Home Kitchen garden on the windowsill Division k 1. Directorate "k" of the bstm of the ministry of internal affairs of russia. System elements of the Main Directorates

Division k 1. Directorate "k" of the bstm of the ministry of internal affairs of russia. System elements of the Main Directorates

Application to the Department "K" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Department "K" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is engaged in suppression of the creation, use and distribution of malicious software, illegal access to computer information, illegal circulation of radio electronic and special technical equipment, as well as violations of copyright and related rights in the field of information technology.
Counteraction to thefts committed using counterfeit bank cards, electronic payment systems and remote banking systems.
Combating the production and distribution of pornographic materials with the participation of minors in telecommunication networks.

Tasks of the Department "K" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Fight against violation of copyright and related rights (article on violation of 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, article 7.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)
identification and suppression of facts of illegal access to computer information (Art.272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
fight against distributors of malicious programs (Article 273 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
identification of violations of the rules of operation of means of storage, processing or transmission of computer information and information and telecommunication networks (Art.274 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
detection of the use of counterfeit bank cards (Article 159.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 187 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
combating the distribution of pornography through the Internet and CDs (Article 242 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
detection of illegal connection to telephone lines (Article 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 13.2 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation)
combating illegal traffic in radio electronic (RES) and special technical means (STS) (Art.138 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Art.171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Art.14.1, 14.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation)
counteraction to fraudulent actions committed using information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet (Article 159.6 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

I draw your attention to the fact that in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 333 of May 4, 2010, all reports of committed illegal acts in the field of information technology are received and registered in the duty units of the internal affairs bodies. This means that now you can apply to the duty unit with a statement. The application must be accepted and sent under the jurisdiction, that is, to the district Office "K".
An application to the Office "K" can be sent online by filling in just a few lines with the text of the appeal not exceeding 2000 characters. If you go beyond this limitation, then the text of the message can be sent as an attachment in a text file.

If you have theft of electronic money, then when drawing up an application to the court for the collection or return of a debt issued by electronic money, the currency must be indicated in the TITLE UNITS. Because electronic money (for example, webmoney) is legally not money, but rights of assignment. Consider this point when drafting a statement of fraudulent activity on the Internet.

Application to the Office "K"

Sample application to the Office "K"

Head of _________________________ ATS
District _______________ city ____________
From _______________ your full name ___________
Living: __________________________________
Tel .: ________________, email ______________
Web site _________________________________


He was warned about criminal liability for knowingly false denunciation under Article 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

On September 15, 2015 at 12:00 Moscow time, an unknown person stole 125,000 (one hundred twenty five thousand) title units in the electronic payment system webmoney from my WMID: 756123456951, ruble purse R894565555555.
Upon the theft, I contacted the support service of the electronic payment system webmoney, which, in response to my request, indicated that the login was carried out under my login and password with IP
I ask you to initiate a criminal case on this fact and bring to criminal responsibility the person who committed the crime.
______________ (signature)

If a criminal case is initiated on my application, please provide his number, surname and telephone number of the investigator who will be entrusted with the investigation. In case of refusal, please send me a copy of the relevant resolution and provide an opportunity to familiarize myself with the refusal material in order to prepare a motivated complaint against such a decision.

______________ (signature).
1. A copy of the correspondence with the webmoney support service

________________ / _____________________
"__" _____________ 20__

Information technologies contain a large arsenal of means for deception, theft, and other illegal actions. Cybercrime is illegal activity carried out with the help of electronic devices (computers, tablets, smartphones) through communication networks, among which the Internet occupies the main place.

Corpus delicti

In cyberspace, an intruder's weapon is a smart device, most often a computer plays its role. The object of the crime is information and its security. The offender's motives are different:

  • deliberate damage to the reputation of the injured person, organization, country;
  • causing mental or physical, financial harm, direct or indirect;
  • making illegal profits through copyright infringement or distribution of child pornography, etc.

The following are used as indirect instruments of crime: hacking programs, viruses, content of various content that is distributed through mobile communication means (sms or mms, Bluetooth), e-mail, web message boards, chats and groups in social networks.

Cybercrime, according to UN experts, is any illegal action that takes place in a virtual space (an electronic environment containing information about persons, facts, events in various formats).

Cybercrime refers to all offenses committed within a communication network or computer system, as well as against a computer system and network.

Examples of illegal virtual acts:

  • A hacker attack to hack a social network account, an electronic wallet, a bank server to gain access to classified information and steal money.
  • Cyberstalking - surveillance, harassment, harassment, extortion, intimidation through the global network.
  • Cyber ​​terrorism is the use of telecommunication and computer technologies (most often the Internet) to organize and carry out terrorist attacks.
  • Typesquatting - registration of domain names similar to the addresses of the sites of popular stores and banks to lure visitors and earn money from ad impressions or steal passwords.

The Council of Europe Convention classifies all illegal acts in the virtual space into 4 groups:

  1. Wrongful acts against the confidentiality, availability and integrity of computer systems and data. This includes mostly unauthorized interference.
  2. Actions related to computers (forgery, fraud) - changing information to inaccurate, erasing.
  3. Illegal acts related to the content (content) of information - distribution, production, storage of child pornographic materials.
  4. Offenses against copyright and related rights.

For the first time the concept of virtual offenses appeared in the United States in the early 1960s. Over time, crimes in the field of computer information (hereinafter CI) have acquired a global scale and began to be committed all over the world.

Last year, in his report to the Government of the Russian Federation, Prosecutor General Y. Chaika noted an explosive growth in cybercrime and a minimum detection rate of 8%. Interior Ministry officials note that more than half of economic offenses are committed via the Internet.

Information crimes are popular with scammers due to the difficulty of identifying the fraudster and his whereabouts. According to Sberbank analysts, the world economy suffered damage from cyber attacks in the amount of more than $ 1 trillion in the current year. For comparison, the annual turnover from the international drug trade reaches about $ 500 billion.

Fighting offenders in cyberspace

The main challenges faced by law enforcement agencies in countering criminals:

  • lack of IT-savvy staff;
  • lack of a crime scene in the classical sense of the term and well-oiled mechanisms, as well as investigation techniques;
  • the complexity of detecting criminal acts and timely response.

The traditional method of investigating offenses in Russia involves the interrogation of witnesses as well as victims. Then, an inspection of the crime scene, seizure and examination of documents, as well as a search are carried out immediately. In the case of cyber fraud on the Internet, all these actions are difficult to perform.

For example, scammers open an online store that offers iPhones for cheap. Scammers collect money from gullible buyers and disappear. The victims apply to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. During the investigation, it turns out that the site and contact details are issued for non-existent persons or nominal, suffering from alcohol addiction, the company and the address of the outlet are fictitious and registered abroad. As a result, the investigation reaches a dead end. Of course, this is not always the case. Law enforcement officers learn, acquire special programs and other tools to prevent and respond quickly to crimes.

Investigation of offenses in the field of IT-technologies is carried out by the department for the fight against information security - "K". The area of ​​attention of its employees includes illegal acts in the IT industry, as well as illegal circulation of special technical and radio-electronic means. Department "K" is one of the most secret divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The legislative framework

Punishments for cyber violations are provided for in Chapter 28 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It contains 3 articles that relate to illegal acts in the field computer information- we are talking about any information existing in the form of electrical signals, regardless of the means of their processing, storage or transmission:

  • Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - approves the punishment for illegally gaining access to CI, which led to blocking, copying, destruction or alteration of data. Criminal liability is provided for up to imprisonment for up to 7 years.
  • Article 273 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - development, distribution, use of malicious programs. The term of punishment is up to 7 years.
  • Article 274 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - violation of the requirements for the operation of devices for storing, transmitting and processing data from computers and telecommunication information networks. Provides for imprisonment for up to 5 years.

The structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the scheme of which consists of several levels, is formed in such a way that the implementation of the functions of this institution is carried out as efficiently as possible. The main tasks of the system include the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of internal, including migration, affairs. Let us further consider what the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is. The layout of its elements, tasks and functions performed by the system are further in the article.

General information

What are the elements of the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs? The scheme includes:

  1. Main departments for federal districts.
  2. Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republics.
  3. Main departments of other constituent entities of the country, including cities of federal significance.
  4. Air, railway and water transport departments.
  5. Management in closed-type administrative-territorial entities, sensitive and especially important facilities.
  6. Military units and formations of the Armed Forces.
  7. Representative offices abroad.
  8. Other organizations and headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, formed in the manner prescribed by law for the implementation of relevant tasks.

Key principles

They influence the order in which the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is formed. The layout of the institute's elements ensures constant internal interaction. This, in turn, contributes to the most efficient implementation of the assigned tasks. The structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation carries out its activities in accordance with the principles:

  1. Observance and respect for the freedoms and rights of the individual and citizen.
  2. Humanism.
  3. Legality.
  4. Combinations of tacit and public means and methods.
  5. Interaction with state, regional systems of power, local authorities, public organizations and representative offices of foreign countries.


The structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was formed for:

  1. Development and implementation of a strategy within the framework of the general state internal policy.
  2. Improving regulatory framework.
  3. Ensuring the protection of the freedoms and rights of the individual and citizen within the framework of their powers.
  4. Prevention, detection, suppression of administrative offenses.
  5. Ensuring the protection of law and order, traffic safety on the roads.
  6. Exercise control over the circulation of weapons.
  7. State protection of property.
  8. Department of Internal Affairs, internal troops, organization of their work.

Institute characteristics

The concept of "internal affairs" of a country can be viewed in both broad and narrow senses. In the first case, they imply the work of state authorities in the political, social, economic and other spheres of the country's life. In a narrow sense, internal affairs are understood as ensuring public order, the safety of citizens, the protection of existing forms of property, and the fight against crime. The structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a federal executive institution of power. He is subordinate to the president on issues that are within his jurisdiction, as well as to the government of the country. In its activities, the Institute is guided by constitutional provisions, norms of other laws, decrees, orders of the highest authorities, generally recognized principles, international treaties. The key act defining the procedure by which the organizational structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is formed, its tasks, powers and functions is the Regulation on the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Leadership staff

The structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs includes senior officials. They are the minister, first and other deputies. These persons are appointed to posts and dismissed from posts on the proposal of the government by the President of the country. The minister is individually responsible for the implementation of the tasks that the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs performs. The administration of the sphere of internal affairs is carried out directly and centrally. The latter represents a controlling influence on the ministry itself, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and regional departments, and through them - on the district and city departments. Direct management and coordination of activities are carried out in relation to bodies, services that are subordinate. These include, in particular, the internal affairs bodies in transport, research institutions, district departments of military and material-technical supplies, and other divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Main directions of work

Guided by the objective laws of the development of society, taking into account the economic and social, as well as the crime situation in the country, we can say that the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs consists of bodies:

  1. Determining the strategy of the entire institute as a whole and its individual elements in particular.
  2. Implementing measures aimed at improving the regulatory framework, organizational structure, personnel activities, research, generalization and use of scientific recommendations and best practices.
  3. Developing a methodology for performing service.
  4. Analyzing the operational situation and predicting its state.
  5. Developing measures of a preventive (warning) nature.
  6. Ensuring the coordination of the work of internal affairs bodies, services and departments.

Number of staff

Like the structure of the institute, it is approved by the president. In particular, by the decree of the head of the country of 19.07.2004, it is allowed to have two deputy ministers in the ministry, one of whom may be the first deputy. It is also allowed to form up to 15 departments carrying out activities in key areas, the Investigative Committee, as well as the High Command of the Internal Affairs. Changes in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are also under the authority of the President. A more detailed composition and staffing table for each department, etc., provisions on departments and other elements of the system are approved in the orders of the minister.

Central office

It is of key importance in the area of ​​system management. The central office develops the main directions of work of all elements of the ministry. Here, the main links of the system are formed, their goals and objectives are determined, as well as the ways of their achievement and implementation. In accordance with the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs No. 730 dated November 10, 2004, the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is formed by the following departments:

  1. Administrative.
  2. State protection of property.
  3. Staffing.
  4. Ensuring road safety.
  5. For the fight against terrorism and organized crime.
  6. Ensuring law and order at sensitive and closed facilities.
  7. Your own security.
  8. Ensuring law and order in transport.
  9. Rear.
  10. For the maintenance of public order.
  11. Criminal Investigation Department.
  12. Economic security.
  13. Organizational and inspection.
  14. Legal.
  15. Financial and economic.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs acts as a legal entity. The organization has a seal showing the state emblem and its name.

The structure of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The formation of federal districts by the president caused changes in the entire system of executive power. The reforms, accordingly, led to a change in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. No. 644 of June 4, 2001, in particular, it is determined that the district departments of the ministry are the Main Directorates for the Federal District. The head of the country determined that the main tasks of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are:

  1. Control, analysis and coordination of the work of the internal affairs bodies in the respective districts.
  2. Organization of the work of the Internal Affairs Department to combat crime of an organized and interregional nature.
  3. Ensuring the interaction of the internal affairs bodies with the Head of State in the respective districts.

The minister of the presidential decree approved the provisions, in accordance with which the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs units in each federal district was established.

System elements of the Main Directorates

The structure of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs includes the governing apparatus. It includes the head of the department and formed under him:

  1. Secretariat.
  2. Group of interaction with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  3. Press service.
  4. Legal support group.
  5. Human Resources Department.

Administrative apparatus

The head of the Main Directorate is allowed to have 3 deputies. The following divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Federal District are subordinate to the first:

  1. Coordination analysis.
  2. For interaction with public organizations and authorities.
  3. For control and interaction with the ATS.

The composition also includes:

  1. Organizational and planning department.
  2. Duty part.
  3. Information and analytical department.

The second deputy is the head of the operational-search service. Departments are subordinate to him:

  1. Analysis and information.
  2. On counteracting interregional criminal groups.
  3. To combat terrorist manifestations and kidnapping.
  4. On Counteracting Economic Crimes.

The third deputy is the deputy chief for logistics. He is responsible for the activities of the departments of economic, financial and economic and material and technical support, the auto service and the commandant's department.

An important point

Candidates for leading positions of the Main Directorates of Internal Affairs for the Federal District are approved by the President of the country upon the recommendation of the Minister. A similar procedure applies to the procedure for removal from posts. The formation of the State Administration is carried out within the framework of the total number of the staff of the internal affairs bodies.

City and district authorities

In carrying out its activities, each line department is guided by the provisions of the Constitution, federal laws and other sectoral regulations of regional bodies of state power, local self-government and other documents. The functions of district and city bodies act as the main directions of their work. By implementing them, they provide a solution to the tasks assigned to the VD system. The structure of divisions includes:

  1. Chief and his deputies.
  2. Services providing support and basic functions.
  3. Headquarters performing management tasks.

The latter collects and summarizes information about the state of the operational situation within the jurisdictional territory, prepares draft work plans, administrative decisions, and controls the implementation of legislative provisions and departmental acts. Industry-specific functions are performed by:

  1. Criminal Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  2. Criminal investigation.
  3. Service for Countering Economic Crimes.
  4. Traffic police.
  5. Service for licensing and permitting work and control of the implementation of security and private detective activities.
  6. Public Security Units.
  7. Services for ensuring and coordinating the activities of authorized precinct officers.

Investigation departments act as independent services. Support functions are assigned to the personnel, service and rear groups, the technical department, and the financial part. A private security service is formed at the ATS. It acts as a legal entity and has its own seal with the state emblem, a current account in a banking organization, and an independent balance sheet.

Powers of the ministry

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is in charge of:

  1. Formation of key directions for the implementation of state policy in the field of migration, public security and law enforcement.
  2. Development and submission to the government and the president of draft federal laws, acts and other documents, for which appropriate approval is required.
  3. Making decisions on issues related to the field of internal affairs.
  4. Determination of the main directions of work of the internal affairs department and internal troops, coordination of their activities.
  5. Generalization of the practice of applying legislative provisions, analysis of the implementation of state policy, development of measures to improve the efficiency of the functioning of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  6. Participation in the creation of targeted federal programs within its competence.
  7. Preparation of draft reviews and opinions on legislative and other regulations.
  8. Development and implementation of measures to improve the system of order protection on the territory of the country.

Practical activities

The Ministry of Internal Affairs organizes and carries out in accordance with the rules established by law:

  1. Preliminary investigation and inquiry.
  2. Operational search activity.
  3. Search for stolen property and persons.
  4. Expert and forensic activity.
  5. Control of the turnover of service and civilian weapons, the safety and technical condition of firearms in temporary use by legal entities performing special statutory tasks, compliance with the provisions of the relevant legislation.
  6. Licensing of a specific category of activity.
  7. Issuance of permits for the acquisition, carrying, storage and use of weapons and ammunition, their transportation, import into and export from the country.
  8. Control of private security and detective activities.
  9. Issuance of permits for the transportation of industrial explosives by all types of transport.
  10. Protection of sensitive and especially important facilities, special cargo, property of organizations and citizens under contracts, and diplomatic missions on the territory of the country.
  11. Organization of proceedings on administrative cases referred to the competence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  12. Provision of state protection for judges, officials who control and the safety of participants in criminal proceedings and their relatives.
  13. Fingerprint registration.
  14. Ensuring the regime of martial law and emergency situations when they are introduced on the territory of the country or in its individual regions, carrying out measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies.
  15. Organization and provision of mobilization training, control and coordination of the work of the FMS in this area.
  16. Participation in the territorial defense of Russia when interacting with the Armed Forces, other troops and formations protecting the state.
  17. Ensuring the implementation of measures for civil defense, increasing the stability of the functioning of the internal affairs bodies, the Federal Migration Service and the internal troops in wartime, as well as in the event of an emergency.
  18. Participation in ensuring the fulfillment by citizens of the military duty established for them, organizing and maintaining records of subjects liable for military service in the prescribed manner.
  19. Organization of special transportation within Russia in the interests of the ATS, on the basis of government decrees and interdepartmental agreements.
  20. Participation in work on standardization, certification and metrology.
  21. Ensuring that statistical observations are carried out in accordance with the official methodology.
  22. Organization of personnel work, retraining, training, advanced training, training of employees, development and implementation of measures for social and legal protection of employees.
  23. Development and implementation of therapeutic, preventive, health-improving, sanatorium-resort and rehabilitation measures aimed at strengthening the health of officials and their relatives, pensioners of the Federal Migration Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as other persons whose provision is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry.

Service functions

The powers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs include ensuring:

  1. ATS and internal troops with special, combat and encryption equipment, ammunition, weapons, other material and technical means, funding from the federal budget.
  2. Holding tenders and concluding government contracts for the placement of orders for the production of work, the provision of services and the supply of goods for the needs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  3. The introduction of scientific and technical developments, positive experience in the work of the internal affairs department and internal troops, the development of automated command and control and communications.

The ministry develops and implements measures to develop and strengthen the material and technical support of the internal forces, internal troops, participates in the organization and improvement of the supply of the FMS. The Ministry of Internal Affairs can also perform other functions if they are provided for by the provisions of constitutional and other federal laws, acts of the government and the president of the country. Control over the activities of departments is carried out by the ministries of republics, territories, regions, cities of federal significance, autonomous districts / regions, as well as by bodies belonging to the system of local government within the framework of the powers granted to them by legislation. Heads and deputies of departments are individually responsible for their activities. Disciplinary, administrative or criminal penalties are envisaged for violations of legal prescriptions, regulations and instructions.

How Office "K" and the Bureau of Special Technical Events (BSTM) work

Comrades, hackers and other antisocial, poorly educated individuals who are convinced that using all sorts of programs and proxies with other nonsense, they will get away from the punishment they deserve. Today we will talk with you about your safety, or rather about those who are hunting you. We will talk about how the well-known Department "K" (Office "K") and, in particular, the Bureau of Special Technical Events (BSTM), work.

The fight against cybercrime these days is no longer a myth, but a harsh reality. Long gone are the days when the secret services did not know from which end to approach the network. Yes, of course, they have not come to fully control cybercrime, so the number of cybercrimes is growing every day. But all these crimes are petty, and all significant crimes do not go unpunished. In our country, Cybercrime is monitored by Office "K".

Directorate "K" is the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which fights against computer crimes and illegal circulation of electronic means (radioelectronic means) and STS, is a structural subdivision of the criminal police service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of each constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Department "K" is part of the BSTM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and investigates crimes in the field of information technology, is the only open division.

Department "K", being part of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, detects, warns, suppresses and uncovers crimes in the field of information technology, illegal circulation of electronic devices, special technical means of STS and child pornography.

Tasks of the Office "K"

* detection of illegal intrusion into a computer network(Art. 272 ​​of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), the fight against distributors of malicious programs (Art. 273 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation);

* identification of violations of the rules of operation of computers, computer systems or their networks(Article 274 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation);

* detecting the use of fraudulent credit cards(Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation);

* combating the distribution of pornography through the Internet and CDs(Article 242 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

* detection of illegal connection to telephone lines(Article 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 13.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

* b Combating illicit traffic in radio electronic and special technical equipment (STS), (Art.138 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Art.171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Art.14.1, 14.42 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation)

In such organizations, there are not some lameryugs, but mostly white and fluffy hackers and pretty hackers. White hackers are citizens who, at a young age, committed some kind of computer hacking at the age of not older than 13 years and fell into the clutches of the "K" department. They, in turn, hide the case, without making it public and exercise total control over this young hacker, gradually training him for future work.

There are also special schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for computer security, where they teach in a slightly different way relative to civilian educational institutions in the same specialty. The subjects are completely different, all the lessons are as close as possible to real work, that is, what an employee of the "K" department does on a daily basis.

In general, recruiting to this institution is a delicate matter and not everyone can get there, although he almost put it right. Anyone can get there, just in which room, in the sky with a cage or a warm and cozy office with a good computer and a mug of hot tea (coffee) on the table.

Although such good specialists work in this institution, this does not mean that they should only deal with mega-complex matters. For the most part, they have to do very dirty and indecent work for their professional competence. Here is one of the cases, one of the citizens of the Russian Federation spoke negatively towards one of the representatives of United Russia, at some forum dedicated to political science. The next day, representatives of the "K" department sent a letter to the administration of this resource with a request to delete this statement and generally close this topic on the forum.

In response, the "K" department received a refusal from the site administration and followed up with a number of negative emotions about this letter. In response, department "K" rained down a number of threats against the administration. In the end, the message was deleted and the topic along with it, but in what ways this was achieved, and in general - this is the work of ordinary operatives and this hardly applies to computer crimes.

Well, I think now it has become clear what department "K" is and what it does. Now let's talk about how they do their job, what strategies and tactics.


Operational measures are a rather cumbersome topic, you can write a bunch of articles about it, and it is still impossible to describe everything, because they are constantly being improved and updated, just as the types of attacks and hacks are updated in the hacker world. For this I decided to describe some of the standard methods of operational measures.

Well, well, let's analyze, as they say, the foundation (there is a foundation for any system, in other words, the standard that the system must adhere to), this is what the standard of operational-search measures looks like:

1. Interview - a conversation with citizens who may know facts, circumstances that are significant for the performance of tasks of operational-search activities

2. Inquiry.

3. Observation.

4. Operational inspection.

5. Control of postal items, telegraph and other messages.

6. Wiretapping of telephone conversations.

7. Prompt implementation (putting an employee into development).

So, in order to deal with each of the stages, we need to present some kind of real picture. Let's say that you, as usual, surfed the Internet in search of holes and suddenly broke some site, but it turned out that this is the official site of the Administration of the Moscow Region.

You first cursed Google because it brought you to this site, then you began to blame yourself for not even reading the description of the site, but were more interested in describing its mistakes, and also cursed yourself for leaking the database data with confidential data. And then they instantly calmed down when they remembered that you were using a fresh anonymous proxy. Relaxing, you go, put tea, take out buns to sweetly celebrate the victory and enjoy the trophies downloaded from the site.

The next day, stinking of cigarette smoke and beer fumes, the system administrator of the compromised site looks up from the table and notices that the logs are out of order and reveals the presence of unauthorized access to the confidential data of the site. He quickly makes himself a strong coffee, drinks an anti-hangover pill and, after an anti-policeman, runs with bulging eyes reporting the burglary to his boss.

And now, from this very moment, a vicious hunt for you begins! And then everything is according to the instructions? a statement is submitted to the local police department with a full description of the break-in and attached penetration logs and other crap. Well, it is natural that the employee who accepted the applications will not be involved in this case, since he does not have the appropriate skills and knowledge. The case is transferred to a special department, which we have already learned about - this is Department "K".

Now it begins First step is a survey of citizens who can help in the investigation and search for a criminal. In our case, the site administrator will be interviewed, they will find out through which hole the hack was made, from which ip-address the hack was made, as well as ask who benefited from the hacking, are there any suspicions about someone, or is it a guest performer like you.

Second phase- this is making inquiries about the criminal, more precisely, processing the data obtained from the first stage, roughly speaking, checking your IP address in order to find out where, who is your provider. An ordinary citizen can also do this using the WHOIS protocol.

WHOIS is an application layer network protocol based on the TCP protocol that hangs on port 43. Its main use is to obtain registration data for the owners of domain names, IP addresses, and autonomous systems. So, having broken through the IP address obtained in the logs of the hacked machine, they see in the Country: US line - that is, the machine with this IP address is located in the United States. And this is one of two options, either some deversant from the CIA decided to break the site of the administration of the Moscow region, or this server is an ordinary proxy server.

Well, the first option is unlikely, but all versions are still being developed and should be tested. First, the IP address is punched through the public server database. If the IP address is clean, then there is a possibility that the server has recently been hacked and a proxy is installed there. In this case, you can get by by ringing open ports. Yes, of course, you can put a proxy on a non-standard port like 3128 or 8080, 80. But all the same, the services will be shown by the scanner, and there are a lot of other options on how to determine whether the proxy server is worth it or not, take my word for it, for the guys from department "K" - it will not cause any difficulties.

Having learned that this is a proxy server that you brazenly used to penetrate the system, the "K" department is faced with the question of how to get information from that server about from which IP address you entered this server at a certain time. They have two ways, an official request from their colleagues in the United States, and if they receive an answer, the case will develop much easier, and the answer will be attached to the case. Or the second option, not legal.

If in the official request the "K" department receives a refusal, and it will be so, since there is no such agreement between our countries, then in order to advance the case, you will have to conduct unauthorized access to this server, again, the guys from the "K" "Will not be difficult, it is for such purposes that they sit there. But having received data from the server about your IP address, it will not be possible to sew it to the point, for that you are already taking on development and it is at this moment that you need to sit down for treason.

So, having learned your IP-address, it again breaks through the WHOIS and it is already clearly visible that you are a friend from Russia who lives, for example, in the capital of our Motherland - Moscow. They break through where you work, what you do, and a number of other necessary information. Further, they visit the provider and, on some fictitious basis, such as the machines of your clients, send spam or are infected with viruses, demand to provide logs for your person. And now, there are documents that in the course of some other operational measures it was revealed that your IP address from this to such a time accessed the IP address from which the site was hacked, but this is free attach to the case and it will serve against you in court.

Comes into play third stage- now a careful monitoring of your personality is carried out, they monitor which sites you visit, where, what you send, etc. They can even display outdoor. During these events, your personality will finally consolidate itself in a not very successful direction, since you are unlikely to stop walking on prohibited sites, such as undeground, breaking sites and cars.

And here he is the fourth stage- this is an operational inspection (search), in other words, on the basis of all the data obtained during the search activities, you have become the main suspect, and now it is easy to take a sanction to search your apartment and seize your system unit and all media such as flash drives, disks and a number of others compromising on you. They can also take all your notebooks, printouts, magazines and a number of other paper carriers, which may contain something tasty for the investigation. And yet, they do not disdain to poke around in your trash can (not virtual, but real.) All documents are also seized from there when witnessed.

All your junk is taken to the building of the "K" department, where from there they will pull out information about where you were, what you did, what software is installed on your computer, whether it is counterfeit (in which case another article will go after you) ... So, your hard drive is taken out of the system unit and connected to a device that only reads (this is done in case you decide to protect yourself and install a program that can format the hard drive).

Even if you formatted your hard one before the seizure, then again, it will not be difficult for the employees of the "K" department to pull out the necessary information for the investigation. Even programs such as ChromeAnalysis (a program that shows what, where, when, where the owner of this computer went through the GoogleChrome browser), FoxAnalysis (shows the same as the ChromeAnalysis program only about the Firefox browser), Web Historian (a universal program for analyzing time browser files) - these programs will show all your travels around the world of the Internet, as well as help to create the correct report, all your locations in the protected part of the website of the Administration of the Moscow Region will be shown.

So, now you see that it will not be difficult for the employees of the "K" Department to extract information from your hard drive, which confirms the fact of hacking.

Fifth and sixth stages- this is so that you do not have any options at all to excuse yourself in court. This option works 70%, since you start calling your acquaintances, for example, a friend - hacker Vasya Pupkin and start telling: “Do you remember I told you that the site broke down? So today they came, they confiscated everything, etc. Etc." A video recording of a telephone conversation is also attached to the case, and here you yourself are talking about the fact of hacking.

Seventh stage- this stage is put into action if it was not possible to collect the evidence base in the previous stages. A person is introduced into your social circle, you post all the information he needs and at the time of some kind of hacking, they pack you neatly, and everything starts from the fourth stage.

Starting from the fourth stage, when they come to your house with a search, you immediately need to go to the market and buy a CD with the song "Thieves' share", this will be very useful to you in the future. Well, you need to support yourself somehow, right?

How to protect yourself?

There are two options for this.

First- radical - is not to engage in hacking AT ALL and illegal activities in particular.

Second, buy yourself a special trick that hangs over the hard drive, and in which case, when you press the corresponding button on the system unit, your hard drive burns out and no one will restore it (although this is not guaranteed), but all sorts of hammer blows, etc. , this is not a solution, all this is again restored in special laboratories.

Well, that's all I wanted to tell you about the Office "K" and the BSTM. I think this information will help you not to do stupid things.



After hacking, pride, shouts "only eggs are cooler than me" and the like, Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation may fall on you, you will not become even cooler - most likely poorer. The only thing is that by the LAW you will bear the name "hacker".

Of course I am not a lawyer, and I will not go into the details of the trial and all the procedural procedures. I’ll just explain what will happen and what you need to say and do so that you and your lawyer don’t have a bad time. And let's not go into technical details, proxies are not proxies, shells are not shells. Just found ...

And we will leave the grips with pistols, machine guns, sirens and flashing lights to Hollywood. Everything will be easier, much easier. For hours at 6-7 am on a weekday, the doorbell will ring, and on the doorstep there will be a man with a red book and a white paper (you can call it an order). Behind him is a crowd of five to six people (and all from the street, and the police usually do not take off their shoes). A white piece of paper will say that “someone” hacked “someone”, and the investigation (1 phone call to the provider, 1 to MGTS) established that “someone” lives in your house. Two questions will follow:

1) Show yourself where the computer ("instrument of the crime") or the search will begin?

2) Who has free access to the computer?

Well, at first it is clear how to answer - otherwise they are not smart, they will look for a computer in the toilets (and in general it is better that it is not in the hut). Better to bring them to the device by the handle. On the second, you must answer - EVERYONE IN THE APARTMENT, ALL FRIENDS, EVERYONE YOU KNOW HAVE FREE ACCESS TO THE COMPUTER (it will be more difficult if you live alone), to which the cops will threaten Article 272, part 2 (by conspiracy), do not listen - let prove. By the way, this is not a lie - he is not in your safe. The computer will be described.

They will take everything: from the system unit to the mouse, keyboard and modem. To show the judge that the computer is working and can go to the Internet. They will also search for purely computer books, magazines (especially "Hacker"), disks with all sorts of things. To show the judge your hobbies. And they will take all this together with you or the whole family to the investigation department. Take readings.

The police of department "K", of course, are not complete donkeys, they will understand that your mother is unlikely to work for the CIA, your 2-year-old brother is also not particularly like a child prodigy - everyone will stab you. You will go to the department in a separate car, without relatives. And the dudes will give you a fool like "How did you do it, damn it, I wonder the horror. I want that too. Don't worry, not for the record, just tell us." Pretend to be down, you can sing some song.

Another nice face is waiting for you in the department - an investigator. You will testify to him as a witness. This is where knowledge of the law is needed. You have the right not to testify against yourself and your relatives. What is most interesting is that you are asked to sign a document in which it is written that you are familiar with this article, but, of course, no one will let you read it. The most important thing is not to use drugs. I will scare everyone with what they can, even with a prison (they, however, are doing this workshop - you will not dig in). Admit it - you will get the maximum condition and a small fine. Do you need a condition under such an article - you will not be given a visa to any normal country.

By the way, the theater may start. The investigator will ask questions, or pour threats, and two operas will sit next to them. One of them "good" - will calm you down, impose on friendships, invite you to work. The second will be "bad" - yelling, demanding to be shoved into the cell, and that, in general, people like you need the death penalty. They can still start and yell at each other, fight, etc. So that the scene is clearly played. You will be provided with a bunch of documents in which, in your opinion, everything is clear - you are to blame, but there is no need to give slack here. To everyone else, these leaves do not say anything, for them it is gibberish. Your file will contain tons of pages with 99% of the client and server protocol.

At this stage, you have two options:

1) confess and calmly wait for the trial.
2) not to confess and let a pack of cops into your life for the duration of the investigation, who will bother you at every step.

If you follow the first path, then another person will come running - your state and FREE defender. Who will immediately say "not the state" amount of remuneration - if you do not agree, then he will pick his nose at the trial. If you can still take it, let him sit and pick. You confessed. And if you were pressed ... read on, this also applies to you. If you don't confess, the lawyer will come running anyway. True, we must remember that he is "not completely" independent. He knows the cops, they are closer to him than you. They drain him the clientele with which he gets lave. So kick him in the neck and look for the lawyers you know. And thus you will delay the presentation of charges, which is not unimportant. Also remember - what you said as a witness has no effect if you refuse these words - and you have the right to do so.

If you go against the police (you don't confess, you refuse to testify), then they will start a real investigation. They will interrogate friends, acquaintances of friends. It is better that among them there are not those to whom you boasted of a successful hack. In turn, so that there are no ill-wishers, among those to whom you boasted. Opera will follow one more path. They will try to prove that you were able to do it. Those. show the depth of your knowledge of computer, computer security. If the investigator collects enough compromising evidence on you, then wait for the trial and work out a line of defense with your lawyer. But such situations are very rare. REMEMBER, it is practically impossible to prove that it was YOU who was sitting at the computer at that moment, and that it was YOU who committed the crime. You can prove that from your phone, computer and from your apartment.

If the neighbors know that you often have feasts, or friends often come to you, this is good, because you can put forward the topic that, perhaps, on that day you had a party, a friend of a friend of your old friend's friend seemed to be sitting at a computer, like checking soap. What's his name? You don’t know. Almost everything can be checked, it is better not to throw words if you are not sure of them, or you are not sure of someone. The time factor still works here, usually such cases are given a course in a month, two, or even later, after submitting an application for a burglary. And people are not computers - they cannot remember everything ... Then act according to the situation and strictly follow all the orders of the lawyer. Of course, this will not always happen, it MAYBE it will. It all depends on the degree of the offense. If just deface can close the case. But if credit cards, the bank, then everything is very serious. We must start sleeping on the floor, get used to the bunks. Joke. Ugh, Ugh, Ugh.

In a year, maybe two, you will remember this with a smile and irony, but during the case you and your relatives and friends will have a few gray hairs ... It's not worth it, even from a material point of view. The fine will be tiny compared to the money that the lawyer will have to pay. And this is at least a four-digit figure ... In dollars ... So your childish prank can greatly affect the rest of your life.


Head of the Bureau - Alexey Nikolaevich Moshkov.

Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs fighting information technology crime as well as illegal traffic radio-electronic means and special technical means. Part of Bureau of Special Technical Measures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, there are corresponding structural divisions of the criminal police service - Departments " TO».

It is one of the most secret divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The main directions of work of the Department "K" of the BSTM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:

1. Combating crimes in the field of computer information:

  • identification and suppression of the facts of illegal access to computer information;
  • combating the production, distribution and use of malicious programs for computers;
  • counteracting fraudulent activities using the capabilities of electronic payment systems;
  • combating the distribution of pornographic materials with the participation of minors via the Internet.

2. Suppression of illegal actions in information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet:

  • detection and suppression of crimes related to illegal use of resources of cellular and wire communication networks;
  • counteraction to fraudulent actions committed using information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet;
  • counteraction and suppression of attempts of illegal access to commercial channels of satellite and cable television.

3. Fight against illegal circulation of radio-electronic and special technical means.

4. Identification and suppression of the facts of violation of copyright and related rights in the field of information technology.

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