Home Useful tips Volumetric snowflakes with sparkles. How to make snowflakes from paper. Snowflakes made from popsicle sticks

Volumetric snowflakes with sparkles. How to make snowflakes from paper. Snowflakes made from popsicle sticks

Good afternoon, today I am uploading the biggest article on in a variety of ways make a snowflake with your own hands. Today you will see snowflakes made in different techniques from cut out of paper to molded from liquid caramel. You will see beautiful craft snowflakes - woven from beads, sculpted from dough. Will many interesting MASTER CLASSES on snowflakes(glue, beads, paper). You will definitely find an idea for your homemade snow art here. Making snowflakes with your own hands is easy and pleasant at home - doable ideas for snowflake crafts with kids and smart ideas for adult creativity.
So let's see what we'll be doing today.

  • Culinary snowflakes (made from dough, made from caramel, from corn balls)
  • Snowflakes made from recycled material ( from toilet paper, from threads and glue)
  • Snowflakes in twisted Quilling technique(with elegant decor
  • Snowflakes made of plastic ( bottle bottoms and children's thermo-mosaic)
  • Snowflakes from natural material(from ice, wood)
  • Snowflakes from felt, crochet and wicker from beads.

That is, there will be a lot of interesting things. So... let's get started.

PAPER SNOWFLAKES for interior decor.
how to do it yourself.

Let's start with paper ideas for creating craft snowflakes. And this is not just cutting out of thin paper... now I will show you 3D snowflakes, using the origami technique, using the rolling-quilling technique, and cardboard roll snowflakes.


(openwork beauties and crafts made from them).

Snowflakes can be ordinary FLAT... when they are made from paper triangle roll... a pattern is cut out on it... a triangular fold is unfolded and you get an openwork snowflake and paper in which the reflection circular symmetry of the pattern.

A lot of ideas and carving patterns of openwork paper snowflakes I will describe it in a separate article (so as not to clutter this page). And then a link to it will appear here.
Because paper snowflakes can be made NOT ONLY using the LACERY CUT-OUT technique. And now you will see this for yourself.

As you can see in the photo above, paper snowflakes can not only be glued to windows (as in childhood), they can be used to decorate gift packages, postcards, trees near the porch, and ribbons hanging from curtain rods.

You can also make paper snowflakes New Year's wreaths on the wall. A wreath of just white snowflakes looks very gentle and beautiful... and it’s very good if you choose another color (red or blue) in pair with the white color.

These are the kind of delicate snowflakes that I teach you how to cut in a special article.

You can make other snowflakes from paper snowflakes silhouette displays on the wall- For example Christmas tree silhouette. And with the light hand of an unknown author, I learned the idea of ​​​​how to create snow-white figurines of ballerinas in a snowflake skirt from paper. Dancer silhouette We also cut it out of white paper... and make the central hole on the snowflake larger so that it fits.

You can also add this Christmas wreath made of paper snowflakes LED New Year's garland.

The photo below shows that this requires a wire frame - but this is optional. You can simply cut out a ring of cardboard, wrap this ring with a garland - and then use tape (with double-sided Velcro) cover a cardboard ring with openwork snowflakes from thin paper.

Snowflakes are also cut out from thicker cardboard or felt. and hang them on Christmas trees. Naturally, there is no need to fold the cardboard into a triangular wrap - we simply transfer the outline of a thin paper snowflake onto the cardboard, trace it with a pencil and cut it out. And then you can decorate a paper snowflake with a pattern.

SNOWFLAKE WITH GLUE PATTERN– to make the pattern convex and contour, you can simply take a jar of PVC glue that has a thin spout and squeeze the pattern onto the plane of the snowflake (as in the left photo below).

SNOWFLAKE WITH A PATTERN OF COTTON SWIPS. You just need to take cotton swabs and cut off the cotton tops from them (smooth them a little with the same glue) and apply them in the form of a pattern on a cardboard cutout (as in the right photo below).

VOLUME 3D-SNOWFLAKES made of paper.
(multilayer, fan and origami crafts)

Here are more ideas for multi-layered snowflakes . The principle of the craft is simple– cut out snowflakes of different sizes from thin paper. We transfer their contours onto thick cardboard - cut out silhouettes of cardboard snowflakes.

We take a piece of polystyrene foam (the one used to insulate cracks on windows is suitable; you always have leftovers of such material at home) and cut several small pieces. These plump squares we use foam plastic as spacer between cardboard layers snowflakes.

Or use our paper snow art add some ORIGAMI principles. That is cut out paper modules - bend them so that you get FIGURED RAYS and place the rays in the form of a snowflake on the round base (attaching them to the base with glue).

Or collect cardboard 3D-snowflake of two stars cut out on thick cardboard. Every star has vertical cut - between the legs. And cardboard stars put on each other This cut (see photo of the snowflake above) is very easy to do with your own hands.

Schemes and master classes for creating these snowflakes (pictured above) are in the article

You can also do snowflake crafts like a paper fan. They only look complicated, but are very simple to make. I even found a master class. Very simple.

Below I give a diagram for assembling such a voluminous paper snowflake. You can see for yourself how simple the steps are master class on assembling a fan paper snowflake. A simple craft that can be easily done at home with children.

Moreover, the edges of such a snowflake accordion can be make it curly in advance(like in the photo below).

You see, when we were drawing our accordion model, we came up with make some of the teeth on the paper accordion higher than the rest- in the form of a three-leafed peak.

Such a FAN SNOWFLAKE can be made from NOTE PAPER... and additionally decorate with Christmas tree branches, pieces of shiny tulle rags and pictures cut out from a postcard. Like in the photo below. It turns out one-piece art craft do it yourself - you can stick it on a gift bag. Or hang it from a loop on the Christmas tree...

Snowflake made from toilet paper rolls


You can also make a beautiful snowflake from toilet paper rolls. Here's how to do it yourself. Toilet paper roll squeeze it a little and cut it into rings. Every squeezed ring lay symmetrically in a circle in the shape of a snowflake.

This paper snowflake can be painted red and sprinkle nail glitter.

And pay attention to the photo below that inside the ray-rolls there are more a few smaller rolls of paper.

Toilet paper rings can be cut very thin and tie them bunch in a circle(pull the thread and pull it into a bun). You will get an aerial miracle like the one in the photo below. Paint everything with white paint and sprinkle with silver glitter.

And even if you don’t have toilet paper rolls, you can make a snowflake from ordinary white sheets of office paper(cut strips and twist them into rings of different sizes... And then from these rings collect rays of snowflakes... and then collect and glue all the rays together - and you get a paper snowflake like in the photo.

Snowflakes made of paper - using the QUILING technique.

(photos of the best options)

You can also make paper snowflakes with your own hands - USING THE QUILLING TECHNIQUE. For this you need twist FIGURED flagella from thin strips of paper.

It's easy. I simply wrap the strip around a toothpick (or a special pin for quilling), and then remove the twist (I loosen it to the size we need, smooth it, press it with my hands, giving it the desired shape... and fix the tip of the twist with glue).

Make a lot of twist modules of different shapes and assemble them quilling snowflake. You can practice making this paper snowflake craft at home with your children. Children will have fun twirling the modules and folding the snowflake pattern.

Such a paper snowflake craft can be made using the Quilling technique from colored paper. It turns out even more beautiful. Airy lines and clear spots of color. And opportunity decorate the nodal points of the pattern bright rhinestones. These are the colorful snowflake crafts we make.

A snowflake made of paper in red and white colors looks beautiful. If you are planning a party and have decided to decorate the Christmas tree in white and red colors, then such paper snowflakes will help you save on buying New Year’s decorations. They can be made in the same color scheme but different in shape and size.

Snowflake craft made from caramel.

Take caramel candies white (milk) and red (for example, barberries). We put them in different saucepans, pour water on the bottom (so that the caramel doesn’t burn) and put them on the fire. Our task melt the caramel until liquid. When the caramel becomes liquid, we will make snowflakes out of it. Take a sheet of foil for baking(smooth, not crumpled) - put it on a board. And on this metal sheet we draw snowflakes with liquid caramel - pour in a thick stream(it’s more convenient to pour from a hot saucepan with a spout). Let it cool and get caramel-glass snowflakes - such crafts can be hung on ribbons by the window and let the rays of the winter sun play with them and sparkle.

You can also simply string pieces of marmalade onto a wire and also get an interesting snowflake. Or glue a snowflake out of corn balls. Children will love this New Year's craft. This is more interesting and tastier than paper crafts.

DIY snowflakes - made from pasta and glue.

And children will also love these New Year’s pasta crafts... When we take pasta of different shapes, we put them in a snowflake pattern on paper - and then carefully one after another glue them together with barrels. This pasta snowflake can be painted with gold paint

You can also glue pasta to round pieces of cardboard or linen paper so that they have a strong base for gluing.

How to make a craft snowflake FROM DOUGH.

Here is a master class on how to make a snowflake from dough. Make cookie dough and use regular cookie cutters to press out a symmetrical circular pattern.

You can cut out a snowflake made from salt dough. Squeeze out with a foam bowl. And if you don’t have such a snowflake mold, then you can do it the artisan way - put it on the dough cardboard figure snowflakes and trace it around with a knife.


(beautiful DIY crafts)

I found several examples of New Year's crafts made of plastic with the image of snowflakes. Let us look at them now - you will probably choose a method for yourself.

Model 1 – snowflakes from the bottoms of a plastic bottle.

We take a plastic bottle of mineral water - it is made of bluish plastic - that is, it has a beautiful snowy tint. Just what we need.

Using scissors or a file, cut off the bottom. On it we draw the outlines of a fluffy snowflake with white or blue paint. And we drill a hole through which we thread a ribbon hanger. A good craft for working with children - you cut bottles (an ordinary knife works well), and the children draw a snowflake pattern.

DIY snowflakes from transparent plates.

You can also made from a thick sheet of transparent plastic cut out neat stars and decorate them in the center with a snowflake design. You can take plastic from old packing boxes with a transparent display side. Another sheet of plastic can serve transparent kitchen table mat. Or a thick stationery folder will also work. We get a beautiful New Year's craft with our own hands.

Snowflakes made from lids.

Even plastic bottle caps can serve the common cause of New Year's apartment decor. They can be glued to a piece of cardboard or plywood, and then cut along the contour. Or attach the lids to each other with glue from a glue gun.

Snowflakes-crafts from thermo-mosaic.

You can also take an ordinary children's thermo-construction set - with these bubbles - you string them on pins, making a pattern, and then bake them in the microwave or oven - and you get a whole craft item. In our case, we lay out a snowflake pattern and get an original patterned beauty made of plastic, made with our own skillful hands.

Snowflakes made from GLUE and THREAD

Three simple crafts for kids.

And in this chapter of our article I have collected THREE IDEAS on how to make a snowflake USING GLUE, where it is the glue itself that will be the main material snowflakes. Let's look at these methods - they are all simple and easy to do with your own hands in ordinary home conditions.

MASTER CLASS No. 1 – snowflake from a GLUE GUN.

The simple method is to apply a snowflake design on a sheet of polyethylene using a glue gun. We dry it and cover it with glitter.

MASTER CLASS No. 1 – a snowflake made of glue on a thread frame.

Very beautiful snowflakes, translucent and delicate. Now you will learn step by step how to make such a craft with your own hands.

STEP 1 Draw a snowflake on a sheet of paper - the snowflake pattern can be anything - but with one mandatory condition - the drawing must be FRAMED - so that there are closed cells (for what, you will now understand).

Cover the sheet with the design with thick film (or simply put this sheet inside a plastic office file).

STEP 2. And now, according to this pattern, we lay a thick thread (from any suitable yarn for knitting). To ensure that the thread fits easily into the mold, it needs to be moistened - but not in water, but in PVA GLUE. The wet thread will easily take the shape we need. And it will harden and become stale in it due to the glue drying.

STEP 3. Now (without even waiting for our thread frame to dry) we will fill the cells of the snowflake with glue. Directly pour from the tube inside- we make one like this puddle, the sides of which are thread.

And so that the glue filling is not white, but colored - it can be mixed with paint. We take a drop of gouache on a brush and mix it in our glue puddle, right in the cell of the snowflake.

We do this - with each cell - leaving empty cells between them. And carefully place our sheet dry out of the reach of children. Let it lie there for a couple of days so that everything dries thoroughly.

When the snowflake dries, it will be gone easy to separate from polyethylene and hang it by a string on a window or on a Christmas tree. But it’s better to put it on a window - since the light will beautifully penetrate through the blue adhesive cells of the rays of the craft snowflake.

Here's another good way to make a snowflake from glue and thread with your own hands.

MASTER CLASS No. 3 – snowflake made from sewing threads and glue.

We need a sheet of polyethylene - glue and white spool threads.
On a piece of paper - make a round puddle of glue— the size of the puddle should match the size of the silhouette of the future snowflake. That is, first we will cut out our sample snowflake shape made from cardboard and then we make a puddle of glue that is proportional to this snowflake silhouette.

Next, we CHAOTICALLY LAY the thread onto this puddle of glue - place it and place it as it fits - in several layers - in different directions. And we dry this whole puddle. And then, when everything is dry, we take this round thread glue plate... we apply a snowflake template to it and cut it out along the contour. We get a beautiful, elegant, hand-made snowflake craft.

DIY snowflakes


You can make a snowflake from the material that nature gave us. These could be knots from chopped tree branches.

You can make a snowflake from leftover lumber brought from the dacha.

You can make snowflakes from straw and thread - as shown in the photo below. If you look closely at the photo you can see how to do it all.

Better yet, I’ll draw and tell you step by step how to make one such snowflake. And it will become more clear.

You can also do craft snowflakes made from ICE. Take several cups and freeze ice cubes in them (pour water and put them in the cold. Take the ice cubes out of the glasses and paint a snowflake on each one and melt a hole with a hot nail. It is better to carry out the work in a cold room outside - so that the ice cubes do not melt. And then you can use them hang beautifully along the window ledge - on the back street side. Or on a tree by the gate... or under a canopy over the porch. Let them weigh and tinkle in the wind.

How to make snowflakes from felt.

I have . It’s very large, and there are a lot of ideas about what decorations you can make for your Christmas tree from bright felt.
And of course you can cut snowflakes out of it. Made from thick felt Simply cut out the contours and the snowflake will keep its shape. Made from thin felt The snowflake needs to be glued to the base.

But PETAL snowflakes - they are made very easily with your own hands. Now you will find out how...

Round piece of felt cut diagonally in circles- like pizza into pieces - we get something like flower petals. Each petal round it, sharpen it along the edge(some kind of pattern - a ribbed or a piping).
And then At the very root, we STITCH and TIGHTE each petal - that is, we press the blades of the petal to each other and sew them together with threads. We get a petal snowflake made of felt - decorate it with oval beads or long glass beads.

And here is a model of a snowflake, which at first was flat - and then it was made voluminous by carving and bending. And they decorated it with large rhinestones and a small textile decorative flower.

You can make beautiful Christmas crafts from felt snowflakes.

SNOWFLAKES made of beads.


Well, finally the turn has come to the beaded snowflakes. Very beautiful things. And most importantly, they are created very quickly - it takes a beginner 30 minutes to create such a snowflake. I checked it on myself - last week I wove this BLUE SNOWFLAKE - I wove it without a pattern based on this photo(made of gold and white beads with bronze bugles - it turned out great). First time in my life. And everything worked out. I wove not on a fishing line, but on the wire– large snowflakes should be woven exactly this way – with wire – so that the rays stay straight to the sides.

The alternation of large long beads and small grainy beads - in the SAME COLOR SAMPLE - looks beautiful. Especially beautiful are homemade snowflakes made of beads and beads, made in a snowy, dazzling white color.

The beads look beautiful their transparent crystals. It turns out to be a crystal icy snowflake - just like a real one, made with your own hands.

And here is a MASTER CLASS on weaving snowflakes from beads. In the detailed photo instructions we see every step of the lesson on assembling a snowflake from blue beads. And it immediately becomes clear that making such a snowflake with your own hands is quite simple and easy. Try it and everything will work out. You only need six large beads - the rest are ordinary beads.

And here's another master class on weaving figured snowflakes from beads of different colors. The red dots show the movement of the beads along the beads - either end-to-end passages through the previous row or new layers of bead rows and one-to-one passages through the first tier of the pattern.

And here are more diagrams... IN THE FIRST SNOWFLAKE, the rows are shown in different colors - so that the weaving sequence is clear. AND SECONDLY, you need to take a closer look and figure out for yourself what follows what.

And here are examples of snowflakes that have the SAME START OF WEAVING - that is, you see that the central part of three snowflakes is the same. We begin weaving according to the same pattern for everyone, and only then add different patterned rays as you like.

Here are examples of snowflakes in the assembly of which more people participate: and long tubes of bugles. The weaving pattern of such a snowflake-star is clear even from a photograph. But if not, write in the comments, I’ll draw a step-by-step picture and post it here.

These beaded snowflakes can become designer earrings.

Or wicker snowflakes can become decor for a New Year's ball. Also, as you can see, it is original and beautiful.

Here are some ideas for doing it yourself. I poured out a SEA OF SNOWFLAKES for you today - whole snowdrifts of snowy ideas. Choose any one for your home New Year's joy.

Happy crafting.

Happy New Year.

Happiness to your Home and Family.
Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

Snowflakes float in the air and fall to the ground like a fluffy coat! And how fabulous the houses, trees and bushes look in a snow-white robe - magic, and that’s all! The caring mother winter took care of nature and covered everything with a soft blanket until spring. If you look closely, this blanket is woven from an infinite number of openwork snowflakes. Tiny shaped particles surprise with their variety of shapes and patterns, amaze with their bright shine in the sun and cause delight in the souls of children and adults. On the eve of holiday celebrations, every family has a desire to decorate the interior by doing something with their own hands. This is especially true for children who enjoy creative activities.

We continue our series of selections of master classes on. Following, it’s time to find out in different techniques and from different materials. We invite you to take part in ours!

Paper snowflakes

Traditional paper snowflakes

Of course, the first and most common option is white office or transparent tracing paper. We have several master classes on this topic. How to fold a piece of paper to make a snowflake with six rays:

Fold in three:

And in half again:

And then everything depends only on your imagination. You can first draw the desired pattern and cut it out, or you can simply cut out pieces of paper of any shape, and each such snowflake will be unique.

How to cut a beautiful openwork snowflake

White, delicate, elegant snowflakes on windows and walls are irreplaceable companions of the New Year holidays. Winter holidays begin and snow falls. You can not only have snowball fights in the yard, sculpt castles and figures, but also engage in amazing paper crafts. How interesting it is to create carved crafts in order to set a festive mood and have a fun New Year. We suggest considering the option of cutting out a beautiful openwork snowflake from paper. Call all family members, especially children, and get started.

Materials for winter crafts:

  • White paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil.

How to cut a snowflake step by step

Take a square and fold it in half.

Mark the places for further bends to create a multi-layer workpiece. Fold the corner of one layer opposite the long base down until it touches the center.

Fold the selected small triangle in half again, and then follow the highlighted lines on the sides of the triangle.

Using the points obtained, and also based on the central point of the base, bend the right and left parts of the triangle.

Fold the piece in half and remove the outer part with scissors.

Using a simple pencil, draw a sketch for further cutting. Outline the beveled lines, then select the carved rays. For convenience, everything unnecessary can be painted over to clearly demonstrate the cut lines.

Using scissors, cut out a very thin carved blank. This is an easy symmetrical cutting technique, and the only difficulty will be that the paper is folded in several layers. Sharp scissors will solve this problem.

Unfold the paper step by step. Be careful not to tear the thin strips. A beautiful openwork snowflake must be smoothed out with an iron or placed under a stack of books for a while so that the paper straightens out. The New Year's decoration is ready.

Such snowflakes make very beautiful figures of ballerinas:

For inspiration, you can admire the creations of Mother Nature:

You can do this with your children:

Original and beautiful snowflake with Christmas tree

Even if you don’t draw well or don’t know how to create beautiful ornaments on paper, you can make a beautiful New Year’s snowflake with the image of a Christmas tree. The specimen proposed in this lesson by Elena Nikolaeva is a wonderful decoration for a window, door, mirror or other place in an apartment or classroom. The central image of the Christmas tree is relevant; you will get an unusual winter craft. The snowflake is quite simple and can be completed in a matter of minutes. And you can cut out the entire structure with scissors, not with a stationery knife.

To cut out a snowflake of an unusual shape, prepare:

  • regular white sheet;
  • scissors;
  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser.

How to cut a snowflake

To quickly cut out the symmetrical border of a beautiful snowflake, fold the prepared paper in a special way. Take a white square and fold it in half.

Fold the resulting triangle so that at the bottom you get an angle of 60 degrees. You can mark the fold lines intuitively or use a ruler, protractor, or other tools available.

Now bend the bottom corner in half, you will get a piece with a sharper angle of 30 degrees.

First, start with the edging. Draw a pencil line to further cut out the carved edge and form frosty windows. The lines can be smooth or zigzag.

Use small scissors to cut out the outer edge and windows.

So far you have a kind of napkin with a carved outer edge, but the inside is still solid. Unfold the workpiece, leaving it folded in only 2 layers. Using a semi-arc, draw a wavy line along the edge, in the center - half of the Christmas tree, consisting of several triangular tiers. At the top, leave the top in contact with the edging; at the bottom, remove the stump. In these places the Christmas tree will be attached to the carved edging.

Cut out the Christmas tree along the contour, cut the stripes, separating each tier from each other.

Unfold and iron the snowflake. Admire the fruit of your creativity.

How to make a snowflake out of paper.

Volumetric paper snowflakes

Volumetric snowflakes made of paper look very beautiful; they are usually hung from chandeliers or on the ceiling so that the volume is visible.

Snowflakes using quilling technique

Wire snowflakes

Chenille wire- one of the new products in materials for needlework. Soft, bright, flexible - a pleasure to work with your hands. The variety of its textures and colors provides excellent material for realizing creative fantasies.

To make the snowflake, I used a set of already cut wire 30 centimeters long. Accordingly, the diameter of the finished snowflake will be 30 cm. For one snowflake you will need eight such segments.

Since a snowflake is a symmetrical figure, maintaining symmetry is a necessary condition for obtaining a good result.
We take three sticks, they will be the main spines of the snowflake. We bend one of the sticks in half to find the middle, unbend it and place it just above the middle of the other spine. We make a couple of turns around to secure it.

We do the same with the third stick. We get six axes.

Due to the fact that we wrapped two sticks around the third, they became a little shorter. To align all the axes, slightly extend one of the ends of the third stick, and make a loop at the long end for hanging.

We take the next three sticks, find their middle and cut along it. We bend one of the segments in half and apply it to one of the axes so that their edges coincide (we will do this every time to maintain symmetry). We make a turn to secure it.

We perform the same actions for the other five segments.

Take the remaining two sticks and cut each into four equal parts. We get eight short segments, two of which are not useful to us. Bend a small piece in half and apply it to the edge of the axle so that the edges match. We fix it on the main one.

We perform the same actions for the remaining five segments.

We adjust all the sticks to create symmetry of the figure.

Snowflake using kanzashi technique

Snowflakes made from satin ribbons are more labor-intensive, but also look richer, invariably causing the admiration of others.

Master class on this snowflake.

Snowflake made of glitter foamiran -

Snowflake mandala made of sticks and threads

(with diagrams):

Snowflakes from scrap materials

What are they used to make New Year's crafts? The authors' imagination is limitless.

"Snowflake made of clothespins". Sorokin Artyom.

We will need:

  • wooden clothespins,
  • glue,
  • spray paint.

Disassemble the clothespins into parts.

Then you need to glue two pieces together with the back side.

Then fold all the resulting parts into a round snowflake and glue them together.

After drying, paint with spray paint. The color we chose was gold. Make a loop. The snowflake is ready.

Watch more master classes on snowflakes:


From tubes

An unusual New Year's snowflake or star can be made from cocktail tubes. Since there are tubes of different colors and even striped multi-colored ones on sale, they make wonderful New Year’s crafts. This lesson tells you how to make a New Year's gift or decoration that will fit beautifully into the interior or shine on a New Year's tree. MK Elena Nikolaeva. The craft is easy and simple, even children can do it on their own.

For work, prepare:

  • cocktail straws of two colors (4 and 8 pieces, respectively);
  • scissors;
  • 8 small rubber bands for weaving;
  • half bead, button or cabochon;
  • paper or plastic cup;
  • marker.

How to make a New Year's star from tubes step by step

Prepare the materials necessary for work. A paper cup is needed to make a special shape that will help in the work. Rubber bands will allow you to fix the rays of the star. It is convenient to use a marker to draw lines along which to cut out the mold.

Cut off the top of the glass and use a marker to draw narrow rectangular stripes. There are only 8 pieces around the circumference at an equal distance from each other.

Cut out the template along the outline. You will get a kind of ring with teeth.

Prepare the tubes for the star. It is better to cut off the top part, which is corrugated.

Use a modeling cup mold. Insert the first row of pink (or any other color) tubes into the grooves. There are only 8 holes in the template, they are just designed to insert 4 tubes.

Place a small rubber band on the end of each ray for braiding.

Now create a star by laying tubes of a different color. 8 such parts were initially prepared. Thread the tubes of this variety into the cloves so that there are still two empty cloves between them. At the same time, put on an elastic band on top.

Fill the entire structure with tubes around the circumference in this way. Gradually move forward and insert the tubes into opposite slots, leaving the 2 cloves between them empty.

Securely secure each of the eight rays with an elastic band. Thus, in each ray there will be 3 tubes (2 of one color and 1 of another). The sprocket model is ready.

Glue any beautiful center to the center.

And a few more ideas, how to make snowflakes with your own hands(just a photo):

From wire and tinsel

From beads

You get very beautiful snowflakes from beads. To make it you need beads of white, blue, silver colors, as well as fishing line or wire.

From cotton swabs

What do you make snowflakes from?

If you have your own photos of snowflakes, send them to our competition!

Hello everyone! Today I want to continue the theme of crafts and show you how you can easily and quickly create wonderful toys in the form of paper snowflakes at home. The other day my sons and I made such a beauty that now this wonderful creation makes us happy. Watch and do with us.

I remember how I sat and cut out snowflakes as a child; it brought me so much joy and pleasure. And then she ran and glued it to the window. Time has passed, but nothing has changed until now, I still love this activity, only now I do them with my kids.

As always, I’ll start with the simplest manufacturing options, and along the way there will be more and more complex options.

In order to create a snowflake, you only need one tool - scissors and a sheet of paper and a great mood.

Then you need to correctly fold the paper into a triangle, and then draw a suitable pattern and cut it out. You will also need a simple pencil))).

The main thing is to take a square-shaped sheet, fold it in half (1), then in half again (2), repeat steps (3, 4), almost done! Draw with a pencil what you will cut out, for example like this in this photo:

So, from this triangular blank I propose to make these magically beautiful and light versions of winter snowflakes, which you can use everywhere, even bring them to kindergarten, school and decorate rooms in your apartment, in the entrance and windows with them.

If you like everything openwork, then this look is just for you:

If you prefer classic options, then choose these wonderful snowflakes:

The following layouts and diagrams will be a little more complicated:

In general, I really liked this selection of all kinds of decorations on snowflakes, which I saw on the Internet:

Look how picturesque and patterned they are, it’s just super beautiful, and most importantly, it’s accessible to everyone, even a preschool child, a schoolchild, and even us adults.

For the little ones, you can offer this craft in the form of curls made from stripes.

Cutting snowflakes from napkins or paper

Have you ever seen those, such that the cutest snowflakes appear from napkins that absolutely everyone would like? I found these and am sharing them with you, the method is simple and easy, and also budget-friendly, you will need glue, napkins, scissors, a pencil or pen and cardboard.

Interesting! Napkins can be replaced with any other type of paper, such as corrugated paper.

The stages of work themselves are not complicated, but these pictures outline the entire sequence, so watch and repeat.

The final result of the work will be incredibly beautiful and will be remembered by everyone, and if you decorate it with colored sequins or something like that, it will be absolutely cool.

Or this way, depending on how someone decides to decorate the original sample.

Well, now I’ll show you a rather primitive, old method; before, such cute snowflakes were used to do everything in labor lessons or in art kindergartens. You will need paper and a good mood, and of course, scissors and glue. You will need to cut long strips of paper from a regular A4 sheet, the width of the strip should be 1.5 cm and the length approximately 30 cm.

You can make these multi-colored stripes and you should get 12 plain stripes.

This is how you glue these strips together step by step.

It turned out incredibly original, you can hang it on a Christmas tree, on a window or on a chandelier))).

Another similar option made from paper strips.

I saw a friend’s snowflake made from ordinary newspaper, then you can cover it with shiny varnish or glue sackcloth.

Or you can roll cones out of paper and glue them in a circle, alternating colors.

Do-it-yourself volumetric snowflake with step-by-step descriptions

To begin with, I want to offer you this way of working, maybe you will like it better than the following:

This type of work is a little more complicated, but it is the most interesting in my opinion, because it looks Such a snowflake appears as if in 3D form. Of course, it’s time-consuming, but it’s worth it, my child and I made such a masterpiece in 1 hour. We are happy to share our step-by-step master class with you.

Stages of work:

1. You will need 6 squares of paper (blue and 6 of another white color), we took ordinary squares that we already had, they are sold as notes for notes. If you don't have these, then make your own.

Fold each square in half from one end to the other.

It will turn out something like this, and the last figure lies on the table, this is the result of the work.

2. Then fold the two ends of the paper to the fold line on both sides.

Turn the finished templates over to the wrong side.

Now turn the craft over to the other side again and push out the parts that stick out.

4. This is how it should work out, absolutely not difficult.

The next step will be to prepare 6 white squares, from which we will make the following blanks.

5. So let's start, this work is even easier than the previous one, let's make origami out of paper again.

This is how it should turn out, there should be 6 blue blanks, and also 6 white ones.

6. Well, after you have cut the white squares, fold each leaf in half by taking one end and placing it on the other.

Do it after the envelope.

7. Now turn all the envelopes over to the other side.

My youngest son also helped, and the eldest joined a little later.

8. Fold the sides.

Turn it over and fold out the sides, then fold them towards the center. Cut out a small circle from paper and attach all the modules.

9. Now start gluing.

Take your time, do everything carefully. Use a napkin.

10. Almost everything is ready, all that remains is to decorate and cheer up yourself and those around you.

So I called my eldest son for help, and this is what we did to him.

11. We glued a photo in the middle, it turned out to be such a funny and mischievous modular paper snowflake. Tomorrow we will hang this beauty on a booth in the kindergarten. It looks simply amazing and much brighter live). So be sure that absolutely everyone will like this miracle!

In fact, there are quite a lot of three-dimensional options; they can be made using the origami technique, or in the most ordinary way.

I found these on the Internet, I hope you find them useful, take paper, scissors and glue:

Here is another similar option.

If you have a lot of time, then you can make more complex voluminous snowflakes; I know that the halls of kindergartens, schools, universities, universities and even shops are usually decorated like this.

Interesting! You don’t have to glue the parts together, but use a stapler to do it faster.

Video on how to cut out a New Year's paper snowflake for children

First I wanted to show you a primitive video, and then I thought that you can easily do the most ordinary thing yourself. So I thought, I thought and... I propose to cut out an unusual snowflake in the form of an angel:

Simple snowflake patterns for beginners in origami technique

As far as I know, origami is also divided into subtypes, for example, modular paper origami. Which one do you love the most? I have some interesting ideas.

Or the simplest and easiest to do, even school-age children can figure it out:

Modular origami is already more difficult; here you initially need to learn how to fold the modules correctly, and then everything will go like clockwork.

You will need to make quite a lot of modules to put together such a composition, but you will develop fine motor skills)))

Each such module is easily inserted one after another, so you can come up with any options on the go.

All I can do is wish you good luck and creative success.

Schemes and templates for cutting snowflakes from paper for the New Year

As for the various ready-made patterns, I offer you these types of snowflakes. The main thing is to remember that first you need to fold the sheet correctly, as I showed you at the very beginning

Now outline what you want to see and cut out along the contours.

If you want to make the snowflake more voluminous, use ready-made templates, like this one:

Then for this purpose you will need to cut out 3-4 templates, and then stitch or glue them in the center, and press them down with a stapler. Who needs such ready-made blanks and diagrams, write a comment below, I will send it to you by email absolutely free, I have quite a lot of them in my piggy bank, I will be happy to share a whole bunch.

By the way, you can create your own pattern, look how it looks, try it, it’s a creative activity:

I once thought it was last year, and I imagined such beauty:

For those who like openwork and very complex options, although there is nothing complicated, I can suggest watching this video, by the way, in it, paper is folded differently, take a look, there is something to learn:

Master class on snowflakes in quilling style for beginners

This type of toy is quite difficult if you have never made it using such a well-known quilling technique before. But this is at first glance, because the main thing is to understand the essence.

Even a beginner or a child can get the simplest diagram and snowflake:

And also this video will help you with this, everything is accessible and described and shown step by step. All you have to do is repeat all the actions after the presenter and you will get a masterpiece.

Snowflakes using the quilling technique, this one is stunningly beautiful and charming. Try it.

Well, I gave you a whole bunch of ideas for realizing the festive mood, decorate your house, apartment. It will look simply great, especially with your own hands, such crafts will always bring warmth and comfort to every heart))).

See you! Have a great day everyone, sunny mood! Come visit more often, join my contact group, write reviews and comments. Bye everyone!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

New Year is the most fabulous and beautiful holiday of the year, which both children and adults look forward to. It represents not only changes in life, but also gives a little magic to such a cruel world of reality.

On New Year's holidays, everything around is decorated with bright garlands and lanterns, Christmas trees are decorated with multi-colored balls, and houses are decorated with incredible snowflakes. It is snowflakes that have always been most associated with winter holidays. In a burst of creativity and in order to save money, you can make snowflakes yourself.

I offer several ways to make incredibly beautiful snowflakes and how to decorate your home with them for the holidays.

Simple paper snowflake

The easiest way to cut out a snowflake has been known to us since childhood - cutting out various figures and curls on the sides of a multi-layered sector.
Creating these snowflakes from paper is very simple. For this simple task you only need imagination, paper, white or any other color, scissors and a pencil.

Step 1

You need to lay out a piece of white or colored paper size A4-A5 on a hard, flat surface. Then place a round plate or saucer on it, trace the circle with a pencil and cut it out.

Step 2

The resulting circle needs to be folded in half three, if possible four, times. We will get a sector of six or eight layers.

Step 3

Now comes the most interesting step - creating a beautiful pattern. To do this, you can use your imagination, or use ready-made diagrams. The pattern just needs to be drawn on your workpiece with a pencil. Then we take sharp thin scissors, maybe manicure scissors, and carefully cut out the drawn diagrams.

Step 4

We unfold the workpiece into its original shape. It turns out a little crumpled, for this you can iron the snowflake with an iron, but always through the fabric and without steam. Or you can put the workpiece in a book for a while, but this process is much longer than the previous one.

Step 5

To make an original snowflake, you can coat it with glue and sprinkle with glitter. Or paint it with watercolors in ombre style - make a transition from one color to another. Or draw bright dots on a snowflake. But we must not forget that the paint will significantly soften the paper, so you need to work very carefully. You can cut a snowflake out of foil. Then it will immediately turn out to be a beautiful silver or gold color.

Step 6

The last thing is to hang the finished snowflake with a lace, ordinary thread or wire. This decoration can be placed on a Christmas tree, you can create a whole garland of snowflakes, and decorate a window with it, simulating snowfall, attach it to the ceiling, furniture, wherever your imagination allows.

Simplified quilling

The latest popular innovation in making snowflakes is quilling technology. This method is much more complicated than regular paper cutting and requires certain skills and time.

I'll tell you how to make a three-dimensional snowflake out of paper, but in a slightly different system than quilling.
To make a snowflake, we need a newspaper or an old unnecessary book, or a stack of paper, but it must be soft so that it can easily be deformed. And also scissors, thread, glue and glitter.

Step 1

You need to cut out strips of paper measuring 2 cm X 20 cm on average. You can choose the size yourself, depending on what size snowflake you want to get as a result. To start, you should have seven stacks, each with 6-10 strips. Adjust the number of strips depending on the thickness of the paper: the strips should bend easily, but keep their shape.

Step 2

Fold the strips in half and gather them together. Make the middle stripe longer than the others, the side stripes a little shorter, as in the image. You can cut off the excess length. Tie such a petal with a thread and place it under some heavy object, be it a book or a table lamp.

In the original you should make eight such petals.

Step 3

Cut another stack of 15 strips of the same length. Roll the stack into a small ring and tie with thread. For strength and reliability, you can lubricate the strips with glue so that they do not unwind.

Step 4

Lubricate the end of the petal generously with glue and attach to the ring. Hold for a while until the petal sticks securely.
Repeat the same process with all the petals.

Step 5

When the snowflake has dried and is completely ready, its edges can be lightly coated with glue and sprinkled with glitter, or you can decorate it with the color you like.

Step 6

Attach with glue or simply thread a thread through the petal. You will get an original and beautiful three-dimensional toy for the Christmas tree or an element of New Year's decor for the home.

Children's snowflake

Making crafts with children is a very useful activity that not only develops creative imagination, but also instills in the child perseverance and accuracy. For the New Year, you can make funny snowflakes to decorate your children's room.

To do this, you will need cardboard, scissors, glue, scraps of fabric, glitter, colored pencils and eyes, which are sold at office supply stores, although you can simply draw them.

Step 1

You need to print out the diagram or, if you are good at drawing and come up with your own snowflake, you need to draw it on cardboard. When the diagram is ready, cut it out.

Step 2

We glue the eyes or draw them, whichever is more convenient for you. We finish drawing the mouth, nose, eyebrows. Color the snowflake with pencils in the color you like.

Step 3

From fabric or colored paper we cut out a snowflake cap, a belt and other details that you came up with. Glue them to the snowflakes and decorate them with glitter, beads, beads or whatever you have on hand.

Step 4

The finished snowflake does not have to be hung on a Christmas tree or window. It can be attached with double-sided tape to the wall near the child’s bed, and a New Year’s atmosphere is guaranteed.

These are just basic ideas on how you can decorate your home for the New Year holidays. And the rest depends on your imagination!

Happy crafting!

Cheers cheers! The first snow has fallen, which means magic and a winter fairy tale have arrived!
You look out the window, and everything is white there - houses, cars and even people. It is not surprising why for many this is the most beloved and wonderful time. And I love winter, but it’s a pity that it’s so cold(
That's why I love creating a winter atmosphere at home. It’s so wonderful when you can create a fairy tale right at home.
In addition, I have a younger brother and sister who constantly demand help with making crafts for them at school or kindergarten. Ugh. You have to get out and come up with something unusual.

And recently we decided to create beautiful snowflakes from twisted paints (they had been sitting idle for a very long time). The result was very delicate shimmering snowflakes. They are so beautiful that they can be used not only as crafts for children. Such snowflakes will be an excellent addition to the New Year's decoration of your home, Christmas tree or window.
I hope I've interested you! So let's begin!

You will need the following items:
- curved paints (these are sold in any art store or in the children's department)
- glitter
- scotch
- snowflake template
- film for curved paints (usually comes in a set with paints or you can use a regular freezer bag)

1. So, to begin with, we took a freezer bag and cut it to get the base on which our snowflakes will be placed. We put a stencil under it:

2. Secure the base with tape so that it does not dangle and you can draw a snowflake evenly and beautifully:

3. Draw snowflakes. Don't skimp on paint. The more you apply, the better (but of course you don't want to overdo it either).

6. Now the fun part - SHINE! Of course, after such a craft, your whole room, including you, will sparkle, just like these snowflakes. But it's worth it. The kids will definitely love it, it's fun!

7. We made different snowflakes. We played with colors and sizes. The result was a wide variety of lovely sparkles.

8. After you have painted all the snowflakes, leave them to dry for 24 hours (if there is a lot of paint, maybe more).
Once all the snowflakes are dry, carefully brush off any excess glitter. Be careful, because glitter that gets on your clothes will be difficult to remove.

If the snowflakes are difficult to move away from the polyethylene, then do not tear them. Place them in the refrigerator for a few minutes and they will begin to peel off on their own.

That's all:

Now you can glue snowflakes to glass, hang them on a Christmas tree, a fireplace, a ladder, and do whatever your heart desires with them.

Agree, such sparkling snowflakes look very beautiful, and making them is not difficult at all.
If you and your kids love making crafts, then you should try making this cute thing!

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