Home Fruit trees Nastya from the Via Gra group. Anastasia Kozhevnikova, biography, news, photos. The childhood of Anastasia Kozhevnikova

Nastya from the Via Gra group. Anastasia Kozhevnikova, biography, news, photos. The childhood of Anastasia Kozhevnikova

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The new member of the three "VIA Gra" Anastasia Kozhevnikova told the fans that her heart is busy. She meets a guy named Avaz - a representative of hot Tajik blood.

On Friday, November 1, the newly minted stars of VIA Gra held a small online conference with their fans. The girls talked a lot about their new life, noted that now they have a lot of work: shooting clips, photo shoots, and more. Nastya Kozhevnikova said: "I'm still in shock ...".

Fans asked the most tricky questions. All the girls answered frankly, except for our compatriot Anastasia Kozhevnikova.

Girls, tell us about your shortcomings, one of the Internet users asked a question.

Misha Romanova: "Well, I would like to get rid of my speech impediment. It really interferes with my life."

Erica Herceg: "And I would like to remove my accent, by the way, I'm actively working on it."

Nastya Kozhevnikova: "I, like all people, have a lot of shortcomings, so I won't talk about them."

The girls have already decided what they will spend their first earned money on. Misha will fulfill his dream - he flies to Paris. Erica will save money. And with Nastya, everything is banal: she will spend the fee on shopping. Also, the participants of "VIA Gra" talked a lot about the filming of the new video. Sex and religion - that's what fans will see in the new video. They promised it would be very nice.

At the end of the conference, questions were actively poured on Nastya Kozhevnikova. Fans were especially interested in her personal life. The most curious even managed to ask about the young man with whom Anastasia is dating.

Yes, this is indeed my young man. His name is Avaz. But, no, no wedding is planned.

Erica: - And everything was fine with my finances even before VIA Gra. Nastya: - We had one and only goal for three - to get into VIA Gro, and this brought us together. But life is not like that! To get it, you have to go a very long and difficult path. I'm still at the very beginning. Recently, a very nice guy came up to me in one of the shopping centers and said: “Can I have coffee with you?” I replied, “Well, yes, you can.”

But I am an emancipated girl, she decided that my stage is mine, ”Kozhevnikova shared. The artist had to make a strong-willed decision and break off relations with a jealous guy. The number of soloists, as before, included three girls: a brunette, a blonde and a brown-haired woman. However, this was not enough for young Nastya. Still quite a young performer began to regularly attend classes in acting and choreography.

"VIA Gra" Kozhevnikova left the guy because of his jealousy

Thanks to her strong voice, memorable appearance and excellent figure, the girl not only won the love of fans, but also became part of the updated group of Konstantin Meladze. But what Anastasia Kozhevnikova, whose photo is on our website, is not going to hide, is her beautiful figure. After that, they will have a photo session for a famous magazine, rehearsals and concerts, the first of which is rumored to take place at the State Kremlin Palace.

Personal life and biography of Anastasia Kozhevnikova

Only here you will find out everything about the latest fashion and beauty trends, new stores, the life of stars, the latest hairstyles and accessories. The guy Anastasia Kozhevnikova could not stand the work schedule of his already ex-girlfriend. As the soloist of VIA Gra admitted, the group takes a lot of time and effort, and being part of the legendary trio is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. At first, Kozhevnikova even had physical exhaustion.

What I was thinking. That is, both I and he - we simply could not dock. I became very busy, and there was not enough time to pay attention to him. The editorial staff, consisting of intelligent, serious and competent people, does not always share the opinion of its main Author. And therefore, he earnestly asks to address with words of indignation or, conversely, gratitude directly to this uncompromising character at [email protected]

Creative plans and photos of Anastasia Kozhevnikova

Erica: — That's how I imagined a star life! Fame, photo shoots, corporate parties, concerts, interviews. Nastya and Misha are very important to me. My parents live in Transcarpathia, but thanks to the girls, I finally feel not so lonely. Then, when the girls and I won the show, I did not think that the life of a member of the group would be so difficult. Singing in VIA Gre is a colossal work. Daily rehearsals, fitness classes, personal care. All this takes a lot of time, effort and money.

You can be an insanely beautiful girl with a good voice - but this is not enough to sing in VIA Gre. We also need charisma, energy, sexuality. And I realized that I had to run. And we don't see each other at all. And I just do not have the opportunity to communicate more often. On the other hand, it happens that you return to your apartment in Kyiv and realize that there is no one to talk to! Now I know what loneliness is.

Misha Romanova admits that thanks to her participation in the group, she became more confident in herself and got rid of many complexes. I believe in God and I think that the Lord always directs to where something good awaits a person. I am sure that I will meet another person who will appreciate and love me.

I think he would have left me earlier, but the relationship continued because I became famous. The girl from VIA Gra is a sex symbol for many, so for some time he met with me. And yet I felt that the finale was close ... If it were not for VIA Gra, if it were not for the girls, not for Konstantin Meladze and the support of loved ones, I would probably have fallen into depression. But thanks to them, I was able to recover and forget this pain very quickly.

"VIA Gra": In the next four years, perhaps, we will do without personal life

Nastya: - Once in VIA Gro, I also broke up with a young man. I met him before the project and during the TV show. But then the guy could not stand my popularity and recognition. I just packed my things and left. At that moment, there was some kind of crazy in me, acting on emotions.

What is written in the newspapers about Kozhevnikova

We toured a lot, and everything was somehow forgotten. Perhaps I was deceiving myself, but at the moment when we met with him, I was sincere. Erica: How! You can't imagine! And most importantly, everyone wants a serious relationship, they ask to have a baby! They constantly write to me: “I offer my hand and heart! Erica: - No, right in the SMS, my phone is found through friends and acquaintances. True, a couple of weeks ago I could not stand it and changed my number - I hope I will live a quiet life for some time.

Anastasia Kozhevnikova: "VIA Gra" is my dream come to life!

What is your name?" And then I decided to deceive him and see the reaction. Has there been more finance with the arrival of VIA Gro? Misha: Of course, yes! But at the same time, my needs also changed - I began to spend more on myself. At the same time, I can't dig at all. Even her old dream - to fly to Paris - has not yet been realized. Of course, I have not grown up to Chanel and Dior yet, but still I allow myself much more expensive things than before.

I have been self-supporting for eight years now. She worked as an administrator, and a dispatcher on the phone, and as a waitress. Unless she refused bread and extra carbohydrates. When I turned 21, the excess weight began to go away on its own. By the way, the next cycle will end soon - I am now 26 years old, and I am worried about how the new perestroika will go.

It is worth noting that Anastasia Kozhevnikova “I want to join VIA Gro” won primarily thanks to her beautiful voice and talent, which was noted by the girl’s teachers from the age of 6. I can go to the store and buy whatever I want. Anastasia Kozhevnikova decided to change her biography and applied for the contest “I want to join VIA Gro”. And this was really a turning point in the fate of the young talent.

While the winners of the show "I want V VIA Gro" - Misha Romanova, Erika Herceg and Nastya Kozhevnikova - are preparing for the battle for a place in the sun with Dmitry Kostyuk's "VIA Groy", their mentor Nadezhda Meikher followed the example of Konstantin Meladze. She bought an apartment in the center of Kyiv, and if the producer chose an apartment on the top floor of a four-story mansion near Protasov Yar, then Nadezhda bought a house in a 14-story building on Khreshchatyk - with underground parking and security. Spent $ 2 million - the winners do not save on themselves. Her students will someday be able to afford something as luxurious as well. It is not for nothing that they have already sacrificed a lot for the sake of the first step to glory.

Misha: against whom are we friends?

The real name of 23-year-old Misha Romanova is Natalia Mogilenets. The stage name, as she says, consists of the name and surname of the men she loved. “Most likely, the director of the show Alan Badoev came up with a pseudonym and a legend for her, he knows how,” StarHit was told, surrounded by Romanova.

Five years ago, the girl, along with her friend Nikolai Bortnik, now the singer Max Barskikh, came from her native Kherson to Kyiv to enter the circus school. She stuttered from childhood, but when she started to sing, everything seemed to take off!

“For everyone, she was Natasha, and she became Misha after school,” Kira Kirsanova told StarHit from a parallel course. - Many guys liked Natasha, but she was inaccessible. They had an affair with Max in their freshman year." “But I wouldn’t put an end to their romance,” adds Stasya Podgornaya, Misha’s current friend. “They still live in the same apartment!”

Max was soon noticed by clip maker Alan Badoev, who began to produce it. Once Barskikh introduced Alan to his girlfriend. “Badoev introduced Misha to me about five years ago,” ex-wife Zhanna Badoev told StarHit. “Then she was young and raw. And now, I think she will succeed. Alan doesn't take on projects he's not sure about." In 2012, Max Barskikh officially announced Misha as an artist of Badoev's production company SK Production.

“You have to be blind not to understand how the Misha Romanova and Co. helped the trio on the project,” Yulia Efremenkova, a not so lucky participant in the show, shared with StarHit. - They were painted by the make-up artist of the first VIA Gra, and ordinary girls worked with us. The favorites always had the best songs and costumes. On all the rest, the dresses fit badly, but on them - perfect! They made Misha an unfortunate stutterer. Yes, she says okay! But here they like to regret… This is not Misha's victory, but Alan's. He doesn't leave his."

// Photo: From the archives of the press services

Erica: Bentley for the win

Five years ago, Erika lived in the village of Malaya Dobron, Transcarpathian region of Ukraine. She got the surname Herceg from her Hungarian father. She went to college and sang in the church choir. The only job in the village is growing vegetables. Erica's parents woke up every morning at four o'clock and went to the greenhouse, often taking their daughter. But the girl did not want to weed the beds all her life. “She was full, she considered herself ugly,” Olga Herceg, a distant relative of Erica, told StarHit. - She began to lose weight in the village. Then she entered the Transcarpathian Hungarian Pedagogical Institute named after Ferenc II Rakoczy in the city of Beregovo, studied for three years at the Faculty of Economics and Management, worked as a croupier in a casino. And in 2009, she packed her things and left for Kyiv without the knowledge of her relatives.

In the capital, the girl rented an apartment, got a job as a waitress - and continued to lose weight. For the year she threw off 34 kg, took up the modeling business, advertised underwear. I even went to the casting in Paris. A year and a half ago, she had a wealthy man.

“Erika did not hide from us that she was meeting with the consul of the Hungarian Embassy in Ukraine, and that he promised to give her a Bentley for the victory,” Yulia Efremenkova shared with StarHit. According to Olga Herceg, Erica "moved to a new apartment six months ago and is happy." Judging by Instagram, Herceg lives in luxury apartments, but still drives a Lexus.

// Photo: From the archives of the press services

// Photo: From the archives of the press services

Nastya: Farewell, Vladimirsky Central!

“Nastya is the simplest of this trio, she got the victory honestly: with such a voice they couldn’t help but take it!” - Yulia Efremenkova is convinced.

20-year-old Nastya Kozhevnikova is a fourth-year student at the Faculty of Management at the Kiev University of Technology and Design and lives in a hostel. She was born in Yuzhnoukrainsk, her father is a photographer, her mother is a seamstress.

“After the show, Nastya was at the institute, she said that she had a contract, and she didn’t know what to do with her studies,” dean Irina Ignatieva told StarHit. “They offered her to transfer to part-time.”

Classmates are happy for Nastya, although they are sorry that she will no longer be around. “Somehow she baked potato pancakes and treated the whole hostel,” says Lina Pertsova. And Olga Ovramets recalls how she and the girls at Nastya's birthday bawled Mikhail Krug's song "Vladimirsky Central". Kozhevnikova is dating 21-year-old photographer Avaz Ibragimov. “I was not interested in the work of VIA Gra before her participation in the show,” he shared with StarHit. - Now I see on TV her frank images, but not jealous. I understand that Nastya is not easy. But she got what she wanted."

Anastasia Kozhevnikova realized how cruel and jealous the scene is, forcing you to choose between family and the brilliance of a pop star. For 5 years, the artist honestly traveled around cities and countries, more than felt that “you can be an insanely beautiful girl with a good voice - but this is not enough to sing in VIA Gre”. We also need charisma, energy, sexuality. So that every spectator in the hall feels that you are singing on stage only for him.

A popular musical group made a celebrity out of a provincial girl, but the singer preferred personal happiness.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia is the only daughter in a simple creative family. My father and grandfather worked in a photo studio, my mother sang in the choir, my grandmother was a music teacher. The girl was born in Yuzhnoukrainsk on March 26, 1993. As Nastya herself says, she sang and composed songs from early childhood, and evidence of her creative endeavors was preserved on videos that were filmed by her parents.

From the age of 6, Anastasia Kozhevnikova joined the children's choir, and at 8 she entered a music school to learn the wisdom of playing the piano. Since vocals are an additional subject in such institutions, Nastya continued to develop her natural talent by singing. At the same time, she participated in the pop song theater, studying stage skills and choreography there.

Failures at various castings and competitions, in the end, pushed the ambitious girl to abandon her dream of a stage. After school, Anastasia went to Kyiv, where she entered the University of Technology and Design - she decided to connect her life with management. In the capital, the young provincial had a hard time.

At the age of 16, Nastya participated in the first television casting in her life in the Ukrainian vocal project "Super Zirka", but the competition turned out to be too high, the young talent was not appreciated. After that, the girl tried her hand at the X Factor project. After passing the first round, Kozhevnikova left the large-scale project. Anastasia took these failures very painfully, but did not give up, trying to overcome the obstacles that stood in the way.


Anastasia Kozhevnikova did not plan to go to the casting of the show “I Want V VIA Gro!”, Which started in the CIS countries in December 2012, and then in the spring of 2013. The mother decided to intervene in the situation, persuading her daughter not to give up in order to be able to finally realize her talent.

Mom was not mistaken: the 20-year-old beauty instantly won the sympathy of the composer and easily passed to the second round of the show, where it was required to show not only the figure and voice, but also plasticity, the ability to quickly perceive, memorize and assimilate new information. From this moment begins an active creative biography of the artist.

Anastasia Kozhevnikova at the casting of the show "I want V VIA Gru!"

Nastya easily worked with her colleagues on stage, having successfully passed all the tests. As a result, a line-up was formed, which became the new VIA Gra group: Anastasia Kozhevnikova, and.

Once, the girls almost flew out of the show when they cut off their concert dresses without permission before the performance. Konstantin Meladze considered this act impudent and vulgar, because of which he wanted to expel the whole trinity. Here, the artists were incredibly lucky: they stood up for them, a former member of the team, who took the singers under guardianship.

Anastasia Kozhevnikova in the VIA Gra group

The new "VIA Gra" did not disappoint the fans. Completely updated composition has achieved popularity. Having started a triumphal procession in the post-Soviet space with the song "Truce", presented to the audience in the final of the show casting, the girls soon showed both the video for this song, as well as new material, nevertheless continuing to perform old hits.

In the spring of 2014, the trio of girls pretty much excited the public: there were rumors that one of the girls turned out to be a person with a difficult character, and conflicts began in the group - up to the upcoming personnel changes. The producers and the band members themselves hurried to reassure the fans, saying that the atmosphere in the group is creative and friendly, no one leaves, and the girls got along well with each other.

Group "VIA Gra" - "Truce"

It is also worth noting that over time, the policy of Konstantin Meladze in relation to the personal life of girls and their ways of spending leisure time has become much softer.

The first successes of the team were recorded in 2014. VIA Gra was among the nominees for the Real MusicBox Award, which is awarded to the best performers at the end of the year. The group competed in the nomination "Best promotion" with well-known performers and the group.

In 2014 and 2015, the creative team presented 3 songs that instantly became hits. The last of them is a lyrical composition with an amazing string-bow part called "It was wonderful."

In 2016, rumors appeared that Anastasia Kozhevnikova was from VIA Gra. Herceg and Romanova performed without a third participant, and there was no complete composition in the general photographs of the group. Fans immediately began to speculate about the matter, wondering what happened to the famous trio.

Representatives of the team explained that Anastasia remained in Kyiv due to illness, so the team could not work in the usual composition. However, such explanations did not satisfy the fans of the female pop group, and some of them said that the girls simply did not get along.

Anastasia Kozhevnikova and Maria Kozhevnikova are not relatives

Social media users have repeatedly associated Anastasia Kozhevnikova with the Russian theater and film actress, believing that the celebrities are relatives. Such assumptions are groundless: the girls are not sisters and have no blood connection.

Personal life

Before getting into the project “I want V VIA Gru!” the girl met with a photographer named Avaz Ibragimov. Nastya studied at the Kiev Institute of Technology and Design, and the guy - at a technical university, worked part-time at weddings and corporate parties.

At first glance, a harmonious union developed, and Avaz would have become Anastasia's husband, but this did not happen. When Kozhevnikova gained overwhelming popularity, the couple sought to maintain their relationship in every possible way. However, the tight concert schedule prevented the singer from being with her beloved for as long as they both would like.

“I am an emancipated girl, I myself decided that this is the stage for me. It was difficult. You come home, you see his displeased face, and there is no detente. Some tension, misunderstanding. It was strange to me, he saw how hard it was for me.

In February 2014, Nastya and Avaz broke off relations.

The press even reported that one of the winners of the “I want to Meladze!” project could become the girl’s new boyfriend, and specifically - or. Nevertheless, the rumors remained rumors, and the singer did not confirm such information.

Happiness in her personal life Kozhevnikova found with a person who has always been there, since school. With her sister Kirill Snitkov, Nastya was engaged in the same dance and vocal group. The paths of young people diverged for 7 years, when the guy went to another city to study.

In the summer of 2018, Anastasia married Cyril. The wedding day coincided with the national holiday - Independence Day of Ukraine. A photo from the celebration, among the guests of which were Eric's colleagues and Misha, who left VIA Gra in the winter, was published by the singer on Instagram.

The bride appeared in an exquisite lace dress, demonstrating a slender figure. To maintain tone (weight 51 kg with a height of 168 cm) Kozhevnikova is helped by running, tabata and the plank exercise. In addition, Nastya does not eat anything fatty, if necessary, refuses her favorite sweets, and the last meal is at 19:00.

Anastasia Kozhevnikova now

A month after the wedding, Nastya finally left VIA Gru, because her husband did not like the frankly sexual concept of the group. The artist’s desire to leave the team arose after the first year and a half, but the contract must not be violated. And as soon as they hinted at leaving, the producers hinted that they would not worry about this. Anastasia promised that she would not let anyone down until the end of the contract. The new "dark" in "VIA Gre" was a participant in the show "New Star Factory" and "Voice".

According to Kozhevnikova, the breakup went smoothly, the producers wished the girl happiness. However, later the media cited the words of Konstantin Meladze that he single-handedly decided to renew the contract only with Erica Herceg and that the inspiring atmosphere and future prospects were no longer felt in the former composition of the group. And with the influx of "fresh blood" in the person of Sinetskaya and who replaced Misha, the team is once again full of hope and strength.

The girl dreams of children, but now Kozhevnikova has another task in the foreground. The artist wants to declare herself as a solo artist, and her husband supports her in this. Snitkov is a businessman engaged in the wholesale supply of cocoa beans. The man promised that he would “blind” from his wife such a singer as she wants.

Anastasia Kozhevnikova in Paris (photo from Instagram 2018)

Perhaps Nastya will remember her childhood passion for the theater and will take the stage in a serious production. She graduated from floristry courses and admitted that sometimes there is a desire to “do something with her hands: draw, sculpt, embroider.”

While the singer is selecting a team with which she plans to work on a personal project, she is looking for songs, and not just any, but meaningful ones. The girl does not want to buy compositions in a trend, for the needs of the public from other authors. Kozhevnikova is convinced that there are not so many serious artists, and she dreams of joining their ranks. And for this we need live, with emotions, songs that you need to think about. And it’s not scary if you can’t interest a wide audience.

Shortly before the New Year 2019, Anastasia Kozhevnikova became a guest of the Babyphotostars children's production center, which positions itself as "the only company in Ukraine engaged in revealing the talents of children and their subsequent development in all media formats." The center invites stars of music, sports, cinema and television to master classes.

The singer answered the questions of young journalists and, among other things, said that she did not regret leaving VIA Gra and did not think about returning.


As part of VIA Gra

  • 2014 - "I got another" (single)
  • 2015 - "All the best in one"
  • 2015 - "It was wonderful" (single)
  • 2016 - "Who are you to me?" (single)
  • 2017 - "My heart is busy" (single)

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