Home Fruit trees Bodyflex Marina Korpan exercises for the back. Breathing exercises with Marina Korpan: a set of exercises for weight loss. A set of necessary exercises

Bodyflex Marina Korpan exercises for the back. Breathing exercises with Marina Korpan: a set of exercises for weight loss. A set of necessary exercises

In this article we will try to figure out what body flex exercises really are. Here you can find a complete list of all the classes contained in this complex, conclusions about the actual effectiveness of this technique.

What is bodyflex

Bodyflex is a system consisting of twelve exercises that combine breath holding.

During the performance of such exercises, our body directs oxygen to the area for which the exercise is done, and helps to eliminate fat. The most effective are inhalations and exhalations, therefore, bodyflex trainers recommend that at first they engage exclusively in breathing.

The main secret of this technique, according to its admirers, is breathing with the help of a diaphragm, which allows the use of additional lung volume, as well as a short oxygen starvation, which results in a more active use of oxygen by organisms later.

Everyone knows that when we breathe normally, that is, shallowly, the lungs function less than half, and if you use a diaphragm, this figure can increase significantly.


Greer Childers described her own technique in her book "Gorgeous figure in 15 minutes a day."


  1. Exhale all the air in your lungs through your mouth.
  2. Breathe in through your nose immediately.
  3. Exhale as much air as you can from your diaphragm through your mouth.
  4. Hold your breath and pull your stomach in for ten seconds.
  5. Relax and exhale.

Remember the most important thing:

  • Exercise on an empty stomach;
  • Drink a glass of water in the morning;
  • Just watch the video and practice.

The system developed by Marina Korpan will be especially useful for hypertensive patients and pregnant women.

Breath holding is the basis of the exercises:

  1. Bending your knees, straighten your back.
  2. Inhale deeply through your nose and tighten your pelvis by pulling in your belly.
  3. Take three shallow breaths through your nose.
  4. Exhale noisily.
  5. Smile while doing the exercise.

Everything is done on an empty stomach. You can learn this system yourself.

The principle of operation of the complex in the fight against excess weight

This method makes it possible over time to get rid of body fat, preservatives and toxins that inhibit the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Excessively accumulated toxic waste provokes the emergence of reserve fat reserves, a kind of storage. If you do breathing exercises according to the method of losing weight, you can reduce the amount of toxins in the body by up to sixty percent.

Anaerobic breathing exercises mean holding your breath while taking certain positions. Physically straining, the body is saturated with oxygen, and the breakdown of fat occurs, as well as the removal of toxins. As a bonus, muscle tone.

How are the classes

Physical exercises should be started only after all the steps of proper diaphragmatic breathing have been mastered, which takes about a month. But, having mastered this technique, you can already move on to the main system of classes. You need to start with a workout lasting five minutes, gradually increasing the time.

A set of exercises

a lion. We get up in the standard position, pulling the stomach. He puts his lips in a circle, open his eyes wide and look up. Immediately, the lips, which are in the same position, lower and pull out the tongue as much as possible. Count to 8. You need to repeat 5 times.

Ugly grimace. Stay straight. The lower teeth protrude beyond the upper ones, and the lips protrude. Pull your neck to maximum tension. Then slowly raise your head (a good stretch should be felt from the chin to the chest).

Lateral stretch. Take a standard position, drawing in your stomach. Lower your left hand - your elbow should be on the bent left knee. Stretch your right leg out to the side without lifting it off the floor. The weight rests on the left knee. Raising your right hand, pull it to the left side. The arm is straight. The pose is held for a count of 8.

Diamond. We hold our breath, pulling in the stomach. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms closed in a circle. Elbows should be high with only fingers touching. Tighten your arms and apply pressure on your fingers as hard as possible. The hands themselves should not move. Do for 8 accounts.

Cat. Starting position - on all fours, emphasis on the palms and knees. Arms and back are straight. Pull in the stomach and stand in the main position: tilting the head down with the highest possible dorsal arch. Position fixing for 8 accounts.

How many kilograms can you lose

Using the Bodyflex method, it is possible to lose 10 or more kilograms by successfully changing the fiftieth clothing size to 46.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Small time costs;
  • No need to severely restrict yourself in nutrition;
  • The result will appear pretty soon;
  • The body is actively saturated with oxygen.


  • It is impossible to quit such classes;
  • There is a risk of migraines and fainting;
  • You can not perform exercises for people suffering from high blood pressure.


  • hypertension;
  • hernia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • severe myopia;
  • time of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

American Greer Childers, the creator of the Bodyflex program (eng. body flex - body flexibility), has released a training video that describes a 15-minute morning respiratory gymnastics complex, combined with simple physical activity.

Bodyflex (video, 15-minute morning complex) is a technique that helps to create a toned body without cellulite, give muscle elasticity and even get rid of wrinkles. The respiratory complex is performed in several stages. Below is a detailed diagram.

The essence of bodyflex lies in aerobic exercise, i.e. exercises are performed while absorbing a large amount of oxygen. Entering the body in sufficient volume, it burns body fat. How does this happen? When holding the breath for the maximum possible time, the accumulation of carbon dioxide begins in the blood.

In this case, the arterial walls become wider. When you inhale, the body receives an excess amount of oxygen. It is this excess that can burn fat and affect well-being. Since in ordinary life a person breathes incorrectly, filling the lungs partially when inhaling, weight loss does not occur.

Some scientists who studied the program and the effect of this technique on the body came to the conclusion that the effectiveness of the bodyflex system is much higher than any other physical activity.

Benefits for weight loss

Bodyflex (video, 15-minute morning complex) makes it possible to lose weight thanks to the correct technique for performing the respiratory part. Oxygen takes on the role of a fat splitter. There is a massage of smooth muscles and walls of the stomach. After complete and confident mastering of the correct inhalation and exhalation of air, the exercises are gradually introduced.

When performing a 15-minute complex, a huge amount of calories is burned and a lot of energy is spent on it. For example, calorie cost calculations are given. The author of the program calls the figure of 3500 calories, subject to exercise for an hour. Accordingly, 875 kcal is lost in 15-20 minutes of training.

For comparison, while running, the same amount of energy is expended in 1.5 hours. Thus, a person begins to gradually and surely lose extra volumes and kilograms.

The author warns about the need for a full healthy diet without restrictions. If at the same time you also cut the calorie content and the amount of the diet, then this is fraught with a general breakdown, weakness and unwillingness to continue the program.


Adherents of bodyflex exercises highlight several advantages of the system:

  • Weight loss occurs smoothly and gradually. The body does not experience stress and shock. Despite the smoothness, the volumes go away quickly.
  • The work of the digestive tract is normalized, the metabolism is enhanced and accelerated. That is why maintaining any diet is prohibited. All food is digested optimally and the digestive tract works more efficiently.
  • During exercise, the stomach begins to gradually decrease in size. This means reducing the amount of food consumed to the limits comfortable for the body. At the same time, systematic overeating is excluded - excess food simply does not fit in the stomach toned by exercises.

Bodyflex is a set of exercises and videos that promote weight loss and improve overall health.
  • Lungs improve their work. Diaphragmatic breathing, provided for classes, is inherent only in newborns and children in the infant period. With age, breathing becomes superficial and shallow. Hence there are problems with the respiratory apparatus. Bodyflex cleanses, opens, oxygenates and increases lung capacity. Such changes also benefit other internal organs.


Bodyflex (video - 15-minute morning complex) - the ability to lose weight easily and quickly, but, like any program, it has a number of drawbacks.

They are the following:

  1. Classes require iron willpower and constancy. Sizes go away only with daily training. Otherwise, fullness will definitely return, and even with a solid increase in all volumes.
  2. Many users who started working on bodyflex noted difficulties associated with dizziness, nausea and darkness in the eyes. Diaphragmatic breathing is not inherent in adults, and therefore the initial steps are given to those involved with great difficulty.
  3. Bodyflex (the technique shown in the video), which includes a 15-minute morning complex, will not be effective for professional athletes. Having a strong and trained body and not suffering from obesity, excess weight and volume, they will not be able to make it even more perfect by resorting to body flex exercises.


Bodyflex exercises, despite their high efficiency, may be prohibited if:

  • The person performing it suffers from hypertension. When you hold your breath, your body feels stressed. Physical activity at this moment forces the heart to work faster. At the same time, blood pressure inevitably rises.

The main contraindication is hypertension.
  • Classes take place during pregnancy. With proper breathing practice, there is a constant squeezing and “massaging” of the abdominal walls. Such compression negatively affects the condition of the fetus in the womb. If desired, you can leave the stretching exercises, subject to slowness and accuracy of execution.
  • You have recently had surgery or an injury.
  • At the time of the exercise, an exacerbation of a chronic disease occurred.
  • The body has disorders or dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • She underwent surgery on her spine.

Greer Childers technique

The essence of the Greer Childers technique is to saturate the lungs with oxygen, which is necessary for the health of the body as a whole and weight loss due to the breakdown of fat cells. Any person who does not have the contraindications mentioned above can do body flex.

The Childers technique is to use a minimum number of items. The main thing is proper breathing. The breathing exercises are detailed below. Physical activity is performed for 8-10 "airless" seconds, when active fat burning occurs.

Methodology of Marina Korpan

Marina Korpan became famous thanks to the successful symbiosis of two techniques: bodyflex and oxysize. Having carefully studied the bodyflex program, she decided to customize it for herself, leaving the basic principles and exercises. An overweight person loses weight by saturating the body with oxygen.

The technique will be useful for obese people, and also suitable for a young mother who does not have time to exercise in a sports or gym. Both women and men can participate in this program. There are also no age restrictions.

Contraindications to classes are the same as for bodyflex. The difference lies in the performance of breathing exercises, which are the product of combining bodyflex and oxysize.

Breathing technique of Marina Korpan:

  1. A sharp breath through the nose with the maximum possible inflation of the abdomen.
  2. On three short breaths, the stomach is gradually drawn inward.
  3. This is followed by a sharp and strong exhalation with simultaneous full retraction of the abdomen inward.
  4. The final phase consists of three pre-exhalations.

Breathing technique in bodyflex

When performing classes, it is important to strictly follow the breathing technique, which will make the training effective. Initially, a position is recommended in which the legs are shoulder-width apart and slightly bent. The hands wrap around the legs slightly above the knees. It looks like an incomplete attempt of a person to sit on a chair. You do not need to lower your head down, it is better to look straight ahead.

The respiratory complex itself consists of 5 steps:

How to start classes

If the decision to engage in body flex is firm and conscious, then you can start preparing for classes with the purchase of sports equipment. For classes, you will need a regular chair, yoga mat and sportswear. Thus, having this simple equipment available, you can start training.

In order to avoid mistakes when performing the technique, for a start it is better to study under the guidance of the author, set out in videos or books. It is necessary to repeat the exercises until the degree of complete consolidation.

The author created a technique taking into account the time required for training. Be sure to follow it. It is also important to strictly follow the recommendations without inventing your own exercises and without increasing the duration of the lesson. Training begins with the development of respiratory principles. It is not advisable to move on to performing exercises without carefully working out the breath.

Further, the study of the main postures in which the user will be connected to the respiratory activity is connected. And only then, to the correct breathing in a certain position, you can connect exercises for all muscle groups.

Types of exercises in bodyflex

Bodyflex video (15-minute morning complex) includes three types of exercises:

  • Dynamic or isotonic exercises. In bodyflex, only one specific muscle group is forced to work. For example, the abdominal muscles.
  • Static or isometric exercises. Able to activate several muscle groups at once.
  • Stretching exercises. Necessary for elasticity and mobility of muscles. With elastic muscles, such an unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon as a cramp will never occur.

The main bodyflex complex

All exercises are performed only after the last stage of five-phase breathing. There are quite a few exercises.

The most popular poses and techniques:

  1. Pose "Lion"- you need to stand up with your hands resting just above the kneecap. After holding the breath, wide-open eyes roll up, cheeks tighten, the circle formed by the lips goes down, and the tongue protrudes as much as possible from the mouth. You need to repeat the exercise 5 times.

  2. "Ugly Grimace"- posture remains the same. The lower jaw protrudes forward, the lips folded in a “duck” are also pulled forward to the limit, stretching the neck behind them. The head is thrown back deeply upward, as if to imprint a kiss on the ceiling. The pose is held for 8 seconds. and requires 5 repetitions.
  3. "Side Stretch"- while exhaling, the left elbow falls on the left knee, and the right leg and right arm, stretching out, form a straight line. In this case, you need to strain to work out the muscles on your side. A similar posture is taken on the right side. You need 3 repetitions of 8 seconds. to each side.

  4. "Pull Leg Back"- breathing exercises are performed standing on your knees and elbows. The hands are placed palms down on the floor. After the final exhalation, the straight left leg rises with the toe extended towards itself. The procedure is repeated three times. Similar actions with the right leg.

  5. "Seiko"- the starting position is similar to the previous one, but the straight left leg is laid aside. On exhalation, the straight leg rises as high as possible, the toe and the entire leg are extended towards the head. Muscles are extremely tense. The pose is repeated 3 times on each leg.

  6. "Diamond"- standing straight, you need to fold your hands at chest level, touching only the fingertips of both hands. It is important to raise your elbows as high as possible and not lower them down. After exhaling, the fingertips begin to press hard on each other. The exercise is repeated 3 times.

  7. "Pretzel"- sitting on the floor, the left leg lies on the floor at an angle, and the right bent leg is placed above the left. The left hand clasps the right leg, the right hand rests on the floor behind the back. On exhalation, the left hand pulls the right leg close to the body, while the body turns to the right. Repeat - 3 times on each leg.

  8. "Scissors"- from a prone position, straight legs rise low above the floor. On exhalation, swings are performed with the legs to the sides, and first the right leg is above the left, then the left is above the right.


Experienced users claim that when performing a 15-minute bodyflex morning complex, you can get rid of 9-10 kg in 1 month. Subject to the exact implementation of the recommendations on the video or in the book.

The result may be lower if the exercises were performed incorrectly. Also, followers of bodyflex are advised to check and normalize hormonal levels. Then the technique will lead to the desired result.

Article formatting: Oleg Lozinsky

Video about bodyflex

Complex for weight loss bodyflex:

Breathing technique:

Today, the Internet is simply replete with a variety of methods for losing weight, which promise high results in the shortest possible time. Some of them are based on the performance of active dynamic movements, others on holding static positions and smooth changes of positions.

Each of them, when used correctly, can be quite effective, so any person can choose for himself a technique that is most suitable for him.

In our today's article, we invite you to familiarize yourself with a relatively new method of losing weight in our country - breathing exercises oxysize, which, according to one of its creators, Maria Korpan, will help reduce in volume up to 30 cm in a month!

What is oxysize

Oxysize is the latest weight loss method based on the implementation of breathing and gymnastic exercises.

The main stimulator of the destruction of fatty deposits in oxysize is oxygen, which, entering the body, reacts with the carbon compounds of the fatty layer and starts the process of their removal from the body.

Also, oxygen saturation stimulates the acceleration of metabolism, which also has a beneficial effect on weight loss. The figure involved in oxysizing becomes more toned and slender, there is a general recovery of the body.

Some people draw a parallel between oxysize and bodyflex, but there are a number of significant differences between them:

Benefits of Oxysizing

In addition, oxysize classes have a number of positive aspects:

Creator of oxysize Marina Korpan

In the vastness of Russia and the CIS countries, the oxysize technique goes in constant tandem with the name of Marina Korpan, who, based on the bodyflex system, created a completely unique weight loss technique for beginners.

Taking as a basis the respiratory gymnastics complex developed by the American Greer Childers, Marina, through lengthy research and consultations with specialists in the field of physiology, was able to significantly increase its effectiveness and minimize unpleasant consequences.

The new oxysize technique has become a real hit in the post-Soviet space. For comparison, Jill Johnson, the founder of the American version of oxysize, talks about the first results of classes after a month of training. The technique of our compatriot Gives visible results in just a week!

Today, Marina Korpan continues to work on improving her oxysize system, and also regularly runs non-stop oxysize marathons with large groups of people.

You can learn more about all the intricacies of the oxysize technique, the main exercises and the rules for their implementation in our article “Oxysize - basic exercises and reviews”.

The best video tutorials with Marina Kopan

Especially for you, we have prepared a selection of the best oxysize video tutorials with Marina Korpan, which can be watched online.

Oxysize with Marina Korpan

In this video, Marina gives a brief description of her respiratory system, answers the most common questions for beginners, and also conducts an oxysizing class with detailed explanations of each movement.

Expert comment:
This video will be useful for getting acquainted with the Oxysize technique, as it contains answers to basic questions. You can also use it to conduct your first effective oxysize workout, because Marina explains in detail what and how to do.

Oxysize non-stop

Video in which Marina Korpan demonstrates the consistent implementation of the daily complete oxysize complex.

Expert comment:
This video is great for daily exercise. Just turn it on and repeat after Marina. However, this video is not suitable for review, as it does not contain the necessary explanations. Start it when you no longer have questions about the exercises.

Breathing exercises of Marina Korpan

Another introductory video in which Marina explains in detail the difference between the bodyflex and oxysize systems, and also demonstrates a few simple exercises from her complex.

Expert comment:
This video will be useful for those who want to understand the difference between bodyflex and oxysize systems, as well as get acquainted with the basic principles of this respiratory system.

Marina Korpan. Breathing exercises for weight loss

Video recording of Marina Korpan's class, in which she shows a complex for working out problematic female areas - the back of the thigh and lower abdomen. There are also explanations for the general principles of oxysize.

Expert comment:
This recording demonstrates a targeted workout that focuses on the development of the hips and abdomen. I do not recommend concentrating on the constant performance of this set of exercises, even if you have problems with fat deposits in the abdomen and thighs.

Do not forget that fat burning always occurs evenly throughout the body, and for the most effective disposal of body fat, you need to train the whole body, and not just problem areas.

Morning complex from Marina Korpan

In this video, Marina shows what exercises her morning begins with. As she assures, the exercises she demonstrates will help to find a slender figure and excellent health.

Do you dream of losing weight, but find it difficult to find free minutes? So, bodyflex with Marina Korpan, the video of which we present to your attention, is exactly what you need now!

What is it and what is the secret of its effectiveness?

Often we do not even notice how the muscle performs some kind of work. For example, when a person is sitting, a serious load falls on the muscles of the back, abdominals. When standing, the gluteal muscles, leg muscles are connected. But this work goes unnoticed, because we do not make visible movements.

According to the same principle, exercises in the bodyflex technique are built. With Marina Korpan you will learn how to give the body the right position and hold it for a certain time. In each position, certain muscles will be worked out - first of all, large ones that absorb a large amount of energy. In the course of their work, they will consume calories, and in order to satisfy the needs of the muscles, the body will begin to burn fat.

Another point is important: during the exercise, you will need to monitor your breathing and actively work with the diaphragm. Firstly, it will allow you to use deep muscles. Secondly, the active supply of oxygen will accelerate catabolism.

Who needs to pay attention to the bodyflex system for weight loss with Marina Korpan? For those who are desperate to lose weight. Those who want to lose weight, but do not have a lot of time. Those who strive to always keep the body in shape or make the figure more slender in a short time. For those who do not get much pleasure from individual training in the gym or group training and prefer to work out alone, at home.

Many are convinced that in order to lose weight, you need to regularly torture yourself with hard, many hours of training, but often this approach not only does not lead to results, but also causes all sorts of health problems. But there are more gentle methods that help you get in shape, only improving your health, and one of them is body flex with Marina Korpan. The complex takes only 15 minutes but still gives amazing results.

Little is known about the author of the bodyflex exercise complex, Marina Korpan. But at one time she herself faced the problem of excess weight and tried a lot in an attempt to get rid of it. At some point, she became interested in the author's technique of the American Greer Childres - a set of exercises that includes aerobic exercise and breathing techniques for weight correction and the figure in general. Therefore, Korpan cannot be considered the direct author of bodyflex - she adapted the technique and created a large number of video tutorials on it, which found immense popularity among Internet users.

Marina Korpan has already written several books about the practice of Bodyflex, including the following:

  • "Bodyflex: breathe and lose weight." The book is about how to reduce weight by 10-20 kg at home and without strict diets. Offers a description of available recipes and exercises that everyone can do on their own, without an instructor and additional equipment. The author advises to allocate only 10-30 minutes for loads, which is very convenient for those who do not have enough time.
  • Okisayz: lose weight without holding your breath. Another popular and affordable benefit that offers to help your body and figure only through the correction of the respiratory process.
  • Bodyflex for the face: how to look 10 years younger. Breathe and be young. The book tells how to rejuvenate without resorting to injections and without visiting surgeons. It is enough just to do simple exercises regularly. The book shows the detailed essence of the work of the facial muscles, explains in what sequence the exercises should be performed. It also talks about what results can be obtained: correct the oval of the face, reduce nasolabial folds, get rid of health problems.

Bodyflex with Korpan: the essence of technology and efficiency

Rapid weight loss with Marina Korpan on bodyflex requires devotion to classes for only 15 minutes in the morning between waking up and breakfast. Through a combination of proper breathing and exercise, you can achieve the following results:

  • Fat burning by saturating the muscles with oxygen.
  • Strengthening the muscles of the body, filling the body with vigor and energy.
  • Normalization of the digestive tract and cardiovascular system.
  • Improving complexion and skin condition.
  • Elimination of edema, getting rid of shortness of breath.
  • Improve mood and combat fatigue.

In comparison with other methods of contraindications, bodyflex has quite a few contraindications, but they exist. So, it is not recommended to perform such exercises at high temperature, pressure surges, exacerbation of diseases, pregnancy.

There are no other contraindications, but to increase efficiency it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • eat small meals and often;
  • try to exclude from the diet flour, fried, sweet;
  • do not eat food 2.5-3 hours before bedtime.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Try to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Bodyflex breathing exercises with Marina Korpan are based on the following components:

  • Breathing is five-stage, with the obligatory participation of the diaphragm.
  • Aerobics, that is, a direct set of exercises. Their correct implementation is the key to success. All of them are described in detail in the corresponding videos.
  • Fitness, that is, the shape of the body and the level of preparation for adaptation to stress. This also includes proper nutrition, which, according to bodyflex experts, is very important.

For the implementation of the complex to work, It is also important to consider the following recommendations:

  • You need to do it exclusively in the morning and on an empty stomach. If you do not have such an opportunity, then it is necessary that at least three hours have passed since the last meal.
  • Lessons involve controlled breath holding. To avoid negative consequences, do not exceed the time recommended by the instructor. You can not devote more than an hour to the exercises. In the process of losing weight, perform complexes every day, and in the future, to maintain shape, it is enough to do this 2-3 times a week.

Bodyflex includes 8 best lessons with Marina Korpan. The following is worth knowing about them:

  • They help to work out the stomach, hips, neck, arms, and also the face.
  • A special "physical education for the cheeks" allows you to replace Botox, fillers and other similar procedures.
  • Each lesson begins with an introduction to the system itself and its key elements. You will learn how to work out breathing, the instructor also corrects the mistakes of his assistants in the video. At the same time, you do not need special shells and clothes - a small piece of the room and 15 minutes a day are enough.
  • Each complex is aimed at accelerating the processes of fat burning. It provokes an active release of carbon dioxide into the blood during breathing, therefore it has contraindications, which were mentioned above.
  • All lessons are available online and you can watch them for free. In fact, there are more than 8, but this selection includes the most popular ones.
  • Reviews about bodyflex, which are almost always positive, point out as an additional advantage that the exercises do not force you to leave your comfort zone, because many overweight people are often embarrassed to work out in groups, to jog in front of other people. Not everyone can afford a personal trainer, but absolutely everyone can spend 15 minutes a day in the morning if they wish.

We offer you to watch a video demonstrating the implementation of the exercises.

Lesson 1.

First, the trainer introduces us to the technique of correct breathing, which involves exhalation, sharp inhalation, noisy exhalation and holding the breath. After that, a small set of exercises is shown, aimed at different muscle groups: the press, chest and biceps, legs, back, quadriceps and gluteus maximus. The complex ends with a kind of “rinsing of the intestines”, suggesting a pose on the floor with an emphasis on the knees and hands. It is necessary to alternately draw in and relax the stomach on the second exhalation at a fast pace. The exercises are repeated three times.

Lesson 2

It begins with the gradual development of diaphragmatic breathing. After that, exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle, arms, abs, oblique muscles of the abdomen and the entire musculature begin (exercise "cat").

Lesson 3

Involves a lower body workout and includes six exercises: lateral stretch, lateral crunch, kneeling, seiko exercise for the upper leg and quadriceps, two exercises for the press.

These exercises already require certain skills, since it is important to control your body in order to perform them correctly. If difficulties arise during the execution, you can simplify the complex until the muscles are completely ready for the load. Since when working out the muscles of the legs, we rely on only one point - the palms and knees, it is important to control the balance of the body and not lose balance. It is also important to keep balance in mind when first doing exercises for the obliques, otherwise they will be ineffective.

Lesson 4

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