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Oil is called black gold because. Research paper "Why is oil called black gold?". Stages of development of oil production

Many expectant mothers are wondering if it is possible to cut their hair during pregnancy? The popular sign is unambiguous in relation to this issue - it is impossible. But who among us now believes in superstition? Units.

Is it worth believing in superstition

During pregnancy, many women tend to believe in all sorts of "fables". Various signs frighten some, while others simply laugh. But not all grandmother's advice should be ridiculed and ignored.

Superstitions about cutting hair during pregnancy

Below are the most common superstitions about women's hair.

  • One legend says that all life force is concentrated in the hair. And if you shorten the length of your hairstyle, then not only strength and health are lost, but also the number of remaining years of life decreases. Simply put, by cutting your hair, you can shorten your time on this planet. And for pregnant women, such haircuts were considered almost a “crime”. After all, the life of not only the mother is shortened, but also the baby who is inside her. It was even believed that the pregnancy would end much faster than expected. And this has been believed for many centuries.
  • There was also a superstition that hair is something like an antenna for communication with space. And the longer these "antennas", the more cosmic energy is captured by a pregnant woman. And transmitted, respectively, to the baby. Therefore, if you cut your hair, then the pregnant woman and her unborn baby will not have enough energy and strength.
  • It was also believed that a woman's short hair was a sign of a serious illness. Several centuries ago, the hair was cut off by the sick. And the woman sat in her house until the length was the same. And the strands were cut off because the body spends a lot of energy on its nutrition. But these forces should be used exclusively for recovery.

Is it possible or not to cut the hair of a pregnant woman

If you answer about whether it is possible to cut your hair during pregnancy, then the answer depends solely on you. If you want - cut it, if you don't want - don't. Believe in superstitions, then you do not need to neglect them. But in defense of a haircut, we can say that in some cases it really helps.

For example, you have very long hair. You understand that the body spends a large amount of nutrients on their food. Here and vitamins, and selenium, and magnesium and other elements. Many have noticed that while you are carrying a baby, your hair begins to grow more actively. Therefore, if you cut the length, then more useful substances remain with the mother, and she will pass them on to the child. Everyone remembers that hair will grow back, unlike teeth. Don't be afraid to shave.

In some cases, precisely because the vitamins are not enough for the hair, they begin to look very deplorable. They fall out more, the tips do not have enough care at all and they dry, split, break. And then only a haircut is the right decision. Believe me, length is not as important as beauty and health. You can have waist-length but straw-like hair, or shoulder-length hair that is silky, shiny, well-groomed and manageable. And in the second case there will be more enthusiastic looks and pleasant compliments. In the first case, unless he regrets and will discuss.

With care, you need to be careful. It's one thing if you make homemade masks according to grandmother's recipes. And then some components must be excluded so that they are not absorbed into the body through the scalp and do not harm the baby. With purchased masks, you should be extremely careful. The more chemistry in them, the less often they can be used.

Where to get a haircut? Again, it all depends on your superstition. Someone can cut the ends himself, while the rest prefer to go to the hairdressers. If you choose a day, it is better for the growing moon. This is inexplicable, but it has been proven that haircuts during the younger moon have a better effect on the condition of the hair. And the hair recovers faster, grows back to its previous length.

And again, if you believe in this superstition, then you can turn into a shaggy monster, and not into a beautiful flowering woman. There are plenty of such grandmother's warnings. And sat down to believe all of them, then by childbirth you will become overgrown, with unplucked eyebrows, unshaven legs, washed on holidays. Do you know that according to such ancient legends, you can’t even comb your hair on Fridays? Therefore, rely only on your desires. You can listen, but it's up to you to follow or not.

Haircut during pregnancy

Is it true that pregnant women should not cut their hair, or does this refer to mythical folk signs that have nothing to do with reality? From the very first days of pregnancy, a woman is surrounded by many signs. She learns about them from friends, relatives, from the Internet and from strangers. It turns out that pregnant women should not cut their hair, dye it, raise their hands above their heads, step over a log, sew and knit, buy things in advance for an unborn child, and much, much more. Moreover, why pregnant women should not cut their hair, for example, no one will answer. More precisely, it will not explain it from a more or less scientific point of view. They will simply say that this can lead to intrauterine death of the child, or "if you cut your hair, you shorten the child's life."

Of course it seems crazy. However, future mothers are very receptive to any such information and prefer not to think, but simply avoid all that supposedly cannot be done. So calmer. On the one hand, it is true. The peace of mind of a future mother is much more useful than stress. But it’s better just not to listen and not delve into these signs. If possible, limit yourself to them. After all, the expectant mother can and should remain attractive. For women who believe that pregnant women can cut their hair or doubt the prohibitions, we will describe a brief history, which is probably to blame for the appearance of such a myth.

Hair in ancient times was considered the personification of strength, spiritual energy. Especially in women. In most tribes, women never cut their hair at all. And if a woman was forcibly cut, then it was a shame for her. Such manipulation was carried out for some fault.

In some tribes, a woman's hair was cut once in her life by her husband. It was something like a landmark transition from one family to another. In this case, the hair was necessarily burned or buried. That is, they should not have fallen into the hands of ill-wishers, for whom they would have become a tool for imposing damage or a family curse.

Also, hair was a means of heating for cavemen. They wrapped themselves in their hair and wrapped it around their children.

Now only very superstitious people who believe in magic destroy their cut hair. Many women have made it a habit to sell them. Money is not superfluous. And how much hair is left in hairdressing salons! All this is nonsense.

So, cutting hair during pregnancy is an absolutely safe procedure. If hair coloring can still be potentially dangerous - you never know, low-quality dye, and there is fumes from the paint. Then in the case of a haircut, the hairdresser uses only scissors, combs and a hair dryer. If only all these tools were clean. Therefore, the recommendation to all expectant mothers is to visit good beauty salons and use the services of only neat hairdressers. And so, cut your hair during pregnancy for health!
If you are still superstitious and are more afraid of haircuts because it can have a bad effect on your hair and appearance, use the so-called haircut calendar. There you will find information on which lunar days it is better to get a haircut, and when not to avoid further slow hair growth.

Speaking of hair growth. Can pregnant women cut their hair, how soon will it grow back? Usually, during the bearing of a child, the hair grows especially actively and almost does not fall out. And if they fall out, then this is a sign of iron deficiency anemia and requires a doctor's consultation. If the diagnosis is confirmed by the laboratory (a low hemoglobin level is detected), he will prescribe an iron preparation, which will quickly normalize everything.

Reading 7 min. Views 1.1k. Published on 02.04.2018

Hello dear readers.

During pregnancy, there are many prohibitions and contraindications for women, many of which have no justification, and expectant mothers adhere to them out of habit or fear. One of the topical questions that expectant mothers ask is: is it possible to have a haircut during pregnancy? This is what we will talk about today.

Why you shouldn't cut your hair while pregnant

Since ancient times, there have been many signs and superstitions that advise against cutting hair for pregnant women. In Russia, it was believed that hair personifies strength and health.

Therefore, girls were strictly forbidden to even trim the ends, so as not to harm the health of the unborn child. Many superstitions are associated with this superstition, explaining why it is impossible to cut your hair during pregnancy:

  • if a pregnant woman trims the ends of her hair, then she thereby shortens the life of her unborn baby;
  • ancestors believed that by cutting their hair, a pregnant woman deprives her child of connection with higher powers: he can be born with a low weight, weak or even lifeless;
  • it was believed that a girl could be born, not a boy - this superstition was associated with the fact that at the astral level, the expectant mother deprives her son of her genitals while still in her womb;
  • long hair reduced the manifestations of toxicosis.

This is only a small part of the signs from antiquity, which have been passed down for many centuries from generation to generation, and have survived to this day. Each of them is quite understandable. In those days, medicine was at a low level, and infant mortality was very high. Therefore, pregnant women were afraid to bring any harm to their unborn child, and for the sake of his safe birth, they tried to limit themselves in some way. Times change each other, but in the modern world, many women are wondering if it is possible to have a haircut during pregnancy. Grandmother's signs are a tenacious mixture of fear and absurdity.

Opinion of physicians

In modern medicine, there are no contraindications for cutting pregnant women. This will in no way affect the formation of organs and the development of the child during pregnancy, regardless of how long the expectant mother decides to cut her hair.

During the bearing of the baby, the woman's body undergoes hormonal changes, the hair begins to grow more intensively. Consequently, for those girls who regularly visited the hairdresser before pregnancy, dyed their hair and cut their hair stylishly, the curls will take on an untidy look. The uncut ends of the hair will be brittle and split ends, from which the hairstyle will take on a sloppy look.

Therefore, there is nothing unnatural in the desire of a woman to change her image due to a stylish haircut. If a woman likes how she looks with a new hairstyle, if she pleases her, then this is the key to her good mood, and hence her well-being.

Haircut contraindications during pregnancy

It is better for suspicious pregnant women who are subject to superstition not to cut their hair. They are already impressionable, and while waiting for a child, this is even more aggravated by the fact that they begin to think whether they did the right thing. And if the pregnancy proceeds with complications or the birth of the child is unsuccessful, then the woman will blame herself for everything.

Therefore, to the question of whether it is possible to have a haircut during pregnancy, each expectant mother has her own answer. If a woman is sure that everything will be fine with her child, and she does not believe in omens and superstitions, then a haircut will cheer you up and improve her emotional state.

Pregnancy - time to grow your hair?

Long beautiful hair is the dream of many women. During pregnancy, the intensity of hair growth increases and this is the most suitable period for growing beautiful curls. But immediately after childbirth, the density of the hair becomes “as before”, as the hormonal balance of the body returns to normal. Hair that grew back while waiting for the birth of the baby falls out

Hair does not look healthy without regular trimming of the ends - a haircut starts the regeneration process. If during pregnancy the ends of the hair are not shortened and generally neglected, then after childbirth the hair will weaken, become dull and unhealthy.

Therefore, hairdressers advise not to avoid cutting curls, so as not to lose a lot of hair after childbirth. Moreover, with the birth of a small family member, mom's time to visit a hairdresser becomes much less.

hair care during pregnancy

If the expectant mother is still tormented by the question of whether it is possible to have a haircut during pregnancy, then it is better to resort to an alternative. Proper hair care during this period will help a woman prevent split ends and look attractive.

Here are some tips.

  1. While a woman is carrying a baby, the type of hair may change due to changes occurring in the body of the expectant mother. Therefore, you should review all the hair care products that she usually used and choose new hair cosmetics in accordance with her type.
  2. All shampoos, balms and hair masks should be natural and contain as few chemicals as possible so as not to harm the health of the child.
  3. Often women during this period are worried about split ends. To minimize this problem, hairdressers recommend using hair masks made from natural ingredients. You can cook them yourself at home. Also in the pharmacy there is an opportunity to purchase cosmetic oil in order to apply before washing the hair on the ends of the curls and leave for 30 minutes. This procedure will help improve the condition of the hair structure.
  4. Often a pregnant woman in the body lacks any trace elements necessary for hair. To improve the condition of the curls during this period and strengthen them, a decoction of herbs for rinsing the hair after washing will help. A specially prepared infusion will help strengthen the hair and give it shine.

These simple hair care tips will help a pregnant woman look well-groomed and find psychological comfort.

Haircut and color during pregnancy

Many women dye their hair, but after they find out about their pregnancy, they have doubts when going to the hairdresser. During this period, doctors recommend that you carefully consider the paint that pregnant women plan to use. It must be natural. Preference should be given to henna and basma. Blondes are advised to rinse their curls with chamomile infusion, which will lighten them and add shine.

Paints that contain ammonia in the composition are harmful in their vapors, they penetrate the woman's body. They can also cause allergic reactions in the expectant mother, which is undesirable and dangerous during pregnancy. The strong smell of paint can also cause toxicosis in a woman.

If a woman nevertheless decided to dye her hair, then it is recommended to use a more gentle method: highlighting or coloring, which will allow regrown hair not to stand out from the general tone. For those women who do not want to use this option, only the roots of the hair can be tinted, choosing gentle paints.


Today we looked at all the pros and cons of cutting the hair of a pregnant woman. Is it possible to have a haircut during pregnancy, each decides for herself. The main thing during this period is that the expectant mother and child feel comfortable. During these months, harmony in everything is important. And not the last role in the harmonious image of the future mother is played by her reflection in the mirror. It is unacceptable for a woman to look bad when carrying a baby. A beautiful appearance is a guarantee of good mood and self-confidence.

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Oil - black gold .

This expression is known to everyone, its meaning too. Oil is truly an inexhaustible source for man. Now our life is so dependent on it that it would be scary to imagine its absence. American scientist Ralph Lapp writes: “I consider it barbaric to burn the unique heritage of the Earth - hydrocarbons - in the form of oil and natural gas. Burning these molecular structures just to generate heat should be considered a crime.” The phrase of D.I.Mendeleev is widely known: “To heat a stove with oil is the same as to heat it with banknotes”. I think comments are unnecessary.

Origin of oil.

Oil has been known for a very long time. Archaeologists have established that it was mined and used already 5-6 thousand years before our era. The most ancient crafts are known on the banks of the Euphrates, in Kerch, in the Chinese province of Sichu-An. The origin of the very word "oil" should be sought in the languages ​​of the peoples of Asia Minor, "nafata" - "leak". The mention of oil is also found in many ancient handwritten books. In particular, the Bible already speaks of resin springs in the vicinity of the Dead Sea.

Theories of the origin of oil. There are three of them: mineral, organic and space.

organic theory. The foundations of this theory were laid by M.V. Lomonosov in the middle of the XVIII century.century. In one of his treatises, he wrote: It is expelled by underground heat from the coals being prepared, it is a brown and black oily matter ... and this is the birth of liquid various types of combustible and dry hardened matters, which are the essence of stone oil, Jewish resin, oil, jet, and similar, which, although they differ in purity, however, originate from the same beginning. "Later, this theory changed and varied, but the essence of the theory is as follows - organic material, first converted into coal, and then into oil. True, other hypotheses of that time were of a curious nature. One Warsaw canon claimed that the Earth during the Paradise period was so fertile that it contained fatty impurities to a great depth.After the fall, this fat partially evaporated, and partially sank into the earth, mixing with various substances.The Flood contributed to its transformation into oil.There are also known other no less "scientific" hypotheses about the origin of oil.The authoritative German oil geologist G. Gefer talks about b one American oilman of the end of the last century, who believed that oil arose from the urine of whales at the bottom of the polar seas. Through underground channels, she entered Pennsylvania. MV Lomonosov's brilliant conjecture about the formation of oil as a result of the effect of elevated temperature on the biogenic organic matter of sedimentary rocks began to be confirmed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries during experimental chemical and geological studies.

mineral theory. The first to express this theory in 1805 was A. Humboldt. The experiments of scientists in the 1860s and 1870s on the inorganic synthesis of hydrocarbons served as the starting point for the development of this theory. D. I. Mendeleev, who until 1867 adhered to the ideas of the organic origin of oil, in 1877 formulated the well-known hypothesis of its mineral origin, according to which oil is formed at great depths at high temperatures due to the interaction of water with metal carbides.For example,. In the first half of XXcentury, interest in the hypothesis of the mineral origin of oil was largely lost. The search for oil was carried out all over the world, based on ideas about its organic origin.Since 1950, interest in the mineral hypothesis began to grow again, the reason for which was, apparently, insufficient clarity in a number of issues of the organic concept, which caused its criticism.The performances of N. A. Kudryavtsev were most famous. They changed noticeably over time, but their essence lies in the fact that oil and gas are formed in the deep zones of the Earth from a mixture and as a result of reactions of direct hydrocarbon synthesis from CO and : , as well as polymerization of radicals =CH, , . Geological evidence of the mineral hypothesis - the presence of traces of methane and some petroleum hydrocarbons in deep crystalline rocks, in gases and magmas erupting from volcanoes, manifestations of oil and gas along some deep faults, etc. - are indirect and always allow for a double interpretation.

Space theory. In 1892, M. A. Sokolov put forward a hypothesis of the cosmic origin of oil. Its essence is reduced to the same mineral synthesis of hydrocarbons from simple substances, but at the initial, cosmic stage of the formation of the Earth. It was assumed that the formed hydrocarbons were in a gas envelope, and as they cooled, they were absorbed by the rocks of the forming earth's crust. Released then from the cooling igneous rocks, hydrocarbons rose to the upper part of the earth's crust, where they formed accumulations. This hypothesis was based on data on the presence of carbon and hydrogen in comet tails and hydrocarbons in meteorites.

Currently, the majority of scientists - chemists, geochemists and geologists - consider the idea of ​​the organic genesis of oil to be the most reasonable, although there are scientists who still prefer the mineral hypothesis of its formation.

Oil as a chemical substance.

Chemically, oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons and carbon compounds, it consists of the following main elements: carbon (84-87%), hydrogen (12-14%), oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur (1-2%), the sulfur content increases sometimes up to 3-5%.

In oil, a hydrocarbon, asphalt-resinous part, porphyrins, sulfur and an ash part are isolated.

The main part of the oil is made up of three groups of hydrocarbons: methane, naphthenic and aromatic.

Asphalt-resinous part of oil is a dark-colored substance. It is partially soluble in gasoline. The dissolved part is called asphaltene, the undissolved part is called resin. The composition of the resins contains oxygen up to 93% of its total amount in oil.

Porphyrins are special nitrogenous compounds of organic origin. It is believed that they are formed from plant chlorophyll and animal hemoglobin.At a temperatureporphyrins are destroyed.

Sulfur is widely distributed in oil and hydrocarbon gas and is contained either in the free state or in the form of compounds (hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans). Its amount ranges from 0.1% to 5%.

The ash part is the residue resulting from the combustion of oil. These are various mineral compounds, most often iron, nickel, vanadium, sometimes sodium salts.

Oil varies greatly in color (from light brown, almost colorless, to dark brown, almost black) and in density (from light 0.65-0.70 C. pour point ranges from +300up to -600C and depends mainly on the content of paraffin (the more it is, the higher the pour point). Viscosity varies over a wide range and depends on the chemical and fractional composition of oil and tar content (the content of asphalt-resinous substances in it). Oil is soluble in organic solvents, practically insoluble in water under normal conditions, but can form stable emulsions with it.

Oil can be classified according to different criteria.

2. According to the potential content of fractions boiling up to 3500FROM

3. By potential oil content

4. By the quality of oils

The combination of designations of the class, type, group, subgroup and type makes up the code for the technological classification of oil.

Depending on the field, oil has a different qualitative and quantitative composition. For example, Baku oil is rich in cycloparaffins and relatively poor in saturated hydrocarbons. There are significantly more saturated hydrocarbons in Grozny and Ferghana oil. Permian oil contains aromatic hydrocarbons.

Oil production.

The collection of oil from the surface of reservoirs is, obviously, the first method of extraction, which was used in Media, Babylonia and Syria before our era. Oil collection in Russia, from the surface of the Ukhta River, was started by F.S. Pryadunov in 1745. In 1858, on the Cheleken Peninsula, oil was collected in ditches through which water flowed from the lake. In the ditch, a dam was made of boards with a passage of water in the lower part: oil accumulated on the surface.

Everyone knows what oil is, how it is called and for what purpose it is used. This is a precious product, a mineral, unique in its kind. Oil is used to create fuel and many other products needed by modern people.

At the same time, after oil refining, practically no waste remains, since all its components are used for one purpose or another. But do you know why oil is called oil? Let's look into this issue and consider some more interesting facts about the origin of this black precious raw material.

Origin of the word "oil"

If we talk about the origin of the name of oil in English, then it appeared by merging several Greek words or words in Latin, which literally translate as stone oil. However, oil at one time (in the 18-19 centuries), even in Russia, was called mountain or stone oil.

As for the direct origin of the Russian word "oil", today historians cannot come to an exact version of the origin of the term, there are only guesses and versions.

One version is the hypothesis that this name migrated into Russian from Persian and Turkish, where oil was called “naft” and “neft”, respectively. Many linguists and etymologists agree that this version is the most plausible, and similar to the true story of the origin of the word oil in Russian.

Why oil is called black gold

As well as about what oil is in general, all people have long known about the unspoken name of this product today. Oil is called black or liquid gold for a reason. As you know, gold is one of the most precious metals known to science and mankind today. That is why people tend to compare everything that is dear to them, everything that is rare, with gold. So we have long used the metaphor of golden hands, golden people, or a mythical goldfish that supposedly grants wishes.

Given the value of oil, its demand and immediate price, it is very easy to call it gold. And if we take into account the color of this mineral, the whole picture comes together, and we get "black gold". Of course, the explanation is almost the same for the unspoken name "liquid gold", because oil is a liquid. Not the same as water, denser and thicker, but liquid.

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