Home Mushrooms Basset Hound: A prim gentleman and an adventurous hunter in your home. Basset Hound: description of the breed, care

Basset Hound: A prim gentleman and an adventurous hunter in your home. Basset Hound: description of the breed, care

Pros and cons

  • Unusual appearance
  • Easy hair care
  • Excellent scent and hunting qualities
  • Very loyal to children, devoted to the whole family
  • Not the easiest character
  • The complexity of caring for a small puppy

Description of the breed

The Basset Hound combines English aristocracy and the keen interest of the hunter. These amazing dogs are easily recognizable - they have disproportionately short thick legs, as well as dense folds of skin on the head next to the ears. The whole pet gives the impression of some clumsiness, which, however, is deceptive. These are large, short-haired dogs with a dense, shiny coat and strong bones. The large head is covered with folds of skin, of which there are many throughout the body of the pet.

He is an excellent hunter. Short legs do not allow you to run fast, but this more than pays off with excellent flair. A tireless pet can go a very long distance, carried away by a new track.

Another advantage of the representatives of this breed is a great love for children. If a basset has settled in your house, then he will easily make friends with the whole family.

Basset hound breed standard

The Basset Hound breed standard has hardly changed over the past century. These dogs belong to the hounds, and even despite the unusual appearance, they retain a love for long walks. The body of the dog is heavy, with a neat chest that fits well into the general forms. The neck is massive, with many folds. The tail is very mobile, not docked. Particular attention should be paid to the paws - the pet's paws are short, slightly crooked, with a large number of skin folds. The movements are smooth, full of importance.

Character and features of the basset hound

The main feature of this breed can be considered a melancholy-sad appearance of the basset, its leisurely movements and thick paws in a fold. In adulthood, the dog looks like a respectable aristocrat of venerable age, who slowly walks through the park. However, at the same time, such an opinion about these pets is deceptive - being carried away by a new occupation, they are able to follow the trail for a very long time.

The character of the Basset Hound is very interesting. He can be stubborn, wanting to show who is the boss in the house, at the same time he is very affectionate with children, babysitting them until adulthood. These dogs are extremely smart and love to follow commands.

The main condition for good health and mood of the pet is long walks. Pet loves long hikes and walks in the parks.

Short thick coat does not require careful care. To achieve a beautiful shine and remove dead hairs, you will need a brush with natural bristles.

It is recommended to bathe your dog frequently – at least twice a week. These dogs usually do not like to wash, so they should be taught to this procedure from puppyhood. Ears and eyes require special attention. To prevent the development of ear diseases, inspect the auricle daily and remove dirt with a cotton swab.

feeding the basset hound

The question of what to feed the Basset Hound should be considered especially seriously. If the pet walks a little in the fresh air and eats a lot, it threatens with obesity. Representatives of this breed are prone to overeating, and a dog accustomed to a sofa and plentiful food will change its habits with great reluctance. If you decide to feed your pet with natural food, the diet must include low-fat cottage cheese and dairy products. The main part of the menu should be meat without fat, cereals, vegetables. Dry food can only be given if you are completely sure of its quality.

Basset hound puppies

Basset Hound puppies are absolutely adorable. Their disproportionately large head with sad eyes causes tenderness and delight. If you are considering adopting a small pet, there are a few things to keep in mind:

· there should be no wires, small and sharp objects on the floor that the dog can swallow;

Arrange a baby bed. It should be in a warm place, inaccessible to drafts;

· Make sure that the little pet does not jump on the sofa or armchairs. Also, you can’t walk up the stairs with a dog - up to six months, the animal’s paws are not designed for such loads:

The bowl should be at shoulder level, in no case lower;

In order for the paws to develop properly, the floors in the room where the puppy lives must be covered with non-slippery material. Linoleum, laminate or painted floors are excluded.

In addition, the puppy can be given chondroprotectors to support the growing musculoskeletal system.

Basset hound training

These dogs need a lot of training. The fact is that an ill-mannered dog can easily get carried away by hunting and not return to the owner. The stubborn and wayward character of the Basset Hound can only be corrected with long training, patience and love. Sometimes the dog simply “forgets” the learned command, demonstrating an unwillingness to work with all appearance.

The command of the first importance for this breed is “Come!”. By teaching her a pet, you can be sure that the dog will not get lost on a walk. The second command you need is "Next".

It happens that a long-learned team gets bored, and the pet refuses to carry it out. Give your dog a new task that he can complete. If your pet is stubborn, in no case punish him - these dogs have a very developed sense of justice, as a result of which your pet can easily be offended by you.

These dogs do not tolerate being alone. If you leave them for a long time, not only your belongings, but even furniture can suffer.

Officially, the Basset Hound is considered an English breed, but France was still the birthplace of his ancestors. Starting from the Middle Ages, in the books and manuscripts of French historians, notes began to slip about squat dogs from the tribe of Artesian-Norman hounds, who were involved in burrow hunting and searching for truffles. In written sources, the animals appeared under the name bassets and were depicted as short-legged dogs with a massive skeleton. By the way, the characteristic short stature inherent in all modern representatives of this family was an elementary mutation, subsequently artificially fixed by breeders.

In the 17th century, Basset breeding in France took on a massive character, as a result of which the breed expanded the list of "qualifications". Now, with short-legged dogs, they went not only to burrowing animals, but also to pheasants. It is clear that this was mainly a foot hunt, since the Bassets simply could not keep up with the horse, but they were excellent at wading through the thickets and diving for prey under deadwood. Approximately at this stage, the stratification of the family of undersized greyhounds began. As a result: by the 18th century, in French kennels, one could find 12 different basset lines in terms of external and working indicators, some of which “merged” later into the so-called artesian-Norman type.

The English stage of the formation of the breed began in the 19th century, when the Artesian-Norman Bassets crossed the English Channel. In Shakespeare's homeland, the animals were immediately added a "national color" by tying them with bloodhounds, which gave the dog's body solidity and slight "folding", and their ears an impressive length. The offspring resulting from crossing was called Basset Hounds, presenting it at the Paris Exhibition in 1863.

Approximately 20 years after the official announcement, the basset hounds had their own club, and in 1887 they finally separated from the rest of the basset types, having gone through a standardization procedure. At the end of the 19th century, the breed was already well known in America, while in Russian nurseries these sad short-legged ones appeared only at the end of the 70s of the 20th century.

Video: Basset Hound

Basset hound breed standard

A basset hound stretched out on a rug gives the impression of a clumsy woolen caterpillar, in which it is difficult to suspect a hunter. Nevertheless, the dog is perfectly adapted to racing for prey in rough terrain: the short legs of the basset easily overcome the “traps” of uneven terrain, which is beyond the power of other varieties of hounds.

The mournful expression of the muzzle, characteristic of representatives of this breed, is their exclusive exterior highlight. The Basset Hound can be peaceful, enthusiastic, angry, but all these mood swings will be accompanied by a single sad mine.

It is impossible to ignore the long ears of the breed, hanging almost to the ground, resembling drooping wings. In a basset that has gained sufficient speed, they flutter under the pressure of the wind, creating the illusion that the dog is about to take off.

The height of the Basset Hound at the withers, according to the standard, should be 33-38 cm. Dogs weigh from 18 to 29 kg.


The head of the Basset Hound is dome-shaped with a distinctly protruding nape, a massive muzzle and a moderate stop. The offended-sad expression of the muzzle, inherent in the breed, is achieved due to the elastic skin that forms small wrinkles under the eyes and at the eyebrows. In addition, dogs are characterized by drooping, when the lower jaw overlaps with a freely hanging upper lip.

Teeth and bite

Basset Hound teeth are strong, white, closed in a regular scissor bite.


Basset Hounds have prominent nostrils: large, wide open, often protruding beyond the line of the lips. The preferred color of the earlobe is black, although brown and liver varieties are acceptable for light-coated animals.


The eyes of the Basset Hound are distinguished by a shallow set, oval shape and a pronounced melancholy expression. Individuals with a dark brown shade of the iris are considered reference, but for light-colored dogs, a medium brown tone is possible. Strict no - yellow and light brown eyes.


The long, inward-turned ears of the Basset Hound are set below eye level and hang down along the neck. The ear cloth is thin to the touch, velvety.


The elongated, thick neck of the dog has a distinct bend in the upper line and a pronounced dewlap.


The body is elongated, voluminous, muscular, with a wide back and withers and croup located on the same line. The chest of the Basset Hound is harmoniously developed, not narrow, moderately deep. The line of the abdomen should be sufficiently tucked up so as not to interfere with the animal when running.


The front legs of the dog are short, thick, with strong bones and slight folds at the bottom. The shoulder blades are set at an angle of 45°, providing good reach in motion. The forearms are slightly close at the top, but do not interfere with the step. Hind legs with fleshy thighs, good hocks and short, slightly wrinkled metatarsus. In addition, the Basset Hound has massive, arched paws, “set” on large pads. The breed moves smoothly, thanks to the good reach of the front legs and the springy push of the hind legs.


The strong, long tail of the Basset Hound has a slight bend without obvious twisting (saber shape). A moving dog has its tail up.


The short dog of the Basset Hound tightly covers the body without forming feathers.


Theoretically, basset hounds can have any colors characteristic of hounds. In reality, dogs are most often tricolor (for example, black and white with reddish tan marks) and bicolor (red and white).

Disqualifying vices

A ban on participation in exhibitions and dog shows is given to basset hounds with malformations that cast doubt on their breed. For example, if the dog is oversized (above 38 cm), long hair or a clear kozi (protruding wrist joint) - this is enough to exclude him from the number of competitors.

Basset hound photo

Basset hound personality

The Basset Hound, despite its amusing, emphatically clumsy appearance, is still a dodger, both in terms of physiology and intellectual indicators. Proud and proud, he not only reacts painfully to criticism and infringement of personal rights, but is also able to develop and then put into action a plan of small revenge on the one who angered him, so if one day you find a suspicious spot or a bunch on your favorite carpet, do not rush to be outraged . It is quite possible that the basset hound planted a pig on you due to yesterday's insult.

Representatives of this breed have their own views on life, which does not prevent them from being on good terms with the owners. Do not look at the sad mine, forever glued to the dog's muzzle. Inside, Basset Hounds are sociable and very cheerful creatures. For example, at home, a dog behaves like a typical sybarite: stuffs its stomach with sweets until it swells like a bubble, rolls around on sofas, wrapped in ears, hangs around at the master's feet in anticipation of affection. In general, with all his appearance he shows that he knows a lot about pleasures.

As befits a real hound, the Basset Hound is absolutely not aggressive. Of course, if you try, you can unbalance any dog, but in general, the breed will not grumble and bite. Moreover, the Basset Hound is able to tolerate other dogs nearby and, much less often, cats. Naturally, no one will oblige to transfer patience to all animals without exception of the basset. But if you introduce the "eared" in advance to the rest of the domestic fauna, he will not terrorize them either.

Representatives of this breed categorically do not want to give up their favorite habits, preferring to change the lifestyle of their owners as a compromise. For example, all basset hounds are tightly “hooked” on comfort, so if a pet has chosen a specific place in the apartment, it is almost impossible to move its haven to another part of the home. The solitude and loneliness of dogs is also not happy, so if for some reason you did not take the basset hound with you, but he really wanted to, get ready for minor dirty tricks. They love ears and lie on sofas, from the first months of life, almost reflexively climbing onto the master's bed. Moreover, a secret passion for soft featherbeds is preserved even in those individuals who, it would seem, have been weaned from this habit. Left the house for an hour? You can be sure that the Basset Hound will not miss the opportunity to use your absence to its advantage and relax on your own bed.

Education and training

Basset Hounds are sociable and funny dogs, but zealously protecting their own interests. For example, they love to adapt the learning process to their needs and will try to break the rules of the game more than once if something does not suit them. Accordingly, if you decide to raise an obedient pet, then do not make exceptions while the puppy is small and defenseless. It's not that the basset is so pathologically stubborn, it's just that he is too smart not to try to bargain for himself.

An experienced owner or a kennel club specialist should teach the dog the rules of behavior in the house and commands, although this does not mean that the animal must be “pressed”. On the contrary, try to look at the activities through the eyes of a pet, which will allow you to understand his desires and aspirations. With the right approach, Basset Hounds are like nuts to crack any disciplines of obedience, as well as all kinds of dynamic competitions like agility. True, one should not rely on the impeccable performance of the breed. Still, Bassets are not service dogs, and they quickly get bored with constant pulling. Therefore, you will have to be sympathetic to the fact that one day your ward will deliberately “not hear” the call or prohibition.

The best incentives to work with basset hounds have been and remain delicious rewards. The main thing is to skillfully play on the breed's tendency to gluttony and not overdo it. Negative reinforcements should not be used at all. Do not forget, the Basset Hound is touchy and will certainly respond to the infringement of personal rights with some kind of harmfulness. However, if the animal persists and deliberately mischief, it is not forbidden to lightly slap it with a twig. The traditional rolled-up newspaper is not an option, bassets are literally thick-skinned creatures.

The duration of the lessons for the breed should be minimal. The maximum that a Basset Hound can endure is 10 minutes, after which the dog will need an emotional “reboot”. In addition to standard training, Basset Hounds are taught to put up with forced loneliness. A pet left in an apartment for an hour or two should not frighten neighbors and passers-by with “opera arias”. It is clear that it will not be possible to achieve absolute silence with this breed, but it is real to reduce its talkativeness. From the first days after moving to a permanent place of residence, wean the puppy from "gathering" the master's things, which is something like a hobby for basset hounds. Remove all shoes from the eared prankster, even if it is old and it is time to throw it away. Do not forget, the animal does not see the difference between worn flip-flops and newly bought Nikes, so it gnaws them with the same passion.

Unlike its French ancestors, today's Basset Hound is not well adapted to life in the yard, so its place is in the house. Special conditions for keeping a dog are not required, so you will have to buy all those household items for it, as for any apartment breed, that is, a bed, bowls for food and water, toys, a tray, a leash, a collar and other accessories.

Until six months, all movements of puppies around the house must be monitored. At this age, the short legs of Basset Hounds are fragile, unstable and injured even with minor jumps, such as from a sofa. Stairs before 6 months of age are best avoided, or go up and down them with a pet in your arms.


Basset Hounds shed in autumn and spring, but this does not mean that their short coat needs to be brushed at the same frequency. Massage the pet's skin and hair follicles with a soft brush, if not daily, then at least a couple of times a week. This, firstly, stimulates blood circulation in the deep layers of the skin, and secondly, improves the structure of the hair.

As for the smell of dog, in Basset Hounds it only appears when the coat gets wet. Bassets, which are bathed at least twice a month, also exude the "aroma" of a mouton coat, but it is usually not too pronounced and does not irritate the sense of smell. By the way, "boys" and individuals with a large number of folds always smell more intense.

In a situation where you want to minimize dog "fragrance", you can wash the basset hound with tar shampoo or add a little diluted acetic acid to the bath. If the dog smells too much of a nasty "ombre", it is likely that she has caught a fungus or her paraanal glands are clogged. The latter happens frequently with basset hounds. Have you noticed that the pet began to ride the fifth point on the floor? Urgently take him to a specialist to free clogged passages, or do the procedure yourself, guided by step-by-step instructions.

The fan-shaped ears of Basset Hounds need more attention. Not only that, when bathing a dog, you will have to constantly monitor whether water has got into the ear canal, you need to allocate time for a daily “inspection” of the ear funnel and airing. Total surveillance of the pet's muzzle also takes place. Basset hounds are still those slobbers, and their manner of lapping is specific (splashes and puddles like a fountain in all directions), so you will have to be on duty near the dog with a towel. Basset Hound eye hygiene is basically rubbing the mucous membranes with herbal infusions (tea, chamomile). Remember to take care of your dog's thick paws by cleaning them after walks with a damp cloth and trimming their nails about a couple of times a month.


No need to invent a special technique for accustoming a Basset Hound to a tray or a newspaper. These cunning people cope with the traditional program. A separate question is how often they follow the rules. Of course, among the representatives of the basset family there are real perfectionists who humbly do their “work” where they should be, but there are less than half of such goodies. The remaining 50% periodically “mine” the living space where they live. There may be several reasons for this, ranging from the desire to annoy the owner and ending with the lack of the ability to tolerate the toilet before walking.

Many Basset Hounds do toilet mischief because of their young age and, having matured, are completely tied up with them. Nevertheless, it is almost impossible to predict how a particular puppy will behave, since each basset is a small eared personality with a unique character and inclinations. Sometimes a dog may stubbornly not go to the toilet during a walk, and when he comes home, he immediately leaves a “puddle” on the floor. This is already a protest that should not be allowed to repeat itself. If the dog comes to the dwelling without having relieved himself on the street, after five minutes take him for a walk again and so on until the animal realizes that he will not be left alone.

Walking and hunting

Basset hounds are real undercover agents. As soon as the dog leaves the boundaries of his own entrance, he instantly activates, transforming from a couch bumpkin into a stubborn tracker. Keep this feature of the breed in mind and do not let the animal off the leash near highways. The standard Basset Hound walking routine is morning and evening, about an hour each. However, if it is possible to take the pet out more often, this is a big plus. A healthy basset will never refuse an additional promenade, and especially unscheduled walks are useful for young individuals with unformed toilet etiquette.

Breeders advise taking basset hounds outdoors according to the number of feedings, that is, if a 4-month-old puppy empties the bowl five times a day, he should have the same number of exits to the street. Basset Hound walks should be done at a lively but relaxed pace. Do not load dogs with marathon runs - the breed was not created for them. It is better to walk along the street with your pet, play ball or catch up, but without fanaticism.

The coat of the Basset Hound is dense, with a good layer of undercoat, so the breed does not need warming blankets in cold weather. Nevertheless, you can often meet dogs in overalls. Such equipment is connected with the owner's desire to protect the pet's coat from dirt and splashes, which the basset's low belly attracts like a magnet. An important point: as befits a hunting dog, the Basset Hound loves to disguise itself on the street. He does this in the traditional way, wallowing in carrion, and even feces. This, by the way, is an additional reason to dress the eared bespredelschik in a horseshoe.

Basset Hounds' main working skill is blood trail hunting, which they excelled at in England. The strong, short legs of the dog were very useful here, as they helped to make their way into the dense thickets of shrubs and rhizomes. The funny ears of the breed are also a useful “accessory”. The canvas fluttering in the run "captured" the smell of game and brought it to the sense of smell of the dog.

As for Russian hunters, they prefer "full-sized" hounds to basset hounds. Such selectivity is explained by the fact that it is problematic for short-legged bassets to hunt in the middle zone. In particular, in snowy winters, the dog will drown in snowdrifts. Do not forget that the optimal prey for the breed has always been rabbits, which are rarely hunted in Russia. For this reason, the vast majority of domestic basset hounds are decorative dogs with developed hunting instincts that do not find practical application.


The Basset Hound is a fast growing breed. In particular, at 3.5 months, the puppy's milk teeth are completely replaced by permanent ones, and its skeleton gradually finishes forming. In connection with this feature, babies need to be fed nutritiously from the first months of life. The main dish for Basset Hound puppies is porridge with beef, in addition to which you can give fat-free kefir or fermented baked milk. The approximate serving size for a 2-month-old puppy is 100-200 g; for 3-4-month-old individuals - 400 g; from 4 to 6 months - 500-600 g.

It is customary to transfer 10-month-old Basset Hounds to two meals a day and an adult diet. At this age, the breed can do almost everything, including offal, fish fillets, vegetables (except potatoes and legumes), fruits, cereals, and marrow bones as a rare treat. Feeding with calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D is another mandatory menu item for both teenagers and adult Bassets: the strain on the joints of the breed is enormous. It is useful for growing puppies to supplement their food with chondroitin and glucosamine so that they do not grow up with bucklegs. But basset hounds do not need a special gastronomic variety. If the dog is healthy and leads an active lifestyle, he will gobble up everything that smells edible. Experienced breeders recommend not to be touched by the brutal appetite of the dog, but to restrain it, because the breed is gaining weight masterfully.

Throwing food into the bowl and forgetting about the Basset Hound will not work: carried away by the process, he will certainly rinse his ears in the bowl. To prevent this from happening, it is better to pull the "locators" with an elastic band at the back of the head. In addition, after a meal, a small amount of food remains in the cheek pouches of the Basset Hound, which eventually begins to smell unpleasant. You will have to get rid of the rotting residue manually: open the dog's mouth and remove the decaying slurry with a cloth.

Basset Hound health and disease

Basset hounds are not so frail dogs, but with their weak points. For example, like any lop-eared breed, Bassets are prone to otitis media. Willebrand's disease (blood clotting disorder) was inherited from their ancestors, just like allergies to certain types of plants and a tendency to volvulus. The wide, plump paws of basset hounds are another vulnerable spot, where abscesses, fungus, and interdigital cysts sometimes appear.

A rather unpleasant breed disease is panostitis. The disease is accompanied by temporary lameness, which is why it is often confused with hip dysplasia and luxation of the patella. Panostitis appears only in puppies, does not require surgical intervention, and by the age of two it ceases to disturb the animal. However, due to the difficulty of diagnosing basset hounds, this disease is erroneously operated on, which does not have the best effect on the health of the dog.

How to choose a puppy

  • If it was not possible to meet professional basset hound breeders at the exhibition, contact the breed club, where there are always addresses of reliable kennels.
  • Inspect and compare at once a couple, and preferably a trio of litters.
  • Gently feel the tail of the Basset Hound puppy you like. It should be smooth and elastic. Creases and distortions are a significant flaw that is worth bargaining for in order to bring down the price.
  • Carefully inspect the paws of babies. Preference - Basset Hound with thick, even legs, indicating the solidity of the skeleton.
  • Unfold puppy ears and look into the ear canal. There should be no crusts and sulfur in it, as well as an unpleasant smell.
  • Turn the little Basset Hound over on its back and examine its abdomen for excessive bloating and herniation.
  • Watch how the puppy you are interested in behaves in a pack, whether it eats with appetite, whether it is frightened by every rustle.

Basset hound puppies

basset hound price

Buying a healthy, vaccinated and chipped Basset Hound in a kennel will cost 25,000 - 40,000 rubles. More expensive options are the offspring of a pair of international champions, who in the future will claim the right to be called a show class - from 60,000 rubles and more.

Everyone who has seen this dog has an irresistible desire to cheer her up, take pity on her, caress her. Incredibly sad eyes, long hanging ears, an elongated torso on short legs... It seems that this is the most unfortunate creature in the whole world. However, it is not. Let's learn a little about this wonderful dog, perhaps we will be able to understand why her eyes are so sad.

Description of the breed

In fact, not the eyes, but the tail is a true indicator of the mood and condition of your pet. Note that the Basset Hound almost always holds it up high, while it fervently wags from side to side. Therefore, do not be mistaken about the condition of this dog, which has such a sad look. In fact, it is a very cheerful and positive creature.

This funny dog, which also has the original “name” basset hound (you can see the photo in our article), looks like a good cartoon character. The somewhat comical impression of his elongated body on short legs is further enhanced when you look at his charming, wrinkled muzzle.

You must clearly understand that this dog is not a fun toy, and he will not tolerate frivolous treatment. Currently, most often he is a companion, a pet, but at his core he is a true hunter. The basset hound breed, or rather its name, consists of 2 words: basset - dachshund, and hound - which means "hound" in English.


Modern representatives of this breed are undersized (no more than 38 cm at the withers) animals, with short massive legs and a rather dense skeleton. One of the characteristic features of the breed is the excess skin collected in folds on the neck, muzzle, limbs.

The basset coat is short and dense and does not require complex care. It is necessary to comb it regularly with a special brush. Common colors are red and white and black and white in blush.


It may seem that the Basset Hound dog is lazy and clumsy, but this is a misleading impression. Don't forget that this breed was bred to hunt small game, so it has many of the qualities that are characteristic of hounds.

This is a rather headstrong animal that, having heard the command of the owner, she will first think about whether it is worth fulfilling it, and only then will she do what the owner asked for.

Basset is agile and passionate. He can selflessly chase birds or make a real surveillance of a neighbor's cat. But the most important thing is that the Basset Hound (the reviews of the owners convince us of this) is a devoted and sensitive pet. If he feels due attention from the owner, it is difficult to find a more faithful friend. A well-bred basset is a kind of intellectual of the canine world. As a rule, he has complete mutual understanding with the owner.

The main weapon of these funny animals is calm indifference. When expressing their contempt or affection for someone, Bassets make a surprisingly comical grimace.

Another rare quality for animals - on a walk, he will unmistakably single out his brother from all the walking dogs, and will play only with him.

It is necessary to note the loyalty and tolerance of Bassets towards children, even the most mischievous and noisy ones. Often parents make sure that the child does not injure the dog, and not vice versa. Animals have not only a kind and disposing appearance - kindness is in their blood. Among fans of this breed there is a joke that the Basset goes hunting only because he does not know how it all ends. And if he is told that the animals he found are being killed, he will immediately refuse this work.

Education and training

Training your pet should start from the first months of life. Basset Hound puppies easily and quickly learn in the house. They quickly remember even complex commands.

Basset puppy should memorize well the categorical and strict words of the owner - "NO" and "NO". In case of non-compliance with the ban, it may be followed by a slap with a folded newspaper - it rustles terribly, but the baby will not cripple.

Choosing a puppy

This is undoubtedly an interesting, but rather difficult dog for a beginner. It's about the complexity of education. An inexperienced dog breeder will have to be patient and prepare for difficulties. Get ready for the Basset Hound to change your life forever.

Without a doubt - you need to buy a thoroughbred puppy in a well-known kennel with a proven reputation. In the poultry market, no one will give you guarantees that the baby is healthy, does not have hereditary diseases and congenital defects. The owner who sold the puppy to you will disappear from your life immediately after the transaction, so you will have to solve the problems on your own.

The situation is quite different in a good nursery. The puppies are taken care of like little children. Honest and responsible breeders will always be interested in the fate of their pets, even when they leave the cattery. Here you will always be helped by qualified advice.

Before buying an animal, visit specialized exhibitions, talk to breeders, study catalogs. The main argument in choosing a pet is its origin. If the parents of the baby show themselves well at various exhibitions, meet the standard, then their offspring, most likely, can become worthy representatives of their family.

Kennels and clubs

The basis of the national Russian line of basset hounds are dogs from Poland. They were brought to the USSR in the late 70s. The main centers for the development of the breed were originally Moscow and St. Petersburg (in those days, Leningrad).

Over time, specialized nurseries began to open throughout the country. Today the breed is actively developing. There is a National Club that unites fans of the Basset Hound breed. Photos of these charming animals are, of course, on the club's website and on the pages of its periodicals.

Since Bassets are short-haired dogs, they are easy to care for. To keep your pet's coat always healthy, you need to clean it every day for three minutes with a special brush made of natural bristles. This simple procedure will remove dead hairs from the coat, restore the natural fat balance of the skin.

Particular attention should be paid to caring for your pet's ears. They should be carefully inspected regularly so as not to miss the moment of inflammation or the appearance of an ear mite. In addition, they must be carefully cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in a special solution that can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy.


It is equally important to monitor the proper nutrition of Bassets. With the advent of a puppy in the house, you and your household should know that you can’t feed your dog food from your table! For this, ready-made feeds are much more suitable. They are completely balanced, so they contain all the vitamins and minerals needed by the animal.

Basset Hound: owner reviews

After carefully studying the opinions of the owners of Basset Hounds, we came to the conclusion that these are the best pets for them. True, everyone notes that their upbringing should not be left to chance. It is not easy to teach a Basset to obey commands unquestioningly.

Many emphasize that this dog really needs to communicate with a person. Bassets are unpretentious in care. They are quite suitable for keeping in a city apartment.

Short, plump and clumsy... Representatives of the Basset Hound breed never tire of surprising the owner with talents and unclaimed, but unforgettable hunting instincts. Contrary to external impressiveness, this is an active and gambling dog, and also a devoted pet and an intellectual of the canine world.

The Basset Hound is originally from Great Britain and completely falls under the idea of ​​the rest of the world about Her Majesty's subjects. Behind the mask of lazy aristocracy and a sad look at the whole world, the qualities of a hunting hound, a sharp mind, and a peculiar sense of humor are hidden. The dog requires attention and respect for his own person from the owner, in exchange for which he will become an excellent companion for almost everyone.

In the XVII-XVIII centuries, when this breed was finally formed and branched off from other hounds, the word "bas" referred to all undersized dogs, "set" meant planted, "hound" - an English hound dog. Thus, the basset-hound is a low-set hound.

Description of the breed

These are short, strong dogs with a broad chest and back, short legs, short, smooth hair, eternally sad eyes and hanging long ears that can cover the entire muzzle. The length of the body must exceed the height. Folds of skin are allowed on the feet, but they should not be too much. This breed has a peculiar structure of the lips - the upper one should hang freely, overlapping the lower jaw, which makes the dog constantly drooling.

The modern breed standard describes these dogs as follows.

  • The weight . On average 23-30 kg. Males are slightly larger and heavier. Their weight can reach 34 kg.
  • Growth at the withers. Up to 38 cm for "boys" and 36 cm for "girls". Dogs over 38.5 cm are considered non-breed compliant.
  • Color. Often the coat is black and white or white with shades of brown (from red to lemon). Tricolor variations are not uncommon. Any color found among hounds is allowed by the standard.
  • Lifespan. 10-15 years old. This is average for a dog of this size.
  • Character. Friendly, contact with people, non-aggressive. A hunting background makes itself felt with curiosity and a love of tracking and searching, but on the playground, the Basset is more likely to communicate with a congener than with dogs of other breeds. They can not be called phlegmatic, but bassets are so mature that often parents have to protect the dog from a small child, and not vice versa. But this is not a nanny dog, and the Basset will get along better with children older than five to six years.
  • Intelligence. Basset Hounds are at their best. They have a good memory and due to high socialization this breed lends itself perfectly to training. But their sharp mind and self-esteem can also play against the owner: sensing weakness, the Basset may try to manipulate a person. Before executing a command, the dog will make its own decision whether to execute it or not.
  • Security and guard potential. This breed was bred for hunting, not protection. Therefore, a basset hound may and will react to an intruder, but will not tear its throat or get into a fight for the sake of the owner's property.

According to the international classification, this is a companion dog. But practice shows that it is not for everyone. The hunting past makes physical activity and gentle but sufficient walks mandatory. A proud masterful character does not facilitate the task of training. “If you need an owner, get a basset,” experienced owners joke.
A dog is a good fit if you:

  • lead a not too active lifestyle, but not a homebody;
  • patient, restrained and stubborn;
  • have a family;
  • have children older than toddler age;
  • take it easy that the apartment will be constantly smeared with dog saliva.

Consider other breeds if you:

  • an athlete or traveler who spends most of his life away from home;
  • limited in walks for health reasons;
  • look for a watchdog and protector;
  • pedant and obsessed with cleanliness.
  • you dream of a perfectly well-trained dog, obeying from a half-look.

History of origin and interesting facts

The history of the Basset Hound breed dates back to the Middle Ages. With the development of feudal society, hunting gradually turned from a trade into a refined pastime of the nobility, for which it became fashionable to keep and breed special hounds. By the 17th century in France and Great Britain, where bassets were very popular, there were up to 12 types. Each owner of the kennel sought to breed his own subspecies. These dogs differed both in appearance and specialization. The ancestors of the Basset Hound were used at the time both for small game hunting and truffle hunting.

The French Revolution turned out to be a social turning point not only for the French, but also for the Basset population in France. Dogs were associated with the ruling class, and the rebellious masses destroyed them along with their owners. It helped that, along with the “democratization” of society, hunting on foot, accessible to more people, gained wide popularity. For her, slow but tireless and never losing track, Basset Hounds were the ideal dog. But most varieties of the breed were lost.

Famous basset hounds were bred in England already in the 19th century. The breed became more massive, the ears lengthened, wrinkles appeared. In the same place, in 1870, documented selection of the breed began. At the end of the 19th century, the breed standard was approved, the last additions to which were made in 2010.


The current standard of the International Canine Federation does not provide for division within the breed. Rather, Basset Hounds themselves belong to a large family derived from hounds, which also includes the following varieties.

  • Artesian-Norman Basset. The "ancestor" of modern basset hounds. It differs from relatives in more curved limbs and much more active behavior. The color is orange-white or orange with brown and white.
  • Vendée Basset Griffin. The coat is slightly longer and coarser. Color, except for the usual two or three colors, can be pure white.
  • Blue Gascon Basset. A peculiar color with different shades of gray.
  • Red Breton basset. Color includes all shades of red.

Preparing to meet a puppy

If you are going to have a Basset Hound in an apartment, prepare the housing for its settlement.

  • Personal place. Buy a bed and decide where it will be located. The place should not be in a draft, in dampness or near heating appliances.
  • Bowls and toys. Buy dishes for water and food and a reducing stand for it, toys so that the puppy can scratch its cutting teeth.
  • Walking accessories. Be sure to buy a leash and a collar. It is better to attach a sign with the owner's contacts to the collar in advance - even a fairly adult basset can get carried away by the rut and run away, ignoring the commands. Puppies are walked only on a leash.
  • Safety. Remove electrical cables and small items that the puppy can chew on from places accessible to the puppy.
  • Carpets and coverings. The floor in the apartment should not be slippery, but if possible, it is worth removing the carpets so that the puppy that is not yet accustomed to the toilet does not spoil them.

Basic care

In the first months in a new home, the puppy needs increased attention from the owner, because on the one hand, this is a period of active growth and character formation, on the other hand, relations with a person are being established and basic socialization of the dog is underway.

In general, the breed is unpretentious in content. You can brush your dog once a week. Bathe once a month with a special shampoo. It is important that water does not collect in the ears of the animal during bathing. Ears should be cleaned with a cotton pad using a special solution. Since the breed is short-haired, molting does not cause any particular problems, but during this period it is better to comb the pet daily or every other day in order to remove the fallen hairs in a timely manner.

Please note that in the first six months it is very important not to injure the front paws of the puppy, which take a lot of stress. At this age, they should not slip, jump off objects and go down stairs. If you live in a high-rise building without an elevator, you will have to carry your puppy for a walk in your arms.


The breed is prone to gaining excess weight, so it is important to feed your pet in a balanced way, calculating the calorie content based on his physical activity and age.

The puppy in the first seven to ten days should be fed the same as he ate from the breeder. Then meat, dairy products, quail eggs are added to the diet. It is important for puppies, especially in winter, to get enough vitamin D from food. It is better to consult a veterinarian about how to properly introduce it into the diet.

Small puppies eat up to six times a day. The number of feedings is reduced as the dog grows. After nine months, the dog is fed twice a day. For adult dogs, fasting days are often practiced once a week or two. Basset hounds are virtuosos of cunning and begging. It is almost impossible to refuse these sad faces, but it is necessary for their health.

The pet's diet can be built on ready-made feed, or on natural food. Some owners prefer to give dry food in one feeding, natural food in another. When choosing factory feeds, give preference to premium products, the main share of which is meat.

If you decide to cook for the dog yourself, it is important to include in its menu:

  • lean meat;
  • fish;
  • offal;
  • vegetables and fruits (carrots, pumpkins, apples, etc.);
  • eggs;
  • porridge.

Wheat, barley and pearl barley are excluded, which can cause problems with peristalsis in the basset. Remember, cereals cannot be the basis of the diet.

Basset hounds have a sensitive stomach, they absolutely cannot eat spicy, salty, smoked and fatty foods. You can not give the dog tubular bones and fish with bones. The best indicator of proper nutrition is the healthy coat and skin of the animal and its active behavior.


Contrary to the generally recognized high intelligence of the breed, Basset Hounds are difficult to train. It makes itself felt hunting past and specific character. At the same time, experts believe that bassets have an excellent memory and they remember commands immediately and for life, but before performing these self-confident British every time they think whether it is worth obeying, and do not always make a decision in favor of a person.

You need to start raising a puppy from the first day, once and for all establishing the rules of behavior at home. It is impossible to deviate from the stated taboos in the case of the Basset Hound, because he will remember every weakness and will try to use it.

Training begins after three months, when the puppy can already walk on the street. At first - in the format of active games, gradually moving on to the study of teams. The basic commands “Come to me” and “Fu” can be started at home, calling the puppy to eat or demanding to stop chewing on slippers. Bassets are very stubborn and have their own vision of the need for training, so be prepared to be imaginative and creative in choosing the motivation for your pet.

A hunter in a basset hound can wake up at any moment, and during the rut, even a relatively well-mannered pet can ignore any commands. It is almost impossible to achieve ideal training from this breed at home, but it is simply necessary to teach your pet the basic commands. Try to find an opportunity to get trained by professionals together with your dog.

Diseases and treatment

The Basset Hound lives for more than ten years, which indicates a fairly good health of the breed. But due to the structural features of the body, these dogs have a number of breed risks. A disproportionately long torso in relation to the legs is a potential threat of developmental disorders or age-related problems with the musculoskeletal system. Possible violations in the shoulder joints, curvature of the radius in case of injury or improper loads at a young age, trauma to the kneecaps.

Representatives of the breed often suffer from such pathologies.

  • Dysplasia of the hip or elbow joint. Pathology in development, which is diagnosed only after the completion of the formation of the skeleton. Manifested by pain on movement and lameness. With timely detection, it can be stopped with medication. In advanced cases, surgical intervention is necessary.
  • Panostitis. Inflammatory disease leading to lameness. Puppies and young animals under the age of two years are at risk. It is treated with medication.
  • Willebrand disease. Hereditary pathology, in which blood clotting is reduced.
  • Ophthalmic diseases. Glaucoma, cataracts, eyelid deformity, conjunctivitis are caused by loose eyelid skin, which protects the eye worse.
  • Otitis. An ear disease characteristic of such long-eared breeds.
  • Volvulus of the stomach or intestines. It happens due to the pathology of the ligaments that support the internal organs.
  • Allergy. Reactions to both food and plants are possible.
  • Skin diseases. Dermatitis, seborrhea, dysfunction of the sebaceous glands.

To avoid a significant number of the above-mentioned diseases, control over the nutrition of the animal, regular examinations of the skin, ears and eyes, as well as professional examinations at the veterinarian every six months will help.


  • plagues of carnivores;
  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • infectious hepatitis;
  • leptospirosis;
  • parainfluenza;
  • rabies;
  • coronavirus;
  • trichophytosis.

TOP nickname

When choosing a name for a pet, remember that it should be simple, without complex combinations of sounds, inconsistent with commands. It is better to come up with a name for the whole family. You can draw inspiration from the English origin of the breed, its antiquity and behavior.

Examples of nicknames for males:

  • Parker;
  • Willy;
  • Casper;
  • Cooper;
  • Lars;
  • Mason;
  • Martin;
  • Butch;
  • Eustace;
  • Niels;
  • Rufus;
  • Silver.

Examples of nicknames for bitches:

  • Asti;
  • Alma;
  • Wilma;
  • Gladys;
  • Gracie;
  • Lola;
  • Lisey;
  • Krista;
  • Martha;
  • Ronda;
  • Daisy;
  • Jessica;
  • Basya;
  • Elma;

Photo review

Looking at the photos of representatives of the Basset Hound breed, it is hard to believe that these are hunting hounds that have not lost their vivacity of character and the spirit of adventurism in the status of companions.

Cost and where to buy

It is better to buy a Basset Hound puppy from professional breeders or in a breeding nursery. Decide in advance for what purpose you buy a dog. If we are talking about a pet for the soul, then a pet-class puppy is suitable, which, due to some highly specialized defects, is not suitable for exhibitions and breeding, but is otherwise healthy and fully corresponds to the characteristics of the breed. If you are planning to take up dog breeding seriously, you need to look for a show or breed class puppy with an excellent pedigree and from titled parents. Such puppies are often ordered in advance from planned matings.

For breeding, experts recommend opting for a high-quality show or breeding class female, as it is easier to find a suitable male for mating. For the first time, it is recommended to breed Basset Hounds after two years (on the third estrus in a bitch), when the dog's body has finally formed and gained strength to reproduce healthy offspring. Pregnancy lasts about two months, childbirth occurs between the 56th and 67th day.

The nuances of choosing a puppy

To purchase a purebred puppy, it is worth collecting information about the breeders and potential parents of the pet in advance, inquire about the health and career of previous litters. If possible, go to a breed show where you can meet experienced owners of dogs of this breed.

Pay attention to the conditions of keeping dogs. Puppies should be clean and well-fed, without rashes, scratches and bites on the skin, with clean eyes and ears. The belly should be soft, without seals, the tail - without creases, paws - straight and thick. Kids should be active, mobile, not shy.


On average, in Moscow, a Basset Hound puppy costs from 10 to 30 thousand rubles. (Data as of January 2018). The price may vary depending on the region and pedigree. Individuals offer puppies cheaper than kennels, but such dogs are not immune to problems in the pedigree, which then turn into problems with the pet's health or behavior.


The Basset Hound breed in Russia and in the post-Soviet space is not the most common, but there are nurseries in many large cities and regional centers:

  • Kolani (Moscow)- bassetkolani.ya.ru;
  • "North West Major" (St. Petersburg)- http://north-west-major.ru;
  • MOY LASKOVIY I NEZHNIY ZVER' (Kyiv) - http://www.basset-hound.com.ua;
  • Canis Hound (Minsk)- http://basset-hound.narod.ru.

Before buying a pet, you need to evaluate your financial capabilities. The dog requires expenses not only for food, but also for care products, vaccinations, and visits to the veterinarian.

A medium-sized dog breed, a pack hound on the blood trail. It has a memorable appearance, with a large excess of skin on the head and long velvet ears. Big sad eyes give the muzzle a sweet expression. It got its name from the words "bass" - low and "hound" - hound, which is quite suitable for its appearance. Artesiano - The Norman Basset was bred in France in the 16th century, and is considered the ancestor of the Basset Hound.

There is other information that it was in the 18th century that this ancestor was brought to Great Britain and crossed with the Bloodhound, after which the Basset Hound appeared directly, so there are also statements about the origin of this breed during this period. The Basset Hound gained particular popularity during the reign of Queen Alexandra, who kept them in her kennel. They were the favorites of American President George Washington.

This good-natured, bow-legged, with long drooping ears, has always enjoyed special respect among aristocrats who loved hunting. Thanks to the perfect instinct and endurance, the Basset Hound is easily trained to hunt any animal.

Description of the Basset Hound breed and the FCI standard

  1. Country of origin: Great Britain.
  2. Application: hound.
  3. FCI classification: Group 6. Hounds and related breeds. Section 1.3. Small hounds. With performance tests.
  4. GENERAL APPEARANCE: Short-legged hound of massive build, well balanced, full of dignity.
  5. Behavior/Temperament: when hunting, the viscous hound uses its lower instinct, has a flock instinct and a strong melodic voice, capable of working in the field with enviable endurance. Peaceful, without aggression or cowardice.
  6. Head: The lines of the forehead and muzzle are almost parallel. The muzzle is slightly longer than the skull. Wrinkles in moderate amount around the eyes and eyebrows. The scalp is loose.
  7. Skull: Domed, moderately wide at the eyebrows and tapering slightly towards the muzzle. The occipital protuberance protrudes.
  8. Stop (transition from forehead to muzzle): moderate.
  9. Nose: Nose black, slightly protruding. Nostrils large, well open. Light-colored individuals have a brown or clarified nose.
  10. Muzzle: The general appearance of the forehead is narrow, but not light.
  11. Lips: Ruffled upper lips substantially overlapping the lower lips.
  12. Jaws/Teeth : Jaws strong, regular scissor bite, upper incisors tightly overlapping lower ones, set square to the jaws.
  13. Eyes: Diamond-shaped, neither protruding nor sunken, dark. Light-colored dogs are medium brown in color. The conjunctiva of the lower eyelid is visible, but not excessively. The look is calm and serious. Light or yellow eyes are undesirable.
  14. Ears: Elastic, thin, velvety in texture. Set low, below the eye line. Long, in an elongated form, reaching beyond the end of the muzzle. Narrow, along the entire length and twisted into a tube.
  15. Neck: Muscular, arched, rather long, with a pronounced but not exaggerated dewlap.
  16. Body: stretched and deep along the entire length. The height at the withers and the height at the rump are almost equal.
  17. Back: Horizontal, rather broad. From withers to maklok not excessively long.
  18. Loin: Slightly arched.
  19. Chest: The sternum protrudes, but the chest is neither narrow nor excessively deep. The front of the chest, when viewed from the front, fits neatly into the curves of the limbs. The ribs are barrel-shaped, springy, not sticking out, laid back.
  20. TAIL: Well set on, fairly long, strong at the base, tapering, with a moderate amount of hair on the underside. In motion, the rut is carried upwards, slightly curved, saber-shaped, rigidly resilient, never twisted.
  21. Forelimbs: short, massive, with strong bones. The skin is wrinkled on the lower part of the legs.
  • Shoulders: shoulder blades oblique, shoulders not weighed down.
  • Forearms: slightly approaching from top to bottom, but do not interfere with free movement, do not allow the legs to touch each other, neither in the stance nor in movement.
  • Metacarpus: Kozinets is highly undesirable. Kozinets - a defect in the front legs of a dog. The bones of the metacarpus are set vertically, and the wrist joint protrudes forward. With such a defect, the springing of the limb is disturbed; when walking and jumping, shocks are not softened and are not extinguished. Kozinets - the metacarpus has an inclination opposite to normal, and the wrists are protruding forward. The dog rests almost on the fingers, the pastern is vertical or bends back. The angle between the forearm and the pastern is more than 180 degrees (sheer metacarpus - 180 degrees).
  • Hind limbs: strong, muscular, full of muscle, the long croup produces a spherical effect when viewed from behind. Wrinkles on the skin of the metatarsus may appear, a slight fold forms behind the hock joint as a result of loose skin.
    • Knee : Well angulated.
    • Metatarsus : Short, slightly sloping under the dog, but not in or out, just set in a natural stance.
  • Paws: Massive, arched with developed pads. The forelegs point straight forward or slightly apart. The weight is evenly supported by the pads of the toes so that the paw leaves the impression of a large hound, and there are no areas of the paw outside the pads in contact with the ground.
  • Movement: smooth, free with good reach of the forelegs and a powerful drive from the hindquarters. The Basset Hound moves in the same way. The hocks and knees should never be tied in motion, the toes should not drag on the ground.
  • Coat: Smooth, short, close fitting, hair not too fine, without feathering. Long, soft, feathered coat is undesirable.
  • Height/Weight Basset Hound:
    • Height at the withers: males: 30-38 cm; females: 28-36 cm
    • Weight: males 25-34 kg; females 20-29 kg
  • Defects: Any deviation from the above should be considered as a fault / defect depending on the severity.
  • Disqualifying vices:
    • Aggression, cowardice.
    • Any dog ​​clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified.

    Note: Males must have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

    basset hound color

    • black and white in blush (tricolor)
    • red - white (bicolor)

    Basset hound character

    By nature, the Basset Hound is very gentle, sensitive, friendly, affectionate and good-natured. A real aristocrat and a worthy member of the family. Although its large and heavy appearance suggests slowness, in fact it is quite fast, active, hardy and tireless.

    Like all hunting breeds, she loves long, moderately active walks with games and runs. Despite the mobility, the Basset Hound knows how to behave with dignity in public and at exhibitions. Demonstrating to everyone his chic appearance and aristocracy.

    The main advantage The nature of the Basset Hound still remains affectionate, good-natured and tender. They are very attached to the owner and constantly require attention. They lend themselves well to training, but should start from puppyhood, they often show stubbornness.

    These are loyal and responsible pets with a loud voice, which, thanks to these qualities, are often used as a watchman.

    Photo Basset Hound with lowered eyes

    Perfectly takes root in a family with children. He always finds common interests with the kids and behaves like a real security guard. Cleanliness. He loves long active walks in nature, in the forest, near water bodies (although water procedures are treated with less pleasure).

    The Basset Hound has not lost its hunting skills, it perfectly hunts a hare and a rabbit, and easily finds the right trace by blood. Sometimes stubborn and disobedient, if offended. The Basset Hound does not like loneliness, so if they are left alone for a long time, they can gnaw on shoes, furniture and even wallpaper, thus drawing attention to themselves.

    Basset hound grooming c photo

    Grooming a Basset Hound does not take too much time, clean, short hair care is not difficult, it will only require constant regularity and thoroughness.

    Tick ​​Remedy

    Once a month, be sure to treat the breed with a tick agent. Drops drip on the withers, a place inaccessible to the tongue of the animal (Front Line, Advantix, Strong Hold, etc.), what exactly to drip your veterinarian can advise.

    Be especially careful during periods of tick activity, in the period March - April and before the frosts of November-December.

    Do not spare the money and be sure to treat the surface, because ticks are very harmful to the health of the dog, treatment for a tick is very expensive, and the worst thing that can happen is the loss of a friend.


    The coat is short and harsh, with a thick undercoat. Moulting takes place all year round, but is more noticeable in spring and autumn. In order to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor, you can bathe 2 times a month, lathering with a special shampoo for breeds with an appropriate coat and thoroughly rinsing with warm water. In winter, you can use dry shampoo. It should be borne in mind that water procedures are not included in the list of favorite activities, so it is necessary to teach them from an early age.

    After bathing, it needs to be blotted with a terry towel, and dried with a hair dryer. To keep the coat healthy and shiny, it should be combed out every day with a natural bristle comb or massage brush - mitten. This will help improve blood circulation, making the cover healthy and silkier, this procedure will help remove dust and loose hairs. The lesson should be given at least 5-7 minutes a day. The furminator will help to remove the undercoat and dead hair.


    The Basset Hound is characterized by drooling. The opinions of breeders often differ, some seem to drool from the pet and pour, while others argue that it is not too noticeable. Whatever it was, you need to take care of your pet. After walking or eating, wipe the muzzle and neck with a damp towel, so you remove the remnants of dust or food, there will be no excess smell, and at the same time wipe the saliva.


    The chic ears of the Basset Hound must be treated with special care and attention, they are its beauty and weak point. When bathing, make sure that water does not get inside.

    It is advisable to clean the ears a couple of times a week, with wet cotton pads not penetrating deep into the animal's ear, so as not to damage the eardrum. Perform a simple airing procedure, you can place your ears in different directions, and wave them. In a healthy dog, they should be clean, without excess sulfur, without an unpleasant odor. Noticing redness, smell, leakage of suspicious fluid, contact your veterinarian immediately.


    Taking care of your eyes is easy. When souring, gently wipe them with a clean soft cloth or special napkins. To prevent inflammation of the eyes, several times a month, the Basset Hound's eyes can be wiped with a cotton pad dipped in weak black tea or chamomile infusion.

    Paws and claws

    Paws after a walk wash or wipe with a damp cloth. Trim nails 1-2 times a month with a nail cutter, for large breed dogs. In winter, after a walk, it is good to wash out the remnants of the reagent from the snow, rub sunflower oil into the paw pads to prevent cracks.


    It cannot be said that the Basset Hound freezes in cold weather. This is rather a little trick of the owner in order to get rid of excess dirt from the street. Due to his short stature, during a walk he picks up a lot of dirt on his stomach and paws, and the overalls will protect the pet at least a little.


    Well suited for keeping in a city apartment. If you want to buy a Basset Hound, you should know that you will be required to find time and walk your pet at least 2 times a day. You don't have to force him to run. Walks can be long, with a variety of runs and games, to properly develop the muscle mass of the breed and strengthen the bones. You can just calmly walk, throw a stick, or a ball.

    For him, the most important thing is your attention and time spent together.

    Be sure to monitor the correct weight of the animal and the activity of the pet. When gaining excess weight, the Basset Hound can get sick, lethargy, and become less active.

    Nutrition and maintenance of the basset hound

    Nutrition is an important part of care.

    Basset Hound puppy is best to feed:

    1. low-fat cottage cheese
    2. fermented milk products
    3. rice and eggs.

    Later, when the pet begins to grow up, it is advisable to transfer it to a specialized dry food of premium class and above, in order to avoid obesity, which can adversely affect the health of the basset. It is necessary to constantly ensure that there is always clean water in the dog's bowl.

    Place in the house for basset hound

    Be sure to prepare a personal place for your pet. It should be of medium softness, comfortable in size and located in a secluded corner where there will be no drafts. It is necessary to accustom a pet to its place from puppyhood.

    Basset hounds are active and intelligent, they lend themselves well to training. But due to their inherent stubbornness, they can ignore the commands of the owner. Therefore, it is necessary to start training from childhood and with great responsibility. She must be constantly interested, not given the same command too often, and always rewarded for following commands and for good behavior.

    Diseases of the basset hound

    • spine problems.
    • Possible with excess weight and improper loads:
      (Watch the dog’s health from childhood. You can’t chase a puppy up the stairs, you can’t let your baby jump from high pedestals and various elevations.
      The puppy must include vitamins with calcium in the diet to strengthen bones. In adulthood, you do not need to run up the stairs with your pet)

    • glaucoma
    • adenoma of the third eyelid ("Cherry eye")
    • von Willebrand disease (in older dogs)
    • back pain if you already have problems with being overweight.
    • volvulus (a very life-threatening condition)
    • hip dysplasia

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