Home Garden on the windowsill Weapon against aliens. Russia gets the latest weapons from aliens. Illness or physical injury of witnesses

Weapon against aliens. Russia gets the latest weapons from aliens. Illness or physical injury of witnesses

At the end of the 60s, a small pamphlet of the Brazilian researcher J. W. Pereira "Aliens" became a world sensation in ufology, in which the author for the first time applied a statistical method to process reports of so-called "contacts of the third kind", that is, observations from close range crews of flying "saucers", including direct contacts with them.

Pereira had to go through a hell of a job of verifying the veracity of many reports, and in the end he took into account only those reports that were confirmed by other eyewitnesses. As a result, very curious data appeared on the type of aliens (appearance, height, skin color and clothes), as well as on the "weapon" used by them when meeting with earthlings. It is this last aspect that has now gained particular interest in connection with information leaked to the scientific press about our own developments in this area.

20 cases of "contacts of the third kind" were recorded when the aliens were "armed", 12 - when they used their "weapon" in the form of a tube and 13 cases of a luminous ball (when the alien raises the ball, the eyewitness feels a loss of strength or paralysis, if the ball is lowered , it does not cause any effect); jets of flame, a lantern, a box on the chest and an object on the belt - 1 case each.

In order to show that such messages are not at all inventions of people who have read modern science fiction, we will only tell about a single episode of this kind, but which happened in 1893, when there was still neither radio, nor thermal rays of Wellsian Martians, nor engineer Garin's hyperboloid. Thus, the witness and the journalists had nowhere to borrow such information. And before the official recognition of the fact of the existence of flying "saucers" there was still half a century left.

In a number of Australian newspapers of the time, a strange report appeared about the landing of a strange aircraft in the form of an inverted saucer (!) in the field of a farmer from New Wales. Some humanoid creatures came out of it, dressed in shiny overalls. The farmer, enraged by the encroachment of someone on his private property, rushed to meet the newcomers. One of them lifted up the tube, from which a bright green beam burst out. The farmer, paralyzed by the beam, fell and lost consciousness. When he woke up, the "plate" was no longer there, and his hand, which was touched by the green beam, was inactive for some time.

An analysis of this and other similar cases shows that the light beam appears from the stranger's tube at a sufficiently large distance between him and the eyewitness. With closer contacts, the impact of the tube occurs without the appearance of a beam. It can be assumed that the beam serves only to guide the energy charge, similar to how a modern laser sight operates.

In the post-war years, various countries began intensive development of microwave radio waves (SHF), previously used only for military purposes. These frequencies have attracted the close attention of astronomers, meteorologists and ... physicians! The latter had to admit the clearly negative effect of the microwave range on humans. No wonder that the biological consequences of high-frequency radiation turned out to be classified. As a result of these works, it was confirmed that the action of microwave radiation can lead to temporary paralysis of motor muscles. It is possible that waves of greater length, penetrating deeper into the tissues of the body, are fraught with paralysis of the respiratory and even cardiac muscles.

Thus, a strange alien weapon that causes paralysis, loss of consciousness, heaviness in the chest and even death, may well be of a laser nature. And all the effects of exposure described by Pereira fit into the radiation of one type - a microwave paralyzer. This is confirmed by its shape - usually a short wide tube. Let's face it, this weapon is humane and short-range, and it is most often used only to suppress aggression on the part of random eyewitnesses or for some other purposes, perhaps of a research nature.

Here is the first classification of aliens arriving to us, made by the famous Spanish ufologist J. U. Pereira, published in the 2nd special issue of the Sleep Phenomenon magazine in November 1974. Pereira made his classification based on 333 sources of observation of passengers flying saucers. They also made drawings.

Among the sources: books - 25, special journals and bulletins - 86, journals and reviews of a general nature - 95, a total of 208 sources.

The number of facts - cases of observations of aliens -333.

Number of facts selected for analysis - 230 (69%)

The number of cases discarded as insufficiently reliable cases -103 (31%). These cases are excluded due to uncertainty in the testimony of witnesses, or insufficient facts collected.

The classification is based on:

a/ Body shape (in 95.8% - humanoid),

b/ The use or non-use of space suits,

c / Characteristics of the body and face (starting with the most similar to earthly people).

In total, Pereira identified 13 types of anthropomorphic creatures.

Types 1-6 - do not wear spacesuits (87 cases - 63%).

Type 7 - wears half suits (gas mask type 4 cases - 3%)

Types 8-12 - wear space suits (47 cases - 34%).

Type 1

Observed in 27 cases, a total of 90 humanoids of this type were observed. They are like a person, and if they are dressed as we are dressed, then outwardly they will be indistinguishable from us.

Type 1, option 1

Countries where they met: Brasilia, Argentit, USA, France, England, New Zealand.

18 cases, 73 humanoids, of which 65 men, 8 women. Height 1 m 60 cm - 1 m 70 cm.


No suits. The clothes are similar to uniforms or overalls, and are dark blue, brown or gray in color. In 2 cases - khaki, in 3 cases - shiny clothes. Short boots. Appearance Blonde hair, short in men and reaching down to the shoulders in women. Skin color is normal or brown. In one case there was a group with both skin colors. In one case, the legs were transparent. This is the only type among which were aliens not with female proportions, corresponding to human standards.


As a rule, they are not aggressive and do not carry weapons, only in one case - inflicting paralysis with the help of a “pipe with a beam”. In ten cases they spoke with witnesses, in 3 cases they spoke in the language of witnesses, in one case there was telepathic contact.

Type 1, variant 2 Countries: 4 cases in Brazil, 1 case in Argentina.

A total of 5 cases in which 10 humanoids were observed. Height 1m 70 cm - 2 meters


No suits. Clothing is tight, dark or shiny.


The head is bald or covered with a hood. The skin is white or yellow. The physique is normal or thin.


Aggressive or friendly. In case of aggression, they use "pipes" that emit a beam that burns and causes loss of strength. No talking to witnesses.

Type 1, option 3

All cases in Argentina. 4 cases, 7 humanoids.

Height 2 meters or a little more.


No suits. The clothes are one-piece, tight-fitting, covered with luminous scales. The weapon is a glowing ball held in the hand.


Blond short hair. The skin is white. / In one case - greenish.


Behavior is always friendly. When lifting the ball - the witnesses felt weak. In one case, such a state occurred when the humanoid simply raised his hand (without the ball). One case of speaking in the language of the witness.


20 cases, 93 humanoids in total. From a human point of view, their appearance is normal, but their stature is small, and therefore they look like children.

Type 2, option 1

13 cases, 52 humanoids.

Countries: Canada, USA, Brasilia, France, England, Italy, Denmark. Height 1 m 20 cm.


No suits. The clothes are white or light blue, similar to a uniform, sometimes tight-fitting in gray-green. Usually they wear a shiny stripe on the chest or a light on each shoulder, a helmet on the head.


The skin is very white or normal. The face is normal. The eyes are slightly slanted. The body is normal. In some cases - broad shoulders.


Usually - flight, sometimes - friendly behavior. There was no hostility or use of weapons. In only one case, the alien used a tube with a beam of light that caused bystanders to feel a constriction in the chest. In the 1st case - a conversation in the language of the witness. Type 2, option 2

Countries: Brazil, Italy, Fraction. 4 cases, 11 humanoids.

Height 1 m and a little more.


No suits. Lightweight or tight-fitting overalls. Without weapons.


Black or dark skin. The face is normal. There is no information about the hair.


Behavior friendly, not a single case of conversation.

Type 2, option 3

Countries: Canada, USA, Argentina. 3 cases, about 30 humanoids in total. Growth is small.


No suits. In one case - tight-fitting clothes, a helmet on his head.


Green skin. In one case, an elongated face and dark hair are described.


Aggressive behavior with a tendency to abduct.

There are no indications of weapons or conversation.

Type W

13 cases, 32 humanoids.

All aliens that have a male appearance, but long hair.

Type 3, option 1

A total of 5 cases: 4 cases in Brazil, 1 case in Australia, in which 9 humanoids were observed.

Height 1m 65 cm - 1 m 72 cm.


No suits. Usually - dark brown overalls.


Blond hair that falls to her shoulders. The face is young, in one case with slightly slanting eyes. The skin is normal or white. The body is strong. In one case it seemed that there were no heels (this is also found in other types).


Behavior friendly, no weapons. One case of speaking in the language of the witness.

Type 3, option 2

Countries: Brazil, Chile, Mexico, England. 6 cases, 18 humanoids. Height 1m 25 cm - 1 m 50 cm. Clothes

No suits. Overalls with a wide belt. Appearance Light or dark hair falling to the shoulders.

The skin is white, in one case a protruding chin.


Indifference. In one case, the use of paralyzing weapons. In 2 cases, telepathic speech.

Brazil, Argentina. 3 cases, 5 humanoids.


No suits. Clothing one-piece jumpsuit. In one case, the aliens were barefoot.


Blond, shoulder-length hair. The skin is white. The face is fleshy. The body is strong. In one case, the arms and legs appeared excessively long.


Indifference. No weapons, no use of speech.


This type includes all aliens with wrinkled skin. 10 cases, 29 humanoids.

Type 4, option 1

USA. 1 case, 5 humanoids. Height: four of 1 m 70 cm, one alien - 1 m 50 cm.


No suits. The shirt and trousers are grey-green in color, with a flat helmet on the head.

Appearance. Blond short hair. The smallest stature, perhaps, it was a woman, she had long hair.

Expressionless faces with slits where the eyes should have been. Nose

narrow and sharp. The mouth also looks like a slit. The skin is wrinkled, as if burned.


observer behavior. Without weapons. No attempt at conversation.

Type 4, option 2

USA. 4 cases, 8 humanoids. Height 90 cm - 1m 20 cm.


No suits. Tight clothing, gray or green. In the 1st case - a bag on the back. In another case, he takes it on his head. Appearance

The head is normal, but bald. The face is fleshy. The eyes are almost round. Mouth like a slit. Big ears. The skin is wrinkled or yellowish. The body is normal or dense. Behavior

2 cases - friendly behavior, 1 case - hostile, in which there was an attempted abduction. Without weapons. In one case, English speech.

Type 4, option 3

Canada, USA, France, Brazil. 5 cases, 16 humanoids.

Height 90 cm - 1m 20 cm.

No suits. Two-piece clothing: trousers and cape. Colors greenish, gray or blue. Without a headdress, some had a head covered with a hood or cap.


Wrinkled skin. The eyes are almost round. Big head, bald. Prominent chin, with a sharp furrow. The skin is usually black. In one case - reddish. Long arms and short legs. Behavior

Usually an escape. The weapon was not used. There was no attempt at conversation.


Aliens with an abnormally large head relative to their body.

11 cases of observations.

Type 5, option 1

Germany, France, Peru, USA. 4 cases. Height 85 cm - 1m 20 cm.


No suits. Overalls.


Big bald head. Eyes and nose are normal. Broad chest, short legs. The skin is white.


Friendly behavior or flight. One case of the use of paralyzing weapons. They didn't talk.

Type 5, option 2

Venezuela, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden. 7 cases. Height 90 cm -1m 20 cm.


No suits. Overalls. Heavy shoes.


Big bald head. Round big eyes. Nose is sharp. Broad chest, short legs. Skin is normal or dark.


In 3 cases - flight.

In 2 cases, friendly behavior.

In 2 cases - hostile behavior.

In 2 cases - a conversation in an incomprehensible language.


The body is covered with wool.

7 cases, 4 in France, 3 in Venezuela, 11 humanoids in total.

Only observed in 1954.

Height - 90 cm - 1m 20 cm.

Cloth .

No suits. Obviously no clothes. In the 1st case - clothes similar to a cassock. Armed with "tubes" that emit blinding flashes.


They are completely covered with hair, including the face. The eyes are big.


In 3 cases - flight.

In 2 cases - friendly.

In 2 cases - hostile.

In 2 cases - a conversation in an incomprehensible language.

Type 7

In breathing masks (like gas masks), the whole body is dressed in a suit (also of a gas mask type).

Met in countries: in Iran, Australia, USA, Brazil.

2 cases - height 1m 70 cm - 2 m.

2 cases - small growth.


In 2 cases - friendly.

In 2 cases - hostile.

In the 1st case - a conversation in English.

In the 1st case - a conversation in Portuguese.


All in space suits, short 24 cases, 32 aliens.

Type 8, option 1

Observed in countries: in France, Brazil, USA, Canada, Chile, Italy, on the islands of the Indian Ocean. There are 14 cases in total.

Height 90 cm - 1 m 20 cm.

Clothes and looks. In suits, as already mentioned. In those cases when through the helmet the witnesses manage to see the face - the skin was in some cases white, in others dark. In the 1st case, the group of humanoids included whites and blacks.


Usually an escape.

In 2 cases - friendly behavior.

In the 1st case - a dialogue in English.

Type 8, option 2

Brazil, France, Italy, Germany, USA. 10 cases.

Height 1 m - 1 m 60 cm.

Clothing and appearance

Space suit (the lower part of which resembles a jumpsuit). There is a lamp on the chest.

They carry weapons (except in 2 cases) in the form of a stick-like tube, but this weapon was not used. The lantern was used as a weapon.


Flight, or aggression. A beam of light caused paralysis (1 case) or loss of consciousness (1 case).

Type 9

In spacesuits. Medium height. Argentina, Spain, Brazil, Bolivia, Philippines, Italy, USA.

10 cases, 23 aliens. Height 1m 80 cm - 2 m.


Suits. In 6 cases, the spacesuits are shiny. They don't carry weapons.


In 3 cases the helmets were transparent.

The face is long, the eyes are deep-set. The skin is white. The bodies are slender.


Friendly. In the 1st case, the witness was taken inside the aircraft, then returned to the place.

3 cases of conversation in an incomprehensible language.


In spacesuits, height 2 m - 2 m 50 cm, round eyes. Argentina, Brazil, USA. 4 cases, 11 aliens. Clothing Suits are transparent or shiny. In one

case, the weapon (pipe), but was not used.


Large round head, almost bald. Big round eyes.

In two cases the skin is red, in one it is white.



In one case - a conversation in an incomprehensible language.

Type 11

In space suits, tall (up to 2.5 m), one-eyed. Argentina, Brazil, Chile. 4 cases, 13 aliens.


Suits. The helmet is transparent. The suit (suit) is dark, or with a metallic sheen. In 3 cases, there was a luminous object on the head. They don't carry weapons.

Appearance Only one eye.

The head is normal, bald. But in one case, long hair. No nose, no ears. In the 1st case, the eye teeth are of abnormal length. Otherwise, the skin is red.


Friendly, even when witnesses attacked them (in 2 cases), but the hands of the attackers were paralyzed by an unknown force without the visible use of any weapon.


Very tall, up to 3 m, in space suits. Argentina, Portugal, Scotland, England. 5 cases, 11 aliens.

Height from 2 m 40 cm to 5 m.


Suits are transparent, metallic, shiny, luminous.


The body is of normal proportions, but, we repeat, very tall.



1 case of dialogue.

Type 13 (new type)

Observed in three cases in Peru in 1965 and in Argentina in 1969 two cases, a total of 12 aliens. Height 80 cm.


No suits. Appearance

One-eyed. Without weapons. In one case, long hair.


Indifferent. No conversation.

Special cases

These are 6 cases, the description of which does not fit into any of the 13 types described above.

1 case

Height 1 m. Gray clothes. Face like a frog. Greyish skin. The body is asymmetrical (wider on the right, the right arm is longer than the left). Claws on hands.

2 case

Height 1 m. Naked. Head of normal size. Big round eyes. The mouth is a gap. Ears like mouse bats, legs are short, arms are long, with claws.

3 case

Height 4-5 m. Dark clothes. Helmet with antenna.

4 case

Height 80 cm. One eye.

5 happening

Height is 80 cm. The body is covered with silver and gold ribbons, one eye.

6 case
A being described as a "little woman". ]
Big mouth. Pointed ears.

Mixed crew cases

In these cases (out of three), pears of creatures belonging to different types were observed.

Type 1, variant 1 and type 2. Case 2, Brazil, January 1958

Type 8, option 2 and type 9.

Non-humanoid cases

Case 1. France. 27.1X.1954. Creatures in the form of a "lump of sugar forked at the bottom", the surface is shiny.

Case 2. USA, Casablanca, August 22, 1955. Ghost-like creatures. Height -1 m. Mouth and eyes are large and red. The body is transparent, the legs are not visible.

Case 3, USA, December 16, 1957. Height 1 m 20 cm. Quadrangular head and bell-shaped body.

Case 4. Sweden, December 20, 1958 ... Gray, amorphous, gelatinous creatures. Height 1 m, width 40 cm. Small balls in place of the hands.

Case 5. Italy, April 29, 1960. Creatures in space suits. Height 1 m. Instead of hands, something resembling small wings. Case 6. Brazil, 20.VIII.1962. Round body, small head, short limbs. Height 1m 20 cm. The upper part of the clothes glows.

Case 6. England, November 16, 1963. Creatures without a head. Height 1 m 70 cm. Black leather. Bat-like wings.

Case 8. Australia, January 15, 1969. Three times the height of a human. The form is amorphous. The color is purple. The limbs are sharp.

In total, Pereira studied 230 aliens, and here are the statistics he cites:

Weapon Type Statistics

Only 20 cases when aliens were armed, and 12 when they used weapons.

Tube - 13 cases.

Glowing ball - 3 cases (when the alien raises the ball, it causes a loss of strength, if the ball is lowered, it has no effect).

Flame jet -1 case

Lamp (lantern) -1 case

Box on the chest -1 case

Item on the belt -1 case.

The impact of weapons on earthly man

Paralysis - 14 cases

Loss of strength - 6 cases

Loss of consciousness - 3 cases

Burns - 3 cases

Fall back - 2 cases

Feeling of tightness in the chest - 1 case

Death - 1 case.

Here are 20 cases, although the use of weapons was in 12 cases, but in some cases the weapon had different effects at the same time.

Alien behavior towards witnesses

Approximation - 24 cases

Escape - 27 w.

Animosity - 27 sl.

Alien attack on humans -12 sl.

Attack of people on aliens - 8 sl.

Wrestling - 3 sl.

Random violence -4 sl.

Captivity, followed by release - 10 sl.

physical study

witnesses - 3 cl.

Looked menacingly - 5 cl.
Friendliness - 35 sl.

a / Aliens smiled - 7 sl.

b / friendly put a hand on the shoulder

witness - 6 cl.

c/ Stretched out a hand or did

gestures towards the witness - 22 cl.

Friendly behavior should also include a conversation with witnesses in total - 40 cl.

Observation - 17 sl.

Indifference - 13 sl.
Paranormal influence on witnesses - 13 cl.

Paranormal influence has two forms:
Telepathy - 6 sl.

Mental influence, by virtue of which the witness becomes tele-controlled, and acts against his will - 7 sl.

Illness or physical injury of witnesses

Skin disease - 1 sl.

Weight loss - 1 sl.

Burns - 1 w.

Leukemia and blood changes

as a result of death - 1 sl.

Wounds -4 sl.

Physical disorders -4 cl.

Death -2 sl.

In other cases, there were physical consequences of a changing nature.

Behavior, aliens at the landing site

Collection of materials 26 cases Observation - 5 cl. Indifference - 3 sl. Relationships between aliens

  1. In no case did they see a quarrel.
  2. Helped each other - in 4 cases.
  3. One of the members of the group obeyed the others - 5 cases.

In 4 cases, aliens were engaged in checking the body of a flying object.

Rise of aliens

(Determined in 198 cases).

From 70 cm to 1 m 60 cm - 123 (62%)

from 70 cm to 1m - 59 sl. (thirty%)

from 1 m 25 to 1 m 60 cm - 18 sl. (nine%)

just "small" - 46 sl. (23%).

From 1 m 65 cm to 1 m 85 cm - 43 sl. (22%).

From 2 m to 3 m - 26 sl. (fourteen%).

From 4 m to 5 m - Zsl. (1.5%).


(15 cm) - 1 sl. (0.5%)

The skin color of aliens was determined in 77 cases: white, pale, "normal" - 28 white or pale - 20

"normal" - 8

dark colors - 13

of which very dark -7

morocco or brown -8

magenta -1

bluish -1

green -7

hairy -7

Alien language

I mean conversations.

Dialogue between aliens.

In 24 cases, conversations were observed between the aliens themselves, in most cases, observers identified the language of the aliens as "strange" or "with unintelligible sounds", but in 16 cases of the best descriptions, the following is found:

1) Gut sounds - 4 times.

In one case, they sounded like sounds coming directly from the throat. In another case, we can talk about "swallowed laryngeal noises."

There is a description in the words: "grunting pig"

2) Comparison with the sounds made by animals. In 4 cases they are called: "barking of a dog", "croaking of a frog", "mooing of a cow" and "cackling of geese".

3) Other descriptions:

In 7 cases they characterize: “a language similar to German”,

"a language in which the sound "k", "sounds, high and low" is often found,

"terrifying noise" (denoting the speed of conversation).

In one instance, the creature emitted a "thin scream".

Conversations with a Witness

In 40 cases, conversations between aliens and witnesses were noted. They fall into the following categories:

1) Unfamiliar language. 20 cases.

This is a strange type of case where an alien addresses a witness in a foreign language, presumably an alien language, knowing that he will not be understood.

In 10 of these cases, witnesses described alien speech as "weird language", with no other more precise details.

But it is interesting to note the dynamics of these cases. In 6 cases, the aliens exited the object, addressed the witnesses with a few unintelligible words, and returned in the direction of the object.

On 2 occasions the witnesses remembered some of the words used by the extraterrestrials, such as the word alamo, meaning the sun, and the word orc, meaning the seventh circle around the sun.

In another case, the word "abora" apparently meant "thank you" (according to the interpretation given in this case). The pronunciation of these three words is given in Portuguese.

In 2 cases, the aliens addressed the witness in a foreign language, but the witness understood what they wanted to say: in the other two cases, the language sounded like English.

"guttural sound" - 1 sl.,

as if "bird chirping" - 1 sl.

2) Speech in Spanish - 8 of them were long in 2

3) Speech in English, language - 7 cases of them in two were long

In one case, the aliens began to speak in English, but when they saw that the witness did not understand anything, they switched to Spanish.

4) Speech in Portuguese - 3 cases. In all three cases, the conversation was brief.

5) Speech in French - 2 cases. In both cases, the conversation was brief.

6) Written messages - 1 cl. They left a written message to the witness, a 15-year-old boy: "You will know the World." B. Flying.

This is the only case of a written document that can be considered reliable on the basis of various evidences.

It should be noted such a fact as the promises of aliens to return to the same place (in 6 cases), which was never fulfilled.

The cases given in the classification show that half of the types of aliens who do not use a spacesuit are inhabitants of the Earth, inhabiting Tartarus, underwater and mountain worlds, or arrive from other planets that were inhabited by earthlings.

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Maybe the “incomprehensible language” of aliens is Russian? In the vast majority of cases described here, the witnesses are residents of Latin American countries who may never have heard the Russian language, so they describe the language of aliens as strange or similar to English. But many words in English and Russian are similar in sound. It is quite possible that the “gods” (i.e. aliens) described in ancient myths could be representatives of a Russian-speaking highly developed civilization that visited the Earth in antiquity (paleocontact). Maybe that's why now aliens specifically come into contact with people who do not understand the Russian language.

To answer

You remind me more and more of Yarovrat in his youth.

To answer

everything is very interesting.


To answer

Perhaps someone knows!
I contacted in a dream with an alien, or rather, an alien. Here, according to her description, I didn’t find anything like that, so I’ll throw it briefly here, maybe someone will recognize it.
(Saw in a dream).
She is very tall - about 3-4 meters, I don’t know for sure, but much taller than me. Dressed in all black - a black cloak, with a hood with teeth, black gloves on her hands, in general, the whole body was hidden, and the hood was put on her head, she saw only the lower part of her face. Skin color - dark gray (gray), the mouth seemed to be, the rest was not seen.
She also spoke to me, though not for long, but the voice was female. True, some a little rough, but still.
Another distinguishing feature was the wolves along with her. One black, the other white, both were killed by me (everything happened in a dream, as she said), the alien then reproached me for their death, apparently, they served her and are also some kind of race. Both wolves were too large compared to earth wolves.
I would like to identify at least an alien, and, if possible, the race of these "wolves".

To answer

- First, a small demonstration, - suggests Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences Roman Avramenko. He puts a blue plastic box on the table.
A barely audible whistle is heard in its depths. Nan: Did you charge the capacitor from the converter like in old flashguns? :) It suddenly breaks off. At the same moment, a blinding flash cuts through the twilight of the laboratory. The eye has time to catch that a narrow plasma beam of the color of a welding arc is escaping from the rectangular “muzzle” of the box with a spoke.
- Now you can tell that you have seen the prototype of the “blaster” - that same legendary weapon from science fiction films about aliens, - Roman Fedorovich casually says so. Then he adds:
- And plasma can be “shot” not only with a rope, but also with such clots, in fact, with artificial fireballs.
Nan: I did something similar when I needed to develop an electric blasting machine for a drill and blast machine. From the end of the two-wire wire, a powerful spark jumped over a distance of about ten centimeters. I first used a weak, but high-voltage spark (like in a car candle), which burned a channel in the air, through which a possible, but relatively low-voltage capacitor was immediately discharged. Nothing unusual. Here, the main thing is to be able to ionize the air so that it becomes electrically conductive (for decoupling it was necessary to use high-voltage diode poles that allow a large pulse current). No wonder the inventor deftly hushed up the question of distance :) Even if he managed to ionize the air far along the beam, in order to make the current flow, you need to have a second electrode at the other end ..
- Impressive, - I agree, looking with interest at the holes, punched in a fraction of a second, first in metal foil, and then in a steel razor blade. It is quite possible to imagine “a box in a different form - with a butt and a blued bell. Just like in a movie about the fearless leader of the soldiers of the future Captain Power.
- Can you shoot farther?
- Consider that you did not ask me about it.
- Good. Then I will ask about something else, what does the “blaster” have to do with your discovery?
- The most direct, - explains the scientist. - The device has two batteries of four and a half volts. And the power of his “shot” is 20 kilowatts. Nan: yes, why be petty? True, it was possible to bend any other number, who will check it! But just here it is quite plausible, because. this power sounded for a very short time, and the energy from the battery through the high-voltage converter was gradually accumulated. This is equivalent to the fact that you connected an anti-aircraft searchlight to a car battery, and it began to shine as brightly as from a mobile power station.
Nan: not equivalent, because the "spotlight" flashed only for a moment :)
Unclear? You can come up with a comparison and simpler. Let's say you poured 200 grams into a beaker, and poured a liter ...
Agree, this is not just amazing - supernatural. At school, they taught us something completely different. The fact that from the outlet, for example, you can take only what is in it. And by plugging a boiler into the network, you can only lose energy. And then who knows where the acquisition of it came from.
It all started with the fact that Avramenko was once tired of paradoxes, as well as established dogmas. The scientist works for NPO Vympel, a defense firm known for its success in electronics, radar and space communications. He constantly encounters mysterious phenomena. Naturally, there is a desire to explain. Tried. And I discovered that much of what is considered to be understandable in physics is incomprehensible.
For example, they agreed that radio waves create an electromagnetic field.
Nan: radio waves - they themselves have an electromagnetic field :)
Has anyone measured it? Measured recently. And it turned out that there is no electrical component in radio waves. And the current in the receiving antenna is not at all induced by electrical forces, but by some other ones.
Nan: And this is such illiterate nonsense that there is nothing to say! Radio waves, which are also electromagnetic waves of a certain frequency range, propagating, mutually generate: a changing electrical component - a magnetic component and vice versa. It is simply impossible to measure only one of these components separately :)
Or take a battery. I'm willing to argue: everyone is sure that it is she who moves the electrons through the wires. And here it is not. Electrons move not because of the electric field, but in spite of it.
Nan: Is that how it is? If this inventor were in front of me now, I would probably not be able to resist and, contrary to all politeness, would break him into his flat forehead :) maybe after that he would not hang such cheap noodles on his ears.
And with radioactivity, as it turned out, not everything is going smoothly either. When nuclei decay, some of the energy disappears somewhere. So that it would not hurt the eyes, physicists came up with the idea, they say, let's assume that some elusive neutrino carries away the energy. That's what they decided on.
Nan: It looks like a brazen mockery! Don't find? In this stupid style, completely distorting what the classic actually claims, the entire article is built.
But the mysterious particle really turned out to be elusive - no one has yet caught it. It's strange, isn't it? Giant thermonuclear reactor - The sun should send them to us in clouds. Or maybe there are no neutrinos? But if not, where does that very part of the disappearing energy go?
On a universal scale, something else has long been puzzling - the so-called “hidden mass”. The problem here is this: according to all the laws of the galaxy should "weigh" incomparably more than it is observed. Otherwise, the stars have no right to move as they move. I had to agree that something is hidden in the Universe that is not yet visible.
So, where does the extra energy come from, where does it disappear, where is the “hidden mass”? Such "strange" questions will be typed with a good hundred. And Avramenko gives one answer to everything. The universe is not empty, it is filled with waves of electrons. Energy, mass, and clues to many paradoxes are hidden here.
It would be time to doubt such a simple explanation. But dozens of experiments testify in its favor. They have been tested and validated. Shooting from a “blaster” is the most spectacular. There are experiments that are more modest, but more convincing. Scientists took, for example, a vessel-calorimeter, brought energy to it. And from there - nothing: no light, no heat, no sound. The energy was gone. Where? All in the same ocean of electrons. Miracles...
- There are no special miracles here, - says Avramenko. - First you need to understand that the electron has many faces. This is not necessarily a kind of ball - a tiny one. It can also be a wave. And the waves are small, like ripples in a glass, and large, like a tsunami in the ocean. But the cosmos is boundless, so the electron wave can reach universal scales.
You are not surprised that water can be fog, ice, sea... Consider an electron as some complex entity with many manifestations, the nature of which depends on the conditions of observation.
It's easy to say. I listened to my feelings, trying to determine whether such unexpected concepts fit in my head. And he didn't define it. And so I asked a more practical question:
- Since we are literally swimming in the energy ocean, is it possible to “scoop” something from it along the way?
- Can. And nature shows us this all the time. For example, ball lightning, thunderstorms. Believe me, no friction of water droplets against each other is capable of charging a cloud so that a lightning spark breaks through the air several hundred meters thick. But what are meters? Atmospheric discharges with a length of 150 kilometers have been recorded! How can this be explained?
Thunderstorms and fireballs are “splashed out” by the electronic ocean. Energy from a form hidden from us passes into an explicit form under certain conditions. There is already a device that predicts the time and place of the beginning of these processes. In other words, we can predict lightning.
Predicting is good. What about commanding?
- But you saw the “blaster”. This is the experimental setup, which shows that we know how to scoop from the energy ocean.
- And how?
- I will only say that a certain combination of ionization and motion of the medium is necessary. Then a channel is formed, a kind of conductor, through which energy begins to flow. But there are other ways too.
The history of technology, as you know, is replete with its legends about mysterious and inexplicable inventions. Sometimes fate brings together with their authors. They were always listened to with interest, but never taken seriously. Outlandish designs were written off on the brains of eccentric inventors who had moved on their side. The idea that a person accidentally, albeit at random, stepped further than others, did not even arise. Moreover, at the words “perpetual motion machine” or “energy from nothing,” many looked at the phone, struggling with the desire to call urgent psychiatric help. But now there is a discovery that turns the established ideas upside down. And it’s worth taking a closer look at seemingly wild ideas.
One of the legends says that in 1978 a perpetuum mobile was built in Switzerland. A certain Paul Bauman made it from scraps of wires, cans and other rubbish in ... a prison workshop. He was seen by the German professor Stefan Marinov. And he had to admit that the experimental generator, which is an unthinkable combination of capacitors (tin cans), drew current, as it were, from “nothing”.
In 1950, an English amateur electrician Selle created a generator based on rotating magnetized disks. They sparked mercilessly, ionized the air, emitting ozone, and for some reason self-accelerated. And one day the following happened. During acceleration, the generator rose, then broke away from the engine and independently soared to a height of 15 meters. The oddities didn't stop there. The rotation speed of the disks reached a fantastic value, a plasma halo appeared around them, and ... the generator disappeared into the clouds.
In the USA in 1898, the famous Tesla made a certain machine that gave a high-frequency impulse of 20 million volts. Around her, according to eyewitnesses, lightning flashed, an ionized environment shone. But this is not the main thing. The machine inexplicably transmitted power for 30 miles without wires. Light bulbs burned brightly where the receiver was located. Then a more powerful installation was built to transfer energy from the power plant at Niagara Falls to Paris. The First World War did not allow to continue these works. But in the thirties, Tesla was seen driving a strange car. The gasoline engine was removed and the electric one was installed. And he ate from the “converter”, which, according to the inventor, drew energy from “nothing”.
In the early 1920s, our compatriot Cheiko told a Kharkov newspaper that he had discovered "magnetic rays" for transmitting energy over a distance. Moreover, he built an installation with which he blew up dynamite, located many kilometers away. It is known that V.I. Lenin drew attention to these works. He became angry that during the civil war, strategic information was being divulged in the press. And he ordered to send the inventor to Bonch-Bruevich in Nizhny Novgorod. There his traces were lost. And no one else heard about the installation ...
“Thank you, Roman Fedorovich,” I say.
- For what?
I explained. For the fact that he works in a serious defense firm. Otherwise, who knows when else it would be possible to “break through” the opening. It probably wouldn't work at all. And the inventor would continue to poke his finger into the unknown, not understanding whether they got it right or not. Now another matter - there was a scientific basis for search.
There is, of course, a danger that the idea will be trampled underfoot by powerful opponents - the atomic and thermonuclear elite. After all, these people have been doing everything for decades to prevent the development of alternative energy sources. Those who dared to encroach on the former and current energy monsters, as a rule, ended badly ...
But there is also hope that the defensive roof will protect the "troublemakers", and a large team of like-minded people will not let monopolists from science and technology bury promising developments.
It should be recognized that scientists in time brought us to the shore of the bottomless electronic ocean. Humanity is already eating up the last of its energy barns. And for the future, nothing has been stored up, except for the destructive "peaceful atom" and the thermonuclear mirage. So, we will be saved?
. - Already today, says Avramenko, - it is possible to start designing power plants of a new type, absolutely harmless to the environment. Gradually we will replace them with thermal, water and nuclear power plants. And in fact, let's connect to the energy reserves of the Universe - inexhaustible and environmentally friendly.
However, any of us, having given vent to fantasy, is able to imagine the benefits of unlimited access to energy. Here and unusual ways of its transmission and electric vehicles, and ships ...
- And spaceships, - adds the scientist. - According to our estimates, it turns out that it is not necessary to take fuel on board. An interplanetary or interstellar ship may well fly along the waves of electrons, and repel them.
- So we came almost close to the "flying saucers". They say that you have revealed their secret. Truth?
- Let's put it this way: we suggested why they can move silently and at great speed. Of course, provided that the "plates" exist as technical means.
- Do you believe in it?
- I just don't deny it. So, in one of the laboratories of the Physico-Technical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, together with V. Nikolaeva and G. Mishin, we conducted interesting experiments. They took metal balls, ionized the environment around them and fired from a special device at a speed of 2 kilometers per second. This is 7200 kilometers per hour. By all laws, such a rapidly flying object had to create a powerful shock wave. He didn't create. He flew as if nothing slowed him down. We have established that the plasma shell around the object minimizes the resistance of the oncoming flow. We believe that here, too, the influence of the electron ocean cannot be avoided.
Well, the conclusions of scientists reinforce the observations of eyewitnesses. Almost all of them reported on the plasma shells seen around the UFO. True, no one really guessed about the purpose of the plasma cloud, considering the glow to be simply a consequence of the work of electromagnetic propulsors. And it turns out that this is done on purpose. It is not difficult to guess that we can slightly “pull up” after the aliens. Install a plasma source while on the plane and fly just as fast. And then, you see, it will come to the “plates”. I would also like to know how “they” manage to instantly disappear and appear? ..
- Do you want another paradox under the curtain? - Avramenko smiles in response. - As you have seen, there are enough of them in quantum theory. But we rely on it, trying to deal with electronic waves. There is, for example, such a hypothesis: all the objects that surround us, and you and I, are nothing more than an “area of ​​high concentration of waves”. And she ended up in this place only due to certain conditions. What if it is possible to create such conditions that this very “area” will concentrate somewhere else? And you and I will instantly find ourselves, say, millions of kilometers away...
He was joking, right? - I thought, already saying goodbye. - Although, who knows ...

The armed forces of the Russian Federation use advanced weapons systems in Syria, developed thanks to a secret technological agreement between Moscow and extraterrestrial civilizations.

An explanation has been found for the amazing power of Russian weapons. At least that's what the Inquisitr portal thinks. Referring to prominent conspiracy theorists, the publication writes that Moscow receives technology from aliens, writes Baltnews.

Allegedly, with their help, she disabled the equipment of the destroyer USS Donald Cook, thereby inflicting mental trauma on American commanders, and now threatens the United States in Syria.

A number of American conspiracy theorists came up with a startling theory, writes Inquisitr. In their opinion, the Russian Armed Forces use advanced weapons systems in Syria, developed thanks to a secret technological agreement between Moscow and extraterrestrial civilizations.

Veterans Today columnist James Preston is confident that the Russian forces are using such alien technologies as supersonic torpedoes and missiles that can perform complex maneuvers in flight. In addition, the aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces are allegedly equipped with a UFO camouflage system, thanks to which the aircraft becomes invisible or undetectable.

As the newspaper notes, this idea of ​​Preston is in many ways consonant with the theory of another conspiracy theorist and "space program whistleblower" Corey Goode. He also claims that the world's leading powers are conducting secret military programs, collaborating with aliens.

In particular, the opinion is expressed that those 8.5 trillion dollars, for which the Pentagon cannot account, were actually spent on a secret space project. This starship, reminiscent of the USS Enterprise from Star Trek, was allegedly sent into space on a top-secret mission.

Moscow has also reached an agreement with the aliens as part of the Kosmosfera space program. Putin allegedly renewed this pact with an unnamed alien race "during a meeting on the moon in March 2015." It was then that they promised to give Russia access to advanced technology to support the country's "invasion of Syria."

Conspiracy theorists believe that because of their rampant greed, the world's elite colluded with aliens against the rest of humanity. It is assumed that the authorities are hiding information about contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations and knowledge that can solve the world's problems with medicine and food.

The aliens are using the greed of the ruling elite and are preparing to take over the world by 2030, conspiracy theorists are sure. For this purpose, hybrids are supposedly created, which are built into human society.

Preston states that the Islamic State militants are mercenaries of the Illuminati society, which cooperates with the Reptilians. According to him, many members of the terrorist group are clones and cyborgs created thanks to the genetic engineering technologies of this alien race.

Conspiracy theorists consider reptilians to be one of the most vicious and bloodthirsty species of aliens fighting for control of our planet. Among other vices, cannibalism is attributed to them.

Despite the high development of their technologies, the reptilians cannot yet capture the Earth. The fact is that they are opposed by other "powerful and benevolent" aliens, including the Pleiadians and Arcturians.

According to conspiracy theorists, aliens who have entered into an alliance with Russia have long been at enmity with the reptilians. Therefore, they insisted that Putin send troops into Syria and deal a crushing blow to the positions of the Illuminati, which control US President Barack Obama and the entire American government.

As an example, the article cites an incident in 2014 when the Russian military was testing the capabilities of its jamming system “based on extraterrestrial technology.” A Su-24 front-line bomber "equipped with this alien equipment" flew over the American destroyer USS Donald Cook, knocking out the ship's radar and defense systems.

According to rumors, some high-ranking US officers were so upset by what had happened that they resigned. They lost hope that in the event of a full-scale conflict, the American military potential could be compared with the Russian one.

In addition, it was alleged that after the incident, Washington hastily withdrew its aircraft carriers from the Persian Gulf. "It has become clear," the Inquisitr concludes, "that the US has no effective defense against Russian alien technology."

Tags: Russia, weapons, aliens

One of the important tasks of the International Council on Relations with Extraterrestrial Civilizations being created should be strict control over the non-use by all states of the first weapons against aliens.

In ufology, there are many cases when, in response to attempts by earthly states to shoot down or capture UFOs, these objects stopped the engines of fighters approaching them (and they fell and crashed) or hit fighters trying to attack them with beam weapons (and they exploded or fell apart) . In other cases, UFOs shot down air-to-air or ground-to-air missiles launched into them with their beam weapons, and in some cases fighters approaching them disappeared without a trace.

Despite all these cases, the US military sometimes opens fire on UFOs.

In his book, Corso writes that in May 1974 in the FRG, an anti-aircraft missile division covering the American Ramstein air base shot down a UFO with its rocket, which fell to the ground, was captured and taken to the USA to the Nellis air base.

The already mentioned former employee of the US Department of Defense Intelligence Agency X. Streig stated that by 1995, elements of the SDI system allegedly destroyed 34 unidentified flying objects on the approaches to the earth's atmosphere, although there is, of course, no official confirmation of this.

In June 1999, passengers on a bus bound for Dallas watched as two fighter jets chasing a disc-shaped UFO opened fire on it with cannons, and shell explosions were visible on the surface of the object. But the UFO increased its speed and disappeared unhindered.

There have also been periods in our Armed Forces when orders were given to shoot down any unidentified flying objects.

In 1976, during the testing of a new long-range anti-aircraft missile at the Emba Air Defense Forces training ground in Kazakhstan, a spherical UFO with a diameter of about 500 m appeared over the launch pad. The general in charge of the tests gave the command to destroy this object with an anti-aircraft missile. But flying several hundred meters, this rocket was blown up by a red beam fired from a UFO.

The former commander of the fighter aviation regiment, Colonel N. Osaulenko, told Marina Popovich that in 1987, after the landing of the German pilot Rust on Red Square, the strictest order was issued to shoot down any aircraft if it:

Does not automatically send a signal to the radar screens: "I am my plane";

Disobeys an immediate landing command or "follow me" signal;

Does not turn on a distress signal or does not communicate on an international frequency.

And while flying a fighter near the border with Afghanistan, Osaulenko himself saw a huge ball with multi-colored lights, which flew in a parallel course and maneuvered around mountain ranges at high speed. And when the fighter went back on course, the ball did the same.

Realizing that this was a UFO, Osaulenko reported on the actions of this object to the command post, and from there the command came: "Shoot down!" After which the object immediately disappeared with lightning speed.

Similar cases have taken place in other countries.

In 1988, in Japan, a Japanese fighter decided to attack a red balloon flying over the island of Honshu, but radio contact with the aircraft was immediately interrupted, and later only part of its wing was found in the sea.

In 1998, a Finnish fighter jet, lifted from the Rovaniemi airfield, received an order to intercept five unknown disk-shaped objects flying in a "wedge" over Lake Inarsjärvi. Going into the tail of the nearest of them, the fighter pilot pressed the button to launch air-to-air missiles, but the on-board computer and the firing system from twenty-millimeter cannons failed.

In 2005, after numerous sightings of unknown objects over Iran, the Iranian Air Force was ordered to shoot down any unknown or suspicious objects that flew into Iranian airspace.

One more example.

In December 2005, a huge fireball flew over the Australian city of Perth, and all the events that happened to it were filmed by the video camera of a local TV program operator. In this video, you can see how the ball accelerated, made unexpected stops and abruptly changed direction of its movement.

But local air defense systems, apparently, mistook it for a meteor and fired two anti-aircraft missiles at the ball, the approach of which was clearly captured on videotape. After these rockets exploded, the ball abruptly changed its color from dazzling blue to silver and divided into 4 parts, which drew a pattern over the TV tower in the form of a quadrangle, triangle and circle inscribed into each other, after which another one hit the center of this pattern. rocket. And the ball restored its previous shape, changed it, began to roll across the sky, rushed to the ground and exploded.

Israeli ufologists, who analyzed the history of the shelling of this ball, came to the conclusion that, of course, it was not a meteor, but a UFO, or, in other words, an extraterrestrial ship. Evidence of this is the unusual maneuvers he performs and the creation of geometric patterns in the sky that lasted 1.5 hours.

The response of the aliens can be caused not only by the shelling of a UFO, but also by the rapid approach of a fighter or warship to it, which can be regarded as an attacking one.

In 2003, some ufological sources reported that during the maneuvers of the US Navy near the coast of Indonesia, an unidentified underwater object was detected by acoustics and one of the American submarines approached it, after which there was a strong underwater explosion.

Soon, acoustics reported that 15 unidentified underwater objects up to 200 meters in size had already appeared around the explosion site, blocking the area and creating a zone in it that deprives sonars of the possibility of action. The maneuvers were immediately stopped, and all ships were ordered not to respond to any, including hostile, actions of these unidentified objects. And when one of the American submarines tried to approach the site of the explosion, all its instruments went out of order, she barely managed to make an emergency ascent. Attempts in various ways to establish contact with these unidentified objects failed.

A few hours later, these 15 unidentified objects disappeared. Careful searches in the explosion area for any traces of an American submarine or an unidentified underwater object to which it was approaching were unsuccessful. Only a small fragment was found, made of an unknown metal.

All information about this incident was classified by the command of the US Navy.

In all these cases, the threat of destroying the ships of even loyal civilizations was created. Such irresponsible actions of individual states can provoke a situation dangerous for all mankind, because the leadership of aliens can regard the actions of the armed forces of one state as the actions of earthlings as a whole against aliens.

It cannot be ruled out that the patience of aliens may run out and the hostile actions of the armed forces of earthlings against them may cause a retaliatory strike from their side of such power, of which our science has not even a distant idea.

In 1990, the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Defense Forces, General of the Army I. Tretyak, stated: “If we take seriously the hypothesis of the existence of UFOs as a product of a highly organized mind of a civilization much more developed than ours, then any struggle against such objects and their crews until their intentions are clarified will be fruitless and, moreover, it can lead to an unpredictable response. Unidentified phenomena must be studied, not shot down," Tretyak correctly stated.

And in 1992, the chairman of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Air Defense Forces, General E. Tarasov, already stated that "we recommend our pilots to behave peacefully in relation to UFOs."

With our shelling of alien ships, we can provoke them into aggressive actions. But at the same time, we must be prepared for the actions of aggressive civilizations in their hostile actions against earthlings, and only if they use weapons on their part, also use weapons in response. And since it is very difficult to understand the logic of the aliens, any careless and thoughtless actions in relation to them should be avoided, because they can pose an unpredictably great danger.

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