes may await you.

Seeing dirty and torn clothes in a dream- means that deception will bring you evil. Beware of companionship with strangers.

If a woman dreams of such a dream- her virtue will be tarnished if she is not careful in her choice of friends.

Clean new clothes- promises prosperity.

If you dream that you have big choice clothes- a dream carries elements of doubt. Perhaps you will need the bare essentials. Young people have such a dream- promises unfulfilled hopes and disappointments.

Rip your clothes to shreds- warns that your peace of mind will be disturbed by gossip and slander.

Blue clothes- the subtle body associated with the ajna chakra (it is also blue in color, like this chakra). This is a tall body.

Complete dream book of the New Era

clothing- reflection of the perceived image of oneself (worldview in relation to oneself).

Dream interpretation of birthday people in may, june, july, august

Seeing velor clothes on yourself or on others in a dream- means that you are living beyond your means.

Pink clothes- for fun, carefree days.

Take off your clothes- means to lend without return.

Splatter your clothes- splashing a new coat with mud in a dream means that you have a bad opinion in the eyes of people.

Seeing tight clothes in a dream- means that you are going to seduce someone.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

See velor clothes in a dream or buy them in a store- to the stability of your business.

Pink clothes- your naivety is unforgivable.

Take off your clothes- loss of property.

Splatter clothes (get dirty)- you will be slandered.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Velor clothing- to a joyful event, to a feast.

Pink clothes- to hopes.

Take off your clothes- to shame.

Splatter your clothes- to a damaged reputation.

Dream interpretation Hasse

To buy clothes- happiness; black wear- sadness; white- contentment; nursery- family quarrel.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Buy clothes in a dream- portends happy event in your life.

Light clothing- means satisfaction and elation, dark- sadness in the soul and changes for the worse.

Baby clothes- portends family troubles. Fashion outfits- to interesting meetings and entertainment in the company of people you like, out of fashion- you will soon change your image by doing something else and making new connections.

A fitted skirt and great-fitting clothing- means that you will undertake something that will bring you a lot of trouble, but will give you deep moral satisfaction.

If the clothes are not in size and spoil the whole figure- in reality, break with old ties and affections, without making new ones.

To envy a rival dressed up in an elegant suit that suits her very much- in real life you will be tormented by jealousy and consumed with suspicion.

If you don’t like someone’s garments that are flashy or tasteless- you will have to try very hard not to look like at least worse than others in terms of their appearance at the upcoming celebration or when attending some kind of spectacular event.

A button that came off inappropriately or broke in the very interesting place lock- portend sad events and temporary disorder.

Mending new clothes- portends that your inescapable energy will help overcome unexpected obstacles.

Patching up old clothes- you will experience hardships that will not last long. Wear old clothes from someone else's shoulder- portends the loss of a lover, seduced by the beauty and tinsel of a fool filled with money.

Dirty clothes- warns of possible fraud when buying an expensive item on the market. Wash clothes in a dream- in reality you will find yourself at a disadvantage, having revealed your plans ahead of time. Have your clothes dry cleaned- portends unexpected income that will go to pay off debts.

If in a dream you dye your clothes- means you will have a great time this coming weekend; if you change- will have to come to grips with household chores and devote free time to communication with household.

If you dream that your wardrobe has the richest selection of outfits- do not rely on support and do not believe other people's promises, for you will certainly be let down.

See an empty closet, stripped of all your clothes- Beware of tarnishing your reputation by associating with persons of questionable behavior.

Take off your clothes- in reality you will achieve better success, showing the feminine qualities especially valued by men. A dream where you put on a lot of all kinds of clothes or try them one by one- promises you strong marital happiness. Giving your clothes to someone in a dream- loss of property.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Old clothes to wear- troubles; see- a decrease in prosperity; take off- drop old plans.

Female dream book

clothing- it is important to pay attention to what the clothes were like in a dream: whole or torn, clean or soiled.

Dirty and torn clothes- always foreshadows deception and warns against communicating with strangers. But clean clothes dream of well-being.

If in a dream you have a lot of bright and beautiful outfits- be careful in reality. Any wrong step can lead you to the fact that you will not have enough of even the most essential for life. A young woman has such a dream- portends deceptive hopes.

Wearing excellent, but unfashionable clothes in a dream- portends luck and, unfortunately, a complete disregard for valuable ideas.

Avoiding out-of-fashion clothing- means that you will soon leave your current environment, start new connections, relationships and novels.

If the clothes in a dream do not fit well on you- some of your affections will soon become a thing of the past. Perhaps you will make a gross mistake in some enterprise. Such a dream for a woman- portends unpleasant rivalry in a circle of acquaintances.

If she admires others' clothes- strong jealousy on the part of her friend is possible.

General dream book

If you dreamed that you lost your clothes- you are in for trouble with the armed forces, you may be introduced to a very unpleasant military man.

In a dream, you dressed quickly- there is some urgent business to do.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

Your clothes- your second I, at the same time, is your protection from the elements. What is your emotional reaction to clothing? “They are greeted by their clothes ...” Does your dressing style reflect how you feel and what you want to say to the world? If not, change your costumes. It's better to have a few favorites than a wardrobe of faceless clothes.

Clothes can also- talk about the roles you play in life.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Washing viscose clothes in a dream- serves as a warning that your new frivolous hobbies can create big trouble for you in the future.

Have greasy stains on your clothes- means that you have a profitable business ahead of you. For the young, such a dream- may be a harbinger of a rich marriage.

Black clothes in a dream- symbolizes illness, white- dreaming for good.

Lots of clothes to see- means that there is a lot of trouble ahead.

If you saw a jacket in a dream- so you can catch a cold.

See or wear a sheepskin coat in a dream- to wealth, unexpectedly high incomes, longevity without decrepitude.

Jumper seen in a dream- symbolizes warmth friendly relations, so put on a jumper- to the acquisition of a new friend, wear it- to lasting friendship; take off- to a spat.

If you dress in a dream- which means you can get into an unpleasant situation.

Dressing in a dream is sloppy, inappropriate- to an unexpected guest.

Dress in a dream in new outerwear- means a new wife or mistress; clean clothes- Fortunately; have upholstered clothes with someone- to betrayal of his wife; see in a dream many people in purple and purple clothes- to abuse; see a woman in a dream men's clothing - to the birth of a son.

If in a dream you see fur clothes or wear them- that means you will get some property legally.

Seeing yourself in a dream in brocade clothes- a harbinger of sadness and loss.

Burn the clothes- to loss.

If clothes are burning on you- loss of property.

For a woman in a dream to see a man in overalls- means that she will be deceived about the true character of her beloved; for married woman- a sign that she will remain in the dark for a long time about the reasons for the frequent absence of her husband, until the case makes her think seriously.

For a woman, a sundress seen in a dream- a sign that the desire to have fun can lead to problems in family life, mistrust on the part of the spouse.

English dream book

If you dream that you are updating your wardrobe- then you will certainly achieve what you dream of.

Seeing yourself smartly dressed in a dream - good sign, you will earn the recognition of friends and win the heart of your chosen one (chosen one).

In addition, if you dream about a variety of clothes- it means you are unhappy with the way you are dressed, and dream of updates. You will be very well and beautifully dressed in reality if you dreamed about yourself naked.

The woman who sews baby clothes in a dream- will soon find himself in an interesting position.

The sailor who dreams that he was shipwrecked and left without clothes- will marry very soon.

If in a dream you see yourself wearing an expensive luxurious robe- do not rush to rejoice at this upon awakening. Sleep has the opposite meaning. Your life may turn out so that you will have nothing to dress in.

If in a dream you are experiencing a shortage of clothes- this dream needs to be interpreted the other way around: you will have a huge selection of dresses for all occasions.

If you dream of yourself in a white robe- this is a sign of unconditional good luck in love, promotion and, in general, good luck in a variety of life spheres.

If in a dream you are walking in mourning for funeral procession - this is a sign of an imminent marriage, in which you yourself and your loved ones are interested. But if the black vestment in your dream is not associated with mourning, then this is an unlucky sign. It means a disease that threatens you or your family. Seeing like a dream, postpone for a while all upcoming affairs, trips or litigation... Each of these cases may end in the most undesirable way for you. For lovers, such a dream can mean that their chosen one is in danger, suffers need and hardship.

If in a dream you are dressed in blue or purple clothes- take it as a sign of future luck and prosperity. Love and respect of people dear to your heart await you. Your loved ones will be devoted to you, and those who are going to get married will have family happiness and peace. This dream also promises success in business, the support of friends and great benefits from trading.

If in a dream you are wearing scarlet clothes- then you should prepare for difficult trials. It can be illness, loss of friends, quarrels and disagreements on frivolous grounds, as well as constant anxiety and anxiety caused by the misbehavior of your children.

To the one who dreams of himself in a dark red robe- destined for a long and happy life. You are also on the cusp of good news. And although your loved one will leave you for a short while, you can have no doubts in his loyalty and devotion.

If in a dream you are dressed in variegated multi-colored clothes- then you are entering a period of everyday troubles. Perhaps you will quarrel with your heartfelt friend, and only the intervention of your loved ones will reconcile you.

If in a dream you are dressed in something new- this is a happy sign, foreshadowing success and recognition in the service field.

Daniel's medieval dream book

Wear white or light- to pleasure

Put on white clothes - to compensation for losses.

See a white dalmatic- to great joy.

See yourself dressed in fine linen- to increase.

If someone sees himself dressed in a mantle- it portends pleasure.

Wear linen clothes- to wealth.

Be dressed in colorful clothes- to ailments.

Be dressed in purple robes- to ill health.

Be dressed in new clothes- to the fun.

Wear light colored clothes- to pleasure.

Rip clothes apart- to the disease.

See yourself dressed in pretty clothes- to joy, or to public recognition, or, according to some, to difficulties.

Have red robes- to anger.

Italian dream book

clothing- behavioral cultural patterns of others.

Dream interpretation of lovers

If you feel in a dream that your clothes cause discomfort or are out of fashion for a long time- you are destined to find out about the existence of a rival. You will be unpleasantly surprised and disappointed.

If in a dream you admire the clothes of others- it means that the jealous suspicions of your chosen one await you.

If you see in a dream another woman known to you or unfamiliar- with a mourning veil on his face, this means that you will be surpassed by a rival whom you considered unequal to yourself. Prepare for bitter disappointments and troubles - you will be left alone.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Clothes are nice and clean- for a man portends a high position, honor, honor, benefit, piety, a significant position and a noble wife, but for a woman- husband; that is, if a woman sees in a dream a clean and beautiful dress- a good man will become her husband.

Islamic dream book

Clothes are nice and clean- for a man means high position, honor, honor, benefit, piety, position and wife, but for a woman- husband; that is, if a woman sees this clean and beautiful dress, then a good man will become her husband.

Lunar dream book

The clothes are clean- glory, honor; soiled- dishonor; lose- shame; to be half-dressed- recognition of three merits.

Losing clothes- shame; dress in a new dress- sadness; wear a long dress- reward.

Dream interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Wear / try on someone else's clothes in a dream- try on someone else's rhythm of energy movement. Organs, primary elements and elements on the plot of a dream can be influenced by any, depending on which part of the body the clothes were put on, but the kidneys are influenced in any case.

Wear / put on someone else's clothes in a dream- means to take on all the features of the movement of qi energy in the body of the owner of the clothes, for all things, especially those close to the body, have the ability to be saturated with the rhythms of the owner and transmit / impose this rhythm on others. After all, things are blind, they can only repeat the frequency of energy fluctuations given to them.

Put on someone else's pants, shirt, coat accidentally, out of absentmindedness, as sometimes happens with hats- it will be very difficult. In no case should you accidentally put on someone else's thing in a dream. Sleep is a reflection of the day's excessive curiosity and a bad habit of delving into other people's affairs, so everyone is bad possible consequences dreams are brought to life by the dreamer himself: the diseases of the old owner of the clothes, like fleas, can jump onto the new owner, if the old one had continuous failures due to an inadequate attitude towards others, then the same can happen with the new owner. First, the thing creates around the new owner, as it were, a structure, the frequency of oscillations of the old, then the oscillations penetrate into the interior of the organism, causing irreversible changes. Sleeping while wearing someone else's clothes is unfavorable. This is a warning that the attitude towards others must be changed, curiosity must be tempered.

If the dreamer experienced fear while wearing clothes- you should immediately pay attention to the kidneys. Someone else's clothes, as well as all other people's objects that are in the house that are not needed by the dreamer, should be removed from the house. With the approach of a new spring, traditional oriental medicine recommends removing from home and from the soul everything that is old, unnecessary, not capable of further movement: things, habits, opinions, outdated views and goals.

Chinese dream book

Dreaming belt, belt- portends an appointment to the place.

You put on a new robe, new outerwear- will new wife or a concubine, girlfriend.

You put on an expensive and beautiful dress- the prosperity of children and grandchildren.

You wash, clean your clothes- in all cases, fortunately.

Throw a raincoat over your shoulders, cover yourself with clothes from the weather- there will be great mercy.

Dress gets dirty with oil or grease- there will be mercy, protection from above.

Shabby clothes that are about to rip- the wife looks away.

You fold, collect new clothes- there will be various adversities, failures.

Give a man clothes- there will be illness, illness, grief.

Cutting clothes, wearing mourning clothes- portends happiness.

The belt on the clothes itself is untied or untied- luck and happiness in all matters.

You wear yellow or golden, wheat-colored clothes- to happiness and good luck.

You put on white clothes- someone has to ask you.

You wear blue or green clothes- there will be help and support from a wise, perfect person.

You put on azure, patterned, embroidered clothes- portends a great benefit associated with a wife.

Lots of people wearing purple or purple clothing- indicates abuse.

Many people dressed in blue clothes - indicates separation from family, separation from loved ones.

Many people dressed in white clothes- indicates cases related to the service.

Lots of people dressed in red clothes- indicates great happiness and good luck.

Woman puts on the clothes of a man- indicates the birth of a noble offspring.

With some person you own the same clothes- the wife has a lover.

Loss of clothing items- portends a difficult childbirth with his wife.

Would you like to cover yourself with your own blanket, wrap your canopy- portends wealth and nobility.

You pick up a headdress or a belt- you will have a promotion.

Woman putting on headdress and belt- portends the birth of a son.

Dream interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

To lose clothes- loss; dress new in a dream- joy; into the old- sadness.

Psychoanalytic dream book

clothing- the person of the individual: his behavior, position and role; his thoughts and desires are often real facts. Clothing also serves as protection against unwanted touch.

Wear a uniform or even armor; inability to undress- the danger of expressed conformity to the views of other people instead of developing an independent character.

Change of clothes- an attempt to change oneself, sometimes only externally.

Underwear- what is not always visible, hidden (possibly conscious), has to do with sex.

Man putting on women's clothing- transvestism, the desire of the individual to demonstrate his feminine side, possibly incipient homosexuality or regression to adolescent homosexuality in case of unsuccessful heterosexual contact.

Symbolic dream book

clothing- is a certain symbol of position in society and an element of self-awareness. This is how we look in our own eyes and from the people around us. It is possible to “bare” your feelings, “undress” another person (in the sense of making them defenseless or ruining them).

clothing- this is a social mask, disguise; what our true self is hidden behind.

Sometimes in relation to clothes, sleep uses a shape-shifter, clothes that are too expensive, chic or out of place. means the opposite - poverty, collapse of aspirations, loss of authority.

clothing- emphasizes human attractiveness and can mean enrichment, career, acceptance in a team, a trip. In women's dreams, clothing has a special increased additional semantic load, reflecting the success, type or prospect of the sleeping relationship and her business relationships.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Clothing in general- mood; position in society; material level; conceit, own claims; reputation, authority; attractiveness to a woman.

Clothes color- indicates a specific emotional state.

Dressed in red- love for the sleeping person.

In spots, holes, gusts, patches- harm, poverty, disappointment, shame, loss of reputation.

Original, out of fashion, out of place dressed- delicate, slippery situation; collapse of the situation.

Too chic dear- ruin; dishonor.

Woman in a man's suit- luck.

Man in feminine- troubles; ailments.

Old, worn out clothes- feelings of fatigue, old age, ruin.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Burn the clothes- a loss.

Your clothes are on fire- loss of property and health.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Black clothes- a gift / for illness, misfortune, blacken you, poverty, sadness, prison; white- well, they praise you, you will win / illness; red- wait for matchmakers (girl) / sadness, illness, shame; green- dignity; new- good, luxury, profit, success in business, joy / illness, sadness; rich- good, truth / envy, misfortune (to the poor), death (to the sick); long, long-skirted- honor; soiled- bad, sadness, misfortune; full of holes- trouble, lie; matting- annoyance; smart- honor (to the rich), profit / illness, unhappiness (to the poor); lose- shame; burning- boredom, slander, insult, quarrel with friends; who to see in old clothes- he is healthy, cheerful; a lot of clothes- a lot of trouble; dress- unpleasant situation; dress sloppily- unexpected guest; dress someone in white clothes- praise him; into black- the deceased will be; to dress a man in a woman- shame, loss, deception; v male woman - temptation; clean clothes- profit / case in court, you will have to clean up.

Danilova's erotic dream book

Beautiful, fashionable clothes on yourself or on another person, seen in a dream- suggests that your intimate relationship with your partner is based solely on calculation.

If in a dream you wear such clothes- this means that in real life you are striving to occupy an advantageous position, no matter in what ways.

Torn, dirty clothes - speaks of undermining your reputation due to your own frivolity and frankness.

Esoteric dream book

See a lot of clothes- a lot of hassle, everyday things.

New - new things.

Worn- old chores.

Ukrainian dream book

If you dream that you are well dressed- people praise, and if you walk around tattered, then people judge.

Beautiful clothes- illness.

See yourself in white- to the disease.

Be in black- sadness, sadness.

See yourself in red- to shame, disgrace.

She dreams that she is dressed up in a red girl- someone will woo; married- any shame.

Suite, jacket (outerwear in general)- there will be some news.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The more clothes you wear- the more troublesome; half-naked- to well-being; wear in a dream- a sign of good luck or bad luck, slippery position; brush the dress- profit.

Collection of dream books

clothing- how others perceive you. The roles you play in life.

If in a dream a person is dressed in black- this promises loss.

If a person sees himself in a dream tearing his clothes- well, this means that he will be freed from all that is bad.

Clothes to see- to consolation; torn or torn clothes - to the loss of a friend; burn clothes- to goodwill; new linen- to trust.

clothing- a lot of trouble awaits you

Clothes, clean, tidy- to success in business; soiled- to shame and dishonor; long- to the award; clothes in rags and patches- you can get involved in some kind of dangerous adventure and cause great damage to yourself.

Inside out wearing clothes- such a dream sure sign that you think wrongly about people or the situation.

Clothes hanging on a hanger- news from a person who is on a journey.

To buy clothes- to good luck in business.

Throw away old clothes- New acquaintances.

clothing- to be someone dressed in everything bright red - love and respect for the sleeping person.

If you dreamed about your clothes- joy awaits you.

Dirty and torn clothes- a warning that trouble will soon fall on you.

See yourself in a beautiful dress

Dream interpretation See yourself in a beautiful dress dreamed why in a dream See yourself in a beautiful dress? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Seeing yourself in a beautiful dress by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Dress

Dream interpretation - Dress

Dream interpretation - Dress

Dream interpretation - Dress

Dream interpretation - Pay

Dream interpretation - Fee, pay

Dream interpretation - Dress

Dream interpretation - Dress

Dream interpretation - Dress, blouse

Dream interpretation - Pay

Trying on dresses in a dream ...


Isabella Marie

A new dress means the beginning of a new life, new acquaintances, new incidents. This dream is especially significant for girls. Lunar dream book Gold dress - envy; dirty - trouble; new - wealth; matted - annoyance; leaky - trouble. Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation Wearing a dress is a success; to buy - to envy; wedding - illness; rich - a quarrel; embroidered - joy. The newest dream book A dress for a woman, if she tries it on, promises separation or a quarrel with her beloved man; a man buys - the wedding will not take place in the near future, he sees a wedding dress on a woman - an affair with a married woman. Family dream book If a young woman saw a beautiful dress in a dream, in reality she will cause universal admiration. But the torn dress portends her condemnation for unlawful behavior. A woman trying on a dress in a dream will unexpectedly face a rival in love. But if she dreams that she has lost weight in order to put on a dress, she will get rid of her rival and achieve the love of her chosen one. Slavic dream book To see a red dress on yourself - to tears. Dream interpreter Red dress - to have on oneself in a dream book portends grief and tears. Dream interpreter Seeing an ordinary dress has no special meaning; To see a rich dress on oneself promises honor and elevation in ranks, to the poor - misfortune, and death to the sick; to see a dress soiled or torn on oneself is a sign of sadness and unhappiness; to wear a new dress - portends joy, profit and success in business; to see your dresses on fire means boredom, slander, insult, loss of litigation and a quarrel with friends; to see a dress of a light and bright color on oneself - portends an elevation in dignity, an increase in fame and an increase in wealth; to lose a dress means to lose honor; a woman's dress to have a man on herself means deception, and for a woman to have a man's dress on herself means a temptation. Dream Interpretation of the XXI century A dress to wear a good one in a dream is a sign that you will be given some kind of honor, very expensive - to envy, trouble, dirty - to displeasure, shame, full of holes - to trouble, lies, embroidered - to joy. A very long dress is unexpected, a short one is a sign that you will receive a gift. A matting dress - to annoyance, from paper - to profit, a wedding dress - a sign that success in business awaits you; funeral - to a new friend. Having a large neckline is a sign that changes are coming in everyday life. To buy yourself a silk dress in a dream means that because of your mistake or stupidity, you can become addicted to a very dangerous and scary person... Seeing a blue dress in a dream is a sign of mental suffering. Wearing a green dress in a dream - fortunately, such a dream is especially favorable for girls - this is a harbinger of happiness in love, mutual understanding with a loved one, soon marriage... Dream interpretation of Azar Yellow dress - envy, lie; sky-colored or green dress - your desire will come true; black dress - sad news. Dream Interpretation of Lovers If a girl dreamed of a well-tailored dress, this means that representatives of the opposite sex will admire her. The torn dress she dreamed about - portends that the beloved will condemn her actions. Trying on a dress - dreaming of the appearance of a rival in love. If in a dream a girl follows the figure in order to put on the dress that she likes, this means that she will achieve a reciprocal feeling from the person with whom she is in love. Dream interpretation horoscope The dress is beautiful - to the envy of friends. Wedding dress - for an imminent wedding. Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family To dream of a well-tailored dress from Thursday to Friday - to a meeting with former classmates.


To new plans and hopes.

Irina Bulkina

If a woman tries on a dress, she will unexpectedly meet a rival in love, but if she dreams that she is following the figure in order to buy the dress she likes, she will successfully defeat her rival and achieve the love of the chosen one.

Larisa Govorukhina

Suddenly I received a parcel with new dresses and shoes. I tried on several new, beautiful dresses with decorations and multi-colored, but none fit, there were few, I could barely take off. I tried it on at home and at work.

Dream blue dress

Dream interpretation Dream blue dress dreamed why the dream of a blue dress in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of a blue dress by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Dove

Dream interpretation - Dove

Dream interpretation - Dove

Dream interpretation - Dove

Dream interpretation - Dove

Dream interpretation - Dove

Dream interpretation - Pigeons

Dream interpretation - Dove

If in a dream you hear the lonely voice of a dove or see a bird, this is a sign of misfortune, illness. To see pigeons in your house, in the yard, on the window, hold them in your hands, feed them - to well-being in the family, peace, love. dove - for the wedding. Flying pigeons - news from friends and relatives. Letting out pigeons - to separation. Catching - to a date. Taking a pigeon from the nest - to profit. Eating pigeons - to boredom. Hunting pigeons - to cruelty. A dead pigeon is a big misfortune.

Dream interpretation - Dove

Seeing him in a dream - to prosperity, a happy marriage and getting big money. A man sees in a dream a lying pigeon - to a rich and calm life. A woman sees him - to the birth of a beautiful and intelligent boy. A wild pigeon - to wealth. Feeding pigeons - to increase income or the addition of a family. A flying pigeon - to difficult situations. A pigeon in a cage - to an unexpected inheritance. A dead pigeon means bankruptcy. Seeing many pigeons - to reliable friends. Killing a pigeon - to danger and death. Letting a pigeon out of hands - to the disintegration of the family.

Dream interpretation - Dress

Seeing or wearing a white dress in a dream portends heartfelt joy, an imminent marriage. Green dress - to fulfillment of hopes; blue or blue - you have to hit the road; a yellow dress is a sign of lies, envy and gossip; red - for an important visit; gray - do a general cleaning or repair; golden - get help from sponsors; multicolored and variegated - to many entertainments; pale - rest your soul in peace and quiet; a black dress portends sad news that will lead you to severe upset. A dream in which a dress that is too short or tight, out of size, appears, foreshadows the deterioration of affairs in all areas. A long, toe-length dress means condemnation of others for an unseemly act. Sewing a dress for yourself - your diligence will be noted according to merit, and if it is sewn for you in an atelier, meetings await you that will not bring joy, and good luck, which will turn into grief. Buying a ready-made dress means reconciliation after a long disagreement. If in a dream you try on a dress on yourself, this portends a profitable place or occupation that promises a side income that will surpass the main one. A beautifully tailored dress means that in reality you will get bored with the lifestyle that you lead, and you will want to change. A beautiful luxurious dress and also very expensive, which you see on yourself in a dream, - to joyful events in the family circle. Seeing someone in an ugly or wretched dress predicts trouble from a rival. An unkempt, wrinkled or dirty dress means that in real life you will meet with a person for whom you have an irresistible dislike. A torn dress - to squabbles and disagreements at work, a patched up - a lot of trouble, difficulties and the possibility of losing property. A dress with frills suggests that you will soon experience a completely extraordinary romantic adventure. A dress with a belt - deprive yourself of freedom and material independence, with lace, ruffles and other pretentiousness - a sign that in reality you should be guided by more common sense than emotions and whims. A velvet dress in a dream is a lot of fans in real life. A sequined dress portends an acquaintance with a smug and arrogant contender for your hand, who, of course, will immediately be rejected. To wash or iron a dress - for the upcoming date.

Gave a dress

Dream interpretation Gave a dress dreamed of why in a dream Gave a dress? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Presented a dress by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Dress

Seeing or wearing a white dress in a dream portends heartfelt joy, an imminent marriage. Green dress - to fulfillment of hopes; blue or blue - you have to hit the road; a yellow dress is a sign of lies, envy and gossip; red - for an important visit; gray - do a general cleaning or repair; golden - get help from sponsors; multicolored and variegated - to many entertainments; pale - rest your soul in peace and quiet; a black dress portends sad news that will lead you to severe upset. A dream in which a dress that is too short or tight, out of size, appears, foreshadows the deterioration of affairs in all areas. A long, toe-length dress means condemnation of others for an unseemly act. Sewing a dress for yourself - your diligence will be noted according to merit, and if it is sewn for you in an atelier, meetings await you that will not bring joy, and good luck, which will turn into grief. Buying a ready-made dress means reconciliation after a long disagreement. If in a dream you try on a dress on yourself, this portends a profitable place or occupation that promises a side income that will surpass the main one. A beautifully tailored dress means that in reality you will get bored with the lifestyle that you lead, and you will want to change. A beautiful luxurious dress and also very expensive, which you see on yourself in a dream, - to joyful events in the family circle. Seeing someone in an ugly or wretched dress predicts trouble from a rival. An unkempt, wrinkled or dirty dress means that in real life you will meet with a person for whom you have an irresistible dislike. A torn dress - to squabbles and disagreements at work, a patched up - a lot of trouble, difficulties and the possibility of losing property. A dress with frills suggests that you will soon experience a completely extraordinary romantic adventure. A dress with a belt - deprive yourself of freedom and material independence, with lace, ruffles and other pretentiousness - a sign that in reality you should be guided by more common sense than emotions and whims. A velvet dress in a dream is a lot of fans in real life. A sequined dress portends an acquaintance with a smug and arrogant contender for your hand, who, of course, will immediately be rejected. To wash or iron a dress - for the upcoming date.

Dream interpretation - Dress

Wearing a good dress in a dream is a sign that you will be given some kind of honor. An expensive dress - to envy, trouble. A dirty dress - to displeasure, shame. A leaky dress - to trouble, lies. An embroidered dress - to joy. Long dress. - to surprise. A short dress is a sign that you will receive a gift. A matting dress - to annoyance. A paper dress - to profit. A wedding dress is a sign that you will be successful in business. A funeral dress - to a new friend. Big Having a neckline on the dress is a sign that changes are coming in everyday life. Buying a silk dress in a dream because of your mistake or stupidity, you can become dependent on a very dangerous and scary person. Blue dress- to mental suffering. Wearing a green dress - fortunately, such a dream is especially favorable for girls - a harbinger of happiness in love, mutual understanding with a loved one, and imminent marriage.

Dream interpretation - Dress

Seeing the ordinary does not have any special meaning. The rich dress to see the rich on himself promises honor and elevation in ranks, the poor misfortune, and the sick person death. The dress soiled or torn to see on oneself a sign of sadness and unhappiness. A new dress to have on oneself portends joy, profit and success in business. To see your dresses on fire means boredom, slander, insult, the loss of litigation and a quarrel with friends. To see a dress in a light and bright color portends an exaltation in dignity, an increase in fame and an increase in wealth. A dress to lose means to lose honor. A dress for women to have a man on herself means deception, and for a woman to have a man's dress on herself means a temptation.

Dream interpretation - Dress

For a young woman - to see an elegant, well-made blouse (or dress) - you will cause general admiration for your art and pleasant manners; to see that your dress is torn - a condemnation for unlawful deeds; for women - trying on a blouse (dress) - you will unexpectedly meet a rival in love; follow the figure in order to buy the dress you like - you will successfully defeat your rival and achieve the love of your chosen one. Also see Clothes, Wedding Dress.

Dream interpretation - Pay

The dream is the opposite. Paying someone in a dream is a harbinger of evil that the person to whom you paid in a dream will inflict on you. Subsequently, you will be haunted by the obsession with taking revenge on him for what he did. If in a dream you refused to pay someone, then you will move from words of revenge to deeds. But such a dream also predicts that your plan for revenge will not work. Paying bills in a dream means that you have to fulfill your obligations or pay for your mistakes. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will be tormented by remorse. See interpretation: money. Paying for a purchase in a dream is a sign that you will get involved in an unpleasant business, from which it will not be easy for you to get out. See interpretation: buy and sell. If you dream that someone is paying you money, then beware of a dirty trick, deception or revenge.

Dream interpretation - Fee, pay

If you dream that you are getting paid for something, the dream portends losses. The larger the amount, the greater the losses will be. On the contrary, if you pay the bills in a dream, you will see a small, but profit. If in a dream they paid you, imagine that you spent all the money on paying bills. Paying for something in the store means your wishes come true. It is a bad sign that if you do not have enough money for the thing you like, it means that your dreams are unrealizable. In this case, imagine that you either get a discount or you find a large bill in your wallet. salary, - you will face a major financial disappointment: instead of the expected income, you will have only losses. If you had such a dream, imagine that you did not receive a dime: all the salary went to pay insurance, fines, etc. Not only that: you I still had to pay extra out of my own pocket ... If you pay salaries to your subordinates, sleep means expensive gifts from good friends or a profitable business that you will undertake in cooperation with friends. Imagine that you are paying each of your subordinates good salary and you also give a prize.

Dream interpretation - Dress

Ironing a dress - portends a move. Great happiness. A soiled, dirty shirt, a dress - portends humiliation, shame. Putting on an expensive and beautiful dress - the prosperity of children and grandchildren. The dress gets dirty with oil or grease - there will be mercy, patronage from above. Ironing the dress - portends a move, great happiness.

Dream interpretation - Dress

If a girl dreamed of a well-tailored dress, this means that representatives of the opposite sex will admire her. The torn dress she dreamed portends that her lover will condemn her actions. Trying on a dress means the appearance of a rival in love. If in a dream a girl follows the figure in order to put on the dress that she likes, this means that she will achieve a reciprocal feeling from the person with whom she is in love.

Dream interpretation - Dress, blouse

If a young woman sees in a dream an elegant, well-tailored blouse (or dress), everyone will admire her manners and intelligence. If her dress is torn and shabby, she will be condemned for unseemly actions. Trying on a blouse or dress in a dream - to an unexpected rivalry in love. But if a woman dreams that she is watching her figure in order to buy a dress she likes, she will get rid of her rival and achieve the love of her chosen one.

Dream interpretation - Pay

Paying in the store for purchases made - such a dream portends that in reality you will incur significant expenses for unforeseen items family budget... Paying bills - in reality you will be disappointed in a relationship with your chosen one. To evade payment of utilities, etc. - in reality, you will get out of a difficult and delicate situation with your cleverness. If you pay someone for a service or work performed, you will find yourself in a position in which too much will be demanded of you. Paying off your debts in a dream means that in reality you will be able to avoid many troubles. Receiving correspondence with cash on delivery in a dream portends opposition in your endeavors from envious people. Paying a fine - to illness and monetary losses.

Blue dress dress

Dream interpretation Blue dress to dress dreamed why in a dream to wear a blue dress? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a blue dress in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Dove

A dove in a dream symbolizes receiving good news, peace, bliss of pleasure, wealth and success in business. For lovers, such a dream predicts fidelity. If your lover is going on a long trip, then after such a dream you must believe that he will return to you, and his trip will be profitable. For a married couple, the dream of pigeons predicts the loyalty of the spouses. For businessmen, a dream about pigeons promises an increase in fortune. Seeing him flying in a dream is a sign of receiving good news of success. Seeing a dove in the sky is a sign of consolation in love. Cooing pigeons in a dream promise happiness to lovers and happy marriage for the married. Hand-feeding pigeons in a dream is a sign of great changes in life, recognition and honor. Sometimes such a dream indicates a great attachment to you of some person. If in a dream you are trying to close a pigeon in a closet or cupboard, and it falls out of there, then your hopes are happy marriage with your beloved will not come true. A mother's dream about a dove predicts receiving news from her beloved child. Catching pigeons in a dream - to losses; to kill - to separation or death of a close friend. Pigeons flying over your house, sitting by a window or on a roof, portend receiving news from loved ones. To see two kissing doves in a dream is a sign of your lover's devotion, reciprocity, affection. Seeing a turtle dove in a dream is a sign of tender affection for men and good news for women.

Dream interpretation - Dove

To dream of pigeons flying around the apartment is to family joys. Doves on the roof - good news, in the sky - you will be happy. To see a dove with a dove is for a wedding, to see them kissing is to be kindly. To feed the pigeons is to do a good deed. Letting pigeons out of your hands means separation. Catching pigeons - to survive the loss. To kill a pigeon in a dream - in reality you will lose a friend or girlfriend. To cook pigeon meat - to anxiety in the house, to eat pigeons - to experience boredom and melancholy. Hearing doves cooing in a dream is a harbinger of peace, love and bliss, creating a family or adding to the family, and for a young girl - an early marriage. pigeons are the prey of a cat hunting them, portends that the cruelty of your character will manifest itself in your business relationships. The same dream is a warning against accidental adultery. Doves circling in the sky in one place indicate that you may not be afraid of the consequences of your stupid act towards a loved one. A lone pigeon is an accident.

Dream interpretation - Dress, undress

Dressing is an uncomfortable situation; successful event. Wearing a lot on yourself for illness. Dressing up is a disaster; unsuccessful relationship. Dressing sloppy, unsuitable unexpected guest. Dressing awkwardly, delayed procrastination, interference; responsibility, worries. Undressing feeling unwell; lesion; frankness in relationships; liberation from someone, something.

Dream interpretation - Dove

Seeing a dove on your window is good news from afar. If you dreamed of a pair of gently cooing pigeons, the dream portends a happy marriage and an addition to the family. A lot of pigeons who have flocked to one place - friends will help you out in any life situation... Cooing pigeons - you will find support in the face of a person who is very close to you; flying pigeons - long-awaited news that will strengthen your hopes. Seeing a pigeon with chicks - to a quick replenishment in your family. Extend your mental sleep, try to lure the pigeons delicious delicacy... Do not skimp on treats. To see how a pigeon was harmed - you or your loved ones will be in trouble: someone catches a pigeon - your family happiness envy and strive to bring discord in your relationship; to see how stones are thrown at a pigeon - to unexpected illnesses; to see how a pigeon was killed - to the death of your loved ones; a ruined dovecote - discord and quarrels in the family can lead to divorce.Imagine that you are witnessing a theatrical performance. The magician only imitates that he harms the pigeon, but in fact the bird remains unharmed (see The Magician, Theater).

Dream interpretation - Dove

To see flying pigeons - you have to communicate with an influential person, promising you new connections and acquaintances. To see a lot of pigeons - to happiness and mutual understanding in the family. - to despair, frustration, longing. Hearing pigeons cooing - get friendly advice, which is worth listening to. Kissing pigeons to feed pigeons - to be loved. Feeding pigeons means being loved. Catching a pigeon - for a date, wedding. Unsuccessful catching pigeons - to trouble .Eating pigeons - to boredom and disappointment. Letting out pigeons - to separation. Seeing a dove - to profit. To have a dove yourself - to the quick implementation of our plans.

Dream interpretation - Dove

Doves - something associated with a woman and love / kisses, joy, someone's fidelity. White doves - luck / virtues of the soul / faith, hope, love. Gray or black doves - darkening of a virtuous soul / despair, longing. Doves in your house to see - family joys. To feed the pigeons - separation from a loved one. To take out of the nest is profit. To see large pigeons are guests. Flying pigeons are a symbol of hope. To see a dove with a dove, to see cooing doves is earthly and heavenly love / wedding. It is unsuccessful to catch doves - To catch a date / marriage / matchmaking. To kill a pigeon - illness / melancholy / irritation. Doves on your hands, sitting on your shoulders, clinging to you is a symbol of faith. To have a dove is - fast execution desires

Dream interpretation - Dressing in a new dress

To sadness.

Dream interpretation - dress a new dress

To sadness.

Dream interpretation - Dove

The dove is a symbol of peace, love and trust. People associate all the best with this bird: hopes for peace and harmony, good news and, of course, love, because it is no coincidence that lovers of all countries understand without words what the two doves sitting next to each other mean. For a long time, people taught and used pigeons as postmen, and therefore even now, having seen a pigeon near our window, we ask him about the news he brought. Seeing a dove with little chicks in a dream is a sign that soon the long-awaited peace and harmony will be established in your family. Your spouse or spouse will delight you, and children will cease to grieve. To dream of a dove carrying something means that you will have good news from an old friend with whom you have not seen for a long time. Watch in a dream for drinking water a dove - a sign that soon you are expected to change for the better, personal problems will be easily solved, despite the fact that now it seems to you that there is no one in this world more unhappy than you. If you dreamed that a pigeon, trying to drink water, drowned in a river, then in real life you have a case that you will take carelessly, and therefore you will be defeated in it. Breeding pigeons at home is evidence that in real life you are not completely satisfied with the well-being of your family, and therefore your desire is to make sure that your household members are happy, healthy and do not need anything. To ring a dove in a dream in order to send some message with it is a prophecy of imminent news that will surprise and at the same time greatly delight you. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you yourself will tell someone unexpected news. To be in a dream in a dovecote is to unspeakable luck. Perhaps you will receive an unexpected inheritance or win a large amount of money in the lottery. Hearing the cooing of pigeons in a dream is a sign that soon you will have an opportunity to have a good time in the company of old cheerful friends. You will not only have a pleasant time, but you will learn a lot of new and interesting things. Seeing a wounded pigeon in a dream means your carelessness, as a result of which you will lose your closest friend. For lovers, such a dream predicts a break in relations.

Dream interpretation - Pigeons

dove is a beloved woman. Whoever sees in a dream that he has caught many pigeons will receive financial assistance from noble people. Whoever sees a pigeon in his house or in the yard, and if the one who saw him is single, then he will marry a beautiful, loving and friendly girl. The dove is also good news for someone who is in trouble or has a missing relative. And whoever sees that he has thrown a dove will have property and female children from his wife. Whoever sees that he is feeding the pigeon will instruct and teach the woman phrases and speech. The cooing of a dove is a type of an educated, devout, and godly woman. If in a dream the pigeon flew away and did not return, then this is a divorce or death of the wife. Catching one dove in a dream is a sign of great love and quick marriage.

Dress on a strange woman

Dream interpretation Dress on a strange woman dreamed of why in a dream a dress on a strange woman? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of a Dress on a strange woman by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Dress

Seeing or wearing a white dress in a dream portends heartfelt joy, an imminent marriage. Green dress - to fulfillment of hopes; blue or blue - you have to hit the road; a yellow dress is a sign of lies, envy and gossip; red - for an important visit; gray - do a general cleaning or repair; golden - get help from sponsors; multicolored and variegated - to many entertainments; pale - rest your soul in peace and quiet; a black dress portends sad news that will lead you to severe upset. A dream in which a dress that is too short or tight, out of size, appears, foreshadows the deterioration of affairs in all areas. A long, toe-length dress means condemnation of others for an unseemly act. Sewing a dress for yourself - your diligence will be noted according to merit, and if it is sewn for you in an atelier, meetings await you that will not bring joy, and good luck, which will turn into grief. Buying a ready-made dress means reconciliation after a long disagreement. If in a dream you try on a dress on yourself, this portends a profitable place or occupation that promises a side income that will surpass the main one. A beautifully tailored dress means that in reality you will get bored with the lifestyle that you lead, and you will want to change. A beautiful luxurious dress and also very expensive, which you see on yourself in a dream, - to joyful events in the family circle. Seeing someone in an ugly or wretched dress predicts trouble from a rival. An unkempt, wrinkled or dirty dress means that in real life you will meet with a person for whom you have an irresistible dislike. A torn dress - to squabbles and disagreements at work, a patched up - a lot of trouble, difficulties and the possibility of losing property. A dress with frills suggests that you will soon experience a completely extraordinary romantic adventure. A dress with a belt - deprive yourself of freedom and material independence, with lace, ruffles and other pretentiousness - a sign that in reality you should be guided by more common sense than emotions and whims. A velvet dress in a dream is a lot of fans in real life. A sequined dress portends an acquaintance with a smug and arrogant contender for your hand, who, of course, will immediately be rejected. To wash or iron a dress - for the upcoming date.

Dream interpretation - Dress

Wearing a good dress in a dream is a sign that you will be given some kind of honor. An expensive dress - to envy, trouble. A dirty dress - to displeasure, shame. A leaky dress - to trouble, lies. An embroidered dress - to joy. Long dress. - to surprise. A short dress is a sign that you will receive a gift. A matting dress - to annoyance. A paper dress - to profit. A wedding dress is a sign that you will be successful in business. A funeral dress - to a new friend. Big to have a neckline in the dress is a sign that changes in everyday life are coming. Buying a silk dress in a dream because of your mistake or stupidity, you can become addicted to a very dangerous and scary person. A blue dress is a sign of mental suffering. Wearing a green dress - fortunately, such a dream is especially favorable for girls - a harbinger of happiness in love, mutual understanding with a loved one, imminent marriage.

Dream interpretation - Dress

Seeing the ordinary does not have any special meaning. The rich dress to see the rich on himself promises honor and elevation in ranks, the poor misfortune, and the sick person death. The dress soiled or torn to see on oneself a sign of sadness and unhappiness. A new dress to have on oneself portends joy, profit and success in business. To see your dresses on fire means boredom, slander, insult, the loss of litigation and a quarrel with friends. To see a dress in a light and bright color portends an exaltation in dignity, an increase in fame and an increase in wealth. A dress to lose means to lose honor. A dress for women to have a man on herself means deception, and for a woman to have a man's dress on herself means a temptation.

Dream interpretation - Dress

For a young woman - to see an elegant, well-made blouse (or dress) - you will cause general admiration for your art and pleasant manners; to see that your dress is torn - a condemnation for unlawful deeds; for women - trying on a blouse (dress) - you will unexpectedly meet a rival in love; follow the figure in order to buy the dress you like - you will successfully defeat your rival and achieve the love of your chosen one. Also see Clothes, Wedding Dress.

Dream interpretation - Pay

The dream is the opposite. Paying someone in a dream is a harbinger of evil that the person to whom you paid in a dream will inflict on you. Subsequently, you will be haunted by the obsession with taking revenge on him for what he did. If in a dream you refused to pay someone, then you will move from words of revenge to deeds. But such a dream also predicts that your plan for revenge will not work. Paying bills in a dream means that you have to fulfill your obligations or pay for your mistakes. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will be tormented by remorse. See interpretation: money. Paying for a purchase in a dream is a sign that you will get involved in an unpleasant business, from which it will not be easy for you to get out. See interpretation: buy and sell. If you dream that someone is paying you money, then beware of a dirty trick, deception or revenge.

Dream interpretation - Fee, pay

If you dream that you are getting paid for something, the dream portends losses. The larger the amount, the greater the losses will be. On the contrary, if you pay the bills in a dream, you will see a small, but profit. If in a dream they paid you, imagine that you spent all the money on paying bills. Paying for something in the store means your wishes come true. It is a bad sign that if you do not have enough money for the thing you like, it means that your dreams are unrealizable. In this case, imagine that you either get a discount or you find a large bill in your wallet. salary, - you will face a major financial disappointment: instead of the expected income, you will have only losses. If you had such a dream, imagine that you did not receive a dime: all the salary went to pay insurance, fines, etc. Not only that: you I still had to pay extra out of my own pocket ... If you pay salaries to your subordinates, a dream means expensive gifts from good friends or a profitable business that you will undertake in cooperation with friends. Imagine that you are paying each of your subordinates a good salary and also giving a bonus.

Dream interpretation - Dress

Ironing a dress - portends a move. Great happiness. A soiled, dirty shirt, a dress - portends humiliation, shame. Putting on an expensive and beautiful dress - the prosperity of children and grandchildren. The dress gets dirty with oil or grease - there will be mercy, patronage from above. Ironing the dress - portends a move, great happiness.

Dream interpretation - Dress

If a girl dreamed of a well-tailored dress, this means that representatives of the opposite sex will admire her. The torn dress she dreamed portends that her lover will condemn her actions. Trying on a dress means the appearance of a rival in love. If in a dream a girl follows the figure in order to put on the dress that she likes, this means that she will achieve a reciprocal feeling from the person with whom she is in love.

Dream interpretation - Dress, blouse

If a young woman sees in a dream an elegant, well-tailored blouse (or dress), everyone will admire her manners and intelligence. If her dress is torn and shabby, she will be condemned for unseemly actions. Trying on a blouse or dress in a dream - to an unexpected rivalry in love. But if a woman dreams that she is watching her figure in order to buy a dress she likes, she will get rid of her rival and achieve the love of her chosen one.

Dream interpretation - Pay

Paying in the store for purchases made - such a dream portends that in reality you will incur significant expenses for unforeseen items of the family budget. Paying bills - in reality you will be disappointed in a relationship with your chosen one. To evade payment of utilities, etc. - in reality, you will get out of a difficult and delicate situation with your cleverness. If you pay someone for a service or work performed, you will find yourself in a position in which too much will be demanded of you. Paying off your debts in a dream means that in reality you will be able to avoid many troubles. Receiving correspondence with cash on delivery in a dream portends opposition in your endeavors from envious people. Paying a fine - to illness and monetary losses.

A blue dress in a dream is the personification of femininity and grace. The appearance of a dress of this color in a dream portends a trip, new acquaintances and profitable acquisitions. What else the dress is dreaming of, you can find out by carefully analyzing your vision.

What's in the future?

Appearance and length

A clean and inconspicuous blue dress means that soon the dreamer needs to wait for guests who will bring great news. A new blue dress predicts an opportunity to prove yourself, change or place of residence.

Dirty or torn blue dress indicates that by her actions the woman herself ruined her reputation... A wrinkled blue dress portends a slight malaise or a cold.

Long dress in a dream indicates unexpected behavior of familiar people... The people around will greatly surprise the dreamer, and everything that happens will be seen by her from an unexpected angle.

Short blue dress promises a short but passionate intimate relationship with an attractive person.

Style and shade

A strict blue dress in a dream portends a promotion, improvement financial situation... An elegant dress indicates a strong character dreamers, on her perseverance and determination.

Blue dress with ruffles and ruffles speaks of the frivolity of the sleeping person, her promiscuity in connections and friends. A light, blue guipure dress means the dreaminess of the dreamer, her isolation from real life and real problems.

A luxurious blue floor-length dress predicts an improvement in the dreamer's financial or social position, a promotion at work or major success in the professional field. A blue or light blue wedding dress indicates a crowd of admirers of the dreamer, a lot of attention from various men.

Also, in many ways, the meaning of a dream depends on the shade of the dress:

  • Bright shade indicates impulsivity and emotionality of a woman, which sometimes prevents her from building harmonious relationships with the people around her. Also, a dream portends the fulfillment of a dream, the plans of a sleeping person into life.
  • Dark blue tint predicts a quarrel with a close friend or a girlfriend.
  • Pale blue tint promises a difficult, "black" streak in dreamers... No one will help her, so all the troubles that arise will have to be dealt with alone.
  • Blue polka dot dress means the envy of friends or buddies, indicates that the dreamer is very busy and tired.
  • "Denim" shade indicates profit, change of place of work to a more successful one, prosperity and well-being in the home.
  • Antique blue dress predicts receiving an invitation to a gala or festive event.


Wearing a blue dress in a dream predicts profit, earning opportunities. Trying on a dress in a dream indicates an unforeseen expense, the financial frivolity of a sleeping woman.

Dress someone in a blue dress indicates a strong, loyal friendship, and also portends an acquaintance with a person who will become a devoted companion for the rest of his life.

Choose or buy a dress in a store promises to provide a unique chance, which the dreamer must grab with both hands... Sewing a blue dress indicates creative potential dreamers, her ability to win over people and achieve her goal. Sewing a dress for yourself means realizing your plan.

Dirty or doused blue dress promises to receive advantageous offer from the important, influential person ... Also, a dream indicates help or support from an anonymous person.

Trying on a dress in a dream means that in reality, many people strive to be like a dreamer, take an example from her. Admiring a blue dress in - prophesies success and respect, recognition by society of the merits of the sleeping person.

Selling a blue dress in a dream indicates a long road - traveling or moving... Giving someone your blue dress means that the dreamer needs funds and does not shun any ways to make money.

Receive a blue dress as a gift indicates great success or the dreamer's breakthrough in her professional field.

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