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The minimum wage in Belarus. Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus. Who determines the minimum wage and when?

the current size of the minimum salary

installed 01/01/2019

The minimum wage is the lowest allowable wage for all areas without exception. In other words, this is the minimum remuneration for his work that an employee should receive - provided that he has completed the standard amount of work. If the amount of salary is lower, this is considered a violation of the law. The minimum wage in Belarus is set on January 1 of each year. It can be indexed more often, depending on the situation in the economy.

What is the minimum wage and how is it indexed?

The very concept of “minimum wage” is enshrined in Belarus at the legislative level. The existence of this tool:

  • helps prevent exploitation of workers;
  • guarantees them payments at least in this minimum amount - the employer simply does not have the right to pay less;
  • performs the role of a "salary standard", which can be used as a "starting point" in economic planning.

Unlike the base value, the minimum wage is not used in the calculation of tax deductions, fines and other payments. Basically, it serves as a kind of guide for:

  • governments, ministries and departments, which on its basis determine the level of remuneration for different areas;
  • low-paid workers from different industries. They must know the size of this parameter in order to defend their interests in disputes with the employer.

The minimum wage is set by the Council of Ministers. This usually happens on January 1st of every year. But if during the year inflation in the country exceeds the predicted level, the “minimum salary” is also indexed. For example, in 2012, 2013 and 2015 it increased immediately 3 times, in 2014 - 2 times.

The minimum wage in 2017 was 265 rubles. As required by law, it was established on January 1, 2017 and has not been indexed since then. In the table below, you can examine the changes in the minimum wage over the past years.

For 2019, the minimum wage is set at 330 rubles, which is 8.2% higher than last year.

Salary for 2012 - 2019

Effective date Minimum wage Normative act,
01.01.2019 330 rubles Council of Ministers 05.12.2018 No. 870
01.01.2018 305 rubles Council of Ministers December 28, 2017 No. 1022
01.01.2017 265 rubles Council of Ministers dated December 27, 2016 No. 1080
01.11.2016 239.42 rubles Council of Ministers dated December 24, 2015 No. 1094
01.08.2016 239.48 rubles Council of Ministers of December 24, 2015 No. 1094 with amendments of June 20, 2016 No. 477
01.07.2016 239.18 rubles Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of December 24, 2015 No. 1094 with amendments of June 20, 2016 No. 477
01.01.2016 2,300,000 rubles Council of Ministers dated December 24, 2015 No. 1080

A clear indicator of the state of the economy The concept of "minimum wage" exists in many highly developed countries of the world. For example, in Germany it is 1,498 euros per month, in the US - 7.25 dollars per hour. It must be understood that this is not an applied, but rather a psychological tool by which one can judge the level of development of the labor market and the economic situation of the state.

Unfortunately, in Belarus the size of the minimum wage is not high, but it objectively reflects the real state of our economy. As the economy grows, the minimum wage will also increase, and with it the level of well-being of Belarusians.

Information on the amount of the minimum wage in 2016

The Law of the Republic of Belarus "On the establishment and procedure for increasing the minimum wage" (hereinafter - the Law) establishes the legal basis for determining the amount of the minimum wage and its application.

The effect of the Law applies to all employees and employers who have concluded an employment contract on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, unless otherwise provided by legislative acts or international treaties of the Republic of Belarus.

Minimum wage (monthly and hourly) - the state minimum social standard in the field of remuneration, which the employer is obliged to apply as the lower limit of remuneration of employees for work under normal conditions during normal working hours when performing the duties of an employee arising from legislation, local normative legal acts and labor contract.

The amount of the monthly minimum wage is established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus annually from January 1.

A collective agreement (agreement) may establish a different amount of the monthly minimum wage, but not less than the amount of the monthly minimum wage established in accordance with the Law.

The monthly minimum wage during the year is subject to indexation in the manner provided for the indexation of income received from budgetary sources, in accordance with the legislation on indexation of incomes of the population taking into account inflation.

The amount of the hourly minimum wage is determined by the employer by dividing the amount of the monthly minimum wage by the ratio of the calculated norm of working hours of the calendar year, established for the relevant categories of employees by the employer in accordance with labor legislation, and the number of months of the calendar year, and is also changed by the employer when changing the size of the monthly minimum wage, including in connection with the indexation of the monthly minimum wage.

The monthly minimum wage applies to employees whose remuneration is based on monthly tariff rates (salaries, official salaries).

The hourly minimum wage applies to employees whose remuneration is based on hourly tariff rates (salaries, official salaries).

The minimum wage (monthly and hourly) is applied taking into account hours worked.

An employee whose accrued wages are below the minimum wage (monthly and hourly), established and applied in accordance with the Law, the employer is obliged to make an additional payment up to the amount of the minimum wage (monthly and hourly). When determining the additional payment up to the amount of the minimum wage (monthly and hourly), the amount of the accrued wages of the employee does not take into account payments of a compensatory nature and payments not related to the performance by the employee of duties arising from the legislation, local regulatory legal acts and the employment contract, the list of which is approved by the resolution Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated July 21, 2014 No. 68.

Information on the amount of the minimum wage in 2016

Monthly minimum wage (rub.) Note
January 2 300 000 Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 24, 2015 No. 1094
2 300 000
2 300 000
2 300 000
May 2 300 000 -«-
2 391 769
Taking into account the indexation of 5.4 percent
July 1 239,48 -«-
August 1 239,48 -«-
September 1 239,48 -«-
October 1 239,42 -«-
November 1 239,42 -«-
December 1

Note. The amount of the monthly minimum wage for June 2016, taking into account the denomination, amounted to 239.18 rubles 1 .

The increase in the monthly minimum wage in July 2016 compared to June 2016 is due to an increase in the indexation standard.

The decrease in the monthly minimum wage for October 2016 compared to September 2016 was due to a decrease in the indexation standard.

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated January 28, 2006 No. 55 “On the standard for indexing the monetary income of the population taking into account inflation”, income is indexed within the indexation standard - 100 percent of the subsistence minimum budget per capita, effective at the time of indexation (from August 1, 2016 - 175.5 rubles, from November 1, 2016 - 174.52 rubles).

1 Taking into account the denomination in monetary units of the 2009 sample.

Minimum wage or the minimum wage is the limiting figure for the wages of any worker. As a rule, the minimum wage in each state is always set by its own.

When setting the minimum wage, as a rule, all of the following important factors are taken into account:

  • economic opportunities of Belarus;
  • economic opportunities for local employers;
  • people's needs for various material goods;
  • the level of employment of the population;
  • labor productivity of employees;
  • projected rise in prices in the represented republic.
Taking into account all these factors, the government of Belarus establishes a minimum wage, which then must be followed by all enterprises existing in the territory of the represented republic.

The value of the minimum wage for the current day

From January 1, 2017, the minimum wage was set at 265 rubles per month(Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 27, 2016 No. 1080).

The minimum wage affects the quality of life of the entire population. The higher the minimum wage, the higher the quality of life of all people in Belarus.

As a rule, depending on the minimum wage for human labor, the wages of all existing workers are calculated. Its size cannot be lower than the minimum wage.

Dynamics of changes in the minimum wage in Belarus

The value of the minimum wage is very closely related to, which you can read about in a related article.

  • The employment contract defines the relationship between the employer and the employee. The observance by the parties of the rights and obligations stipulated by it depends on how thoroughly the conditions of the relationship of the parties that have concluded it are taken into account.

  • Borrowing money is a phenomenon that is quite characteristic and widespread in modern society. It would be legally correct to issue a loan with the subsequent return of funds documented. To do this, the parties draw up and sign a loan agreement.

  • It's no secret that a legally competent approach to drafting an agreement or contract is a guarantee of the success of the transaction, its transparency and security for counterparties. Employment law is no exception.

  • In the process of economic activity of many firms, the supply contract is most often used. It would seem that this simple, in its essence, document should be absolutely understandable and unambiguous.

The minimum wage is the legally established lower limit of the monetary remuneration paid by employers to their employees when they are employed full-time (for one rate), and if they comply with their job duties. This amount is the minimum social standard in the field of wages, which is guaranteed by the state.

The concept of "minimum wage" is applicable only to relations that are formalized by an employment contract (contract) and, accordingly, are recorded in the employee's work book. It does not apply to cooperation under a contract or other employment options.

Minimum salary in Belarus today

date of Size
January 1, 2020 to date 375 rub.
2019 305 rub.
2018 305 rub.
2017 265 rub.
October 2016 239,42
June 2016 RUB 239.48
January 2016 RUB 2,300,000
October 2015 RUB 2,180,058
July 2015 RUB 2,180,126
January 2015 2 100 100 rub.
October 2014 RUB 1,841,483
July 2014 RUB 1,756,730
May 2014 RUB 1,747,300
January 2014 RUB 1,660,000
December 2013 RUB 1,532,230
September 2013 RUB 1,464,790
January 2013 RUB 1,395,000
December 2012 RUB 1,171,610
October 2012 RUB 1,109,120
August 2012 RUB 1,104,640
July 2012 RUB 1,054,010
May 2012 RUB 1,047,550
January 2012 RUB 1,000,000

Who determines the minimum wage and when?

The minimum wage is set by the Republican Council of Ministers in agreement with the departments concerned. In doing so, the following are taken into account:

  • items of expenditure that an average person has to acquire the necessary material goods and services;
  • the cost of labor in the country;
  • financial capacity of employers;
  • living wage budget.

The amount is reviewed annually, the new value comes into force on January 1. However, an extraordinary revision is also possible: this is usually due to a difficult economic situation, which is characterized by an increase in the intensity of inflationary processes, devaluation, and other crisis phenomena.

What is the indicator used for?

The minimum wage is one of the key instruments of the state's socially oriented policy, which is used to curb the attempts of employers to unjustifiably lower the wages of workers. It is a guarantee that a person, following the results of a worked month, will receive an amount not less than the minimum established by the state.

The indicator is used as a kind of benchmark, which is used by ministries, departments and other specialized institutions when determining the level of remuneration in various fields of activity, including workers in low-paid industries.

The minimum wage to some extent characterizes the current state of the national economy and the level of well-being of the population. But for an objective analysis, it should be considered in conjunction with other financial and economic indicators: the level of consumer prices, the dynamics of exchange rates, tariffs for utilities, inflation, etc.

Calculation features

The minimum wage is calculated for employees based on the time they have worked. If a full-time specialist has worked only 75% of the working time in the current month, the minimum salary for him will be:

330 x 75% = 247.5 rubles

A similar principle applies in situations with processing - the minimum wage increases in proportion to the hours worked.

The minimum wage cannot include compensatory payments, as well as the amounts that the employee receives regardless of the performance of his official duties, provided for by law and local regulations.

How about the neighbors

In Russia, the minimum wage is equal to the subsistence minimum budget, and currently stands at 11,280 rubles. In the regions, it may be higher due to increasing coefficients and local allowances (for example, for work in northern conditions).

In Lithuania, this indicator is planned to be increased to 607 euros from 2020, at the moment it is 555 euros. In Ukraine - 4173 hryvnia (about 132 euros), in Poland this figure is 2250 zlotys (about 523 euros), and in Latvia - 430 euros.

375 rubles

Installed: from 01.01.2020

Previous value: 330 rubles.

Minimal salary- the smallest amount of wages for each employee, acceptable in a particular state. That is, the payment of a smaller remuneration, regardless of the field of activity and form of ownership of the employing organization, is illegal, provided that the person with whom the employment contract or contract has been concluded has completed the established standard scope of work. The deduction of the minimum wage is not mandatory when applying methods of registration of labor relations other than an employment contract or contract.

The legal status of the minimum wage is enshrined in the Law of the Republic of Belarus. The establishment of the absolute size of the minimum wage is made annually, as of January 1. The value is indexed throughout the year in accordance with changing economic realities. During 2012, the minimum wage was indexed three times.

Things were similar in 2013 - the indicator of the minimum wage, taking into account inflation, was “brought to mind” three times.

In 2014, as of October 10, the indexation of the minimum wage was carried out twice - for May and July. Thus, from August 11, 2014, the minimum wage in Belarus was 1,756,730 rubles.

Since January 1, 2015, the minimum wage has been set at 2,100,100 rubles. During 2015, the minimum wage was indexed three times: in July, August, September. Taking into account the indexation of 5.1%, the minimum wage amounted to 2,180,126 rubles. In October, after indexation by 5.1%, the monthly minimum wage amounted to 2,180,058 rubles. In November, the minimum wage amounted to 2,180,126 rubles.

The amount of the minimum wage in 2016-2019.

monthly minimum wage (bel.rub.)

January 2 300 000
February 2 300 000
March 2 300 000
April 2 300 000
May 2 300 000
June 2,391,769 (indexed)
July 239,48
August 239,48
September 239,48
October 239,42
November 239,42
January 265
January 305
January 330
January 375

Since January 2016, the new minimum wage amounted to 2,300,000 rubles. Since July 2016, compared to June, the monthly salary amounted to 2,391,769 rubles, taking into account the indexation of 5.4 percent. After the denomination from July 1 - 239 rubles 18 kopecks (for June). Taking into account indexation in September, the salary amounted to 239.48 rubles. The decrease in the minimum wage for October compared to September 2016 is due to a decrease in the indexation standard. Since the CPI for November 2016 did not exceed the five percent threshold by the month of its previous indexation (June 2016). Its size in November 2016 amounted to 239 rubles 42 kopecks.

From January 1, 2017, the size of the minimum social wage standard is increased by 25.58 rubles. The corresponding decision was made by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 27, 2016 No. 1080, according to which the monthly minimum wage is set at 265 rubles.

From January 1, 2018, the monthly minimum wage is set at 305 rubles. The corresponding decision was adopted by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 28, 2017 No. 1022.

From January 1, 2019, the minimum wage was 330 rubles. From January 1, 2020, the minimum wage has increased by 45 rubles and amounts to 375 rubles.

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