Home Fruit trees Origami shurikens made of cardboard. How to make shuriken from paper with your own hands. Video instructions. How to make shuriken from paper

Origami shurikens made of cardboard. How to make shuriken from paper with your own hands. Video instructions. How to make shuriken from paper

Despite all the beauty of its form, shuriken has always been a dangerous, even deadly weapon of Japanese warriors. Any ninja could throw this throwing weapon in the form of a small star with sharp ends so accurately that it could neutralize or take the life of an enemy. But for this you had to train. And not only with real, metal shurikens. As an option, it’s good to make a shuriken out of paper, because you definitely won’t hurt anyone with such a weapon. But if assembled correctly, it will fly well. Throwing a star for training is good at improvised targets. And if you start a comic fight, then a weapon made of soft material will not harm anyone, but you can learn to dodge it. That's why boys (and girls) should know how to make shuriken from paper.

What is origami shuriken

Both shurikens and the art of origami came to us from Japan. And although paper has long been folded in both China and Europe, we still know origami as a traditional handicraft of the Land of the Rising Sun. Paper shuriken is not the easiest model to make. For a four-pointed star you need two identical sheets of paper. You can cut one sheet in half lengthwise if the weapon is made in one color. A prettier option will come from two colors.

After you have mastered the basic model of paper shuriken, you can begin to develop more complex options: an eight-pointed star or a transformer. In general, transforming crafts are typical for origami; take, for example, a steamship with two pipes, which, with easy manipulation, turns into several different objects. With shuriken everything is much simpler.

Materials for work

If you undertake to make weapons from paper for the sake of training safety, then only this material will be used. The origami technique itself eliminates the use of glue, staplers and other connecting devices. It is better to work with thick colored paper or semi-cardboard so that the weapon has weight and can rotate well in the air.

To cut the required part of the paper for work, you will need scissors or a stationery knife.

To better smooth out the curves of paper shuriken parts, it is good to use a ruler. She will become the “arbiter” when it is necessary to accurately cut off identical squares for the rays of the future shuriken.

How to make a simple shuriken with your own hands

The simplest thing is not to resort to the origami technique, but simply draw the outline of a star on foil cardboard. This will allow you to make a shuriken even with five blades, which is difficult to achieve when bending a paper sheet. For strength, the blades of the weapon can be laminated or covered with tape.

Thanks to cardboard, the edges of which can be slightly bent, you can make a flying model. It is necessary to bend the edges of each blade slightly on the sides so that each beam has lifting force. Using the test method, you can find the proportion of bends so that paper shuriken flies longer and better.

Schemes for making weapons from paper

The disadvantage of cut shuriken from thick paper is that it cannot be a transformer. It is also difficult to make it colorful, so it is unlikely to serve as a good toy or Christmas tree decoration. But the shape of this weapon is such that it could decorate the interior. Here are some reasons to learn how to make origami shuriken from paper of different colors.

four pointed star

This is the simplest version of paper shuriken. It’s easier to start learning with double-sided colored paper, the sides of which are painted in different colors.

Take a square of double-sided paper and divide it in half along side (1).

We get two sheets, one of which we turn up with a different color (2).

Fold each of the resulting rectangles in half lengthwise (3).

We bend the corners of each figure so as to obtain a parallelogram (4).

The parallelograms must be symmetrical to each other.

We continue to bend the corners to get a twisted figure (5).

Now all that remains is to insert one shape into another and bend the corners (6).

Turn the work to the other side (7).

We perform the operation with corners of a different color (8).

Paper shuriken is ready (9).

You can make an eight-pointed shuriken from paper either by simply cutting out a template or using origami methods. This is a modular design that can be made in different colors. To do this, you need to prepare squares of eight different colors. Let's look at how one origami shuriken module is made from paper.

We mark the center of the sheet using two diagonal bends.

The edge of the sheet must be folded diagonally, as shown in the figure.

Along the second diagonal we bend the sheet away from ourselves.

We draw an imaginary line and bend the work along it so that the designated points C and B coincide with each other.

We turn the workpiece over to the reverse side, fold the right side along the imaginary red stripe. The turquoise stripes must match.

The corner formed at the bottom needs to be folded.

The module is ready, now you need to assemble similar structures from the remaining squares. Once they are ready, it's time to start assembling the eight-armed paper shuriken. To do this, we protrude the corner of the purple module and insert the pink blank into the resulting pocket.

Using the bent part of the purple module, we grab the pocket of the pink blank from behind.

To check whether the connection of the two modules is correct, just compare them with the photo:


Now let's set a more difficult task: make a transforming shuriken. It also requires eight paper squares. We bend the first sheet in half along the side, bend the corner towards ourselves from the side and melt the workpiece. Now we bend this corner inside it. We open the workpiece and work with the other side of the square. We bend its free corners symmetrically towards the center, as if we were making an airplane. Now we fold the module in half along the first marked line and bend the first triangle again. We get a parallelogram. Eight of them need to be collected and connected to make a shuriken, which turns into another ancient Indian weapon.

To make a transforming shuriken from modules, they need to be nested sequentially into each other so that the bent side is inside the circle, and the curved corners look outward. Each subsequent module must be secured with the corners of the previous one, bending them inside the structure. It is important not to forget to insert the last shuriken module into the first one in order to close the structure. If it is assembled correctly, then it can be stretched into an octagonal donut, which will already look like a version of the ancient Indian weapon made of paper - the “chakra” combat disk. Unlike shuriken, the chakra has a sharp edge around its circumference, so it does not require blades.

Video: paper shuriken ninja

It is better to understand how to make shuriken out of paper by watching the assembly video sequence. This is especially true for transformers, the module layout of which is extremely simple, but assembly can be difficult. There are several more ways to assemble an interesting shuriken from paper using the origami method. You can make several different designs and check which model will perform better in an imaginary battle or fly further.

It is also important to appreciate the decorativeness of paper shuriken, because it can be used as a New Year's decoration. This decor is especially good when the tree is decorated in the Japanese way.

Shuriken is a type of concealed throwing weapon that was used by Japanese ninja warriors. Despite the fact that shuriken blades can have different shapes, the star is the most famous - it is the star that is most often cited as an example when illustrating this type of weapon.

At the same time, the shuriken star is one of the most beautiful and popular figures in origami - the Japanese art of folding figures from sheets of paper.

The possibilities for using origami stars are enormous:

  • they can be used in children's games (without fear that children will hurt each other or break something);
  • they can be used as themed props for cosplay and theatrical performances with ninja characters;
  • they can serve as an excellent decoration for the New Year tree and home interior.

In addition, the process of folding paper figures is very useful for developing the motor skills of children’s hands and imagination, so children of all ages can and should be involved in making origami.

What is needed to make it using the origami technique?

In order to make origami shuriken, you need to take several sheets of paper. It is better that the paper is more or less thick (not cardboard!) and of different colors - this way the resulting star will look more elegant and, when thrown, will be able to fly a much greater distance.

Also, to make a figurine with your own hands, you will need scissors (in order to give the sheet of paper a square shape), a little time and patience.

Performing four-pointed shuriken

The four-pointed origami shuriken is performed in stages: first you need to make two paper modules, and then combine them into a “flying star”.

Instructions for creating and assembling elements:

  1. Make a square from a sheet of paper by bending the sheet as shown in the picture and cutting off the unnecessary part.

  1. Fold the resulting square in half and cut it in half.

  1. Bend both resulting pieces in half again.

  1. Fold the corners on each piece. Be sure to pay attention to ensure that the flowing folds are mirrored.

  1. Once again bend the modules along lines symmetrical to the resulting triangles (as in the figure).

  1. To assemble the two resulting parts into a single figure, we turn one of the modules over to the opposite side. After this, we combine it with the first, tucking its free ends into the improvised “pockets” of the other as shown in the figure.

  1. Next, we turn the figure over and tuck the free ends of the first part into the “pockets” of the second.

The four-pointed paper shuriken is ready!

The following video will help to show the process of making shuriken even more clearly:

Please note that the shuriken folding pattern used in the video is slightly different. The basis of the figure is not one large square, but two, each of which is folded four times, which ultimately gives the paper star greater density.

Multi-module compositions from 4-pointed origami stars

Using four-pointed paper stars made according to the previous master class, you can assemble larger origami figures. For example, by combining two of them, you will get a double or eight-pointed paper shuriken.

Examples of even larger-scale compositions are presented in the pictures below:

Making an 8-pointed shuriken

The process of making an eight-pointed star using the origami technique is generally similar to creating a four-pointed shuriken. In order to make a paper shuriken with eight ends, you will need to make eight blanks. Moreover, they can be either the same color or multi-colored.

Manufacturing scheme:

  1. For the basis of each module we take a square sheet of paper and bend it twice diagonally.

  1. Then fold the square as shown in the figure.

  1. We fold the workpiece along the line marked with a dotted line and wrap the part located above the dotted line back (as shown in the picture).

  1. We fold the top layer of paper along the red line, aligning points C and B, as well as the sides marked with green lines with each other. We compare the intermediate result with the picture.

  1. We turn the workpiece over to the other side and fold the right side along the line marked in red so that the green lines are aligned with each other.

  1. Next, we bend the corner along the line marked with a dotted line, and the first blank of the future 8-pointed shuriken is ready!

  1. We repeat the previous sequence of actions 7 times and get eight blanks for the future star. You can start assembling!

  1. We open the right “half” of the first (purple) blank and place the left corner of the second component of the future shuriken (pink blank) in the “pocket” of the left “half” as shown in the figure.

  1. We tuck the right bent “half” of the purple workpiece into the “back pocket” of the pink one along the arrow marked in the figure.

  1. Intermediate results from the front and back sides should be as follows:

  1. Similarly, we connect all eight elements of shuriken:

  1. We compare the resulting results from the front and back sides with the picture:

  1. We connect the first and last blanks of the figure with each other: the scheme is the same as when combining elements with each other. To do this, raise the free edge of the last eighth (blue in the picture) of the workpiece to the top layer of the figure.

  1. We turn the figure over to the other side and tuck the free edge of the first (purple) piece into the “floor” of the last (blue) piece in the same way as we connected the pieces together.

The 8-pointed shuriken is ready! We admire the result!

You will learn another interesting variation of making a spectacular transforming eight-pointed star made of paper by watching the video:

How to make origami shuriken from money.

This 4-pointed money star is an adaptation of the traditional origami paper shuriken (also known as the throwing star or ninja star). Shurikens are small pocket stars that were used as throwing weapons. They rushed at enemies to distract them or neutralize them. Shurikens did not penetrate armor, so they were effective only on open areas of the body: face, arms, legs. But such a star is not a weapon, and launching such a miracle into the air is not entirely advisable, but it’s perfect as a tip for the waitress!

1. You will need two identical bills, fold them in half as shown. 2. Fold it in half and open it back.

3. Banknotes should be folded in a mirror image in relation to each other: left to left, right respectively.

4. Fold the left banknote to the right, the right one to the left along the indicated lines.

5. On the left banknote, fold the lower left corner to the right, the upper right corner to the left, do everything along the indicated lines, and make the right one mirror the left one.

6. Make the indicated folds, note that they are made backwards.

In the center you will see peculiar pockets, which are marked with green arrows, where the tips will be tucked in, so that these slots are visible, turn over the left bill.
7. Place the right bill on the left one in the same position as shown in the following photo

8. The lower right corner (B) should be directed into the pocket located in the center of the model

9. Now you need to do the same with the upper left corner (D)

Flip the model

10. Repeat the same toleo steps with corners A and C

After you straighten all the ends into the grooves, this model will hold stable, it will be quite rigid. What is most interesting is that some people cannot understand how to disassemble such a structure and do not know how it works.

Watch video tutorial:

Shurikens used in the old days by Japanese ninjas, and today we will learn how to make shurikens out of paper at home. This throwing weapon is shaped like a star with four or more ends pointing in the same direction. The warriors threw it at a rival or enemy, which could distract him or seriously injure him. The weapons were made of thin metal, sharpened and used in battle.

Design Features

How to make real Japanese shurikens out of paper? Samurai in ancient times used this blade as a secondary weapon, hiding it in their sleeves until the right time came to fight an opponent. The weapon could have from 4 to 8 blade rays arranged in a circle. There was a hole in the middle of the disk for good aerodynamics. Japanese warriors sharpened the edges on both sides to create blade-sharp wedges. The star was thrown unexpectedly, attacking the enemy with a blow. The flight was lightning fast thanks to the side ends that acted like wing blades, as shown in the photo.

Today, according to modern legislation, real metal sprockets cannot be used. Therefore, we will make the same ones with our own hands, but from paper. Shuriken can be used in different ways:

  • Throw with one hand with or without spin.
  • To play samurai, you can clench your hand into a fist, place a paper blade on your hand, and with the finger of your other hand click on the product so that it flies sharply.
  • Take the star by one side and throw it a long distance.
  • You can organize competitions with children whose throw will be further.
  • Sometimes they serve as props for plays or skits about ninjas.
  • This origami will be a wonderful decoration for any holiday, for example, New Year.

What beginners need to know

Folding such paper star blades is very useful, developing motor skills, memory and concentration. However, while working, beginners need to follow some rules:

  • If you have made a product and wrapped it with tape to make it rigid, do not leave it in areas accessible to small children. This craft has very sharp and hard edges.
  • Throw carefully, try not to harm yourself.
  • To make shuriken you need sharpened scissors; be as careful as possible when working with them.
  • Sheets of paper also have sharp edges; do not run your finger over them.
  • A paper star should not be thrown at people or animals. It is especially prohibited to aim at the eyes.

A little bit of history

Not everyone knows that the product can come in two types. In the first case, it is bo-shuriken - an elongated weapon, more like a spear for throwing. And in the second - hira-shuriken. How to throw:

  1. Bo. During a throw, the direction of flight and the trajectory of rotation are adjusted with the middle and ring fingers. The blade must be directed away from itself; it can rotate during flight with the blade or around its axis.
  2. Hira. This is a weapon that resembles a star with sharp rays. Here we will look at how to build such a shuriken from paper. This product must be thrown with the edge away from you and the sharp edge away from the palm. Throw straight ahead so that the paper blade flies in a straight line and quickly. It must also rotate quickly around its axis, which is why a small hole was previously made in the center of the weapon.

Manufacturing technique

Creating a throwing product for children is working with paper. For excellent results, you must strictly follow the instructions and know a few nuances:

  • Make sure that all folds are well ironed and aligned.
  • The ideal paper for shuriken is magazine paper.
  • Always check the symmetry of all elements.
  • Some people use tape to weight the structure, but the product should fly well anyway.
  • Paper ninja stars are sometimes used at summer bars to decorate cocktail glasses. A hole is made in the middle of the shuriken and a stick or toothpick is inserted.

What you will need to make this fun DIY craft:

  1. A utility knife or sharp scissors.
  2. Wide tape. Used to weight and protect origami.
  3. Origami paper. You can also use A4 sheets, colored paper and even sheets from magazines and newspapers with pictures.

How to make shuriken out of paper using diagrams is shown in the video.

Paper quad weapons

You can fold a paper ninja with your child, it is very useful and exciting. Finally, the shuriken can be decorated with pictures or patterns.

If all the tools and materials are ready for work, you can proceed:

  • Cut out an even square from a pre-selected sheet.
  • Divide the sheet with a line exactly in the middle to cut it into two equal parts. If you suddenly want to create a multi-colored product, immediately prepare paper of a different color and use it to make the second part of the square.
  • We fold both parts in half again strictly along the middle line. We have two rectangles. Now we fold the corners as shown in the photo .
  • We add both segments as in the diagram.
  • We came up with two parts that are mirror images of each other. We combine them as shown in the example. To do this, turn the right one over with the other side up and combine it with the left one.
  • The most important stage is assembly. We tuck the triangles on the right and left under the edge of the central triangles. The diagram shows everything.
  • We have a geometric figure with 10 corners.
  • We unfold the decagon face down and thread all the untouched corners into the gaps.
  • The throwing star is ready to fly! The process of creating shuriken from paper with your own hands is shown in the pictures with instructions below. From such quadrangular throwing discs you can assemble beautiful structures with many modules.

Octagonal paper disk

To make an eight-pointed star, 8 blanks must first be made. Your product can be multi-colored, plain, or decorated with drawings and inscriptions.

We make according to the scheme:

  • We cut the sheet into a square shape and then bend it diagonally on both sides.
  • We bend the edge of the sheet, as in the photo.
  • We take the dotted line as the central one and fold the workpiece.
  • Then follow the photo with instructions. Exactly along the red stripe you need to fold the paper so that points B and C coincide.
  • The layout must be turned over to the reverse side, and then folded on the right side along the red stripe. The light green stripes should match each other.
  • Then you should bend the corner along the dotted strip. We made one blank for a paper star!
  • We make 7 more of the same layouts, and then we start assembling!
  • We take the first two blanks, open the right corner of the first lilac part, and put the corner of the second pink source into its pocket.
  • The folded side of the lilac one should be tucked into the pink pocket at the back. How to make shuriken out of paper, shown in the video below.
  • The combined first two blanks of our future figure should look like this.
  • All parts of the eight-pointed star must be connected in the same way.
  • From the outside and inside, the product should look like in the photo.
  • We just have to combine two blanks: the very first and the final one.
  • We place the product face up, insert the edge of the first layout into the bottom floor of the last one.
  • Now you can enjoy the result!

    Children will definitely appreciate it!

Second version of the eight-pointed star

Step by step this process will look like this:

  • Take two A4 sheets and do it as shown in the diagram. The result should be 2 even squares.
  • Cut each square into 4 pieces to make 8 small squares. We fold each one by analogy with the photo.
  • We fold the corners from above, from below you need to make bends diagonally and one along, which will be on the outside. 8 squares need to be assembled in a circle, and each time the sharp corner of one part needs to be inserted into the pocket of the other, where the outer longitudinal bend is located. During the folding process, small corners should remain on the parts.
  • We insert these small corners into the gaps where possible.

    All elements need to be moved to the center, and the paper blade with 8 rays is ready! The process of creating paper shuriken is shown step by step in the video.

Several interesting options

Origami crafts are very popular today, so making shuriken from paper is the easiest way. But there are a couple more original ideas for creating this pocket weapon for samurai.


We'll need an old CD and a little perseverance:

  • We mark the disk with a black marker, as shown in the photo. It should look like an asterisk.

  • You can drill small holes to give the product a shape.
  • Cut out the star along the outline. It is better to use a stationery knife; scissors, even the sharpest ones, can break our disc.
  • The edges can be sanded and lines drawn along the contour.
  • Washers can be inserted into the center to strengthen the structure.
  • Shuriken is ready! Your child will be able to feel like a real ninja. You can put up a small wall or partition made of foam plastic, the weapon fits into it like butter!

Christmas tree decoration

To create an original decoration, you can use bright colored paper, foil or gift wrapping.

The creation scheme is similar to those described above:

  1. We need two squares of the same size so that on one we can mark the fold lines: horizontal and vertical.
  2. Then we fold the square into a triangle, unfold it and do the same on the reverse side. How to make shuriken from paper using origami technique in the form of a Christmas tree toy, shown in video below.
  3. We make a neat cut, roll the triangle into a tube and glue it.
  4. We repeat the same steps with all the parts, glue them together and attach the star to the tree with a thread or fishing line!

Transformable product

It will be more difficult to make such a craft; you need to strictly follow the instructions and be as careful as possible. The transformer has a complex structure of eight elements and quickly turns from a ring to an eight-pointed star.

Let's get started:

  • We make a square out of the sheet, bend it diagonally and fold it in half. We carefully iron all the fold lines or make dotted markings for convenience (this is not necessary, it is shown in the diagram for clarity).
  • We bend the corners at the top towards the middle line.
  • We fold the blank into a figure like in the photo.
  • Along the fold line, fold the corner on the left inward.
  • You need to make 8 such elements; you can use paper of different colors.
  • We take 2 blanks so that the double corner is directed to the right. We should have an obtuse angle. We insert the end of the right piece into the pocket of the left one, look for the side with the single end. We bend the ends of the left workpiece inward.
  • We connect all the elements together in a similar way. How to make a transformer out of paper shuriken, shown in the video below.
  • The design will be a transformer if you connect the first module to the last correctly. To do this, first bend the ends of the last one, as in the photo.
  • Now you need to move the sides opposite each other to the center with a slight movement of your hand. The hole in the middle should disappear, and the product no longer looks like a ring, it’s an eight-pointed star! To put the ring back together, you need to pull the sides a little.

These paper blades fly great, especially if you launch them not in the shape of a star, but in the shape of a ring with a hole in the center. Your children will definitely appreciate it!

Throwing technique

Homemade structures fly well if all the nuances are observed when creating them. As a rule, a shuriken in flight must rotate masterfully around its axis.

3 main throwing methods:

  • From the hip. You need to throw with one hand from bottom to top.
  • From the chest. The throw is carried out with one hand in the direction from the chest. The hand movement resembles dealing cards.
  • Because of the back of the head. The hand is placed slightly behind the ear of the opposite side, and the throw itself is similar to a throw from the chest.

It is not at all necessary to throw paper stars one at a time; you can throw several at once. For this purpose, the products are stacked together in a small deck, and the throwing technology can be chosen at will, whichever is most convenient for you. How you can make a samurai shuriken from paper is shown in the video with a diagram.

Throwing this origami will help your child train dexterity, accuracy and coordination. You can also learn to calculate throwing distances, perfect hitting the target and improve hand motor skills. To ensure safe training, teach your children not to aim at people or animals. Especially in the head and neck, otherwise you can get a small wound if the throw was strong.

Schoolchildren love to make paper shurikens because it is a quick and beautiful origami. As a rule, these are modular-type structures, assembled from several elements into one product of an interesting shape. To create it, you can use any available materials, but the most convenient is paper or cardboard. Be sure to try collecting these little stars with your child and have a competition to see whose will fly farthest.

Children can also play with them in the yard, competing to see who has the more complex model. You can decorate such toys with oriental inscriptions and patterns, which is very symbolic of the paper weapons of real samurai. The creation process itself will not take much time, just 15 minutes - the craft is ready!

How to make a ninja weapon in the form of a shuriken out of paper is shown step by step in the video master class.

Do you want to know how to make shuriken out of paper? No problem! Watch our detailed video instructions and today you can make your first shuriken with your own hands. Simple origami shuriken Naruto, double, 8-pointed, transforming shuriken, 16-pointed and even super-sophisticated, with which you can play great and will definitely be able to surprise your friends at school or on the street!

We have collected for you the best video clips from all over the world in Russian (and other) languages, which will show the entire assembly process step by step. With a little diligence, you will have a great craft in your hands that everyone will envy. Well, are you ready to become real ninjas?

How to make origami shuriken out of paper?

This paper origami shuriken is the simplest and most popular craft in Russia and all over the world. The model is also well known to many from the popular Japanese cartoon Naruto.

In the video clip, a young man named Timofey explains in detail the process of assembling a 4-point origami shuriken from two sheets of A4 paper. The video is quite long, but don't let that scare you. The instructions are quite simple, except for a few points related to turning two shuriken parts into a single whole. In general, watch carefully which corners go where, be patient and the process of your transformation into a ninja will not take long.

Tip: use different colored paper for different parts and your four-pointed origami shuriken will be noticeably more beautiful!

For assembly you will need: two A4 sheets.

Eight-pointed shuriken transformer from one sheet of paper

This video instruction will teach you how to make an 8-pointed shuriken transformer out of paper with your own hands. And make it from just one sheet of paper! In another way, this model is also called double, because. resembles two connected 4-pointed shuriken, rotated relative to each other.

This is a very clear step-by-step video guide, although not in Russian. However, all you need to do is repeat all the master’s movements one by one. If you assemble shuriken from one sheet of A4 paper, then it must be cut crosswise into 4 equal parts. The craft is assembled from these 4 narrow strips. Keep in mind that you will get a more beautiful ninja star if you use two different colors of paper. In this case, from two sheets of multi-colored paper you will get two crafts at once.

The hardest part awaits you at the end. Folding four parts into a single eight-pointed origami shuriken will not be very easy. But the model you get will not just be a shuriken, but a transforming shuriken. With a slight movement of the hand, the four-pointed star is effectively transformed into an eight-pointed shuriken before everyone’s eyes. It's incredible that this can be put together from one sheet of paper!

For assembly you will need: one sheet of A4 paper.

Unusual 8-pointed paper shuriken

And this video will show you how to make a very unusual eight-pointed shuriken. Its unusualness is that it seems as if it is made of two types of stars, inexplicably fused together. For assembly here, it is best to use multi-colored square paper stickers (not adhesive ones), which your parents probably have at work.

We do everything step by step. From these small square pieces of paper we collect four identical figures. The secret of an unusual shuriken lies in the correct final assembly of the model from its component parts. At first glance it will seem complicated. All the parts are somehow intricately inserted into each other. However, once you try it, you will easily understand that the assembly diagram here is noticeably simpler than in all other instructions.

To assemble you will need: four square stickers: two of one color and two of a different color.

Cool 8-pointed shuriken ring

This really cool shuriken only looks like a ring and doesn’t look dangerous. However, a slight movement of the fingers and it transforms into an amazing looking formidable weapon. It’s hard to believe that you can create such beauty out of 8 square stickers!

In this video in Russian, the boy explains in detail and clearly and shows the entire assembly process. Yes, it will take time, because first you have to make 8 components. But then simple assembly and a result that will make all your friends and classmates jealous. A very beautiful origami star for the advanced ninja. We definitely recommend!

To assemble you will need: eight square stickers.

Large 16-pointed paper ninja shuriken

Forgive this young man for his verbosity. At the beginning of this video, he shows off another shuriken model that we have already learned how to make. And this is not what interests us now. The model that is assembled here has enormous dimensions and a very impressive appearance. Sixteen sharp edges and... it also flies. But how!

The video is in English, but don't let that scare you. Fast forward to 1:20 min. and see what result awaits you. Yes, you will have to suffer to collect 16 identical components. But then you will find extremely simple assembly: the parts are simply inserted into each other. At the end, we slightly squeeze the ninja shuriken to make an even circle inside and use pieces of tape to secure the components. Now, launch it!

By the way, if you want, you can easily increase the number of faces in this model at your discretion.

To assemble you will need: 16 square sheets of paper or 16 A4 sheets. For greater effect, use two different colors of paper.

Super fancy paper shuriken

We left this amazing shuriken for last. And this is the most sophisticated, most beautiful and most difficult model to assemble. But none of your friends and acquaintances have ever seen anything like this. There is a lot of small work here and you will have to really work hard to assemble it. A job for a real origami master!

The video instructions are in English and this makes the whole process even more complicated. The assembly is made from square sheets of multi-colored paper. This model has eight components and you will have to tinker a lot with each of them. I think this super shuriken will take you at least an hour of time. Well, are you scared? Weak?

To assemble you will need: 8 square sheets of paper in two different colors.

In this section, we have collected the best video instructions on how to make a variety of shuriken out of paper with your own hands step by step: classic origami Naruto shuriken, eight-pointed, transformer, 16-pointed, etc. From one sheet of paper and from several. Diagrams and assembly videos in Russian and English.

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