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If in family life, or rather in its intimate part, a discord happened, then we will tell you what to do so that the wife wants her husband, the conspiracy alone will help in this. We will describe a magical ritual that can awaken a wife's feelings for her husband and unbridled passion. We will also talk about a conspiracy that will help to ensure that the husband, if necessary, awakens passion for his wife.

Why does a couple's sexual desire for each other fade away?

  • Not all couples manage to maintain passion and sexual desire for many years. Over time, and this happens due to many factors.
  • The reasons for the cooling of passion is that, for example, a woman ceases to take care of herself, and her husband often sees her with dirty hair, in unsightly, baggy clothes and with bags under her eyes. It must be remembered that a man is first and foremost loves with eyes so you should always try to look good. You need to think through your image to the smallest detail in order to feel like a self-confident woman. It also turns men on.
  • Passion can also fade because a woman herself expresses a desire work with husband sex, even insists on it. After all, men are hunters by nature and remain hunters even after marriage. We must always try to be a little inaccessible, even for her husband.
  • Reproaches and endless demands from both men and women can lead to a cooling of feelings. We need to give each other more freedom and trust our life partner 100%.

Conspiracy to make a wife want a husband

“Flowers, flowers, you dear friends, arouse interest in my wife for me. May she desire me again. Let her eyes burn with fire, and she will be happy with me for many, many more years. How beautiful this bouquet is, so let me be beautiful and fragrant for my wife. As she looks at these flowers with admiration, so let her look at me. Forever and ever, so be it!”

  • As soon as the wife wakes up, the bouquet must be handed to her immediately. The husband should pamper his wife with flowers more often, and every time this conspiracy must be whispered to them. Then in the family sex will happen much more often.

Conspiracy to make a husband want a wife

  • If a woman wants to become the most desirable for her husband, then she needs to whisper magical words over red wine.
  • It is necessary to make a conspiracy in the morning, as in the first case.
  • Wine must be of good quality. You can read the words, both for a glass of wine, and for a whole bottle. On the evening of this day, it will be necessary to give this wine to my husband to drink. At the same time, you can keep him company and drink a bottle of charmed wine with him.
  • At the same time, put not just a bottle of wine on the table, but prepare a beautiful and delicious dinner. This will only strengthen the effect of the conspiracy.
  • The words of the conspiracy are:

    “Help me mother moon, make me in the eyes of my husband the most beautiful and desirable woman on earth. Wake up a stormy desire in him, and let, when you look at me, a hot passion attacks him. Forever and ever, amen!”

  • Arrange at least 2-3 times a month such dinners with charmed wine, and you will no longer have to complain about the lack of sex.

Now you know what to do so that the wife wants her husband, a conspiracy that helps you in this, we have provided you.

Difficulties in relationships

How to make a wife respect her husband

Do you think your wife does not respect you?

You are not alone… would you like to get some of your respect back?

Of course, you will get it, but it will take some effort on your part, but it's worth it.

How to go from disdain to respect

The point is this. If you say that your wife does not respect you, then there are things that you are doing wrong in marriage. But even worse, you think you are doing everything right.

Most specialists will give you the old line of solving the problem: more attention to your wife, show feelings and care, give gifts. But these are all the tricks of female psychologists and the situation needs to be corrected in a different direction.

Your wife does not respect you because you are not the kind of man that women respect

Ouch! It might hurt a little.

1) Stop fighting (it won't help anyway)

2) Analyze what is wrong in your marriage.

3) Start working on what you can change (and you can only change 50% of your relationship)

4) Stop thinking about divorce. Give yourself time in the region of 9 months or a year. And try to fix the situation.

And so this is a good start for a marriage that has problems. It's not easy, but you've started on the right path.

As soon as you put your marriage on the right track, you can observe increased wife grumbling and signs of her disrespect for you, loss of attraction. But soon she will fall in love with you again! You will acquire the status of "King", you will take control of your marriage, and you will keep your wife under control.

A wife will only respect a man who respects himself. This is the main mistake of many men. No need to run after your girl. Do 5 things that will help you become more desirable and become "the king of the situation."

It doesn't matter what anyone says: at a certain age, it's hard to keep fit. Start taking care of yourself, go on a diet. If you don't want it for health, then do it for sex appeal.

It's simple, many girls don't like men who run after them. Like puppies begging for a bone. Women love those who make them feel special. And not at all those who require their attention 24 hours a day.

They don't like those who talk about love on the first date. They are attracted to hunters who slowly set the trap.

Simply put, make sure that the girl knows that you play in the big leagues. She must understand that she is not the only one who wants to be with you.

This is perhaps the most important piece of advice. If you want her to want to be with you even more, love yourself. This is not arrogance. Be the master of the situation. Do what you want.

If you have problems with this, don't worry. Everything in our world requires practice. So keep it up.

When you first started dating her, you acted gallantly. But then, they began to allow themselves what is too similar to family life. Make yourself look like a successful and gallant man, even if it is still difficult for you.

If you want to be desired, you must be able to please a girl. Do you know how to deliver it or do you just think you can? These are different things. There are a number of books that will help you with this.

Dear readers! We will be very grateful if you share with us your life experience or comments related to this topic.

This will help:

How to build relationships: the complete guide

Type:Electronic book

Price: Paid version

Imagine that you wake up early in the morning and your woman has already prepared breakfast for you. Joy is visible in her eyes, she is happy that she lives with the best man in the world. She is ready to listen to all your stories, she is ready to support you in any situation. She knows that a man needs to relax, she is ready to give you her tenderness and love. This is how your relationship can be if you are strong. We can teach you!

Short description

Every relationship sooner or later comes to a standstill, when only one option is visible - to leave. And it depends only on the competent actions of a man whether he can save the relationship, or whether he will have to let go of his woman. The problem of many men is that they do not know how to behave in order for a woman to be pleased with them. And in this book, we will teach men how to behave so that relationships never deteriorate.

No less difficult is the situation when a woman has completely lost respect for her man. No understanding, no sympathy, no sex and affection. Only some reproaches and claims that she contacted a loser who is worth nothing.

Many may think that all women behave this way. That such behavior cannot be avoided after being married for 5-10 years, but this is not so! It all depends on the position of a man: how he will put himself in a relationship and how he will behave with a woman.
If a man can show his strength, a woman will begin to respect, appreciate and love him. And this is the main path to a stable and happy relationship. And this can be achieved by every man, regardless of his appearance, income level and physical form.

If you want to learn the techniques that will help you take a leadership position in a relationship that will return your wife's respect to you - you need this book. She will help you!

How it works?

The problem for many men is that, under the influence of modern culture, the feminist movement and propaganda from the media, they have a false idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe true values ​​\u200b\u200bof relationships. In our book, we help men understand that they need to do something completely different from what is “accepted” in society in order to win the favor of their woman. Everything is simple and effective!

Advisor to Laymen.ru

The largest male psychological portal, which operates with the aim of supporting and mutual assistance to men. You can always get competent advice, a good guide and live support from us.

When a wife emotionally withdraws and devotes less time to her husband, he begins to think about how to make his wife fall in love again. Again, it is quite possible to achieve the location of a woman, if it has not yet come to a divorce. If the wife left and decided that she wants a divorce, it is unlikely that you will be able to fall in love with her again. Therefore, do not bring your relationship with a woman to the point that she would like to see you the last thing in the world.

What do women value in men?

In order to understand what steps to take, a man should first study a little female psychology and understand what women want. In a relationship, the fair sex feel loved when a man solves her problems, shows signs of attention and shows by her actions that she is the one and only for him.

Her problems are your problems

Solving a woman's problems means doing what she asks you to do, and the sooner the better. And the most pleasant thing for a woman is when a man himself offers his help and really does what he promised. Thus, he immediately earns a lot of points in her eyes. Men do not know that the worst thing for a woman is to be left alone with her problems, to feel lonely and understand that she has no one to rely on.

Signs of attention

Signs of attention: compliments, the phrase "I love you", flowers, communication, going to the movies, cafes for walks. In other words, romance. A woman actually reveals herself precisely at those moments when a man is courting her. Forget that you have known your wife for many years, her reactions and remember what she likes. Make pleasant surprises, meet after work, bring breakfast in bed.

Remember many pleasant little things, many pleasant little things are more effective than something big, but one. For example, if you give one rose, one chocolate bar during the day, cook dinner, invite you to the cinema, it will give you more points than a huge bouquet of 101 roses presented in the morning.

Do not forget to repeat that she is the only one, emphasize her virtues, say that, since few people can do it, that you are proud of her and believe that she will succeed. Women really need men's support and protection.


Everyone knows how much women love to communicate. Men rarely withstand a flurry of words and emotions of a woman. However, few men know that if he sits down and calmly listens to his wife, he will simply grow in her eyes and earn respect.

All that is needed on the part of a man is to ask questions, mainly about the feelings of a woman: what worries her, what she wants, what she plans to do, etc. At the same time, the most important thing is not to give advice and not take personally everything that she says. Remember, it is important for her to speak out, and in the process of her monologue, a woman feels an emerging emotional connection between her and a man, which indicates that she is not indifferent to him.

Community of interest

Talking about topics that interest both of you will certainly strengthen the relationship. Remember what your wife likes, and find something interesting in it for yourself. Go with her to pair dance classes, a training or a seminar. Women like to do things with men.

Make joint plans for the future, share your dreams and innermost desires with each other. Create your own separate world with your soul mate, which is inaccessible to anyone else. Ask your wife more questions not only about how the day went, but also about what she wants, how she sees your family life in an ideal way, what goals in life are in the first place for her. Women love it when they are asked questions about themselves, because during her story she gets to know herself.

Use all the above tips and devote more time to your beloved, then she will feel loved and reciprocate.

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The Internet is filled with arguments on the topic “How to ensure that a husband loves all his life”, but here are similar tips for men

“so that the wife loves all her life” in relation to wives is practically non-existent.

Meanwhile, it would be useful for many men to learn how to change the attitude of their beloved woman towards themselves for the better and make her love you all her life.

star from the sky

Believe me, for this you don’t need to move mountains or get a star from the sky, you just need to love your soulmate and do everything to make her feel good with you.

5 tips for men to make their wife love all her life
given in this article will help you achieve what you want.

Many married women have heard that after the wedding, love ardor fades away, the “candy-bouquet” period irrevocably leaves and boredom and routine settle in the relationship of two people.

It is boring monotonous leisure that leads to conflicts in the family. , and also to the fact that the wife begins to look for entertainment "on the side."
But this is so easy to avoid if you periodically bring a breath of fresh air into the relationship.

Moreover, it can be like joint trips to the cinema or restaurants, travel, unexpected offers and gifts to your loved ones. Even a cooked breakfast in bed can cheer up your lady in an unusual way.

Problem solving

In any family, a man must remain a man, which means that he is simply obliged to think about how to provide for his family financially and how to solve problems that arise. If a woman follows her husband like a stone wall, she will not stop loving such a man.

It doesn't matter how successful you are in business and how broad in the shoulders, the main thing is that the beloved feels that it is you who take responsibility for the family, and do not shift it onto the fragile shoulders of your wife.

joint business

No couple can live a lifetime together without common interests. And it doesn’t matter what exactly binds two people together: a passion for travel, a love of movies, computer games, or a common business.

A man who wants to achieve reciprocity from his beloved, simply obliged to think about common interests with his wife. At the same time, do not forget - the main such interest, of course, will be common children.


Whatever you say, without the intimate component of a harmonious union it will never work. Moreover, in order to conquer your beloved and forever bind her to yourself, you do not need to be a hero-lover at all.

It is important to be attentive to your woman, captivate her with a game, fight with a bitch in bed in all ways suitable for two lovers, and then you will become for her the only one with whom she would like to live this life.

love your wife

The last tip is the most banal, but at the same time the most effective. You just need to love your wife!

It is this inspiring feeling that prompts men to carry their wives in their arms. , appreciate them, be proud and constantly extol your own! Women are very sensitive creatures and any of them subtly feels the attitude of a man towards her, which means that a woman will respond to your love with no less strong love.

Pavel (34 years):

Frankly, not everything in our family went smoothly. . Everything was like everyone else - an acquaintance, a wedding and a life together, which after a couple of years became so mundane that I just wanted to howl like a wolf. Once I heard a phrase that love lives for three years. It seems to me that ours did not last even a year and a half.

We were just bored together and therefore, having come from work, in the evenings everyone went about their own business, she read books or chatted with her friends, and I just went to my friends, in whom I found an outlet.
And even the born son did not change our relationship much.

On the contrary, Anya devoted herself completely to her son, I just stopped paying attention. Our communication was limited only to talking about what the child needs and where to get money.

As a result, I got another girl. I didn’t fall in love with her, I just wanted variety, I was tired of such a dull life. Meetings were infrequent, but it so happened that my wife found out about my adventures. She packed her things, took the child and went to her parents in another city. It would seem that this is what I was looking for. Freedom - live as you please!

True, after living like this for a month, I suddenly realized how much I miss Anyuta and my son. I wanted to do everything so that we could become families again. Apparently, the parting had such an effect on me, but from that moment I decided that I would definitely return my wife and become an ideal husband for her,
from which she will never leave!

It took half a year to prove to Anyuta that I had changed and really loved her. I stopped disappearing with friends, learned to cook, and the most amazing thing is that it began to give me pleasure! And you should have seen Anyuta's rounded eyes,
when I made her lasagna for dinner myself.

Even now, seven years after these events, I try to please my beloved as often as possible. and not necessarily cash gifts. Together we set a goal and saved up for a car, thanks to which we now travel often. I love my wife, and she feels it, telling me that wives don't leave such husbands!

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    At a meeting of classmates, a married man pestered me with the question: “So tell me, since you are a specialist in sex, how to make sure that I have sex with my wife more often?” To my clarifications about life with his wife, in general, he replied that he had been married for more than 10 years and his family life completely satisfied him.

    I got off with general phrases, realizing that a man does not see the picture as a whole, but expects a magic pill from me, an instant solution on this issue. Like, there are secret phrases that affect women, or special gifts, a romantic evening by candlelight, perfumes with aphrodisiacs, or special days when a woman herself attacks a man, etc.

    But there are no magic pills. Even if you are going to buy erotic panties.

    Imagine that two friends decide to rent an apartment and share the rent. That is, it is quite pleasant for them to communicate with each other and it is economically profitable to live together.

    Now imagine that these two people are of different sexes and from time to time can experience sexual attraction to each other, with mutual desire they have sex, in the absence of desire, each satisfies the need for bodily feeling with another partner.

    And there are no problems. Everything is simple and comfortable. BUT! If these people call their attraction Love and put a stamp in their passport, then everything will immediately become very complicated for them.

    Now, for some reason, a man must take on all the material support, and a woman must give out sex on demand for this. And if she doesn’t, then it’s unpleasant and you need to force her somehow. But it's pointless.

    That is, the first thing you need to tell yourself is that feelings are one thing, and economic agreements are another.

    In essence, marriage is an agreement between two people to share a household.

    If a woman is not interested in sex, you will not be able to ignite her, and you need to look elsewhere for sexual satisfaction.

    If a woman loves sex, and you always felt some harmony in sex (you didn’t have to beg anyone, you always had sex with mutual pleasure, in a rhythm that was comfortable for both), then you can “prolong” feelings with some inner journey beyond the usual in sex.

    In any case, both should be interested in this. Some couples go to sexual training: together or in turn, they are fond of all kinds of tantric practices, visit saunas, try swinging, toys, etc.

    But still, according to my observations, if the sexual desire has declined in a couple, it is impossible to revive it. But it is quite possible to remain friends and continue to run a common household, and share sexual feelings with another person.


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