Home Fruit trees The history of the holiday Tatyana's Day. What does Tatyana's day mean? History, traditions and signs of Student's Day Traditions and signs

The history of the holiday Tatyana's Day. What does Tatyana's day mean? History, traditions and signs of Student's Day Traditions and signs

In 1791, the temple of Moscow University was also consecrated in the name of the holy martyr Tatiana. Since then, Saint Tatiana has been considered the patroness of students and teachers.

In 1918 the temple was closed. At first there was a club in its premises, and from 1958 to 1994 - the student theater of Moscow State University. In January 1995, the building was returned to the church.

According to the descriptions of contemporaries, before the revolution, the celebration of Tatyana’s Day as a university holiday was a real event for all of Moscow.

It began with an official ceremony in the university assembly hall, where professors, teachers, students and graduates who came from all over Russia gathered. After the prayer service, academic report and speech by the rector, everyone stood up and sang “God Save the Tsar!” Then the unofficial part began, often lasting until the morning, the folk festivities. University graduates, among whom were professors and officials, doctors and lawyers, industrialists and businessmen, celebrated the holiday in their circle. Towards evening, many gathered in the hall of the Big Moscow Tavern in the city center, where speeches and toasts were made, after which they rode in troikas to the Yar restaurant, which that day served only the university public.

In modern Russia, students traditionally organize mass celebrations on this day.

On January 25, 2016, the All-Russian event “Tatyana’s Ice” will be held for all students in the country. Holiday programs will be organized at ice rinks in the capital and regions of Russia. The central platform will be the GUM Skating Rink on Red Square.

On this day, the Russian Orthodox Church remembers the holy martyr Tatiana, who is considered the patroness of all Russian students. On this day, all women bearing the name Tatiana celebrate their name day (the ancient name “Tatiana” translated from Greek means “organizer”).

As church tradition says, Saint Tatiana lived in Rome at the turn of the 2nd-3rd centuries, during a time of severe persecution of Christians. Her father, a noble Roman, secretly professed Christianity and raised his daughter in the Christian spirit. Tatiana did not marry and devoted all her strength to serving God. At that time, all power in Rome was concentrated in the hands of the persecutor of Christians, Ulpian. Tatiana was captured and tried to force her to sacrifice to the idol. But in the temple of Apollo, where she was brought, according to legend, the virgin offered a prayer to Christ - and an earthquake occurred: the pagan idol split into pieces, and the fragments of the temple buried the priests under them.

The pagans tortured Tatiana. During the torture, many miracles happened: either the executioners, for whose insight the saint prayed, believed in Christ, then the angels warded off blows from the martyr, then milk flowed from her wounds instead of blood and a fragrance filled the air. After terrible torture, Tatiana appeared before her executioners and judges even more beautiful than before. The pagans despaired of breaking the faith of the sufferer and executed her. Together with Tatiana, her father was executed.

In recent years, Russia has had age-old traditions of celebrating St. Tatiana's Day, based on the common prayer of the Russian Church and higher education.

Traditionally, the center of church celebrations on the Day of Russian Students, which is also the day of remembrance of the patroness of higher education in Russia - the martyr Tatiana, became the temple in honor of this saint at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov on Mokhovaya Street.

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', on the day of Russian students, celebrated the Divine Liturgy for the first time in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The service was attended by the rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy, the rector of MGIMO Anatoly Torkunov, the rector of GITIS Karina Melik-Pashaeva, as well as professors, teachers and students of secular and ecclesiastical universities in Moscow, student delegations from other regions of Russia. At the end of the liturgy, the student youth continued to communicate at student festivities near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Russian students celebrate their “professional” holiday on January 25. On the same day, the Orthodox world remembers Tatiana, a holy Orthodox martyr who accomplished a feat in the name of the Orthodox faith, and women and girls with the name Tatiana celebrate their name day.

The history of the emergence and development of the student holiday is closely connected with Moscow State University - it was on January 25, 1755 that the Russian Empress Elizabeth I signed a decree on the founding of the first national university - Moscow. In modern history, Tatyana’s Day is called “Russian Students’ Day” and is a national holiday based on a presidential decree issued on January 25, 2005. In 2007, President V.V. Putin signed a federal law, according to which the Day of Russian Students was added to the honorary list of memorable dates in Russia.

Why is the holiday called Tatyana's Day?

As already mentioned, the basis for the student holiday was the signing of the imperial decree of 1755 on the founding of the University. Both the project of the University and the idea of ​​its creation belonged to Mikhail Lomonosov and Count Ivan Shuvalov, since they best understood how important the emergence of a scientific organization of this kind was for Russia and the development of science in it. The official opening of the University was carried out only in April 1755, on the 26th - on the day dedicated to the anniversary of the coronation of Elizabeth I. Therefore, for the next 35 years, this day was considered the founding day of Moscow University.

But the next Russian Emperor Nicholas I in 1791 issued a decree ordering that not the day of the official opening of the university be celebrated, but the day the decree on its creation was issued, that is, January 25. Thus, by order of the emperor, the first official student holiday appeared, coinciding with the day of memory of St. Tatiana. In 1791, an Orthodox church was built at the University, which was consecrated in the name of the holy martyr Tatiana (Tatiana). It is from this time that Saint Tatiana is considered the patroness and protector of students and teachers.

It is interesting that after the revolution of 1917, due to the denial and rejection of any religion, the temple was closed by the Bolsheviks. In order to ensure that the temple premises were not empty, a club was organized in it - a place for people to gather and communicate in their free time from the construction of communism.

In the period from 1958 to 1994, within the walls of the former temple there was a student theater of Moscow State University, from which many famous actors emerged, including Mark Zakharov, Roman Viktyuk, Iya Savvina, Valdis Pelsh, Alexey Kortnev, etc. And only in January In 1995, historical justice triumphed and the building was returned to the Orthodox Church.

History of the celebration:

In the first years after the holiday date was approved on January 25, no particularly magnificent festivities were celebrated. Usually, the holiday was celebrated with modest feasts. A mandatory part of the festive program was a prayer service in the university church. But around the 60s of the 19th century, the celebration of Tatiana’s Day was conventionally divided into an official part and an unofficial part. The program of official events usually included the following: holding an open day at the University; ceremonial speech by the rector of the University; visiting the university church; festive lunch in the university canteen for professors. After the official celebrations ended, the fun began! Students, united in small groups, went to wander the Moscow streets until late at night, drank alcoholic drinks, bawled songs. Favorite places for mass gatherings of celebrating students were Nikitsky and Tverskoy boulevards and Moscow squares.

Sometimes students were able to celebrate their holiday, what is called “in grand style” - from time to time, some restaurants in the city kindly provided students with their halls for the celebration.

There is a legend that on the eve of the holiday, expensive furniture was taken out of restaurants, and the rich interior decoration was replaced by cheap and unsightly ones - simple tables and benches were placed, and cheap pottery was taken from restaurant storerooms. Restaurant carpets were replaced with a thick layer of sawdust. As a rule, restaurant kitchens were closed on January 25th. The students had only buffets with cold snacks, vodka, beer and cheap wine at their disposal.

A.P. Chekhov, once describing the celebration of Tatyana's Day, said that this year they drank everything they could find. They could even drink the Moscow River, but, fortunately, it was frozen. There was even a tradition when restaurant doormen wrote their delivery addresses in chalk on the backs of drunken students, in case they couldn’t get home themselves. And the city police did their best to ensure the speedy delivery of drunken students to their homes.

It is believed that the celebration of Tatyana's Day was so loved by students and their teachers because on this day class and social differences between people disappeared - the rich celebrated together with the poor, teachers had fun with their students. Youth, freedom, student life, ease and fun of life united not only teachers - professors and students, but also former graduates of the university: doctors, officials, journalists, industrialists, lawyers, businessmen and everyone else who had at least some connection with students and his daily life.

During the formation of Soviet power, Tatyana’s Day was renamed “Proletarian Students’ Day,” and magnificent festivities in honor of the holiday were first suspended and then completely prohibited due to inappropriateness. For a long time there were no official student holidays in the USSR. It was only in 1992 that the tradition of celebrating the birthday of Moscow State University was revived and various celebrations were held in honor of the historical student holiday. And gradually, within a fairly short time, students from all higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation and the countries of the former CIS joined the celebration of Tatiana’s Day on January 25.

Usually, by this day the session ends in almost all universities, so most students can celebrate their legal holiday with peace of mind. As a rule, on this day ceremonial awards are scheduled for students for achievements in science, sports and culture, concerts, performances, KVNs, flash mobs, balls and other cultural events are held.

It must be said that Tatiana’s Day is a national holiday with historical heritage and cultural significance. However, there is also an international student holiday, celebrated around the world on November 17th. It also arose in the course of historical events and is closely related to the course of the Second World War.

Who is Saint Tatiana:

According to legend, Tatiana is a great martyr who suffered in the name of Jesus Christ. She lived in the 3rd century AD in Rome. Since Christians were not very favored at this time, many believers went into hiding and secretly held meetings. Like both father and mother, they also believed in Christ, and Tatyana was raised in the same spirit. When the girl became older, she decided not to get married and took a vow of chastity. For her loyalty and virtue, Tatyana was made a deaconess.

Still, like many Christians of that time, she failed to escape persecution. Tatyana was captured by guards and brought to the then reigning Emperor Alexander Severus. Since he worshiped pagan gods, he ordered Tatiana to worship a pagan statue in order to avoid the death penalty. However, she, being faithful to her Lord, refused to do this. At the same time, Tatyana turned to Jesus Christ with prayer, as a result of which the idol was destroyed by an earthquake.

However, the cruel king did not stop there, and subjected the girl to torture, which not everyone can withstand. But this did not break her faith, and during the torture, Tatyana continued to pray to the Lord. Therefore, the next morning the traces of torture disappeared. Many, including her tormentors, watching the girl’s torture, believed in Jesus Christ.

Her torment did not end, and, in the hope of killing Tatyana, the girl was locked in the temple of Zeus along with the lion. Returning on the third day, the priests discovered that the Christian woman was alive and well, and their statue of the goddess Diana had been destroyed. Therefore, it was decided to carve Tatyana and her father with a sword. The execution was carried out on January 12, according to the new style it is January 25.

In 1755, January 12 (25), Ivan Shuvalov submitted a petition to open Moscow University, which was approved by Empress Elizabeth. This started the holiday. On this day, university students staged loud celebrations and fun.

Then, on the territory of the educational institution, a temple was built to the Great Martyr Tatiana, who was subsequently declared the patroness of all students. Over time, all of Moscow began to celebrate this day.

However, officially Tatyana's day turns into a student's day in the 60-70s. XIX century, when Nicholas I ordered to celebrate not the opening day of the university, but the signing of the act of its establishment.

Customs and traditions on Tatiana's Day (Student's Day):

The traditions of celebrating Student's Day that existed before are not particularly different from today. The official part began with an award ceremony and congratulations to the students. A concert was held, and then everyone went to the temple for a prayer service. The official part ended with the song “God Save the Tsar,” and everyone dispersed.

But after some time, all the students gathered again near the Moskovskie Vedomosti building to organize a cat concert, after which they often broke out the windows of the publishing house. Then everyone went to the tavern and continued the fun.

It is worth noting that on this day many antics were “let go”, and if the gendarmes saw a good student, they considered it an honor to offer their help.

Since Tatyana’s Day also has pagan roots, previously, everyone who had nothing to do with students celebrated this holiday differently.

On January 25th they called for spring. For this purpose, loaves were baked in the shape of the sun. Moreover, each family member had to try it. Otherwise, the Sun will not give it its heat. It is worth noting that the housewives prepared this loaf for several days, since the baking process was accompanied by many rituals.

One of the main traditions was beating out rugs. From the very morning all the young girls went to the river to wash and beat out rugs. After the girls had completed their work, the boys came to them and helped them carry the rugs home, which were then hung on the fence. Judging by the cleanliness and beauty of the rug, the girl was also judged.

Also on January 25, the girls made brooms from rags and feathers, so that they could later put them in the “woman’s kut” in the yard of the guy with whom she wants to connect her life. It was believed that if a girl succeeds, she will definitely marry this young man, and they will live a long and happy life together. The boys’ mothers carefully monitored who placed these panicles. If they liked their daughter-in-law, then they did not interfere, but on the contrary, helped. If not, then they tried to interfere.

And in order for the cabbage heads to grow well, women tried to bring the balls of yarn together tighter on this day.

Of course, over the long existence of Russian students, student rituals, superstitions and traditions could not help but appear.

Thus, the following rituals are associated with Tatyana’s day, predicting a happy course of student affairs:

1. On January 25, you need to climb to the highest place in the city and, looking at the sun, make a wish - it will come true 100%, tested by time and thousands of other students!

2. Summon Freebies or Balls. To observe the ritual on January 25, you need to go out onto the balcony, porch or lean out of the window and, waving your grade book, call Freebie at the top of your voice, “Freebie, come!” It is believed that if one of the strangers shouts back, “On the way!” - this is a very good sign for a student.

3. Drawing in a grade book on Tatiana's Day is also a long-standing tradition. On the last page of the notebook, it is customary to draw a village house and smoke coming from the chimney of this house. The longer the smoke, the easier it will be for the student to study all year, until the next Tatyana’s day.

Signs on Tatiana's Day:

*Many claimed that a girl born on this day would definitely be a good housewife, saying: “Tatiana bakes a loaf, beats rugs along the river, and leads a round dance.”

*"Early sun - early birds."

*Many also predicted the weather, saying: “The sun sets red - towards the wind.”

*For students, the main task was to defend the prayer service, otherwise the next session would be unsuccessful.

*Also on this day, many monitored the weather. If it snowed on January 25, then the summer will be dry and barren. If the day is clear and frosty, then the summer will be fruitful and not very dry, and the temperature will be stable.

*Early spring was expected if there was a starry night on Tatyana’s day.

*When the birthday girl was in the house that day, all the household members watched the loaf. If the baked goods rise up in a heap, then the girl will experience good luck and success; when the loaf turns out smooth without flaws, then the year will be calm without problems and losses.

*If the dish burned on this day, then the girl had to eat it so that whatever life had in store for her, she could go through with ease. However, when the loaf came out with cracks, the birthday girl was preparing for problems and adversity.

*On January 25, students had to get drunk in order to do well in the next session: “On Tatyana’s day, all students are drunk. If you don’t get drunk on January 25, your studies will be worse.”

Gadania on Tatiana’s day:

One of the main traditions on January 25 was, of course, fortune telling. On the night of January 24-25, young unmarried girls got together and told fortunes. Well, let's take a look at the selection of the most popular fortune telling among young people:

What will the groom's name be?

On this day, girls went out into the street and asked unknown men for names. As the young man names his name, so will his future husband.

Another fortune telling for the name was as follows. The girls took several onions, cut them into halves and wrote men's names on them. Whatever name comes across, that’s what the future husband will have.

Also, in order to find out the name of the groom, the girls planted bulbs on which the men's names were first written; which root crop sprouts first will be the groom.

Fortune telling for the groom:

Very often, unmarried girls ate something salty for dinner, and when they went to bed, they said:

“Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummer, will give me a drink.”

Accordingly, whoever comes to give the young lady something to drink at night will be the groom.

The girls also tried to find out about the groom using mirrors. To do this, they sat between two mirrors and looked into the corridor of reflection. After some time, the groom should appear.

What character will the groom have?

To do this, on January 25, the girls stroked the cat and looked at its behavior. If Murka purrs - the groom will be kind and gentle, if he puts out his claws - he will be pugnacious, if he meows - he will be talkative, if he will run away - the wedding will not be soon.

Also, girls used glasses to tell fortunes about the character of their future spouse. To do this, they placed several glasses filled with water on the table. Various objects were placed there, and everything was covered with a towel. Then they carefully mixed everything and, without peeking, chose their glass.

Depending on what they came across, they judged the character:

*a glass of salt - the spouse will be jealous;

*a glass with lemon - the husband will be a bore;

*a glass with an earring - the husband will be generous;

*a glass of wine - the betrothed will be cheerful;

*a glass with a ring - very soon you will be proposed for marriage.


The ritual is called "Magic House".

It must be held at noon on January 25th. So, open your notebook on the last page and draw a small house in the upper right corner. It must have a door and a window, and on the roof there must be a pipe from which smoke comes. Try to keep the stream of smoke as long as possible - then you will pass the sessions without any problems. The ritual must be performed annually on Tatiana’s day. But try to ensure that your drawings do not catch the teachers’ eyes when they open the record book.

Exactly at midnight on the eve of the test or exam, you need to open the window, look out of it, shake your record book and shout loudly three times: “Shara, come!” or "Freebie".

It’s great if one of the neighbors immediately responds to your call with the words: “I’ll be right back!” Then the teacher will behave liberally during the exam, and you will get a good mark without much effort. This ritual is especially effective for those who live in dormitories, since many there know about this tradition and play along.

True, it is impossible to agree in advance to have them play along with you. And if suddenly someone responds to you: “You need to study!”, then you will have to conscientiously prepare for the exam - there will be no freebies!

There are other magical ways for students to get what they want, that is, pass exams without difficulty.

The night before the exam Place a textbook, notes or manuals on the subject you are taking under your pillow. Then overnight the knowledge will pass into your head. Tested more than once!

Can also be taken before bed a bar of chocolate at your feet. At night, the chocolate will absorb the knowledge gained during preparation, which supposedly comes out through the legs. And in the morning you need to eat it, and then the knowledge will return to your head again.

On the morning of the exam

Similar desire

On the morning of the exam, if in transport you come across a lucky ticket - one in which the sum of the first three digits is equal to the sum of the last three, you can wish for a lucky change.

Similar desire you can make a wish if you are sitting between two namesakes, namesakes or twins.

If you are very afraid of the testor exam when going to it, ask all your loved ones and acquaintances who remain at home to scold you in every possible way in absentia with the dirtiest words. Let them remember all the times when you offended or set them up in some way! As practice shows, if you mentally imagine a student taking an exam or scold him while looking at a photograph, the effectiveness of the result increases.

Another old method- ask one of your friends and girlfriends to keep their fingers crossed for you. This person should clench their fists the entire time you are taking the test or exam. True, it’s easier to do this for those who came to take it with you, otherwise it’s difficult to guess the time interval.

This was previously practiced- While the student is taking the exam, one of his household members must keep his finger in ink. But you can’t persuade everyone to do this!

They also say it helps, if you rub your nose at the monument on the eve of the exam. The fact is that it is the nose that is supposedly an indicator of mental abilities. Rub it - and the abilities are transferred to you!

So, according to Moscow beliefs, successful passing of the test is ensured if you rub the nose of the bronze dog at the Ploshchad Revolyutsii metro station at the third car from the end towards Shchelkovskaya. If you rub its paw, you will pass the exam... The tail of the stone horse in Kuzminki Park performs the same function.

Behind the Okhotny Ryad shopping center On the side of the Alexander Garden there is a sculpture depicting an old man with a goldfish. According to student belief, if you stroke the back of a fish three times in a circular motion from left to right, then in the exam you will certainly get a lucky ticket and the teacher will not notice the cheat sheet...

Jump over the threshold.

One of the simplest and most effective ways to help you pass the exam. You must not cross the threshold of the audience, but jump over it with both feet! This procedure goes unnoticed if you come in with someone else (it’s easier to disguise yourself this way). The main thing is that the teacher does not notice this.

Ritual for passing the “Magic Ironing” exam

Take any item you will wear to take the exam (for example, a blouse or skirt) and iron it the day before, repeating:

“As smoothly as I iron my clothes, I pass the exam smoothly!”

A request to the subconscious.

As you already know, it is the unconscious that directs the events occurring in our reality. And you can resort to his help to set yourself up for a favorable exam. To do this, put a notebook with notes (it’s uncomfortable to sleep on a textbook) under your pillow the night before the exam and say:

“Or a topic, or knowledge, tell me the subconscious.”

In a dream, you may dream of a ticket number, or a question that comes across to you. If this does not happen, then expect sudden insights and successful answers already during the exam.

Ritual for students “Lucky ticket”

To get an easy question, before you take the ticket, cross the fingers of your left hand behind your back and say:

“Angel behind me, show me my ticket.”

You must take the ticket with your right hand (you will reach for the right one yourself).

If you've ever performed student rituals for exams, you may have noticed that not all of them are so effective.

Do you know why? The whole problem is in our mood during the ritual!

Remember: The more confident and positive you are, the better it will work!

Underwood "Tatiana's Day"

Lev Leshchenko "Tatiana's Day"

Shevkun "Tanka the Young One"
No name day is as popular and popular as Tatyana’s Day. Because this is a holiday of universal student brotherhood, thirst for knowledge, search and discovery. In addition, it sets a good tone for the holidays after the winter session. It’s not for nothing that there is a popular saying: if Tatyana’s exam is passed, wait - there will be a scholarship.

But seriously, more than a century ago S.N. Trubetskoy wrote: “The past and present of enlightenment are connected with Tatyana’s day, in which we see the guarantee of a better future.” And although after 1917 they tried to push back the holiday for all students and introduced other red days of the calendar, they somehow did not catch on. Tatiana's Day is still celebrated today.

I give you the university

There is such a wonderful day in winter when the sun always comes out and it seems as if spring has already come. This day is January 25th. In the old days, at this time the holiday of “Tatiana Epiphany”, or “Sun”, was celebrated. It was believed that no matter how cold the January weather was outside, the sun would always delight people with its rays.

The Holy Martyr Tatiana was the daughter of a Roman consul, who was a secret Christian and raised his daughter to believe in God. Having become an adult, Tatyana began serving in one of the churches, caring for the sick and helping those in need. However, in 226 the girl was captured during the persecution of Christians. According to legend, Tatiana was brought to the temple of Apollo (according to another, it was in the temple of Zeus) to force her to sacrifice to the idol. But she began to pray to God, and then an earthquake began, which blew the idol into pieces and destroyed the temple. The pagans tortured the poor girl, but Tatyana remained absolutely healthy, as if someone was deflecting the blows from her, even the lions released from the cage meekly licked her feet. After all the torment, Tatyana was executed. Since 235, Tatyana's day began to be celebrated, and the martyr Tatyana was canonized.

Why did Saint Tatiana become the patroness of the cheerful student tribe? The famous Russian historian Karamzin in his “History of the Russian State” explains it this way: “On this day in 1755, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed the “Decree on the establishment of a university of two gymnasiums in Moscow.” His father was Elizabeth’s favorite, the 28-year-old handsome general adjutant Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov, reputed to be an enlightened patron of science and art, took under his care the project developed by Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. The founding of the university became a gift not only to Russia, but also to Shuvalov’s beloved mother, Tatyana Petrovna. “They say that Shuvalov deliberately chose this day to present the project to the empress; On January 12 (the day of the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana), his beloved mother, Tatyana Petrovna, celebrated her birthday: he wanted to please her with his new appointment as curator of the first Russian university." “I give you a university,” he said a phrase that later became a catchphrase. By the way, the name Tatiana translated from Greek means “founder, organizer.”

We will teach freedom to studios too!

“On Tatiana’s day,” wrote Doroshevich, “you can say anything!” V. Gilyarovsky confirms that “Moscow streets have never been so noisy as they are every year on this day. And the police, - such were their calculations and instructions from above, - did not arrest students on this day. Spies were also ordered not to catch the eyes of the students ".

A.P. Chekhov, in one of his early feuilletons of 1885, wrote about the Moscow student holiday: “This year everything was drunk except the Moscow River, and that was due to the fact that it was frozen... It was so fun that one student, out of excess of feelings, bathed in tank where sterlets swim..."

Catherine the Great also issued a special decree relating to Tatiana’s Day. It said that students who were caught in an indecent (read - drunk, or even without trousers) state on Tatiana’s day should not be punished, and they should be escorted with all politeness to a warm hut, where they would be laid on benches and covered with covers (so that , poor things, they didn’t freeze, because a hangover is accompanied by a decrease in body temperature), and in the morning give them a shot glass and a snack, after which they let you go with God.

But this is only on Tatyana’s day. On other days, students caught in that very indecent form risked not only their health, but also their place in the educational institution, or they could even shave their foreheads and become soldiers, slurping cabbage soup with a wooden spoon for 25 years in a row.

But on January 25, the students walked (“Walk, walk, walk! Waiter! Three crusts of bread!”) with all their hearts. The cities shook with student screams and student anthems. The mothers locked up their daughters more securely: students are such a thing, you can’t keep track of them, you’ll have to attend the wedding - worse than hussars, really. The dads sighed enviously, listening to the screams outside the window, and quietly sang student anthems, remembering times long past.
Church of Tatiana the Martyr at Moscow State University
In the 18th and first half of the 19th centuries, ceremonial acts marking the end of the academic year became a university, and therefore student, holiday; the public was present at them, awards were handed out, and speeches were made. At the same time, the official university day, celebrated with a prayer service in the Church of Tatiana the Martyr (opened at Moscow University on Easter 1791), was January 12 (25). But it was then called not Tatyana’s Day, but “the founding day of Moscow University.” This was followed by the Decree of Nicholas I, where he ordered to celebrate not the opening day of the university, but the signing of the act of its establishment. Thus, by the will of the monarch, a student holiday appeared - Tatiana's Day, and over time, popular rumor attributed the patronage of students to this saint.

Alexander Polezhaev, while a student, at the behest of his superiors, wrote “Poems spoken in memory of the founding day of Moscow University, January 12, 1826”:

Delight, delight, pets of the muses!
On this blessed day
Union of Sciences and Happiness
We celebrate sacred!

By the middle of the 19th century, Tatyana's Day had actually turned from a holiday of students and professors of Moscow University into a holiday of the entire Russian intelligentsia. They told how the same historian Klyuchevsky performed humorous couplets, and the famous lawyer Plevako performed improvisations on a theme commissioned by the public. And everyone on this one day of the year was pleased to feel that they belonged to a large circle of people connected by common memories and a common spirit.

Tatyana's Day was celebrated on the greatest scale at Moscow University in the 1890-1910s, and the most vivid stories about it date back to this time. The celebration was divided into two parts: the first - official and the second - unofficial, which is remembered much more often than the first.

The rector of the university rolled out a barrel of mead (it was one of the most accessible drinks, cheap and easy to prepare) and personally stood at the bottling. Starting with mead, the students moved on to wines at the Hermitage, and the further into the glass, the higher the degrees, and vodka and beer were used (they say this is minimal money down the drain). Students traditionally did not have enough for snacks. Everyone drank, even teetotalers and ulcer sufferers. The excellent students drank for a successful session (the session ended just in time for Tatiana's day), the unsuccessful students drank, mourning failures in exams, and the average students drank, just like that, out of the youthful happiness of living.

This is how the writer of the early 20th century P. Ivanov describes them: “A large hall. The dark greenery of tropical plants. Rows of chairs. A pulpit. The absence of bright light. Important persons, stars, ribbons over the shoulder, uniforms, correct tailcoats, the full professorial corporation. For columns of blue collars of student frock coats. Decorously, strictly, imperturbably... Academic speech. Speech measured, drawn-out, without enthusiasm and without effects... Then the university report... Soon the end. Students begin to whisper. Distribution of medals. Touche. Zala serves signs of life. The national anthem. Timid cries of "Hurray". The act is over. Important persons leave...

Separate voices are heard from somewhere behind: “Gaudeamus!” Gaudeamus!!! These screams are growing. Gradually the entire hall is filled. - Gaudeamus! Gaudeamus! Music plays "Gaudeamus". - Hooray! Hooray! A roar rises. Unimaginable noise. The willful spirit comes into its own." Then, according to tradition, lunch at the Hermitage - one of the most expensive and luxurious Moscow restaurants, which was located on the corner of Neglinnaya and Petrovsky Boulevard.
By 6 o'clock in the evening, the ordinary life of the streets freezes, and Moscow turns into the kingdom of students. Only blue caps are visible everywhere. In fast, undulating streams, students rush towards the Hermitage. Tatyana’s Day is a democratic holiday, so the professorial corporation, which was wearing orders and uniforms in the morning, changes clothes before going to the restaurant.”

Meanwhile, in the famous Moscow restaurant "Hermitage", the same one owned by the Frenchman Olivier, the same one who invented the Olivier salad, they were also preparing for the student "lunch". “Plants are taken out of the hall, everything that is expensive, valuable, everything that can be taken out. Porcelain dishes are replaced with earthenware. The number of students is growing every minute ... - says P. Ivanov. - Lunch was accompanied by toasts, speeches, singing. Wine and snacks disappear. Vodka and beer appear. An unimaginable chaos arises. Everyone is already drunk. Those who are not drunk want to show that they are drunk. Everyone is going mad, intoxicating themselves with this madness... Unlimited freedom reigns." Yes, it was on January 25, Tatiana’s day, that the famous Hermitage began to look like a student canteen after an invasion of locusts. In the morning, doormen signed the address in chalk on the backs of the youth, and their “surviving” comrades took them home. Since then, apparently, the joke about “human traces” began...

However, the students also sang other student anthems. On the streets, students deliberately sang loudly, thereby demonstrating their freedom, replacing the classic student anthem Gaudeamus igitur with the politically unreliable “Dubinushka”.

The patroness herself was also praised:

“Long live Tatiana, Tatiana, Tatiana.
All our brothers are drunk, all drunk, all drunk...
On Tatiana's glorious day...
- Who is to blame? Are we? – asks one voice, and the chorus answers:
- No! Tatiana!
And hundreds of voices pick up:
Long live Tatyana!..
The remaining verses are sung in the same way: the soloist begins, asks a question, and the choir answers.
Leo Tolstoy scolds us, scolds us
And he doesn’t tell us to drink, he doesn’t tell us, he doesn’t tell us
And he denounces drunkenness!..
“Who is to blame? Are we?"
"No! Tatiana!"
“Long live Tatyana!”
In a pocket without a flaw, flaw, flaw
It can't be Tatyana, Tatyana, Tatyana.
All wallets are empty,
The clock is pawned...
“And who is to blame?..”

One of the traditions of Tatyana’s day was cat concerts under the windows of Moskovskie Vedomosti, and often these windows were simply broken. At that time, this official newspaper was the first and only city newspaper edited by professors and printed by the university printing house.

But what is characteristic is that, having drunk to the point of pink elephants in micro-bikinis on January 25, January 26, students, suffering from a severe hangover, in discordant ranks, flocked to their native land, that is, to university auditoriums, where teachers, also suffering from a severe hangover, drew with trembling hands education formula boards. No one missed classes - it was not accepted, even indecent. And the more they drank and partied on Tatyana’s day, the more required they were to appear in the classroom the next day in order to demonstrate their perseverance. However, on this day the long-awaited student holidays usually began...

The holiday “in honor of the academic goddess” was canceled in 1923. “Archaic and senseless Tatyana” was replaced by directives with the Day of Proletarian Students. The date has not changed, but, of course, the worker-peasant students did not celebrate this day in such a way that they would have something to remember later, so no evidence has been preserved. They probably sang “Our locomotive, fly forward” with vodka and pickled cucumber and shared a bowl of porridge among 12 people.

Tatiana's day was revived 70 years later, when the Church of St. Tatiana reopened and the First All-Church Congress of Orthodox Youth began its work. Considerable credit for this goes to its rector Viktor Antonovich Sadovnichy, who in 1992 resumed the celebration of the founding of the university and introduced the tradition of treating students to mead prepared according to an old monastery recipe.

The university church of St. Tatiana (having evicted the Student Theater, which had been located there since 1922), tried to reconnect the once cheerful and free holiday with serious things. The clergy are not very happy with this, but the students - just to celebrate the students!

On January 25, 2005, the President of Russia issued a decree “On the Day of Russian Students,” which officially approved the “professional” holiday of Russian students.

Signs of Tatiana's Day

On Tatiana's day there are several old signs. Snow on this day foreshadows a rainy summer. If the sun comes out early, this indicates the early arrival of birds. If it is a frosty and sunny day, it means the harvest will be good. And the red sun at sunset indicates a prickly wind.

There are also signs that relate to students. For example, if a student has to take an exam the day after Student Day, then he needs to go take it after a good drinking session the day before, then the exam will be passed with ease. And under no circumstances should you read notes on Tatiana’s day, otherwise the exam will be very difficult.

Another fun feature is held in student dormitories. On Student's Day at midnight, you need to stick your record book out of the window and shout loudly three times: “Shara, come!” This is considered a very good sign - to hear in response: “I’ll be right there. Put on the kettle.” If you do all this, then all sessions until the next Student Day will be completed without problems.

By the way, on Tatyana’s day it was like this ancient custom- you had to go to the highest place in the area and make wishes in the sun. What's stopping you from doing this this year? If this is your name day, then your wish will definitely come true.

Back on Tatyana’s day they baked for the birthday girl bread loaf, with which a number of signs were also associated. For example, a mound in the middle of a loaf of bread foreshadowed good luck and happiness. If the loaf turned out smooth, without flaws, then the year promised to be successful and calm. However, if the loaf cracked, it meant difficulties and hardships. And they rejoiced at the burnt loaf. The burnt crust had to be eaten by the birthday girl so that she could readily accept everything from her fate. Delight Tatyana with a homemade loaf of bread this year!

How to celebrate these holidays?

As for Tatyana, all birthday girls want to spend this day in a special way. Therefore, friends, relatives, and loved ones should think through congratulations for dear Tatyana in advance. After all, the most pleasant thing that loved ones can do is to give us their care and attention. Invite your Tatiana to the cinema or for a walk, because the sun will warm you on this day. Celebrate the holiday with friends or at home by relaxing and enjoying your favorite activity (watching a romantic comedy, reading a book, self-care, etc.). Give Tatyana the bliss of “doing nothing” - pour a warm bath with essential oils, prepare dinner (don’t forget about the loaf!), fulfill her every whim.

Of course, current students will find a way to celebrate their “professional” holiday. Usually universities themselves organize parties for them. What about those who graduated from college a long time ago? Student's Day is a great occasion for graduates to get together! You will get a lot of pleasure remembering the stories that happened to you during your student days. The main condition for celebrating Student's Day is no talk about work, return your thoughts to the time of a carefree life!

Happy holiday, dear Tatyana and students!
Walk, have fun, but do not forget that, as in the time of Catherine the Great, the army can await a careless student.

Tatyana suffered for a long time.
Exam question
She got a very strange one:
Where was the island of Barbados?

At the Noble Institute
We didn't study this subject.
“My stepbrother fooled me
This university.

It would be better if I got married right away
Now, answer.”
There were no antennas on the roof,
The Internet did not work.

The age of poets and lovers,
The nineteenth is coming.
And the professor is tired
Like a raven of blood is waiting.

The hall is already empty, and here is Tatyana,
Clenching both spirit and honor into a fist
Answers: “Foreign
This island is somewhere.

It is surrounded by the ocean
From its four sides.
But with such a strange name,
Why don’t I remember, where is he?”

“Well, resourceful!” - Professor
He told her: “I’ll give it five.
I'm not an aggressor at all.
People cannot know everything.

How old are you? Twenty already?
So learn, forget about laziness,”
Since then it began to be celebrated
It's Tatiana's Day in Rus'.

© Copyright: Yuri Schmidt, 2009
Certificate of publication No. 1901224046

Bonus. Mead recipe

"Mead is an alcoholic drink prepared from water, honey and yeast with various flavoring additives. The drink in its modern form appeared in the 18th century. There is a point of view that mead was actually a sweet drink consisting of honey diluted in water, although such a drink usually called satiety." (Wikipedia)

Making mead is quite simple, you just need to know some of the subtleties of preparation.

Required to complete:
The foam that forms when cooking honey must be skimmed off.
Before adding the yeast, the hot honey syrup must be cooled. The fact is that yeast dies at temperatures above 50 C

Honey selection

The taste of a honey drink directly depends on the quality of the honey. It should be very fragrant. Light varieties of honey are considered the best, and white honey is considered elite. But it's more of a tradition. For example, buckwheat honey is very dark, at the same time very aromatic, with a bitter taste, and also has many fans. By the way, it contains a lot of iron, unlike light, linden.

Advice: If they sell you liquid, not candied honey in the spring, don’t take it. This is either a sugar surrogate or honey heated in a water bath, which is also not very healthy. It's better to look for another seller.

How long should mead be aged?

Usually mead ferments in 5 days. The result is a foamy drink, similar in appearance to champagne, only cloudy. But sometimes mead is aged for 3 to 6 months. It becomes less sparkling, denser, more fluid. And of course, more fragrant. Yes, and the strength is gaining a little. If you add berries to the drink, then over time the mead becomes more and more healthy; while it is aged, the berries give it all the beneficial substances.


You can close the bottle with future mead with tissue, but it is better to make a gas outlet. To do this, put a lid on the bottle or jar - it must be very tight, the container must be airtight. A hole is made in the lid, a thin hose is inserted into it, one end of it should be above the surface of the mead, and the other in a cup of water. Often a thick rubber glove is used instead of a lid, but you need to watch how well it fits to the neck.

To determine whether honey has fermented, you need to light a match and bring it to the liquid. If the fire does not burn hotter, it means that no alcohol vapors are coming from the mead and fermentation is complete.

Mead strength

Usually 5-6 degrees. Sometimes you can bring honey to a strength of 10 degrees. But don’t let the low number of degrees relax you. Mead is an insidious drink. It is instantly absorbed into the blood. An amazing effect is often observed: the head is completely sober and clear, and the legs are braided. But the drunken effect of mead doesn't last very long. Unless, of course, you drink liters of it throughout the evening.

Attention! Heated honey should not come into contact with an open fire - it is highly flammable!

There are two traditional ways of making mead - without and with boiling.

1. No boiling. To do this, you need to take boiled water (1 liter), honey and raisins (50 g each). Dissolve honey in water and add raisins washed in cold water. The addition of raisins is necessary for the growth of acid bacteria and the start of the fermentation process. Next, cover the container with the future drink with a leak-proof lid or saucer and leave for two days at room temperature. Then filter the drink through cheesecloth and pour into a bottle with a sealed stopper. In order for the drink to infuse, it should be placed in a cool place (refrigerator or cellar) for 2-3 months. After this period, the drink is ready for consumption.

2. With boiling. This recipe is designed for a large amount of finished product and for its preparation you need honey (5.5 kg), water (19 l.), lemon (1 pc.) and yeast (100 g.). Dissolve honey in six liters of water, add lemon juice and boil. Boiling must be carried out for 15 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly and skimming off any foam that forms. The mixture should be cooled to room temperature, pour in the remaining water and add half a portion of yeast. To complete the fermentation process, the drink is left for a month in an airtight container with an air vent tube lowered into water, then the remaining yeast is added and allowed to brew for another month. The finished drink should be filtered, poured into sealed bottles and left for 4-6 months in a cool place.

It is best to consume mead as an aperitif 10-15 minutes before meals. This will awaken your appetite and allow nutrients to be absorbed into the blood as much as possible.

Thanks to the presence of natural honey in the recipe, this drink has a whole bunch of beneficial properties. For example, mead enhances pulmonary ventilation and therefore helps well with bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases. Mead warms and disinfects the nasopharynx, and is also an antipyretic. Therefore, the cold season is the best time to get acquainted with mead.

The meaning of the name Tatyana

Most common names in Russia are of Greek origin. Therefore, the name Tatyana is often interpreted as Greek, derived from the verb “τάττω”, which means “to put in order,” “to arrange,” “to appoint.” Hence the interpretation of the name Tatyana as “founder” and “organizer.” However, this version seems dubious to linguists. After all, the name Tatyana in Greece is not only unpopular, but also little known.

Italy is another matter, where the name Tatyana is much more familiar. Etymologically, the name Tatyana goes back to the name of the legendary Sabine king Titus Tatius. The same Tatius who, rescuing from captivity the women treacherously abducted by Romulus, captured the Capitoline Hill.

According to one legend, Tatius even ruled Rome together with Romulus, which led to the unification of the Romans and Sabines into a single nation of Quirites, but that’s another story.

In a word, the name Tatyana comes from the Latin Tatius. This name was borne by the martyr Tatiana of Rome, whose memory is celebrated on January 25.

With the light hand of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, Saint Tatiana became not only a well-known saint in Russia, but also the patroness of Moscow University, and the day of remembrance of the martyr Tatiana - January 25 - began to be considered the day of students. As for the name, in Europe Tatyana is considered a purely Russian name. But the diminutive form Tanya, which is familiar to us, can be found as an independent name in the Scandinavian countries, Germany and the USA.

Life of Saint Tatiana

Saint Tatiana was born in Rome at the end of the second century into the family of a noble nobleman, who was three times consul of Rome. He secretly confessed Christ, so he raised his daughter in fear of God and devotion to God. Tatyana knew the Holy Scriptures well and, having matured, decided to devote herself to Christ. She became a deaconess, that is, a woman who carried out social ministry in the church. Her responsibilities included both caring for sick women and pregnant women, as well as preparing them for baptism and performing the baptism itself.

In 222, power in Rome passed to sixteen-year-old Alexander Sevier. And although his mother was a Christian, and Alexander himself had nothing against Christians, in reality power was concentrated in the hands of governors and regional rulers. Eparch Ulpian began to rule the country. Ulpian was an idolater, hated Christians and dealt with them in the most cruel way. During the persecution, Saint Tatiana was captured.

The saint was demanded to bow to idols in the temple of the god Apollo. Instead, the saint turned to Christ, and through her prayers an earthquake occurred. Not only the idols were destroyed, but also the temple itself, under the rubble of which the priests were buried. Saint Tatiana was brutally tortured. They gouged out her eyes and tortured her for a long time. The saint prayed loudly for her tormentors, calling on God to “open their spiritual eyes.” Suddenly, the eight tormentors saw angels who were repelling the blows inflicted on the holy virgin, and heard a heavenly voice. They not only believed, but with tears asked the saint to forgive them. For confessing Christ, they themselves were tortured and beheaded.

Saint Tatiana was tortured the next day, demanding that she renounce Christ. A miracle happened here when instead of blood, milk began to flow from the wounds and a fragrance began to emanate. And when on the third day they took her out of prison, they found that her body was as healthy as before and had no signs of torture. They again demanded that Saint Tatiana worship idols, this time the goddess Demeter. Arriving at the temple, Saint Tatiana crossed herself and began to pray. Immediately, before everyone’s eyes, both the idol and the temple were destroyed by lightning. Saint Tatiana was again tortured and thrown into prison at night. On the fourth day, she was taken to the circus arena to be devoured by a lion. But the beast obediently began to lick Saint Tatiana’s wounds and tore one of her tormentors to pieces. The saint was thrown into the fire, but she remained unharmed. Having declared her a sorceress, Saint Tatiana had her hair cut off, in which her magical power was believed to be concentrated. She was then taken to the temple of Zeus and locked up for two days. But here, too, through the prayer of Saint Tatiana, the idols were defeated. When it became obvious to the persecutors that torture was pointless, and Saint Tatiana was adamant and firm in her faith, she was beheaded along with her father. This happened on January 25, 226.

Icons of Saint Tatiana

Saint Tatiana is revered by all branches of the Christian Church. In the Catholic Church she is considered a little-known saint and her veneration is not widespread. On icons, Saint Tatiana is usually depicted in a red robe (chasuble), which symbolizes her martyrdom and the blood shed by the saint in the name of Christ. Her head is covered with a white scarf, indicating her chastity. In her hand the saint holds a cross - a symbol of martyrdom, sometimes a scroll, the text of which is addressed to believers. On one such scroll we find: “In torment, praying to God for those who are tormenting, may he give them the knowledge of the truth.”

Saint Tatiana's Day

January 25 - Tatyana's Day in 2005 was officially declared the Day of Russian Students. It is widely celebrated by students not only in Russia, but almost throughout the former USSR: in Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine. The connection between Saint Tatiana and the students is unexpected and simple.

On January 12, 1755, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna satisfied and signed the petition of Count Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov (drawn up on the basis of the project of M.V. Lomonosov) to open a new educational institution in Moscow. On April 23, 1755, the University was opened in Moscow.

In 1786, the main building of the University appeared on Mokhovaya Street. Five years later, the left wing of the building was given over to the house church. The church was consecrated in 1791 in honor of the holy martyr Tatiana.

Thus, January 25 (coinciding with the end of the examination session) and May 7 (Lomonosov readings are held) became significant days for Moscow University, and the martyr Tatyana became the patroness of students.

Tatiana's Day in the Russian Empire, and especially in Moscow, was a noisy holiday, with wide festivities in which both professors and students participated on equal terms.

On the corner of Petrovsky Boulevard and Trubnaya Square there was a French restaurant “Hermitage Olivier”. Its owner, culinary specialist Lucien Olivier, on Tatiana's day gave the restaurant's hall to students who came here for a “walk” after official ceremonies and festive liturgy. Expensive dishes were removed from the tables, the floors were covered with straw, because the wine flowed like a river. Here and there there were enthusiastic speeches and toasts “to the glory of science and to the prosperity of ideals.” “Whoever on ordinary days gets drunk out of love for this art, gets drunk on Tatiana out of a sense of duty. Those who don’t drink at all on ordinary days get drunk on Tatyana to prove their solidarity with the drinking intelligentsia: let, they say, the paths of life have pulled us far from each other, scattered us apart, like haystacks in the sad poems of Alexei Tolstoy, but we are still alive, safe in the heart is the thread that attaches us with an inextricable connection to a common root, uniting us in the name of our common nurse - alma mater... Long live the alma mater, gentlemen! Gaudeamus igitur! vivat academy!”

And even the gendarmes on this day did not touch the intoxicated students, and if such a need nevertheless arose, they detained them, having first congratulated them on the holiday. This is exactly how Alexander Amfitheatrov captured Tatyana’s day in his literary sketch.

After the revolution, Tatyana's day began to be forgotten. They began to celebrate it again in connection with the transfer of the Tatiana Church to the Russian Orthodox Church in 1995.

Tatiana Church in Moscow

The university house church in the name of the holy martyr Tatiana was opened and consecrated in 1791. The parishioners of the Tatyana Church included professors and numerous students of the University. It was here, in the Tatyaninsky Church, that Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, historians Sergei Solovyov and Vasily Klyuchevsky, and many other prominent people of the Russian Empire were buried. Tatyana's Church burned during the fire of 1812. It was restored and re-consecrated in 1837. At the same time, a large image of the holy martyr Tatiana was placed on the facade of the temple. After the revolution, by decree of the People's Commissariat of Education in 1919, the temple was closed like many other university house churches. The temple was destroyed, the interiors were destroyed, and the premises were turned into a club, and later into a theater. In January 1995, the temple was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Church of the Great Martyr Tatiana, 2016. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

Today, the home church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana is one of the largest Moscow parishes, which conducts active missionary activities and social service. The temple was restored; in 1998, with the blessing of the Patriarch, the iconostasis of the Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov from New York was transferred to the church. Also, one of the most valuable relics of the Tatyana Church is the reliquary with particles of the relics of the holy martyr Tatyana and St. Philaret of Moscow. Two pieces of relics from the right hand of the holy martyr Tatiana (kept today in St. Michael's Cathedral) were transferred to the university church in 1995. One of the particles is placed in the icon, the other in the ark located near one of the choirs.

Tatyana Larina

Illustration by Lydia Timoshenko (1903–1976)

Two events brought great popularity to the name Tatyana in Russia. The first of them, of course, was the novel by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, where the girl Tatyana was written as the main character.

...Her sister's name was Tatyana...
For the first time with such a name
Tender pages of the novel
We willfully sanctify.
So what? it is pleasant, sonorous;
But with him, I know, it’s inseparable
Memories of antiquity
Or girlish! We all should
Frankly: there is very little taste
In us and in our names
(We're not talking about poetry);
Enlightenment is not suitable for us,
And we got it from him
Pretense, nothing more.

During Pushkin's time, the name Tatyana was common among the people. By the beginning of the 19th century, it had long ceased to be popular among nobles, and merchants and peasants more often called their children Tatiana. But a century earlier, the name Tatyana was widespread among the nobility, because that was the name of one of the youngest daughters of the first Russian Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov.

Tsarevna Tatyana Mikhailovna enjoyed the respect of her brother Alexei Mikhailovich. At the time of the conflict, she tried to reconcile Princess Sophia and Peter, she was even the godmother of Tsarevich Alexei. But Grand Duchess Tatiana Mikhailovna became even more famous for the fact that in 1691 she donated to the Resurrection New Jerusalem Monastery an ark with relics - the right hand of the martyr Tatiana. Since then, the holy martyr Tatiana began to be considered the patroness of the monastery. It is this antiquity that Pushkin talks about in his novel.

And also about “girlishness”. Probably, the poet means that the name Tatyana should refer the reader to “tatyanka” - a style of women’s dress with a wide, gathered skirt. “Tatyanka” is the simplest style of skirt that prevailed in the Russian national costume. And “Tatyankas”, rethought and improved with additional skirts and frills, shone at the balls of the era of Alexander Sergeevich.

You can continue the discussion and say that in your own words
“enlightenment does not suit us
And we got it from him
Pretense, nothing more..."

the poet is trying to emphasize that the heroes of the novel, Tatyana Larina’s parents, did not call her that because they remembered the patroness of Moscow University, the holy martyr Tatyana. But let’s not fantasize, the fact remains that thanks to the novel “Eugene Onegin,” the name Tatyana soared in the popularity ranking of Russian names to the utmost heights.

Partisan Tanya

According to statistics, the name Tatyana was the first most popular name in the country throughout the 20th century. In the 50-60s, there were an average of seven girls named Tatyana per school class. Every sixth woman in the country was called Tatyana. And the foreigners who visited the country with advice from Tatyana made their heads spin.

It is likely that such popularity of the name was associated not only with the novel in verse, but also with another event - the feat of eighteen-year-old Komsomol member Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.

In October 1941, tenth-grader Zoya joined the sabotage and reconnaissance group of the Western Front headquarters, which was tasked with “smoking the Germans out” of their warm apartments. The Komsomol members of the group were to burn down ten villages occupied by the Germans. In one of them, in the village of Petrishchevo, Volokalamsk region, Zoya was captured. To her executioners, Zoya, who dreamed of entering a literary institute and probably loved Pushkin, called herself Tanya. Or maybe the priest’s granddaughter simply remembered the life of Saint Tatiana. The girl was brutally tortured, tortured for a long time and hanged naked with a sign on her neck saying “house arsonist.” The image of “Tanya,” who continued to threaten her enemies with vengeance, entered the annals of history thanks to an article by Pyotr Lidov. The note “Tanya” was published on January 27, 1942 in the newspaper “Pravda”, and Zoya (Tanya) herself for many years became a symbol of the heroism shown by man in the Great Patriotic War for many Soviet citizens.

Dozens of works of art, poems, songs, the one-act opera “Tanya”, the ballet “Tatyana”, monuments throughout the country, including the Partizanskaya metro station, and even a poem by the children's poetess Agnia Barto were dedicated to “Partisan Tanya”. It is not surprising that parents named their children after the hero of modern times.

According to statistical tables, until 1993 the name Tatyana did not leave first place in the ranking of the most popular names in the country. But with the collapse of the Soviet empire, its heroes fade into the background. The name Tatyana, while remaining among the top ten popular names in Russia, today occupies only seventh place. Today, many people fortunately associate this name not only with Tatyana Larina or Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, but with a saint whose life amazes with the depth of faith.

Troparion to the Martyr Tatiana

Troparion, tone 4

Thy Lamb, Jesus, Tatiana calls with a great voice: I love Thee, my Bridegroom, and seeking Thee I suffer and am crucified and buried in Thy baptism and suffer for Thy sake, for I reign in Thee and die for Thee, and live with Thee, but as a sacrifice Accept me immaculate, lovingly sacrificed to You: through your prayers, for You are merciful, save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4

You shone brightly in your suffering, passion-bearer, covered with your blood, and like a red dove you flew to the sky, Tatiano. The same pray ever for those who honor you.


Oh, holy martyr Tatiano, bride of Your Sweetest Bridegroom Christ! To the Lamb of the Divine Lamb! The dove of chastity, the fragrant body of suffering, like a royal garment, covered with the face of heaven, now rejoicing in eternal glory, from the days of her youth a servant of the Church of God, observing chastity and loving the Lord above all the blessings! We pray to you and we ask you: heed the petitions of our hearts and do not reject our prayers, grant purity of body and soul, inhale love for Divine truths, lead us onto a virtuous path, ask God for angelic protection for us, heal our wounds and ulcers, youth protect us, grant us a painless and comfortable old age, help us in the hour of death, remember our sorrows and grant us joy, visit us who are in the prison of sin, instruct us in repentance quickly, kindle the flame of prayer, do not leave us orphans, let your suffering be glorifying, we send praise to the Lord, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Student years are recognized as one of the brightest and most special in a person’s life. Rapid growth, independence, the desire to try new things, self-discovery - this is only a small part of what awaits freshmen on the path to obtaining a diploma. One of the main questions that worries everyone who begins this stage is when and how is Student’s Day celebrated? Should it be held on November 17 or January 25, and why did two dates appear at once?

It's time

People consider studenthood a time when they turn a blind eye to pranks and mistakes, because adult life lies ahead, where there is almost no room for them. But it is worth remembering that fun and a wild lifestyle are not the main activities.

For a long time, young people went to universities to gain knowledge, set goals for themselves that they wanted to achieve in order to make themselves known to the whole world. History shows us that students have repeatedly faced injustice and harshness in the world. This is what gives us reason to think about a lot of things. student - an opportunity to remember not only how fun this time can be, but also what it gives for our future.

A memorable day for the whole world

First, it’s worth figuring out whether Student’s Day is celebrated on November 17 or January 25? The fact is that both dates exist and have the right to life. The difference lies in the history that gave rise to each of them as memorable.

This is exactly what November 17 is - International Students Day. It is considered global for the reason that the events that preceded it affected the entire world community.

Student's Day is November 17, the history of which tradition gives a special idea about it and fills the date with serious meaning. This is by no means a holiday in the usual sense of the word. More precisely, it can be described as a day of remembrance, symbolizing the unity and solidarity of students from all over the world. It appeared many years ago.

In 1939, on October 28, young people studying at higher educational institutions took to the streets of Prague. They took part in a demonstration dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the founding of the state of Czechoslovakia. At this point, the country was already under occupation by German troops.

The demonstrators were brutally dispersed. Weapons were used. A student named Jan Opletal was shot dead. The death of the young man shocked the public. The funeral was attended not only by everyone who studied at the university, but also by teachers. The reaction to the murder was a mass protest, denouncing the injustice and cruelty of the fascist regime.

The occupiers were not forced to wait: on November 17, hundreds of demonstrators were detained. Some of them were shot, others were sentenced to imprisonment in concentration camps.

A. Hitler ordered the immediate cessation of all educational institutions. Students were able to start classes again only after the end of the war.

In 1941, the First International Anti-Nazi Congress took place in London, where students decided to designate November 17 as a day of remembrance for the fallen Czech students. Until now, this date is honored by young people of all countries, nationalities and religions.

Domestic analogue

But we also know another date. Because of this, there is a debate about whether to celebrate Student's Day on November 17 or January 25? The second date has an even longer history, but is widespread throughout Russia.

Back in the 18th century, precisely on January 25, 1755, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna signed a decree prepared by Ivan Shuvalov. It marked the emergence of the first university in Moscow. In the church calendar, this day was the veneration of the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana. So, she became a protector and patroness of students.

There is an opinion that he chose this particular day because of his mother. Her name was Tatyana, and the decree became a name day gift.

Why is January 25 celebrated as Student's Day? This date has already become special, because in 1791 Nicholas I signed a decree on the celebration, and also this year the Church of St. Tatiana was opened, where the children came before the session with prayers and requests.

Traditions of World Students Day

Why is World Students' Day - November 17th - so important for people? This is an opportunity to honor the memory of those who died at the hands of the Nazis. Memorial services are held around the world. Their organization unites and unites students from different parts of the Earth.

Large-scale events are also held in the village of Nakla, where Jan was buried. This day shows another side of students' lives. Here young people, who to many seem not yet fully conscious, show that they know history and understand how important it is to honor its memory.

Traditions of the Russian holiday

In Russia it is fun and noisy. January 25 is the time when all the worries and fears from the session are left behind, which means nothing overshadows the celebration.

It all started with official events, where certificates, awards and thanks were given out, and then noisy festivities were held. Lucien Olivier, who created one of our favorite salads, was very fond of students. As a sign of his affection for them, he gave the guys his own Hermitage restaurant for a feast.

The policemen who kept order on the streets took pity on the tipsy youth and did not arrest them for minor violations.


In different countries there are other features of this holiday. However, we have an excellent opportunity not to choose whether to celebrate Student Day on November 17 or January 25.

You can honor young people studying at the university twice: the first time by remembering those who became victims of war and cruelty, and the second time by praising yourself for successfully passing the session. After all, the student period passes, like everything else in this world, which means you should get as many impressions from it as possible.

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