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Demon slayer events for August. Demon slayer working letter codes, secrets. Demon Slayer forge codes

War Thunder is a multiplayer online game entirely dedicated to combat aircraft and armored vehicles from the Second World War. The player is invited to take part in battles in all theaters of war of that time, fighting against real players around the world.

Start playing the online game Var Thunder in Russian without sending SMS to incomprehensible numbers and without any such muddy actions!

In order to start playing War Thunder, you do not need to deal with long searches and registrations on various sites. The client game Var Thunder must be downloaded, installed on a PC and started to play, a minimum of time and effort, a maximum result.

To achieve the desired result, namely the launch of the War Thunder game, you need to click the "Start game ..." button located just below this text, then you will go to the official website of the War Thunder game, then download the game, then you just need to start the game and dive in. to the new amazing world of War Thunder.

Do not forget to look at the system requirements of the War Thunder client game, compare them with the characteristics of the computer (PC) / laptop on which you will play the online game.

It should be noted right away that regardless of the requirements, on most computers and laptops, you can run almost any game, including Var Thunder, only in some cases you will have to set the graphic settings to a minimum.

So you can play War Thunder online without any problems, try, install and play exciting online projects!

Play for free the client game War Thunder in Russian, go to a new world in search of adventures and new achievements together with thousands of other players!

Var Thunder is a new generation simulator. The game was released back in 2011 and is still being finalized. Developers have endless ideas. Now these are only aircraft, but in the near future it is planned to release both ground equipment and the fleet. At the beginning, the player gets an old and weak plane. But with gaining experience, having accumulated game points, the user will be able to buy a new plane or upgrade an old one. The aircraft crew can also be trained - for example, increase the pilot's overload limit or increase the accuracy of the shooters. By the way, the game features five countries participating in the war (Britain, Japan, USA, Germany, USSR), their planes are different. But each new battle can be fought for any country. And to heighten realism, the game implements the ability to communicate via a microphone between members of the flight. Also in the game there are individual and collective missions against artificial intelligence or against each other. On these maps, you can fight in the "deathmatch" format or take part in historical missions.

With the release of global update 1.41, War Thunder players have the opportunity to control ground vehicles as well. Yes, yes, in addition to aviation, you can drive a couple of tanks, self-propelled guns and anti-aircraft guns into your hangar. Why not shoot enemy fighters from the ground? However, tank-to-tank battles are also provided. The choice of caterpillar beasts is impressive: here are the T-III, the M-60, and the Leopard-1.

The ability to fight the fleet is another idea of ​​the developers. So far, ship control is being tested. Combining tanks and destroyers on one map is not so easy.

You can download War Thunder for free on Windows 7, XP, Vista.

Features of the game:

  • the ability to "saddle" an aircraft from the first biplane to a jet fighter;
  • over 100 aircraft models;
  • more than 50 models of tanks and self-propelled guns;
  • five countries taking part in the hostilities: Japan, Britain, the United States of America, Germany, the Soviet Union;
  • the area of ​​hostilities is over 100,000 sq. km.

We liked:

  • support for multiple control devices: keyboard, joystick, mouse, steering wheel;
  • each country has unique weapons. Aircraft fully reflect the weapons and combat power of countries during the war and the post-war period;
  • good graphics - in the aircraft cabin there are instruments not only for the view, but also for obtaining information (everything works). The view is simply stunning, crisp and colorful;
  • the ability to upgrade and improve the aircraft depends on the level of the pilot, on the points earned and game experience;
  • the realism of the battle just rolls over. The view from the cockpit, the supply of fuel and ammunition is limited, there is a correction for the wind;
  • unrealistic action: planes develop a breakneck speed, write "barrels" and "pique".

We didn't like:

  • a typical average arcade battle takes about 30 minutes. You won't be able to fly "fast" in your spare time.

The game promises to be exciting and great. A variety of technology will not let even the most inveterate gamers get bored. Excellent graphics, varied controls (joysticks, mice), a lot of "pumping" and upgrades. Moreover, the game is regularly updated, and the list of features is constantly growing.


War Thunder has several analogues - World of Warplanes and World of Tanks.

"System requirements:"

Processor: 2.2 GHz
Video card: Nvidia GeForce 7XXX series and above; AMD Radeon 1XXX series and above

Operating system: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista SP1, Windows 7

Processor: 2.4 GHz dual-core
Video card: Nvidia GeForce 460 or higher
Hard disk space: 8 GB
Operating system: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista SP1, Windows 7

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