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Aging stars. Magic is real. Actors who don't age Actress who doesn't age

The golden rule “less is better” is what you need to remember when embarking on the difficult path of fighting age with the help of contouring and plastic surgery. It was this knowledge that was not enough for the stars, who not only wanted to keep their youth, but also tried to look sexy in their far from young years.

Janice Dickinson (60)

The host of the Janice Witch Modeling School show, herself a former model, has changed so much that it is difficult to recognize in her the girl from the covers of the main fashion magazines of the late 1970s and early 1980s. At the time, she was a partygoer at Studio 54, and according to her autobiography, she was on a cocaine diet, and was also treated for alcoholism, drug addiction, anorexia and bulimia. Of course, this did not pass without a trace for the appearance. After the birth of her son in the 1980s, Janice resolutely took care of herself: she did a facelift and neck lift, rhinoplasty, liposuction, periodically enlarged her breasts and lips. Apparently, being a passionate person, Janice cannot control herself in matters relating to plastic surgery, and can no longer stop.

Melanie Griffith(58)

The actress, who once had a puppet appearance, at one time refused to put up with aging and went into all serious trouble, trying to preserve her beauty. With the help of injections, she enlarged her lips, “blinded” new cheekbones and made several braces. Subsequently, all the implants were removed, but they left an indelible mark. All this has led to the fact that Melanie's face leaves much to be desired and is constantly becoming the subject of discussion in social networks. However, she herself is calm about constant rudeness in her address, sometimes responding to haters with messages in the spirit of “yes, I am like that, so what?”

Meg Ryan (54)

The famous plastic surgeon Dr. Tony Yun, who starred in the TV series “Dr. 90210" and the author of a popular plastic surgery blog, appreciated how celebrities age. All of the celebrities listed were not Dr. Yoon's patients, so he can judge objectively.

(Total 28 photos)

1. Madonna, 51 years old.
In 1985 (left) and 2009
Is the "Material Girl" singer made of plastic? Nearly. Madonna looks much younger than 51 years old. Her cheeks are full, the line of the neck is sharp, not a single wrinkle. I think she got a facelift, added dermal fillers to her cheeks, didn't shy away from laser resurfacing or chemical peels, and also had a dysport injection and possibly an eye lift. (WireImage, AP)

2. Jane Fonda, 72
Left - in 1967, right - in 2008.
Recently, Jane Fonda said that she owes her appearance 30% to sports and proper nutrition, 30% to genes, 30% to good sex and 10% to plastic surgery. Judging by her sharp jawline, raised brows, and wide eyes, this 72-year-old actress has had a facelift, brow lift, and eyelids. I would say that all this is 30% due to genes, 20% to sports and proper nutrition, and 50% to plastic surgery. To look so good for so long, exercise alone is not enough even for Jane Fonda. (Getty Images)

3. Jack Nicholson, 72
Left - in 1977, right - in 2009.
Jack Nicholson is the best at avoiding the plastic surgeon's knife. He is aging with dignity, without a single sign of surgery. While many young celebrities inject themselves with buckets of Botox, Nicholson's wrinkles are deep, natural and untouched. This is not bad, otherwise the excess of Botox would make him look like his Batman character, the Joker. And now he looks like an elderly, wise and prominent Hollywood star. (WireImage. Getty Images)

4. Andie MacDowell, 51
Left - in 1992, right - in 2009.
Unlike many 50-year-old actresses and models, Andie MacDowell seems natural, except for maybe a touch of Botox here and there and maybe laser therapy to firm her skin. Her face is smooth and reflects time away from the dangerous sun, she takes good care of her skin and occasionally does preventive care. (WireImage, Getty Images)

5. Bruce Jenner, 60 years old.
Left - in 1993, right - in 2009.
Bruce Jenner is said to have reshaped his nose and had a facelift back in 1984, which, in my opinion, makes it look more feminine and unnatural. Then on his reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians, he got another facelift and got much better. His jawline is more prominent and he doesn't look like a plastic surgeon victim. But why does he still look weird? Most likely because his nose is still too thin and his eyes too open for a 60 year old. In my opinion, he is a vivid example of the fact that it is better to do plastic surgery on time once than to fix everything later. (Getty Images)

6. Cindy Crawford, 43
Left - in 1990, right - in 2009.
The most beautiful woman of the past 20 years still looks great. Cindy Crawford is truly a real supermodel. She is not much older now than she was in 1990. Her skin remains flawless. She likely had minor skin-tightening surgeries, such as the new eMatrix, but beyond that, she seems to owe her appearance to gentle care rather than surgery. If only everyone could grow old like her! (WireImage, Getty Images)

7. Clint Eastwood, 79
Left - in 1965, right - in 2009.
Clint Eastwood looks too rough to look like he's had surgery. Since 90% of plastic surgeons' patients are women, modern technology and surgery can make a man look a bit feminine and unnatural. Eastwood is an example of a man who refused a surgical scalpel: low eyebrows, loose skin on the neck and very sun-damaged skin. The only thing that, in my opinion, he did was a lift of the upper eyelids. In 1965, they seem a little heavier than they are today. But even if I knew that he used the services of a plastic surgeon, I would not tell him about it. (Getty Images)

8. Kenny Rogers, 71
Left - in 1985, right - in 2006.
Kenny Rogers admitted that he did not disdain an eyelid lift, and in vain. His plastic surgeon apparently removed too much skin from his upper eyelids, so now he looks constantly surprised. Most likely, while continuing his work on the eyes, he also did a brow lift. He is a prime example that with men plastic surgery has to be very conservative. Unfortunately, he no longer looks like the country legend he used to be. Recently, he has been undergoing frequent treatment in Israel. (Corbis, Getty Images)

9. Courteney Cox, 45
This actress has done everything she can to stay young. Courteney Cox and plastic surgery are definitely "friends". In addition to a possible chemical peel like the Obagi Blue Peel, she also had some lip augmentation, most likely with fillers like Juvederm. Her cheeks also look fuller, which can be achieved with fat grafting or Sculptra injections. Her skin is so smooth and flawless that I think she was paid millions for the skin care product she is the face of (Kinerase). And finally, her forehead shows the kind of smoothness that only Botox or Dysport can create. (Getty Images)

10. Diane Keaton, 64
Left - in 1979, right - in 2008.
Diane Keaton looks like a normal 64 year old woman. Her eyelids are sagging, her neck is decrepit, and her hair is turning gray. I would not say that she looks young for her age, but she remains an attractive woman. I doubt she ever had surgery. At least she looks much better than her Annie Hall co-star Woody Allen. (Corbis, Getty Images)

11. Ellen Barkin, 55
Left - in 1996, right - in 2009.
Ellen Barkin looks better than 99% of 55 year old women. What is it, genes, skin care or plastic surgery? I would say a little of everything. Her eyebrows are much taller than they were in 1996. Perhaps this is due to the endoscopic lift. Her eyelids also look more open than they did 14 years ago, likely due to an upper eyelid lift. Her skin is very smooth, she may have used laser treatments such as the Cynosure Smartskin Laser. Also, over time, her lips became fuller, possibly due to Prevelle injections. (Corbis, Getty Images)

12. George Clooney, 48
Left - in 1988, right - in 2009.
George Clooney is the type of man that women love and men hate. Unlike many celebrities in this photo compilation, the question of whether he had plastic surgery is not worth it. He looks so good without any surgery. Although many blogs have accused Clooney of seeking the help of a plastic surgeon, I see no sign of his work. He is an example of a man aging like fine wine. Besides, Clooney is a great actor. (Getty Images)

13. Jessica Lange, 60 years old.
Over the past two years, the appearance of Jessica Lange has changed a lot. This is especially evident in the example of her eyebrows, which are more curved than the soles on women's shoes. I bet she didn't use a combination of Botox and a total brow lift. Her eyelids are also too tight for a woman her age, most likely the result of upper and lower eyelid lift. Her cheekbones are also taller than they were in 1976, most likely due to implants. Overall, I think this Oscar-winning actress would still be a winner even if her brows were lower.

14. Joan Van Ark, 66
Left - in 1987, right - in 2008.
Unfortunately, Joan Van Ark looks like a wax copy of herself. Her skin is too tight, her lips look puffy, her eyebrows are too high, and her jaw line is too pronounced. Most likely, her unnatural appearance is the result of numerous chemical peels, lip implants, upper and lower eyelid lifts, facelifts, Botox and fillers.
Moderation in everything, including the use of plastic surgery - these are the main keys to a good appearance. She doesn't seem to follow this rule. Well, at least her hair looks great. (AP, Getty Images)

15. Al Pacino, 69 years old.
Left - in 1992, right - in 2008.
Did "Scarface" get facial plastic surgery? I think yes. Most likely, Al Pacino underwent a moderate lifting of the upper eyelids, as evidenced by the absence of excess skin on them. Due to the fact that this Oscar-winning actor has limited any surgical intervention, he looks great. He ages gradually, like his character in The Godfather. (Getty Images)

16. Susan Sarandon, 63
Left - in 1995, right - in 2008.
Although Susan Sarandon recently broke up with her young protégé Tim Robins, this 63-year-old actress has always looked as young as he does. Like many serious actresses of her generation, she has eschewed plastic surgery, and looks great thanks to good genes and meticulous skin care. Her skin is smooth, but not too smooth, plus she has all the wrinkles a woman her age should have. Even having exchanged her seventh decade, this woman looks good. Susan's son has recently been fully focused on the Endowment. (Getty Images, AP)

17. Johnny Depp, 46 years old.
Left - in 1990, right - in 2009
Johnny Depp is one of those people for whom looking good is very easy. He has straight hair, doesn't shave, wears weird glasses, and still looks better than 99% of men his age. Although there were rumors that Johnny Depp had plastic surgery, I doubt it. He has wrinkles typical of a man of his age. His excellent cheekbones and prominent jawline only make him look younger. Maybe Johnny Depp has many sins, but plastic surgery is not one of them. (Getty Images)

18. Julia Christie, 68 years old.
Left - in 1965, right - in 2008.
Is Oscar-winning Julia Christie really 68? You can't tell from her, given her gorgeous appearance. It seems to me that Christie is one of the examples of high-quality plastic surgery in Hollywood. I think she lifted her eyelids, got a facelift, fat fillers in her cheeks. As a result, this is reflected in a clear neck line, young eyes and soft cheeks, which she displays with glamor. The fact that she's a classic Hollywood talent only adds to the beauty of her looks. Her plastic surgeon should be given an Oscar. (Getty Images)

19. Michael Douglas, 65
Left - in 1976, right - in 2009.
It looks like Michael Douglas is desperately trying to keep up with his young wife, Catherine Zeta Jones. He seems to have had one or two facelifts as well as an upper eyelid lift. A few years ago, photos of Michael with supposedly stitches from plastic surgery spread on the Internet. So why does he still have loose skin around his neck? Well, since men have thicker, more sun-exposed skin than women, the results of a facelift don't last as long. This may explain why, even after two facelifts, Douglas still looks old. But what else can you expect from a 65 year old man trying to keep up with a gorgeous 40 year old woman? (WireImage, Getty Images)

20. Meg Ryan, 48 years old.
Left - in 1998, right - in 2009.
The American favorite of the popular women's magazine has become almost unrecognizable over the past few years. Meg Ryan's lips look too swollen. I think they put implants in them, for example, Gortex. This substance can make the lips look too big, tight and unnatural. It is usually injected in small doses. She also doesn't seem to be squeamish about cheek implants, which makes her look a little "swollen". The good thing is that these implants are completely replaceable during a 20 minute operation. If she really wants natural lips, I would recommend that she remove the implants and take advantage of the fat. (Getty Images, AP)

21. Meryl Streep, 60 years old.
Left - in 1980, right - in 2009.
If you are as good an actress as Meryl Streep, you don't even need to think about plastic surgery. Streep may not be the youngest actress, but who cares? She's one of Hollywood's aging actresses who doesn't have a problem with wrinkles, saggy skin, or even flabby cheeks. Although I think she did a minor chemical peel, I don't think it went beyond that. Well done. (Getty Images, AP)

22. Nick Nolte, 68
Left - in 1994, right - in 2008.
I don't think Nick Nolte has had plastic surgery - he looks rough, muscular, even gray-haired, but completely natural. His eyelids are sagging, his forehead is lined with wrinkles, his face has become thin, and his skin has been damaged by ultraviolet radiation. I would not say that he ages beautifully, I would say that he ages naturally. (WireImage, Getty Images)

23. Nicole Kidman, 42 years old.
Left - in 1997, right - in 2009.
Nicole Kidman's face seemed to change shape. Sometimes I think that she enlarged her lips, sometimes that she injected Botox into her forehead. In general, I think she did both, and also injected fillers, like Sculptra, into her cheeks.
In some people, aggressive Botox injections can create the effect of overly arched eyebrows, I call this “Botox eyebrows”. In this photo it is not visible, but in others it is present. (Star Max, NBC via AP)

24. Olivia Newton-John, 61
Left - in 1980, right - in 2008.
Looks like 80s beauty Olivia Newton-John is hopelessly addicted to cosmetic injections. Her face looks unnaturally bloated, possibly due to fat grafting or Sculptra injections. Lips also appear enlarged, most likely due to fillers such as Restylane or Juvederm. The forehead is very smooth, even too much for a 61 year old woman. (WireImage, Getty Images)

25. Priscilla Presley, 64 years old.
Left - in 1968, right - in 2009.
A couple of years ago, she admitted that she used silicone injections that ended in failure. Today, she looks nothing like the classic beauty she was 15 years ago. Her skin is smooth, the result of unnecessary laser treatments. Lips and cheeks are swollen, probably due to fat or other fillers. And her forehead is too tight - probably due to Botox. (AP, Getty Images)

26. Sharon Stone, 51
Left - in 1994, right - in 2009.
Why is Sharon Stone's face as smooth as a rock? While I don't think she's had plastic surgery, it's possible that her youthful appearance is the result of medical skincare like La Roche Posay, as well as chemical peels and laser treatments. She ages very beautifully without noticeable changes, like her Hollywood counterparts. To be honest, she's aging so well that it's quite possible to make "Basic Instinct 3". (WireImage, EPA)

27. Sheryl Crow, 47 years old.
Left - in 1996, right - in 2009.
All Sheryl Crow wants is to enjoy life and avoid surgery. She looks great, especially for a 47-year-old woman who has overcome breast cancer. Her skin is clear and smooth, no visible signs of plastic surgery. She is aging slowly. I have only one recommendation for her: do not overdo it with the sun. Stay in the shade and wear sunscreen to stay as beautiful as you are. (WireImage, Getty Images)

28. Sylvester Stallone, 63 years old.
Left - in 1986, right - in 2009.
Sly Stallone looks like he's had a few rounds with the plastic surgeon. His eyebrows are too arched, making him look like Cruella De Vil. It's most likely due to a brow lift. His eyelids are also too taut with no hint of loose skin. His jaw line is also too defined for a 63 year old man. Most likely, this is the result of eyelid and face lifts, respectively. His cheeks also seem taller than they used to be, probably the result of silicone implants. All this plastic surgery makes him look rather weird, like Satan. I think it's time for him to end this. (Wire Image)

Preserving beauty and youth after 50 is not an easy task, but there are Russian and foreign stars who meet old age with dignity without abusing the services of plastic surgeons. A selection of beautifully aging celebrities without plastic surgery and their before and after photos are in the material.

Monica Bellucci (1964)

The Italian actress and fashion model will celebrate her 54th birthday in September 2018, but she still looks attractive and stylish, while not resorting to the help of surgeons. Bellucci is sure that sexuality does not depend on age, and her appearance is a direct proof of this.

Sharon Stone (1958)

The Hollywood actress is not trying to keep up with her youth. She categorically does not accept “beauty injections” and other anti-aging procedures. Despite the fact that Sharon turned 60 in 2018, she looks so attractive that in candid photo shoots for men's magazines.

Meryl Streep (1949)

The heyday in the acting career came after 40, and the star conquered the audience with its naturalness. Despite his considerable age, the celebrity stubbornly refuses to do plastic surgery and even laughs at his colleagues who are trying to keep up with youth.

Salma Hayek (1966)

The 51-year-old Mexican-American actress looks great even without plastic surgery. The star is aging with dignity, and fans note that the only sign indicating her true age is small facial wrinkles, but they are very to Hayek.

Isabella Rossellini (1952)

The Italian actress represented cosmetic brand Lancome for 12 years, but broke off the contract when the managers said they needed a “younger face” and suggested that she undergo anti-aging treatments. However, the artist believes that plastic surgery is below her dignity and the lot of women who are unsure of their beauty.

Natalya Andreichenko (1956)

An actress from Russia also belongs to beautifully aging stars. The celebrity has retained its former charm, without even turning to plastic surgeons. The star of the film "" is engaged in spiritual practices and even heads his own spiritual center in Hawaii. This helps her to be young mentally and physically.

Laima Vaikule (1954)

Journalists cannot find evidence that the Soviet and Latvian pop singer resorted to the help of plastic surgeons for rejuvenation, and there are no external signs of this either. Nevertheless, the celebrity looks no worse than in her youth, despite the fact that in 2018 she turned 64.

Alla Pugacheva (1949)

The prima donna of the Russian stage is also aging with dignity. She pays a lot of attention to her appearance and recently lost 20 kg. Thanks to this, Pugacheva began to look much younger. One way or another, Alla Borisovna is not shy about her age and publishes on social networks without makeup.

Fans are wondering how this amazingly gifted man with such a "warm" last name manages to look 10-15 years younger than his true age. Someone knows Leto primarily for his roles in films, someone - primarily as the leader of the rock band 30 Seconds To Mars, but both of them he is also known for his super-creative approach to his own appearance.

For example, one of Jared's latest image chips is shoulder-length hair that makes him incredibly similar to Jesus Christ, as most people imagine him and who in the human mind will always be 33 years old and not a day more. Fans said "chip", and Jared likes their opinion!

Jared himself admits that a vegan diet helps him stay “forever young”. Leto began to lead such a lifestyle after filming in the film about the Olympic runner "Prefontaine" back in 1997, and taking part in the cult film "Requiem for a Dream" about a young drug addict, Jared realized how important it is to develop healthy habits.

However, in the past few months, Jared Leto decided to grow a thick beard, which immediately "aged" him for several years. Whether this was done for the sake of filming the new Suicide Squad movie, or Jared took the title of his own mini-documentary mini-series Into the Wild too literally, but we hope that by mid-March Leto will still shave off these thickets on his cheeks and will enter the stage of the Olimpiysky Sports Complex in Moscow in the image of an unfading handsome man familiar to fans!

Tom Cruise, 52

It's hard to believe that Tom Cruise turned 52 this year! In a recent interview, the actor was asked how he manages to look twice as young - as if Tom, like a real superhero, managed to stop time, or at least his own biological clock!

Perhaps Tom Cruise's youth was extended first by his ex-wife Katie Holmes (the age difference of the former married couple is 16 years), then by a new lover - a 22-year-old actor's assistant named Emily. “We just didn't recognize Tom after a few weeks of getting to know Emily! He's really in love," one of Cruz's London buddies told the British portal Mail Online after footage of the paparazzi on the set of Mission: Impossible 5 appeared on the Web, where Tom constantly spent time with Emily. It seems that the girl is not embarrassed by the fact that Cruz is suitable for her father - he looks almost the same age as her!

Ian Somerhalder, 36

For the first time, fans saw Ian Somerhalder in JJ Abrams' ambitious Lost project. The girls especially liked the role of the novice actor - "cute handsome", but alas, the creators of the series decided to kill the hero Ian in the first season of the show. But a few years later, Somerhalder "resurrected" in every sense - his career received a new round when the actor was invited to play the role of Damon Salvatore in the teen series "The Vampire Diaries".

Casting managers were attracted not only by the sexy look that Ian throws frowningly at his on-screen (and not only - colleagues began dating almost immediately after the end of season 2 of the series, but broke up two years later) beloved Nina Dobrev, but also by the fact that Ian seemed to granted eternal youth, like his vampire hero.

Due to the fact that Somerhalder looks 10 years younger, he also chooses girls in the appropriate age range. His ex-lover Nina Dobrev is 25 years old, Nikki Reed's new passion, by the way, who also became popular after appearing in the Twilight vampire saga, is 26. Yen looks very harmonious next to young friends and, apparently, is not going to grow old, so Moreover, the TV series The Vampire Diaries has been renewed for several more seasons.

Ashton Kutcher, 36

Young father Ashton Kutcher seems to always be perceived by fans in this way - "young". Over the past few years, his charming "boyish" smile has not faded at all, despite the stress he suffered - a divorce from his wife Demi Moore, who, by the way, was much older than Kutcher.

Kutcher himself does not seem to consider himself young - recently, while on vacation, the paparazzi captured him reading David Stipp's book "The Pill of Youth". It tells about how scientists are looking for ways to combat age-related changes.

Apparently, Ashton was thinking about how to remain as active over the years, because soon his little daughter Wyatt will say the first word, start walking, then run ... In addition, Kutcher's fiancee, actress Mila Kunis, recently said in an interview that "Wyatt's teenage problems will be dealt with by Ashton." And for such important things, a man needs energy!

Enrique Iglesias, 39

This spring, fans of Spanish singer Enrique Iglesias couldn't believe their ears when, on American talk show Today, the artist began talking about his new concert tour and mentioned that he was "getting old."

“The first two weeks of touring are hard for me,” said Enrique. - I notice that bones and joints start to hurt from incendiary dances ... At this moment I say to myself “Stop, you need to rest more, you are no longer young!”.

Fans would argue with Enrique - the Spaniard manages to maintain a great shape, not only physically, but also creatively. Most recently, Iglesias again performed in Moscow with a fresh album Sex And Love (dedicated to his beloved, Russian Anna Kournikova) and, according to the unanimous opinion of the guests of the show, he looked and danced no worse than 15 years ago, when the sultry macho broke into the charts and into our hearts with the song Bailamos.

Elijah Wood, 33

What do we know about Elijah Wood? He doesn't age and he's a hobbit. It's no secret that Elijah became "small" Frodo in the film epic "The Lord of the Rings" due to his very low growth for a man - only 168 centimeters. Many journalists who interviewed Elijah during his visit to Moscow last year note that behind his fragile appearance lies a kind nature, devoid of even a hint of ambition, arrogance and star whims.

Wood willingly talks about his favorite character - Frodo Baggins - and even admits that he still cannot "get out of character", although no less than 8 years have passed since the end of the filming of The Lord of the Rings!

Over the years, Wood really does not seem to have gotten older - no matter how hard he tries to make his image more sedate with the help of glasses or regrown stubble, an absolutely childish smile and big blue eyes once again give out a “big child” in him. Little, but remote Elijah has serious creative plans for the future, so the actor does not have time for his personal life at all - Wood's last sweetheart known to the public was actress Franka Potente. It turns out that now the heart of the actor with big blue eyes and wild curls is free - which cannot but please the large army of Elijah's fans.

Will Smith, 46

Recently, the experts of the British clinic of aesthetic medicine Crown decided to find out which of the famous men manage to age the most beautifully. And according to the results of the poll, Will Smith unexpectedly turned out to be in eighth position! But let's dot all i's - Will does not age, but only becomes more muscular.

Perhaps, in some fresh pictures, especially attentive fans will notice the gray hair in Smith's hair - he even admitted in an interview that he dyes his hair for the sake of new roles. But not a single wrinkle appeared on the actor's face and the smile remained the same open as it was 10 years ago.

Will's wife, actress Jada Pinkett Smith, also seems to share the secret of eternal youth with her husband. Maybe the whole point is that Jada provided her beloved with a strong family rear - their marriage even withstood recent rumors about Will's betrayal of his wife with his colleague in the film "Focus" Margot Robbie. If harmony now reigns in the family, then the spouses look accordingly - young and carefree!

Jim Parsons, 41

In The Big Bang Theory, Jim Parsons played theoretical physicist Sheldon Cooper, who has no social skills at all. At the same time, throughout all eight seasons of the super popular comedy show, Sheldon does not change at all in appearance - he looks and behaves like a big teenager!

Of course, Parsons remains forever young along with his hero: fans fell in love with his “childish” face. For several years in a row, the actor has no equal in the field of comedy series - year after year he wins the Golden Globe and Emmy awards for the incredibly funny image of Dr. Sheldon Cooper.

Maybe the secret of Jim's youth and cheerfulness lies not only in his successful career, but also in victory on the personal front: Parsons has been living with a partner, producer Todd Spivak for more than 10 years (without hiding his non-traditional sexual orientation). The lovers are planning to use the services of a surrogate mother to become parents soon!

Joseph Gordon-Levitt, 33

Hipsters all over the world respect the actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt not only for his role in the cult film 500 Days of Summer for this subculture, but also for the fantastic image of the eternally young “clever girl”. He is equally successful in both the roles of superheroes (“The Dark Knight”) and bespectacled bores (“10 Reasons I Hate You”).

It is curious that one of the most famous films in which Joseph starred was the action movie Looper, in which his hero Joe Simmons had to grow old for a good ten years - the actor spent several hours every day in the dressing room, and wrinkles appeared on his smooth face. , and in dark hair - gray hair.

However, this is the magic of cinema - when the director's command “Stop!” sounds on the set, the actors can remove the makeup and become themselves again. Gordon-Levitt's new lover, Tasha McCauley, clearly likes the young and handsome Joseph more than his "older" version. Luckily for the couple, the moment when Joseph finally "catch up" with his on-screen hero and will look about the same, it seems, will never come!

Jensen Ackles, 36

Supernatural star Jensen Ackles recently became a dad: his wife Danneel Harris gave birth to his daughter Justice Jay last June. It is clear that the couple has the most “fun” times: apparently, Jensen has no time to even shave!

The stubble makes him older, but in fact the actor remains as young as he was almost 10 years ago, when the series about the hunters of evil spirits was released.

By the way, about Ackles' partner on the show, Jared Padalecki, one cannot say that he does not age - if you compare the characters of Jensen and Jared, the Winchester brothers, at the beginning of the series and now, in the middle of season 10, fans will see that the youngest of the brothers, Sam ( played by Padalecki) has changed a lot over time, unlike the older one, Dean (played by Ackles). Well, fans of the famous Dean Winchester smirk like this situation: I want the idol to remain forever young!

Madonna, 51 years old.
In 1985 (left) and 2009
Is the "Material Girl" singer made of plastic? Nearly. Madonna looks much younger than 51 years old.
Her cheeks are full, the line of the neck is sharp, not a single wrinkle. I think she got a facelift
added dermal fillers to the cheeks, did not disdain laser resurfacing or chemical peeling,
and also had a dysport injection and possibly an eye lift.

Diane Keaton, 64 years old.

Diane Keaton looks like a normal 64 year old woman. Her eyelids are sagging, her neck is decrepit, and her hair is turning gray. I would not say that she looks young for her age, but she remains an attractive woman. I doubt she ever had surgery. At least she looks much better than her Annie Hall co-star Woody Allen.

Title="(!LANG:Diane Keaton, 64.
Left - in 1979, right - in 2008.
Diane Keaton looks like a normal 64 year old woman. Her eyelids are sagging, her neck is decrepit, and her hair is turning gray. I would not say that she looks young for her age, but she remains an attractive woman. I doubt she ever had surgery. At least she looks much better than her Annie Hall co-star Woody Allen.">!}

Ellen Barkin, 55 years old.

Ellen Barkin looks better than 99% of 55 year old women. What is it, genes, skin care or plastic surgery? I would say a little of everything. Her eyebrows are much taller than they were in 1996. Perhaps this is due to the endoscopic lift. Her eyelids also look more open than they did 14 years ago, likely due to an upper eyelid lift. Her skin is very smooth, she may have used laser treatments such as the Cynosure Smartskin Laser. Also, over time, her lips became fuller, possibly due to Prevelle injections.

Title="(!LANG:Ellen Barkin, 55.
Left - in 1996, right - in 2009.
Ellen Barkin looks better than 99% of 55 year old women. What is it, genes, skin care or plastic surgery? I would say a little of everything. Her eyebrows are much taller than they were in 1996. Perhaps this is due to the endoscopic lift. Her eyelids also look more open than they did 14 years ago, likely due to an upper eyelid lift. Her skin is very smooth, she may have used laser treatments such as the Cynosure Smartskin Laser. Also, over time, her lips became fuller, possibly due to Prevelle injections.">!}

George Clooney, 48 years old.

George Clooney is the type of man that women love and men hate. Unlike many celebrities in this photo compilation, the question of whether he had plastic surgery is not worth it. He looks so good without any surgery. Although many blogs have accused Clooney of seeking the help of a plastic surgeon, I see no sign of his work. He is an example of a man aging like fine wine. Plus, Clooney is a great actor.

Title="(!LANG:George Clooney, 48.
Left - in 1988, right - in 2009.
George Clooney is the type of man that women love and men hate. Unlike many celebrities in this photo compilation, the question of whether he had plastic surgery is not worth it. He looks so good without any surgery. Although many blogs have accused Clooney of seeking the help of a plastic surgeon, I see no sign of his work. He is an example of a man aging like fine wine. Plus, Clooney is a great actor.">!}

Jessica Lange, 60 years old.

Over the past two years, the appearance of Jessica Lange has changed a lot. This is especially evident in the example of her eyebrows, which are more curved than the soles on women's shoes. I bet she didn't use a combination of Botox and a total brow lift. Her eyelids are also too tight for a woman her age, most likely the result of upper and lower eyelid lift. Her cheekbones are also taller than they were in 1976, most likely due to implants. Overall, I think this Oscar-winning actress would still be a winner even if her brows were lower.

Title="(!LANG:Jessica Lange, 60.
Left - in 1976, right - in 2009.
Over the past two years, the appearance of Jessica Lange has changed a lot. This is especially evident in the example of her eyebrows, which are more curved than the soles on women's shoes. I bet she didn't use a combination of Botox and a total brow lift. Her eyelids are also too tight for a woman her age, most likely the result of upper and lower eyelid lift. Her cheekbones are also taller than they were in 1976, most likely due to implants. Overall, I think this Oscar-winning actress would still be a winner even if her brows were lower.">!}

Joan Van Ark, 66

Moderation in everything, including the use of plastic surgery - these are the main keys to a good appearance. She doesn't seem to follow this rule. Well, at least her hair looks great.

Title="(!LANG:Joan Van Ark, 66.
Left - in 1987, right - in 2008.
Unfortunately, Joan Van Ark looks like a wax copy of herself. Her skin is too tight, her lips look puffy, her eyebrows are too high, and her jaw line is too pronounced. Most likely, her unnatural appearance is the result of numerous chemical peels, lip implants, upper and lower eyelid lifts, facelifts, Botox and fillers.
Moderation in everything, including the use of plastic surgery - these are the main keys to a good appearance. She doesn't seem to follow this rule. Well, at least her hair looks great.">!}

Al Pacino, 69 years old.

Did "Scarface" get facial plastic surgery? I think yes. Most likely, Al Pacino underwent a moderate lifting of the upper eyelids, as evidenced by the absence of excess skin on them. Due to the fact that this Oscar-winning actor has limited any surgical intervention, he looks great. He ages gradually, like his character in The Godfather.

Title="(!LANG:Al Pacino, 69 years old.
Left - in 1992, right - in 2008.
Did "Scarface" get facial plastic surgery? I think yes. Most likely, Al Pacino underwent a moderate lifting of the upper eyelids, as evidenced by the absence of excess skin on them. Due to the fact that this Oscar-winning actor has limited any surgical intervention, he looks great. He ages gradually, like his character in The Godfather.">!}

Susan Sarandon, 63

Although Susan Sarandon recently broke up with her young protégé Tim Robins, this 63-year-old actress has always looked as young as he does. Like many serious actresses of her generation, she has eschewed plastic surgery, and looks great thanks to good genes and meticulous skin care. Her skin is smooth, but not too smooth, plus she has all the wrinkles a woman her age should have. Even having exchanged her seventh decade, this woman looks good.

Title="(!LANG:Susan Sarandon, 63.
Left - in 1995, right - in 2008.
Although Susan Sarandon recently broke up with her young protégé Tim Robins, this 63-year-old actress has always looked as young as he does. Like many serious actresses of her generation, she has eschewed plastic surgery, and looks great thanks to good genes and meticulous skin care. Her skin is smooth, but not too smooth, plus she has all the wrinkles a woman her age should have. Even having exchanged her seventh decade, this woman looks good.">!}

Johnny Depp, 46 years old.

Johnny Depp is one of those people for whom looking good is very easy. He has straight hair, doesn't shave, wears weird glasses, and still looks better than 99% of men his age. Although there were rumors that Johnny Depp had plastic surgery, I doubt it. He has wrinkles typical of a man of his age. His excellent cheekbones and prominent jawline only make him look younger. Maybe Johnny Depp has a lot of sins, but plastic surgery is not one of them.

Title="(!LANG:Johnny Depp, 46.
Left - in 1990, right - in 2009
Johnny Depp is one of those people for whom looking good is very easy. He has straight hair, doesn't shave, wears weird glasses, and still looks better than 99% of men his age. Although there were rumors that Johnny Depp had plastic surgery, I doubt it. He has wrinkles typical of a man of his age. His excellent cheekbones and prominent jawline only make him look younger. Maybe Johnny Depp has a lot of sins, but plastic surgery is not one of them.">!}

Julia Christie, 68 years old.

Is Oscar-winning Julia Christie really 68? You can't tell from her, given her gorgeous appearance. It seems to me that Christie is one of the examples of high-quality plastic surgery in Hollywood. I think she lifted her eyelids, got a facelift, fat fillers in her cheeks. As a result, this is reflected in a clear neck line, young eyes and soft cheeks, which she displays with glamor. The fact that she's a classic Hollywood talent only adds to the beauty of her looks. Her plastic surgeon should be given an Oscar

Title="(!LANG:Julia Christie, 68.
Left - in 1965, right - in 2008.
Is Oscar-winning Julia Christie really 68? You can't tell from her, given her gorgeous appearance. It seems to me that Christie is one of the examples of high-quality plastic surgery in Hollywood. I think she lifted her eyelids, got a facelift, fat fillers in her cheeks. As a result, this is reflected in a clear neck line, young eyes and soft cheeks, which she displays with glamor. The fact that she's a classic Hollywood talent only adds to the beauty of her looks. Her plastic surgeon should be given an Oscar">!}

Michael Douglas, 65 years old.
Left - in 1976, right - in 2009.
It looks like Michael Douglas is desperately trying to keep up with his young wife, Catherine Zeta Jones. He seems to have had one or two facelifts as well as an upper eyelid lift. A few years ago, photos of Michael with supposedly stitches from plastic surgery spread on the Internet. So why does he still have loose skin around his neck? Well, since men have thicker, more sun-exposed skin than women, the results of a facelift don't last as long. This may explain why, even after two facelifts, Douglas still looks old. But what else can you expect from a 65 year old man trying to keep up with a gorgeous 40 year old woman?

Title="(!LANG:Michael Douglas, 65.
Left - in 1976, right - in 2009.
It looks like Michael Douglas is desperately trying to keep up with his young wife, Catherine Zeta Jones. He seems to have had one or two facelifts as well as an upper eyelid lift. A few years ago, photos of Michael with supposedly stitches from plastic surgery spread on the Internet. So why does he still have loose skin around his neck? Well, since men have thicker, more sun-exposed skin than women, the results of a facelift don't last as long. This may explain why, even after two facelifts, Douglas still looks old. But what else can you expect from a 65 year old man trying to keep up with a gorgeous 40 year old woman?">!}

Jane Fonda, 72 years old.

Recently, Jane Fonda said that she owes her appearance 30% to sports and proper nutrition, 30% to genes, 30% to good sex and 10% to plastic surgery. Judging by her sharp jawline, raised brows, and wide eyes, this 72-year-old actress has had a facelift, brow lift, and eyelids. I would say that all this is 30% due to genes, 20% due to sports and proper nutrition, and 50% due to plastic surgery. To look so good for so long, exercise alone is not enough even for Jane Fonda.

Title="(!LANG:Jane Fonda, 72.
Left - in 1967, right - in 2008.
Recently, Jane Fonda said that she owes her appearance 30% to sports and proper nutrition, 30% to genes, 30% to good sex and 10% to plastic surgery. Judging by her sharp jawline, raised brows, and wide eyes, this 72-year-old actress has had a facelift, brow lift, and eyelids. I would say that all this is 30% due to genes, 20% due to sports and proper nutrition, and 50% due to plastic surgery. To look so good for so long, exercise alone is not enough even for Jane Fonda.">!}

Meg Ryan, 48 years old.

The American darling has become almost unrecognizable over the past few years. Meg Ryan's lips look too swollen. I think they put implants in them, for example, Gortex. This substance can make the lips look too big, tight and unnatural. It is usually injected in small doses. She also doesn't seem to be squeamish about cheek implants, which makes her look a little "swollen". The good thing is that these implants are completely replaceable during a 20 minute operation. If she really wants natural lips, I would recommend that she remove the implants and take advantage of the fat.

Title="(!LANG:Meg Ryan, 48.
Left - in 1998, right - in 2009.
The American darling has become almost unrecognizable over the past few years. Meg Ryan's lips look too swollen. I think they put implants in them, for example, Gortex. This substance can make the lips look too big, tight and unnatural. It is usually injected in small doses. She also doesn't seem to be squeamish about cheek implants, which makes her look a little "swollen". The good thing is that these implants are completely replaceable during a 20 minute operation. If she really wants natural lips, I would recommend that she remove the implants and take advantage of the fat.">!}

Meryl Streep, 60 years old.

If you are as good an actress as Meryl Streep, you don't even need to think about plastic surgery. Streep may not be the youngest actress, but who cares? She's one of Hollywood's aging actresses who doesn't have a problem with wrinkles, saggy skin, or even flabby cheeks. Although I think she did a minor chemical peel, I don't think it went beyond that. Well done.

Title="(!LANG:Meryl Streep, 60.
Left - in 1980, right - in 2009.
If you are as good an actress as Meryl Streep, you don't even need to think about plastic surgery. Streep may not be the youngest actress, but who cares? She's one of Hollywood's aging actresses who doesn't have a problem with wrinkles, saggy skin, or even flabby cheeks. Although I think she did a minor chemical peel, I don't think it went beyond that. Well done.">!}

Nick Nolte, 68

I don't think Nick Nolte has had plastic surgery - he looks rough, muscular, even gray-haired, but completely natural. His eyelids are sagging, his forehead is lined with wrinkles, his face has become thin, and his skin has been damaged by ultraviolet radiation. I would not say that he ages beautifully, I would say that he ages naturally.

Title="(!LANG:Nick Nolte, 68.
Left - in 1994, right - in 2008.
I don't think Nick Nolte has had plastic surgery - he looks rough, muscular, even gray-haired, but completely natural. His eyelids are sagging, his forehead is lined with wrinkles, his face has become thin, and his skin has been damaged by ultraviolet radiation. I would not say that he ages beautifully, I would say that he ages naturally.">!}

Nicole Kidman, 42 years old.

In some people, aggressive Botox injections can create the effect of overly arched eyebrows, I call this “Botox eyebrows”. In this photo it is not visible, but in others it is present.

Title="(!LANG:Nicole Kidman, 42.
Left - in 1997, right - in 2009.
Nicole Kidman's face seemed to change shape. Sometimes I think that she enlarged her lips, sometimes that she injected Botox into her forehead. In general, I think she did both, and also injected fillers, like Sculptra, into her cheeks.
In some people, aggressive Botox injections can create the effect of overly arched eyebrows, I call this “Botox eyebrows”. In this photo it is not visible, but in others it is present.">!}

Olivia Newton-John, 61

Looks like 80s beauty Olivia Newton-John is hopelessly addicted to cosmetic injections. Her face looks unnaturally bloated, possibly due to fat grafting or Sculptra injections. Lips also appear enlarged, most likely due to fillers such as Restylane or Juvederm. The forehead is very smooth, even too much for a 61 year old woman.

Title="(!LANG:Olivia Newton-John, 61.
Left - in 1980, right - in 2008.
Looks like 80s beauty Olivia Newton-John is hopelessly addicted to cosmetic injections. Her face looks unnaturally bloated, possibly due to fat grafting or Sculptra injections. Lips also appear enlarged, most likely due to fillers such as Restylane or Juvederm. The forehead is very smooth, even too much for a 61 year old woman.">!}

Priscilla Prisley, 64 years old.

A couple of years ago, she admitted that she used silicone injections that ended in failure. Today, she looks nothing like the classic beauty she was 15 years ago. Her skin is smooth, the result of unnecessary laser treatments. Lips and cheeks are swollen, probably due to fat or other fillers. And her forehead is too tight - probably due to Botox.

Title="(!LANG:Priscilla Presley, 64.
Left - in 1968, right - in 2009.
A couple of years ago, she admitted that she used silicone injections that ended in failure. Today, she looks nothing like the classic beauty she was 15 years ago. Her skin is smooth, the result of unnecessary laser treatments. Lips and cheeks are swollen, probably due to fat or other fillers. And her forehead is too tight - probably due to Botox.">!}

Jack Nicholson, 72 years old.

Jack Nicholson is the best at avoiding the plastic surgeon's knife. He is aging with dignity, without a single sign of surgery. While many young celebrities inject themselves with buckets of Botox, Nicholson's wrinkles are deep, natural and untouched. That's not bad, otherwise the excess Botox would have made him look like his Batman character, the Joker. And now he looks like an elderly, wise and prominent Hollywood star.

Title="(!LANG:Jack Nicholson, 72.
Left - in 1977, right - in 2009.
Jack Nicholson is the best at avoiding the plastic surgeon's knife. He is aging with dignity, without a single sign of surgery. While many young celebrities inject themselves with buckets of Botox, Nicholson's wrinkles are deep, natural and untouched. That's not bad, otherwise the excess Botox would have made him look like his Batman character, the Joker. And now he looks like an elderly, wise and prominent Hollywood star.">!}

Andie MacDowell, 51

Unlike many 50-year-old actresses and models, Andie MacDowell seems natural, except for maybe a touch of Botox here and there and maybe laser therapy to firm her skin. Her face is smooth and reflects time away from the dangerous sun, she takes good care of her skin and occasionally does preventive care.

Title="(!LANG:Andie MacDowell, 51.
Left - in 1992, right - in 2009.
Unlike many 50-year-old actresses and models, Andie MacDowell seems natural, except for maybe a touch of Botox here and there and maybe laser therapy to firm her skin. Her face is smooth and reflects time away from the dangerous sun, she takes good care of her skin and occasionally does preventive care.">!}

Bruce Jenner, 60 years old.

Bruce Jenner is said to have reshaped his nose and had a facelift back in 1984, which, in my opinion, makes it look more feminine and unnatural. Then on his reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians, he got another facelift and got much better. His jawline is more prominent and he doesn't look like a plastic surgeon victim. But why does he still look weird? Most likely because his nose is still too thin and his eyes too open for a 60 year old. In my opinion, he is a vivid example of the fact that it is better to do plastic surgery on time once than to fix everything later.

Title="(!LANG:Bruce Jenner, 60.
Left - in 1993, right - in 2009.
Bruce Jenner is said to have reshaped his nose and had a facelift back in 1984, which, in my opinion, makes it look more feminine and unnatural. Then on his reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians, he got another facelift and got much better. His jawline is more prominent and he doesn't look like a plastic surgeon victim. But why does he still look weird? Most likely because his nose is still too thin and his eyes too open for a 60 year old. In my opinion, he is a vivid example of the fact that it is better to do plastic surgery on time once than to fix everything later.">!}

Cindy Crawford, 43 years old.

The most beautiful woman of the past 20 years still looks great. Cindy Crawford is truly a real supermodel. She is not much older now than she was in 1990. Her skin remains flawless. She likely had minor skin-tightening surgeries, such as the new eMatrix, but beyond that, she seems to owe her appearance to gentle care rather than surgery. If only everyone could grow old like her!

Title="(!LANG:Cindy Crawford, 43.
Left - in 1990, right - in 2009.
The most beautiful woman of the past 20 years still looks great. Cindy Crawford is truly a real supermodel. She is not much older now than she was in 1990. Her skin remains flawless. She likely had minor skin-tightening surgeries, such as the new eMatrix, but beyond that, she seems to owe her appearance to gentle care rather than surgery. If only everyone could grow old like her!">!}

Clint Eastwood, 79 years old.

Clint Eastwood looks too rough to look like he's had surgery. Since 90% of plastic surgeons' patients are women, modern technology and surgery can make a man look a bit feminine and unnatural. Eastwood is an example of a man who refused a surgical scalpel: low eyebrows, loose skin on the neck and very sun-damaged skin. The only thing that, in my opinion, he did was a lift of the upper eyelids. In 1965, they seem a little heavier than they are today. But even if I knew that he used the services of a plastic surgeon, I would not tell him about it.

Title="(!LANG:Clint Eastwood, 79.
Left - in 1965, right - in 2009.
Clint Eastwood looks too rough to look like he's had surgery. Since 90% of plastic surgeons' patients are women, modern technology and surgery can make a man look a bit feminine and unnatural. Eastwood is an example of a man who refused a surgical scalpel: low eyebrows, loose skin on the neck and very sun-damaged skin. The only thing that, in my opinion, he did was a lift of the upper eyelids. In 1965, they seem a little heavier than they are today. But even if I knew that he used the services of a plastic surgeon, I would not tell him about it.">!}

Kenny Rogers, 71

Kenny Rogers admitted that he did not disdain an eyelid lift, and in vain. His plastic surgeon apparently removed too much skin from his upper eyelids, so now he looks constantly surprised. Most likely, while continuing his work on the eyes, he also did a brow lift. He is a prime example that with men plastic surgery has to be very conservative. Unfortunately, he no longer looks like the country legend he used to be.

Title="(!LANG:Kenny Rogers, 71.
Left - in 1985, right - in 2006.
Kenny Rogers admitted that he did not disdain an eyelid lift, and in vain. His plastic surgeon apparently removed too much skin from his upper eyelids, so now he looks constantly surprised. Most likely, while continuing his work on the eyes, he also did a brow lift. He is a prime example that with men plastic surgery has to be very conservative. Unfortunately, he no longer looks like the country legend he used to be.">!}

Courteney Cox, 45 years old.
Left - in 1996, right - in 2009.
This actress has done everything she can to stay young. Courteney Cox and plastic surgery are definitely "friends". In addition to a possible chemical peel like the Obagi Blue Peel, she also had some lip augmentation, most likely with fillers like Juvederm. Her cheeks also look fuller, which can be achieved with fat grafting or Sculptra injections. Her skin is so smooth and flawless that I think she was paid millions for the skin care product she is the face of (Kinerase). And finally, her forehead shows the kind of smoothness that only Botox or Dysport can create.

Title="(!LANG:Courteney Cox, 45.
Left - in 1996, right - in 2009.
This actress has done everything she can to stay young. Courteney Cox and plastic surgery are definitely "friends". In addition to a possible chemical peel like the Obagi Blue Peel, she also had some lip augmentation, most likely with fillers like Juvederm. Her cheeks also look fuller, which can be achieved with fat grafting or Sculptra injections. Her skin is so smooth and flawless that I think she was paid millions for the skin care product she is the face of (Kinerase). And finally, her forehead shows the kind of smoothness that only Botox or Dysport can create.">!}

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