Home Fruit trees The riddle is that the Almighty. Doubly gives the one who gives quickly

The riddle is that the Almighty. Doubly gives the one who gives quickly

Yes, in Surah Al-Ghafir there really is such an ayat in which the Almighty speaks of His acceptance of prayers. And Allah Almighty really listens to the appeals of His servants. But there is a difference between answering slaves and accepting their prayers.

Allah Almighty listens to all prayers. But will the Almighty give His servant what he asks, that is, the acceptance or non-acceptance of his prayer is connected with the wisdom and desire of the Almighty. A simple example: if a patient calls a doctor, he answers his call. Then he inquires about the state of health of the patient and at the same time does not immediately write out a prescription for him, but gives out the necessary medicines only after examining the patient. In this case, the doctor takes into account the characteristics of the patient.

Like this, Allah Almighty listens to the appeals of His servants and at the same time does not answer all their requests. Since in most cases we ask the Almighty for what is useful for us in this world, and at the same time we forget about Akhiret. And what we beg from Allah Almighty may not always be useful for us on the Day of Judgment. In addition, our appeals to the Almighty may be based on false needs or hasty decisions. Sometimes what we see as good for ourselves can actually turn out to be evil for us. And in the Qur'an, regarding this, it says the following: “Perhaps you hate what is good for you. What you desire is what is evil for you. Allah is Aware of it, but you are ignorant."

Therefore, if Almighty Allah does not give us exactly what we ask of Him, do not express dissatisfaction, but, on the contrary, be content with our predestination.

Sometimes we rush things. But Allah Almighty knows better what we need more, what is preferable and beneficial for us. For this reason, everything that we receive or do not receive from the Supreme Creator is directly related to His wisdom. Therefore, it may happen that Allah Almighty gives more than what His slave asks from Him. For example, someone can pray to the Almighty for a son. But Almighty Allah can give him a daughter, in which there will be more good than in men.

The wife of Imran (peace be upon him) begged from the Most High son. But Allah Almighty gave her such a daughter who was superior to us men. The Almighty gave her Maryam, who later gave birth to the prophet Jesus (peace be upon him).

The main purpose of turning to Allah Almighty is to perform worship. For this reason, in Achiret, its equivalent can be returned to a person in the form of rewards.

Turning a person to the Almighty is a recognition of his weakness, dependence on the will of his Creator, faith that Almighty Allah hears his prayers. Therefore, the more a person turns to the Almighty, the more his iman in Him. And the more he seeks protection from his Creator, the more his soul is filled with peace.

Turning to Allah Almighty with prayers, that is, recognizing one's weakness, His greatness and power, is one of the important types of worship. Is this reflected in every form of worship? For example, in earthly worship (sajda) to Almighty Allah, a person shows how much lower he is than his Creator, how weak he is without His protection, while pointing to His boundless power and greatness.

The Messenger of Allah said: "Dua (appeal to the Almighty) is the essence of worship." And due to the fact that the dua is a separate type of worship, on the Day of Judgment, the believer will be rewarded for it.

In order for our appeals to Allah Almighty to be accepted by Him, we should fulfill the requirements inherent in this mortal world. The dua itself is divided into two parts. The first of them: "dua fi`li". That is, turning to Allah Almighty through their good deeds. For example, plowing the land, sowing seeds, watering plantings. That is, the fulfillment of all requirements for a good harvest. Due to the fulfillment of these requirements, such an appeal to the Almighty in most cases is accepted by Him.

The second type is dua kauli - an appeal to the Supreme Creator through words and the desire of the heart. And along with this kind of dua, one should also make dua fi`li. That is, you can not wish for something and at the same time be a couch potato. If everything were limited to only a verbal appeal to the Almighty, then all people would turn into parasites. And Allah Almighty does not want His servants to be lazy.

In addition, if Almighty Allah answered all our appeals to Him, this would lead to an imbalance in mortal life. It's no secret that most people want to be strong in this world, that is, to be rulers, bosses. if Allah Almighty satisfies all such desires of people, then who will work? Who agrees to someone commanding him?

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah Almighty listens to the appeals of everyone. The Almighty answers the conversions of His slaves by giving what His slave asks, or leaving it for the Day of Judgment, or by forgiving sins to the extent that corresponds to the degree of his conversion, provided that a person does not ask for sinful things, for breaking family relations, and does not rush to accept his prayers by the Almighty, saying: “Why is my dua not accepted.”

There are other requirements for Allah Almighty to accept a dua. For example, to be diligent in dua, not to eat forbidden food, etc.

"Get out, do you hear? I don't want to see you! Get out of my life! You're divorced, you hear?! I give you a divorce three times! I'm divorcing you! I'm divorcing you! I'm divorcing you!" - such fiery speeches can often be heard during the destruction of a Muslim family. There are probably more terrible expressions, but this is not the place for their voicing. However, when saying such phrases, a man sometimes does not even suspect what serious words came out of his mouth and how much he may regret what he did.

Among many Dagestani Muslims, and Russian ones too, there is an opinion that in order to divorce your wife, you need to tell her three times: “I am divorcing you!” or "I'm giving you a divorce!" In fact, this is a big mistake, leading to big problems and big male tears. Because after such words, in order to return to her husband, a woman needs to marry another person, enter into a relationship with him, divorce, wait out the iddah period, and only then can she remarry her former spouse. Because of this, men with a long tongue bite their elbows, which they cannot keep behind their teeth. The cause of all these problems and experiences is simple ignorance. But there is a way of divorce, after which a woman is not at all obliged to marry someone in order to suddenly reconcile and return to her husband. In addition, a one-time three-fold divorce is prohibited by Sharia.

Many men today do not know the simple Sharia norms related to family life. They do not know what they are obliged to do according to Sharia and what they can demand from their wives. A wife is thought to have many more responsibilities than a husband. When they go to an Islamic shop, for some reason they look for a book called "How to Become a Righteous Wife" and not "How to Become a Righteous Husband." Also, spouses know little about the divorce process, except that they need to say something three times or something else. Who is to blame?

The spouses themselves are also to blame, because they did not get acquainted with their religion properly before starting a family. Many imams of mosques are to blame (not all), who almost do not conduct lessons in them and do not explain to people the rules of Sharia. You are also guilty, because you did not explain to your friends and acquaintances what they do not know from the religion of Allah. But this is solvable. It is only necessary to devote a little time to the study of Sharia, and everything will fall into place.

In this article, with the permission of Allah, we will briefly talk about what divorce is, what position it has in Islam, and that it is not at all necessary to repeat the words three times in order to divorce your wife.

Divorce in Islam

Allah Almighty says: “Divorce is allowed twice, after which you must either keep your wife on reasonable terms, or let her go kindly. You are not allowed to take anything from what he has given unless both parties fear that they will not be able to keep the limits of Allah. And if you fear that they will not be able to keep the restrictions of Allah, then both of them will not commit a sin if she atones for a divorce. These are the limits of Allah. Don't transgress them. And those who transgress the limits of Allah are the wrongdoers. If he divorced her for the third time, then he is not allowed to marry her until she marries another. And if he divorces her, then they will not commit a sin if they reunite, believing that they can keep the restrictions of Allah. These are the limits of Allah. He explains them for people who know." (Sura Al-Baqara, 229-230).

The basis of marriage, according to Shariah, is constancy. A Muslim does not marry a girl to live with her for a month or a year. Marriage for a Muslim is a fortress that he builds together with his wife, who will protect them both from the passions of this world. Through marriage, Muslims continue and increase the Islamic ummah, build a healthy society, strengthen interethnic and inter-clan ties.

But there are times when spouses cannot continue their life together. Maybe they didn’t get along, or a terrible quarrel left wounds on their hearts, and now they don’t want to be together. What's more, they can't take it anymore. Such situations are not uncommon. There must be a way out of them, and there is one. This is a divorce.

Divorce in Islam is a permissible but undesirable action, as it is considered the most disliked action for Allah. From Ibn Umar may Allah be pleased with him, it is reported that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: The most disliked (anger-producing) permissible act for Allah is divorce (talaq ) ". Hadith narrated Abu Dawud, Ibn Maja And Al-Hakim. However, as we have already said, this action is permitted, and further we will learn how to properly divorce.

How to get divorced?

Divorce in Islam is done by a man. Every man, having married, has three attempts to give talaq (divorce). To divorce your wife, you need to tell her ONE times: "I'm giving you a divorce!" This will divorce your wife, but she will not yet become a stranger to you, and you will still have the opportunity to return her!

Islam has established a rather wise method of divorce. Divorce words such as “I am divorcing you” should be said to the wife during the period of absence of haida (menstruation), in which the spouses did not have sexual intercourse. If you think about it, you can understand the greatest wisdom hidden in this form of divorce. Most divorces occur at a time when a quarrel flares up between spouses and, in a fit of anger, the husband throws unnecessary words. If he waited until the time when it is better to give a divorce, then in most cases he would hardly divorce his wife, because his anger can stop and he can make peace with her.

If, however, the husband nevertheless firmly decided to divorce and, after waiting for the period of absence from his wife of haida, in which they did not have sexual intercourse, he gave her one talaq, she will not be completely freed from the bonds of marriage. From this moment on, the woman's term begins iddah. This is three periods of menstrual cleansing for women with a menstrual cycle and three months for those women who have stopped it. During the iddah period, a man has the right to return his wife. Such an action is called "ruj'a" in Shariah. He says to his divorced wife: “I am returning you,” and she again becomes his full-fledged wife. However, the man will now have only two divorce attempts, since he has already used one attempt. Consider the wisdom of this method. If the resentment and anger of the man did not pass during the time while he was waiting for the moment of the absence of the haid, then after the first talaq he is given time in the amount of three months to think over and weigh his decision. This is a decent time, and it is enough to forget everything that happened between the spouses and return to normal life.

If the husband does not return his wife during the iddah, then their marriage is terminated. She becomes a free woman and can marry another man. But remember well: a man can marry her again after this period ends, only by concluding a new marriage contract. It should also be remembered that even if he marries her again, he will still have only two divorce attempts, because he has already used one attempt.

A new quarrel can occur between them, and he can again give her one divorce, and she will again begin the period of iddah, and he can return her again, but now he will have only one divorce attempt, after which the woman will have to marry another to return to her former husband.

Almighty Allah gives Muslims three divorce attempts, in which a man can return his wife twice and live with her the same life. This period is provided in order to think, gather thoughts, weigh the pros and cons and make the right decision. But if a man divorces his wife endlessly, then he will be subjected to a great test by Sharia - his wife will have to marry another man, and then get a divorce in order to return to him. No normal person wants this. It is foolish to close for yourself all the ways of returning your wife and give three divorces at once!

Almighty Allah, by limiting the divorce to three attempts, thereby put more responsibility into the words of a man regarding divorce, so that he could not play with the feelings of a woman and mock her. However, due to ignorance, ignoring the norms of Sharia, many men themselves create unnecessary problems for themselves.


You don't need to divorce your wives over trifles or because of emotions. First of all, try to find ways to resolve family problems. Look for the reasons in yourself and try to eliminate them. But if you can no longer live in a marriage and decide to get a divorce, give one talaq and do not give three at once, so that you do not have to regret it later. In addition, divorce three times at one time is not in accordance with the Sunnah and is prohibited by Shariah.

Transmitted from Mahmud ibn Labid May Allah be pleased with him, that he said: “The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was told about a man who gave his wife three divorces at once. He got up, angry, and said: Is it possible to play the Book of Allah while I am still among you?!”(An-Nasai 3348).

15 difficult riddles that will make your head work and get distracted from everyday thoughts...

1. It is given to a person three times: the first two times are free, and the third one has to be paid?

2. One of my friends can cleanly shave his beard a dozen times a day. And yet he walks with a beard. How is this possible?

He is a barber.

3. One day at breakfast, a girl dropped her ring into a cup full of coffee. Why is the ring dry?

Coffee beans, ground or instant.

4. In what case, looking at the number 2, do we say "ten"?

When we look at a clock that shows ten minutes of any hour.

5. A man bought apples for 5 rubles apiece, and then sold them for 3 rubles apiece. After some time, he became a millionaire. How did he do it?

He was a billionaire.

6. You are standing in front of two identical doors, one of which leads to death, the other to happiness. The doors are guarded by two identical guards, one of whom tells the truth all the time, and the other lies all the time. But you don't know who is who. You can only ask one question to any of the guards.
What question should be asked in order not to be mistaken with the choice of the door?

One of the solutions: "If I ask you to show me the door to happiness, which door will the other guard point to?" And after that you need to choose another door.

7. You are invited to work as a financial analyst at Gazprom. They promise a starting salary of $100,000 per year and two options for increasing it:
1. Once a year you receive a $15,000 salary increase.
2. Once every six months - for $5,000
Which option seems better to you?

The layout according to the first option: 1 year - $100,000, 2 year - $115,000, 3 year - $130,000, 4 year - $145,000 and so on. The layout according to the second option: 1 year - $50,000 + $55,000 = $105,000, 2 year - $60,000 + $65,000 = $125,000, year 3 - $70,000 + $75,000 = $145,000, year 4 - $80,000 + $85,000 = $165,000 and so on.

8. There are three light bulbs in one room. The other has three switches. You need to determine which switch from which light bulb. You can enter the room with light bulbs only once.

First you need to turn on one light bulb and wait, then turn on the second for a very short time, and then turn both off. The first will be the hottest, the second warm, and the third cold.

9. You have five- and three-liter bottles and lots and lots of water. How to fill a five-liter bottle exactly 4 liters of water?

Dial a five-liter bottle, pour 3 liters from it into a three-liter bottle. Pour out of the three-liter, pour the remaining two liters into it. Dial the five-liter bottle again and drain the extra liter from it into the three-liter bottle, where there is just so much space left.

10. You are sitting in a boat that floats in a pool. There is a heavy cast-iron anchor in the boat, not tied to the boat. What will happen to the water level in the pool if you drop your anchor into the water?

The water level will drop. While the anchor is in the boat, it displaces a volume of water that weighs as much as the anchor, its own weight and the weight of the cargo. If the anchor is thrown overboard, it will only displace the volume of water equal to the volume of the anchor, and not the weight, i.e. less, since the density of the anchor is greater than that of water.

11. A father with two sons went on a campaign. On their way they met a river, near the bank of which there was a raft. He stands on the water either a father or two sons. How to cross to the other side of the father and sons?

Both sons cross first. One of the sons returns to his father. The father moves to the opposite bank to his son. The father remains on the shore, and the son crosses to the original shore after his brother, after which they both cross to the father.

12. A steel ladder was lowered from the side of the ship. The bottom 4 steps of the ladder are submerged in water. Each step is 5 cm thick; the distance between two adjacent steps is 30 cm. The tide began, at which the water level began to rise at a rate of 40 cm per hour. How many stairs do you think will be under water after 2 hours?

“We send down in the Quran that which is healing and mercy for the believers” (17:82).

Our path is inscrutable. Today we are happy, tomorrow on our way - difficulties and trials, bitterness, suffering and loss. We never know what lies ahead of us. Man is only a grain of sand in the ocean of events, which is not able to control itself. What makes a believer a believer? Of course, the way he accepts all the difficulties and sorrows of fate. His strength is in humility, patience and submission to the will of Allah as inevitable. His comfort lies in trusting Allah and knowing that the mercy of the Almighty is greater than any sorrow. He finds his peace in the words and promises of Allah, which are recorded in the Holy Scriptures. Perhaps for the one who reads this article, and perhaps is in despair, has lost hope for good and is sad, these words of Allah will give peace and comfort their restless hearts.

Of course, it is very difficult for a person to accept pain and suffering. We are too weak and it seems to us that we are simply not able to survive what happened to us. But nothing comes easy and every difficulty is a test of our faith. Faith in Allah, his predestination and destiny. After all, a person cannot believe without accepting the predestination of fate and resisting the decision of His Creator.

The Qur'an says about the inevitability of testing: “We will certainly test you with insignificant fear, hunger, loss of property, people and fruits. Rejoice then those who are patient, who, when trouble befalls them, say: “Indeed, we belong to Allah, and to Him we will return” (2:155-156).

“Do people really think that they will be left alone and not put to the test just because they say: “We believed”? We put to the test those who lived long before them. Indeed, Allah knows in advance those who are truthful and those who are false” (29:2-3).

Allah Almighty does not want us harm and does not want our suffering, He only gives us the opportunity to increase our position in the eternal world. The world in which we will live forever depends only on how we pass the test. Isn't that great justice?

“(Allah is) Who created death and life to test you and see whose deeds are better. He is the Mighty, the Forgiving” (67:2).

“We have made some of you a temptation to others: will you be patient? Your Lord is Seeing” (25:20).

"Don't relax and don't be sad while you're on the rise, if you're truly a believer" (3:139).

“We created man from a mixed drop, putting him to the test, and made him hearing and seeing. We led him along the path either grateful or ungrateful. We have prepared for the disbelievers chains, shackles and flames. And the pious will drink from the cup wine mixed with kafur. The servants of Allah will drink from the source, letting it flow in full-flowing streams ”(76: 2-6).

“...and Allah rewarded you with sorrow for sorrow, so that you do not grieve over what you missed, and over what hit you. Allah is aware of what you do” (3:153).

“Do people really think that they will be left and not subjected to temptation just because they say: “We believed”? (29:2).

“Your aspirations are different. To the one who made donations and was God-fearing, who recognized the best, We will ease the path to the easiest. And for the one who was stingy and believed that he did not need [divine guidance], who considered the best to be a lie, We will make it easy for the hardest” (92: 4-10).

No matter what grief we experience and no matter how abandoned we feel, the Almighty, All-Hearing and All-Seeing is with each of us. The Qur'an says: “Allah said: “Do not be afraid, for I am with you. I hear and I see” (20:46).

“Allah is the Protector of those who believe. He brings them out of darkness into light” (2:257).

O you who believe, be patient and compete in patience, be steadfast and fear Allah, so that you may find salvation! (3:200)

When a person realizes this, he feels himself getting closer to Him. He gave these tests, He will give their solution. Every time we are in trouble or we are going through difficult times, we must remember the following: “Allah does not burden a person beyond what He has given him. After hardship, Allah creates relief” (65:7).

“Indeed, after every hardship comes relief” (94:5).

“Good and evil are not equal. Repel evil with what is better, and then the one with whom you are at enmity will become for you like a close loving relative. But it will not be given to anyone but those who are patient, and it will not be given to anyone except those who have a great share” (41:34-35).

The Qur'an clearly clarified the position of a person regarding worship in different situations: “Among people there is one who worships Allah, being on the verge between faith and disbelief. If he gets good, then thanks to this he feels confident; if temptation befalls him, he turns back. He loses both this world and the Hereafter. This is an obvious loss!” (22:11).

Our commitment is tested during trials: whether we will be close to the Almighty when everything is good or whether we will also remain close to Him in times of difficulties.

“Refer to patience and prayer for help. Indeed, prayer is a heavy burden for everyone except the humble who are convinced that they will meet their Lord and that they will return to Him” (2:45-46).

“We test you with good and evil to tempt you, and to Us you will be returned” (21:35).

“Peace be upon you for your patience! How beautiful is the Last Abode!” (13:24)

"Get out, do you hear? I don't want to see you! Get out of my life! You're divorced, you hear?! I divorced you three times! I divorced you! I divorced you! I divorced you!" Such fiery speeches can often be heard at the destruction of Muslim families. Probably more terrible expressions come out, but this is not the place for their voicing. However, when saying such phrases, a man sometimes does not even suspect what serious words came out of his mouth and how much he may regret what he did.

Among many Dagestani Muslims, and Russian ones too, there is an opinion that in order to divorce your wife, you need to tell her three times: “I divorced you!” or "I gave you a divorce!" In fact, this is a big mistake, leading to big problems and big male tears. Because after such words, in order to return to her husband, a woman needs to marry another person, enter into a relationship with him, divorce, wait out the iddah period, and only then can she remarry her former spouse. Because of this, men with long tongues bite their elbows, which they cannot keep behind their teeth. The cause of all these problems and experiences is simple ignorance. But there is a way of divorce, after which a woman is not at all obliged to marry someone in order to suddenly reconcile and return to her husband. In addition, a one-time three-fold divorce is prohibited by Sharia.

Many men today do not know the simple Sharia norms related to family life. They do not know what they are obliged to do according to Sharia and what they can demand from their wives. A wife is thought to have many more responsibilities than a husband. When they go to an Islamic shop, for some reason they look for a book called "How to Become a Righteous Wife" and not "How to Become a Righteous Husband." Also, spouses know little about the divorce process, except that you need to say something three times or something else. Who is to blame?

The spouses themselves are also to blame, because they did not get acquainted with their religion properly before starting a family. Many imams of mosques are to blame (not all), who almost do not conduct lessons in them and do not explain to people the rules of Sharia. You are also guilty (a) because you did not explain (a) to your friends and acquaintances what they do not know from the religion of Allah. But this is solvable. It is only necessary to devote a little time to the study of Sharia, and everything will fall into place.

In this article, with the permission of Allah, we will briefly talk about what divorce is, what position it has in Islam, and that it is not at all necessary to repeat the words three times in order to divorce your wife.

Divorce in Islam

Allah Almighty says: “Divorce is allowed twice, after which you must either keep your wife on reasonable terms, or let her go kindly. You are not allowed to take anything from what he has given unless both parties fear that they will not be able to keep the limits of Allah. And if you fear that they will not be able to keep the restrictions of Allah, then both of them will not commit a sin if she atones for a divorce. These are the limits of Allah. Don't transgress them. And those who transgress the limits of Allah are the wrongdoers. If he divorced her for the third time, then he is not allowed to marry her until she marries another. And if he divorces her, then they will not commit a sin if they reunite, believing that they can keep the restrictions of Allah. These are the limits of Allah. He explains them for people who know” (Sura Al-Baqarah, 229-230).

The basis of marriage, according to Shariah, is constancy. A Muslim does not marry a girl to live with her for a month or a year. Marriage for a Muslim is a fortress that he builds together with his wife, who will protect them both from the passions of this world. Through marriage, Muslims continue and increase the Islamic ummah, build a healthy society, strengthen interethnic and inter-clan ties.

But there are times when spouses cannot continue their life together. Maybe maybe they didn’t get along, or a terrible quarrel left wounds on their hearts, and now they don’t want to be together. What's more, they can't take it anymore. Such situations are not uncommon. There must be a way out of them, and there is one. This is a divorce.

Divorce in Islam is a permissible but undesirable action, as it is considered the most disliked action for Allah. From Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, it is transmitted that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “The most disliked (infuriating) permissible action for Allah is divorce (talaq).” Narrated by Abu Dawud, Ibn Maja and Al-Hakim. However, as we have already said, this action is permitted, and further we will learn how to properly divorce.

How to get divorced?

Divorce in Islam is done by a man. Every man, having married, has three attempts to give talaq (divorce). To divorce your wife, you need to tell her ONCE: "I'm giving you a divorce!" This will divorce your wife, but she will not yet become a stranger to you, and you will still have the opportunity to return her!

Islam has established a rather wise method of divorce. Divorce words such as “I am divorcing you” should be said to the wife during the period of absence of haida (menstruation), in which the spouses did not have sexual intercourse. If you think about it, you can understand the greatest wisdom hidden in this form of divorce. Most divorces occur at a time when a quarrel flares up between spouses and, in a fit of anger, the husband throws unnecessary words. If he had waited until the time when it was better to give a divorce, then in most cases he would hardly have divorced his wife, because his anger may stop and he may be reconciled with her.

If, however, the husband nevertheless firmly decided to divorce and, after waiting for the period of absence of the Haida from his wife, in which they did not have sexual intercourse, he gave her one talaq, she will not be completely freed from the bonds of marriage. From this moment, the woman's iddah begins. This is three periods of menstrual cleansing for women with a menstrual cycle and three months for those women who have stopped it. During the iddah period, a man has the right to return his wife. Such an action is called "ruj'a" in Shariah. He tells his divorced wife: "I'm bringing you back," and she again becomes his full-fledged wife. However, the man will now only have two divorce attempts, since he has already used one attempt. Consider the wisdom of this method. If the resentment and anger of the man did not pass during the time while he was waiting for the moment of the absence of the haid, then after the first talaq he is given time in the amount of three months to think over and weigh his decision. This is a decent time, and it is enough to forget everything that happened between the spouses and return to normal life.

If the husband does not return his wife during the iddah, then their marriage is terminated. She becomes a free woman and can marry another man. But remember well: a man can marry her again after this period ends, only by concluding a new marriage contract. It should also be remembered that, even if he marries her again, he will still have only two divorce attempts, because he has already used one attempt.

A new quarrel can occur between them, and he can again give her one divorce and she will again begin the period of iddah, and he can return her again, but now he will have only one attempt at a divorce, after which the woman will have to marry another, to return to her former husband.

Almighty Allah gives Muslims three divorce attempts, in which a man can return his wife twice and live with her the same life. This period is provided in order to think, gather thoughts, weigh all the pros and cons and make the right decision. But if a man divorces his wife endlessly, then he will be subjected to a great test by Sharia - his wife will have to marry another man, and then get a divorce in order to return to him. No normal person wants this. It is foolish to close for yourself all the ways of returning your wife and give three divorces at once!

Almighty Allah, by limiting the divorce to three attempts, thereby put more responsibility into the words of a man regarding divorce, so that he could not play with the feelings of a woman and mock her. However, due to ignorance, ignoring the norms of Sharia, many men themselves create unnecessary problems for themselves.


You don't need to divorce your wives over trifles or because of emotions. First of all, try to find ways to resolve family problems. Look for reasons in
themselves and try to eliminate them. But if you can no longer live in a marriage and decide to get a divorce, give one talaq, and do not give three at once, so that you do not have to regret it later. In addition, divorce three times at one time is not in accordance with the Sunnah and is prohibited by Shariah.

It was narrated from Mahmoud ibn Labid, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said: “The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was told about a man who gave his wife three divorces at once. He stood up in anger and said, “Is it possible to play with the Book of Allah while I am still among you?!” (An-Nasai, 3348).

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