Home Garden on the windowsill Dad is a Satanist. Russia, Ukraine, Belarus - the great holy Russia. The leaders of this war will be the Jews

Dad is a Satanist. Russia, Ukraine, Belarus - the great holy Russia. The leaders of this war will be the Jews

Pope Francis said that the scandal that unfolded around the church and the priests who allegedly molested children is the machinations of Satan.

The head of the Catholic Church claims that "the unclean man has harbored a grudge against the clergy," therefore, "he plots to quarrel the church with people." Francis did not say this in the context of the scandal that broke out, but it is quite clear that his words refer to the high-profile case of Theodore McCarrick.

This year, the Pope sentenced an American prelate to life-long penance after McCarrick's allegations of molesting an altar boy in the 1970s turned out to be true.

Later, the Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano issued an 11-page statement in which he said that Pope Benedict XVI had already imposed sanctions on McCarrick, but Francis, having ascended the papal throne, canceled them. As a result, the papal envoy in Washington urged Francis to resign. Francis responded by refusing to comment: "I won't say a word."

How Germans have to fight for free housing

It is quite difficult to rent housing in Germany at an affordable price. Therefore, many who have already been lucky enough to find a suitable apartment are afraid of a letter from the landlord, who may report that now he needs housing for ...

Last month, Francis called for prayer for all those involved in the scandal and criticized the Catholic Church in Ireland for failing to take action against perpetrators.

After the facts about McCarrick's crimes were revealed in June, it became clear that his activities were not a secret to the Vatican, and the priest himself constantly harassed young seminarians and even other priests. McCarrick's activities in the Vatican have been known since at least 2000. Yet Pope John Paul II made him first archbishop of Washington in 2001 and later a cardinal. This happened, most likely, because McCarrick's ability to raise funds for the church outweighed his homosexual past and unworthy priestly behavior.

Pope: molestation scandal is Satan's work updated: August 13, 2019 by: Vladislav Afendikov

As millions of revelers around the world dress up in ghoulish costumes to celebrate Halloween and the dark side of life, Pope Francis warns that the devil is not fiction and must be fought hard in God's Armor.

Francis described the Christian life as a continuous struggle with Satan during his sermon at morning mass at the Vatican on Thursday, October 30th.

"The current generation, and many others, have been called to believe that the devil is a myth - a myth about a figure, an idea of ​​evil," the Pope said to the faithful during a Mass at St. Martha's boarding house, where he lives.

"But the devil exists and we must fight him."

Based on the Apostle Paul's teaching that Christians should "put on the whole armor of God" in order to resist the temptations of Satan, Francis compared life to "military activity" and called on people to stand up against passions and temptations.

“Neither the spiritual life nor the Christian life is possible without resisting temptation, without putting on the armor of God that gives us strength and protects us. … Truth is the armor of God.”

Meanwhile, an Italian exorcist, Reverend Aldo Buonayuto, has proposed replacing Halloween with the celebration of all Christian saints and renaming it "Holyween."

He said that too many people mistakenly believe that Halloween is "just a carnival"; when in fact, he noted, all this masks the "other world", based on the occult.

"For followers of the occult, October 31st is the satanic new year," he said in an interview with the Italian newspaper La Nazione. “This is the time to attract new converts. And it's also a time when exorcists need to work harder."


Buonayuto is the director of the Association of the Pope John XXIII Community, a Catholic organization that fights against black magic sects and satanic cults, and also participates in Catholic training programs for exorcists.

During Halloween, he says, there is an increase in black magic rituals, desecration of cemeteries, theft of remains and bones, rites to glorify Satan and demonic possession.

Lord Jesus Christ, through the prayers of the Theotokos, have mercy and save Holy Russia.


"He who has ears to hear, let him hear!" (Matthew 11:15)
“You know the signs of the Antichrist: do not remember them yourself alone, but generously communicate them to everyone!” St. Cyril of Jerusalem

There is little time left before the deadline
When, interrupting calm and peace
The womb of hell will vomit the false prophet,
So that, having seduced the world mired in sin,
Arrange a bloody feast on the ground.

Everything is accelerating, events and time.
Stand up for the right fight Velikoross!
Prayer strike the tribe of Antichrist!
Take heart! God bless Jesus Christ!

Monk Michael

Dear fathers in the Lord, brothers and sisters, the mystery of iniquity is revealed before our eyes:

“And I saw another beast (false prophet) coming out of the earth; he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon (Satan). He acts before him with all the power of the first beast (Antichrist) and makes the whole earth and those who live on it worship the first beast (Antichrist), whose mortal wound has healed; and does great signs, so that fire also comes down from heaven to earth before people…” (Rev. 13:11-13)
(notes in brackets are ours)

From a conversation with Saint Paisios the Holy Mountaineer:

“Elder: One pious Jordanian told me that the Jews dug a tunnel many meters deep under the Mosque of Omar, and they want to destroy the mosque in order to build the temple of Solomon, because. then, they say, the messiah will come, i.e. Antichrist. Then the Arabians will say to the Christians: Don't you Christians say that the Messiah has already come? What are they saying here now, the Jews?

Will the Jews be the leaders of this war?

Elder: Yes, there will be Jews. The pope will also help a lot, because all the children of the devil will be considered his (ie the pope) and he will tell them to follow the Antichrist. Therefore, Saint Cosmas said: "Curse the pope, because he will be the cause." The saint meant the pope of that particular time, who would help the installation of the Antichrist. Other popes will seem good in comparison."

We present our reasoning and documentary chronicle in which you can see and hear and draw conclusions:

When you watch the video with the speeches of "Pope" Francis, be baptized and pray the Jesus Prayer so as not to be seduced by his deceitful and crafty speeches, for the Lord has revealed to us that the false prophet will speak like Satan himself, and will act with the power of the Antichrist.

1) "Pope" Francis prays and commemorates during the service not God, but Lucifer (Satan)

Any blasphemy is from demons, and when a person repents of blasphemous thoughts, he does not name or reveal their essence, but simply says - I repent of blasphemous thoughts. To unravel this diabolical mystery of lawlessness, we were forced to watch and listen to a video documenting the fact of satanic blasphemy. We testify to you of this and wish to protect you from hearing this terrible blasphemy.

May the Lord forbid him to blaspheme and deceive people!

And he will forbid: “And fire fell from heaven from God and devoured them; but the devil that deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” (Rev. 19:20-21)

"Pope" Francis Declares Satan a God

2) "Pope" Francis shows the symbol of "the horns of Satan"

satanic gesture


digital name of the antichrist (cf. Rev. 13:18)

At the mention of his "god", he shows three sixes.

3) At the 2015 music festival in Philadelphia (USA), a throne was placed on stage for "Pope" Francis. Behind him, in the form of a huge ornament, the muzzle of Baphomet (Satan) was depicted. Opposite the concert hall is the world art museum, which houses the Pergamon altar.

“And write to the Angel of the Church of Pergamon: Thus says He that has a sharp sword on both sides: I know your deeds, and that you dwell where the throne of Satan is, and that you bear My name, and did not deny My faith even in those days in which you, where Satan dwells, my faithful witness Antipas was slain.” (cf. Rev. 2:12-13)

Baphomet face and "Pope" Francis

4) "Pope" Francis "reconciles" and unites all religions - Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Buddhism, calls on everyone to worship the "one God", without renouncing their faith! thus, he rejects the Holy Trinity and the Lord Jesus Christ, rejects the Cross of Christ! This is the religion of the antichrist! he leads everyone to the worship of the Antichrist, with Satan dwelling in him, leads to eternal death.

false prophet preaching the religion of antichrist

5) "Pope" Francis preaches and blesses the seal of antichrist, his words: "We have researched the Holy Scripture well and I can say with full confidence that there is nothing there to confirm that the RFID microchip is satanic." he also said that the RFID microchip "is a blessing from God that will help mankind to solve many difficult problems in the world" and about the "mandatory procedure for implanting RFID microchips for all employees of the Vatican and its residents."

6) "Pope" Francis reforms and destroys the last foundations of "Catholicism", he advises not to talk about sodomy, abortion and contraception, but to become a more tolerant and flexible structure. "Pope" Francis accepts sodomy, justifying sin, he declares that he, too, is a sinner. He says this in the affirmative, without a hint of repentance, he is a sinner and that's it, like all his adherents. Such a statement of his is connected with the prophecy that the coming Antichrist will be a man of sin and a son of perdition, and "dad" - a false prophet, acts in the power and spirit of the Antichrist. Francis does not consider sin a sin, and this is a violation of the Law of God. This is godlessness!

"Papa" false prophet surprises the whole world

"Pope" Francis preaches sodomy

Sodom and Gomorrah Meet "Pope" Francis

7) "Pope" Francis gave a speech in the European Parliament, where he gave the first hint that it is necessary to unite around the Antichrist: "the time has come when we must work together to build a Europe that does not revolve around the economy, but around the sanctity of the human person and the inalienable values." MEPs greeted the words of "Pope" Francis with thunderous applause, and the President of the European Parliament said that "Pope" is the man who showed them the way when they got lost.

false prophet in the European Parliament

8) At a meeting with young people in Rio de Janeiro, "Pope" Francis made a revolution in the minds of young people and in general of all "Catholics", he destroyed the border between good and evil, between virtue and sin, between the Gospel and modern "pop culture". The first revolutionary was the devil. Francis, in a diabolical spirit, called on young people to be revolutionaries. At this meeting, he urged young people to read the Gospel Beatitudes and the 25th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, which contains the parable of the Last Judgment of God, and to make a mess. Thus, Francis called on the youth to trample on the commandments of God and reject the fear of God, called them to the fight against God.

false prophet "daddy" deceives the youth

satanic call of "daddy" - a false prophet

"Pope" Francis tramples on the gospel

9) "Pope" Francis presents himself as a peacemaker for everyone and everything: "reconciles" and unites Protestants with Catholicism; Jews and Palestinians; Christians, Jews, Muslims and Buddhists. he is liberal, tolerant, he is against wars and terrorism, he is for world peace, for solving the problems of ecology and global warming. he is accepted everywhere as a pop star. he acts in the spirit and with the authority of the Antichrist.

"Pope" Francis "unites" for the antichrist religion

10) "Pope" Francis and other "bishops" of the Vatican were accused of being involved in raping children, killing children and dismembering them. This is Satanism!

The devil has settled in the Vatican

Testimony of Kevin Annette on Satanism in the Vatican

the global "elite" has been killing and raping children for years

11) “Pope” Francis has on his baton a blasphemous image of the Cross of the Lord and the Savior Himself. Francis wears a pectoral cross without the image of the crucified Lord Jesus Christ, a man without a halo is depicted on his cross. People who paid attention to this suggest that Moses, the leader of the Jewish people, is depicted on the Francis cross. he communicates with the Jews and visits their synagogue. And we, on the basis of all of the above, believe that he bears the image of the Antichrist, and he himself is his forerunner.

Rod with a blasphemous image of the Cross of the Lord and the Savior Himself

cross without the image of the crucified Lord Jesus Christ

12) In the Vatican there is a sculptural composition called "Resurrection" (sculptor Pericle Fazzini). This composition is very dark, sinister and incomprehensible. In front of her, the papists celebrate their masses, the “pope” sits on a throne at the foot of this sinister image. Whose image is this? Whose resurrection is this? This is a sculpture of the coming Antichrist. Pay attention to the head of the sculpture: on the one hand, the face of a man, and on the other, the muzzle of a reptile - a snake. This is the dragon, the ancient serpent, which is the devil and satan. (cf. Rev. 12:9). Antichrist will have a human appearance and an animal - satanic essence! This "resurrection" means the exit of Satan from the underworld, his incarnation and appearance on earth through the Antichrist.

the head of a reptile is a serpent (cf. Rev. 12:9)

Sculpture of the Godless Antichrist in the Vatican

13) "Pope" Francis recognized Darwin's theory of evolution and the theory of the Great Bang, thereby he rejected the Creator God and Divine Revelation.

"Pope" Francis accepted the theory of evolution

14) The Vatican “substantiated” the doctrine of the “principle of diversity”, which allows the existence of aliens on other planets.
Tanzanella Nitti, professor at the Vatican University: “In the near future, we do not need to renounce our original Christian faith. However, according to the knowledge coming to us from another world, and as soon as we manage to confirm this information with evidence, we will have to change our interpretation of the Gospel.

The Vatican surprised even NASA and is preparing to present aliens to the whole world. The Vatican has a project called "Lucifer" and in the near future is going to present demons to humanity in the form of aliens, and the Antichrist in the form of a Savior. The Vatican has the most powerful telescope in the world, built into it an infrared camera, also called "Lucifer". Through it, the papists saw aliens - demons.
Denunciation of the satanic project of the Vatican

The Vatican is preparing humanity for contact with aliens

Video in German about the telescope (no translation)

  • Destroys all traditions and foundations in religious, moral, political and secular life.

  • Preparing a single religion - the religion of Antichrist.

  • He actively preaches and propagates a "new world order" - the order of the Antichrist.

  • Freemasons and all the children of the devil in all states receive him with great honors.

  • Rapes, kills children and dismembers them into pieces.

  • He sits in front of the image of the beast, opposite the Pergamon altar.

  • He speaks falsely and deceitfully, proudly and blasphemously, like Satan.

  • He says that the implantation of microchips into the human body is a blessing from God.

  • He seduces and tries on people not by human efforts and arguments, but by the spirit of flattery.

  • Recognizes the existence of aliens (demons) who must fly to earth and become saviors.

  • Such a combination of hidden evil, under the guise of a "clergyman", Christian phraseology, tolerance, liberalism, and for someone just a clown, humanity did not know.

    Such a combination of satanic evil was not revealed in any person.

    “Satan himself takes the form of an angel of light, and therefore it is not a great thing if his servants also take the form of servants of truth; but their end will be according to their works” (2 Cor. 11:14-15)

    Orthodox, remember the words of Elder Paisius about the pope, that the forerunner of the Antichrist will be precisely the pope!

    “The pope will also help a lot, because all the children of the devil will be considered his (i.e., dad) and he will tell them to follow the Antichrist. Therefore, Saint Cosmas said: "Curse the pope, because he will be the cause." The saint meant the pope of that particular time, who would help the installation of the Antichrist.

    Today, the Orthodox flock is being offered acceptance and rapprochement precisely with the "Catholics", because many believe that the "Catholics" are the same Christians. But the true, hidden goal of unification with the Vatican is the destruction of the Orthodox Church and its submission to the Antichrist. Don't go to the papists and don't accept them! Do not believe the false speeches of ecumenists, but recognize them by their deeds!

    Coming into contact with the mystery of lawlessness, it must be borne in mind that we are dealing not just with human sinful acts, but with the evil that comes from the underworld, therefore, in order not to be damaged, we must not delve into the depths of Satan, indulge in empty curiosity and look, listen and listen to evil their words and deeds.

    “Be vigilant and pray that you do not fall into temptation: the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Mark 14:38)

    “And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet, who worked miracles before him, with which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image: both were thrown alive into the lake of fire, burning with brimstone” (Rev. 19:20-21)

    Of all the false prophets I have seen, the Pope has the most powerful influence on the planet. And it is not surprising that many on the Internet are already sure that the Pope is the false prophet of the Antichrist from the book of revelation.

    He has access to a speech at the UN (at the end of the video about a speech at the UN in September 2015, the Pope called for protecting humanity from itself - YouTube), which allows him to essentially speak to the entire world community and be broadcast in fact on almost all channels in the world .

    The Pope has accounts in all the most famous social networks and for sure he will register even more of them.

    Pagan symbols filled the Vatican. The Vatican encourages sadomia and protects its priests involved in pedophilia with children and tries to hush it up in every possible way and not give it a go.

    The Vatican is actively preparing the way for the Antichrist, it's no secret that if you look at the world inter-religious ecumenism that the Vatican, headed by the Pope, is engaged in, then everything will become clear in the palm of your hand, they are creating one world religion of the Antichrist, the Church of the Antichrist, headed by the Vatican.

    The Bible warns that in the last times sound doctrine will not be accepted, in one of his statements in 2014, the Pope announced the imminent arrival of aliens (UFOs) on earth, and that he said this would change our attitude and cause a revision of the doctrine.

    The UN prepares humanity for a meeting with aliens (demons / demons from the book of revelation)

    Catholic Telescope Lucifer. (in America, in Arizona)

    A short video of a conversation on this topic. (The Vatican is preparing a great seduction/deception of humanity)

    at the beginning of the video, someone correctly inserted pieces of the video from the series V (Visitors - there are a lot of parallels about aliens, but there is also a lot of fiction in the series)

    The Vatican has a different bible, since it has ancient distortions - these are Alexandrian texts (a city where there were many philosophers), and not Antioch, where the apostles preached and the sacred assembly was distributed. (Acts 11;26- "For a whole year they gathered in the assembly and taught a considerable number of people, and the disciples in Antioch for the first time began to be called Christians")

    25. And against the Most High he will speak words and oppress the saints of the Most High;even dreams of abolishing their holidays and the law and they shall be delivered into his hand until a time and times and half a time.

    (Daniel 7:25)

    I do not deny that the aliens are something like demons and demons to be precise, but this world deception will also happen at the end of time, but this is only part of the truth showing that the Vatican is in evil with the Pope of Rome is a great evil. The Vatican is an evil system that hides behind Christian symbols and the mask of Christianity, although it has nothing in common.

    The Vatican is quietly playing Latin, deceiving people into worshiping Lucifer/Devil - The VATICAN is an occult organization. record of the Catholic Mass.

    9. Hell has been set in motion for you, to meet you at your entrance; awakened for you the Rephaim, all the leaders of the earth; lifted up all the kings of the Gentiles from their thrones.

    10. All of them will say to you: and you have become powerless, like us! and you became like us!

    11. Your pride is cast into hell with all your noise; a worm lies under you, and the worms are your cover.

    12. How did you fall from the sky, Lucifer, son of the dawn! crushed on the ground, trampling the nations.

    13. And he said in his heart: “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mountain in the assembly of the gods, on the edge of the north;

    14. I will ascend into the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.”

    15. But you are thrown into hell, into the depths of the underworld.

    (Isaiah 14:9-15)

    This year, September 2015, the visit of the Pope to the United States took place, this is the very first visit of the Pope to the United States in history.

    Many who have come out of the occult say that occult rituals are held in the Vatican.

    Former Freemason about the Vatican and Aliens (UFOs) - briefly.

    (Vatican is) - 2000 years of evil, doing magic, summoning demons...) from 54 seconds.

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