Home Garden on the windowsill Decoction of sage medicinal properties and contraindications. Sage: medicinal properties and contraindications, use, folk recipes, side effects. Sage Oil Recipe: Video

Decoction of sage medicinal properties and contraindications. Sage: medicinal properties and contraindications, use, folk recipes, side effects. Sage Oil Recipe: Video

Sage (Garden, officinalis, common) (Salvia offincinalis) is a family of labiaceae, lambaceae.

Titles in other languages:

  • English common sage,
  • fr. sauge,
  • German Echter Salbei.


The most common species is common sage (garden, officinalis). It can reach up to 80 cm in height.

  • The stem is straight, its shape is from weakly pronounced tetrahedral to rounded, it is distinguished by strong branching and pubescence of the upper part.
  • The leaves are gray-green in color, with whitish villi. They have an elongated shape from ovoid to lanceolate. The length can be up to 10 cm. The upper leaves are located on petioles, and the upper ones are without them.
  • The flowers appear in early summer and are usually light purple in color. Flowering continues throughout the summer.
  • Sage is cross-pollinated. Fruits - small dark and brown nuts about three millimeters, have four lobes. For seedlings, seeds are collected in August or September.
  • Branched root, woody and huge.

Sage leaves, depending on the species, can be simple elongated or pinnate.

Sage blooms in early summer, the color depends on the type of plant

The fruits of sage in the form of smooth, ovoid nuts are collected in late summer - early autumn


Sage - the plant has many species, each of which has an individual aroma. Spicy vegetation is used as an addition of spices to various dishes.

There are more than 900 species of sage in the labial and mint family. Its name comes from the Latin "salvare - to help", which indicates its use for health purposes by our ancestors. Garden sage is a spicy plant whose origins are located in the Mediterranean region. There are many subspecies. In European countries, sage is a very popular plant.

Sage is a perennial sub-shrub, resistant to winter, so the leaves for spices are collected throughout the year. Various types are used for incense burners and tea.

In addition to the considered beech sage, there are:

Sage has many types, and each of them is used for specific purposes.

meadow sage

(Salvia pratensis) has a much nicer flavor and is used as a spice for dishes. The taste of young leaves is astringent and camphor-like, while older leaves are bitter. For drying, young shoots are cut before flowering.

Every day, tea must be brewed again and drink no more than one or two cups, since the content of thujone (essential oil) in large quantities makes the drink poisonous.

The plant tolerates heat well, losing bitterness. Can be added to a variety of dishes. Basically, spices are put in fish and veal, various meat dishes.

The fried leaves in butter are great as a side dish for tortellina and flat noodles.

Leaves that have been dried for a long time are also used, but in smaller quantities due to the resinous taste. In order to be used later, the leaves are frozen, and paper is placed between them to prevent a bitter taste.

Meadow sage has light purple flowers and is best used when young.

(Salvia officinalis ssp. major) is great for spices and grows up to 1 meter tall. Due to its pleasant and delicate aroma, it is used in cooking, but due to the high content of toxic agents, it is used in small quantities.

Dalmatian sage stands out among other species with wide, rounded leaves.


(Salvia officinalis Tricolor) variegated leaves are its distinguishing feature. Characterized by a bitter taste, grows up to 0.4 meters. Seasoning is used for meat and fish.

Tricolor sage is not quite tall, easily recognizable by variegated leaves, tastes bitter

(Salvia officinalis "Purpurancens") reaches half a meter, has purple and purple leaves, the oldest are green-gray and dark green leaves. This species is used in the same way as the garden species (sometimes as a garden decoration).

Purple sage with a characteristic leaf color, only 50 cm high

There are other types of sage.

For example, in Greece they prefer greek sage(Salvia triloba) - has a pleasant fresh aroma, but a bitter taste, so it is rarely used for cooking.

Thujon is not in Spanish sage(Salvia lavandulifolia), grows up to 0.6 m. Small leaves of a gray-greenish hue are used in various types of dishes without fear of the formation of harmful substances.

Spicy and highly aromatic clary sage(Salvia sclarea) - a plant whose height reaches one meter. Feature - flowering in a purple hue. The leaves are baked and used for various sweets with tea, and also add flavor to vermouth and wine.

Greek sage is rarely used in cooking due to its bitter taste.

Spanish sage is eaten, it differs in small leaves

Clary sage is characterized by rather tall vegetation and purple flowers.

Two more varieties have fruity aromas - fruit sage(Salvia dorisiana) and pineapple sage(Salvia rutilans). The first species lives in Honduras, the second - in Mexico. They are great for teas, sweet dishes and cocktails.

Fruity sage stands out with large leaves and pink flowers, it is good for teas

Pineapple sage has red flowers and is used for sweet dishes

Where does it grow

The predominantly medicinal plant grows in southern European countries such as Italy, France, Slovakia, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia (Krasnodar Territory) and Yugoslavia.

They plant it in their gardens for home use and on large plots of land for further industrial processing. Often lives in the most arid places, because the plant does not tolerate moisture.

Wild sage lives in arid places, and the rest of the species are cultivated in European countries, some of them grow entire fields of this fragrant herb.

spice making method

Thanks to its amazing taste and aroma, sage is a popular Italian spice. Freshly blooming plants are used. The plant does not come off for each leaflet, but is cut off at a height of 10 centimeters with stems. Then the leaves are dried and crushed (if necessary).

If you fry this species, then the taste will change dramatically. They are added as a flavor to sandwiches, sandwiches and other fast foods.

Spices perfectly retain their taste and aroma in a dry place.


  • Fragrant smell, persistent taste.
  • The content of essential oils in large quantities.
  • It has various chemical compounds and substances that positively affect human health.
  • It is used in the form of spices to enhance taste, decorations or medicine.

Sage is used to improve the body and as a flavoring supplement to food.

Nutritional value and calories

For 100 grams of product you have:

Chemical composition

The plant contains:

  • Alkaloids.
  • Oleanolic, formic and ursolic acids.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Tannins.
  • bitterness.
  • resins.
  • Vitamins PP, C, P.
  • 2.5% essential oil in leaves, which includes:
    • D-borneol.
    • D-camphor.
    • α- and β-thujone.
    • D-α-pinene.
    • Cineola.

The seeds of the plant contain:

  • Up to 30% fatty oil, where 20% is protein, and the rest is glyceride amylinoleic acid.

Beneficial features

  • Positive effect on the body.
  • They are used for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, lungs, genitourinary system, helps with coughing, high fever.
  • Helps in the treatment of infertility.
  • May reduce the amount of sweating in people infected with tuberculosis.
  • Improves memory.
  • Carries out preventive actions for angina, stomatitis, gingivitis, eczema, vaginitis, vulvitis, hemorrhoids.

Sage has proven itself as an excellent remedy for various ailments.

You can learn more about the benefits of sage from the TV show "Live Healthy". Sage is a "sacred herb" according to Hippocrates, which says a lot.


  • Risk of miscarriage during pregnancy or induction of premature labor.
  • The plant is contraindicated during lactation.
  • Allergic reactions when applied externally.
  • For certain kidney diseases: pyelonephritis, kidney failure, nephritis (consult your doctor).
  • It is forbidden to use for polycystic, endometriosis, uterine fibroids and other diseases that disrupt the menstrual cycle.
  • With neurological diseases.
  • Decreases thyroid function.
  • In case of an overdose - anxiety, insomnia, hallucinations, increased heart rate, convulsions and more.


In cooking

  • The plant is used as a spice to enhance the flavors of various dishes.
  • It is used in canning and alcoholic beverage production.
  • Flavored in tea, soft drinks, tobacco, cheese, game seasoning (most popular in North America and Europe).
  • Strengthening the aromatic smell and taste of meat (sage can increase the shelf life of the cooked dish).
  • Used in first courses (soups).
  • Accurate dosing (bitter taste in excess).
  • Add to meat products, eggs and omelettes.
  • Some beers include sage.
  • Added to hot drinks for health benefits.
  • Used for sweet pastries.
  • Combined with rosemary.
  • Fragrant and tasty honey is produced.

Sage goes well in pies and other sweet pastries, which will give an unusual flavor.

Meat dishes with sage are stored longer, and their taste is enhanced

Dishes with sage

  • ?Using this plant, the dishes are best obtained from Italians. If you want to create a sauce for pasta - use butter, which warms up along with sage leaves.
  • Saltimbocca is a dish where sage leaves are attached to a chop with a toothpick.
  • Fried potatoes are not left out - some cooks prefer to add sage.
  • Basically, only greenish-gray leaves of the plant “shrouded” in fluff are used in cooking. They have a great aroma at the drying stage and a pleasant bitter aftertaste.
  • Unlike other types of plants that are actively used in cooking, sage retains its taste even when cooked on fire. Therefore, it can be added at the very beginning of cooking. The main feature of the plant is a clear dosage of seasoning.

Sage does not lose its taste and aromatic qualities even with long-term cooking

We make lemonade from sage for one serving.

For this we need the ingredients:

  • 5 gr. fresh sage
  • Lime - 25 grams.
  • Pear juice - 100 milliliters.
  • Carbonated water - 50 milliliters.
  • Chipped ice.

Cooking instructions

We choose a large glass for lemonade, into which we cut into pieces 25 gr. lime. Add 5 gr. sage.

To convert the ice into small “fragments”, we use automatic kitchen equipment (combine) with a good mechanism or cover with a towel and beat several times with a chops hammer. Then pour some crushed ice into the glass.

Pour ice to the rim of the glass and carefully pour 100 ml. pear juice: you can use both juice in bags and freshly squeezed. Add a little sugar (for more freshly squeezed juice) and mix thoroughly with a spoon (both bar and regular). Add 50 ml. carbonated water.

The finished drink can be decorated with a slice of lemon or a leaf of a plant.

Braised pork with milk

  • 2 kg. pork
  • 50 ml. olive oil.
  • 2 pcs. fresh rosemary.
  • 2 sage leaves.
  • 2 pcs. juniper berries.
  • 4 bay leaves.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • 1 tsp sea ​​salt.
  • 0.5 st. dry white wine.
  • 750 ml. milk.
  • 0.5 tsp ground pepper.

Prepared for 3 hours 15 minutes, for 8 servings.

Cooking instructions

Cut 2 kg of boneless meat in half and rub with salt and ground pepper. Pour 50 ml into a heavy-duty saucepan. olive oil and heat up.

At the moment of hissing, we throw in two finely chopped juniper berries and a couple of sprigs of plants (sage and rosemary). After 1 minute, add 1 clove of garlic and mix for 60 seconds.

When a golden crust forms, place the meat in a container and fry from various edges until the surface appears (about 10 minutes). 0.5 st. Pour white wine into a container with pork, bringing to a boil.

We wait until half of the poured wine has evaporated, and pour 750 ml. milk. After boiling, immediately turn off the stove. We move to the oven, where the temperature is 175 degrees.

The stewing is carried out for two and a half hours, the meat is periodically turned over and checked for readiness. If we see that the meat is no longer hard, put it on the kitchen table, cover with foil.

Sauce that has been stewed with meat can be used as a sauce. We pre-filter it through a fine sieve and pour it back into the container until a thick form is formed. The meat is cut into large slices and served on the table along with the prepared sauce.

In medicine

The plant has the following medicinal properties:

  • An effective natural remedy for inflammatory diseases of certain organs.
  • Used for fluxes, gingivitis, tonsillitis, bleeding gums.
  • Helps with coughs.
  • It is an antipyretic.
  • Restores the integrity of the skin in a short period of time.
  • It is used in the form of lotions and compresses.
  • Skin diseases, arthritis and festering wounds.
  • It is used as a complex therapy for female infertility.
  • Useful for people with diabetes, helps to lower blood sugar levels.
  • The plant is useful for men, improves potency.
  • A natural antibiotic that has an accelerated effect on recovery from certain infections.
  • The herb is a tonic, relieves overwork and strengthens the immune system.
  • Forms the most elastic vessels, prevents the formation of atherosclerosis. Improves brain activity.
  • An excellent remedy for strengthening hair roots, slows down baldness and in some cases stops it.
  • It is used in a bath for microbial eczema and as a douche for vulvitis and vaginitis.

Sage is widely used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it is even used in therapy for infertility.

Tea with sage

  • By brewing tea with sage, you can get rid of sore throats.
  • Sage strengthens the immune system. The composition includes antioxidants that remove free radicals from the body. Therefore, sage can be called an excellent prevention against heart disease or the formation of a malignant tumor.
  • The effects of high fever and restlessness are reduced by a sage tea compress. This tonic property, which allows it to penetrate the skin, will reduce fever and its manifestation.
  • It is excellent during the menstrual cycle, especially with abdominal pain. Improves digestion in the stomach. Also, tea helps with the accumulation of gases in the stomach.
  • It will bring you out of depression, improve your memory. It has been scientifically proven that people who drink sage tea have much better memory.
  • Sage is a natural sedative that relaxes the brain. A person quickly copes with a stressful state.
  • It reduces the level of perspiration.
  • Has anti-inflammatory action.
  • Reduces pain in the joints, throat, muscles.

How to make sage tea

To make tea with sage, you need to heat the water, add 1 tbsp. l. dried sage or fresh, finely chopped leaves. Fill with boiling water and let it brew. We cover the mug, after 4 minutes we filter the tea. To make it tastier, add a slice of lemon or a teaspoon of honey.

Attention! In addition to the beneficial effects of the prepared tea, there are a number of negative effects that should be considered. Allergic reactions are possible. The plant can actively interact with drugs. You need to consult with experts. Should not be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women. This option is more suitable when mothers want to wean their children from breastfeeding.

In cosmetology

Sage extract is used in cosmetics in the form of:

  • Balm.
  • Cream.
  • Shampoos.
  • Skin care products.

In addition, sage-based products are used:

  • In cosmetology in the form of an effective plant that can rejuvenate the skin.
  • The plant allows you to tighten the skin, reducing damage and new scars.
  • Infusions and decoctions for sage prevent hair loss and promote their accelerated growth.
  • If the lips are chapped, sage-based hygienic lipstick helps well. Creates an anti-inflammatory film, protecting lips from the influence of external weather factors.

Sage has proven itself in cosmetology, it is included in various hair and skin care products.

For decorative purposes

  • Some types of plants are used for decorative purposes by landscape designers. They grow quite quickly and do not require special care. Combine with other plants quite successfully. Used in flower beds, misborders.
  • cultivation

    Location selection

    Sage prefers to grow in sunny places with humus soil.


    Sage should be watered sparingly, and is best on dry days. They do not need excessive moisture. Young shoots are watered more often. Be sure to loosen and weed. At the time of growth, you can feed with compost. Then caring for him, the sage is cut at the time of flowering.

    By winter, it is necessary to cut as much as possible and compact with compost. If the winter is not snowy and with severe frosts, we cover the plant with brushwood. If pruned properly each year, sage will produce more leaves, but bloom will be reduced.

    In principle, in the form of culinary and medicinal plants - pruning is a great method to increase production, but for decorative purposes - not.

    Sage can be harvested for planting in the form of seedlings


    • The soil is dug up to a depth of 30 centimeters. Weeds are cleared, after which the soil is loosened and harrowed.
    • Width between rows - from 70 cm.
    • You will see the first bores in three weeks. Remove the weeds again and loosen the soil.
    • Sage is a plant that does not get sick and is extremely rarely affected by insects.
    • As a rule, the first year - the plant is overgrown with shoots. If old shoots are cleaned in time, new ones will soon appear and larger leaves will grow. They are collected twice a year. First before flowering, and after - in early autumn. The leaves are plucked by hand. First, the leaves located below are collected. And in the fall - the rest.
    • The drying method is carried out under a canopy in the air. The collected leaves should be laid out in a thin layer.
    • Seeds are harvested during the drilling process in cups located below. Raw materials are stored in containers with maximum sealing. Shelf life - up to 1 year.

When it comes to proper and healthy food, vegetables and fruits usually come to mind first. And few people in this regard remembers medicinal herbs and spices. And they, by the way, also play an important role for health. Take at least sage. This is not just a fragrant seasoning for meat or delicious. The benefits of this plant were known in ancient times, but today many have forgotten.

general characteristics

The Latin name of sage translates as "stay healthy." And it is no coincidence. Since ancient times, this plant has been used by herbalists and traditional healers to treat a variety of diseases.

It is a spicy herb from the mint family. Her closest relatives are oregano, lavender, rosemary, thyme,. Sage is recognizable by its gray-green leaves, and during the flowering period, which falls in August, by purple-white or white-pink flowers. But unlike many herbs, this plant has a pronounced smell not only flowers, but also leaves. This plant has a specific aroma, vaguely reminiscent of mint, but with bitter notes.

The amazing beneficial properties of sage have made it one of the main herbs in European and Chinese herbal medicine. This plant is common in many regions, but the most famous traditional "location" is the countries around the Mediterranean Sea. By the way, there are more than 900 types of sage in the world, but not all of them are eaten.

History of origin and use

Sage is native to the Mediterranean countries and has been used in these regions for thousands of years. In addition, in medicine, this herb has one of the oldest histories of use. The ancient Greeks and Romans highly valued the medicinal properties of sage. The Romans treated it as a sacred plant and even created a special ceremony around the collection of the herb. Also in these cultures, sage was used as a meat preservative. Ancient culinary specialists believed that this herb slows down food spoilage. And now this fact has received scientific confirmation. Researchers have found a large amount of terpenes in sage, which, in fact, work as conservatives.

In addition, throughout history, sage has enjoyed the glory of a magical plant. Arab doctors in the 10th century considered it a plant of immortality, Europeans in the 14th century used grass to protect against witchcraft. This plant was also appreciated by the Chinese. But in the East, sage was used primarily as a delicious tea.

Chemical composition and nutritional characteristics

Since this herb is generally not consumed in large quantities, it is difficult to consider it as a source of calories, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, or fiber. But sage can serve as a good source of other substances that are no less useful for the body.

This herb contains a lot of essential oils, phenolic compounds. In total, these are more than 20 useful components, most of which have antioxidant properties. Sage is known for its amazing combination of essential oils containing ketanes, alpha and beta thujone. In the greenery of the plant, such compounds as cineol, borneol, chlorogenic, fumaric, caffeic and nicotinic acids were also found.

Nutritional value per 100 g dry herb
315 kcal
60.73 g
10.63 g
12.75 g
40.3 g
0.754 mg
0.336 mg
5.72 mg
2.69 mg
274 mcg
3.5 mg
32.4 mg
7.48 mg
1.71 mg
11 mg
1070 mg
1652 mg
0.757 mg
28.12 mg
428 mg
3.133 mg
4.7 mg

Beneficial features

Sage has a long history of medicinal use. A wide variety of disorders are treated with this herb, including mental and digestive disorders. Some of the many beneficial properties have already found their scientific confirmation, others are still exclusively traditional medicine recipes.

The first thing to know about sage is that this herb has a pronounced antioxidant capacity. It helps protect cells from the effects of free radicals.

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent

Rosmarinic acid contained in sage is easily absorbed by the body from the gastrointestinal tract. Once in the body, it reduces inflammatory reactions. In addition, rosmarinic acid affects the body as. Therefore, the use of sage as a seasoning is useful for people with various inflammatory conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis and gum disease. And the effectiveness of the herb in bronchial asthma and atherosclerosis has also been proven.

By the way, the antioxidant abilities of sage did not go unnoticed by culinary specialists. They add grass leaves to oils to extend their shelf life and avoid rancidity.

Improves brain function

If you want to improve your memory, then add some sage to your favorite soups, stews or casseroles. Research conducted in 2003 confirmed what folk herbalists have known for a long time: sage is an excellent memory booster.

British researchers have confirmed that sage extract improves cognition, and medicines containing the dried root of the herb are useful for Alzheimer's disease. Even in ancient China, this plant was used to treat cerebrovascular diseases.

Reduces glucose and cholesterol levels

For 3 months, 40 participants in the experiment received sage leaf extract daily. At the end of the time allotted for the experiment, it turned out that everyone had a significant decrease in the level of general and “bad”, and also the indicators in the blood taken on an empty stomach fell noticeably. Another study involved 80 people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Compared with the control group, the participants in the experiment on the background of the consumption of sage significantly decreased glucose levels.

The researchers concluded that sage leaves may be beneficial in the prevention of type 2 diabetes, as well as in lowering the lipid profile in the body.

Eliminates excessive sweating

Data from scientific studies conducted by German scientists have proven the effectiveness of sage in the fight against excessive sweating. The experiment showed that taking an extract of this herb helps to reduce the activity of sweating by almost 2 times. In addition, this tool eliminates unpleasant body odor.

Improves the functioning of the digestive system

Sage is useful in the treatment of certain gastrointestinal disorders and dispersion. Tea made from this herb is an excellent carminative. The plant extract relieves the symptoms of indigestion, stimulates the secretion of digestive tract, improves intestinal motility and pancreatic function.

Use in traditional medicine

This medicinal plant was known to the ancient Egyptians. Long-standing records indicate that the pyramid builders used this herb to increase fertility. And the ancient Greek doctors with a water decoction of sage stopped bleeding caused by peptic ulcers. They also recommended diluting herbs in warm juice and drinking when coughing or hoarseness. Externally, sage was used to relieve swelling, stop bleeding from wounds, and also to reduce pain from sprains.

No less popular in folk medicine is sage tea. They drank it when coughing, used it as a gargle for sore throats and other sore throats. Herbalists have recommended drinking this herb tea for rheumatism, excessive menstrual bleeding, and to stop lactation. And of course, in many countries, sage is famous as a means to strengthen the nervous system and improve memory.

At all times, sage tea and infusion has been known as a remedy for fever, as well as a sedative for excessive excitement. Best of all, the herb shows its medicinal properties if healing drinks are drunk in small portions, but often. This rule also applies to the treatment of diseases of the stomach. The Chinese, for example, advised several times during the day to drink a small mug of freshly brewed tea, considering it useful for almost all disorders in the body.

An aqueous infusion of sage is also considered useful for typhoid fever, hepatitis, kidney disease, pulmonary and stomach bleeding, sore throats and colds. It also has a beneficial effect on the body with paralysis, joint pain, lethargy.

In herbal medicine in Germany, this herb is known as one of the best medicines for a sore throat. In addition, not only decoctions are used for medicinal purposes, but also infusions, herbal extracts, and essential oils. And thanks to phenolic substances, the essential oil of this plant is useful for the treatment of E. coli, Salmonella, and is also a powerful medicine against Staphylococcus aureus. Due to the presence of tannins in the chemical composition, sage is useful for the treatment of diarrhea, including in children. Herbalists also advise it as a cure for candidiasis and, it must be said, scientific studies have found a rational explanation for this.

Many herbalists advise using sage inhalations for asthma attacks or severe coughing. And there are explanations for this too. The essential oils of this herb relax the smooth muscles, thereby soothing the cough. You can enhance the antitussive effect of sage by mixing it with buckwheat honey, which is also known as a cough suppressant. By the way, this kind of inhalation is useful as an expectorant and a cure for infectious diseases.

For indigestion, intestinal motility disorders, bloating, bile flow disorders or pancreatic dysfunction, bitter sage tea is also useful. And for women during menopause, the plant is useful for alleviating the general condition.

Application in cosmetology

Sage has some benefits for skin and hair. Thanks to essential oils and other beneficial components, this herb has a beneficial effect on the skin of the body and face.

Thanks to the antioxidants contained in sage, it is useful in preventing early wrinkles and age spots. Essential oils regulate the production of subcutaneous fat (good for oily skin), and also activate blood circulation, thereby improving complexion. To do this, it is useful to apply a mask of crushed fresh herbs on the face. Due to its antibacterial properties, cosmetic products containing sage extract are useful for treating skin problems, including acne, psoriasis, eczema, and inflammation.

Sage extract is no less healing for hair. Since ancient times, decoctions of this herb have been used as a remedy for hair loss. In addition, the essential oil of the herb has been shown to contain substances found to be effective in the treatment of male pattern baldness. To accelerate hair growth, it is advised to mix 3-4 drops of essential oils of sage, rosemary and mint with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. This remedy must be rubbed into the scalp twice a day. By the way, the combination of sage and rosemary is considered one of the best against hair loss. The substances contained in these spicy herbs nourish the hair follicles.

For hair shine, it is useful to rinse them with a decoction of sage leaves. In a glass of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon of dry leaves. The same remedy is suitable for the treatment of dandruff. By the way, a saturated decoction can be used as a natural hair dye - it gives the curls a dark shiny color (the stronger the decoction, the darker the hair becomes).

Use in cooking

Sage can be eaten fresh or dried. It goes well with tomato sauce, omelettes, fritatas. Italians add this spice to pizza. Sage also serves as a good addition to salads, baked, fish,. Due to its specific aroma, sage goes well with seafood. But this spice should be added at the end of cooking, so the herb retains more of its beneficial properties.

Sage is not just a spice widely used in various national cuisines. This medicinal plant has a powerful effect on the body. Sage is one of the best remedies with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant properties. Tea from this plant can truly replace a huge amount of "chemistry" more familiar to us. Not without reason, several thousand years ago, the Chinese drank tea from it as a remedy for aging and heart disease.

How to choose and store

Whenever possible, it's best to opt for fresh sage greens over dried herbs, as they tend to taste better. Fresh leaves have a rich green-gray color. For tea or harvesting, it is better to take leaves without dark or yellow spots.

Fresh herbs can be stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in a damp paper towel and placed in a plastic container or in a glass of water. Dried sage is stored away from moisture and direct sunlight.

Salvia officinalis is one of the most popular remedies used by folk healers. The healing properties of the plant have been known for thousands of years. It was successfully used by ancient Egyptian, ancient Greek and ancient Roman physicians. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, called it "sacred herb". During the Middle Ages, laudatory odes were composed in his honor. The effectiveness of the funds is recognized by official medicine. They are prescribed by doctors for the treatment of various ailments.

Sage officinalis is one of the most popular remedies used by folk healers.

The genus Sage belongs to the Lamiaceae family, or Lamiaceae. Its other name - Salvia - is derived from the Latin word "salvus", which means "intact", "in good health". In ancient times, the medicinal plant was considered a female herb. It was used to heal infertility and support women in childbirth. In the Middle Ages, they were massively grown on the territories of monasteries. It was used to treat many ailments - from colds to severe poisoning - added to dishes as a seasoning.

The genus Sage has 900 species. Its representatives grow in the wild in most of both hemispheres of the Earth. The exception is Australia. The greatest species diversity is found on the American continents. But for therapeutic purposes, only a few species of a large genus are used.

The homeland of the plant is the territory of Southern Europe (Greece, Spain, Italy). It is often found there in the wild on the high plateaus. Its shaggy grey-green foliage has been used in traditional Mediterranean cuisine for centuries. It has a fragrant aroma and a tart spicy taste. Thanks to the active work of merchants, the medicinal plant spread from the Mediterranean around the world. Unlike traditional healers, official medicine uses only this type of sage.

The genus Sage belongs to the Lamiaceae family, or Lamiaceae.

This grass prefers well-lit places with light fertile soil of normal acidity. Hardly tolerates cold and often dies during frosty and snowless winters. Drought is not dangerous. The plant practically does not suffer with a long absence of moisture.

Sage is a good honey plant. In addition to sweetish fragrant nectar, it produces glue, which is also collected by bees. Honey from this herb has a dark golden hue and a delicate pleasant smell. It has pronounced medicinal properties.

It is cultivated culturally on special plantations in the southern regions of Russia and the Caucasus. In central Russia, meadow sage is found in the wild. Its characteristics resemble the description of the medicinal species. However, the meadow subspecies does not have pronounced medicinal properties, like its relative.

Gallery: medicinal sage (25 photos)

Sage - useful properties and applications (video)

Botanical description of the species

Salvia is a small shrub. It can grow up to 20-75 cm in height. The perennial has straight, strongly leafy stems. In the root zone, they are round and woody. The tops of the stems are herbaceous. They have a tetrahedral surface and a gray-green color. In winter, the herbaceous part of the plant dies off. It has a branched woody root. In its lower part there is a lush lobe of thin roots.

The leaves of the perennial are blunt or pointed. They have the shape of an elongated ellipse. Their length ranges from 8 cm, and the width is 0.8-4 cm. The wrinkled white-felt surface of the green mass gives it a silvery tint. The upper leaves are sessile, while the lower and middle ones are on cuttings. The size of bracts is several times smaller than usual.

The buds are collected in simple or branched spicate inflorescences with 6-7 spaced 10-flowered false whorls. Inflorescences are formed at the tops of the stems. The length of the calyx of the flower does not exceed 1 cm. It is divided into 2 lips almost to half of its height. The bluish-violet corolla is about 2 times longer than the calyx. A column protrudes from it. The stigma of flowers has 2 unequal lobes. The buds open from late May to July in the second year of the growing season. Belongs to cross-pollinated plants.

Perennial fruits ripen from August to September. They are rounded dark brown nuts. Their diameter does not exceed 3 mm. Dry fruits have 4 shares. Seeds are able to remain viable for 3 years.

Procurement rules

Inflorescences and leaves are used for medicinal purposes. The first collection of raw materials is carried out in the year of sowing, not earlier than September. The following year, you can collect foliage and tops several times. They are harvested during budding, as well as throughout the entire period of flowering and seed ripening (until the end of October). Inflorescences and leaves located above 10 cm from the ground are cut from the shrub. When young leaves appear on the bare stems, they are plucked again. In one season, it is possible to collect raw materials 3 times. Sometimes the grass is harvested by mowing.

To get a higher yield with good quality, the perennial is rejuvenated in early spring. Before the start of sap flow, last year's stems are cut at soil level. Powerful, densely leafy vegetative shoots will grow from sleeping buds.

It is necessary to dry raw materials in well-ventilated rooms or on the street under a canopy. It should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Leaves and tops with inflorescences are laid out in a thin layer (3-5 cm) on even surfaces covered with cloth or paper. You can harvest grass with a dryer. The recommended drying temperature is +40…+60°C. Higher values ​​will cause loss of essential oil.

It is necessary to dry raw materials in well-ventilated rooms or outdoors under a canopy.

The raw material of the first summer harvest gives 25% dry weight. Autumn harvest allows you to get up to 35% dry weight. Seeds can be harvested when they begin to darken in the lower cups.

Properly harvested raw materials retain the natural smell and shade. Dried grass breaks when bent. If parts of the plant turn yellow, darken, stick together or crumble, they are not dried properly. The harvested leaves and tops are poured into linen bags and stored in a well-ventilated dry room. The use of raw materials is possible for 1.5 years.

What does Salvia officinalis contain?

It contains essential oil. Its highest concentration is in foliage (up to 2.5%). The composition of the essential oil contains: cineol (up to 15%), D-alpha-pinene, D-camphor, D-borneol, salven, linalool, cedren, alpha and beta-thujone. Alkaloids, phytohormones, bitterness, flavonoids, aromatic resins, uvaol, paradiphenol, tannins, vitamins P, B1, B9, C and PP, minerals (calcium, magnesium), phytoncides, as well as organic acids (oleanolic , urosolic, chlorogenic).

The seeds contain protein (20%) and fatty oil (25-30%). It is represented mainly by glyceride amylinoleic acid. Coumarin was found in the juice of salvia roots.

The highest concentration of essential oil is found in raw materials collected during seed ripening (August-September). Tannins accumulate in autumn (October, November).

Beneficial features

The essential oil present in the plant has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. It has antifungal activity and stimulates the glands of the digestive tract. Volatile phytoncides destroy bacteria, fungi and protozoa, quickly suppressing the growth of their colonies. Even the tubercle bacillus is not resistant to the phytoncides of this herb. In terms of its effectiveness, salvia essential oil is equivalent to Vishnevsky's ointment.

Urosolic acid has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antitumor and antimicrobial effect. Anti-inflammatory properties are also due to the presence in its composition of tannins, flavonoid compounds and vitamin P. These substances increase the density of epithelial tissues, in addition, reduce the permeability of cell membranes, walls of lymphatic and blood vessels.

Tannins have an astringent, analgesic and vasoconstrictive effect. They help reduce the production of mucus in the body.

Chlorogenic acid is a powerful antioxidant with antimutagenic, antimicrobial and antiviral activity.

Aromatic resins give a pleasant aroma. They have healing and antimicrobial properties.

Folic acid (vitamin B9) supports hematopoiesis and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Salvin is of particular value. This substance gives the medicinal plant antiseptic properties and acts as a powerful natural antibiotic. It is able to inhibit the reproduction of Staphylococcus aureus, which is resistant to many antibacterial drugs. Sage not only inhibits the growth of colonies of microorganisms, but also neutralizes their toxin (alpha-toxin). It does not allow bacteria to have a hemolytic (destroy red blood cells) and dermatonecrotic (cause the death of skin cells) action.

Limits the use of perennial contained in its composition thujone. This substance has a hallucinogenic effect. With prolonged use of plant-based products, dependence develops (absentism syndrome).

Sage - healing herb (video)

Use cases

It is widely used in folk and official medicine. It is used as an external agent for the treatment of the mucous membranes of the organs of the respiratory system. Perennial is a component of many cough preparations. It has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of serious diseases such as pneumonia and tuberculosis.

Due to its antibacterial and diuretic properties, the herb is successfully used in the treatment of urinary tract ailments. The high content of phytohormones determines the use of the plant in the treatment of female pathologies. Funds based on it are prescribed to reduce the manifestations of menopause and treat infertility. Hemostatic properties are used to reduce blood loss during prolonged and heavy menstruation. The presence of phytohormones allows the use of sage for a rejuvenating purpose. Women over 35 are recommended to take perennial decoctions three times a year to slow down the aging process.

In diseases of the digestive system, preparations with sage help get rid of bloating, intestinal colic and constipation. They improve the peristalsis of all parts of the intestine, increase appetite and have a choleretic effect.

As an external agent, it is prescribed for fungal skin lesions. It helps to achieve tightening of difficult-to-heal and purulent wounds. Salvia has been successfully used for psoriasis, eczema and hemorrhoids. It is used to treat skin areas with burns and frostbite, in addition, for the treatment of boils. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of the herb are widely used in dentistry. It is effective for stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontitis.

Salvia has pronounced antioxidant and immunostimulating properties. As a result of its use, memory and reaction are improved. Allows you to increase focus and performance.

Sage extracts are part of many preparations for the treatment of acne. They are used to reduce sweating and oily skin. With the help of salvia, you can get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

Sage officinalis helps to alleviate the patient's condition with radiculitis, polyarthritis and neuritis. It is used in the initial stages of diabetes and for the relief of asthmatic attacks.

Ways to use harvested raw materials

Application depends on the disease. Inside use infusion. To prepare it, 1 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials are poured into a bowl and pour 1 cup of boiling water into it. The liquid is infused for 1 hour, and then filtered through gauze. It is recommended to drink the infusion three times a day, 100 ml 20 minutes before meals.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, enemas with a concentrated infusion of salvia are used. 3 art. l. dry crushed raw materials are poured into 100 ml of boiling water and the liquid is infused for 1 hour, wrapping the container with a blanket. The finished infusion is diluted with 1 liter of warm water.

In the treatment of diseases, perennial decoctions of various concentrations are used. For oral administration, a medicine is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials and 1 cup boiling water. The plant is crushed in a mortar, poured into a saucepan and water is added to it. The container is put on fire, brought to a boil and the grass is boiled for 10 minutes. The decoction is insisted for half an hour, then consumed ½-⅓ cup three times a day before meals. You can prepare a decoction in a water bath. The liquid must be simmered for 15 minutes.

For the treatment of wounds and rinses, a more concentrated agent is used. 3 art. l. crushed leaves of the plant are poured with a glass of boiling water. The product is boiled over low heat for 10 minutes or simmered in a water bath for 15 minutes.

With kidney disease, an infusion of salvia on wine helps well. 80 g of fresh leaves are placed in a dark glass vessel and 1 liter of grape wine is poured into it. It is necessary to insist the medicine for 10-14 days in a room protected from direct sunlight. Sage wine drink 20-30 ml immediately after each meal.

For the treatment of diseases, the doctor may prescribe an alcohol tincture. 3 art. l. crushed salvia leaves are poured into a vessel and pour 500 ml of vodka or diluted alcohol into it. The latter must be cleared. The medicine is insisted for 1 month in direct sunlight. The drug should be drunk on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day with water. Tincture helps with atherosclerosis and diseases of the nervous system.

With pathologies of the respiratory system, inhalations are effective. 3-4 st. l. dry leaves are poured into a saucepan, pour 500 ml of water into it, bring the liquid to a boil and remove it from the heat. After that, you need to bend over the container with the decoction and cover your head with a blanket. Hot vapors of the decoction are inhaled for 5-10 minutes.

Precautionary measures

When using sage herb, it is necessary to take into account the medicinal properties and contraindications. Do not take perennial-based funds for longer than 3 months. In addition to addiction, the plant can cause poisoning and irritation of the mucous membranes. It is not recommended to repeat courses of treatment more than 3 times a year.

It is forbidden to use perennial-based products while carrying a child. The plant is able to increase the tone of the uterus. In the early stages of pregnancy, treatment with salvia can lead to its termination. In the second and third trimesters, it can cause placental abruption and fetal death. The biologically active substances contained in sage lower the level of progesterone, which is necessary for the safe bearing of a child.

Since salvia reduces milk production, it should not be used by breastfeeding women. Preparations based on plant extracts are prescribed when it is necessary to reduce lactation during weaning.

It is forbidden to use infusions and decoctions of sage in conditions accompanied by an increase in estrogen levels (endometriosis, breast tumors, endometrial hyperplasia), in addition, after surgery to remove malignant tumors of the mammary glands or uterus.

Since salvia-based drugs can increase blood pressure, they should not be taken by people suffering from hypertension. Do not get involved in such treatment and hypotension. Salvia officinalis can cause a deterioration in their well-being.

Perennial can not be used for reduced thyroid function, acute inflammation of the kidneys, as well as for glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis and nephritis.

Do not prescribe salvia with a strong hysterical dry cough. The plant can lead to increased cough reflex.

Contraindication for use is epilepsy and age up to 2 years. If there are sleep disorders, the herb can aggravate the pathological condition.

Sage is a perennial herb whose healing properties can hardly be overestimated. Its beneficial effect on the body is very multifaceted. Medicinal compositions made on the basis of sage are used not only to cure all possible ailments, but also to alleviate painful conditions, and for the purpose of prevention. Sage has been used as a medicinal drug for a long time. Ancient Greek healers knew about its healing properties and widely used this plant in their practice. This miracle herb is also mentioned in the works of Hippocrates. The Italian lands are considered the starting point for the widespread settlement of sage (salvia). The plant spread along trade routes, gaining an increasing number of admirers.

Sage as a medicinal plant

Modern official medicine also could not bypass it. Scientists have studied sage in detail - medicinal properties and contraindications, as well as possible side effects from its use, have been identified and systematized. Now this knowledge is successfully applied to the targeted resolution of various health problems in patients. It should be noted that in Russia, with the exception of the Krasnodar Territory and the Crimean Peninsula, the medicinal form of sage is not found in the wild. But it is widely cultivated as a garden plant.

There are also wild varieties of cultivated grass. But meadow sage grows everywhere, but its healing abilities are much less pronounced. Official medicine does not recognize it as a medicinal plant. For medicinal purposes, leaves are used, as well as the apical parts of sage along with inflorescences. Grass blooms (by the way, it often takes the form of a shrub) begins only in the second year of life.

Flowers, as well as green foliage, exude a pleasant tart aroma due to their high content of essential oils. It should be noted that sage is thermophilic, severe frost can completely destroy it. But it tolerates drought well and does not need special care. Therefore, it can often be seen on personal plots. It is also suitable for apiaries - a honey plant.

Sage - medicinal properties and contraindications

After examining the chemical composition of sage, they found the presence of essential oils in all its parts. Various odorous substances are present here, including camphor.

Plant composition. Sage contains alkaloids, flavonoids, phytoestrogens, tannins, vitamin and mineral compounds. This composition provides a versatile effect on the human body. This plant is used as a raw material for the preparation of decoctions, essential oils, infusions, alcohol tinctures, tablet preparations.

Sage is used externally for:

  • Compresses.
  • masks.
  • Wraps.
  • Lotions.
  • Trays.

In addition, it is applicable for vaginal douching, enemas, rinses and ingestion. Also noteworthy is the widespread use of sage oil for aromatherapy.

Properties of sage officinalis

Sage has a number of medicinal properties that have been used in various fields of medicine and have been used for many centuries to cure various diseases. In the process of research, salvia revealed the following properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antimicrobial.
  • Antifungal (weakly expressed).
  • Antioxidant.
  • Immunomodulating.
  • Regenerative (stimulate tissue regeneration).
  • Decongestant and tonic.
  • Expectorants.
  • Diuretic.
  • Astringents.
  • Antitoxic.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Painkillers.
  • Sedatives.
  • Antisecretory (inhibit the work of sweat and sebaceous glands, but stimulate the release of digestive enzymes, choleretic agent).

So, all the healing properties of the plant have been identified, studied and now they are successfully used to resolve various health problems. It is prescribed for the treatment of colds, women's diseases and menopause, to normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, and for some dental problems. It also helps with diabetes, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis, arthritis, stomatitis, hyperhidrosis, diarrhea, neuritis, cystitis. It is also used in dermatology, traumatology, cosmetology and as an aromatic additive.

Contraindications and warnings

Despite the mass of useful properties, sage has some limitations in use. It is recommended to refrain from using it in the following cases.

  1. With the manifestation of epilepsy.
  2. During gestation.
  3. At the stage of feeding the baby with breast milk.
  4. For kidney problems.
  5. In violation of the functions of the thyroid gland.
  6. Before reaching the age of five (especially when using essential oil preparations).
  7. If there are problems with pressure (hypo- or hypertension).
  8. With a high level of estrogen and related diseases - endometriosis, breast tumor, polycystic, fibroids, etc.
  9. In the presence of allergic intolerance and individual rejection.

It should also be remembered that sage has a pronounced expectorant effect. Therefore, in the treatment of a cold, it should be used only to facilitate the discharge of sputum in the initial stages of the disease. Further intake of drugs with sage will stimulate its strengthening, and not a cure. Strictly speaking, prolonged continuous use of sage is contraindicated in any case. This may lead to poisoning. After a course of therapy (up to 1 month, maximum - 3), you should take a break.

Possible side effects

If the dosage is exceeded, and also as a side effect, there is:

  • Dizziness, migraines.
  • Itching, redness of the integument.
  • Sudden change in pressure.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Signs of poisoning.
  • epileptic seizures.
  • hallucinations.

Infusion and decoction of sage - how to prepare medicine at home

Essential oil, tincture, tablets and marshmallows with sage can be purchased at the pharmacy. But you can prepare the product for both internal and external use on your own.

Decoction. Dry grass is poured with raw water 1:10. When using a fresh plant, the ratio changes to 1:5. The liquid is brought to a boil and kept on a minimum heat for 15 minutes.

Infusion. Raw materials are poured with boiling water and placed in a thermos until completely cooled, or they are kept in a steam bath for about an hour. Do not allow the mixture to boil! The proportions are the same as in the manufacture of the decoction. For oral administration, both infusion and decoction should be diluted with water after preparation (approximately 1:4). For rinsing, more concentrated formulations are used, and for enemas they can not be diluted at all, as well as for external application.

Tincture. 3 large spoons of raw materials are poured with half a liter of vodka and insisted for about a month. When using alcohol, its ratio to dry grass should be 10:1. For oral administration, the tincture is diluted with water.

The use of sage - at home and traditional medicine

Sage is widely used in folk medicine, and quite successfully, it helps against various diseases.

Sage decoction. It is effective for colds (facilitates expectoration, reduces swelling of the mucosa), helps to normalize glucose levels, relieves inflammation and anesthetizes in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is used externally in the treatment of rashes (including acne) and other dermatological diseases, as a wound healing agent, as well as to strengthen and stimulate hair growth. It is also used for atherosclerosis and for the treatment of gynecological diseases, including infertility. The decoction is used in the form of rinses for the treatment of stomatitis, periodontal disease, to eliminate toothache, as well as during a sore throat. Can also be used for inhalation.

Sage tea. Use a decoction of pleasant concentration. It is convenient to prepare tea using pharmacy bagged herbs.

Drink a drink:

  • as a diuretic and detoxifying agent;
  • with a cold to alleviate the condition and reduce intoxication;
  • with colitis and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract to relieve pain and normalize functions;
  • if necessary, stop lactation;
  • to smooth out climacteric conditions;
  • as an immunostimulating and general tonic;
  • to relieve overstrain and prevent chronic stress conditions;
  • for the prevention and treatment of sclerotic vascular lesions;
  • as a tonic that promotes the activation of thought processes.

Sage oil. It is used externally in cosmetic formulations. It is also used to prepare baths, compresses and lotions. Helps with problematic skin, effectively to reduce pain in injuries and joint pain. It is used in aromatherapy for relaxation and prevention of chronic stress conditions.

Oily salvia extract. Applicable for:

  • rinses for dental problems to relieve inflammation, disinfect and reduce the intensity of pain;
  • ingestion with inflammation and ulceration of the gastric mucosa, cholecystitis, bronchitis;
  • solutions to dermatological problems (topical application);
  • cosmetic purposes (rejuvenation, improvement of skin condition, treatment of acne and acne formations, strengthening of hair follicles, combating excessive sweating).

Sage tincture. It is used for rinsing with inflammatory and infectious lesions of the oral cavity and pharynx. It helps with atherosclerosis (it is also effective for preventing its development), diarrhea, cystitis, spasms of the digestive tubes, activates the nervous system. It also helps to relieve menopausal symptoms.

Sage tablet. Tablets (lozenges) should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved (resorbed). Used for sore throats. These tablets help relieve pain, swelling, have an antimicrobial effect and accelerate the regeneration of damaged mucous membranes. Apply according to instructions.

Sage for the treatment of respiratory organs. Salvia as an integral component is included in pharmacy breast fees. The plant is also used as an independent medicine for solving various problems with the respiratory system. It provides significant assistance in the fight against lung diseases, including tuberculosis. With a cold, salvia has a number of positive effects.

  1. Removes swelling of the mucosa.
  2. Eliminates headache.
  3. Stimulates the immune system.
  4. Fights microbes.
  5. Stimulates the production of mucus and facilitates its removal.
  6. Relieves sore throat.
  7. Helps to get rid of toxins.
  8. Tones and relieves the general condition.

For this purpose, various pharmaceutical preparations are used, as well as home remedies.

Sage for hemorrhoids. With manifestations of hemorrhoids, a decoction of sage will help to alleviate the condition, relieve pain and itching, stop bleeding, and block the inflammatory process. It is consumed as a tea, and is also used to prepare enemas and warm sitz baths. Before the introduction of the decoction through the rectum, a cleansing procedure should first be carried out. Then 100 ml of undiluted broth is introduced, after which you should not get up for about 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out once a day for a seven-day course.

Help salvia in the field of gynecology. Phytohormones and aphrodisiacs were found in sage, so this plant is used to normalize various disorders in the genital area, as well as to solve many gynecological problems.

  1. Eliminates frigidity.
  2. Infertility is treated.
  3. Eliminates hormonal imbalance.
  4. Menstrual cycles are normalized, the process itself is facilitated, the volume of secretions decreases.
  5. Prevent and stop bleeding
  6. Inflammations are stopped and their causes are eliminated.
  7. Improves labor activity.
  8. The production of breast milk is suppressed.

To obtain these effects, tea, decoctions, tinctures are used. They are needed for internal use, douching and preparing sitz baths. For infertility, an infusion of leaves and seeds of salvia is used. The course is conducted as prescribed by the gynecologist, who also monitors the patient's condition. It can also be assigned to men.

Sage treatment helps eliminate the lack of estrogen responsible for:

  • among women - for the formation of follicular structures, the growth of the intrauterine lining, the normalization of menstruation, increased attraction;
  • in men - for the maintenance of sexual function, the growth of libido, the viability of spermatozoa.

But an excess of estrogen causes serious consequences, so the uncontrolled intake of sage products is unacceptable.

Sage and cessation of lactation. Sometimes there are situations when a woman needs to reduce or completely stop the production of breast milk. This is where sage tea comes in handy. It smoothly reduces the secretion of the mammary glands, so the process is easily tolerated by women. It is also recommended to treat the breast with an oily extract of sage to prevent the development of inflammation and the appearance of seals.

Salvia with menopause. The climacteric period is characterized by the appearance of various unpleasant sensations. Many women endure it very hard. To alleviate the condition, reduce sweating, relieve pain, eliminate dizziness, normalize the psycho-emotional sphere, it is recommended to take sage both externally and internally. Also, for relaxation, it is recommended to use salvia essential oil as an aromatic additive.

- This is a plant that has long been widely used in folk medicine. Sage began its successful march across the planet from the lands of the Mediterranean in ancient times. Greek and Roman physicians were among the first to use the medicinal properties of sage in medicine, as evidenced by their numerous descriptions of the properties of this plant. Sage received the second name "sacred herb" from Hippocrates, who recommended it to everyone for wide use in various fields.

Who ever breathed in this tart aroma will never forget. A real natural healer - sage officinalis - one of the favorite herbs of traditional medicine.

An interesting fact is that sage comes from the Mediterranean - Greece, Spain and Turkey, and spread around the world along trade routes along with merchants. In Renaissance Europe, it was especially popular; many recipes are known from old apothecary books, where sage is the main component.

But do not confuse meadow sage, which is ubiquitous in central Russia and grows in meadows and roadsides, with medicinal sage. These are two different types. Meadow sage is not used in medicine, as it does not have a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Composition and useful properties of sage

Even Hippocrates pointed out the beneficial properties of this plant and recommended using it to give strength and prolong youth.

Sage inflorescences and leaves contain 0.3–0.5% essential oil, which contains linalool, acetic acid, aromatic resins, pinene, formic acid, flavonoids, and tannins.

Sage seeds contain about 20% protein and 30% fatty oil, which dries quickly, and sage roots contain coumarin.

The plant has pronounced anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, hemostatic, tonic properties, and sage is able to increase the secretory activity of the digestive tract, increase the secretion of gastric juice and reduce sweating.

The medicinal properties of this medicinal herb led to its use in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, various viral infections. Salvia officinalis is also good for treating gynecological and skin diseases, wounds, ulcers, and more. This list could go on for a very long time.

Medicinal raw materials for sage are the leaves and tops of the plant with flowers.

In folk medicine, this herb is used:

    In the fight against lung diseases, including such severe ones as. Due to the mild diuretic and disinfectant effect, sage is used for inflammation of the urinary tract - cystitis;

    Sage is part of the chest collections, which are used to relieve bronchitis,;

    Gastric preparations with this plant help with bloating, have a choleretic effect, stimulate appetite and peristalsis of all parts of the digestive tract;

    Externally, sage is used for fungal skin lesions, purulent wounds, burns,;

    Sedentary baths based on a decoction of this plant reduce inflammation and;

    Sage is a good immunity stimulant, in addition, it improves memory, enhances attention and increases efficiency.

In cosmetology, sage has also found its use:

    For aromatherapy, sage essential oil is mainly used. It is used as a means of relieving stress, soothing, bringing balance and a sense of satisfaction;

    Rinse with a decoction of sage, this gives them shine, eliminates oily sheen, stimulates their growth;

    Antibacterial properties make this plant an indispensable tool in the treatment of youth. Salvia officinalis extract is included in many care products for young facial skin prone to oiliness;

    A compress of sage decoction on the eye area will help get rid of dark circles and make the look radiant;

    Sage essential oil is used in the composition of fragrances in perfumery. In addition, it has the ability to fix other easily degraded essential oils, which allows you to create persistent perfumes, toilet waters and colognes.

With extreme caution, women should use sage, as the plant contains active phytohormones. Contraindications to the use of sage are described in detail at the end of the article.

The use of sage in medicine

There are a great many different options for the formulation of medicinal infusions and decoctions from medicinal sage. Quantitative ratios, as well as methods of preparation, as a rule, directly depend on how this agent is going to be used. It is best, of course, to look at the exact dosage of sage in special reference books, which describe in detail the method of treating a particular disease.

Although it is quite possible to use one of the most famous recipes, which is suitable for both internal and external use. This infusion is prepared based on the ratio of dry raw materials of leaves and water 1:10, but you can take 1:5 if the sage leaves are fresh. The drug must be infused for one hour in a thermos, you can also use a water bath, just make sure that the infusion does not reach the boiling stage.

To prepare a healing decoction, the same ratio of raw materials and water is taken, only this composition must be boiled for 10-15 minutes on low heat.

An infusion or decoction prepared in this way can be used for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity as a rinse, and they can also be used for lotions and compresses in the treatment of rheumatism, skin diseases, ulcers, wounds and frostbite.

Such an infusion and decoction can also be taken orally to treat a fairly large number of diseases, this is usually done 30 minutes before a meal or on an empty stomach in the morning. For example, infusion and decoction of sage, due to its antiseptic and astringent properties, successfully treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and.

In folk medicine, it has become a tradition to use sage to treat feverish conditions and reduce sweating in tuberculosis, as well as to alleviate menopause in women. Sweating noticeably decreases already 20-30 minutes after the medicine has been taken, and the duration of the action of this remedy is at least 3-4 hours, maximum - 1 day.

Since ancient times, sage has been considered a good drug for women's diseases, which has already been confirmed by modern medicine, since the plant contains phytohormones that are very similar to estrogen in their effect on the body of women. Beauties have long taken this herb to rejuvenate their skin and cleanse their body, which, as it turns out, is not without meaning.

Modern medicine has been able to find out that sage is able to get rid of frigidity, and can also significantly increase sexual desire. For these purposes, an infusion of linden flowers with sage was most often prepared and is being prepared. Linden, as you know, is also a plant quite enriched with phytohormones. Since ancient times, they have been quite successfully treated with an infusion of sage seeds. Sometimes they also prepared tinctures from sage seeds in grape wine. Of course, now it’s hard to believe in the effectiveness of such a fertility drug, but it’s worth considering that this remedy has been used for centuries, everything shows that the result of the treatment was still there.

Quite a curious fact: in ancient Egypt, priests, in order to increase the birth rate in families, specially distributed sage to young women, and taught them how to make tea from this plant, which had to be drunk every day until pregnancy occurred. It is worth saying that any preparations that contain sage are not recommended for use during lactation, because sage contributes to a noticeable decrease in lactation. But when it comes time to wean a baby, drugs containing sage will come in handy.

The beneficial properties of sage can also be necessary for men. A decoction and infusion of this plant is an excellent tool for strengthening hair follicles, which can significantly slow down the process of baldness, and sometimes stop it altogether. That this is not without meaning can be seen from the fact that there are a fairly large number of shampoos in which sage extract is present.

This healing herb is considered very useful for people in old age, because it helps to strengthen the nervous system, improve memory, and also relieve senile hand tremors. It is worth noting that sage is present in many medicinal preparations used to treat heart disease, diabetes mellitus, and inflammatory processes in the bladder and gall bladder and kidneys, and even oncological diseases. It should also be noted that self-medication in these cases is extremely inappropriate, and sometimes even fatal. But with the right prescription and control of a doctor, preparations containing sage can have a very effective effect. Of course, you should not assume that sage is a panacea for all diseases, this, of course, is not so, but nevertheless, thanks to the properties of this wonderful herb, it is quite possible to improve your health and even extend your life.

Sage for conceiving a child

What is the secret of such an amazing action? The fact is that the phytohormones of sage officinalis in their action resemble the female sex hormones estrogen.

The mechanism of action of sage in infertility

Female infertility has many causes, but the most common of them is the violation of ovulation. If the egg does not leave the ovary, then fertilization will be impossible, which means that pregnancy will not occur.

The process of ovulation is regulated by female sex hormones. Under the influence of a sharp increase in the level of estrogens and luteinizing hormone, approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, the follicle in the ovary bursts, and a mature egg comes out to meet the sperm. But there are conditions when natural estrogens are not enough. In this case, the follicle does not receive the proper signal, and the egg does not ovulate.

Sage phytohormones, firstly, stimulate the synthesis of their own estrogens, and secondly, due to their hormone-like action, they compensate for the lack of estrogen levels in the blood. In this case, the follicle receives the desired signal, bursts and the egg successfully ovulates.

How to take sage for infertility?

If a reliable cause of infertility is a violation of ovulation due to low estrogen levels, then you can try to stimulate the egg by taking sage infusion.

In order to obtain the desired effect, it is first necessary to establish, on the basis of ultrasound or basal temperature, on which day of the cycle the egg reaches its maximum size. After that, you can make a schedule for taking sage. The infusion is taken from 3-4 days of menstruation until the day when the size of the egg reaches its maximum. For example, with a 28-day cycle, taking sage should begin on the 4th day of menstruation, and end at 11-12; at 21 days - on days 4 and 9-10, respectively; with a 32-day cycle - start on day 4, end on day 16-17.

It is not advisable to use sage infusion in the first days of menstruation because of its hemostatic effect, which can disrupt the natural process of cleansing the uterine cavity. Taking such a medicine after ovulation is strictly contraindicated, since it stimulates smooth muscles and causes uterine hypertonicity, which can adversely affect fertilization and attachment of the embryo to the walls of the organ.

Infusion preparation and dosage

Sage infusion for the treatment of infertility is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of finely ground leaves pour 1 cup of boiling water. If sage is available not in a box, but in a bunch along with stems, then take 1-2 stems (usually it has both leaves and flowers) and also pour boiling water. Close tightly with a lid or saucer, leave for 10-15 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 4 times a day.

If pregnancy does not occur in this cycle, then continue to drink according to the scheme for 2 more cycles so that their total number reaches 3. If all three attempts were unsuccessful, then you should consult a gynecologist for a more detailed examination and identify the causes of infertility. You can repeat courses of treatment with sage no more than 3 times a year.

Sage during pregnancy

It is forbidden to take sage during pregnancy at any time, as it causes an increase in the tone of the uterus. This can lead to miscarriage in the first months and placental abruption in the third trimester. In addition, the plant reduces the production of the hormone progesterone, which is necessary to maintain pregnancy.

Sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to stop lactation. If this is not necessary to do urgently, then the mildest remedy is an infusion of sage. It will slowly and painlessly reduce lactation. It is especially good to use sage at a time when a woman is just thinking about stopping breastfeeding. A gradually decreasing amount of milk will give a signal to the baby that the breast is no longer needed, and you can do without it, so mother and child can avoid a stressful situation.

Sage is also useful for strong flushes of milk, when the child does not have time to suck it out. To avoid congestion in the chest and mastitis, sage infusion will come to the rescue. It does not affect the properties of milk and is safe for babies. By gently lowering the level of the hormone prolactin, sage will help a nursing woman avoid unpleasant moments.

It is necessary to take sage to reduce lactation in the form of tea, when 1 teaspoon of ground grass or one stalk from a bunch is taken for 1 cup of boiling water. You need to take it 3 times a day for 1/3 cup for 1 week.

Sage treatment: the best recipes

Sage decoction

This dosage form is used for external use and various kinds of rinses in the treatment of diseases of the mouth and throat, female genital organs, as well as in the treatment of skin diseases and in cosmetology.


To prepare a classic sage broth, you need 1 tablespoon of ground dried raw materials or 2-3 stalks from a bunch, pour 1 glass of water, put in a water bath and heat for 15 minutes. Remove the broth, cool, strain through a tea strainer or 2 layers of gauze. Top up with boiled water to a volume of 1 cup (during cooking, the amount of broth decreases). It is best to use a freshly prepared decoction, but if necessary, you can store it in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours. The decoction must be warmed to body temperature before use.

Sage is a powerful remedy for fighting oral infections. It operates in four directions:

    Due to the powerful phytoncide (vegetable antibiotic), salvina kills pathogenic bacteria;

    Deodorizes, gives freshness to breath;

    Due to resins, it creates an invisible thin film on the oral mucosa, which prevents contact with microbes;

    Astringents in its composition have an analgesic effect.

With gingivitis, stomatitis, mucosal ulcers, 2-3 days after tooth extraction, with scuffs and improper wearing of dentures, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with sage decoction up to 6 times a day.

Sage decoction for sore throat

With inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, sore throats, colds, laryngitis, gargling with a warm decoction of sage helps well. To achieve a quick effect, the procedure must be carried out 5-6 times a day. Rinsing can be replaced by sucking special herbal pastilles based on sage. Pleasant taste and a high concentration of nutrients will help to quickly cope with the manifestations of the disease.

Sage decoction in gynecology

With inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, infectious, thrush, douching with a decoction of sage is indicated. They can be replaced with sitz baths.

It is necessary to douche the vagina or do baths 2 times a day. It is important to remember that the temperature of the sage broth should be around 38 C.

Sage decoction for skin diseases

With neurodermatitis, psoriasis, burns, frostbite, it is necessary to wash the affected skin with a decoction of sage 3-4 times a day. The tool removes well and promotes speedy healing.

In case of acne, fungal skin lesions, purulent wounds, washing should be replaced with blotting in order to avoid the spread of infection to healthy areas. This is done as follows: moisten a cotton pad abundantly in a decoction of sage, squeeze lightly, apply the decoction to the affected skin with wet movements. Let dry. Take a new disk and do the same a second time. So treat the entire affected surface.

Sage decoction in the fight against dandruff and hair loss

To eliminate dandruff and stimulate hair growth, you need to wash your hair with shampoo and rinse your hair with plenty of sage decoction, wring it out with your hands. Wrap your head with an old towel (the decoction has coloring properties) for 10 minutes. Remove the towel and let your hair dry naturally without using a hair dryer.

Infusion of sage leaves

Sage infusion is used orally for flatulence, as a choleretic agent, to facilitate sputum discharge in bronchitis.

The medicine is prepared as follows: pour 1 tablespoon without a slide of crushed leaves or 2-3 stems from a bunch of 250 ml of boiling water, close the lid tightly and insist for 30 minutes.

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