Home Garden on the windowsill Why did the daughter die? Actress Zakharova: My daughter, at the cost of her life, separated me from my family. Filmography: films starring Elena Zakharova

Why did the daughter die? Actress Zakharova: My daughter, at the cost of her life, separated me from my family. Filmography: films starring Elena Zakharova

Sylvester Stallone, John Travolta, Eric Clapton, Mike Tyson... All these people are rich, successful and famous. But all of them are united by an ongoing emotional pain - the pain of losing a child ...

Our review features celebrities who have experienced the worst tragedy imaginable - the loss of their beloved children.

John and Jacqueline Kennedy

Of the four children of the famous couple, two died in infancy. Their eldest daughter Arabella was born stillborn. The youngest son of John and Jacqueline, who was named Patrick, lived only two days and died of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. Three months later, his father died...

Irina Bezrukova

In 2015, the actress lost her only son Andrei. An accident happened to a young man: he was alone in the apartment, fell and hit his head on the tiled floor. Irina, along with her husband Sergei Bezrukov, was on tour in Irkutsk at that moment. Worried that her son had not been in touch for a day, Irina called her friend and asked her to come to her house. When the door to the apartment was broken into, Andrei was already dead ... He was 25 years old.

Prince's only son was born in 1996. At birth, the boy, who was named Boy Nelson, was diagnosed with a rare and practically incompatible genetic disease - Pfeiffer syndrome type 2. The child died a week later. Prince had no more children.

Keanu Reeves

In 1999, the actor and his girlfriend Jennifer Syme were expecting their first child. They knew that they would have a girl, and have already come up with a name for the baby - Ava Archer. But hopes for a happy future were not destined to come true. A week before the birth, the girl died in the womb, and Jennifer had to give birth to a dead child ... After that, the woman could not recover. She began to abuse alcohol and drugs and died in a car accident just 1.5 years after she lost her daughter.

Keanu Reeves was so shaken by these two tragedies that he never married or had children again.

Mia Farrow is the biggest mother of Hollywood. She raised 14 children, 10 of whom are adopted. Unfortunately, three of her children are no longer alive; two daughters died in 2000 and 2008, and a son whom Farrow adopted in India died from injuries sustained in a car accident.

John Travolta

Jett, son of John Travolta and actress Kelly Preston, has died at the age of 16 due to a head injury he sustained after falling in the bathroom of the Travolta family home in the Bahamas. Paramedics who arrived at the scene were unable to save the boy's life.

John Travolta still cannot come to terms with the death of his son, with whom he was incredibly close:

“My son was everything to me. In the 16 years that we were together, he taught me unconditional love. Life is short. Kids, spend time with your parents. Parents, spend time with your kids
Dmitry Pevtsov

Daniil, the eldest son of Dmitry Pevtsov, was incredibly similar to his father and dreamed of following in his footsteps. The young man graduated from a theater school and began working at the Theater of the Moon. Probably, a brilliant future awaited him, but everything was crossed out by an absurd accident ... On August 25, 2012, during a party, 22-year-old Daniil went out with friends to the balcony, where he began to swagger, as a result of which he fell down from the height of the third floor. The young man was taken to the hospital, but it was not possible to save him. On September 3, Daniel's heart stopped beating.

After this tragedy, Dmitry Pevtsov went headlong into work, later he admitted that in 50 years of his life nothing worse happened to him than the death of his son.

Mike Tyson

In 2009, a tragic accident led to the death of the young daughter of the famous boxer Mike Tyson named Exodus. A four-year-old girl suffocated after getting tangled in a treadmill cord. The baby was taken to the hospital, where, having barely learned about the incident, her father also arrived. Unfortunately, the child could not be saved. Exodus died in the arms of an inconsolable boxer.

In her first marriage, 19-year-old Lyubov Uspenskaya gave birth to twin sons. Both of them died: one during childbirth, and the second at the age of two weeks ... The singer believes that their death was a punishment for an abortion, which she had at the age of 16. Then she too was pregnant with twins...

O.J. Simpson

The infamous soccer player lost his little daughter Aaron in 1979. The baby drowned in the pool before she was two years old. Later, Simpson did not mention this tragedy in any interview, but his entourage claims that the pain of loss is still alive ...

Eric Clapton

In 1991, a terrible tragedy overtook the musician Eric Clapton. His four-year-old son Connor, by Italian model Lori del Santo, fell out of the window of an apartment on the 53rd floor. The musician was very upset by this grief, but he hid all his feelings and emotions deep inside himself:

“When Laurie screamed into the phone that Connor had fallen out of the window, I didn’t feel anything. It seemed that everything inside me was burned to the ground ... At the funeral, her family accused me of not shedding a single tear, a cold Englishman.

All the pain from the loss of his son resulted in the song "Tears in Heaven" - one of the most famous in Clapton's work.

Sylvester Stallone

On July 13, 2012, Sylvester Stallone's eldest son died of a heart attack. Sage's death, 36, was sudden and left his parents in shock. Sergio was always cheerful and cheerful, his wedding was about to take place....

The twins of Elena Proklova died almost immediately after giving birth.

“little boys died as soon as they saw the white light. I could not recover for a year and a half. It was a terrible blow. I was trampled, demoralized, devastated.”

Subsequently, from another husband, Elena gave birth to a son who lived only 8 days. The next pregnancy of the actress ended in a miscarriage at a later date. Elena Proklova believes that the death of all her children is a punishment for the fact that she practically did not raise her eldest daughter Arina:

“It took four childhood lives for me to reconsider my life ...”
Elena Zakharova

In 2011, actress Elena Zakharova lost her only daughter, Anna-Maria. An 8-month-old girl died from an acute viral infection. Everything happened quite suddenly: the girl had a fever, and Elena called the pediatrician to the house. The doctor diagnosed a common cold, but a few days later the baby's condition worsened. She was taken to intensive care, but, unfortunately, it was not possible to save Anna-Maria ...

Already 9 days after the death of her daughter, Elena Zakharova, not wanting to be alone with her grief, took the stage.

Roman Zhukov

In 2012, the daughter of musician Roman, 5-year-old Elizabeth Victoria, died in an accident. While walking on the playground, she fell under a swing and suffered a head injury. The girl was taken to the hospital, but she could not be saved. 4 days after the death of Elizabeth Victoria, her sister Victoria-Elizabeth was born.

Anna Nicole Smith

20-year-old Daniel died on September 10, 2006 - just 3 days after his famous mother gave birth to his sister Dannylynn. It happened right in the hospital room, which was Anna Nicole. The cause of death of the young man was an overdose of drugs.

Anna Nicole survived her beloved son by only 6 months. She died as a result of an overdose of antidepressants.

Valentin Gaft had the only daughter Olga from the ballerina Inna Eliseeva. Everything seemed to go well for the girl. She was a professional dancer, was a soloist of the Kremlin ballet. However, her mother, known for her difficult and quarrelsome nature, made her daughter's life unbearable; she controlled her every step, made scandals out of the blue. After another quarrel, left alone in the apartment, 29-year-old Olga hanged herself. She left two suicide notes in which she blamed both parents for her death.

A terrible grief befell the musician Vladimir Kuzmin twice. In 2002, his 24-year-old daughter Elizabeth died. In the heat of a quarrel, her boyfriend stabbed the girl with a knife. And in 2009, the 26-year-old son of the musician, Stepan, died. A fire broke out in his apartment, and in an attempt to escape, he climbed onto the ledge to move into the neighbors' apartment. However, the young man could not stay on the ledge and fell down from the height of the 18th floor.

Oprah Winfrey, who grew up in a dysfunctional family, gave birth to her only son at the age of 14. The child died almost immediately after birth. Oprah never had children again.

Svetlana Svetlichnaya

The youngest son of Svetlana Svetlichnaya Oleg died at the age of 33 under mysterious circumstances. The actress suspects that her son's death was violent. However, the eldest son of Svetlichnaya, without giving a specific reason for the death of his brother, refutes this version.


On July 7, 2012, Usher's adopted son and the natural son of his ex-wife Tameka Foster were hit by a jet ski while relaxing on a lake in Atlanta. An 11-year-old boy was diagnosed with brain death. On July 21, with the consent of Asher and Tameka, the child was disconnected from life support devices.

Gerard Depardieu

The eldest son of the famous actor, Guillaume, who became an actor like his father, died at the age of 37 from viral pneumonia. Guillaume always had a difficult relationship with his father; they constantly quarreled and clashed, although they were very similar in character: both were temperamental, adventurous and reckless. According to Depardieu's inner circle, after the death of his son, he had a long depression, he still does not like to remember the tragedy.

Theater and film actress Elena Zakharova is loved by journalists: grace, talent, manners of a girl from a decent society. The star is actively acting in films and TV shows - there are already more than eighty of them. Leads a vibrant social life. Publications and TV channels are closely following every turn of her female fate: this is the price for publicity. And the actress is sympathetic to the journalistic profession, sharing her sorrows and joys. In December, all the tabloids reported the happy news: Elena became a mother. Again. At 42. Seven years after the tragedy that destroyed her former family life.

Many people told me that you will definitely have everything. Everything. And I believed. But it still doesn't happen right away. You know, how it happens, people go to the temple, but for some reason they don’t get it, and they stop asking. They think, probably, that they are not heard or something else. But I prayed and asked. I understood: now it’s not given to me - it means that it’s not time yet. I tried to convince myself that everything will be fine. Everything!

The trials that fell to the lot of Elena, you will not wish on the enemy. In 2011, the actress lost her eight-month-old daughter - a viral infection plus doctors' mistakes. 10 days after the tragedy, the civil husband, whom Zakharova truly loved, showed her the door, not wanting to support her heartbroken lover. Perhaps the man could not bear the increased attention of the press to the tragedy, could not stand the test of publicity in the most difficult period of their life together. The weakness of a loved one stunned Elena: it turned out that she had lost two at once. A fragile woman had to cope alone with the blows of fate.

I read somewhere that it is not always necessary to read a specific prayer, sometimes a person can even pray in his own words. I know prayers. Since childhood, I was a believer, I was brought up that way. Even at school I went to the temple and so all my life I live with this. It's not something that jumped me at some point.

The trip to the Holy Land brought the girl back to life. In Jerusalem, Elena experienced many wonderful spiritual encounters. One of them is with Father Isidore, at that time the head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission. Like Zakharova, the priest at one time graduated from the acting department of the Shchukin Higher Theater School.

We had a common teacher, that's how I got to know him. He received us so well! We traveled so much there, swam in the Jordan, and this was just the most difficult period in my life. This trip resurrected me, I returned from there enlightened, if I may say so, filled with some kind of hope and happiness. We had a time that I will never forget: we went to services all the time, it was during Lent, on the eve of Easter. There was a procession through Jerusalem with palm branches on Palm Sunday.

It was something magical! And I am very grateful. I really wanted such a strong spiritual support. At that time in my life, I needed her more than anything in the world. And I think that's what saved me. And, of course, in difficult periods of life, the priests say, you need to take communion more often. This is very supportive of the person.

All this time, the former common-law husband never once took an interest in Elena's condition. She was still waiting for at least some sympathy, but she realized one thing: the cowardice of this man must be forgiven and wish him happiness in his personal life. It became easier. The feeling of a miracle returned. The actress again actively starred in films, played in theatrical productions, went on tour. And wherever she was, she always made requests in Holy places.

And I asked for family happiness and, first of all, a child. Of course, ideally there should be a marriage, and then a child should appear. But in life there are different situations, you can get married or get married now even at the age of 50. And a child in 50 years is already much more difficult to give birth. Therefore, probably, at a certain point in life, some priorities are set. For me at the moment, the most important thing is the child.

When asked which saint to ask for children, Elena answers simply: all.

I addressed everyone. And Spiridon was, by the way, already pregnant, I had asked him before. And I have been to my favorite temple many times. And often went to Matronushka. It is difficult for me to say where there were more prayers. I went to many churches in Cyprus and prayed to the Mother of God. The Mother of God must pray, of course, to the Savior. And I prayed a lot to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Elena considers the birth of her daughter to be the most important miracle of her life. Immediately after giving birth, the actress thanked everyone who prayed for her through the press.

When I knew that I would have a childbirth, I called to pray for me. I called to Jerusalem, to the Gornensky convent, and to the temple where I go, and to Father Alexei, and to my spiritual father, Father Michael. I am very glad that I know Father Fyodor Konyukhov, a famous traveler and a very strong prayer book. I also went to him the day before, asking for his prayers. This time (second birth) I realized that it should be like this, with God's help. My prayers are not few, but it is very good when they are still praying for you.

Photo from the archive of Elena Zakharova.

Mom is still carefully protecting the newborn, hiding her name. Protects innermost happiness. For the sake of the baby, Zakharova is still refusing offers that are tempting for the actress.

I had to go on tour in Bombay. Even the posters were ready. At first I thought about flying there with the baby, and then when I found out that there were more domestic flights, and more than one, I realized: where would I drag such a small child? I had to refuse. I apologized, of course, I was uncomfortable. But I can neither tear myself away from it, nor shake it. So far, I have such a, fairly homely, mode. Filming is a little easier, because she can always be there with me, on the set: with mommy, in the trailer. I can feed her. But I'm not filming yet, I haven't started yet.

Ahead are christenings. The happy mother is now thinking about who will be the godparents.

I understand that someone chooses eminent godparents. And it is important for me that a person is a believer and that he knows how to pray for real. There are strong prayer books. Therefore, godparents are also important to pray. They didn’t just give a dress or a blouse, but so that they knew prayers, they were believing people. So I'm still thinking about this difficult question.

Zakharova Elena Igorevna is a talented and incredibly beautiful woman. This beauty with incredibly tender eyes does not age at all, she looks like a sweet and defenseless child whom anyone can offend.

In fact, Elena Zakharova is a strong-willed and determined person, she sets goals for herself and goes towards them against all odds. Few people know, but a talented theater and film actress suffered a terrible fate - she lost her little daughter.

Despite everything, the girl continues to do what she loves, smiling, even when she doesn’t want to move forward and communicate even with the closest people.

Height, weight, age. How old is Elena Zakharova

In the vastness of the Russian Federation, there is not a single person who would not know or have not seen Elena Zakharova on the screen at least once. It would be very interesting for every fan to know what the famous actress's height, weight, age are. How old is Elena Zakharova is, in general, a question of every day, since this gentle angel has no age.

The actress was born in 1975, so this fall she will be exactly forty-two years old. According to the sign of the Zodiac, Elena belongs to the passionate, sensitive, contradictory, insidious and vindictive Scorpions.

The eastern horoscope gives a woman character traits inherent in Rabbits, including caution, goodwill, good nature, and calmness.

Elena Zakharova's height is one meter and sixty-five centimeters, and her weight does not exceed fifty-two kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Elena Zakharova

The biography and personal life of Elena Zakharova is a tangle of ups and downs, happiness and loss. Little Helen was a creative child, so her talents developed in numerous circles. Even before going to first grade, the baby shone on the stage of the local palace of culture as part of the Pinocchio ensemble.

In the second grade, Lena entered a ballet school, but did not study there for a long time, because she was not friends with discipline and did not want to give up sweets.

The girl devoted herself completely to her studies, she was good at languages ​​and Russian literature. She dreamed of being a beautiful and famous actress, so she was engaged in all theater circles and participated in amateur performances.

As soon as she finished the eighth grade, Lena went to enter the theater school, but she was not taken there, which upset the girl very much and made her decide that the theater was finished forever.

After that, Zakharova decided to become a fashion model, although her parents advised her to become a translator. Lena decided to try to enter VGIK or become a model abroad.

After leaving school, the girl entered the famous Pike and graduated almost perfectly. While still studying at the theater school, Elena was accepted into the troupe of the Theater of the Moon and the Snuffbox.

The debut in the cinema happened by chance due to the fact that friends made fun of the freshman Lena, saying that she was being invited to audition for Gorky's studio. She was noticed by an assistant director and called for a cameo role in a movie that never appeared on the screens.

Filmography: films starring Elena Zakharova

The girl's filmography began to replenish after her role in the movie "Comedian's Shelter". After that, there were shootings in the films and TV series "Simple Truths", "Guys from Steel", "Operational pseudonym", "Return the Faith", "Kadetstvo", "Seraphim the Beautiful", "Juna", "When the Lilacs Bloom", "Kremlin cadets”, “From the first to the last word”.

Elena Zakharova, in addition to playing in the theater and filming a movie, starred in music videos. She took part in the television shows "Battle of Psychics", "Stars on Ice", "Dancing with the Stars", "Empire".

The personal life of a woman was not always cloudless and beautiful. Lena fell in love quite often, her first love overtook her at school, and her chosen one was four years older. He constantly gave sweets and flowers, surrounded the girl with care, but demanded to leave the dream of entering the theater school. Lena chose the theater and did not lose.

The second love of Zakharova was the same unknown boy Yegor, who entered her life in 1997. The young people met through a mutual friend at the play, and did not part for almost seven years. The problems began because of Lena's popularity, as she was constantly on the set and on tour and did not pay due attention to the man.

In 2015, the paparazzi photographed Elena with businessman Andrei Bolshakov when they had dinner in a romantic setting. Zakharova, however, said that they were just friends and that she did not date married men.

Family and children of Elena Zakharova

The family and children of Elena Zakharova have always been friendly and ready to support at any time. Lenochka's parents were not connected with the world of theater and cinema, they adored their daughter and sought to direct her energy in a peaceful direction. Close people wanted the girl to become a translator, but they made her decision to become an actress.

Father - Igor Zakharov and mother - Natalya Zakharova worked in the hotel business and were quite wealthy people. They did not skimp and gave everything in order to help their daughter find herself.

The children of Elena Zakharova are her pain and an impossible dream. The only and long-awaited daughter tragically died before she reached the age of one. Elena took this loss very hard, lost her husband and was in no hurry to start a new relationship, although there were rumors on the Internet that Elena Zakharova gave birth to her second child in 2015. The woman actively starred in films about children and really wanted to become a mother, but the rumors remained rumors.

Daughter of Elena Zakharova - Anna-Maria Mamontova

The daughter of Elena Zakharova, Anna-Maria Mamontova, was born from businessman Sergei Mamontov in 2011, her weight was 3,800 grams. The girl was an active, healthy and cheerful child, whose parents doted on him.

Elena considered that her daughter was not a reason to give up her career and went to the shooting as soon as Anna-Maria was a month old. Young parents developed the baby, constantly traveled with her and waited for the beauty to grow up.

However, in October 2011, the terrible news “Elena Zakharova’s daughter: funeral photo, what happened” spread around the tabloids and social networks. It turned out that little Anna-Maria had a sharp rise in temperature, and all the signs of an acute viral infection appeared.

Elena decided not to joke with the health of the eight-month-old baby and called an ambulance. The girl was taken to the hospital, her temperature was brought down and she was fighting SARS. The tragedy happened to the child due to an incorrect diagnosis, since the cause was an unknown virus that had nothing to do with the common cold, most likely it was meningitis. The girl stayed in intensive care for six days and died, even her introduction into an artificial coma did not help.

Elena Zakharova suffered the death and funeral of her daughter hard, she did not communicate with anyone, did not leave the children's room. On the ninth day after the baby's death, her husband left Lena, and she went to work to dull her pain.

Former husband of Elena Zakharova - Sergey Mamontov

The ex-husband of Elena Zakharova - Sergey Mamontov - appeared in her life in 2010, many fans believed that young people entered into a legal marriage, however, this is not so.

Sergey is a big businessman who has his own IT company. The guys met in the car when Sergey drove Lena to the hotel, later they appeared together at the Cannes Film Festival.

Soon after the stormy romance, Mamontov and Zakharova began to live together, and their daughter was born. Sergei at that time gave his last name to his daughter, however, he was not going to marry. He was constantly jealous of his chosen one, and after the death of little Anna-Maria, he simply left. Elena and Sergey did not see each other anymore, but Zakharova says that she forgave the man because she loved him and apparently still loves him.

Elena Zakharova is pregnant with her first child. When will she give birth?

Not so long ago, shocking information appeared on the Internet that Elena Zakharova was pregnant again. Fans even rejoiced for their favorite actress, who so wanted to become a mother again. They did not even think that Zakharova did not have a young man.

In 2017, Elena Igorevna appeared on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival in a luxurious black loose-fitting dress. Behind the tails of this work of art, film critics and journalists considered a rounded tummy.

Zakharova said that there was no pregnancy for a period of five months, and there was not, although she is actively working on this and does not lose hope of becoming a mother again.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Zakharova

She has Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Zakharova, like other modern people. On the page dedicated to the actress on Wikipedia, it is possible to find up-to-date and reliable information that relates to her personal life and work, the birth and death of her daughter, parents and youth. A special place in the biography is given to the filmography and television shows in which the actress appeared during her career.

More than 94,000 people have subscribed to the official Instagram page. Elena does not hesitate to share with them various events from her life. She constantly replenishes her account with various photographs from the family archive, from film sets and theatrical productions.

On December 8, the 42-year-old actress Elena Zakharova gave birth to a daughter. The star of the TV series Yermolovs, Kadetstvo, Kremlin Cadets and Beautiful Seraphim refused to discuss her pregnancy almost until the birth - fans explained this by a tragic experience. In 2011, the eight-month-old daughter of actress Anna-Maria died of a meningococcal infection.

Recently, Elena told the Tsargrad portal about how she survived the loss of a child and managed to believe in the future again.

11 days after the death of her daughter, the actress's husband broke off relations with her and subsequently did not even ask about her well-being. A double blow knocked Elena down, and she left to seek spiritual strength in the Holy Land - in Jerusalem: “It was just the most difficult period in my life. This trip resurrected me, I returned from there enlightened, if I may say so, filled with some kind of hope and happiness.

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The artist admitted that since childhood she was a believer and went to church at school - this is how she was brought up in the family. After the tragedy, it was faith that helped her believe in herself again and tune in to the best. Elena actively filmed, played on stage, and during the tour she visited holy places and prayed for the cherished:

“I asked for family happiness and, first of all, a child.

Of course, ideally there should be a marriage, and then a child should appear. But in life there are different situations, you can get married or get married now even at the age of 50. And a child in 50 years is already much more difficult to give birth. Therefore, probably, at a certain point in life, some priorities are set. For me at the moment, the most important thing is the child, ”admitted the actress.

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After the birth of her daughter, Elena concentrated all her strength, attention and care on the girl. She even refused an interesting trip so as not to harm the baby. The artist was offered a tour in Bombay - the organizers even prepared posters:

“At first I thought about flying there with the baby, and then when I found out that there were more domestic flights, and not one, I realized: where would I drag such a small child? I had to refuse."

The actress apologized to the organizers and does not regret her decision: “I can neither tear myself away from her nor shake her. So far, I have such a, fairly homely, mode. Filming is a little easier, because she can always be there with me, on the set: with mommy, in the trailer. I can feed her. But I’m not filming yet, I haven’t started yet.”

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Recall that in 2010 Elena Zakharova married Sergey Mamontov, CEO of Systematic Software Solutions (Russia). In February 2011, the couple had a daughter, Anna-Maria. At the age of eight months, the girl died from an infection. The husband left the actress 11 days after the funeral.

Insiders call a married businessman Andrei Bolshakov the father of Elena's newborn daughter. Their romance has been discussed for three years. Elena herself categorically denies any connection with Bolshakov.

In one of the interviews, the actress admitted that she was tuned in to family life, which is a very important component of happiness: “I think that I have a profession, and I love it very much, work fills me, saves me. But no one canceled love and family.”

Elena Zakharova carefully hides her personal life. But more recently, she frankly spoke about her tragedy, which she hid for 6 years. This divided her life into before and after ...

Elena Zakharova experienced what you wouldn’t wish on your enemy, the actress lost her child. Her 8-month-old daughter Anna-Maria died suddenly from a viral infection. Only faith in God helped the actress survive what happened.

It all started with a simple temperature, which rose sharply in the baby. Zakharova immediately called a doctor from a paid clinic, although her mother advised calling a doctor for free. Perhaps this was the fatal mistake of the actress ...

The emergency room doctor misdiagnosed. It all started with this, it was a starting point.

All night I called the doctors, told them what was happening, the temperature did not drop, the situation did not improve. They told me: "Don't worry, everything is fine." - to share the secret of Zakharov.

The girl got worse and worse. The worried mother called an ambulance, the child was urgently hospitalized. Doctors for a long time could not understand what virus struck the baby. They put her in an artificial coma, from which Anna-Maria could not get out.

I am not a doctor and cannot judge, but I do not understand how this could happen in the 21st century. I don’t understand why they didn’t let me into the ward, I don’t understand, ”Elena said with tears in her eyes.

After the tragedy, Elena continued to act in films and play in performances. Only work could numb the pain of loss. The actress broke up with her husband Sergei Mamontov. The couple could not cope with the death of their daughter.

In addition to work, Zakharova was saved by faith, she often attended church. Only this did not allow her to go crazy.

Faith. It was faith that saved me then! Family and friends also helped, of course. I was saved by the hope that we will all be together again someday, that I will see my daughter, - Elena said.

Now Zakharova is completely immersed in work, while paying a lot of attention to charity. The actress visits hospitals and orphanages, which is given to her with great difficulty.

Children need to see that you bring them positive. Once I held a New Year's event at a center for children with cancer. It was very difficult. With them, I tried not to cry, but before the performance and after the tears themselves welled up. I would like there to be as few such sick babies as possible, ”recalls Elena.

Only in the temple does Zakharova feel happy. Elena does not talk about whether she wants to become a mother again. But the answer seems to be obvious...

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