Home Fruit trees In what year did steroids appear? What are steroids: description, types, use, effectiveness and reviews. Effects of Anabolic Steroids

In what year did steroids appear? What are steroids: description, types, use, effectiveness and reviews. Effects of Anabolic Steroids

Where did anabolic steroids first appear? Negative and positive aspects of steroids? Read the article and find out the answers to these and many other questions.

Steroids have become a unique group of drugs. The original purpose of the release of these substances was their use in medicine, for example, for bedridden patients or AIDS patients, in order to somehow maintain their muscle mass. But over time, steroids have found more widespread use in sports. Most athletes around the world resort to their help, but this is not surprising, because with the help of these drugs, which, in fact, are an artificial formula of testosterone and, accordingly, a doping for the male body, it is possible to achieve significantly better performance in a shorter time. everything in order.

History of the emergence of steroids

The first stimulants, which began to be used in sports to improve their results, have been known since ancient Greece. Athletes ate sesame seeds to increase stamina, drank a mixture of wine and strychnine, and ate hallucinogenic mushrooms. Of course, these were far from steroids, but there was interest in substances that could increase strength and endurance even then. Later mentions of stimulants appeared in the middle of the 19th century, when cyclists took a heroin-cocaine mixture to improve their endurance at a distance. The result of such experiments turned out to be disastrous, in 1886 one of the cyclists died directly during the competition. After that, the search began for other possible means of doping, which turned out to be testosterone.

The first experiments with this hormone began in 1889, by a French scientist, but its final formula was derived in 1935, on May 25, by Ernest Lucker, a professor of pharmacology from Amsterdam. In parallel, other scientists were engaged in finding a way to obtain testosterone, namely Leopold Ruzicka and Adolf Butenant, who patented their research, for which they received the Nobel Prize in this area. From that moment on, the first testosterone-based preparations began to be produced. The only problem that arose was the oiliness of the substance, due to which it did not dissolve in water, and, accordingly, did not give the desired effect if taken orally. But even here pharmacists found a way out, an improved formula of the substance was developed, which began to be used in the form of injections for better absorption of the drug.

History of steroids in sports

In 1954, at the World Weightlifting Championships, which was dominated by the bodybuilders of the Soviet Union, the American team doctor Ziegler was present, who became interested in the results of the athletes. According to unconfirmed reports, he met with the head physician of the USSR team and found out the reason for the superiority of the Union weightlifters, it turned out to be taking testosterone. Using the information received, the doctor began to develop a drug capable of surpassing the results of pure testosterone administration by athletes of the USSR. And in 1956, the first official steroid drug, Dianabol, was released. Ziegler began giving this drug to his wards and their results began to differ significantly from other athletes in a positive way. This is how the production of steroids known today was started. But it should be noted that in professional sports, at various championships and the Olympic Games, since 1967, the intake of stimulating substances in the form of steroids has been prohibited. In the event of an increased level of testosterone in the blood of an athlete, he was disqualified for the period of the competition. But this fact does not prevent the use of steroids in bodybuilding or powerlifting, the demand for their use is growing every year, therefore, we can say that the history of anabolic steroids is far from over, in any case, they will definitely not leave sports in the coming years.

Anabolic and Androgenic Properties of Steroids

The group of steroids is much more extensive and it consists not only of anabolic steroids, but also of estrogens (female sex hormones) and corticosteroids (adrenal hormones). The second two types of these substances are actively used in medicine for the treatment of various diseases, but are not of interest to weightlifters. Only anabolic steroids are significant for sports, and we are talking about them in our article.

Testosterone has two main effects on the body:

  • anabolic, the main effect that interests bodybuilders, its main task is to increase muscle growth;
  • androgenic or masculine effect, it is responsible for male characteristics such as active hair growth, male body structure, narrow pelvis and broad shoulders, and characteristic facial features.
For athletes, it is the anabolic property of testosterone that is important, but there is not a single drug that would have only this steroid effect, androgenic signs are still present in them. But the main question is not in the presence of the androgenic effect, but in its relation to the anabolic effect. For example, there are drugs in which the maximum anabolic effect and the androgenic effect are minimized, to such a state that it looks like a natural physiological background, without causing additional hair growth and other visual changes. There are also medications where, on the contrary, the androgenic effect is overestimated or it is equal to the anabolic one. In fact, some and others have one common derivative - testosterone, but only on which androgenic or anabolic side was artificially synthesized in it in the drug more, the final result depends on its intake.

Modern pharmacology is trying to get away from the androgenic properties of synthesized testosterone as much as possible, since it is this side of it that causes a greater number of side effects, which we will write about later. It is simply impossible to completely reduce androgenic activity to zero, but a large number of steroids have a maximally increased anabolic effect, and against its background the scanty androgenic side is practically not visible.

Negative and positive aspects of steroids

Probably the most interesting thing for any novice athlete who wants to start taking steroids is what results await him? What to expect from their use? What side effects can occur and what positive effect awaits it? We will try to answer these questions in this chapter.

Initially, it is important to note that there is not a single medication that has absolutely no side effects, contraindications and everything else, it does not exist in nature. So steroids are no exception, but if taken correctly, these negative effects can be avoided.

Side effects and solutions

  1. Testicular atrophy. Due to the intake of artificial testosterone in the body, its hormone begins to be produced in a smaller amount. Where is testosterone produced? In the male endocrine glands, namely the testes. It is possible to avoid such a pathological process if the course of taking steroids does not exceed a month, such changes will not occur at all. If the course is much longer, it is recommended to take gonadotropin in parallel or at the end of the use of anabolic steroids, drink Tamoxifen for two weeks.
  2. Liver damage. After the endocrine system, the maximum effect of steroids is possibly on the liver. But even in this case, hepotoxicity can be avoided, that is, a violation of the liver in the robot. In order to avoid liver problems, it is recommended:
    • give preference to injectable drugs, and not in the form of tablets, in which case the medication enters the bloodstream immediately, avoiding sedimentation in the internal organs;
    • do not exceed the recommended intake dose, per day it should be about 20-30 mg, toxicity occurs when this figure is above 80 mg;
    • do not use the methyl group of steroids.
  3. Gynecomastia. This side effect is the growth of the mammary glands in men, according to the female characteristics. In order to prevent such a mutation, which is irreversible in the event of its occurrence, it is necessary to initially resort to preventive measures. Similar actions consist in taking Tamoxifen, starting from the second week of the course of steroids, this is perhaps the main way to protect against gynecomastia. More often than other drugs, methandrostenolone and sustanol can cause this phenomenon, it is better not to resort to their use.
  4. Skin rashes or simply acne. This is a common side effect of any steroid, it occurs as a result of an increase in the amount of sebum and as a result of blockage of the sweat glands. It is possible to reduce this manifestation by personal hygiene and taking the drug Accutane.
  5. Increased blood cholesterol levels. Against the background of high cholesterol, concomitant diseases may occur. To maintain its normal concentration, it is recommended to take a course of omega-3 fatty acids.
  6. Problems with the cardiovascular system. The work of the heart is directly affected by both steroids and strength loads during exercise. In order to protect your heart, it is recommended:
    • do not exceed the recommended dose of anabolic steroids;
    • combine strength training with aerobic (cardio);
    • monitor your cholesterol levels.
  7. Violation of the kidneys. Since all substances that enter the blood pass through the kidneys, they act as a filter in the body, filtering out and removing toxic elements from it. The effect on the kidneys will be minimal if the dose and the duration of the course of taking anabolic steroids are not exceeded. It is forbidden to take steroids for people with chronic renal failure.
  8. The risk of blood clots. When taking this group of drugs, blood clotting increases, the risk of bleeding decreases, but the risk of thrombophlebitis (thrombus formation, blood clot in the vessels) increases. A similar danger increases in persons after forty years of age, therefore, the use of cardiomagnyl is recommended.
  9. Stopping growth. Steroids accelerate the closure of the growth zone, so they are not recommended for athletes under 21 years of age.

Positive sides

  1. Muscle volume increases. Steroids stimulate protein synthesis in muscle mass by acting on certain receptors, thereby causing them to grow more actively.
  2. Improving power performance. All the same protein synthesis in the muscles, causes a rush of blood to them and increases the number of elements responsible for muscle contraction, thereby adding strength to the athlete.
  3. Avoiding the breakdown of muscle tissue. During strength training, not only fat is burned, but also muscle tissue is partially destroyed, since the body nourishes energy for exercising and from them too. And steroids have an anti-catabolic effect by preventing muscle fibers from breaking down.
  4. Increased endurance. Taking anabolic steroids increases the level of glycogen in muscles, which is a kind of fuel for exercise. And the increase in pressure promotes blood flow to the muscles, also increasing their performance.
  5. Emotional euphoria. This specific condition while taking a course of steroids makes it easier to endure stressful situations and various psycho-emotional stress during the competition.

Which steroids are best for you?

Which drug to give preference depends on the goal you are pursuing.

The best for gaining muscle mass are:

  • Retabolil or Deca Durabolin;
  • Anadrol;
  • Testosterone;
  • Sustanon;
  • Dianobol;
  • Trenbolone.
To improve the relief and dry the body:
  • Winstrol;
  • Masteron;
  • Anavar;

Many athletes choose a chemistry cycle. So, it's time to find out which steroids are safer and more effective. The rating of the best drugs is in this article.

The best steroids for weight gain

Have you decided to build the perfect body with the help of "chemistry" in training? Then it will be interesting for you to know which steroids are the best, demanded and popular. Indeed, sometimes it is very difficult to understand the huge range of drugs on offer, and choose exactly the one that will give the expected result without harming your health.

Deca Durabolin Anabolic Steroid

Deca-durabolin (other names - Nandrolone, Retabolil) is the undoubted leader among anabolic steroids in many ways. This is both high efficiency and relative safety. In addition, do not forget about the low androgenic activity and the slight rollback phenomenon. The list will not be complete if you do not add to it the absence of aromatization and low toxicity.

Such a remedy can be used in a solo course or in an ensemble with other drugs. Quite often, this anabolic causes erectile dysfunction during administration: it's all about lowering during the course of using the drug dihydrotestosterone according to the feedback mechanism.

This injectable steroid helps to build muscle mass rapidly. The results are simply amazing: in just three months, you can gain from thirteen to eighteen kilograms of muscle mass. So bodybuilders are happy to take this miracle cure.

This drug is an excellent pain reliever. In addition, it is able to heal injured joints to some extent. This steroid is almost non-toxic. When you have achieved impressive results in a set of muscle mass, then this steroid maintains the achieved performance. Side effects include bloating and water retention.

Dianabol Anabolic Steroid

Danabol (other names - Methandienone, Nianabol, Methandrostenolone, Naposim) is the most famous and effective steroid among all similar oral drugs. For about half a century, it has not left the first positions in various ratings of the popularity of steroids.

With the help of this tool, it is possible to achieve unprecedented results in muscle mass gain. The same applies to strength indicators. Although there is one "but" - after the course of this tool there is an impressive rollback. In addition, Danabol retains water, aromatizes and has androgenic side effects. But still, bodybuilders prefer this tool to many others because of its high effectiveness in gaining muscle mass and increasing strength.

You should not listen too much to criticism, because you yourself need to test this drug, which is really effective. Its toxicity is quite moderate, by the way. When choosing a steroid course with this drug, a combination with Deca and testosterone will be optimal.

Anabolic steroid Turinabol

This steroid is ranked third among the best muscle building drugs. In terms of parameters, it is very similar to Methandienone, only even cleaner. The drug does not aromatize, practically does not retain water. And the rollback phenomenon is small. Therefore, the quality of the recruited muscle mass is excellent.

True, due to the lack of aromatization and the effect of a water accumulator, weight gain is worse than when taking traditional methane. That is why this drug is ranked third and not second.

The action of the drug is quite long - about sixteen hours. For an oral remedy, this is an excellent indicator.

During the course of the drug, estrogenic side reactions are excluded, for example, gynecomastia. In excessive dosages, this agent is toxic to such an important organ as the liver. Therefore, it is best to use not solo, but combined courses.

Anabolic steroid Sustanon 250

The constituent of this steroid is testosterone enanthate. With the help of this drug, it is possible to achieve impressive success in the growth of strength and muscle mass. Due to the fact that Sustanon is an androgenic anabolic, it has negative properties and side effects.

So, the drug strongly aromatizes, retains water and inhibits the hormonal system. Even chemical "castration" is possible with excessive doses. The rollback phenomenon is quite strong.

The drug is unique in that individual esters are absorbed in it at different rates. Therefore, injections of this drug are made less often compared to other steroids.

For impressive strength indicators in a steroid cycle, it is best to use Sustanon in combination with other anabolic steroids. Due to the long-lasting action of the drug, injections can be given once a week.

Anabolic steroid Testosterone enanthate (cypionate)

With the help of this ester, you can achieve unprecedented results in the set of muscle mass. Although due to the fact that it is an androgen, there are also undesirable aspects - side effects and a significant rollback after the cycle.

This anabolic steroid is included in almost all courses and complexes in bodybuilding. It is effective not only for gaining muscle mass, but also for working on relief. Impressive results can be achieved in the fight against excess weight. But here, in each case, an individual approach is needed and the choice of a certain type of drug. So, enanthate and cypionate are best suited for gaining muscle mass, and propionate will be more appropriate as a fat burner.

Testosterone plays an important role in any steroid cycle - no matter short or long combined. Depending on your goal, you just need to use it in different ways.

Anabolic Steroid Anadrol

Anadrol is one of the most powerful steroids when it comes to gaining mass and increasing strength. Few drug can match it in this. Although there are pronounced side effects - hormonal imbalance, hypertrophy of the heart muscle, liver damage.

But in general, such reactions are possible only in case of an overdose, therefore it is necessary to consult a specialist about the duration of the cycle and dosages. And the training scheme will be appointed by your coach, do not forget to consult with him too.

With excessive dosages, the drug can lead to myocardial hypertrophy. In addition, there is a powerful pullback after the cycle.

Anabolic steroid Trenbolone

This is the strongest anabolic steroid, which is four times more powerful than Deca-Durabolin in terms of its effect on muscle growth. Unfortunately, the side effects of Trenbolone are impressive too. This is, for example, increased androgenic activity, resulting in increased aromatization of the steroid.

This drug is the best steroid that increases insulin-like growth factor. As a result, the sensitivity of the receptors increases. The same goes for anabolic activity. The course of Trenbolone should not exceed 8-10 weeks, while it is important to rest for at least twenty days.

Be sure to consult your doctor, because this is a steroid with impressive side effects. This means that only a specialist will be able to choose the correct dosage and prescribe the cycle duration. And do not forget to talk with a trainer about choosing the ideal training regimen while taking this steroid.

Equipoise Anabolic Steroid

With an anabolic steroid like Equipoise, you will quickly gain mass. Conventionally, this is an injectable form of methandienone, although the action is radically different from the prototype. The tool is slightly aromatized, with its help it is possible to quickly build muscle mass.

In addition, this drug perfectly increases appetite, and is an excellent stimulator of protein synthesis in muscle tissues. It slightly retains water and allows you to maintain the mass that was gained during the course, even after its completion. An injectable steroid is not toxic to the liver and improves blood composition.

Best steroids for drying

  • Anavar. It is safe to say that this is the safest anabolic steroid. Anavar (Oxandrolone) is a mild anabolic drug. It has a fairly low toxicity. The same goes for the androgenic effect. This tool is successfully used as a fat burner in a cycle for drying and relief.

    In addition, it is an excellent bulking agent on the course for building muscle mass and increasing strength. Anavar is very popular with bodybuilders and powerlifters. A low-toxic steroid has practically no effect on the production of endogenous testosterone.

  • Trenbolone. It is a great fat burner. It is used not only in courses for mass, but also for drying. This drug is able to increase the level of insulin-like growth factor, which is why it is used for burning fat.
  • Masteron. Anabolic steroid is taken in order to achieve muscle relief. A pronounced androgenic effect is observed here, and, therefore, the corresponding side reactions. Thanks to the course with Masteron, it is possible to achieve muscle hardness - it's all about the diuretic effect.
  • Winstrol. Such a popular steroid among athletes as Winstrol (Stanozol) is used during drying. It is toxic to the liver, so you should consult your doctor about the dosages during the course. The tablet form is less effective and more toxic. It is better to pay attention to the injection of this drug. With Winstrol, you can significantly increase strength. The same applies to venous delineation.

The life of an athlete is all about training, barbells and jogging, dieting and competition. Every day you must be fit and at your best. Even for a seasoned bodybuilder, this can be challenging. And what can we say about newcomers who have just come to the training hall. They want to achieve excellent results faster, but they lack strength and endurance. It is they who most often begin to collect information about what steroids are, how to use them correctly in order to quickly achieve the desired forms.

Magic pill or something else

There are a lot of myths in society about what steroids are. Let's figure it out with you. These are substances for accelerating anabolic processes. The first drugs based on them were created with the aim of treating sick people.

Of course, gradually the world began to learn what steroids are, and it occurred to some of the athletes that the property of these drugs would help healthy people find ideal muscle in a short time. But the thing is that this effect works correctly only with a certain diet, adherence to the regime of work and rest, careful calculation of the dosage and the correct choice of the drug, which only experienced doctors can do.

Testosterone and its esters

They really do work for gaining muscle mass. They are able to present the desired figure in the shortest possible time. But there are complications here that need to be taken into account. Free steroids are used as anabolic steroids, which can penetrate the cell membrane. Protein synthesis is provoked by androgenic steroids. They are responsible for the signs of masculinity. This is the reason that female athletes become like men. Such effects have been observed in big sports more than once. Today, physicians have accumulated considerable experience in avoiding such mistakes.

Testosterone for men

And now for the next moment, which allows you to better understand what steroids are. These substances lower cholesterol levels, destroy the body's fat reserves and last but not least cause muscle growth. There is one more thing to consider. Most testosterone, the best known androgenic steroid, is produced by the male testes. If you inject it regularly and in large quantities, then the body stops synthesizing the hormone on its own. After the steroid is canceled, this process may start again, but sometimes this does not happen.

Another problem is common with all androgenic steroids. Under the influence of enzymes, they are converted into estrogens. This leads to female obesity after drug withdrawal. As you can see, there are enough nuances. Maybe it's better to go to the rocking chair without steroids?

The perfect body and how to achieve it

Despite all the disadvantages, it is worth noting that without the use of special preparations and sports nutrition, it can be quite difficult to get good results. Sometimes years of training pass with a slight increase. In this case, steroids for gaining muscle mass are ideal helpers. However, it is very important to choose the ones that do the least harm with the maximum benefit. But in order to evaluate all the pros and cons, it is important to consult a specialist. For example, the use of testosterone esters varies depending on the goals:

  • For mass gain, enanthate and cypionate are suitable.
  • For drying and burning fat, it is better to use propionate.
  • To preserve muscle energy - testosterone enanthate.

Best steroids for mass

We've already talked a little about testosterone. It should be the foundation at the heart of any course. However, today it is rare for a bodybuilder to use monotherapy. Most often, a combination of several drugs + proper nutrition + sports loads is used.

  • Considering the best steroids for gaining muscle mass, it should be noted "Methandrostenolone", aka "Dianabol". In practice, it has proven to be effective despite water retention. The increase in muscle mass and strength is simply colossal, but the rollback after the course is significant. Many athletes are ready to sacrifice this and even put up with side effects (aromatization, significant fluid retention, toxicity to the liver), since it is difficult to find something more effective during the period of weight gain.
  • "Deca-Durabolin" is not to say that it is the strongest in terms of mass gain. The growth rates will be less than in the previous case, but this drug is safer. It is non-toxic and, if used correctly, has practically no side effects. Let you gain less muscle mass over a certain period, but the rollback will be minimal.
  • Turinabol. In fact, this is the same "Methandrostenolone", only it does not aromatize and does not retain water so much. That is, the mass gain is slower, but its quality is much higher, and there is practically no rollback. However, due to the lack of the water accumulator effect, the efficiency indicators are lower, which is why Turinabol is in third place. However, the effect of this oral steroid lasts 16 hours, which is a very high indicator for such agents.
  • Equipoise is an injectable drug that is considered one of the best for mass gain. Like no other, it increases appetite. The steroid stimulates protein synthesis in muscle tissues, retains little water, which means that the gained mass is better preserved after the course. It is not toxic to the liver.
in the heading

If you are reading this article, then you have embarked on the path of steroids for the first time. Remember the beautifully sculpted muscles of athletes? And the luxurious body of bodybuilders? Pharmacological drugs called anabolic steroids helped to achieve this result. Of course, athletes used to try to get a beautiful shape and body composition without steroids, but today - when the bar for achievement rises - it is almost impossible to do without them, because there is a genetic peak beyond which you and I will not be able to cross, even if we are 24 hours a day. and 7 days a week to pull the barbell, on the site. Only steroids can help.

What are anabolics?

Anabolic steroids are drugs that mimic the male sex hormone testosterone. By acting on the muscles, they contribute to the accelerated synthesis of protein. As a result, we can observe muscle hypertrophy, which is so necessary for athletes. All drugs of this action are divided into anabolic steroids and androgens. Androgens are steroids that make you look masculine, and anabolic steroids help you gain weight. Anabolic steroids began to be used at the end of the 19th century. In 1934, the first effective steroid was obtained. In 1939, the creators of the chemical formula for testosterone even received the Nobel Prize.

Anabolics entered sports in 1938. There is evidence that Adolf Hitler himself used anabolic steroids to increase endurance and muscle mass. Today steroids and their anabolic properties have greatly improved, and testosterone modifications have appeared. Steroids began to be used, among other things, in medicine for the treatment of burns, injuries, anemia, and prostate diseases. Since 1976, steroids have been banned from sports. Anabolics are injectable, tableted, in the form of solutions, gels, energy drinks and other types. The drugs, as a rule, are soluble in fats and dissolve quickly.

How do steroids work?

What are steroids for? In order to gain muscle mass, improve physical performance, increase strength, endurance, achieve the effect that cannot be obtained by training alone. Anabolics act like peptides inside the body. They enter the bloodstream and there interact with different cells, triggering chemical reactions. Chemical reactions then travel to parts of the brain to activate various processes. This is the synthesis of protein, on which the growth of muscle tissue and the formation of muscle mass depend. If you draw a diagram, you can see the following happening:

Protein synthesis begins;

Decreased recovery;

Decreases cortisol;

Metabolic reactions are accelerated.

Effects of steroids

All effects can be divided into anabolic and androgenic. Anabolic drugs include muscle growth, strength, endurance, performance. At the same time, the number of red blood cells increases, bones become stronger, and there is less fat. Androgenic effects include muscle building, arousal, active semen production, and increased body hair growth. Athletes try to use the courses so that only anabolic effects are obtained. As a rule, androgenic effects do not complain, and women try not to take such drugs at all. When buying a steroid, pay attention to the anabolic index - this indicator demonstrates the ratio between androgenic and anabolic effects.

Taking anabolic steroids, you need to be prepared for other effects. For example, appetite may increase. Other drugs can even reduce it. Androgenic drugs affect the psyche, increase self-esteem and communication skills. The choice of steroids depends on the goals of the athlete and their physical qualities. It is important that only such an experienced specialist as Uncle Farmych be engaged in the selection of drugs and the preparation of a course for mass or drying.

Side effects

Taking anabolic steroids is not always safe - this must be understood. Only adherence to the dosage can protect against side effects. Otherwise, athletes will have to face irritability. This effect is called "steroid rage". Blood pressure may also rise, acne and acne may appear. The athlete may experience increased libido and fluid retention. In some cases, steroids cause the growth of the female breast - this is due to the fact that the drugs may contain estrogens. Women, on the other hand, are capable of becoming muscular. To prevent side effects, certain rules must be followed.

Uncle Farmych recommends never exceeding the dose recommended by a specialist. It is also forbidden to independently combine anabolic steroids. They can only be combined in the course and only according to the rules. Anabolics are prohibited for people under 25 years old, as well as for women. Safe plant-based steroids are recommended for the fair sex. The inclusion of restorative drugs and amino acids in the course helps to protect against side effects. After using anabolic steroids, it is necessary to undergo recovery with the help of drugs that reduce the toxic effect on the liver and other organs.

For those who want to switch to powerful means for gaining mass and still do not know where to start, it is important to familiarize yourself with the principles of hormonal drugs, their features, useful and negative effects on the body, dosages and methods of application. First, you need to understand what steroids are and why these drugs should be used under the strict supervision of specialists and only in case of real need.

This article is written for informational purposes only, for general understanding, we in no way urge the use of such drugs. And we recommend that you achieve your goals in sports with the help of a competent construction of the training process, observing the correct and complete recovery after training.

Steroids are hormonal drugs. But to understand how they work and how to use them, you need to know what hormones are and why they are needed. In short, hormones are substances produced by the glands of the body, without the slightest exaggeration, dictating a model of behavior to the body and controlling all life processes.

The first steroids appeared in Germany in the late 30s. These hormonal drugs have been used in medicine to treat metabolic disorders. Already in the fifties, steroids effectively treated:

  • muscle atrophy;
  • burns;
  • anemia;
  • some forms of cancer;
  • stopped the development of AIDS;
  • recovered after operations;
  • rehabilitated after severe fractures;
  • impotence associated with hormonal imbalance;
  • osteoporosis.

All anabolic hormones, with the exception of some, such as insulin or growth hormone, are synthetic testosterone. It is testosterone that is called the king of male hormones, it is the main one in the arsenal of an athlete. The main properties of testosterone are:

  • increase in muscle mass;
  • a strong decrease in catabolic processes;
  • the participation of the hormone in the development of the genitals and secondary sexual characteristics in a certain period of life;
  • regulation of spermatogenesis and sexual behavior;
  • distribution and regulation of the amount and structure of subcutaneous adipose tissue, acceleration of its splitting;
  • providing a powerful effect on nitrogenous and protein metabolism.

How do steroids work?

With the exception of Insulin, the growth hormone and the drug Oxymetalone, which acts to increase red blood cells and is only indirectly associated with the production of sex hormones, all steroids have positive effects on protein-carbohydrate metabolism and assimilate all the useful and necessary elements for muscle growth.

A great example of how steroids work is the construction site. Imagine that the human body is a multi-storey building under construction. For its construction, building materials (protein, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements and others) and builders (hormones) are needed. So, a person who does not use doping is a house under construction with a small group of builders. Due to the fact that there are few of them, the process is slow and it takes a long time to build a floor, even if trucks with building materials bring everything and bring bricks, four builders are not able to erect a skyscraper in a week. The same thing happens with the athlete's body.

Now let's imagine using the same example of an athlete using steroids. There are many times more builders on his rack (muscle growth), and the longer the course, the more builders can be driven to the construction site. All that remains is to bring building materials and there should be a lot of them! This example perfectly shows the work of hormonal anabolic drugs.

Side effects

Like all medicines, steroids have a number of side effects:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • excess water accumulation (edema);
  • masculinization;
  • irritability, possibly pronounced aggressive behavior;
  • insomnia;
  • baldness;
  • acne;
  • testicular atrophy;
  • hypercalcemia.

What are anabolic steroids?

Steroids come in tablet form (oral) and injectable form.

The oral form is much more convenient, but it is considered more toxic to the body. Since the drugs pass through the liver twice. In the first circle, metabolites enter the bloodstream, and in the second they are removed from the body. The processes of decay and elimination are accompanied by a chemical reaction that poisons the body.

Injectable drugs can be administered several times a week or even once, if used as a synergistic combination. The frequency of injections depends on the composition of the oil ester. After the injection of the drug intramuscularly, a capsule is created from the drug, which is dosed into the blood. Thus, if the density of the ether is higher, as well as its composition is multicomponent, dissolution occurs more slowly, which gives a longer action.

The drugs are distinguished by androgenic and anabolic strength. There is a scale of androgenic and anabolic activity - strength, which is measured as a percentage, and each drug has a specific effect aimed at anabolic or androgenic effects.

For example: Methandienone, its anabolic activity is 200% of testosterone, and androgenic - 50% of testosterone, while stanozolol's anabolic activity is 320% of testosterone, and androgenic is 30% of testosterone. The higher the anabolic activity of the drug, the more effective it is for gaining high-quality muscles, and the higher the androgenic activity, the higher the risk of side effects, one of which is a rapid weight gain due to the androgenic effect of water retention.

All drugs are focused on strength, mass, endurance, muscle quality, but depending on their profile, aimed at androgenic or anabolic action, the result depends.

How to take and features of use?

Tablets are taken 10 minutes after meals or before taking a sports supplement. Reception before meals is associated with a powerful assimilation of nutrients for muscle growth. The course of tablet preparations is taken in a "ladder" or pyramid (gradually increasing the daily dosage) or in the background, when the dosage does not change during the entire intake.

It is important to know the time of elimination of a specific drug from the body, so that the hormonal background created by synthetic hormones does not have "pits", that is, it has an even effect. So, for example, the action of methandienone does not exceed 6 hours and with a single dose, the effect on the body completely disappears, and a drug such as stanozolol lasts nine hours.

The use of injectables must be taken seriously.

Firstly, oil injections take a long time to dissolve, and if incorrectly administered, they can lead to an abscess. Injections can only be given intramuscularly. The glutes, delts, and quads are great for injections.

Secondly, it is important to insert the needle at full length and use needles from 5 cc syringes, for ease of administration of the drug, needles from 2 are too thin and are completely unsuitable for some esters.

Thirdly, the ampoule must be warmed up before administration, this will make the oil more liquid. Unlike oral drugs, for which the daily dose is calculated, injectables are calculated for a week or ten days. For example: the weekly dose of testosterone enanthate is 500 mg, which means that this dose is divided into two injections, with an equal time interval between them. Or every five days or every day a week (Monday, Thursday).

Steroid courses for beginners

The first course should consist of simple drugs, or one drug. Dosages should be used as minimal as possible, and the duration should not exceed 6 weeks.

Examples of simple steroid courses:

  1. Methandienone. 30 mg per day, course duration 6 weeks. The drug intake should be divided into three equal doses of 10 mg each.

Dosing regimen: 5 days 10 mg in the morning. 5 days 10 mg in the morning, 10 mg at lunch. 22 days 10 mg in the morning, 10 mg at lunchtime and 10 mg in the evening. The remaining twenty days, a gradual decrease in dosage occurs (5 days - 10 mg in the morning, 10 mg at lunch, and 5 days at 10 mg in the morning).

  1. Stanozolol and Nandrolone Decanoate. Stanozolol is taken 20 mg per day, and Nandrolone Decanoate 200 or 250 mg (depending on the manufacturer) as a single injection once a week. The principle of taking Stanozolol is exactly the same as for other tableted steroids. Decanoate should be injected once a week.
  2. Masteron and Oxandrolone. The daily dose of Masteron is 30 mg per day, Oxandralone is 400 mg per week, which must be divided into two injections with equal intervals of time.

Table for the course of methandienone

Table for the course of Stanozolol and Nandrolone Decanoate

Table for the course of Masteron and Oxandrolone

Masteron / Oxandrolone 1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week 5th week 6th week
Morning 10 mg. / injection on monday and thursday 10 mg. / injection on monday and thursday 10 mg. / injection on monday and thursday 10 mg. / injection on monday and thursday 10 mg. / injection on monday and thursday
Day From Saturday 10 mg. / 10 mg. / 10 mg. / 10 mg. / 10 mg. / Up to and including Tuesday 10 mg. /
Evening From Thursday 10 mg. 10 mg. 10 mg. 10 mg. Until Thursday inclusive

Some experienced athletes take stanozolol solo, and achieve excellent results, so the steroid courses mentioned above are just examples or one of the easy complexes.

What drugs are additionally used on the steroid cycle

To support the body with long-term use of steroids, cardiomagnyl can be taken to thin the blood, in dosages of 75 mg once a day after meals. You can take asparkam to regulate potassium, magnesium and sodium 0.5 - 1 tablet three times a day. And also, in case of side effects associated with increased blood pressure and increased heart rate, you need to connect a tandem of Enalapril ½ tablet in the morning and Metoprolol ½ tablet twice a day.

Diet during the steroid cycle

During the use of steroids, the athlete should increase the protein intake in an amount not less than three grams per 1 kg of weight. Daily calorie content should be at least 5000 kcal. Restricted meals should be adhered to if necessary due to the specific constitution of the athlete.

Between meals and before bedtime, take a protein or carbohydrate shake.

It is very important to monitor the amount of salt consumed, as well as foods containing harmful cholesterol, such foods can retain water and thicken the blood, which is a very dangerous effect, since steroids increase hemoglobin.

Do I need after the course therapy in the first year

Usually, after the first course of steroids, no additional funds are required to restore their own hormonal levels, since the dosages and duration of taking hormonal drugs are small. If an athlete is counting on a second course of doping, then it makes sense to use any hepatoprotective agent, except for Carsil, because of the phytoestrogenic effects.

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