Home Fruit trees Iodine and its role in the human body. Iodine as an essential mineral in the human body. Physical properties of halogen

Iodine and its role in the human body. Iodine as an essential mineral in the human body. Physical properties of halogen

What is the main feature this well-known and necessary vitamin? Incredibly, our body is able to synthesize vitamin D on its own when exposed to sunlight (in general, we are also a little plant, they synthesize a bunch of useful things from sunlight, so they live)!

But do we know how really important and What systems is vitamin D involved in?

Well, in general, probably ... no. Then we read:

  1. The skeletal system. Main function vitamin D is absorption of magnesium and calcium which are required for the formation and development of teeth and bones. It also stimulates the absorption of calcium in the kidneys and intestines. Regulates the content of phosphorus and calcium in the blood, playing a key role in the hormonal regulation of phosphorus and calcium metabolism. In addition, it increases the flow of calcium to bones and teeth, contributing to their strengthening.
  2. Lungs. Vitamin D blocks substances that cause chronic inflammation in the lungs and also increases the production of protein, which has anti-inflammatory effects.
  3. Cell growth. Vitamin D is involved in the growth and development of cells. According to studies, the hormone calcitriol (the active form of vitamin D) protects the body from malignant diseases by slowing down the growth of cancer cells in the breast, colon, and skin. It is an effective agent in the treatment and prevention of leukemia, malignant diseases of the breast, ovaries, prostate, and brain.
  4. The immune system. The amount of vitamin D in the body affects the area of ​​the bone marrow responsible for synthesis of immune cells - monocytes, those. boosts immunity.
  5. Hormones. Vitamin D coordinates the production of insulin by the pancreas, that is, it affects the level of glucose in the blood.
  6. Nervous system. Helps maintain optimal levels calcium in the blood, which ensures the full transmission of nerve impulses and the process of muscle contraction, that is normal functioning of nerves and muscles... By enhancing the absorption of magnesium and calcium, vitamin D has been reported to promote recovery protective sheaths surrounding the nerve, for this reason, it is included in the complex treatment of multiple sclerosis.

Reasons for vitamin D deficiency:

  1. Little sun. In northern latitudes, for most of the year, they wear clothes that hide the body, sit in closed rooms, and, of course, the sun hardly falls on the body.
  2. Dark skin. It contains higher levels of melanin, and this pigment reduces the skin's ability to synthesize vitamin D when exposed to sunlight.
  3. Diseases of the kidneys and liver. They play an important role in converting vitamin D to its active form, so a decrease in their function can reduce their ability to create a biologically active form of vitamin D in the body.
  4. Strict vegetarian diet. Food sources that contain vitamin D are mainly of animal origin: fish and fish oils, egg yolks, cheese, fortified milk and beef liver.
  5. Digestive problems. Certain diseases reduce the ability of the intestines to absorb vitamin D from food.
  6. Overweight. Leads to a deficiency in the level of vitamin D in the body. Research shows that it is trapped in adipose tissue, so it is understandable that less vitamin D enters the bloodstream.

Diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency.

I hate to write about diseases, but in this case I will have to, suddenly it will help someone:

  1. Osteoporosis. Adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D are important for maintaining bone density and strength.
  2. Asthma. Deficiency of vitamin D reduces lung function, especially in children, it is not for nothing that they are always better at sea.
  3. Heart disease. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to high blood pressure (hypertension) as well as cardiovascular disease.
  4. Allergy. Research shows that children with lower vitamin D levels suffer from food allergies.
  5. Flu. Several studies have shown a link between vitamin D deficiency and common respiratory infections. People with low vitamin D levels are much more likely to see a doctor than those with high vitamin D levels.
  6. Depression. Vitamin D deficiency is directly linked to depression. Vitamin D receptors are present in many areas of the brain and are involved in numerous brain processes, making it an important component in the treatment of depression.
  7. Periodontal disease. All the latest research suggests that the higher our vitamin D levels, the healthier our gums are.
  8. Rheumatoid arthritis. Low vitamin D levels may play a role in the development of rheumatoid arthritis. Studies have shown that women who get more vitamin D are much less likely to get rheumatoid arthritis. Also, among people who already have rheumatoid arthritis, people with low vitamin D levels tend to have more severe symptoms.

Where do we get it?

Contained in animal products: butter, cheese, milk, liver, egg yolk, oily fish (herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines in oil, tuna), fish oil.

Where do we get it additionally? V food additives, and also a small amount is contained in whole grains.

So, if all of a sudden all of the last time you are very attracted to butter, and when you look at the counter there is a desire to make delicious beef liver, we do not deny ourselves, but add a little to the diet. I already wrote that our goal is not to dissuade us all from eating, for example, "pork", but to try to let us feel and find out what our body really needs, and to establish such a deep connection with it to learn Intuitive nutrition!

So I wish everyone a lot of sun and good mood, because then everything in our body functions as it should!

It enters the human body either with food, or is synthesized in the skin under the influence of sunlight.

Vitamin D can be attributed to a number of vital nutrients, since in combination with certain minerals it is responsible for many functions, such as the formation of bone tissue.

The role of the vitamin in the body

Vitamin D has the following functions:

  • Provides normal formation and growth of bones, healing of skin lesions, prevention of osteoporosis and rickets. By regulating mineral metabolism, it promotes the deposition of calcium in dentin and bone tissue, thereby preventing the softening of bones.
  • Normalizes cardiac activity and blood clotting.
  • Increases immunity, helps to reduce the risk of catching colds.
  • Participates in the elimination of arsenic, lead and other heavy metals from the body.
  • Promotes the absorption of magnesium and vitamin A, enhances the effect of vitamins and.
  • Plays an important role in the treatment of diseases such as psoriasis, epilepsy, conjunctivitis and some forms of tuberculosis.

The daily intake of vitamin D is as follows:

0-3 years old 4-10 years old 11-> 75 years old pregnant and lactating
For kids: 10 mcg 2.5 mcg -- --
For men: -- -- 2.5 mcg --
For women: -- -- 2.5 mcg 10 mcg

With a deficiency of ultraviolet radiation, the need for vitamin increases. This applies to the following categories of people:

  • Bedridden patients who do not walk in the open air.
  • Residents of high latitudes, as well as areas with a highly polluted atmosphere.
  • Workers on night shifts or simply preferring to be nocturnal.

In the population with dark skin (tanned people, Negroid race), the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin decreases. In addition, this applies to the elderly and adherents of a vegetarian diet.

Vitamin D is poorly absorbed in case of gallbladder dysfunction, intestinal and liver disorders. The need for it in pregnant and lactating women is increasing, since an additional amount of it is required to prevent rickets in babies.

You can enrich your body with vitamin D by eating food. However, its content in products is insignificant, therefore, if necessary, it should be taken additionally. Moreover, this should be done while taking fat-containing food (it is inappropriate to drink it with water).

An important point is the correct time of taking the vitamin. This should be done while consuming food containing fats that are necessary for its absorption.

Signs of a vitamin deficiency

A serious deficiency in the body of vitamin D manifests itself in such ailments as osteomalacia (softening of the bones) and rickets.

The milder form of hypovitaminosis is characterized by insomnia, decreased appetite with weight loss, burning sensation in the mouth and throat, and decreased visual acuity.

Lead to hypovitaminosis there may be various factors. First of all, it is - lack of sun and lack of vitamin in the food consumed.

However, even if everything is in order with the receipt of ultraviolet radiation, the process of active vitamin synthesis in the body depends on many reasons.

Here are the main ones:

Indications for use

Among the indications for taking vitamin D, it should be noted:

  • Hypo- and vitamin D deficiency (rickets).
  • Bone fractures.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Hypocalcemia / hypophosphatemia.
  • Inflammation of the bone marrow (osteomyelitis).
  • Osteomalacia
  • The process of delayed formation of callus.
  • Osteodystrophy of renal origin.
  • Enterocolitis accompanied by osteoporosis
  • Tuberculosis.
  • lupus erythematosus
  • Chronic enteritis associated with malabsorption syndrome.
  • Hypoparathyroidism / hyperparathyroidism with osteomalacia
  • Chronic forms of gastritis with achlorhydria and pancreatitis with secretory insufficiency.

It will not be superfluous to take vitamin D for arthritis, hay fever, hemorrhagic diathesis, psoriasis, tetany, during peri- and postmenopause, to increase immunity.

Video: "What is Vitamin D?"

Sources of

Among plant sources the maximum amount of vitamin D is found in parsley, horsetail, nettle .

From animal products it is worth highlighting caviar, cheese, fish oil, egg yolk, dairy products, butter.

It is recommended to defrost fish and meat slowly. After defrosting, it is better not to store food, but to cook it immediately. Re-freezing is discouraged. Do not soak fish and meat in water.

Better to steam or bake in foil / sleeve. When cooking, food should be placed in boiling water, avoiding overcooking. Cooked meals should not be reheated several times.

Vitamin and mineral complexes with vitamin content

In medicine, vitamin D is produced as a multivitamin complex responsible for the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism and compensating for the lack of this substance in the body.

Often, the finished drug is prescribed by doctors to newborns in order to prevent diseases associated with hypovitaminosis.

There are different forms of release of drugs concentrating calciferol. Dosages and instructions for use differ depending on the composition and type of medication.

The preparations are available in the form of drops, suspensions, tablets, chewing candies, capsules.

The most demanded of them are Etalfa, Zemplar, Aquadetrim. Each drug should be taken orally or by injection, depending on the age of the patient and the purpose of use.

Interaction of the vitamin with other substances

The features of the interaction of vitamin D with other substances are as follows:

  • It is recommended to stop taking calciferol in parallel with hyperlipidemic drugs. because medications that lower blood cholesterol levels can interfere with its absorption.
  • Interfere with the absorption of vitamin D antacids, steroid hormones, mineral laxatives, diphenin and barbiturates.
  • When taking vitamin D, there is a decrease in the activity of cardiac glycosides, and significant doses of the substance can lead to a lack of iron in the body.
  • For the complete metabolism of calciferol the liver needs an abundance of vitamin E .

Video: "Sources of Vitamin D"

Signs of overdose and how to deal with them

Vitamin D is considered fat-soluble and tends to accumulate in the body. With an excess of it, serious troubles can arise.

Symptoms of a vitamin D overdose are as follows:

  • Vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite.
  • Fever, feeling of unquenchable thirst, dry mouth.
  • Upset stomach, alternating with constipation.
  • Symptoms of intoxication of the nervous system: sleep disturbance, loss of consciousness, muscle cramps.
  • Weight loss.
  • Palpitations, bluish skin tone, cardiopathy.
  • Reducing the body's defenses.
  • Blood pressure surges.
  • Joint, head and muscle pain.
  • Slowdown of the pulse, difficulty in breathing.
  • When taking a blood test, a high level of calcium and low levels of phosphorus are found.

Hypervitaminosis can cause osteoporosis, resorption of the stroma of bones, their demineralization, an increase in the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides in soft tissues with their further calcification.

Besides, the phenomenon of deposition of calcium salts is not excluded in some organs, leading to violations of the relevant functions.

Vitamin D is the main vehicle for calcium in the body. It regulates metabolic processes in bone tissue and reduces the risk of developing diseases of the skeletal system (in particular, osteoporosis). The element promotes the formation of hormones, regulates cell proliferation and serves as cancer prevention.

The main functions of vitamin D show why it is important for the body:

  • ensures normal blood clotting;
  • normalizes the thyroid gland;
  • responsible for the exchange of phosphorus and calcium;
  • enhances immunity;
  • has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart;
  • supports normal metabolism;
  • ensures the absorption of calcium and phosphorus into the intestines;
  • participates in the transmission of nerve impulses.

Varieties of vitamin D:

  • ergocalciferol with lumisterol (provitamin, D1);
  • ergocalciferol (D2);
  • cholecalciferol (D3);
  • dihydrotachysterol (D4);
  • sitocalchiferol (D5);
  • stigma-calciferol (D6).

The main forms of the vitamin that play an important role in the body are ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol. The main source of vitamin D2 is food. It is also produced industrially using yeast. Vitamin D3 is found not only in certain foods, but can also be synthesized in the body on its own under the influence of sunlight.

Why do women need vitamin D

The benefits of vitamin D for women are manifested in the fact that it improves metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, regulates blood glucose levels, promotes fat burning and participates in the formation of immune cells.

The substance ensures the normal absorption of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. Thanks to this, the normal condition of the bone tissue is maintained. Vitamin D3 is especially needed during pregnancy to ensure the normal development of the baby and prevent the development of rickets in him.

Vitamin D3 is most important for the body of women. The element normalizes carbohydrate metabolism, promotes the growth and restoration of nerve cells, maintains the health of bone tissue, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of muscles. Vitamin helps with hormonal disruptions against the background of thyroid dysfunction. With hypothyroidism, vitamin D and thyroxine are often prescribed.

Thanks to vitamin D3, the risk of developing heart and skin diseases is reduced. It prevents the active growth of cancer cells, preventing cancer pathologies. Vitamin A is important for women of reproductive age as it affects the ability to have children. Long-term lack of a substance can cause infertility.

Daily norms

The daily intake of vitamin D in women may vary depending on where you live, your health status, and whether you are pregnant. The dosage is increased if it is not possible to often be outdoors in the sun. The need for vitamin D increases during gestation and lactation.

Daily intake of vitamin D for women:

Natural sources

The required dose of vitamin D3 can enter a woman's body with the help of sunlight and certain foods. The rest of its forms are present only in food. If natural sources do not provide the required amount of this element, medications are prescribed.

Foods that contain the most vitamin D:

Vitamin D deficiency

The causes of hypovitaminosis can be different - from unhealthy diet to health problems. Due to the lack of vitamin D, the work of various organs and systems is disrupted, which leads to the development of a number of diseases. With a deficiency of the substance, the absorption of calcium is disturbed, due to which the bones lose strength, cannot withstand the load, and begin to bend. In childhood, a lack of vitamin D leads to the development of rickets.

Symptoms in adult women with vitamin D deficiency:

  • softening of bones, increased risk of fractures;
  • severe fatigue;
  • osteoporosis (decreased bone density);
  • a burning sensation in the throat and mouth;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased or lack of appetite;
  • vision problems;
  • weight loss;
  • impaired coordination;
  • hair loss, brittle nails;
  • frequent bleeding, bruising and bruising;
  • joint pain;
  • leg cramps;
  • deterioration of the condition of the teeth.

Laboratory tests determine the amount of vitamin D in the blood. The study is carried out in the morning, taking venous blood from women on an empty stomach. The analysis helps to accurately determine whether the vitamin level is lowered, normal or increased.

Indications for the use of pharmaceutical preparations

The use of drugs with vitamin D can be prescribed for prophylactic or therapeutic purposes. Prophylactic administration is carried out to prevent a lack of a substance in adults and the development of rickets in children. A therapeutic method is prescribed for various diseases, when the structure of the bones is disturbed and there is a low level of calcium in the blood in women. In both cases, the rules of admission are the same, the only difference is in the dosage.

Indications for taking vitamin D:

  • hypovitaminosis;
  • fractures or slow bone healing;
  • lack of calcium and phosphate in the blood;
  • softening of bones;
  • osteoporosis;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • climacteric syndrome in women;
  • muscle tetany;
  • bone marrow inflammation (osteomyelitis);
  • malfunctions of the parathyroid gland;
  • unfavorable climate conditions for living and malnutrition;
  • psoriasis;
  • enteritis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • joint diseases;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • poor absorption of phosphorus and calcium.

Types of pharmaceutical preparations with vitamin D and how to choose the right one

Pharmacological preparations may contain only vitamin D (single component) or include various vitamins and minerals (multicomponent).

Forms of release of pharmaceutical preparations with vitamin D:

  • oil solution;
  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • cream or ointment;
  • solution in drops;
  • chewable tablets or lozenges.

To find the right drugs, women need to consult a doctor. Each case is individual, and the need for a particular remedy will differ.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that oily vitamins are better suited for children for the prevention of rickets. They are also convenient for adults if there is a need for intravenous vitamin administration. Vitamin D ointments and creams are used to treat psoriasis. Vitamin-mineral tablets and capsules are suitable for both prophylactic and therapeutic purposes.

Review of the best tools

Pharmacies offer a large selection of various preparations containing vitamin D. The name of some brands is especially common. These drugs are known for their good reputation, and are prescribed by doctors more often than others.

Description of women's preparations with vitamin D:

A drug Who is assigned a brief description of
Aquadetrim Newborns from the 4th week, children of any age, pregnant women. During menopause and postmenopause Contains vitamin D3. Used for the prevention and treatment of rickets in children. Helps to cope with bone diseases. It is produced in drops, which are diluted in a teaspoon of water before taking. The dosage is determined by the doctor depending on the age
Vigantol Children and adults Vitamin D3 oil solution. It is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of rickets and osteomalacia. Helps to cope with diseases of the bones and parathyroid gland. It is taken orally with liquid or milk. Dosage depends on age
Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte Children from 6 years old and adults Contains vitamin D3 and calcium. Replenishes the deficiency of these substances, it is prescribed for osteoporosis. Available as chewable tablets with different flavors. Take a tablet daily, chewing it thoroughly
Vitrum Osteomag Children from 8 years old and adults In addition to vitamin D3, it contains calcium, boron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, and copper. Available in the form of coated tablets. Suitable for the period of intensive growth of children and adolescents. It is prescribed for pregnant and lactating women. Helps with osteoporosis, injuries and fractures. The dosage depends on age (for children - a tablet per day, over - 1-2 tablets)
Alpha D3-Teva Children over 6 years old and adults Contains vitamin D3 and. Restores calcium balance, suitable for bone diseases. Helps to cope with the problem when parathyroid hormone inhibits bone formation due to increased concentration. The capsule is swallowed and washed down with plenty of water.
Complivit Calcium D3 Children from 3 years old and adults Available in chewable tablet form. Eliminates vitamin D and calcium deficiency. Eliminates poor blood clotting and brittle nails. Take 1-2 tablets a day, chew well

Application features, contraindications and precautions

Vitamins D in the form of tablets, capsules, pills and drops are taken orally during or after meals. The oil solution can be mixed with milk or other liquid. If fish oil is taken, it can be added to salads. Vitamin D goes well with In some cases, the use of drugs with vitamin D is contraindicated. These include:

  • an excess of vitamin D;
  • increased concentration of calcium in the blood;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • a state of hepatic or renal failure;
  • heart disease (myocarditis, ischemic disease, congenital malformation, myocardiopathy);
  • chronic kidney and liver diseases;
  • acute and chronic tuberculosis.

Excess vitamin D

A woman's health is negatively affected not only by vitamin deficiency, but also by an excess of vitamin D. An excessive amount of a substance leads to the deposition of calcium in organs and tissues in the form of solid salts, which disrupts their work. The heart and nervous system suffer. An excess threatens with the manifestation of arrhythmia and micronecrosis. Tissue damage and blockage of the arteries can occur.

With an excessive amount of vitamin D, the symptoms are as follows:

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • excessive sweating;
  • feeling thirsty;
  • low immunity;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disorders;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • arrhythmia;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • the level of mobility and efficiency is lowered;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • bouts of anxiety.

The use of vitamin preparations will be beneficial only if they are needed. In the summer, additional vitamin D intake is not required.

Acceptance of vitamin and mineral products must be coordinated with your doctor, especially if you are already taking any medications. The benefits and harms of drugs should be considered equally. Illiterate and uncontrolled use of vitamins can negatively affect health.

Vitamin D is needed by a woman's body for normal functioning. It ensures the absorption of calcium, maintains healthy bone tissue, and has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system and heart function. During pregnancy, it helps to protect the fetus from developing rickets in the future. The most important for the body are two forms of vitamin - D3 and D2. In case of a lack of substance, the administration of pharmaceutical preparations is prescribed. For more information on vitamin D, see the video below.

D (second name - calciferol) is both a fat-soluble vitamin and a hormone. It is traditionally called "" because it is easiest to obtain by sunbathing in the summer. Let us consider in more detail its varieties, features, benefits for the body and recommendations for use.

Vitamin forms

There are two active forms that are currently used to denote vitamin D:

  • D2 - (synthetic) of plant origin, appears as a result of exposure to UV rays on the yeast fungus. It is included in the composition of dietary supplements and enriches food with it.
  • D3 - (natural), it can be found in animal products.

In addition to these two main forms, group D vitamins include the following: provitamin D3 (vit. D4), D5 - sitocalciferol, D6 - stigma-calciferol. The difference between the two lies in the source, synthesis in the body and use. Speaking of calciferol, D2 and D3 are most often assumed.

It enters the body in two ways: from food and as a result of synthesis from provitamins under the influence of sunlight. Stores fairly well during cooking, as does.

What is vitamin D for?

D has a wide beneficial effect on the human body, affects the health of various systems.

  • The skeletal system. The main function of D is the absorption of calcium and magnesium for the subsequent formation of healthy teeth and bones. It also promotes better absorption of calcium in the intestines and kidneys, regulates the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. This is its main hormonal function.
  • Immunity. D affects the bone marrow, which is involved in the synthesis of monocytes - immune cells, thereby increasing immunity.
  • Cellular growth. D is directly involved in the growth, development and maintenance of healthy cells. The use of vitamin D in this matter is invaluable: the hormone provides high-quality protection of the body against malignant diseases, slows down the development of oncology in the skin, breast and colon. It effectively treats leukemia, ovarian, breast, prostate, and brain cancer and is a good prevention of these ailments.
  • Nervous system. Helps maintain normal blood calcium levels, maintains normal muscle and nerve function, and helps repair the protective sheaths surrounding the nerve.
  • Hormones. The vitamin coordinates the production of insulin in the pancreas, thereby affecting blood glucose levels.

Where and how to get vitamin D?

If a person receives a sufficient amount of D in the summer, sunbathing in the sun, then he is saturated with the necessary supply for the whole year. Vitamin is actively synthesized from provitamins, but the quantity and quality of this process depends on several factors:

  • Light wavelength. The mid-spectrum waves, which are active in the morning and at sunset, are of great benefit.
  • The age of the person. The older the skin, the worse it synthesizes D.
  • Initial pigmentation. The darker the skin, the less vitamin is produced by exposure to the sun.
  • Pollution of the atmosphere. Dust, industrial waste and emissions prevent ultraviolet rays from fully reaching the earth's surface, so people living in industrial cities with a polluted atmosphere lack D.

Also, an increased need for vitamin is experienced by people living in the North, in high latitudes, leading nocturnal lifestyle and bedridden patients who are little outdoors. Pregnant and lactating women are at risk.

Food sources

Calciferol can be additionally obtained from fish oil and fish (mackerel, herring, sardines in oil, tuna, salmon), liver, and dairy products. It is best to consume vitamins from fish and fish oil, the worst on this list are dairy products: they are low in vitamin, and they contain phosphorus, which interferes with the normal absorption of D.

The average daily intake of D for adults is 5 mcg (300-600 IU), should not exceed 15 mcg. For children, the daily requirement is 400-500 IU. For accurate calculations, especially if the vitamin is prescribed as a medicinal supplement, it is recommended to look at a special table. In it, you can specify the daily dosage depending on gender and age for specific years.

How is vitamin D deficiency manifested?

This problem occurs infrequently, mainly in those people who rarely go to the sun. The deficiency affects the elderly, who rarely go out for a walk, as well as bedridden patients. D deficiency can be identified by the following symptoms: poor health, increased fatigue, the appearance of fractures and their long healing, bone demineralization.

If a child does not get enough D, he develops rickets. This vitamin deficiency reduces the absorption of calcium, secondary hyperparathyroidism develops, which flushes calcium from the bones and excretes phosphates in the urine. You can determine the development of rickets in children by the following signs:

  1. Softening of the cranial bones, thickening of the occiput, the formation of layers in the crown and frontal regions;
  2. Deformation of the facial skull;
  3. Change in the shape of the chest;
  4. Curvature of the lower extremities, deformity of the pelvis;
  5. Slowing down teething and closing the fontanelle;
  6. Increased sweating irritability, trouble sleeping.

Pregnant and lactating women should especially monitor their diet and lifestyle, since both the mother and her child need a good dose of vitamin. All the necessary recommendations on an individual basis will be given by a gynecologist. The general recommendation is to take 1500 IU of vitamin per day during pregnancy. Pregnant women can get calciferol from fish oil (2 tablespoons - natural, 1.5 tablespoons - medical), take 1-2 drops of ergocalciferol.

How does excess vitamin D appear?

Despite the useful value of D and others for the human body, they can also be harmful in case of overdose. An excess can provoke an increase in calcium in the blood, it passes from bone tissue to other tissues and organs, is deposited in the heart, arteries, kidneys, liver and lungs. Due to metabolic disorders, the skeleton becomes fragile.

Excess often occurs with voluntary increases in doses (for example, when moms increase the dosage for their children without consulting the pediatrician). An overdose in a child can be determined by the following symptoms: weak growth and weight gain, poor development, decreased appetite, increased irritability. An overdose of calciferol along with prolonged exposure to the sun, as well as large doses of fish oil, is especially dangerous.

An overdose at the initial stage in an adult manifests itself in the following symptoms: loss of appetite, intense thirst, nausea, weight loss, polyuria (increased amount of urine), constipation, muscle problems, high blood pressure.

Long-term overdose leads to increased calcium content in the body, hypercalcemia occurs. The following signs of hypercalcemia are distinguished: muscle spasms, severe cramps, calcium deposition, irritability.

To avoid such negative consequences, it is necessary to carefully observe the dosage of the vitamin prescribed by the doctor.

Now you know how vitamin D is useful, what it is responsible for, where it can be obtained from, why it is important to monitor its correct dosage and how to use it. If you are a healthy person who often walks on the street and takes active rest in the summer, you should not worry about a lack of it, unlike. You should pay special attention to this vitamin for pregnant and lactating women, retirees and people who, for one reason or another, rarely go outside during the day.

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