Home Garden on the windowsill From which the jaw soft tissue hurts. Why does the jaw hurt on the left near the ear and what to do? Diagnosis of pain in the jaw in infectious and inflammatory diseases

From which the jaw soft tissue hurts. Why does the jaw hurt on the left near the ear and what to do? Diagnosis of pain in the jaw in infectious and inflammatory diseases

When a person has a jaw pain on the right side, this can indicate both dental problems and more unpleasant pathologies, such as a pinched nerve or a cancerous tumor. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the true cause of the problem.

Most often, when such a symptom occurs, patients turn to the dentist. But consulting with one specialist may not be enough. Sometimes the cause is a pathology that only a neurologist or surgeon can handle.

These reasons are among the most common. The inflammatory process against the background of an infectious disease can affect the tissues of the oral cavity.

In this case, the root cause is not necessarily in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe teeth. Sometimes the infection affects another area, but spreads to the entire body, affecting the jaw, because the pain can radiate.

With an infectious disease, in addition to the inflammatory process, the patient may notice the appearance of purulent sores in the mouth.

Pronounced discomfort will be noted on one side of the jaw and with an abscess. This pathology is a serious complication that occurs against the background of an infectious disease that has become chronic. In addition to severe discomfort in the jaw, patients often report fever, weakness throughout the body, dizziness and apathy.

Purulent abscess

The source of infection may also be in the teeth. For example, pain often occurs due to pulpitis. This disease is a complication of caries. There is damage to the soft tissues that should nourish the teeth. The entire area around the problem area will be very sore. Unpleasant sensations may intensify during meals.

If the patient has inflammation of the periosteum, this indicates the development of periostitis. In addition to pain, this disease is characterized by fever, chills, lethargy, weakness, and a feeling of nausea.

The infection can hide not only in the oral cavity. The upper or lower jaw sometimes hurts due to boils that appear on any part of the body, and most often on the face and back, and in inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system. For example, pain in the lower jaw is often felt on one side with arthrosis or arthritis of the joint. This symptom is especially pronounced with a sharp opening of the mouth.

The pain will be given to the jaw even if the skin is affected in the nearest area. This happens with purulent lesions of the skin and fiber. Sometimes the problem even affects the bone tissue. In this case, the patient will have constant complaints of discomfort in the mouth, lack of appetite and high temperature.

Anna Losyakova


One of the most serious diseases that can cause pain in the right side of the jaw is osteomyelitis. This is an infectious-toxic disease that affects the bone and causes it to rot. In the advanced stage of osteomyelitis, a person is not able to normally open his mouth and eat on his own. In this case, a putrid odor may be felt.

It can be detected through a blood test. If timely treatment is not started, osteomyelitis can lead to the development of sepsis.

Damage to nerves and blood vessels

Causes that are related to the nervous or vascular system are often found in patients with complaints of pain in the jaw on the right side. It is possible that such a symptom will become a manifestation of neuralgia. This is a whole complex of diseases that can affect certain parts of the head.

In this case, one nerve may be the reason why the jaw hurts on the right or in another place. Thus, the source of pain is in one area, and the upper or lower jaw hurts. Neuralgia is characterized by attacks of acute pain. In this case, it is impossible to touch the problem area.

Among vascular diseases it is worth noting arteritis (inflammation of the arteries). This disease is difficult to diagnose, so the specialist has to use various methods. The main task of the specialist is to determine the area with problematic blood supply. Pain with arteritis will be strong and radiate to the wings of the nose.


If a person has severe pain in the jaw after a blow or fall, you should contact a traumatologist. The cause may be a bruise, dislocation or fracture. All this requires treatment, otherwise complications are not excluded.

This is what a break looks like

You need to get a diagnosis from a specialist and identify the cause of the problem. Next, the doctor prescribes treatment to eliminate the root cause of the pain. With a pronounced symptom, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs can be used.

Anna Losyakova


For a while, decoctions of herbs can eliminate the symptom. But you should not completely rely on folk remedies for treatment.


The cause of the pain may be a malignant neoplasm. Cancer can be primary or secondary type:

  1. In the first case, the tumor is located in the jaw area, which causes pain.
  2. In the second, the neoplasm is located in another part of the body, but the cancer cells come with the blood to other parts of the body.

Before you worry, you should know that the formations that provoke pain are not only malignant. For example, a person may feel constant discomfort in the jaw area with hemangiomas, cementomas and ameloblastomas. These pathologies are benign. Nevertheless, such neoplasms should be treated.

Hemangioma Cementoma Ameloblastoma

What to tell the doctor during the visit

The well-described nature of the discomfort will help the specialist in making the correct diagnosis. But the doctor should not focus only on the patient's complaints, since all people tolerate pain discomfort in different ways. It depends on gender, age, nutrition, lifestyle and individual characteristics of a person. For example, each person has their own individual pain threshold.

Anna Losyakova


The severity of the symptom is affected by the presence of concomitant diseases and old fractures in the jaw area, which will increase the pain. For example, as in the case if a person has previously suffered a traumatic brain injury.

The doctor needs to know the nature of the symptom, as this helps to make the correct diagnosis and find the cause of the problem. Therefore, the patient should describe his feelings in as much detail as possible. The pain may worsen during swallowing. It can be long-term or short-term, intense, and also mild. The patient should clarify the location of the symptom.

In addition, it can be stabbing, cutting, cramping, dull, aching, paroxysmal, pulsating, squeezing, pulling, shooting, etc.

Based on this, the specialist will determine the cause of the discomfort in the jaw on the right and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

It is quite difficult to understand why the upper jaw hurts. Unlike the lower jaw, which can be injured in many ways, the upper jaw is the basis for the teeth and the resulting pain is often attributed to them.

However, her bones make up the structure of the nasal cavity, hard palate, eye sockets, and the maxillary sinus is located here. Therefore, pain may be a symptom of dental or ENT diseases, or indicate other disorders.

This is a purulent infectious inflammation that covers the components of the jawbone. The disease develops when Staphylococcus aureus, Gram-negative bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli enter the body. Infection with pathogenic viruses and bacteria occurs by the hematogenous route or through diseased teeth.

Osteomyelitis is accompanied by severe pain in the jaw, fever, lack of appetite. There may be headaches, insomnia, general weakness.

Most often, an odontogenic form of pathology is diagnosed, which occurs due to the lack of dental treatment. In such cases, the pain will be localized in the zone of the carious tooth, mucosal edema and an increase in the perimaxillary lymph nodes may be observed.

Osteomyelitis is a serious problem that needs urgent treatment. See for yourself:

After surgery Option before surgery

Oksana Shiyka


It is because of the complexity of self-diagnosis, in the presence of prolonged pain, it is recommended to consult a doctor. You can start with a therapist or dentist.

Dental diseases

Various diseases of the oral cavity most often cause pain from the side. Among them are the following:

  1. Caries and tooth decay irritate the nerve endings, which causes pain.
  2. A complication of caries can lead to the development of pulpitis - inflammation of the soft tissues adjacent to the teeth. This is also accompanied by pain.

    Scheme of the occurrence of pulpitis.

  3. Periodontitis is an inflammation of the gums, tissues surrounding the teeth. It can provoke the formation of an abscess - an abscess located next to the tooth.

  4. A cyst formed on the root of a tooth can be the reason that reduces the jaw.

  5. After a poor-quality tooth extraction, the development of alveolitis is possible - inflammation in the jaw sockets.

  6. Very often, the eruption of the upper wisdom teeth is accompanied by pain and fever.

  7. Another reason is periostitis, in the common people - flux. The inflammatory process is caused by neglected caries, angina, and infectious diseases of the oral cavity. The focus of pus formed in the root of the tooth affects the pulp, then the inflammation passes to the periosteum.

    The inflamed gum swells, a flux forms, the patient is tormented by aching and throbbing pain in the gum. Periostitis is recognized as the most dangerous type of this pathology, entailing the most unpleasant consequences, up to death.
  8. Pain after dental treatment and anesthesia. Often, anesthesia is used in the treatment and prosthetics of teeth, since local anesthesia blocks the nerve impulse and makes it possible for the dentist to do more work. However, when the analgesic effect wears off, pain occurs.
  9. Gingivitis is a disease in which the lining of the gums becomes inflamed. The pathological process is accompanied by pain, the jaw reduces when chewing solid food and tightly closing the teeth.

  10. When wearing braces, at first the gums hurt and the jaw reduces. Pain is present in the first days after the installation of braces. If it lasts longer than two weeks, you should contact the orthodontist to adjust the arc.

These problems are eliminated by the dentist, since they (except for braces) are caused by diseases of the teeth and gums. It is important to take preventive measures in a timely manner: treat caries, remove tartar and strengthen the gums.

trigeminal neuralgia

The disease is characterized by compression, irritation or inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. It covers the entire face and has many branches. One of its main branches passes through the upper jaw. For this reason, with inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, the patient may have complaints of a burning, penetrating pain in the teeth, gums, and tongue. The pains are paroxysmal in nature and often affect one side of the face.

The disease can be caused:

  • hypothermia;
  • pathology of the paranasal sinuses;
  • herpes;
  • viral infections.

Oksana Shiyka


The disease can develop in people with impaired metabolism, after a facial injury or a previous cardiovascular pathology.

Trigeminal neuralgia is not easy to cure; complex therapy is prescribed to relieve symptoms, consisting of taking pharmaceuticals, physiotherapy and alternative treatment.

Acute and chronic maxillary sinusitis

The causes of the pain syndrome can be hidden in the inflammatory process localized in the maxillary sinuses. Spreading inflammation can affect the periosteum and bone tissue. Unpleasant sensations can be present both in the jaw on the left and in the jaw on the right. The pain can be aggravated by tilting the head or by contact of the face with other objects.

Acute maxillary sinusitis can be caused by:

  • transferred rhinitis;
  • scarlet fever;
  • caries.

The infection can also penetrate into the sinuses by the hematogenous route. Often, bilateral maxillary sinusitis develops due to a deviated septum or injury.

The disease is treated with a conservative method, including taking antibacterial and vasoconstrictor drugs, or a puncture of the maxillary sinus is performed.


Painful attacks may indicate the presence of a tumor. Oncology in the oral cavity is always accompanied by pain. Patients may complain of jaw cramps when eating, talking, and opening their mouths.

A tumor can be benign or malignant in origin. In patients with a tumor, facial asymmetry, thickening of the jaw bones and their deformation are observed.

Temporal arteritis is a special form of vasculitis, characterized by damage to the walls of blood vessels. The autoimmune disease produces giant cells that attack the walls of the arteries. At the same time, in addition to a throbbing headache, a person may experience pain in the jaw when chewing and swallowing.

The main treatment for temporal arteritis is corticosteroid therapy.

The causes of primary arteritis are poorly understood, the disease also has a genetic predisposition. Presumably it is provoked by viruses and bacteria.

Inflammation of the middle ear

The disease is accompanied by a pathological process in one or more parts of the ear cavity. As a rule, otitis media occurs against the background of a viral disease. Infection from the nasopharynx spreads to the middle ear mucosa and develops an inflammatory process.

Oksana Shiyka


The disease is accompanied by severe pain in the ear, fever, shooting in the ears. In addition to pain in the jaw, in some cases it also hurts in the throat.

Antibiotics, ear drops, compresses are used to treat inflammation of the middle ear.

Bruises and dislocations

Bruises and dislocations resulting from a fall, fight, playing sports injure the soft tissue and its bone structure, resulting in swelling and pain. With a dislocation, the symmetry of the face changes, speech worsens, and the swallowing process is disturbed.

Pain can be caused by a fracture: then it is especially pronounced when the teeth are closed.

Here, without the help of a traumatologist, the problem cannot be solved. First aid includes transport immobilization. With a pronounced pain syndrome, anesthesia is performed.

Oksana Shiyka


If the jaw reduces and at the same time suffers from a headache, then this may indicate fatigue, nervous tension and migraines. This condition can also be caused by long sedentary work or lack of fresh air.

As you can see, pain in the upper jaw on the left or right side can indicate both normal overwork and oncology. That is why they should be the reason for contacting a specialist. Diagnosis will help to establish the true cause of the pain syndrome, after which competent treatment of the identified disease will be required.

When a person’s jaw hurts, this feeling is rather unpleasant, it brings a lot of discomfort and worries. It is difficult for the patient to chew food, make swallowing movements and yawn, it is difficult even just to close the teeth tightly.

There are many reasons that can cause this syndrome, and to identify the main problem, you should immediately contact a therapist. He will conduct an initial examination and advise which doctor to contact, depending on the preliminary diagnosis.

Symptoms and possible complications

Depending on why the jaw hurts, the signs of the problem may be as follows:

  • it hurts the patient to open his mouth;
  • the feeling of discomfort increases with pressure on the temples and the ear area;
  • it hurts to chew, swallow even soft food and drinks;
  • headache, fever, and in some cases, coordination of movements is disturbed;
  • intense pain syndrome radiates to the temples, neck, shoulder blades, neck and ears;
  • it is impossible to tightly clench the teeth, and this causes aching pain not only in the jaw, but also in the teeth and gums;
  • when the patient begins to close his jaw or open his mouth wide, others may hear characteristic clicks.

The last symptom must be paid attention to, as it may be a sign that the facial discs are displaced or under undue stress. Even if the person does not experience pain, the displacement of the discs will lead to improper loading during the process of chewing food and the lack of full support for the jaw joints.

If the jaw hurts for several days in a row, and the person does not pay attention to the symptoms and does not consult a doctor, the consequences can be sad.

Pain that radiates to the ears can cause a partial or complete impairment of hearing function. If the jaw hurts when opening the mouth, over time this will lead to its shift, and such a turn of events is fraught with erasure of the enamel layer, increased sensitivity of the teeth and frequent carious processes. Subsequently, a malocclusion may even form, especially in a child.

Increased tension in the jaw muscles will cause rather unpleasant consequences, such as:

  • acute back pain;
  • dizziness, flies flickering before the eyes;
  • insomnia and, as a result, depression;
  • photophobia (fear of bright light);
  • decreased visual function;
  • pain and tension of the eyeballs.

What to do if your jaw hurts? The answer is unequivocal - immediately consult a doctor. Since the causes of the syndrome can be different, including infectious diseases, injuries, and even malignant neoplasms, consultations with a surgeon, traumatologist, dentist, neurologist, infectious disease specialist may be required.

Possible reasons

The jaws are paired bones, which are the basis for the localization of the composition of the teeth and the place for their attachment in the oral cavity. If a person has upper jaw pain, this should be taken seriously. It is this bone that is involved in the formation of the eye sockets, hard palate, nasal cavity, and the maxillary sinuses are also located in its body.

Next, we will talk about what may be the causes of pain in the jaw. Depending on the provoking factor that caused the syndrome, the necessary treatment will be selected - it can be surgical or medical.

Pain syndrome requires differential diagnosis

Fracture of one of the jaws

If the patient's entire jaw hurts, and the day before he suffered an injury (a strong blow, had an accident, fell), perhaps the cause of the syndrome is a fracture. If the injury was severe, it is not uncommon for both bones to break at the same time. As a result of a fracture, the integrity of the jawbone is violated, as a result of a strong mechanical impact.

There are several types of this injury:

  • open or closed fracture;
  • comminuted (when parts of crushed bone tissue remain in the soft tissues);
  • direct and reflected;
  • single and multiple;
  • with displacement of broken off sections of bone tissue and without displacement.

Regardless of whether a fracture occurred in the upper jaw or lower, the consequences are always accompanied by pain, swelling, hemorrhage and severe discomfort during chewing (even the impossibility of performing this function).


This infectious disease that affects the bone tissue of all parts of the jaws, there are several types of pathology - hematogenous, traumatic and odontogenic (it is considered the most common). The most common form of osteomyelitis, odontogenic, occurs as a result of bacterial flora entering the bone tissues from the root sections of the teeth located in the upper row, while pain in the lower jaw, as a rule, is not observed.

Acute osteomyelitis can also occur if the jaw becomes very cold, the situation can be aggravated by the simultaneous occurrence of sinusitis. The disease is characterized by a sharp rise in temperature to critical levels, chills and fever. When examining a patient, a tooth affected by deep caries or pulpitis is found.

If the damaged molar is located in the bone of the upper jaw on the right, respectively, the pain syndrome occurs on the right side. The teeth adjacent to it on both sides are also sharply painful, their mobility may be noted.

If the patient's jaw hurts on the right, this side of the face will be very edematous, there is a pronounced asymmetry. Nearby lymph nodes are painful and enlarged. The disease can be complicated by the formation of an abscess or phlegmon deep in the jaw bone tissue.

Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint

Pain in the jaw during chewing, which is accompanied by limited movement of the joint, discomfort in the area of ​​the forehead, temples and ears, indicates that the functioning of the bone and cartilage tissue located in the area of ​​jaw closure is impaired.

Pathology can occur due to malocclusion, dysfunction of the masticatory muscles, when the joint itself is inflamed or dystrophic changes have occurred in its tissue. On examination, the doctor discovers that the patient's cheekbones hurt, the articular surfaces are not positioned correctly, and the movement of paired bones is impaired.

Cranial neuralgia

The pain is pulsating, sharp and observed along the affected nerve. If the patient has pain on the left side of the face, and burning cutting impulses are felt only on one side, radiating to the upper jaw, the doctor may immediately suspect cranial neuralgia.

The disease occurs as a result of inflammation of the cranial nerves

Discomfort is quite pronounced, but does not bother a person at night, mainly after sleep.

Neuralgia of the superior laryngeal nerve

The disease has characteristic symptoms: paroxysmal pain in the larynx (in the area of ​​the cartilage of the thyroid gland and hyoid bone), pain on one side, which radiates to the orbit, ear and forearm, hiccups, cough. Discomfort is aggravated when the patient sneezes, yawns, turns his head, blows his nose, or simply opens his mouth.

Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve

This disease is considered relatively rare. It is manifested by the fact that the jaw hurts when chewing, talking, swallowing, while the nature of the pain is burning, shooting and sharp. An attack can last from 1 to 3 minutes, and unpleasant sensations are given to the areas of the root of the tongue, nasopharynx, ear, jaw closure area. Pain always occurs on one side, that is, if it is observed on the left, then the return will occur to the left side of the jaw angle, ear, and so on.

During the onset of an attack, the patient is tormented by increased dryness in the mouth, a cough develops, and after the end, he begins to sweat heavily. A person tries to take such a position in order to lower the threshold of pain - tilts his head in the direction where discomfort is observed. During the examination, pain is fixed around the corner of the affected jaw.

Neuralgia of the ear node

The sensation begins from the temporal region, near the affected ear, gradually passing into the bone tissue of the lower jaw, gums and teeth. During an attack, the patient feels clicking sounds in the diseased ear, caused by a spasm of the Eustachian tube during contraction of a certain muscle group. The disease occurs more often in women. So, if she has a cold in her ear on one side, the pain can be aggravated by additional hypothermia, eating too hot or cold food.

This pathology is characterized by attacks of acute pain that can last up to 60 minutes in a row.

Facial artery injury

Soreness in this pathology is of a burning nature, occurs first in the corner where the two jaw bones meet, then spreads to the entire chin. When the upper jaw is affected, discomfort is felt first in the region of the upper lip, then it radiates to the corner of the eye. The main symptom of the disease is that the pain is increased in the region of the inflection of the facial artery through the bone that forms the lower jaw.

Odontogenic pain

Causes of this type of pain affecting both jaws:

  • inflammation of the nerves of the teeth, as a consequence of untreated deep caries;
  • pulp diseases;
  • periodontal abscesses.

The pain occurs in the region of the root of the affected tooth, more often at night, is twitching and pulsating. More often, the problem is caused by a limited form of osteomyelitis, when abscesses form in the cavity of the bone tissue.

Also, the pathology can be triggered by dental operations, trigeminal neuropathy (it is manifested by weakness of the muscles responsible for the process of chewing food and a decrease in the sensitivity of the lower lip).

Osteogenic sarcoma

A non-epithelial tumor located in the jaw tissue is malignant. It is manifested by a change in the shape of the affected bone, pain in the jaw area and lower face. On palpation, the patient feels moderate discomfort, he has numbness of the skin in the area of ​​​​two branches of the nerves - infraorbital and chin.

red ear syndrome

This disease is also called erythrootalgia. It is manifested by the occurrence of burning pain in the ear, which can spread to the forehead, back of the head and lower jawbone. Also, the patient turns red and the shell of the affected ear becomes hot (as a result of increased expansion of the capillaries of the skin).

The cause of the disease is cervical osteochondrosis, which occurs when a person is blown away. Against the background of this problem, the third cervical root is irritated, the temporomandibular joint loses its ability to fully perform its functions. As a complication, damage to the glossopharyngeal nerve, sensitivity of nerve fibers to elevated temperature and damage to the thalamus occur.

Possibility of pathological neoplasms

Methods of treatment

To determine the root cause of pain in one or two jaw bones at once, you need to see a doctor. Treatment of neurological diseases is carried out with the help of medications, in the absence of the effect of conservative therapy, the doctor resorts to surgically crossing the nerves.

If the jaw aches after a mechanical injury, it is better not to delay a visit to the surgeon, even if the pain syndrome is not pronounced. Treatment options for this situation include:

  • treatment of an open wound (if any) for the purpose of disinfection;
  • alignment of the bony septum of the nose, if it has been displaced to the side;
  • the combination of bones, the integrity of which was not violated;
  • comparison of broken elements of bone tissue;
  • fixation of the jaw with a splint that provides reliable fastening and immobility.

The patient will have to wear a fixing bandage for at least 1–1.5 months until the bone tissue is completely fused (an x-ray examination is performed to verify this).

Basically, such measures are needed in case of severe damage to one or two bones of the jaw at once. After removing the tire, the patient needs rehabilitation to restore important functions (chewing, swallowing food, speaking and vision).

If necessary, the surgeon can implant metal plates into the jaw tissue and fix them with special screws.

Dental problems causing pain

When there is pain in the jaw due to dental problems, it develops gradually and has a pulsating character. The first cause of jaw pain is bruxism (teeth grinding), most often it is diagnosed in children.

A child can strongly clench his teeth together, while not chewing food, more often during stressful or conflict situations, sometimes at night. A mother or father may ask him in the morning: “What do you chew at night, what can you hear from the next room?”, And the child does not know what to answer, because he simply does not control the process of grinding his teeth.

If this phenomenon is not corrected, the tooth enamel gradually begins to wear out, because an excessive load is placed on the chewing surface. This leads to frequent carious processes and pain in the jaw. To combat bruxism, you can put special mouthguards on your child's teeth at night. To relieve daytime nervous tension, you can reduce it to a psychologist and do exercises that reduce increased emotionality and anxiety.

Failure to follow the rules of oral hygiene (double brushing, use of rinses and dental floss) leads to accumulations of bacterial plaque on the molars and gums. As a result, the upper enamel layer is damaged, behind it the tissues of hard dentin and pulp are destroyed, deep caries occurs.

An inflammatory process in the tissues of the gums (gingivitis, periodontitis) can also begin, a serious consequence of which is periodontal disease, causing shakiness and loss of teeth. In this case, the patient may experience pain in the teeth and jaw, at this stage it is necessary to visit the dentist and eliminate the root cause of the pain syndrome.

If the cause of jaw pain lies in dental problems, they need to be addressed as they arise. Constant inflammatory processes in the gums, dental caries, pulpitis can lead to the formation of an abscess or phlegmon inside the jaw bone, and this is even fraught with blood poisoning. If during the examination a neurological disease was detected, the neurologist and the surgeon will work together and be able to find the best treatment option.

Good afternoon, dear friends and guests of my blog. I am very glad that my advice is of interest not only to regular readers. So, it is useful and helps someone. I want to once again tell you about a situation that happened to me not so long ago. I woke up in the middle of the night and realized that my lower jaw was hurting. And this pain was so strong that it was impossible to sleep further.

It could be hypothermia, or it could be a serious illness. It hurts, so the body asks for help.

Causes of pain in the lower jaw

No doctor can immediately determine the lower jaw. The most common reason is trauma. Dislocation, fracture - if this is true, then the visit to the doctor cannot be postponed, otherwise you can lose all your teeth. Displacement associated with trauma leads to displacement of the entire dentition. Under load, when chewing, the teeth begin to run into each other. In any case, the dentist will recommend an X-ray or a panoramic x-ray of the jaw.

Among the main reasons why the lower jaw hurts, the main ones can be distinguished:

  • cyst;
  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;

These are not all diseases that lead to the appearance of pain on the left or right. A cyst occurs when inflammation and infection penetrate into the dental tissues, an abscess appears. As a rule, this purulent formation is formed near the root of the tooth. Treatment is urgent and is carried out in a dental clinic in the surgeon's office. The gum is opened to remove the abscess and clean the resulting cavity.

It is impossible to identify an abscess on your own. A person can drink handfuls of anabolic steroids, endlessly rinse the cavity, apply warm, and much of this simply cannot be done. Heat will aggravate the condition.

No less acute, aching pain causes pulpitis (both on the left and on the right). It is diagnosed only in the clinic. Self-medication is unacceptable. This is an inflammatory process of soft nerve tissues inside the tooth. It usually occurs after untreated or untreated caries. Through holes in the teeth, bacteria enter the inside of the tooth, causing a complex inflammatory process, which is accompanied by acute toothache and pain in the jaw.

During growth, they also cause pain. The jaw of an adult is not always designed for the presence of an extra tooth. And the wisdom teeth, with their growth, begin to push the bones apart, causing acute pain. You can get rid of it by removing the tooth. Or by massaging the gums in the place of the mouth of the tooth.

If the pain radiates to the ear, then the doctor may suspect inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. This usually happens due to hypothermia, after severe infectious, inflammatory diseases. All of these diseases do not tolerate an unprofessional approach. Therefore, self-medication will only cause complications. Accordingly, all traditional medicine are good as prevention. And if any pain appears, then when asked what to do, the answer is obvious: go to the dentist.

Video - Pain simultaneously in the upper and lower jaw

10 Causes of Jaw Pain

Jaw fracturesSuch an injury can be obtained with a powerful blow to the face. Fractures can be single, multiple, open or closed.
Disruption of the temporomandibular jointSoreness can be caused by myofascial syndrome, abnormal bite, or some inflammatory processes in the joint itself.
Neuralgia of the superior laryngeal nerveThere is pain in the larynx, as well as the angle of the lower jaw. Often the pain radiates to the eyes, ears, chest, and forearm
Cranial neuralgiaIn most cases, we are talking about trigeminal neuralgia. The patient has sharp, twitching, cutting and burning pains.
Osteomyelitis of the jawsThe most common cause of osteomyelitis of the jaws is the pathogenic microflora of the root canals of the teeth and periodontal pockets.
Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerveNeuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve is accompanied by severe paroxysmal pain that develops from the root of the tongue and spreads to the pharynx, ear, jaw and sometimes the neck
Diseases of the teethPainful sensations can occur with irritation of the nerves due to caries, diseases of the dental pulp or periodontal abscess
Neuralgia of the ear nodePain in the temporal region, often transferred to the lower jaw, chin, teeth. The patient has increased salivation and clicking sounds in the ear
Osteogenic sarcomaA malignant tumor develops in the tissues of the jaws. The disease is manifested by deformation of the affected bones, severe soreness of the face. In some cases, the tumor leads to numbness and impaired sensitivity in the area of ​​​​the exit of the infraorbital or mental nerves.
ArteritisAccompanied by burning pain in the lower and sometimes upper jaw. The presence of severe pain in the area of ​​the inflection of the facial artery through the base of the lower jaw

Let's remember the anatomy

The lower jaw is located in the facial region of the skull. Unlike the upper jaw, the lower jaw is mobile and consists of a body and two branches. A fairly large part of the skull, because the branches stretch to the zygomatic processes. That is why the pain can be given to the ear.

Pain in the lower jaw may appear with jaw osteomyelitis. This is a complex and dangerous inflammation in the bones of the jaw. The patient in the first stages feels pain, which is similar to a toothache. After a short period of time, pain is already felt in almost the entire jaw, especially when pressed, it radiates to the ear. A purulent process occurs in the bone, which begins to affect the teeth and jaw bones.

The inflammatory process progresses and after a short period of time pains appear in the eyeballs, in the upper jaw. If the inflammation began in the lower jaw, then a little later the sensitivity of the lower lip, the front of the oral cavity, is lost. It is already difficult for the patient to chew and swallow. Purulent wounds appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums, teeth loosen, pus comes out of the gums, and lymph nodes increase.

A sad picture that could have been avoided simply by seeking medical help in a timely manner. This is treatable in the early stages.

Video - What is osteomyelitis

Jaw pain due to braces

There is no doubt that braces can cause jaw pain. Children especially often complain of such symptoms. After all, this odontogenic construction is installed in order to form a bite in a child, to align the dentition. It is noticeable that the teeth begin to stagger a little. This is normal and should not cause concern to parents. If there is any doubt and the child is very uncomfortable, you can contact the dentist. But he won't say anything else. Can only slightly relieve the pressure of this plate.

Pain treatment

Not all diseases that can cause jaw pain are represented here. This is determined by the attending dentist or maxillofacial surgeon. Before treatment is prescribed, the doctor directs the patient to an x-ray or panoramic X-ray of the jaw. Without such "photographs" it is simply impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis in the presence of these symptoms.

Never ignore the advice of doctors. One has only to remember the consequences of untreated osteomyelitis. It hurts, so it needs to be treated. Neither grandmothers nor their weed will ever help when. How to carry out treatment, what drugs to use - the doctor recommends. That is why there will be no descriptions of drugs that help relieve pain.

Traditional medicine tips for prevention and rehabilitation

Any sane person cannot even imagine that today someone will be treated exclusively with herbs. This is not excluded, it is recommended by doctors, but only as an aid in the postoperative or recovery period. Teeth, jaws must be treated in a modern clinic. And after that, follow the doctor's recommendations and use herbs, infusions, and so on.

In modern pharmacies, there are many fees or tinctures that will help with these problems. You can give a list of herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties:

  • St. John's wort;
  • knotweed;
  • meadowsweet flowers;
  • blue cornflower;
  • stigmas of corn;
  • coltsfoot;
  • oregano;
  • yarrow.

These and many other herbs will help relieve inflammation, reduce swelling, and draw out pus. But all this must be done only after a visit to the dentist and on his recommendation. He knows exactly what to do in each situation, what infusions, decoctions can help. Indeed, in one case, heat can be applied to the sore spot or rinsed with warm, and in the other, heat is contraindicated and cold is necessary. So, ignoring the advice of experts, people harm themselves.

How to reduce jaw pain - step by step instructions

We figured out the reasons for this phenomenon, as well as the fact that they all require medical attention. It remains only to give a few practical tips on how to reduce pain.

Table. Reducing jaw pain.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Buy an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen. Take according to the manufacturer's instructions. But note that you will eliminate the pain temporarily, since these funds are not intended for long-term treatment.

Use a gel that contains benzocaine or a similar substance. It can be purchased at almost any pharmacy.

Soak a cotton ball in clove oil and bite down on it. This oil, containing an antiseptic, will help ease the pain. It is also sold in almost all pharmacies.

Wet a towel, put it on your jaw and hold until it cools.

Massage the area that hurts. Using light pressure, rub the muscles along the jaw to increase blood flow.

Apply a cold compress for temporary pain relief. The affected area will become numb because of this, and the pain will subside.

Repeatedly close / open your mouth, but so that the jaws do not touch. Such exercises will also increase blood flow.

Don't chew gum, instead opt for sticky and hard foods.

Minimize stress. You will be helped by physical exercises, meditation and the help of a psychologist. The fact is that tightness in the jaw can also be caused by stress.

Can pain be prevented?

It should already be clear that pain under the lower jaw can appear absolutely suddenly. There are many reasons. Accordingly, it is impossible to prevent this. The only thing that can be recommended is to monitor the oral cavity, regularly conduct preventive examinations, and eliminate caries as soon as possible, if any. These are the only ways to keep yourself out of trouble. In no case do not self-medicate and at the first sign of pain go to the clinic. Pain in the teeth and jaw will not go away on its own. This is a signal from the body that emergency care is required, which can only be provided by a qualified doctor.

A timely visit to the dentist will save you from the appearance of various pathologies. It's no secret that the disease is easier to treat in the early stages. Avoid hypothermia, which can adversely affect the condition of the teeth and jaw bones.

If the jaw hurts after the dentist

Pain in the jaw during a visit to the dentist is a completely natural phenomenon, especially if there was a surgical intervention. Usually, the doctor knows about this and can recommend pain medication. It is considered normal if the pain is present for about three days.

A longer period indicates that the problem with the jaw and teeth was not completely resolved. Again, don't delay your return visit. A longer pathology and the presence of pain syndrome are observed after jaw injuries, when there was surgery. In this case, pain may accompany a person longer. Do not start the course of the disease, as it can turn into a chronic state, when the treatment is longer, more complicated and more expensive!

Vide - Pain in the jaw joint

Pain and other discomfort in the jaw are familiar to many. This symptom is characteristic of many diseases, so you should not ignore it. The fact that the pain syndrome is constantly present, sometimes subsiding a little, then, on the contrary, intensifying, should be especially alert. This condition requires an urgent consultation with a doctor to exclude its dislocation, fracture, purulent inflammation and other no less formidable pathologies. Why it hurts, aches and hurts the jaw on the right or left, including when opening the mouth, the reasons for this and what to do is the topic of our article.

The human jaw is located on the front side of the skull and occupies a fairly large area. It consists of two parts: top - motionless, it contains the maxillary sinuses, and the lower one, on the contrary, mobile. Its bone is connected to the muscles that are needed to process food. In addition, the jaw is needed there to yawn, open the mouth wide, move the chin, and grimace. All these movements are provided by the jaw joints. With their damage, as a rule, severe pain and discomfort are associated.

If you have pain in the upper or lower jaw on the right or left, the reasons for this may be the following:

  • osteomyelitis - infectious inflammation of bone tissue;
  • neuralgia;
  • all types of joint damage, including as a result of injury;
  • damage to the facial or carotid artery;
  • carried out the day before, dental manipulations, including the extraction and prosthetics of teeth;
  • red ear syndrome;
  • the growth of "wisdom teeth";
  • wearing braces;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • abscess, phlegmon and other purulent diseases of the submandibular region;
  • all types of injuries and mechanical damage;
  • carotidinia;
  • malignant tumors.

Pain in this part of the skull can provoke heart disease, including acute myocardial infarction. Therefore, in the first place, it will be necessary to exclude this.

The jaw quite often hurts and swells in boxers, as well as in athletes involved in various types of martial arts. Soft tissue injury is the simplest cause that causes severe discomfort. The pain with it is localized, either on the right or on the left, in the same place where the edema is visualized.

Mouth won't open with jaw pain

Based on the patient's complaints and the question of why the mouth does not open, the jaw hurts on the left side and it hurts to chew, the doctor may suggest fracture. Its characteristic sign will be that the pain does not recede even if you do not move the jaw, since the bone is greatly displaced with it. Dislocation is diagnosed quite often in patients of all ages.. It has such vivid symptoms that an experienced specialist can only look at the unchanging position of the mouth and the incorrect position of the jaw. And if, in addition, the patient complains of impaired swallowing and the appearance of a speech defect, the diagnosis will be obvious. Pain during dislocation is localized at the site of the damaged joint.

On your own, you can only guess the reason why it hurts to open your mouth on one side and the lower jaw hurts. Only the attending physician can accurately diagnose and prescribe a scheme and procedure for adequate treatment, to whom you need to rush at the first manifestations of discomfort.

Features of pain in the lower and upper jaw for various reasons for their appearance

Pain and aches in the jaw is a common symptom that is present in various pathologies and disorders of our body. As already clarified in the previous section, in addition to traumatic injuries of the joint, pain syndrome can provoke:

  • neoplasms;
  • purulent infections;
  • heart disease;
  • neuralgia.

We will analyze the features of pain in each of these ailments.

Unfortunately, no one is immune from the growth of neoplasms in the skull area. Pain and aches in the jaw are caused by many benign and malignant tumors.. The most annoying thing in this situation is that tangible pain appears only at a late stage of all the above pathologies, which are asymptomatic for a long time. Discomfort with them is most noticeable at night. A little later, a pronounced asymmetry of the face, a change in the thickness of the jaw, the inability to open the mouth, and difficulties with chewing food join it.

Osteogenic sarcoma of the jaw

Concerning sarcomas- the most formidable neoplasm, which is malignant in nature, then its development may indicate pain radiating to the neck and ear when pressing the jaw and severe facial deformity. In the later stages of the disease, there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the affected areas.

Acute pain in the jaws can also provoke inflammation pyogenic bacteria that enter the bone and soft tissues through carious teeth, blood or open wounds.

The most dangerous inflammation is osteomyelitis, in which the infection, moving through the dental canals, penetrates into the deep sections of the jaw, causing lymphodenitis, sore teeth, swelling of the face, headache and general deterioration of well-being.

Other purulent inflammations include:

  • furunculosis, which is characterized by purulent inflammation on the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and severe soreness;
  • phlegmon, which is easy to identify by pronounced edema spreading to the ear;
  • abscess in which tissue necrosis occurs.

Osteomyelitis of the jaw

Often heart pain may radiate to the lower jaw. This happens with acute myocardial infarction which requires urgent hospitalization of the patient. This disease is characterized by damage to the coronary arteries, thrombosis and spasm of the cardiac arteries, which leads to necrosis of the heart muscle. The patient's life depends on urgent medical intervention. In addition to pain in the jaw, a heart attack can be indicated by severe heart pain, lack of air, and excessive sweating.

Reduce the lower jaw can and an attack of angina pectoris, in which the pain increases from the area behind the sternum gradually moving to the face, as well as inflammation of the carotid and facial arteries.

Pain in the jaw often occurs when the trigeminal, superior laryngeal and glossopharyngeal nerves are damaged, as well as congenital or acquired malocclusion.

Pain in the jaw with malocclusion in children

In children, pain syndrome appears against the background of the development of rickets, and in adults, poorly selected dentures can become the cause of discomfort.

How to get rid of jaw pain

Pain in the jaws is an extremely unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the reason for its appearance. The etiology can be very different and, accordingly, the principles of treatment will also be radically different from each other. The first thing to do is to pass a series of examinations:

  • Analysis of urine;
  • general blood analysis;
  • skull x-ray;
  • MRI.

Of course, an examination of specialists is shown - a dentist, a surgeon, a neuropathologist, a cardiologist, a traumatologist, a therapist. Therefore, to the question of what to do if the lower or upper jaw hurts when you open your mouth, the answer will be obvious - go to see a doctor.

Depending on the cause of the development of the pain syndrome, treatment will be prescribed: dislocation needs a fix, fracture- in immediate operation, injury- in cold compresses. With purulent inflammation you can not do without taking antibacterial drugs, and in case of heart disease - calling an ambulance.

If you have pain in the jaw, you should definitely consult a doctor

Regarding dental reasons treatment will depend on their type and severity. Those teeth that cannot be saved are subject to removal, caries, pulpitis and stomatitis - urgent treatment, and if a growing wisdom tooth causes discomfort, sometimes a small incision in the gums is enough to eliminate it.

Symptomatic treatment of pain and jaw aches consists in taking painkillers and analgesics. Sometimes, if it is impossible to identify the cause of pain, the patient is prescribed a course of antidepressants.

Pain in the jaw can be of a different nature, severity and intensity. But the identification of its cause is urgent. Often, she is the first alarming symptom of serious pathologies, on the timely detection and elimination of which the overall prognosis will depend. After all, in this way the body tells us that it needs help. Self-treatment, as a rule, does not bring the desired result. Lotions, compresses, rinses and other traditional medicine methods will not solve the problem. Even if they can relieve the condition for a while, removing soreness and aches, it is only in order to survive the night and go to a specialist in the morning.

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