Home Grape Grandmother of a three-year-old girl who died of dehydration: “I can neither understand nor forgive. A 3-year-old girl begged before her death not to take her to the garden A 3-year-old girl died of starvation

Grandmother of a three-year-old girl who died of dehydration: “I can neither understand nor forgive. A 3-year-old girl begged before her death not to take her to the garden A 3-year-old girl died of starvation

The mother of the girl Maria K. is only 21 years old. She raised the child alone and, according to neighbors, periodically disappeared for several days, writes KP. The girl was left unattended. And now it turned into a tragedy - the baby was found dead. According to preliminary data, she died of dehydration while her mother was on another "spree" for about a week. A version with poisoning is also being considered: the girl could have eaten washing powder from hunger.

When the girl was one and a half or two years old, her grandmother left them. Elena has changed since then, they stopped walking in the yard with other children. Elena sometimes disappeared for a day, or even several, left the girl alone

And if the mother was not interested in the child, then, apparently, she tried with all her might to arrange her personal life. In social networks, she had the status "In love", and among the subscriptions there were a dozen publics with erotic content and vulgar pictures.

According to friends, Maria was cheerful, sociable and kind, the Bad News group writes. But sometimes her sociability led to the fact that she behaved very accessible with the opposite sex. On the page of the girl you can see photos with a frank neckline and chic bouquets.

While her mother was having fun with her friends, the girl called for help as best she could: she cried, and once even began to throw toys out of the window to attract attention. But this time no one came to help. Now investigators are investigating the circumstances of the death of the child, a criminal case has been opened under the article "Murder". The mother of the deceased girl has already been detained.

DUSHANBE, July 27 - Sputnik. Last Sunday, July 22, a tragedy shook the city of Serpukhov near Moscow. The mother and father, both natives of Tajikistan, turned to the police with a statement about the disappearance of their five-year-old daughter Khuvayda (abbreviated as Vaida) Tillozoda.

The child disappeared from the playground, and the next day the girl's body was found in a sports bag.

What happened on July 22 in Serpukhov

At about 4-5 pm, Vaida was playing on the playground near the house. She suddenly disappeared when her father was away for a short time shopping at the store.

The girl immediately began to look for police officers and cynologists with dogs. Volunteers of the Liza Alert search and rescue team also joined the search, spreading photos of the Tajik girl on social networks.

A few hours later, the next day, Vaida's body was found in a sports bag near the railway.

In hot pursuit, they managed to detain the alleged killer of the girl. It turned out to be a neighbor of the Tillozoda family, 28-year-old Alexander Semin.

Investigation into the murder of a five-year-old Tajik girl Vaida

After the initial examination, it was established that the attacker brutally abused Vaida, after which he killed her, says Anna Levchenko, a public assistant to the Senator of the Federation Council Elena Mizulina, leader of the "Surrender a Pedophile" movement.

"The cause of death was suffocation, the girl suffocated. He put a gag in her mouth, stabbed her in the abdomen and tried to choke her," Levchenko told Sputnik Tajikistan.

Law enforcement officers immediately began to study the recordings of outdoor surveillance cameras throughout the area. One of them recorded how a man with a large sports bag walked towards the railway, and returned without it.

The operatives left for detention just in time to catch Semin destroying traces of the crime in his own apartment.

The detainee said that he just decided to wash his clothes, and the abrasions on his knees and elbows were from working in the garden. This explanation did not suit the police, and during the second search, a soft toy and the girl's sandals were found.

Biomaterials were immediately taken from Semin, proving 100% involvement in the crime. As a preventive measure, detention was chosen, and the case was transferred to the regional Investigative Committee. After that, Semin was arrested for 2 months.

By the way, he has the status of a suspect only de jure. He calls Khuvayda's death an accident, they say, he just wanted to take the girl to the forest and did not assume that she would suffocate.

A stab in the stomach strongly contradicts this version. However, even such a dubious legal justification requires confirmation. But no one has any doubts that Semin is a rapist and a pedophile.

And now he is clearly facing charges under at least two articles of the criminal code of Russia: "Murder" and "Forcible acts of a sexual nature committed against a minor."

Russian law enforcement practice suggests that this is a life sentence without any extenuating circumstances.

The results of the examination are expected, according to the results of which it should be established whether the suspect was sane at the time of the crime.

According to Olga Vradiy, senior assistant to the head of the department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Moscow Region, the motive for the crime was precisely the young age of the deceased, and not nationality or some other factors.

What is known about the alleged killer of a Tajik girl

Olga Vradiy, senior assistant to the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Moscow Region, said that investigators are checking the suspect's involvement in similar crimes, as there is information that Semin had molested children before.

However, then the case was limited to only an educational conversation and a warning. Why the local police department did not respond to the parents' complaints remains to be seen, but so far four police generals have been fired in Serpukhov who "missed" the statement about the pedophile.

A recent example: in April 2018, the Khabarovsk Regional Court sentenced a 35-year-old man who was found guilty of raping his underage sisters and killing one of them.

The court, with the participation of a jury, found the man guilty and not deserving of leniency and sentenced him to life imprisonment in a special regime colony.

It is unlikely that Semin wants to spend the rest of his life on the bunk, and even with the stigma of "pedophile", and therefore, according to Anna Levchenko, he can try to feign insanity.

“The worst thing that can happen is if he is declared insane. Then he will not be convicted, but only sent for compulsory treatment. A prison-type hospital, of course, is also no good, but sooner or later he will be able to get out,” notes a public figure.

According to him, Semin is already behaving like an insane person: in the isolation ward, he stripped naked, rushed at a cellmate, and pretended to have a seizure.

However, this will not help Semin much, Levchenko believes. A lawyer from the parents of the deceased girl will insist on an independent examination at the V.P. Serbsky, whose experts can easily identify a simulator. And given the resonance of the case, the defense in the examination will not be denied.

What is known about the family of the deceased Vaida Tillozoda

The Tillozoda family moved from Kulyab, Khatlon region of Tajikistan, to Russia 10 years ago. Parents Nigina and Abdusalom Saidov raised four children - the eldest 12-year-old daughter of his wife from his first marriage, 5-year-old Vaida and two 10-month-old babies Idris and Farkhonda, the latter was born with cerebral palsy.

Vaida was born in Tajikistan, but she spent her entire conscious childhood in Serpukhov. The girl went to a local kindergarten, spoke Russian, but knew Tajik poorly.

My father was a laborer in Serpukhov - he worked in several places. Mother was a housewife.

The family did not live well, but they liked Russia. They dreamed of using the money they earned to buy a house in Tajikistan in their homeland and cure their youngest daughter Farkhonda from cerebral palsy, hoping for the power of Russian medicine.

"I'll be there soon" - the last phone conversation with Vaida

The girl's aunt, Bunafsha Sodikova, told Sputnik Tajikistan that shortly before the tragedy, Vaida told her on the phone: "I will come to Tajikistan soon." It is not known whether the family was going on vacation to visit relatives, or whether the girl simply said a phrase that, unfortunately, became prophetic.

“In the last conversation, she, as always, was joyful. “I will go to Tajikistan soon, I miss you,” she told me. We answered: “Come, of course, we love you and are waiting for you.” We did not know that she would soon she really will come, only not herself, but her body, ”the aunt recalls bitterly.

Vaida's body was brought to Tajikistan by plane on a Moscow-Dushanbe flight. She was buried in her native Kulyab next to the graves of her grandparents.

The tragedy had a profound effect on Huwaydo's mother. As soon as Nigina found out about the murder of her daughter, she became ill. The woman screamed, sobbed, periodically fainted.

The mother of the murdered girl is now in serious condition, her husband practically does not leave her side. That is why the telephone conversation with Bunafsha abruptly ended in mid-sentence - Nigina became ill again, and relatives ran to calm the poor woman, who was loudly mourning her daughter.

"When we asked how we could help, Vaida's aunt and father admitted that they had no money. The family is very poor, and plane tickets are expensive. They spent absolutely all the money on the flight, transporting the body and organizing the funeral, although they were helped to raise money for tickets neighbors in the yard - both Tajiks and Russians," says Levchenko.

Caring people visited Tillozoda's family in Kulyab.

“When I entered the house, I felt all the pain and unhappiness that was in it. The girl’s mother, exhausted from tears and despair, could hardly stand on her feet, her life lost its meaning, there was no life in her eyes, swollen with tears. child, he remembered what his baby Khuvayda was like - joyful, beautiful, obedient, smart beyond her years, "says Zulfiya in

“Komsomolskaya Pravda” phoned the mother of a girl who left her child alone in a closed apartment for a week [audio]

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The Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent managed to contact the grandmother of the deceased girl. A three-year-old child was dying for seven days in a closed apartment, while his mother left to have fun.


- How did all this happen ? How did you find your granddaughter?

I called the police and an ambulance, because ... - Yulia Andreevna (name and surname changed. - Ed.) Heaved a sigh. - Because I realized that something irreparable had happened. I was at work at the time. Elena (daughter. - Ed.) Called me and asked when I was finishing. My work is now restricted to travel abroad, I can’t quit everything and leave. And then she called a few more times, I realized that ... something was going wrong. I heard that she [daughter] was walking down the street, not indoors. By breathing it was clear when you walk and talk. I asked where the child was, she said: at home. “Why is the child at home and you are not at home?” She is silent. Doesn't answer anything. Silent and turns off the phone. I call her again. She told me: come and talk, come and talk. Well, what am I ... well, I twitched ... I started to go crazy. Well, and when I asked her if the child was alive, because she was not around, all sorts of terrible thoughts. She told me no.

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Grandmother of a girl who died of dehydration: I can neither understand nor forgive this!.

- So she already knew that the girl was dead?

Yes ... Yes, while I was going out of the house, I called the police and an ambulance.

There are different versions of how many days your daughter was not at home and how long the girl was at home alone. Do you know exactly when your mother left home?

The materials of the investigation have not yet been given for familiarization. This is still classified information. But so far it is assumed that at least six days. This ... I already understand that this is true, - Yulia Andreevna's voice trembles.

They wrote on social networks that Lena kicked you out of the house, you had conflicts at home, that very often people screamed at home, the girl was crying. And the neighbors got used to such noise, so they did not pay much attention to the screams in those tragic days that could have saved the girl.

Well, we didn’t have such scandals, firstly. I know the testimony of the neighbors. I was introduced to this. Neighbors say unanimously that they have not heard anything suspicious. And the fact that I did not live with them, this does not apply to quarrels. From time to time they were with us, of course. I scolded her for her attitude to life, for the fact that sometimes I came, and it was not tidied up there. Not globally ... Suppose, for some such moments scolded.

How did she feel about the girl? Did she love her? Or was it still an unwanted child, respectively, and was there such an attitude?

You know, I still constantly talked with my granddaughter, even if I didn’t live with them. We went for walks, went to all these children's holidays and to children's entertainment centers. Katya was, of course, never bruised or otherwise. With my mother, she always calmly left when I brought them home. She calmly walked towards her, there was no such thing that she did not want to see her mother. That is, you understand me, in this situation I just don’t know ... apparently, it was all a hoax. I don't know how to qualify my daughter's actions! Or treat it like the police: article 105, part two - "Murder"? Or is it all the same ... But if it was a hoax, then it was for three years. I do not know. I do not know! - Yulia Andreevna's voice trembles with every word more and more. She starts to burst into tears. - I can neither understand nor forgive. [Pause.] Why didn't I notice? I cannot assess these actions, my actions.

- We are also sitting and we cannot understand how this could happen ...

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In Kirov, a mother received congratulations on her daughter's third birthday while she was dying in a locked apartment. Such cruelty does not fit in my head: the unfortunate mother went on a week-long spree, locking her three-year-old daughter without water and food

I just understand that this is the highest class acting professionalism, if you deceive everyone to such an extent. I completely [grandmother stresses this word most of all] did not know my daughter. It turns out like this.

- Tell me, how often did your daughter leave home like that?

I found out about it only on February 20, - the woman sighs deeply. “Before that, I didn’t know anything.

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Commentary by Anna Kuznetsova about a girl who died in Kirov.

No. I did not know. And I saw neighbors during the period when I did not live with them. And they saw me very well. And they could, in such a situation ... Yes, I would just raise the whole house to my ears. Child protection. Police. If this were true. And I came and went. I greeted my neighbors - they knew me very well. They didn't tell me about it.

- How often did you call up your daughter?

We contacted both on whatsapp and called each other by phone every day. I came, of course, two or three times a week. But it could be that I will come after work - I will hand over money or food. I kept them. She didn't work.

Didn't she work?

Well, it happened sometimes in the form of a side job. Because nobody wanted to take it anywhere. Especially with a small child, without education. Yes, I worked occasionally. It was all unofficial. But this is such a way of working: here, a person works - they promise one thing, a month will pass - they will give completely different money, in the second month the situation is even worse. No one bothers to pay the money that was promised. That is, the nature of the work is a non-permanent work.

- Tell me, maybe she had a young man, she was in love? Maybe he somehow influenced this situation?

No. We didn't share that. Maybe someone was, - Yulia Andreevna sighs doomedly, - but ... I didn’t get to know them.

What about Katya's father? Why did he not take part in the life of his daughter?

This information concerns the father personally. And I don't know if he'll be ready for me to explain the situation to you. Of course, I told the police everything. I wouldn't dare to do it for a wide audience. However, this is personal information. These questions are best asked to him.

- When will Katya be buried?

At the moment, I still cannot get the body of the baby, because I do not have the most important document - the birth certificate. It is issued only to mom or dad. Since mom is in prison, dad is alive and well, this document will not be given to anyone except him. Dad will show up on Monday. The birth certificate, as I understand it, was either lost or somehow, because it was not found in the apartment. Now they don’t let me go there so that I can see the documents: the apartment is under investigation. I am not allowed to go there even in the presence of the police. Because there are still some investigative measures that will have to take place there. The apartment is sealed - they won't let me in. I can't search myself. Therefore, it means that when examining the scene of the incident, the police did not find this document. Although this was their main goal. He existed - I know it for sure. So we need to get copies or duplicates... whatever they call it. Without this, the body is not returned to the morgue. The baby is in the morgue now. Here, dad showed up: today he was found, apparently through friends. I have asked many about this. He called me and said that on Monday he promised to come. We will receive this document, and then I will decide on the funeral.



For more than two years, the girl was not taken to the obligatory appointments with doctors. Although, according to the law, children from one to three years old need medical support.

The investigation found that the girl lived with her mother in unsanitary conditions that do not ensure the safety of her life and health, the Investigative Committee of the ICR for the Kirov Region reported. - The child's medical record was confiscated, the district police officer, the patronage nurse and the inspector of the PDN were interrogated.

According to the prosecutor's office of the Kirov region, since the girl did not come to the appointments with the pediatrician of the KGBUZ "Kirov Clinical Hospital No. article "Negligence". Those found guilty face up to five years in prison.

Now the investigators and the prosecutor's office are investigating why the girl did not visit a doctor and no one was worried about it.

Recall that on February 20, in a house on Shchorsa Street, a grandmother found the body of her granddaughter. This incident caused a resonance not only among the inhabitants of Kirov, but all of Russia. Children's Ombudsman of the Russian Federation Anna Kuznetsova called this case

The girl, who died in kindergarten, recently did not want to go to the group. The little girl asked her parents to leave her at home. However, mom and dad could not sit with the child all day.

“Initially, she walked normally, but recently she said:“ I don’t want to go to kindergarten. ”She said this every morning, but today (February 16 - ed.) No. I don’t know, maybe she had a conflict with a nanny," the father of the deceased admitted.


The man noted that his daughter talked about the bad attitude of educators, reports "360". “She said:“ I don’t want to go to kindergarten, they offend them there, ”the father recalled, noting that after the girl’s complaint, he talked with the kindergarten staff, they assured that they didn’t offend children.

According to the man, his daughter was a little capricious, her parents always picked her up from kindergarten before 12:30. The man suggested that the child formed a negative opinion about the caregivers, because they could raise their voices. "The teacher yelled at the other children, and she got scared," says the father.

As the site wrote, a three-year-old pupil died in one of the capital's kindergartens. According to some reports, they forgot to pick up the child from a walk. The children went outside at 09:00, and soon returned to the group and went to have breakfast. After some time, the teacher noticed that one child was missing.

She, along with the nanny, rushed to search. The girl was found at 11:45. The child was lying on the snow behind a large snowdrift and was not breathing. The baby was taken to the group and an ambulance was called. Arriving doctors ascertained her death. The doctors found no signs of violence. On the fact of the death of a child, a criminal case was initiated, he was transferred for control to the central office of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

The body of a pregnant girl who disappeared last month has been found in a dumpster. According to the Chicago police, she was murdered and her unborn child was cut from the womb.

According to law enforcement agencies, the body of 19-year-old Marlene Ochoa-Lopez, who disappeared three weeks ago, was found yesterday, May 15, in the 4100 block on West 77th Place. Cook County medical examiners gave the cause of death as strangulation.

The girl was last seen on April 23 around 3 p.m. leaving Latino Youth High School - about 8 miles from the home where she was found. That evening she was supposed to pick up her 3-year-old child from kindergarten, but she never showed up.

According to unconfirmed sources, Clarissa Figueroa may be involved in the death of Marlene Ochoa-Lopez

On April 23 - when it became known about her disappearance - from the house where the girl's body was found, the Chicago Fire Department (CFD) received a call about a newborn. According to CFD spokesman Larry Langford, the baby was taken to the hospital along with a woman who claimed to be his mother.

According to a Chicago Sun-Times source, she told paramedics that she was injured due to " postpartum complications”, but DNA tests showed that the child belonged to Ochoa-Lopez and her husband. The child is in the hospital in serious condition”, claims the insider.

A woman who lives near the house and asked not to be named recalled seeing an ambulance on April 23. She said she noticed a neighbor standing at the front door holding a baby wrapped in a white towel or sheet.

« I asked, "What's wrong?" and she said, "I just had a baby. He's not breathing."", - said an eyewitness.

« She said "I got up and the baby came out", the neighbor said, remembering that she saw bloodstains on the woman's arms and T-shirt, but not on the shorts. - Before leaving in the ambulance, she told me several times: “Please call someone to come and close the house.”

Cecilia Garcia, a spokesman for the victim's family, told WGN that police would press charges against a 46-year-old woman whom Ochoa-Lopez met in a Facebook group. Garcia claimed that the girl went to the house of a new acquaintance for children's things.

Correspondence of Marlene Ochoa-Lopez with a possible killer

The 46-year-old later launched an online GoFundMe campaign to raise $9,000 for her child's funeral, saying the boy was ill and would die soon, according to Sarah Walker, a pastor at Lincoln United Methodist Church who helps the family of the deceased. Thanks to an anonymous report, the police conducted a DNA analysis.

Chicago Police Department spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said the four " persons of interest' are in custody. A neighbor of the woman who allegedly gave birth confirmed that the police detained her along with her daughter and their boyfriends.

According to Garcia, the Ochoa-Lopez family mourns the death of a relative and prays that her child survives.

« It hurts a lot, it hurts a lot, it hurts a lot- the girl's heartbroken husband told reporters. - It hurts to lose your wife, the woman you love more than anything.».

The missing girl, who was 9 months pregnant, was found dead. Her baby was cut out of the womb updated: August 20, 2019 by: Katerina Moskalets

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