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The best diets. What foods should be excluded from the diet? List

If you have made the decision to lose weight and are ready to completely change your usual diet, then the protein food system is what you need. Ideally, this system should be followed at all times, and you will be in great shape. The weight will not go away in a week, it will take several months to achieve the desired result, but the lost kilograms will definitely not return if you follow all the rules of the protein diet.

Principle of protein diet

Its main principle is the minimum consumption of carbohydrates in food - the main internal source of fat formation. If you limit the intake of carbohydrates, the body will make up for their deficiency using body fat. The main advantage of such a food system is that you can eat meat, so you definitely won’t have to starve.

What foods are included in the protein diet

Your diet should include: meat, fish, poultry, seafood, eggs, cheeses, vegetables, mushrooms, vegetable oils, tea without sugar. In moderation, you can eat: cabbage, asparagus, eggplant, spinach, zucchini, tomatoes, dairy products, not very sweet fruits and berries (lemon, orange, cranberries, sea buckthorn). Banned: sugar, sweets, flour, potatoes, cereals, milkshakes, pasta, soft drinks, alcohol.

Nutrition system with a protein diet

To lose weight, you need to know the amount of carbohydrates in each product (there are detailed tables on the Internet). Simple math will help you. Let's say 1 point is equal to 1 gram of carbohydrates contained in 100 grams of the product. Remember: you can not eat more than 40 points, that is, 40 grams of carbohydrates per day.

Delicious and healthy meals for a protein diet

Arugula Salad with Tomatoes

250 g arugula washed, peeled and cut into small pieces. Wash and cut 300 g cherry tomatoes (each into 4 pieces). 200 g of feta or mozzarella cheese cut into thin slices and add to the arugula and tomatoes. Decorate with pine nuts. Dress the salad with olive oil (1 tablespoon) and drizzle with lemon juice. Add salt and pepper to taste. In one portion - 3 points.

Pumpkin puree soup

Peel 2 red onions and 1 large carrot. Cut vegetables into large pieces. 600 grams of pumpkin cut in the same way. Add minced head of garlic. Sprinkle vegetables with olive oil, soy sauce and send to bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes. at 200 degrees. Stir from time to time. Then transfer the vegetables to a bowl. Add to them 2 chopped tomatoes (freed from the skin and seeds). Salt, pepper to taste. Add vegetable broth so that the liquid covers the vegetables. Grind with a blender until smooth. Boil and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Pour into bowls, decorate the soup with fresh herbs. In one portion - 13 points. By the way, your household will also like this dish. Vegetable soup is not only low-calorie, but also delicious.

mediterranean diet

What we call the Mediterranean diet, in fact, is the usual diet of residents of many countries, including Spain, Greece, Portugal, Italy. Most of their inhabitants always look fit, blooming and cheerful. In the middle of the 20th century, the married couple Margaret and Ansel Case began to study the lifestyle of the peoples inhabiting the Mediterranean. It turned out that their nutrition system is surprisingly organic and simple. Based on it, they built a pyramid, which was to become the basis for the future diet.

At the base of the pyramid are wholemeal bread and cereals (corn, rice, pasta). Above them are fruits and vegetables. Even higher - olive oil, seafood, fish and dairy products. At the very top are red meat and sweets. What is listed at the base of the pyramid can be consumed daily. The higher the product, the less often it should be used. Well, meat and sweets that close the pyramid are better to add to the diet no more than 1-2 times a month.

Basic principles of the Mediterranean diet

The famous pyramid has been and remains unchanged, and is still considered the "gold standard" of healthy eating. Stick to the basic principles of the Mediterranean diet and you will always be happy with your figure.

  1. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially red, orange and green.
  2. Load up on fish and seafood, which are a storehouse of nutrients.
  3. Add olive oil to dishes: season salads with it, spread it on bread. The only exception is that you should not fry on it. All the same, in the process of frying, all its useful properties disappear.
  4. A glass of wine a day is not only pleasant, but also healthy!
  5. Sugar should be replaced with honey and jam, cheese - with spices and aromatic herbs (garlic, basil, oregano, thyme).
  6. It is required to completely abandon fast food and convenience foods.
  7. As for drinking, you will have to refrain from carbonated drinks, soft drinks and commercial juices.
  8. Meat is allowed several times a month (the total amount is up to 500 g, any meat is acceptable, but lean varieties are preferred).

Delicious Recipes for the Mediterranean Diet


Peel 500 g tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 1 green pepper (remove seeds). Cut vegetables into small pieces. Chop 1 small onion and 3 garlic cloves. Put everything in a blender bowl and grind until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add to the finished mixture 1-2 tsp. olive oil and 2 tsp. wine vinegar. To stir thoroughly. The soup can be garnished with a sprig of dill or parsley on top: Serve cold.

Salmon in wine

In a deep bowl, mix together 1/4 cup wine, 1/4 cup brown sugar, and 1/4 cup soy sauce. Let the sugar dissolve completely. Salmon fillet (500 g) put in the previously prepared marinade for 5-6 minutes. Heat up a heavy bottomed pan without adding oil. Put the pieces of fish there and fry for 2 minutes. from each side. After that, pour the remaining marinade into the pan and cook the fish for another 2 minutes. Put the finished fish on plates, and add 1 tbsp to the remaining sauce. l. rice vinegar, keep on fire until slightly thickened. Pour the salmon pieces on top with the resulting sauce. Serve with fresh vegetables. You can sprinkle the dish with lemon juice.

Opinion of an expert nutritionist. On a protein diet, many of my clients have managed to get rid of excess weight. But before you start any diet, I advise you to identify the cause of weight gain. It may turn out to be a disease that you are not even aware of. As for the Mediterranean diet, it implies a love of food. Residents of the Mediterranean countries cook with a special feeling, savor each product, pay tribute to herbs and spices, which significantly affect the taste of dishes. I can recommend such a nutrition system even to those who do not need to lose weight. It is tasty, satisfying and very useful for the body as a whole.

Even if you are satisfied with your figure, it is recommended to arrange a fasting day once a week to cleanse the body of toxins and activate the metabolism. Choose a product that you will eat all day, for example, apples, prunes, rice, buckwheat, kefir. The most important thing is to drink as much water as possible on fasting days. And you should not unload the body for 2-3 days in a row - this can have a bad effect on your well-being.

The holiday gluttony is coming to an end, and many are once again surfing the Internet in search of the perfect diet to help get the body in shape.

Worst Diets 2017

Keto diet and Dukan protein diet: bad breath, constipation, fatigue

At the beginning of last year, this diet may have been one of the most popular, but by the end of 2017, it had lost its lead, taking last place in the annual report of the best diets. U.S. News & World Report. This popular low-carb diet is tied for last place with the rumored favorite of Jennifer Lopez and Katy Perry.

Both diets advocate low carbs., and their idea is that by prioritizing other macronutrients, you force your body to burn fat efficiently, resulting in rapid weight loss. However, dieters often complain of fatigue and lack of concentration as their bodies adjust to the carbohydrate deficiency.

The experts writing the annual report took into account the long-term effects of dieting, ease of adherence, and weight loss. This report is considered a very reliable source of information for the nutrition and health industry, which means that the keto diet and the Dukan diet are likely to be a thing of the past now.

Regarding the keto diet, the panel of experts expressed concern about the high fat content, which accounts for 70 percent of the daily intake of elements. This means that the level of carbohydrates is significantly lower than the plan originally intended. According to nutritionists, the amount of carbohydrates will be equal to just one apple a day.

The keto diet does not teach people to adopt healthy eating habits. It may be effective for fast weight loss, but most people are unlikely to be able to permanently give up pasta and bread, not to mention beans and fruits.

Meanwhile, the celebrity-approved Dukan Diet is predominantly protein and includes a 10-day attack period during which a person consumes as much protein (beef, veal, pork, fish, eggs, etc.) as they want. Such a limited plan can lead to nutritional deficiencies, experts say, in addition to other unpleasant side effects such as and constipation.

The best diets of 2017

DASH and the Mediterranean diet: simple, effective, heart-healthy

The first place was also divided between two diets - DASH (dietary approach to ending hypertension) And

The former was created to fight hypertension, so it is rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein, while the latter has been rated for reducing the risk of heart disease. Both of these diets are considered the most beneficial in the past year due to the emphasis on whole foods and grains.

While DASH was also ranked #1 on the list of "best diets for a healthy diet", the Mediterranean diet was #1 on the list of "easiest diets to follow" and "best plant-based diets".

Every woman has ever “sat down” on a particular diet. It all started with weighing, compiling a diet for a certain period of time and stocking up with patience and willpower. In the world today there are a lot of different diets, and even reviews of these diets. Some people like that diet, some others. But what diets will be the most effective and interesting in 2017? Let's take a look at this in this article.

  1. protein diet

Already known to many, the essence of which is to focus your diet primarily on the use of proteins. So, here you are offered the consumption of such products as dietary meat (rabbit, chicken, veal), low-fat milk, egg white, sea fish, low-fat hard cheeses. This diet is very popular.

  1. mono diet

It is rightfully considered one of the most dangerous, so before you go on this diet, be sure to consult your doctor and do the necessary tests to understand if this diet will harm you. However, this is one of the most effective diets. The essence of this diet is to consume only one type of food throughout the day: soup, porridge, fruits, or just liquid.

  1. mediterranean diet

One of the most delicious diets, because who does not love delicious sea fish, crabs or lobsters, shrimp and mussels? The advantage of this diet is that you will not count every calorie, and your diet will be as complete and stress-free as possible for the body. Of course, due to many circumstances, not everyone can buy fish for themselves, so they are looking for an alternative diet.

  1. tea diet

One of the most unusual diets, because our idea that tea can only be drunk is completely turned over, because you can still eat soups from tea. Moreover, dietary. Especially such a diet will appeal to tea lovers. Of course, in addition to tea and tea soups, there are other foods in the diet of this diet, mixed with fasting days.

  1. Kefir diet

But for lovers of dairy products, the kefir diet will become more enjoyable. A product such as kefir helps our body cleanse and regenerate, and it also improves overall metabolism. Therefore, in many diets you will find this drink. But if we are talking about a full-fledged kefir diet, then in it you will consume kefir ten times more than in other diets.

  1. Thai diet

One of the most interesting and effective diets. Its essence is to eat more products that are traditional for Thai cuisine, namely rice, spices, fruits and seafood. Such a diet will be low in calories, so you will also quickly and reliably lose weight.

  1. Gluten free diet

This is a rather radical type of diet, which is usually attributed as a complete treatment for weight loss. This diet is to exclude not only fats and carbohydrates from the diet, but also such an element as gluten - a special sticky protein found in cereals, flour, etc.

  1. zone diet

A popular type of diet food used by many celebrities. The advantage of this diet is that you don't have to be tight-lipped to maintain a toned figure. All that is needed is to find your health zone, and balance the diet in accordance with 30-30-40 as proteins-fats-carbohydrates.

  1. Vegetarian diet

As the name implies, this diet consists of eating only plant-based foods. Of course, it will be easy for vegetarians to follow it, but for meat lovers it will be difficult. But useful and effective. In this diet, it is important not only not to eat meat and animal fats, but also to refuse carbohydrates as much as possible.

  1. banana diet

This diet is dedicated to all banana lovers. After all, bananas are tasty, satisfying, and healthy. This diet is included in the mono-diet family, and, as a rule, it lasts no more than 3 days. Thanks to a whole range of useful substances contained in bananas, you can stock up on vitamins, as well as quickly and easily lose a couple of kilograms.

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