Home Grape Apple compote without sugar. Apple compote for the winter without sugar, recipes. Ways to store apples for the winter

Apple compote without sugar. Apple compote for the winter without sugar, recipes. Ways to store apples for the winter

: this and , and other delicious . But all these recipes include some amount of sugar, some more, some less. Today we turn to people who, due to various circumstances, do not consume sugar.

I offer you recipes for homemade apples without sugar. They are tasty and healthy, if desired, they can be sweetened before use by adding fruit sugar, xylitol, sorbitol, licorice root and other sugar substitutes to taste. Such blanks from sugar-free apples can be stored in the apartment in winter.

Apple juice without sugar

Extract the juice with a juicer. Pour the juice into an enamel pan, put on fire. Bring to an active boil, but do not boil, pour the juice into sterilized jars and roll up. Wrap up.

Canned apples without sugar recipe 1

Peel the apples and, cutting them into slices, put them in two-liter and one-liter jars. Fill the jar to the top with boiling water (without sugar) and, having covered with a lid, leave for three minutes, then drain the water and pour boiling water again. After repeating the procedure three times, roll up the jar with a lid.

Apples, canned without sugar recipe 2

Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into slices. Blanch in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, cool. Place in sterilized jars and fill with hot water. Cover with lids and sterilize: liter - 20 minutes, 2-liter - 30 minutes, 3-liter - 55 minutes. Roll up.

Jam from apples without sugar

For 1 kg of apples - 200 g of water.
Cut the apples into pieces, add water and boil for 10-15 minutes, stirring continuously, then rub through a sieve. Boil the resulting puree until it thickens well, make sure that it does not burn. Then, in a warm form, decompose it into sterilized jars and, closing it with boiled lids, pasteurize at a temperature of 100 ° C half-liter jars - 151 minutes, liter - 20, 3-liter - 30. Apple jam can be stored for a year.

Apple pastille without sugar

Peel apples of any degree of ripeness, cut into slices, put in a saucepan, add a little water to the bottom, cover and boil over low heat, then cool and wipe through a colander. Lubricate the surface of the kitchen board with a very thin layer of vegetable oil and rub it thoroughly with a dry gauze swab. Put applesauce on the board in an even layer (not thicker than 0.8 cm - otherwise it will dry for a long time) and put in the sun or a draft. On the second day, when the puree dries a little, the board can be placed at an angle.

After three days, pry off the dry marshmallow with a knife and remove it from the board. This apple napkin should then be hung on a rope for 2 days. For long-term storage, fold the marshmallow in a pile, sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar, twist tightly into a roll, put in a plastic bag and place in the refrigerator.

Sugar free apple puree

Well-washed, cut into small slices apples without cores and stalks, put in a saucepan, on the bottom of which a little water is poured, slowly boil for a couple under a lid until they become soft, then rub through a sieve and bring to a boil again. Pour the finished puree into well-washed and boiled jars and roll up. Kissels and sauces are prepared from mashed potatoes for dessert, meat and lenten dishes

Antonovka soaked in jars

Wash the average fruits of the Antonovka variety apples, put them tightly in jars. Prepare the filling: mix juice and cold boiled water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 (to taste). Pour over the apples, put wooden sticks crosswise into the jars so that they press the apples and prevent them from floating up. The filling should be 4-5 cm higher than the apples. Close with polyethylene lids. Keep cold.

Apple-pumpkin puree without sugar

1kg apples, 1kg pumpkin, 1 teaspoon lemon or orange zest, sugar optional.
Sour apples, cut into slices, and pumpkin, cut into pieces, steam in a steamer or juicer for 10-15 minutes until soft. When hot, rub through a colander or sieve, add zest or sugar to taste. Heat the puree with stirring to 90 ° C and spread it hot into half-liter jars. Pasteurize for 10-12 minutes at 90°C.

I don’t put anything else, this compote can be opened in winter and add sugar or jam, if necessary, or you can just take out the fruit and eat.

How to make compote for the winter

  1. Apples and pears must be carefully culled - I choose the best.
  2. I cut out the core, a dry upper hole (the so-called top of the head in apples and pears - shrunken sepals) and a rough peel around the stalk.
  3. I cut fruit into quarters.
  4. I sterilize jars for 20 minutes, boil clean water.
  5. I lay out the fruits tightly in jars to the very top.
  6. Pour boiling water over, cover with a lid, see if there are a lot of bubbles.
  7. If air bubbles do not come out, I remove the lids into boiling water again, and put the jars (I have 700-1000 ml) in the microwave for 1.5 minutes per jar.
  8. If after pouring the apples there are a lot of bubbles, then I keep the apples for 5 minutes, then pour the water into a separate pan, bring it to a boil again, pour the same water into the microwave.
  9. At this time, I have all the lids ready in boiling water.
  10. When the microwave squeaks, I put a ladle with lids next to it, open the microwave, quickly put the lid on and twist it.
  11. I turn the jars over, check for leaks. I don't wrap.

Why blanch and blister: sometimes there is not enough moisture in apples, for example, varieties: white filling, pink filling - sweet enough, but loose, if they are not blanched, do not wait until the bubbles come out - apples are saturated with moisture at this time, then during storage, the fruit will continue to absorb water and by January-February, half or a little more liquid will remain in the jars.

Why sterilization is needed: there is little acid in pears and even apples, if you do not carefully sterilize, then when preserving sugar-free compote over the winter, the bacteria that get into the jars will turn everything into mold. It is impossible to create a sterile environment in the kitchen - you need to irradiate with lamps for a long time, therefore, the sooner the sterilization is carried out, the better.

The second way to sterilize compote

If you use large cans for compote - two or three liters, then the microwave will not work for us. Sterilize on the stove. Everything is simpler here:

  1. I put washed and peeled pears and apples in a jar to the very top.
  2. I put blanched apples in jars to the very top, fill with water.
  3. I put an enameled bucket on the stove, in it a couple of liters of water brought to a boil in advance, and a tack on the bottom.
  4. In a bucket of a jar of fruit, add water to at least half the height, preferably on the shoulders of the jar.
  5. I cover with sterile lids, but do not screw.
  6. When the water in the bucket boils, I sterilize for 10-15 minutes (since the fruits are filled with boiling water and the water in the bucket is already heated, the time is reduced).

Banks with such sugar-free compote stay all winter at room temperature. Due to the fact that there are a lot of fruits, the taste is very rich, pear or apple, but not at all sweet. Sweetener or sugar can be put later. Fruit pieces turn out to be dense, if a variety with dense pulp, nothing good comes out of loose apples, it is better to process them into jam,

Summer is behind us, and here it is - the fertile autumn apple season! When ripe red, green, yellow and sunny-striped ones migrate from trees to baskets, bags and boxes and go-go by all conceivable modes of transport to our houses and apartments. And when a rare hostess does not grab her head - what to do with this huge mountain of cheeky fruits splashing with ripe juice ?! What to do with them?

Which apples will "survive" until spring

Of course, half can be laid on the ground, basements and cellars, this is described in detail in the article and described in the video. But from the rest of the apples you can make dozens, if not hundreds of different blanks!

Today we will share with you ideas on how best to process the apple crop and make the most diverse and win-win in taste and originality. So, which apples will definitely survive until spring?

This is probably the oldest way to harvest apples for the winter. - an unusually tasty product, they can be eaten “just like that” without any additional processing ... Well, who does not remember the pleasant aromatic sourness of the middle and the crunchy sweetness of the edges of dried apple fruit? But in winter you can cook compote, dessert, and stuffing for pies from dried apples.

dried apples

The easiest recipe for urinating apples

For the brine you will need:
  • water - 5 l;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. heaped spoon.
  1. Put blackcurrant and cherry leaves in 3 l jars, apples with tails on them, shifting each layer of fruits with leaves.
  2. Pour in brine, cover with a cloth (gauze) and leave at room temperature for several days to ferment.
  3. After the appeared foam settles, you can close the jars with nylon lids and take them out to the cold. After 2 months, the apples will be completely ready.
There are many recipes where the taste of apples is "regulated" with the help of rye flour, honey, dry mustard, tarragon. For example, the author of the recipe experiments with herbs every time. Some housewives make pickled apples with cabbage or lingonberries. Do you want to achieve an unusual taste? Take a look at the collection.

In the next video you will see how to cook pickled apples with honey.

3, 4, 5. Puree, jam and marmalade

Puree from apples is a delicate airy product, which is one of the first in life given to an infant and which, until old age, will be present in the diet of almost every person.
The puree is quick and easy to make.


  • apples - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 150-200 g.
  1. Pour the peeled and core apples with water so that the tops of the apples are not covered. Bring to a boil and cook for 5-8 minutes. (depending on the variety of apples, the early ones boil faster).
  2. As soon as the apples are boiled, put them in a colander and let the water drain.
  3. Add sugar to the remaining pulp and cook for 5 minutes, stirring. The density of the puree can be adjusted using apple broth, which is drained from apples.
  4. Place hot in sterilized jars and roll up. Invert onto lids and wrap until cool. From 2 kg of apples, almost three 0.5 l jars of puree are obtained.
For baby food, sugar can be omitted, then the puree must be pasteurized.

And here's how you can make sugar-free puree:.

If you continue to boil applesauce, it will thicken and turn into another product -. As a rule, in relation to the initial volume of mashed potatoes, the finished jam will be almost half the volume. Properly cooked jam is perfectly stored without any sealing; for this, sugar in it should be at least 60-65%.

For cooking you will need:

  • apples - 1 kg (weight for already peeled apples);
  • sugar - 500 -700 g.
  1. Add sugar to the mass rubbed through a sieve (or in a blender) and boil, stirring, over medium heat for 15 minutes. up to an hour, depending on the density that is needed.
  2. Put hot jam in prepared and heated jars and roll up. Invert onto lids to cool and wrap.

For jam, apples can be boiled (as for mashed potatoes) and baked in the oven.

Jam is prepared in the same way as jam. Only boil until the syrup acquires a jelly-like consistency. Classic jam contains up to 65% sugar, then it keeps well.

8. Apple compote

, undoubtedly, are the most popular drinks that are harvested for the winter.

They are prepared in several ways:

  • Option 1. In boiling syrup 2-3 minutes. sliced ​​apple slices are boiled, placed in sterilized jars and poured with boiling syrup. For a 3 liter jar add 1-1.5 cups of sugar.
  • Option 2. Place prepared apples (whole, halves, slices, slices) in jars, one third of the container, pour boiling water for 5-8 minutes. for warming up. Drain the water into a saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil, pour into jars and roll up. Some housewives do not double, but triple hot fill. Sugar per 3 liter jar - 200-300 g (to taste).
  • Option 3. Put apples in jars, pour warm water and pasteurize at +85ºС: 1 liter jar - 15 min., 3 liter jar - 30 min. Can be without sugar.
To enrich the taste, red or black currants, chokeberries, cherries, lemons, cloves, cinnamon, dry white wine or citric acid at the tip of a knife are added to apple compotes.

In the presence of the process of making juice does not present any difficulties. Juice is squeezed from peeled (or even unpeeled) apples, sugar is added (for 1 liter of juice - 2 tablespoons of sugar), the juice is brought to a boil and immediately poured into prepared dishes. A jar or bottle is rolled up and put under wrapping. This juice can be stored for up to 2 years.

It is rightfully considered the richest source of such trace elements necessary for humans as calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, boron and magnesium. Apple cider vinegar is especially rich in potassium - 200 g of vinegar prepared from fresh apples contains 240 mg of it. Therefore, for people who strive for a healthy, proper diet, preparing apple cider vinegar for the whole year is just a matter of honor)

For cooking you will need:

  • apples - 0.8 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar (honey) - 100 g;
  • pressed yeast - 10 g (or dry rye bread 20 g).
  1. Grate apples, add water, sugar, yeast and leave for 10 days in an open jar at a temperature of + 20-30ºС with occasional stirring with a wooden spoon.
  2. Then strain, add, if desired, more honey or sugar at the rate of 50 g per liter of juice and leave until the end of fermentation for 40-60 days in a warm place under a cloth (gauze).
  3. Ready vinegar filter, store in the refrigerator.

11 and 12. Pouring and tincture

No wonder they say that a summer day feeds the year. And in the example with apples - a summer day can not only feed, but also drink. And not only juice and compote - apples make a wonderful homemade alcoholic drink. Moreover, it can be prepared both with alcohol (vodka) and with the help of natural fermentation. It is believed that sour varieties of apples are the most suitable for this purpose, as they are more juicy.

Homemade apple liqueur

For cooking you will need:
  • apples - 2.5 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • vodka - 0.5 l;
  • water - 8 l.
  1. Fill the jar with chopped slices (peeled and seeds) of apples, pour water and vodka and put in a warm place (in the sun) for 2 weeks.
  2. If at the end of the term all the slices have already risen to the top and are floating, strain the fermented liquid through gauze (the sediment will remain on it), add sugar and leave again in a warm place for another two days.
  3. Then the jar is transferred to the cold for 10-12 days, after which it is bottled, corked and kept closed in the cold for at least a month. At the end of this period, the liqueur is ready for use. The total cooking time is up to 45-47 days.
And the following video tells how apple tincture is prepared on moonshine:

In the "apple" notebook of the hostess

  • Apple jam is considered ready if the fruits themselves become transparent, and the syrup begins to be covered with a slightly wrinkled film;
  • Apple jam is ready when the hot drop immediately thickens on a cold surface;
  • Jam can be considered ready if, when a wooden spatula is drawn along the bottom of the container where it is cooked, a “path” is formed, which is slowly filled with mass;
  • If applesauce or jam is made without sugar, then the blanks must be sterilized;
  • The most delicious compotes are obtained from sweet and sour apples, for the preparation of alcoholic beverages it is better to take sour ones, and for apple cider vinegar - only sweet varieties;
  • For pickling, apples of sweet varieties are more suitable.

See how much can be made from apples! But this is far from all that can be prepared from these wonderful fruits for the winter, because apples can still be pickled, seasonings for dishes, marshmallows and jams, jelly and candied fruits can be made from them ...

And our summer residents also offer their original recipes. We really hope that our advice will help you find new interesting ways to harvest apples for the winter and save the entire harvest of this year ... and that you will definitely share your secret apple recipes with us)

The drink is rich and concentrated, thanks to which it is perfectly stored all winter at room temperature. For cooking, it is better to use dense ripe fruits. If you take not ripe ones, then the compote will not have a very pleasant taste, and overripe fruits will boil and the drink will become cloudy.

Cooking time - 1.5 hours.

List of ingredients for one 3 liter jar:

  • apples - 8-10 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1/3 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 350 g;
  • water - 1.8-2 liters.


Wash apples thoroughly and cut into small pieces. We cut large fruits into 6-8 parts, small ones into 4 parts. Very small apples can be rolled whole. If the apples are cut into pieces, then be sure to cut out the core.

We prepare the jars in advance - carefully wash and sterilize over steam or in the oven. Wash the lids and boil for 4-5 minutes. We place the chopped apples in prepared dry jars almost to the very shoulders.

Wash the lemon and cut into thin slices. We need no more than one third of a whole lemon. Fresh lemon can be replaced with ready-made citric acid, which will require one incomplete teaspoon.

Fill jars with apples and lemon with boiling water. Cover with lids and leave for 30-40 minutes. During this time, most of the apples will be saturated with water and the amount of water in the jar will decrease, so add boiling water to the very top and leave it for a while. We need all the air to come out of the apples, and they are well steamed.

Then, using a special lid with holes, completely drain the water from the jar into the pan.

Add sugar to the pan and boil the sugar syrup. Boil it until the sugar dissolves.

Pour apples with hot sugar syrup so that the syrup overflows a little, so there will be no air left in the jar. We immediately seal the lid tightly - you can close it with screw caps or use a seaming key.

Turn the jar upside down and wrap it in a large towel. In this state, we leave the compote for 24 hours, after cooling, we put it away for storage in a dark place.

Before drinking, it is better to dilute the drink with boiled or filtered water.

Compote of apples and pears in a 3 liter jar

From these fruits you can make a wonderful drink for the winter. Delicate, light and very fragrant, this compote perfectly quenches thirst and fills the body with vitamins. It is prepared quickly and simply, without additional cooking of fruits and sterilization. Most often, the double filling method is used, but if you plan to store the compote at home, in the pantry, then it is better to play it safe and fill the jar three times, in which case the compote from apples and pears will definitely stand all winter.

Cooking time - 65 minutes.

List of ingredients:

  • apples - 4-5 pcs.;
  • pears - 3-4 pieces;
  • sugar - 350 g;
  • citric acid - 1/3 tbsp.

How to cook:

Let's start with fruit processing. Wash apples and pears thoroughly and dry a little. If the apples are not wormy, then it is enough to cut them into 4-6 parts and cut out the core. In worms, we simply cut off the whole parts. Homemade fruits can be left with a peel, it is better to remove it from purchased ones.

We also cut the pears into 4-6 parts and cut out the seeds. Large fruits can be cut into more pieces.

We clean three-liter jars with soda and rinse thoroughly with water. We sterilize for at least 15-20 minutes. When the jars are dry, put chopped fruit in them.

We boil about 3 liters of water in a large saucepan, we need a little less, but it is better to make a supply. Pour boiling water over the jars up to the throat, cover with lids and do not touch for 40-50 minutes.

Drain the water back into the pot and boil. Let's add a little boiling water there, so that we definitely have enough for the second bay. The jars are large, it is not very convenient to work with them, and compote is easy to spill, so we make a reserve for such an unforeseen event. Boil water for compote for at least 5 minutes.

While the water is boiling, add sugar to the fruit in a jar.

Then add a little citric acid, it will give the fruits a beautiful glossy shade.

Re-fill with boiling water, the water should reach the very top and roll it up turnkey. To check the seaming, put the jar upside down on a dry towel, there should be no air bubbles or extra sounds indicating incomplete sealing.

If everything is fine, then we wrap the drink well with a warm blanket and leave it for a day. Store in a dark, cool place.

Apple compote for the winter with spices

Whatever the variety of juices and drinks in the store, there is nothing better than homemade compote! No preservatives, dyes and other harmful substances, only natural fruits and berries.

The prepared drink with spices has a slightly tart taste and intoxicating aroma! As spices, in addition to those listed in the recipe, you can use star anise, cardamom or nutmeg.

However, they must be used carefully, as they can overpower and clog the natural flavor of apples. In addition, with prolonged heating, the pungency of the taste of the same clove intensifies, and the taste decreases. Therefore, spices are best used at the last stage of cooking.

For compote with spices, apples of any variety are suitable, even slightly unripe or sour fruits. The main thing is that the fruits are dense, overripe apples can boil soft and lose their shape.

Cooking time - 1.5 days.

Ingredients for one three-liter jar:

  • apples - 6-8 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp (without slide);
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • cloves - 2 buds;
  • allspice - 3-4 peas;
  • dried barberry - 9-12 pcs.

Step by step recipe:

First of all, we will prepare three-liter jars for compote. They should be washed with special care with a soda solution and rinsed for a long time under cold running water. Then we sterilize the jars over steam or in the oven for at least 20 minutes. We will also process the lids, boil for about 5-7 minutes. It is better to immediately spend some time on the thorough preparation of the dishes than to regret the time spent and spoiled products later.

The quality of the twist largely depends on the purity of the fruit, so I wash the apples very well in slightly cool water. Cut each apple into 6-8 pieces and cut out the core.

Pour the sliced ​​apple slices into the prepared jar. Since we are preparing compote from apples alone, you can put more of them - about half a jar.

Fill the apples with boiled water and cover with a lid. We leave for 12-14 hours, the apples should be well steamed. You can cover the jar with a towel so that the water cools more slowly.

Note to the owner!

Always boil water in reserve when working with jars of large volumes, there is always a chance of spilling water, especially when pouring from a saucepan into the narrow neck of a jar.

After that, pour the water into the pan, and add sugar and citric acid to the jar.

We add spices, dried barberry and a little more boiled water to the pan with apple syrup, since apples have absorbed some of it and the jar is no longer full. We put on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for about 5-7 minutes. After that, we take out the cinnamon stick and cloves, we no longer need them, and boil for another 2-3 minutes.

Fill the jar with fragrant syrup to the very neck, cover with a lid and roll it up turnkey. We immediately turn the jar on the lid and wrap it with a terry towel. The slower the compote cools, the better the sterilization process goes.

When the compote of apples with spices has cooled down, we transfer it to storage in a dark place.

Compote of apples, melons and ginger for the winter

The combination of products creates a new and unusual, but at the same time very bright and interesting taste. The spicy aroma of ginger is perfectly combined with fruity notes of breath and apples, and it’s not worth talking about the benefits of these products - such a compote will be an excellent prevention of colds in the cold season.

The main thing is not to overdo it with the ingredients, everything should be in moderation and then the tasty and fragrant compote will delight you all winter!

Cooking time - 40 minutes (excluding the time of steaming and cooling cans)

Ingredients for a three-liter jar:

  • apples - 4-6 pcs.;
  • melon - 300 g;
  • ginger root - 0.7 cm;
  • sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp

How to make apple compote with melon:

Peel the melon and cut into medium-sized pieces. Melon is best taken with ripe, but elastic pulp, which will not boil soft from boiled water.

Apples are peeled, cut into two parts and cut out the core. We cut the apples into pieces equal in size to melon pieces. We do everything quickly so that the apples do not have time to darken.

We prepare three-liter jars in advance - carefully wash and sterilize. In dry, cooled jars, lay out the prepared melon and apples. We clean the ginger root and cut it into thin slices, 2-3 pieces will be enough for compote, in large quantities ginger will spoil the taste of the whole compote.

We heat the water and after boiling pour it into the jar. Cover with a sterilized lid and leave for a couple of hours. During this time, the apples will absorb some of the water and you can add more boiling water.

Drain the cooled water into a separate pan.

Add sugar to the pan, mix and put on fire. Boil the syrup for about 5-7 minutes.

Add a little citric acid to the jar, fill everything with boiled water and leave for another 40 minutes. After that, drain the water, boil it and fill the jar for the third time, this time completely.

We cover the jar with compote from apples, melons and ginger with a lid and roll it up with a key. Turning the jar with a lid down, immediately wrap it with a warm blanket or blanket. The compote should cool for at least a day, only after that we put it away for storage in a place convenient for you, only it must be dry and dark. Great preparations for you!

Compote of apples and plums for the winter

In order to roll up a compote of apples and plums for the winter, you do not need to be an ace in cooking. The drink is very easy to prepare, without sterilization. The recipe is for one 3 liter jar.

Prepare the necessary ingredients:

  • 350 grams of apples,
  • 150 grams of plums,
  • sugar to taste (I add 6 tablespoons of sugar or 120 grams to a three-liter jar),
  • almost 3 liters of water.

How to cook:

Rinse the jar thoroughly with warm water, be sure to add a little soda. You can also use detergent for washing, but in this case it is worth rinsing the jar very well. Wash apples and plums. It is not necessary to remove the stones from the plums, however, if this moment is important for you, then break each berry in half and carefully remove the stones. Cut apples into medium-sized pieces. You don't need to peel them off. In a clean and dry three-liter jar, first put the plums.

Then lay out the chopped apple slices.

Now, pour sugar directly into the jar.

Pour water into a large saucepan, bring to a full boil. Gently, preferably with a cup, pour water into the jar.

Immediately screw it tightly with a metal cap. In a day, the compote will acquire a rich and beautiful color, and in another day, the apples will settle to the bottom of the jar.

I hope you liked my small selection of recipes for delicious compotes for the winter. Share this page on your social networks.

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    Dried fruit compote without sugar

    Dried fruit compote is a dessert drink made from fruits and berries. Compote is made from dried pears, apples, peaches, cherries, dried apricots, prunes, raisins, and dates.

    Dried fruit compote contains vitamins A, C, B, PP, potassium, sodium, iron, copper, phosphorus, zinc.

    Beneficial features

    Sugar-free dried fruit compote has a low calorie content and saturates the body with vitamins and valuable trace elements. Due to the absence of sugar in the composition, the drink can be consumed during the diet, with a tendency to overweight and diabetes. The product helps to improve appetite, prevent colds and increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Dried fruit compote has a diuretic effect and can be used in the treatment of cystitis. The drink has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

    Dried fruit compote is not recommended for intestinal disorders, stomach ulcers, pancreatitis. In case of violations of the digestive tract, the drink can provoke the development of diarrhea or exacerbate chronic pathologies. Also, dried fruit compote, in the production of which chemicals were used, can be harmful.

    Compote for the winter without sugar

    Now there are a lot of varieties of apples that differ in the degree of sweetness. For compotes that are twisted without sugar, you need to take exclusively sweet fruits.

    Such compotes are an excellent solution for people with diabetes. After all, they can’t use soda or nectars, but compotes without sugar can be and even useful.

    Also, sugar-free apple compote can be offered to young children who have a predisposition to diathesis.

    Apple compote from fresh apples for the winter, without sugar - recipe with photo:

    We wash the apples well, cut out the funnels on both sides and put the apples in sterile jars.

    Put the kettle on the gas and bring the water to a boil. Boiling water and pour apples.

    After 5-10 minutes, pour the water into the pan.

    We put a saucepan with drained fragrant, smelling of apples water on gas, bring it to a boil again and pour in the apples that have already been steamed once.

    We twist the apple compote with metal lids and put it upside down under the blanket until it cools completely. And the next day, the banks can already be sent for storage under the floor. This is how easy and healthy you can make apple compote for the winter from fresh apples!

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