Home Fruit trees Weight loss conspiracies. A strong conspiracy for fast weight loss on the waning moon

Weight loss conspiracies. A strong conspiracy for fast weight loss on the waning moon

This conspiracy is read on the waning moon. The performer will need a glass of holy water and 3 candles (all this must be taken from the church). The ritual is best done before going to bed.

Having retired at night, you need to light all 3 candles and speak the water three times by the following words:

“Lush water, you flow there and here. Don't run, but help me. Take my weight and run away with it. Water, water, not my problem. Take away the trouble, and I will not find grief ”.

After pronouncing the text, you need to drink water in one gulp to a drop, and then say:

“I don’t know troubles from pure water. My weight will go away, it will pass to the enemy. Amen (3 times) !”

Wait until the candles burn out to the end. The cinders can be simply thrown away or buried. According to some reviews from people who have tried this method, after the ritual, up to 5 kg can go away every week - until the weight returns to normal.

Another way is to read before bed.

During the period when the moon is waning, you need to speak to a jar of clean water using the following words:

“As the moon decreases, so let me lose weight too. And when it grows, let it take all my fat. Let everything that is superfluous break off, fall off, leave, fly away, run away. To the moon and the sun, to the forest and the steppe, but in the field. Yes, let it remain there forever and ever, for human life. Amen!"

In total, the plot is read 7 times, after which the water should be infused in a dark place for 7 days. On the day of the new moon, you need to take a few sips of the charmed liquid, and then drink it a little every day.

The effectiveness will increase if the ritual is repeated every month on the old moon, until the weight is normalized.

On the water for bathing

The ceremony takes place on the waning moon. Late in the evening (after sunset, but before midnight) prepare yourself a warm bath by adding a glass of cream and petals from 3 roses (white, pink and red) to the bathing water. Lie in the bath without removing your pectoral cross and visualize for 10 minutes, trying to recreate in your mind a portrait of yourself - slim, beautiful, graceful and graceful. Then speak, referring to the liquid:

“Mother Voditsa, to me, God's servant (your name), help. I poured you milk, decorated with rose petals, put on the holy cross. In my grief, in my trouble, help me. Take all the fats from me, far, far away from me. I want to be beautiful, I want to be slim, so that the extra weight never comes back to me. Amen!"

After uttering the words, you can lie down in the bathroom for a while. As a rule, the first results should already show themselves within a month after the ceremony. This ritual can be repeated every month until you reach the desired weight.

See another ritual on a red thread from Daria Mironova in this video:

On water to reduce appetite

The conspiracy helps to reduce the performer's appetite, and thus makes him eat less. Water spoken, poured into a glass of uncut glass. Words are read 3 times:

“Queen of the sea, damsel of the water. You baptize all people, drink and wash. Take away the hunger from me with your strength, so that I do not torment me. Take away the passion for food from me, so that I do not think and do not want to. As the purest man neither eats nor drinks, but lives by prayer alone, so you, damsel of the sea, queen of the waters, strengthen me, give me strength to refrain from eating. As she said, so it will be. "

After three times pronouncing the conspiracy, all the water is drunk before bedtime in small sips, at one time.

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Weight loss rituals and rituals are one of the most popular techniques in beauty magic. Every woman, even the slimmest one, believes that she has a couple of extra pounds that could be shed, let alone people who are really overweight. Different magic directions offer many ways to get rid of excess weight, and, as a rule, they are quite easy and inexpensive.

In the article:

Weight loss rituals: pros and cons

Before performing weight loss rituals, it is worth understanding how they work. There is an opinion that powerful rituals and conspiracies to get rid of excess weight force the body spend energy and lose weight without additional active movements and special nutrition. That is, the energy will go out without your control. Is it safe? Magic is not an exact science, and with 100% certainty, no one will give you the answer. That is why, before performing strong rituals for weight loss, think about it, do you really need it?

Another caveat regarding weight loss rituals. If you have strong heredity or serious illness, the consequence of which is excessive completeness, one should not expect one hundred percent result from such rituals. As for the timing: most of the rituals are performed on.

If you perform the ritual properly and follow all the rules, the effect will not be long in coming.

Among the rituals for weight loss stand out:

  • classic and cosmetics;
  • rituals using various objects, for example, with a thread;
  • allocated separately for weight loss.

Strong rite of passage for weight loss

It is popular and gives quick results due to the use of prayer. ... Accordingly, the ritual must be performed only on the condition that you are baptized.

You also need to understand that use of prayers and church attributes in such magical practices contradicts the idea of ​​Christianity. For believers, such rituals will be a sin. For members of other religions, most likely, church candles and Christian prayers will not work as effectively as for a baptized person.

Two weeks from the first day of the lunar calendar must be read ... And then you, stroking the problem areas, say the following words:

“What I look at will be added. What I iron will be more than enough. "

Conspiracies for water and food

“The sea queen, the water maiden. You baptize all people, drink, and wash. Take away hunger from me with your strength, so that it does not torment me. Take away the passion for food from me, so that I don't want to and think. Just as the purest person neither drinks nor eats, but lives by prayer alone, so you are a sea girl, a water queen, strengthen me, give me strength to refrain from food. What is said will come true. "

Now drink this water.

Another option:

“Lord help, bless God, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. On the ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a bed, on that sofa there is a feather bed, and on it a pig is lying, but my fat is guarding. A pig with three heads, five heads, seven heads, nine heads, ten mouths. Eat my fat with one head, eat my fat with the other head, eat my fat with the third head ... eat my fat with the eighth head. And the ninth head of a pig will eat up all my fat, all the fat and take the excess weight for itself. Key, lock, tongue. As it is said, it will come true. Amen".

Junk food conspiracy... This ritual also uses .
Leave sweets and flour in front of the icon and a lit church candle for the night. Read three times. The next morning, more church candles are lit, again read followed by the text:

“I’m talking to the servants of God (my name), the food will breathe in spiritual power, good power, that food will not become a stone in the stomach, not fat on the body, but for the soul, nectar, a nourishing spirit, tranquility, and blessing. Give you food, the servant of God (name) pleasure, feed her blood and brain, skin and all veins. What is not good, then let it go, what is not good for my spirit and my body, then let it go, so it does not settle down superfluous. The servant of God (name) will have to give up what is superfluous and unnecessary, die your desires, turn away from food, it is better to pray to the Lord God once more. God help your servant (name), she will not strive to overeat, she will think more about her soul. Away and at home. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Bath ritual

Water is often used in many magical practices. Below is one of the classic weight loss rituals. For him you need: a glass of milk and holy water, a pectoral cross, rose petals, a thread fifteen centimeters long.

A thread a glass of milk glass of holy water pectoral cross
rose petals

You will need to take a bath of water of a pleasant temperature; while it is being typed, put a cross in it. When the bath is ready, take it out, put in the string and other components.

Do not crawl out until the water cools down. Now remove the thread from it. The conspiracy itself sounds like this:

“Water, warm water, listen to me, hear. You, water, do not stir up, do not boil, quickly accept for me. After the cross, water, make me slim. Wash me with milk, with holy water, cover me with a rose petal. I will be neither thin nor fat, but everywhere I will be equal. " You can now leave the bath. When you drain the water, we read the words: "Leave the water, take all the burdens off me, take them away, put them under a black stone, hold them there for a hundred years."

The thread must be worn on the right wrist until it breaks. The flower petals must be buried.

Perform a similar ceremony three times on the new moon.

Simoron weight loss rituals

In Simorona, your faith and your well-being are important in the process of the ritual.

“The soaring state is one of the basic concepts in the Simoron system. In this state the Simoronists strive to live. If I am “floating,” can problems arise that require my attention at such moments? All decisions are made immediately, without effort. The soaring track is a green street of success, where all doors open in front of me, non-stop movement towards success in life. There is a harmonious agreement with oneself and the world, a natural, all-embracing understanding, which cannot be achieved by years of asceticism. "
Vadim Gurganov and Vladimir Dolokhov "The course of a beginner magician"

Simoron diet

For this ritual, write on a piece of paper "Super diet for fast weight loss", "Effective diet" or any other sentence you like with the word "diet"... Put the sheet on your desk chair and sit on it. You are now literally on an effective diet. As mentioned earlier, the main thing in Simoron is to believe in the effectiveness of what is happening.

It's no secret that losing weight is a rather complicated and energy-consuming process, which not everyone can do. Months of dieting, breakdowns, nervous breakdowns, excruciating and exhausting workouts in fitness centers ... This list of unpleasant associations associated with losing weight can go on for a very long time.

But there is an easier way out - weight loss conspiracies... There are a lot of such conspiracies, some of them have the strongest negative consequences, the so-called kickbacks, but we will consider the most effective and safest conspiracy - conspiracy of water.

A very simple conspiracy to carry out, the effect of it is simply amazing, you lose 5 kg per week. In order to make water you will need to go to church for holy water (you need 200 grams - 1 glass). Also buy three candles there (size and color don't matter). You need to read on the water in the evening, immediately after sunset. You can read only on the waning moon (if done during the waxing moon, you will get even more fat).

Retire so that no one interferes with you. Place candles in front of you and light them. take a glass of holy water and read the following:

Rampant water
flowing here and there,
Don't you run
Help me.
Take my weight
Run away with him
Water, water,
It's not my problem
take away the trouble
I will not find grief.

Read this three times, right into the water, then drink it all, try to do it in one gulp. And after that, read another text: Do not know me troubles, from pure water. My weight will go away, it will go to the enemy. Amen, amen, amen.

And calmly wait until the candles go out.

In principle, this is all, the process of losing weight will begin almost immediately and you will lose weight on average 5 kg per week. Losing weight will continue until you gain your normal weight.

There will be no bad consequences from this conspiracy, it has been tested on a large number of my friends and acquaintances. I myself have lost weight thanks to this particular conspiracy.

The effect will be mandatory if you do everything correctly, in accordance with my advice.

It is important - this conspiracy can only be done by the baptized. Just in case, I will write three more conspiracies that can be done regardless of your religion.

Apple weight loss conspiracy

For this conspiracy, you need a medium-sized ripe apple. You need to read a plot on him in the early morning, when the sun just rises.

Take an apple and when the first rays of the sun hit it, read the following:
The apple was filled with the sun,
I drank the apple with life,
I also want to straighten out under the sun,
Get rid of excess fat quickly.
Help me, apple, with sunshine,
I will start losing weight with this dawn.

Then you need to eat an apple. You don't need to do anything else. Losing weight starts pretty quickly.

Conspiracy of soap for thinness before the bath

This conspiracy must be carried out immediately before going to the bathhouse. A bar of soap starts talking (it is better to take a simple soap, without any fragrances, baby soap is optimal).

Take the soap and say to it:
Soap-soap, wash yourself harder
Soap-soap, wash yourself faster
I will rub my skin with you
Then I will lose weight every time.

Then calmly wash in the bath and when washing, rub with soap (without a washcloth) the places where you want to lose weight. Losing weight will continue as long as you regularly go to the bath with this soap (every 2-3 days). When this soap is washed off (if you have not yet lost weight to the desired weight), say another bar of soap. However, as a rule, one bar of soap is usually enough to achieve normal weight.

Slimming green tea conspiracy

This is a rather interesting conspiracy, but it requires repeated daily repetition. A glass of green tea is spoken, which must be drunk immediately after a meal. The plot is not long, after you have poured tea into a glass, say the following to it: " I drink tea, tea is hot, let the boiling fat go away. My word is as strong as a stone on the banks of the Ora River."

And after that you calmly drink tea. It is advisable to drink at least three to four cups of tea a day. You can read a conspiracy in a very quiet whisper, so that even those who are next to you will not hear and understand nothing.

Losing weight happens quite quickly, it takes about one month to lose 15 kg on average.
Especially for www.

Losing weight is the process of reducing the volume and weight of the body. The problem of losing weight is of particular concern to women. For a long time, certain conspiracies and prayers for weight loss have developed, associated with the Moon and the constant cyclical change in the size of the illuminated part of the lunar disk visible from the Earth.

Weight loss conspiracies for the waning moon

In most weight loss conspiracies, the waning Moon is chosen as a model and symbol of weight loss, the illuminated disk of which, regardless of any circumstances, imperceptibly for the eye, every minute, hour by hour, decreases in size.
The moon begins to wane from the Full Moon and, over the course of almost fifteen days, gradually loses weight to zero size on the New Moon.

The waning moon is a heavenly symbol of weight loss... Independent and unyielding. It is difficult to hide from the all-visible Moon for a long time, it cannot be shoved into a distant box. She is constantly and inexorably shrinking her body.
Weight loss conspiracies with the waning moon are a constant self-hypnosis and a reminder of the need, like a lunar disk that is relentlessly melting in size, to wage an irreconcilable struggle to reduce your body weight.
The pursuit of weight loss imposed by conspiracies on a subconscious level creates favorable conditions for weight loss.

A vivid example of the waning moon stimulates the use of all kinds of methods and means for losing weight related to nutrition and physical activity.
Losing weight is promoted by proper nutrition, restriction in the amount and calorie content of food consumed, meal time, the use of various diets, observance of fasts, the practice of fasting days up to fasting.
For weight loss, physical activity is also necessary, for example, more frequent sports, jogging, gymnastics, exercise for weight loss or any other complex of physical exercises.

The waning moon is a silent heavenly all-seeing witness who, by his example, shows how to lose weight.
Every day in the sky you can observe the constantly decreasing lunar disk and compare the process of decreasing the size of the moon with the results of losing weight on your body.

Regularly repeated weight loss conspiracies self-discipline and allow the body's internal potential to be directed towards losing weight in order to keep up with the relentlessly waning moon.
From conspiracy words through the image of the waning moon to the real result of weight loss.

  • The moon is decreasing - I am losing weight
  • The moon is melting - it takes my fullness
  • The moon has beautiful horns - I have slender legs

Weight loss symbols for waning moon conspiracies

The effectiveness of conspiracies for losing weight on the waning moon increases if the conspiracies are carried out using exposed attributes, for example, a glass of water, a wax candle, thread.

To enhance the results of weight loss conspiracies, as a symbol that is constantly decreasing in size, in addition to the waning moon, they use another, more mundane object, much smaller and quite tangible in size. Such a symbol of weight loss can be tactilely felt and really touched with your own hands. As an additional tangible symbol in conspiracies for weight loss, for example, a wax ball or a glass of water is used.
With the uttering of the words of the conspiracy for weight loss, they physically reduce the size of such symbols with their own hands: cut off a piece of a wax ball, sip a little water from a glass. Reducing the volume of the symbol of losing weight in conspiracies is correlated with losing weight in your body.

Weight loss conspiracies brought certain results during the waning period of the moon. On New Moon, a new lunar month begins. The waning of the moon gives way to growth. The illuminated lunar disk is now inexorably increasing in size from day to day. The growth of the moon is long - almost fifteen days.
The lunar disk is now getting fat. There is no exemplary example for losing weight and an unshakable guilty conscience in heaven.
How not to gain weight during this growth period? What kind of conspiracy to save yourself, to endure these two weeks until the Full Moon, before the beginning of a new waning of the Moon, when again you can watch the waning of the lunar disk and internally trying to imitate it, lose weight further.

Weight loss conspiracies for the growing moon

The conspiracy to lose weight on the waning moon brought results. The achieved result of weight loss is now required to be maintained in the upcoming period of lunar growth.

Let's give an example of one of the conspiracies for losing weight during the growth of the moon.
This conspiracy on the waxing moon must be started in advance, even on the waning moon. At the time when the Moon is in the phase of the Last Quarter, a certain amount of clean drinking water is prepared and this water is conjured up for weight loss.
In the words of the weight loss conspiracy, it is repeated that from New Moon to Full Moon the disc of the Moon will grow due to my excess weight, due to my fats, which will remain there forever: the Moon grows - it will take my fullness forever.
The charmed water settles until the beginning of a new lunar month.
It is necessary to drink water, in advance conspired to lose weight during the waning moon, starting with the New Moon. Drink a little bit every day and lose weight. Lose weight, despite the fact that the moon is growing at this time.
All the charmed water must be drunk before the Full Moon, when the lunar growth is completed.

Lunar month and the frequency of weight loss conspiracies

Losing weight with conspiracies with a waning moon, and then with a growing moon, are a kind of separate weight loss courses.
The lunar cycle of alternating growth and decrease of the moon repeats every month.
Regular, from month to month, repetition of courses of such conspiracies steadily increases the likelihood of achieving the set goals for losing weight.
Moon-like consistency and persistence is the key to the success of weight loss conspiracies.

Prayers for weight loss

As conspiracies for weight loss, constantly pronounced prayers and pseudo-weight loss prayers are used.
Prayers for weight loss do not have to be tied to the cycle of changing the lunar phases. They can, for example, be repeated immediately every time before a meal, in a bath or sauna.

A constant reminder to yourself before eating about losing weight, self-reproach is the essence of conspiracies and prayers for weight loss.

Weight loss conspiracies are pronounced in the bath and sauna. By itself, being in a bath and sauna contributes to weight loss by reducing the amount of fluid in the human body.
The more often you wash in the bath, the less weight. And the weight loss conspiracies pronounced at the same time will only enhance the result.

Overweight is a sore subject for many women and girls who are ready for anything to get hold of a beautiful slim figure and the ability to wear tight trousers, shorts and short T-shirts. Everyone wants to lose weight, but not everyone can refuse their favorite food. Among the various methods of losing weight, such as diets, fitness, herbal medicine, etc., conspiracies are becoming more and more popular, because for many it is no longer a secret what power our thoughts and words have. It will be great if we can use them for our own good.

It often happens that no diets and other techniques give the desired result, but oh, how you want to lose weight! You start to think about what else to do to get rid of the hated hateful kilograms? And then you remember the existence of white magic, to the help of which you can resort. But here you need to understand: absolute confidence in what you are doing and a positive attitude are of great importance in achieving the intended goal. Belief in victory and your own strength will help you get the desired result. Without them, all efforts will be in vain.

Weight loss conspiracies - consequences

As mentioned above - the power of the word has tremendous power and, indeed, can work miracles! It seems that a weight loss conspiracy is an incoherent and meaningless set of phrases, but it is not. All phrases and sounds of conspiracies are valid exactly as they are composed. And if you follow all the recommendations exactly, then a positive result will certainly come! Such manipulations are one of the types of self-hypnosis and, from the point of view of psychology, reprogram the subconscious, increase self-esteem, remove blocks and help a person gain self-confidence. And also - patience, patience and patience again! Losing weight is not a quick process!

Weight loss conspiracies are aimed at the good of the one who pronounces them, so they will not bring negative results. All that bad can happen is the absence of any result at all.

Examples of weight loss conspiracies

There are many different conspiracies and rituals to help you lose weight. You can use them in a comprehensive fight against unnecessary body fat. The more different ways you use to lose weight, the faster you will see the long-awaited result. This article lists the most powerful and effective conspiracies of all.

A candle conspiracy is a very effective weight loss conspiracy. It is recommended to spend on the very first day of the full moon after sunset. The candle and whatever you sleep in should be red. The stub from the candle, on which the ritual was performed, is removed under the pillow until morning. Such a ceremony is held at all full moons throughout the whole year.

The words are whispered to the lighted candle: “In the blue ocean there is a sea of ​​hunger with constipation. Do not let hunger go free, the servant (s) of God (her) (name) does not know grief. Hunger - insomnia, calm down, scatter to all parts of the world. My eyes, sleep, do not wake up your soul. As for the night, it is hard for me not to know. How to be at night, to melt, to rest your eyes, to crumple your body to hunger. Words are spoken, knotted. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Comb conspiracy. In the store, buy a simple hairbrush, be sure to the 4th day, the month does not matter. During such a ceremony, one must speak a conspiracy and comb the hair at the same time, maintaining complete peace of mind and peace.

The ritual is done as follows: after the sun goes down, light candles at home without prying eyes, prepare a comb, and then, visualizing your body slender and beautiful, say: “As the comb of a lice comb out, the fat would go away! As nits evaporate, so my excess weight would evaporate! The pig grows fat and grows fat, and my body grows prettier and slimmer! Amen!" You need to read the spell three times, while combing your hair with a comb. Then hide the comb under the mattress. The ceremony is held once a month until the desired result is obtained.

Weight loss conspiracy for an apple or other food. Here you need to read a spell on food, and then eat it.

They perform this ritual on the waning moon, preferably early in the morning, saying the following to the apple: “The apple is red, the apple is round, help me, help me lose weight. Asmuren is a man, I ask, I make a strong sacrifice, I carry a strong one, I will give what you take. The apple is red, the apple is round, help me, help me lose weight. " The apple is eaten completely with seeds, only the stalk must be torn off before reading the conspiracy.

Similarly, you can slander any other food product.

Weight loss conspiracy in the toilet. If you carry out this magical ritual correctly, then you will not have to infringe on yourself in food - you yourself will not want to eat a lot. The body will naturally rebuild itself to the rhythm it needs, and the body will gradually reach a slender shape.

A conspiracy for weight loss must be read in the toilet: “You, heaven, are tall. You heavens are immense. Take my fullness to your fullness. For a century, one il for all centuries, or for a time all. Amen". But before the ritual, you should carefully study these words. You can first write them down on white paper.

Water conspiracy. Water is the most unique thing in the world. She - cleans, washes away negativity and evil eye, heals diseases and does a lot of other things. Question: "How to lose weight with water?" interests many.

Wash yourself with a sponge in a basin before going to bed, and drain the water into a jar and leave it at the head of the bed overnight, saying the following words: “What makes me fat, what wanders in my bodies, let it go into the water. As this water rolled from my body, so my fullness will flee from me! May it be so!"

Another ritual with water. Prepare holy water for him. Light three candles. Pour some water into a glass and say: “The water is violent, you flow here and there. Do not run, but help me, take my fullness and leave with it. You water, water is not my problem! Take away the trouble - I won't find grief! " Read three times into the water and swallow it in one gulp to the bottom. Then say the following: “I don’t know the trouble from the holy water. My weight will run away, run across to the enemy. Amen, amen, amen. "

The candles will go out and you can go to bed.

During the bath procedures, when you wash completely, repeat the following words: “Mother voditsa - help me! I nourished you with milk, decorated you with a rose and blessed you with a cross, do a good thing for me too - remove excess fat from my body, inappropriate fats and carry them far away so that they do not return! May I be slim and good! " Sentence and imagine how the water washes away those extra pounds and takes you far away from you.

Weight loss conspiracy committed to the moon. This conspiracy to the moon has tremendous power. It is pronounced on the water for nine days with the growing moon at evening sunset. Holding water in a glass in your hands and looking at the moon, say: “The moon is going to gain, and I am going to lose weight. Be you, the moon is round and full, and I become slender and good, thin and cheerful. Let all my fat and lard run off me and grow to the moon. Let the moon grow, and I keep getting slimmer and prettier. May it be so!" Drink all the water in one gulp and go to bed.

Weight loss conspiracy to remove excess fat for honey. Honey rituals are very effective. These conspiracies inhibit re-gaining weight. To carry out this ceremony, you need to purchase a jar of natural honey and on Monday at sunrise say the following words to it: “Be me, the Servant of God (name), a beautiful maiden, slender and stately! I order with a magic word: all unnecessary fats - get out of me, all unnecessary fats - get off me! I do not go to the Servant of God (name) more fat, do not live with excess weight. The fat will go off me, run away from me and never come back! " After casting such a spell, every morning take a teaspoon of honey from the charmed jar and, dissolving it in a glass of cold water, drink a miraculous drink every morning until the honey runs out. This drink reduces appetite, and in addition to losing weight, there will be a complete recovery of the body, the metabolism will be restored. The result of such magical actions will not be long in coming.

It is very important to monitor the amount of food consumed when performing all these rituals. If you read the conspiracy and immediately ate to the dump of buns and sweets, then, of course, no result is expected. Magic is magic, and keeping yourself in check is essential if you are really going to end your fullness once and for all.

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