Home Garden on the windowsill Polytechnic school france. Work in the learning process

Polytechnic school france. Work in the learning process

All 419 higher education institutions that currently exist in the Republic of Korea form a kind of "hierarchical pyramid", the position of the university in which should be taken into account when submitting documents. Of course, they are all controlled by the Ministry of Education and have their own plans and developments in teaching, but nevertheless, let's be frank: you should always choose the best. In the Republic of Korea, it is not so much the higher education itself that is valued, but the place where you received this education. When choosing a university in Korea, this feature should always be kept in mind. A diploma from a “good” university will help its owner when looking for a job, then moving up the career ladder, and sometimes even when getting married or marrying, because every parent chooses the best match for their child, and in South Korea, the opinion of parents still plays into this issue a big role.

What higher education institutions can be called the best? Let's stop there.

Officially, there are five types of universities in the country: universities, colleges, pedagogical institutes, full-time and correspondence universities. There are also educational institutions with a pronounced military or religious orientation, they stand apart. Interestingly, the vast majority of Korean universities are private, and only 24 are state-owned.

There are three "star" universities (Seoul National University, Korea University, Yonsei University), and they are all located in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. They are called SKY for short, and getting into one of them is like being in seventh heaven.

The top of the "pyramid" is, of course, Seoul State University(Seoul NationalUniversity), which is also sometimes abbreviated to SNU, after the first letters of the name. Founded in 1946, Seoul University became the first institution of higher education in the entire Korean Peninsula! Since then, he has been at the forefront. For example, according to statistics proposed by QS World University Rankings, Seoul University in 2011 ranked 7th among all educational institutions in Asia and 42nd among 700 world universities. Its campus is almost a whole city, which is easier to get from one end to the other on a special bus, and not on foot. All cases are new; in particular, additional dormitories were completed in 2011 - and now 3,500 students can live on campus, one of which can be you. It is also worth adding that at one time many famous Korean scientists, artists, writers and poets, athletes, actors and actresses, prominent businessmen (for example, the heads of Samsung or LG companies), politicians (Seoul University graduated, for example, from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon or the seventh President of the Republic of Korea, Kim Yong-sam).

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Another "star" university SKY - Korea University(Korea University). This is a prestigious private university that grew out of a college founded in 1905. According to the already mentioned QS World UniversityRankings statistics, in 2010, Korea University ranked 191st. The most popular faculty of the university is law, because Korea University is considered the very institution of higher education that provides knowledge in this specialty to the fullest extent. And, if informally, Seoul State University is considered technical, then Korea University is more predisposed to the humanities and social sciences: jurisprudence, journalism, linguistics, philosophy, philology, and others. Of course, there are also technical faculties at the university.


The university, which is considered prestigious in South Korea, begins, as you might have guessed, with the letter Y, and in Russian its name sounds like Yonsei University(Yonsei University). This is also a private university, and, moreover, it was founded thanks to missionary activities, therefore it is tacitly considered Christian. Yonsei University was founded in 1957 from two colleges. At the moment, according to the statistics of QS World University Rankings, this university ranks 129th in the world. Yonsei is popular among those who want to improve their knowledge in the humanities, but most importantly in medicine. To study at this university, it is not necessary to be a Christian, but it is still advisable to attend the university church once a week. Famous Korean actors and actresses, directors, screenwriters, singers and singers, athletes, poets and writers, businessmen, politicians graduated from Yonsei University at different times (for example, Yonsei graduated from two Korean prime ministers - Kim Seoksu and Han Seungsu) and, of course, scientists currently working around the world.

Ecole Polytechnique (Polytechnic School (Paris) - one of the elite schools (grandes écoles, which literally means "great schools") in France, which trains highly qualified engineers. The university is called X and its students Xs, the reason for this may be a strong bias towards mathematics or the crossed cannons on the coat of arms of the university It is a product of the French Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment with a history of more than 220 years The school is famous for its 4-year bachelor's degree in engineering polytechnic in science and technology It was founded in 1794 by the mathematician Gaspard Monge during the French Revolution and became a military school academy under Napoleon I in 1804. Today, the school is still operating under the supervision of the French Ministry of Defense.

Many polytechnic graduates hold prominent positions in government, industry and research in France. School alumni include three Nobel Prize winners, three French presidents and several leaders in business and industry.
The Polytechnic program is wider than a regular study at a university in France, it most often includes disciplines not in its specialty. This emphasis on breadth rather than depth has been debated for many years, but it is a feature of the Polytechnic program. And also the university is considered one of the most difficult to enter in France.

Type of university

#1 Best French Elite School in Science and Technology.
No. 12 Best European Universities (QS World University Ranking 2014/2015)
#19 Best European Universities (Times Higher Education 2013)
No. 41 Top 200 universities (QS World University Rankings 2013)
#28 Top 100 Most International Universities in the World (Times Higher Education 2014)

Location and transport
The school is located in Palaiseau, 15 kilometers from Paris. The campus offers teaching facilities, student housing, catering services and a range of sports facilities dedicated to the 4,600 students living on campus, all within 164 hectares. The nearest railway station is Loser. A number of buses connect the campus with the city. It is close to the other scientific institutes of Saclay. Work is underway to connect the campus to a metro line direct to Paris.

Number of students
Bachelor 2000
Master's about 439, PhD about 572.

Students for whom accommodation is mandatory are provided with separate studios. Undergraduates and doctoral students must submit a residence request. Accommodation will be allocated based on available space.
Polytechnic students are housed in studios called caserts, equipped with a telephone and internet access. Living on campus means that students can actively participate in the life of the university. There are also two buildings for family students.
Undergraduates and doctoral students apply online, and then receive a decision letter from the housing allocation committee, after two months of closing applications.
Conditions for the allocation of housing:
The school tries to help its students find the best option for them. Some applicants are given priority, but housing is allocated first:
-for those who arrive in France for the first time
- for those who have a low source of funding.


  • Department of Biology
  • Chemical faculty
  • Department of Economics
  • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Faculty of Computer Science
  • Faculty of Languages ​​and Cultures
  • Faculty of Pure Mathematics
  • Faculty of Applied Mathematics
  • Faculty of Mechanics
  • Faculty of Physics

Prices and admission requirements


  • Applicants must not be over 26 years of age on January 1st in the competition year
  • Applicants must have completed 2 or 3 years of a bachelor's degree in science
  • Excellence in Mathematics is the Key to Success
  • Candidates may not be French citizens
  • Applicants cannot apply more than once
  • Applicants must meet certain physical criteria
  • Knowledge of French is not required to apply. The entire application process as well as exams can be conducted in English

Cost of education

  • 1st year of study 4.000EUR
  • 2nd year of study 12.000EUR
  • 3rd year of study 8.000EUR

Master's degree

  • Bachelor's degree in the relevant specialty
  • + same requirements as bachelors (see above)
  • The cost of training for two years is about 11.000EUR

Additional expenses

  • Renting a house costs from 200 to 435 euros per month (depending on the financial support that you can get from the French government)
  • Meals - one dish usually costs 3-5 euros, coffee 0.50 euros
  • Health insurance - French insurance 2013 euros per year
  • Liability insurance: 16 euros per year
  • Additional insurance: 99 euros per year
  • Telecommunications - From 20 to 40 euros per month with unlimited internet access
  • The cost of the uniform is 1100 euros, 360 euros hat, 220 euros sword

read 1939 times

Vera Baturina, 23 years old

Where are you studying? How did you choose your master's degree?

I am completing my master's degree at Ecole Polytechnique with a degree in Applied Mathematics. This is my second year in France. I came to such a life in a very non-trivial way, and it all started with the fact that in my second year of university I decided to start learning a second foreign language and accidentally chose French. By chance - because I was choosing between him and German, and once I met a friend who advised a good French teacher. Two years later, I also accidentally learned about the existence of the French University College and entered there for the francophone department. It is worth noting that I have always studied mathematics, and only the humanities are taught in college. So I went there with the intention of just practicing French a little, and in the end I studied there for two years, wrote a diploma in sociology and it was thanks to the college that I learned that there are numerous scholarships for foreign students in many specialties and that among technical universities the most prestigious is Ecole.

Did you win a scholarship or grant? How was this process going? What difficulties did you encounter or vice versa, everything was without problems? What advice would you give to those who want to get a scholarship?

I applied for the FMJH (Fond Mathématique de Jacques Hadamard) scholarship, which is available for international students enrolled in master's programs at several partner universities, including Ecole. Now it seems to me that the process of submitting documents is absolutely transparent, although recalling my feelings, I can say that two years ago I perceived it differently. In order to apply for a scholarship, you need to have confirmation that you have been accepted to the master's program. As a rule, there are no problems with this, because the first wave of admission to universities ends by the beginning of the application for scholarships, in early spring. So it is necessary to start collecting documents in November-December of the previous year, then it may be too late. The set of documents includes a letter of motivation, letters of recommendation from teachers and transcripts of grades from a Russian university, translated into French or English. All this is not difficult to arrange, but, as always, it is better to do everything with documents in advance, so that later you do not tear your hair out at the last moment. In general, for students who want to go to France, there is an organization Campus France at the French Embassy, ​​which seems to help find a scholarship, but I personally did not turn to them for help. For those who are engaged in humanitarian specialties, I would like to separately note the opportunity to receive a scholarship through the college. True, this is a scholarship for only one year of the master's degree, and the competition is very high.

How expensive is it to live in France, including scholarships?

My scholarship is about 800 euros per month, of which last year I gave half for a hostel, and about 60 more for transport. But even taking into account the prices in Paris, I did not feel cramped, and my friends and I regularly traveled to France and other European countries on weekends.

What are the benefits of being a student?

For all French residents under the age of 25, there are various discounts and bonuses, for example, admission to many museums is free. A student card allows you to dine in canteens for 3 euros. There are also discounts on public transport, sports and concerts. For example, you can go to the Grand Opera for 10 euros/seat.

Did you study at a Russian university? What memories?

I graduated from the Moscow State University and the memories were very pleasant. In fact, I miss the student life that was in Moscow, largely because we had a wonderful group, we had fun and rested and studied.

Where do you live now? Are you renting or in a hostel? How are the conditions?

I live in Cité Universitaire, which is a large student city in the south of Paris in a very pleasant area next to a park. The level of comfort compared to Russian dormitories is pleasantly amazing - the rooms are mostly new, they are cleaned once a week. But you also have to pay more for it. As I wrote above, a room costs about 400 euros per month. There are other student hostels, for example, CROUS. Rooms there cost twice as much, but you have to clean yourself.

Can you tell us about the atmosphere and traditions of your university?

Since I live in Paris and École is out of town (Lozère station, RER southbound), I didn't participate much in campus life. But I watched what fun holidays and concerts students hold. Another interesting event is the annual elections to the student committee, which has a lot of influence. Several competing parties run veritable campaigns throughout the week, attracting outside investment. Last year, for example, one of the parties installed a wind tunnel in which anyone could fly. In addition, Ecole is still a military school, so you can see beautiful military uniforms and student parades on the Champs Elysees on July 14th. True, master students do not have such responsibilities. Maybe fortunately.

What are you working on now?

Right now I am doing an internship at GDF SUEZ, where I am working on an algorithm for optimizing the production of electricity at hydroelectric power plants. This is a big task that requires both mathematical and programming skills.

What is your coolest professor?

There are many very strong teachers in Ekol. Perhaps, I remember Nizar Touzi the most, who led our stochastic calculations. At his lectures, it was clear how enthusiastic he was - he came with a presentation, and as a result, he covered the entire board, at the same time explaining what it all means.

What does the learning process look like? Describe your typical school day.

The first and second year of the master's degree are very different from each other. In the first year, I went every day for couples to Ecole. In addition to three subjects per semester in applied mathematics, it was also necessary to pass a term paper, a foreign language and one humanitarian subject. Classes, as in Russia, are divided into lectures and seminars, and usually the grade in one subject is made up of attendance, grade for the exam and grade for some small project. The term paper here is rather a semester work and is done in binomial. At the end of the semester, she must be defended with her partner / partner in front of a small commission. I really liked such a large number of applied tasks, because it does not allow you to relax during the semester and gives a really good understanding of the subjects being studied.

The second year I spent mainly at the Faculty of Jussieu in Paris - this is part of the Sorbonne, the so-called Paris VI. There, classes were exclusively lectures and there were much fewer of them. I would say that this program was more aimed at students who later want to do pure science.

What is the most important knowledge or skill you gained in the process of studying?

I can't say that I got fundamentally new knowledge in my specialty, which I could not get in Russia. Of the significant differences, I can note a more even pace of work throughout the semester and an increased emphasis on teamwork and presentation skills, which were not at MSU.

Are you planning to return to Russia? Where will you work when you graduate?

Not yet. I'm going to do a PhD in an enterprise - here it's called thèse CIFRE, which is some kind of mixture of scientific and applied activities. For three years, work has been going on at the enterprise on some new task, the results of which are then formalized in the form of a candidate's thesis and defended before the commission. I have not yet decided on the place, but most likely it will be somehow connected with energy.

The Polytechnic School is a world-famous educational institution specializing in the training of engineers. It is located in France and is considered one of the most prestigious places of study in the world. According to THE 2013, the university ranks 62nd out of the 500 best universities in the world.

In France, the school is very popular and is considered a symbol of Cartesianism. She has produced a fairly large number of well-known scientists and engineers. Two of its graduates at different periods even became presidents of France.

Language Requirements

Almost all subjects are taught in French. Foreigners have a wonderful opportunity to learn French for free in special courses. This will help you adjust to life in France. Some training programs are delivered in English.


Since a large number of foreign students are educated at the school, it is impossible to provide a hostel for everyone. But each applicant is offered assistance in finding an apartment or room to stay for the duration of the study. As a rule, the price of renting a room is 400 euros. If desired, students can use the housing provided by the public organization CROUS. The cost of renting a living space from CROUS costs half as much - only 200 euros per month.

The specifics of training

Graduates of the school become holders of bachelor's degrees. If desired, after receiving a bachelor's degree, students can continue their studies at the magistracy. Students can take part in research activities, work in the laboratory of the Ecole Polytechnic school.

Advantages of the polytechnic school:

  1. Providing assistance in finding housing.
  2. Opportunity to conduct own laboratory experiments using the equipment and resources of this educational institution.
  3. Free learning French.
  4. The location of the school is near the center of Paris.
  5. Convenient transportation.

Services and opportunities for students

By choosing Ecole Polytechnique, students will be able not only to receive a quality education that will build their career in the future, but also get the opportunity to visit museums, theaters and galleries as part of the entertainment programs organized by the university. On the territory adjacent to the school, there are a lot of restaurants, cafes, canteens.

In addition, the Ecole Polytechnic structure includes:

  • gym;
  • swimming pool;
  • health Center;
  • theatre;
  • library.

The Polytechnic School aims not only to provide students with a full range of knowledge within the framework of their chosen study programs, but also to help them abstract from the educational process in their free time and spend time with benefit. The school is located on 164 hectares of land, of which almost 120 hectares are occupied by parks, lawns and gardens.

Work in the learning process

The Institute takes into account all the interests and needs of students and, if necessary, provides them with work. As a rule, such work will relate to the specialty in which students are studying. In addition, the university provides an opportunity for senior students to get interns in various laboratory centers.

The university is engaged in the employment of each student not only for the period of study, but also after receiving a diploma.

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