Home Garden on the windowsill Where is the grave of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad Fatima. Did Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, really die angry with Abu Bakr? The Last Days of the Queen

Where is the grave of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad Fatima. Did Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, really die angry with Abu Bakr? The Last Days of the Queen

(0604-07-27 ) Children Umm Kulthum bint Ali [d], Zainab bint Ali, Muhsin ibn Ali[d], Hassan ibn Ali And Hussein ibn Ali Identified Shia view of Fatimah[d]

Umm al-Hasan Fatimah bint Muhammad al-Qurashi(arab. فاطمة بنت محمد ‎; (0605 ) , Mecca, modern Saudi Arabia -, Medina, modern. Saudi Arabia) is the youngest daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, a preacher of monotheism and the founder of the Islamic religion, from his first wife Khadija. The only one of all the children of Muhammad lived to see his death.

Fatima is revered by Muslims as an example of piety, patience and the highest moral qualities.

Name and nicknames [ | ]

Besides Fatima, I have not seen such a person that his appearance, seriousness, manner of getting up and sitting down were so much like a prophet. Every time when Fatimah entered the room, the Messenger of Allah went to meet her, kissed her and sat her in her place, when the Messenger of Allah entered the room, Fatima got up from her seat, approached him, kissed him and gave him her place

Sahih Tirmidhi, vol. 2, p. 319

Birth and early years[ | ]

Fatima was born in the fifth, according to some sources in the first, year after the beginning of the prophetic mission of the Prophet Muhammad in Mecca. Her birth fell on a period when the Quraysh began to violently oppress the Muslims. During childbirth, the maids Khadiji left her and refused to help her, and she had to give birth on her own. In accordance with the tradition of the Arabs, Khadija gave all children to nurses from among the nomadic Arabs to remove them from the centers of diseases common among settled Arabs, as well as to study pure Arabic. Fatima Khadija raised herself from birth.

The first years of Fatima's life coincided with the economic blockade organized by the Quraysh against the Muslims, they were blocked from access to food and trade, and the Muslims suffered from hunger for three years, concentrating in the Abu Talib quarter. In the 10th year of the prophecy, the mother of Fatima and the uncle of the prophet Muhammad Abu Talib die, after which the oppression of Muslims intensifies, and Fatima becomes a witness to the humiliation and violence taken against her father and his followers.

Marriage [ | ]

After Fatima reached the age of marriage, many noble and wealthy suitors came to her to woo. Among them were such companions as Abu Bakr and Umar. However, Muhammad, with the consent of Fatima, married her to his cousin Ali. This happened in or 623.

The mahr given to Fatima amounted to 480 (some sources say 500) dinars received by Ali from the sale of his chain mail. The wedding ceremony was modest, as is welcomed in Islam.

Their marriage lasted 10 years and ended with the death of Fatima. And although polygamy was allowed in Islam, Ali never took a second wife during the life of Fatima.

Family life [ | ]

Whatever direction of Islam a person adheres to, the question must inevitably arise before him: why was the only daughter of the Prophet (S) buried at night in deep secrecy, and the place of her grave remained unknown? What is the secret in this? What circumstances led to this tragic state of affairs, and what message does it contain?

It is true that Fatima Zahra (A) herself made such a will before her martyrdom, but why did she make it, what made her want to bury herself secretly and what message did she want to convey to the ummah?

Why did the person who was the caliph of that time, that is, according to his own statement, the “successor” of the Prophet (DBAR), not attend her funeral and did not read namaz over the daughter of the one whose successor he called himself?

Fatima (A) bequeathed to bury herself secretly, so that none of those who oppressed her could attend this funeral. This testament in itself is for every thinking Muslim the best evidence that Fatima Zahra (A) left the near world oppressed and angry at her oppressors.

The funeral of Fatima (A) at night and its reason, according to Sunni sources:

1. Bukhari leads:

وَعَاشَتْ بَعْدَ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم سِتَّةَ أَشْهُرٍ فلما تُوُفِّيَتْ دَفَنَهَا زَوْجُهَا عَلِيٌّ لَيْلًا ولم يُؤْذِنْ بها أَبَا بَكْرٍ وَصَلَّى عليها

"And she lived after the Prophet (dbar) for six months, and when she died, her husband Ali buried her at night and did not notify Abu Bakr."

("Sahih" Bukhari, volume 4, S. 1549, hadith 3998).

2. Ibn Kuteiba in "Tawilu mukhtalifi l-hadith" leads:

وقد طالبت فاطمة رضي الله عنها أبا بكر رضي الله عنه بميراث أبيها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فلما لم يعطها إياه حلفت لا تكلمه أبدا وأوصت أن تدفن ليلا لئلا يحضرها فدفنت ليلا

“Fatima demanded from Abu Bakr her father’s inheritance, and when he did not give it to her, she swore never to speak to him and bequeathed that she be buried at night so that he (Abu Bakr) would not attend her funeral.”

(Ibn Kuteyba, “Tavilu mukhtalifi l-hadith”, volume 1, p. 30).

3. Abdurrazzak leads:

عن بن جريج وعمرو بن دينار أن حسن بن محمد أخبره أن فاطمة بنت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم دفنت بالليل قال فرَّ بِهَا علي من أبي بكر أن يصلي عليها كان بينهما شيء

“From Ibn Jarij from Amru ibn Dinar from Hasan ibn Muhammad that Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet (DBAR), was buried at night so that Abu Bakr could not read prayer over her, because something happened between them.”

(“Musnaf”, Volume 3, S. 521, Hadith 6554).

4. Ibn Battal in Sharh Sahiha Bukhari writes:

أجاز أكثر العلماء الدفن بالليل… ودفن علىُّ بن أبى طالب زوجته فاطمة ليلاً، فَرَّ بِهَا من أبى بكر أن يصلى عليها، كان بينهما شىء

“Most of the scholars gave permission to bury at night ... And Ali ibn Abi Talib buried his wife at night so that Abu Bakr could not read prayer over her, because something happened between them.”

(Ibn Battal, "Sharh Sahiha Bukhari", volume 3, p. 325).

5. Ibn Abi Hadid narrates from Jahiz:

وظهرت الشكية، واشتدت الموجدة، وقد بلغ ذلك من فاطمة (عليها السلام) أنها أوصت أن لا يصلي عليها أبوبكر

"Fatima's displeasure reached such an extent that she bequeathed that Abu Bakr did not pray over her."

(Ibn Abi Hadid. "Sharh nahj ul-balaga", volume 16, p. 157).

And elsewhere in the same book:

وأما إخفاء القبر، وكتمان الموت، وعدم الصلاة، وكل ما ذكره المرتضى فيه، فهو الذي يظهر ويقوي عندي، لأن الروايات به أكثر وأصح من غيرها، وكذلك القول في موجدتها وغضبها

“But as for the concealment of her grave, the secret of her death, the absence of a funeral prayer and other things that Murtaza mentions, then I accept all this, because the narrations about this are numerous and reliable, as well as the wrath of Fatima (on Abu Bakr and Umar)” .

(Ibn Abi Hadid. "Sharh nahj ul-balaga", volume 16, p. 170).

The funeral of Fatima (A) at night and its reason, according to Shia sources:

Although among the Shiites the reason for the secret burial of Fatima (A) is clear, we will point out one important riwayah. Sheikh Saduk quotes:

عَنِ الْحَسَنِ بْنِ عَلِيِّ بْنِ أَبِي حَمْزَةَ عَنْ أَبِيهِ قَالَ سَأَلْتُ أَبَا عَبْدِ اللَّهِ عليه السلام لِأَيِّ عِلَّةٍ دُفِنَتْ فَاطِمَةُ (عليها السلام) بِاللَّيْلِ وَ لَمْ تُدْفَنْ بِالنَّهَارِ قَالَ لِأَنَّهَا أَوْصَتْ أَنْ لا يُصَلِّيَ عَلَيْهَا رِجَالٌ [الرَّجُلانِ‏ ].

Ali ibn Abi Hamza asked Imam Sadiq (A): “Why was Fatima buried at night and not during the day?” He said: "Because she made a will so that those people (Abu Bakr and Umar) would not read the funeral prayer over her."

(“Ilalu shsharai”, volume 1, p. 185).

So, taking into account Shia and Sunni sources, we can draw the following conclusion: the reason for the secret night funeral of Fatima (A) was her will, in which she ordered that the oppressors and usurpers of her inheritance could not read prayer over her. The main message to the whole ummah, which she expressed with this testament, is as follows: the daughter of the Prophet (DBAR), “whose wrath is the wrath of Allah”, remained forever angry at the people who oppressed her and took away the caliphate from her husband Ali ibn Abi Talib (BUT).


  • Fatima (arab. فطم ‎‎) - Protected from evil and the fire of hell
  • Az-Zahra (arab. الزهرة ‎‎) - Illuminating
  • Siddika (arab. صديقة ‎‎) - Truthful
  • Kubra (arab. كبرى ‎‎) - Exalted
  • Mubaraka (arab. مباركة ‎‎) - Blessed
  • Tahira (arab. طاهرة ‎‎) - Pure
  • Zakiya (arab. زكية ‎‎) - Chaste
  • Radiyya (arab. راضية ‎‎) - Satisfied with the fate predetermined by Allah
  • Mardiya (arab. مرضية ‎‎) - Praised

Relationship with father

Fatima and her father treated each other with great love and warmth. Fatima was the first person whom the Prophet Muhammad greeted when he returned from the campaign, and the last person he said goodbye to when leaving.

Besides Fatima, I have not seen such a person that his appearance, seriousness, manner of getting up and sitting down were so much like a prophet. Every time Fatimah entered the room, the Messenger of Allah went to meet her, kissed her and sat her in her place, when Rasulullah (Messenger of Allah) entered the room, Fatima got up from her seat, approached him, kissed him and yielded to him your place

Sahih Tirmizi, v.2, p.319

Birth and early years

Fatima was born in the fifth, according to some sources in the first, year after the beginning of the prophetic mission of the Prophet Muhammad in Mecca. Her birth fell on a period when the Quraysh began to violently oppress the Muslims. During childbirth, the maids Khadiji left her and refused to help her, and she had to give birth on her own. In accordance with the tradition of the Arabs, Khadija gave all children to nurses from among the nomadic Arabs to remove them from the centers of diseases common among settled Arabs, as well as to study pure Arabic. Fatima Khadija raised herself from birth.

The first years of Fatima's life coincided with the period of the Quraysh's use of an economic blockade against Muslims, they were blocked from access to food and trade, and Muslims suffered from hunger for three years, concentrating in the Abu Talib quarter. In the 10th year of the prophecy, Fatima's mother and her grandfather Abu Talib die, after which the oppression of Muslims intensifies, and Fatima becomes a witness to the humiliation and violence undertaken against her father and his followers.


After Fatima reached the age of marriage, many noble and wealthy suitors came to her to woo. Among them were such companions as Abu Bakr and Umar. However, Muhammad, with the consent of Fatima, married her to his cousin Ali. This happened in or 623.

The mahr given to Fatima amounted to 480 (some sources say 500) dinars received by Ali from the sale of his coat of mail. The wedding ceremony was modest, as is welcomed in Islam.

Their marriage lasted 10 years and ended with the death of Fatima. And although polygamy was allowed in Islam, Ali never took a second wife during the life of Fatima.

Family life

Many hadiths talk about the diligence and diligence of the daughter of the prophet:

… Fatima herself was grinding the grain, which caused calluses to appear on her hands. She herself carried water home in leather skins, which left marks on her chest. She cleaned the house herself, and her clothes became dusty, she kindled the fire in the stove so much that her clothes turned black with soot ...

Sahih Abu Dawud, vol. 33, section "About tasbeehs before going to bed"

However, Fatima devoted most of her time to worshiping Allah, she spent many nights in prayer prayers.

Fatima's children

  • Umm Kulthum
  • Muhsin.

Death of Fatima

Fatima died a few months after her father, as he told her before his death, in the 11th year of the Hijri. She bequeathed that Ali washed her body. For political reasons, Ali secretly buried Fatima, the place of her grave is still unknown.


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See what "Fatima (daughter of the prophet)" is in other dictionaries:

    Fatima bint Muhammad (فاطمة بنت محمد) Birth name: Fatima bint Muhammad ibn Abdullah Gender: Female Birth: 605 Mecca Death: 632 Medina Nationality: Arab Father: Muhammad ibn Abdullah Mother ... Wikipedia

    - (died in 11/633) daughter of the Prophet Muhammad and Khadija. She was born in Mecca, supposedly five years after her father's prophetic mission, and outlived him by several months. Fatima was the wife of Ali ibn Abu Talib and the mother of his sons - ... ... Islam. Encyclopedic Dictionary.

    Fatima ambiguous term Female name Fatima (“weaning”, according to another version “weaned child”) is a female name. Known carriers: Fatima the fourth daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, wife of Ali, mother of Hasan and Hussein. Fatima ... ... Wikipedia

    - (about 605 633) daughter of the prophet Muhammad. To Fatima and her husband, Muhammad's cousin, Caliph Ali, the Shiite (see Shiism) dynasties in the countries of the spread of Islam (Idrisids, Fatimids, etc.), Shiite imams and Alids erected their genealogy ... Historical dictionary

    - (Arabic فاطمة‎‎ “fair-faced”) is a popular Arabic female name, common among many nations professing Islam. The female form of the word "Fatimun" (((fair-faced). Personalities Fatima is the fourth daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, Ali's wife, mother ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Fatima. Fatima (فاطمة) Arabic Genus: female Etymological meaning: weaned (about a child) Other forms: Fatimat, Patimat, Pati Prod. forms: Fatimochka ... Wikipedia

    - (about 605 or 606, Mecca, - 633 or 632, Medina) daughter of the prophet Muhammad. Shiite imams (see Shiism) and many dynasties in the countries where Islam spread their genealogy built their genealogy to F. and her husband, Muhammad's cousin Caliph Ali ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (more precisely Fatima) the daughter of the Prophet Mohammed from his first wife Khadija. Aliy (later the 4th caliph) married her, and she gave birth to Hassan (Hasan) and Hossein (Husein), the founder of the Alid dynasty, of which the Fatimids proclaimed themselves members ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    - (c. 605 633) daughter of the prophet Muhammad. To F. and her husband, Muhammad's cousin, Caliph Ali, the Shiite (see Shiism) dynasties in the countries of the spread of Islam (Idrisids, Fatimids, etc.), Shiite imams and Alidi erected their genealogy ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

Fatima Az Zahra

Fatima is Fatima

On this sacred evening, it was not planned that an ordinary person like me would speak. I learned a lot from my acquaintance with the work of L. Massignon. It was a great man and famous Islamic scholar who wrote about Fatima. I am very impressed by her blessed life, as well as the mark she left in the history of Islam. Even after her death, she supported the spirit of those who fought for justice and opposed oppression and discrimination in Islamic society. Fatima is a manifestation and symbol of the Path, and an essential direction of the "Islamic teaching". As a student, I played a modest role in the preparation of this great work, especially in the early stages of research. Existing documents and information have been recorded for fourteen hundred years. They were written in all languages ​​and local Islamic dialects. Historical conclusions to various documents were studied, and even local odes and folk songs. I have been asked to briefly describe this work here.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the heir to the honor of the family, that new treasure, which is based neither on blood, nor on earth, nor on material values, but on the manifestation of revelation. Born in faith, a revolutionary of thought and humanity, he perfectly combines all this in himself. Of these values, he represents the highest spirit. Muhammad joined the history of mankind, neither from Abdul Muttalib, Abd Manaf, Quraish, nor from the Arabs. He is a descendant of Abraham, Noah, Moses and Jesus. And Fatima is his only heir.

We gave you a causar,O Muhammad... (from Sura Kyausar). The same sura speaks of the enemy of the Prophet Muhammad.

He, your enemy with ten sons, is separated, cut off, useless. Your enemy is separated from the higher forms of heritage. `We gave you Kausyar - Fatima.' Thus, the Revolution took place in the depths of time. Now, the daughter becomes the owner of her father's values, the heir to the honor of the family. She is the continuation of the chain of great ancestors that began with Adam, and was transmitted through all the leaders of freedom and conscience in the history of mankind Through Abraham and joining Moses and Jesus Reached Mohammed The final link of this chain of Divine justice, the lawful chain of truth is Fatima, the last daughter in a family expecting a son: Muhammad knew what the hands of fate had in store for him "And Fatima also knew who she was. Yes! This school of teaching created such a revolution. The woman, in this religion, was thus liberated. Isn't this the religion of Abraham, and they are his descendants?"

Honor sent down on the Woman Slave

No one had the right to be buried in a mosque. The greatest mosque in the world - Masjid al-Haram in Mecka. Kaaba. This house belongs to God. This place is dedicated to God. This is the direction in which all prayers are oriented. The house was ordained by Him, and Abraham built it. This is the house that the Prophet of Islam honored with the mandate of liberation. He liberated this "House of Freedom", by walking around it, praying and meditating. All the great prophets of history are the servants of this house. But not a single prophet had the right to be buried here. Abraham (peace be upon him) built it, but he is not buried there Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) freed him, but he is not buried there.In the entire history of mankind, there is only one single person who was given such a privilege.God gave one person such an honor, to be buried in His special house, to be buried to the Kaaba. To whom?.. A woman. A slave woman. Hajjar [Abraham's second wife and mother of Ismail]. God ordered Abraham to build the greatest temple, which, along with this, became a grave for this woman. Humanity will forever gather around the grave of Hajar and pass around it place.God chose a woman from among this great human society as his unknown soldier, mother, and more than that, she is a slave.In other words, God chose a woman, a creature who, in all of human history, has been isno nobility and honor.

Honor bestowed upon the Daughter of the Prophet

Yes, in this school of teaching, there has been such a revolution. In Islam, the woman thus became liberated. This is how Islam values ​​the position of women. And once again - the God of Abraham chose Fatima. Fatima, a girl, replaced her son, becoming the heir to her family's glory, upholding the noble values ​​of her ancestors and continuing the family tree and trust.

In a society that treated the birth of a daughter as a disgrace that could only be cleansed by burying her alive, in a society where at best a son-in-law, a father, could hope to have for her, just what is called a 'grave': Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him ) knew what fate had in store for him, and Fatima knew who she was.

Therefore, history watched in amazement as the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) acted towards his daughter, Fatima, how he spoke to her and how he praised her. We can see that the house of Fatima stands next to the house of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Fatima and her husband, Ali, are the only people who lived near the Prophet's mosque. They are from the same house as he is, and there is only a two-meter courtyard separating the two houses. Two windows; opposite each other, open from the house of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to the house of Fatima. Every morning the Prophet opened his window and greeted his young daughter.

We will see that whenever the Prophet went on a journey, he would knock on the door of Fatima's house and say goodbye to her. Fatima is the last person who saw him off before the trip. Whenever he returned, Fatima was the first person to meet him. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) knocked on the door of her house and asked how she was. In some historical documents, there are records that the Prophet kissed the hands of Fatima. This kind of behavior is more than just the relationship of a kind father to his daughter. The father kisses the hands of his daughter, and this is his very young daughter! Such behavior in such a society carried a revolutionary blow to families and to the inhuman relations of that society. `The Prophet of Islam kisses the hands of Fatima.' This attitude has opened the eyes of important people, politicians and most Muslims who gather around the Prophet in admiration for the greatness of Fatima. a man to descend from the pharaoh's throne, forget his pride and gross oppression, and bow his head when a woman is in front of him.

This teaches a woman to strive to achieve the glory and beauty of mankind, and to get rid of the feelings of inferiority, humility and baseness imposed by an ignorant society. For this reason, the words of the Prophet not only expressed the kindness of her father, but also brought her responsibility and strict obligations. He expressed his gratitude to her and spoke of her as follows: `There were four great women in history: Mary, Asiya [the wife of Pharaoh, who raised Moses (the prophet Musa (peace be upon him)], Khadija and Fatima. `God is pleased when Fatima pleased, and God is angry when she is angry." "Fatima's pleasure is also my contentment, her anger is my anger. Whoever loves my daughter Fatima loves me too. Who makes Fatima happy, makes me happy. Who makes Fatima unhappy makes me unhappy." "Fatima is a part of me. Whoever hurts her hurts me, and whoever hurts me hurts God." emphasize the peculiarity of the highest level of Fatima).

Why all this repetition? Why did the Prophet always praise his young daughter? Why did he always praise her in front of other people? "Why did he want all people to know about his special respect for her? And, finally, why did he emphasize Fatima's joy and anger so much? Why is the word `hurt' so often repeated in relation to Fatima. The answer to these questions is very important. It is clear. History answered all these questions: the secret of all these actions will be revealed in the near future, a few months after the death of her father.

Mother for her Father

History not only always spoke of `great people', it served only them. Children were always forgotten. Fatima is the youngest in the family. Her childhood passed in very difficult times. Her date of birth is unknown. Tabari, Ibn Ishaq and Ibn Hashim Sirah mentioned about five years before the start of the mission of the Prophet. Murrawej al Zahib Masudi expressed the opposite opinion - about five years after the start of the mission of the Prophet. Yaqubi was of the opinion that Fatimah was born between these dates, but not exactly, from the records, `after the revelation.' Thus, there are different opinions among the writers of the Traditions. The Sunnis, later, spoke of five years before the mandate of the Prophet, and the Shiites spoke of five years after his mission.

We leave it up to scholars to enlighten us as to the exact date of her birth. We are interested in the personality of Fatima and her great mission. Whether she was born before or after the mission of the Prophet, it is only clear that Fatima remained alone in Mecca. Her two brothers died in infancy, and Zainab, her older sister, who was like a mother to her, went to the house of Abi Al-Aas. Fatima bitterly took her absence. Then Umm Kulthum and Ruqaiya left. They married the sons of Abu Lahab, and Fatima became even more lonely. This is if we accept the opinion that she was born before the mission of the Prophet. If we accept the second opinion, then, in essence, "from the moment she opened her eyes, she was alone." In any case, the beginning of her life coincides with the beginning of the mission of the Prophet. This period was filled with great difficulties and punishments, the shadows of which fell on the house of the Prophet.

While her father carried the mandate of consciousness for humanity on his shoulders and faced the enmity of people, her mother took care of her beloved spouse with all her might. With the first experiences of childhood, Fatima experienced the suffering, sadness and resentment of life. Since she was small, she could walk freely. She used this freedom to accompany her father. She knew that her father had no life of his own, not even being able to simply hold his child's hand and walk freely through the streets and to the bazaar. He always walked alone. In the storm of hostility of the city, he passed through the dangers that awaited him from all sides. The little girl, who understood the fate of her father, did not want to let him go alone. Many times she saw her father standing among the crowd of people. He spoke softly to people, and they, in response, rudely persecuted him. Their only intention was to ridicule him by displaying all their enmity. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) felt lonely: But calmly and patiently, he gathered another group, and began his speech again and again. In the end, tired and without any results, just like the fathers of other children who returned home after work, he also returned home to rest a little and then returned to his work again.

The story mentioned how once, when the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) came to Masjid al-haram, and there they began to insult and beat him, Fatima, a small child, stood alone at a short distance from this place. With pain in her heart, she helplessly watched what was happening, then ran to her father, consoled him as best she could and returned home with him. On the day when he was making sujud (prostration) in the mosque, and his enemies began to throw sheep intestines at him, little Fatima suddenly approached her father, collected it and threw it away. Then, with her small, loving hands, she cleansed her father's head and face, consoled him, and returned home with him. People who saw this fragile, weak girl, alone, not far from her father, watched her take care of him. She supported him through all his failures and suffering. With her pure childish demeanor, she cared for him. It was because of this that they began to call her umm al-abiha (umm al? abiha) , a mother to her father.


The dark and difficult years of famine began in the Abu Talib valley. Families - Hashimi and Abdul Mutalib were expelled there, with the exception of Abu Lahab, who went over to the enemies. Men, women and children were imprisoned in this hot, dry valley. The order-call of Abu Jahal, addressed to all the rich people of Quraysh, was posted on the wall of the Kaaba: `No one has the right to enter into any contact with the families of Hashim and Abdul Muttalib. ‘All relations with them are cut off. Don't buy anything from them. Don't sell anything to them. Don't marry any of them."

They were forced to live in this stone prison, doomed to loneliness, poverty, hunger. And exorbitant trials forced them to submit to either idols or death! All of them had to bear such torture: both those who accepted the new religion, and those who have not yet accepted. Those who have not yet converted to Islam, but retained a sense of freedom, even with a difference of thought with the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and face to face in Unity, they raised a united front against enemies. They protected him, even though they did not know Islam, and therefore had no faith in him, but they knew Muhammad!. They believed in his purity! They knew he wasn't looking for personal gain. They felt his faith. They heard him talk about believing in the Truth. They knew that he sincerely wanted to free the people. They deserve much more than those fearful intelligentsia, conservatives like A. Ibn Omayyid, who, having discovered a progressive ideology, especially strongly opposed activists who supported a polluted aristocratic society as well as a classical Arab regime with its social differences. But, at the same time, knowing all this, in order to protect the wealth of their fathers, the wealth of their family, their social position and health, and to avoid any trouble, they stayed away from Abu Jaal and Abu Lahab. They watched the torment of Balal, Amar, Yasser and Sumaya. But not even a mouth was opened in their defense.

During these difficult years, they had to leave their compatriots and friends and live by themselves in their own little community. They were directly engaged in their life in the city, in the bazaar, their homes and families. They spent their time with pagan leaders. They even held hands with them. They have forgotten their traditions. They opened the way. Years later, the followers of this trend and their religion consisted of more people than the followers of the religion of the Prophet himself. The real supporters are Ali, Abuzar, Fatima, Hussein, Zainab and all the Muhajirins and their like-minded people. And people like A. ibn Omayyid are the first Muslims who started the practice of concealment (deception under a "pious guise"), even though the Prophet forbade it. They remained true to this advantageous principle and did not leave him to death.

When the fire of a new faith ignited their spirit, and a movement full of danger began in society, based on experience, personal choice, where everyone is honest with themselves without deceit, truly the miracles of mankind appeared. Fame is also accompanied by feelings of inferiority, contempt, strength as well as weakness. All this is hidden inside, but all this opens up and reveals itself. Now, in this frightening society, there are people who are not Muslims, but who endure hardship patiently, going through three years of hunger and loneliness. They share the shadow of danger. They also take part in God's great revolution. At this important moment in the beginning of Islamic history, they share the pain of understanding the plight of Mohammed, Ali and their associates. But a black cloud of ignorance covered the convenient and self-sufficient city filled with conservatism, contradiction, insensitivity and shamelessness. Among them, one can notice some Muslims whose clothes are dirty and whose actions are unreliable. They are preoccupied with their own safety and comfort. Are they observers or participants in this tragedy? This is a question because they believe they are following a religion. They love religious people. They feel enlightened.

The Hashimi and Abdul Muttalib families were expelled for 3 years from their city, from communication with people, from their own freedom and even from the means necessary for life. Was it possible to escape from the valley in the middle of the night, to hide from the eyes of the spies of the Quraysh, to get food for the hungry waiting in prison? Whether it happened that a member of a liberal family or a friend, out of the kindness of his soul, brought them some bread. Sometimes the famine reached the point that the image of the "black death" seemed to be. But since they were preparing themselves for the Red Death, they were patient. Saad ibn Ali Waqas, who was separated from the others, wrote: “Hunger made me so dizzy that if I stepped on something soft and wet at night without realizing what I was doing, I tasted it and sucked. Two years later, I I still don't know what it was."

One can imagine what the Prophet's family went through under such conditions, even if nothing is recorded in history. The whole family bore hardship, hunger, loneliness and poverty for the sake of the Prophet. The Prophet personally took responsibility for them. When a child cries out from hunger, and whenever a sick person suffers from a lack of medicine and food, when an elderly person, man or woman, reaching his limits, overcame the difficulties and pressures of three years of hunger, torture and life in the valley, they hid everything that felt inside. Sweat and blood dripped from their faces, but they denied any problems to Mohammed. At the same time, despite all the difficulties, they remained faithful and generous in faith and love. All this is an expression of spirit, faith and human life, which deeply touched the sensitive heart of the Prophet. We know for sure that when it was possible to get food in the darkness of the night, and it was given into the hands of the Prophet to be divided among the people, the share for his wife and daughter was the smallest, so that they would not be afraid for their lives.

The days were difficult under such circumstances. At night, a black canopy of darkness fell over the inhabitants of this mountainous area, cut off from life. Weeks, months and years passed hard, slowly through their tormented bodies and souls, but they all continued to go, supporting each other, and with the Prophet. The Prophet's family had a special position among this group. The head of the family carried the heavy burden of their bitter fate on his shoulders. Umm Kulthum's comfortable life was replaced by bitter need: she left her husband's house and returned to her father's house. His other daughter, Fatima, was then still a young girl, either two or three years old, or twelve or thirteen. She was fragile physically, but had a sensitive spirit full of emotions. His wife, Khadijah, perhaps about seventy years of age, having survived ten years of the Prophet's mission and three years in exile with her family, experienced famine, testified to the constant suffering of her husband and daughters, survived the death of two sons, and although patience did not leave her, but physical strength was already running out. With every moment, death drew nearer.

Under such conditions, hunger in the house of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) suffered so much that the sick Khadija, who lived a prosperous life, now, being already aged, moistened a piece of skin in water, then squeezed it between her teeth. Fatima, a young, sensitive girl, was worried about her mother, and the mother was worried about her youngest, fragile daughter, whose expression of love for her mother and father was the way a family should be. On one of the last days of their imprisonment, Khadija, who felt that death was near, could not get up. Fatima and Umm Kulthum sat next to her. Her father came out to distribute food portions. Khadija, elderly, weak, feeling the hardship she had endured, said with a feeling of regret, `If only death approaching me could wait until these dark days pass, and I could die with hope and happiness.' Umm Kulthum , said with tears, "Nothing, mom, don't worry. "Yes, for me, with God's grace, it's nothing. I don't worry about myself, my daughters. None of the women of Qureish have experienced such a blessing as I have known. There is no such woman in the world who has received such generosity that I have received. It is enough for me that my destiny in this life, in this world, had the honor of being the beloved wife of God's choice As for my destiny in the other world, it is enough that I was among the first to believe in Muhammad and that I am called `his mother followers." "Then, in a whisper, she continued, "Oh God, the blessings and kindness You have bestowed upon me cannot be counted. My heart was not lean because I longed for You, but I really desire to be worthy of the blessings You have bestowed upon me."

The shadow of death fell on their house. Silence and deep sadness filled Khadija, Umm Kulthum and Fatima. Suddenly, the Prophet appeared, illumined with hope, faith, strength and victory. As if three years of loneliness, hunger and severe spiritual asceticism did not affect the body and spirit of the Prophet, moreover, they increased his courage, willpower and faith.

Fatima lived this way and died this way. After her death, she began a new life in history. The image of Fatima appears as a crown of light for all the oppressed who later became the followers of Islam. All the humiliated, the oppressed, the martyrs, all those whose rights were suppressed, who were deceived, held on to Fatima as their slogan. The memory of Fatima grew with love, inspiration and the wonderful faith of men and women who fought for freedom and justice in the history of Islam. For centuries, they survived despite the merciless and bloody blows of the Caliphates. Their cries and anger grew and burst from their wounded hearts. This is why, in the history of all Muslim nations and among the oppressed masses of the Islamic community, Fatima is a source of inspiration for freedom, honesty, justice, for all those who stood up to oppression, cruelty, crime and discrimination.

The most difficult task is to tell about the personality of Fatima. Fatima is such a woman as a woman of Islam should be. Her appearance was described by the Prophet himself. He created its purity, passing through the fire of difficulties, poverty, struggle, deep understanding and suffering for humanity. She is a symbol of all the different concepts of what a woman should be. The symbol of a daughter, in front of her father. The symbol of the wife, in front of her husband. The symbol of a mother, in front of her children. A symbol of a responsible, struggling woman, accepting the time and fate of her society. She herself is a leader, an outstanding example who can be followed, an ideal woman and one who, by her own example, shows how to "become herself" by her own choice. She answers the question of how to be a woman, an example of her childhood, overcoming her inner struggle and confrontation of two sides, internal and external, in her father's house, in her husband's house, in her society, in her thoughts and actions, in her life. I do not know what to say. I've already said a lot. But there is still much left unsaid.

Expressing all the amazing aspects of the great spirit of Fatima, what interests me most is that Fatima accompanies everywhere, step by step, always with the great spirit of Ali, both through the rebirth of mankind to perfection, and through the stages of decline of the spirit. She was not only a wife for Ali. Ali saw in her a friend who understood well his pain and his great dreams. She was the one who knew his secrets. She was the only like-minded person in his loneliness. Therefore, Ali treated her especially, as well as their children with her. After Fatima, Ali had other wives and had children from them. But from the very beginning, he separated the children who were from Fatima from his other children. The latter were called "Banu Ali", [sons of Ali], and the former, "Banu Fatima" [sons of Fatima]. Isn't it strange! Face to face with their father, Ali, the children appeared related to Fatima. And we saw that the Prophet also treated her differently. Of all his daughters, he disciplined only Fatima. He only trusted her. From an early age, she felt a special relationship.

I don't know what to say about her. How to tell it? I wanted to repeat myself after a French author who once spoke about Mary at a conference. He said: "For 1700 years, many have spoken of Mary. For 1700 years, philosophers and thinkers from various countries of East and West have spoken of the value of Mary. For 1700 years, poets from all over the world have expressed all their creative inspiration and strength in their admiration for Mary. For 1700 years, all painters and artists created beautiful works of art, capturing the image of Mary.But everything that has been said, like the efforts of all artists over many centuries, cannot fully convey the whole greatness of Mary, like the words: "Mary was the mother of Jesus Christ "."

In the same way, I wanted to start with Fatima. But he stopped. I would like to say: "Fatima is the daughter of the great Khadija." I felt that this was not Fatima. I would like to say: "Fatima is the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)." I felt - this is not Fatima. I wanted to say: "Fatima is the wife of Ali (‘alayhi salam)". I felt that this was not Fatima. I would like to say: 'Fatima is the mother of Hassan and Hussein'. I felt that this is not Fatima. I would like to say: 'Fatima is the mother of Zainab'. I still felt that this is not Fatima. No, all this is true, but none of these can fully express the greatness of Fatima's personality. FATIMA is FATIMA.

"Ashabe Karam" ("Dear Sahaba") is the name given to his book by the theologian, scientist and writer Shagar Sharaf (1877-1938). In the preface to the collection, the author notes that it contains biographies and good deeds, works in the name of Islam and the Muslim Ummah, as well as examples of the moral greatness of twenty companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him). The book was published in the Maarif printing house in Kazan in 1918.

Islam-today brings to the attention of readers chapters from this book

The youngest and most beloved daughter of the Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him). Her mother was the Great Khadija. She was born when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was 35 years old. Her face was unusually bright and noble, and therefore she was nicknamed "Zahra", that is, "blooming, fragrant."

The following year, after moving to Medina, Fatima (r.a.) was married to Ali (r.a.) for the payment of mahr in the amount of 400 dirhams (80 rubles). The ceremony of marriage took place - nikah. The Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings of the Almighty) gathered all his great companions for the wedding of his daughter. Everything necessary for the celebrations, including incense, he bought himself. At the time when Fatima (r.a.) was getting married, the mother of Hazrat Ali, who was also called Fatima, was still alive. Her full name was Fatima bint Asad ibn Hashim. The newlyweds began to rent housing from strangers and did all the housework on their own. On the advice of Ali (r.a.), the bride and mother-in-law divided household duties between them. The mother-in-law had to provide the family with everything necessary and go to the market for groceries, while the young wife cooked food and cleaned the house. She ground grain with the help of a hand mill and received flour to bake cakes.

The division of duties achieved harmony and tranquility in the house. Fatima's hands were swollen from excessively hard and constant labor. She had to carry heavy containers of water and her shoulders hurt. She swept the floors, which made her clothes dusty. One day, unable to bear the hard work, she went to her father, the Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), to ask him to give them a maid to help with the housework. However, her father was not at home and she conveyed her request through Aisha (r.a.). When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) found out about this request, in the evening he went home to a young family and seated his daughter and son-in-law next to him, asked them about life and said that 'ibadat during breaks in work performed is more preferable and will be rewarded with blessings more than Ibadah in idleness. The Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

"Oh Fatima! When starting work, ask the Almighty for help, being carried away by household chores, do not forget to perform fard prayers during the time. Do your own household chores, put up with the burden of your duties, because the most noble and desirable for their husbands are those wives who bring great benefits to their spouses. Before going to bed, remember the Almighty and falling asleep repeat 33 times “SubhanAllah”, 33 times “Alhamdulillah” and 34 times “Allahu Akbar”. By doing so, you will be rewarded with blessings from above and it will be better than you will have a maid at home ”(Sahih Bukhari) daughters - Zeynab and Umm Gulsum. Son Muhassin died in infancy.

All the children born from the rest of the daughters of the Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) died in infancy, and his noble family continued through the children of His beloved daughter, Fatima.

The book "Ashabe Karam" can be found on the portal darul-kutub.huzur.ru

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