Home Mushrooms N Bezgin and Belyaev occupies my novel. Zeev bar-sella Alexander Belyaev. Artistic works a. R. belyaeva

N Bezgin and Belyaev occupies my novel. Zeev bar-sella Alexander Belyaev. Artistic works a. R. belyaeva

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Formation of the anti-utopian genre in Russian literature: Monograph. - M.: Publishing house of Moscow State Pedagogical University. V.I. Lenin, 1993. - 335 p. Ch.1-2.

ASENIN Sergey Vladimirovich (b.1922) - Film critic, film scientist, one of the leading experts in animation film and cinema in Eastern countries. Europe. Graduated from the State in-t theater. art in Moscow, worked as head. ed. Theory and History of Cinema, Iskusstvo publishing house. Cand. art history. He began to print in 1943. He lives in Moscow.

Among the scientific works of A. devoted to animation, the monograph devoted to the work of the famous Czech director Karel Zeman "Fantastic Cinema World of Karel Zeman" (1979) is directly related to the history of cinema fiction; a book about another master of animation - "Yon Popescu-Gopo. Drawn Man and the Real World" (1986) also has an indirect relationship.


1. Jon Popescu-Gopo: Drawn Man and the Real World / Union of Cinematographers of the USSR. - M., 1986. - 127 p.

2. The fantastic cinema world of Karel Zeman. - M.: Art, 1979. 128 p.

BALABUHA Andrey Dmitrievich (b. 1947) - Science fiction writer, critic, essayist. Born and lives in St. Petersburg. Topographer by education; worked as a design engineer in a design bureau.

He began to print in 1966; since 1974 - a professional writer. The first SF publication was the story "Appendix" (1968). Author of the SF novel "Neptune's Harp" (1986), stories, combined in the collection "People of the Ships" (1983), numerous novels and stories published in collective collections and periodicals.

Since 1970, Mr.. B. acts in the field of literary criticism, the author of numerous articles, reviews, introductory articles. Repeatedly wrote in collaboration with V. Dmitrevsky, A. Britikov. Of particular note are essays on the life and work of A.R. Belyaev, comments on the writer's five-volume book (L.: Det. Lit., 1983-1985), essays and prefaces exploring the work of the American science fiction writer R.E. Heinlein.

Prize winner. I.A. Efremova (1992) - for his contribution to the development of Russian science fiction.


1. Admiral of the Star Seas // Heinlein R. The Door to Summer. - L .: Lenizdat, 1991. - P.5-14.

2. In unity with the future and the past // Bogdanov A. Red Star; Lavrenev B. The collapse of the Republic of Itl. - M.: Pravda, 1990. pp.399-413. - In co-authorship with A. Britikov.

3. Revolt of the Magi, or Etudes in Dark Colors // Perumov N. Land Without Joy. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka-Terra, 1995. - S.503-521.

4. Personality time // Heinlein R. Citizen of the Galaxy. St. Petersburg: North-West, 1992. - S.599-606.

5. Eyes on the back of the head, or what lies ahead? // Loginov S. The many-armed god of Dalayn. - N.Novgorod: Phlox, 1994. - P.375-383.

6. Mustard seed under the microscope, or a completely different Asimov // Solaris. - St. Petersburg, 1992. - N 4. - S.209-216.

7. Is the earth a small ball? // In the world of fantasy: Sat. Art. - M.: Mol. guard, 1989. - P.25-27.

8. Calling worlds (On the work of G. Martynov) // On literature for children. Issue. 25. - L .: Det. lit., 1982. - P.144-160.

9. My Asimov // 1000 Terminator. - St. Petersburg, 1993. - N 1. - S.92-94.

10. My Heinlein // Heinlein R. Life Line. - L .: Yuna, 1991. - P.5-8.

11. The paradoxes of Arthur Clark // Clark A. Odyssey, a lifetime. - M.: Mir, 1991.

12. Preface // Heinlein R. Sobr. op. - St. Petersburg: Terra Fantastica, 1993. - T. 1, pp. 7-16; 1994. - V.2, p.5-12; T.9, p.5-12; T. 7, p.5-12; T.14, p.5-10.

13. Reasoning around "Y", or Fantastic involuntarily: [About the work of M. Weller] // Two hundred. - St. Petersburg, 1995. - N G. - S.37-46.

14. Witnesses and judges // Tyurin A., Shchegolev A. Network. - St. Petersburg: North-West, 1993. - P.5-12.

15. The legend of the gods and majors // Tyurin A. Magic lamp of the Secretary General. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 1995. - S.3-12, 402-410.

16. Looking ahead: [About A.R. Belyaev] // Young technician. 1984. - N 1. - S.48-49.

17. Three lives of Alexander Belyaev (Crit. - biographical essay) // Belyaev A. Sobr. op. in 5 tons - L .: Det. lit., 1983. - V.1. pp.7-30. - In co-authorship with A. Britikov.

18. 1984 according to Zvyagintsev, or a eulogy to the subjunctive mood // Zvyagintsev V. Odysseus leaves Ithaca. - St. Petersburg: North-West, 1993.

19. Man and his time (Life and books of Georgy Martynov) // Martynov G. Gianeya. - L .: Det. lit., 1989. - P.5-16. - In co-authorship with A. Britikov.

LIT.: Lukashin A. Balabuha A.D. // Encyclopedia of Science Fiction: Who's Who. - Minsk, 1995. - P.49.; Balabukha A.D. // The world through the eyes of science fiction writers: Recommended. bibliography directory. - M.: Book, 1986. pp.16-17.

BATALOV Eduard Yakovlevich - sociologist, literary critic, Ph.D. philosophy Sciences. Author of original works devoted to a comprehensive analysis of literary utopia and dystopia as a socio-cultural phenomenon.


1. In the world of utopia: Five dialogues about utopia, utopian consciousness and utopian experiments. - M.: Politizdat, 1989. 319 p.

2. Social utopia and utopian consciousness in the USA. - M.: Nauka, 1982. - 336 p.

BEZGINA Nina Leonidovna - Bibliographer of the National Philosophy and the creative heritage of A.R. Belyaev. Lives in Perm.


1. Alexander Romanovich Belyaev: On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth: Method. recommendations /Reg. Department of the DOK RSFSR; KLF "Wind of time". - Volgograd, 1984. - 21 p. - Signed: Bezgina N.

2. Alexander Romanovich Belyaev: Bibliography. decree. works and criticism // Poisk-87. - Perm: Prince. ed., 1987. - S.398-412. Signed: Nikitina N.

BELYAEV Alexander Romanovich (1884-1942) - a prominent writer, one of the founders and classics of Soviet science fiction literature; author of the works that made up the golden fund of Russian science fiction and children's literature - "Professor Dowell's Head", "Amphibian Man", "Ariel" and many others. others

Life and work of B. many articles, including - book. B.V. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev" (For more details, see the bibliographic decree "Alexander Belyaev". Bibliography. 1997. # 2. P. 64-71), his novels and short stories are regularly reprinted.

B.'s critical articles also played an important role during the formation of Soviet science fiction literature; in a number of publications (in particular, in the article "Let's Create Soviet Science Fiction") the writer tried to formulate the meaning and artistic functions of science fiction in the new society; defending the “literature of the dream” carefully eradicated by the socialist realist ideology, B. sadly wrote in the famous article “Cinderella”: “The fate of Soviet science fiction is similar to the fate of the fairy-tale Cinderella - both have a double life: a brilliant trip to the ball and the dull existence of an unloved stepdaughter sitting in shabby dress, in a dark corner of the kitchen" (1938); one of the first to raise issues and illustrations of science fiction works (art. "Illustration in Science Fiction"); at the same time, he often considered NF from the point of view of popularizing scientific knowledge, which, however, does not detract from the importance of B.'s critical speeches in a difficult period in the history of Soviet literature.


1. Argonauts of Universe 1000 Noah // Det. lit. - 1939. - N 5. - S. 55.

2. "Arktania": [Rec. based on the novel by G. Grebnev] // Ibid. - 1938. - N 18-19.

3. "Cinderella". On Science Fiction in Our Literature // Lit. gas. - 1938. - N 27, May 15; The same // World of Wonders. Khabarovsk, 1991. - N 5. - S. 2.

4. Skirmishers of new discoveries // Chyrvonaya Zmena. - Minsk, 1937. - N 94.

5. Illustration in Science Fiction // Det. lit. - 1939. - N 1. - S. 61-67.

6. About my works // Ibid. - 1939. - N 5. - S. 23-25.

7. About the science fiction novel and the book by G. Adamov "Winners of the Subsoil" // Ibid. - 1938. - N 11. - S. 18-22.

8. Afterword to the novel "Amphibian Man" // Around the world. M., 1928. - N 13. - S. 200-202.

10. Let's Create Soviet Science Fiction // Det. lit. 1938. - N 15-16. - S. 1-8.

11. Science Fiction and Science: Essay // Belyaev A. Struggle on air: Sat. - M.-L.: Mol. guard, 1928. - S. 309-323.

LIT.: Belyaeva S.A. "A star flickers outside the window..." // Fantastic-84. - M.: Mol. guard, 1984. - S. 312-347; Lyapunov B. Alexander Belyaev: Crete - biogr. feature article. - M.: Sov. writer, 1967. - 159 p.

About life and work
  • Boris Lyapunov. Alexander Belyaev: Critical and Bibliographic Essay / Art. I. N. Kukles. - M.: Soviet writer, 1967. - 160 p. 30 kop. 10,000 copies (s.o.)
  • N. L. Bezgina. Alexander Romanovich Belyaev: On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth: Methodological recommendations. - Volgograd: Voluntary Society of Book Lovers; Board of the Volgograd regional organization; Science Fiction Club "Wind of Time", 1984. - 24 p. (o) - signed for publication on May 24, 1983.
  • O. M. Orlov. A. R. Belyaev: Biographical sketch. - M., 2000. - 54 p. (about)
  • The world of fantasy in memorable dates: [Essays are dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of I. A. Efremov, the 90th anniversary of Arthur Clarke and the memory of the science fiction writer A. R. Belyaev] / Comp. O. N. Kondratieva. - M .: Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography; Russian State Youth Library, Youth Reading Department, 2007. - 40 p. 100 copies (about)
  • Irina Vladimirovna Pavlova. Linguo-cognitive explication of a fantastic image in a Russian literary text (based on the works of A. R. Belyaev) / Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences. - Kyiv: National Pedagogical University. M. P. Dragomanova, 2007. - 232 sheets.
  • S. A. Belyaeva. Memories of the father / Hood. V. V. Urzhumtsev. - St. Petersburg: Silver Age, 2009. - 96 p. - (Walks around the city of Pushkin). 1,000 copies (p) ISBN 978-5-902238-57-7 - signed for publication on February 1, 2009.
  • Zeev Bar-Sella. Alexander Belyaev. - M .: Young guard, 2013. - 432 p. - (Life of remarkable people, issue 1415). 5,000 copies (p) ISBN 978-5-235-03614-7
  • S. A. Belyaeva. The family saga of the science fiction writer Belyaev. – M.: TONCHU Publishing House, 2014. – 376 p. 500 copies (o) ISBN 978-5-91215-103-3 - signed for publication on 12/29/2013
  • Smolensk years of Alexander Belyaev / Comp. V. I. GRIBOEDOV. - Smolensk: Scroll, 2014. - 64 p. 200 copies (o) ISBN 978-5-906598-06-6
      V. I. GRIBOEDOV. To readers - p.3 A. N. Troitsky-Tryasorukov. About Alexander Romanovich Belyaev and the environment in which he spent his adolescence and youth - p.5-30 Sergey Malahievich Yakovlev, local historian - p.32-33 Serafima Budnikova (Alekseev's ur.), sister of Yakov Alekseev - p.33 Svetlana Belyaeva, daughter Alexandra Belyaeva - p.34-36 From the letters of Lidia Nikolaevna Nedachina, niece of the Gorodsky sisters - p.37-38 Vera Bylinskaya, Anna Stankevich's friend - p.45-48 Sergei Malahievich Yakovlev, local historian - p.49-53 Svetlana Belyaeva, daughter Alexander Belyaev - p.53 Alexander Romanovich Belyaev, letter to Vera Bylinskaya - p.54-55 Newspaper "Smolensky Vestnik" and A. R. Belyaev - p.55-56 Bibliography of articles by A. R. Belyaev / Comp. V. Karatsupa - p.57-62 Sources and literature - p.63
  • Memory about. Roman Belyaeva // Unofficial department of the Smolensk Diocesan Gazette, 1905, No. 9 - p. 506-507 - [The year of death is indicated in the obituary - 1904]
  • S. D. [Sergei Sergeevich Dinamov]. [Rec. to the collection "Professor Dowell's Head" (1926)] // Knigonosha, 1926, No. 39 - p.28
  • K. [onstantin Grigoryevich] Loks. [Rec. to the collection "Professor Dowell's Head" (1926)] // Print and Revolution, 1926, No. 8 - p.200-201
  • N. Kar.-P. A. Belyaev. "Amphibian Man": [Review] // Izvestia, 1928, August 8 (No. 182) - p.5
  • Kar.-P., N. [Review:] "Amphibian Man". Science fiction novel by A. Belyaev. Ed. ZIF. Page 201. C. 1 p. 50 k. // Izvestia. 1928. No. 182. August 8. S. 5.
  • [About A. Belyaev] // N. A. Rynin. Interplanetary communications. Issue. 1. Spaceships. - L .: Publishing house of P. P. Soikin, 1928 - p.87
  • F. P. Rets. based on A. Belyaev's novel "Amphibian Man" (ZIF, 1928) // Change, 1929, No. 1 - 2nd page of the region.
  • S. D. [Sergei Sergeevich Dinamov]. Adventure and science fiction literature // I. Anisimov, S. Dinamov. Correspondence courses for the retraining of librarians of trade union libraries. Lesson fifteen. - M .: Book publishing house of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, 1929 - p.46
  • Al. Mich. Reniks. [Review of works; Negative reviews of A. Belyaev's novels "The Island of Lost Ships" and "The Last Man from Atlantis"] // Siberian Lights (Novosibirsk), 1929, No. 2 - p.225-231
  • N. Konstantinov [Konstantin Nikolaevich Bogolyubov]. [About the novel "Struggle on the air"] // At the literary post, 1929, No. 38 - 2nd page of the region.
  • A. Paley. Soviet Science Fiction Literature // Revolution and Culture, 1929, No. 23-24 - pp. 67–68
  • Ya. [kov Semenovich] Rykachev. Our Mine Reeds and Jules Vernes // Young Guard, 1929, No. 5 - p.89
  • Hold on to the West!: Explanations to A. Belyaev's story "Keep on to the West" // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1929, No. 12 - 3rd page of the region.
  • Is it possible to make the weather?: Explanation to the story of A. Belyaev "VTsBID" // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1930, No. 7 - p.6
  • A. Paley. A serious breakthrough on the literary front // Revolution and Culture, 1930, No. 17-18 - p. 91
  • [About A. Belyaev] // N. A. Rynin. Interplanetary communications. Issue. 3. Radiant energy in the fantasies of novelists and in the projects of scientists. - L. 1930 [On the cover: 1931] - p.15-17, 110-111
  • Blue coal: Explanation for the story "Kite" // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1931, No. 2 - p.7-8
  • A. R. Paley. About a genre that we don't have. Scientific and technical fiction: [Based on the novels by A. Tolstoy "Hyperboloid engineer Garin" and "Aelita", V. Nikolsky "After a thousand years" and A. Belyaev "Lord of the world"] // Young Guard, 1933, No. 8 - p. .150-153
  • N. Konstantinov [Konstantin Nikolaevich Bogolyubov]. Science-fiction themes among novice writers // Literary studies, 1934, No. 1 - p. 100
  • A. Paley. [About the novel "A Jump into Nothing"] // For Communist Education, 1934, February 20 (No. 42) - p.3
  • I. Perelman. "Jump into nothing" A. Belyaev // Literary Leningrad, 1934, February 28 (No. 10) - p.3
  • A. Zapadov. Cutting the pages "Around the World" // Literary Leningrad, 1934, April 20 (No. 18) - p.3
  • Engineers of the plant "Sevkabel" [: ] ch. eng. Grabovetsky V., senior. eng. Zalevsky B., head. shop Dreyzin S., senior. eng. Kogan Ya., deputy. early shop Turkin N., senior. eng. Florensky E. What do we want from Soviet literature. [We need Soviet Wells and Jules-Vernes] // Literary Leningrad, 1934, No. 34, July 26 - p.1
  • V. Vladko. [About the novel "Amphibian Man"] // Technique, 1934, August 14 - p.
  • From the editors: [To the article: Belyaev A. Let's create Soviet science fiction] // Literary Leningrad, 1934, August 14 (No. 40) - p.4
  • A. Paley. Forgotten Genre // Technique, 1934, August 15 (No. 77) - p.3
  • F. Gladkov F. [“Our fiction has not yet come close to the issues of technology ...”] // Struggle for Technology, 1934, No. 17-18 - p.11
  • A. Paley. Technique and science fiction // The struggle for technology, 1934, No. 17-18 - p.21-22
  • A. Paley. Fiction and invention // Inventor, 1934, No. 11 - p.26
  • V. [Arlam Tikhonovich] Sharlamov. Science and fiction // Front of Science and Technology (Moscow), 1934, No. 12 - pp. 86-87
  • A. Paley. About scientific and non-scientific science fiction // Socialist Reconstruction and Science, 1934, Issue 1 - p.86
  • A. Paley. [About the novel "Lord of the World"] // Literary Studies (Moscow), 1935, No. 2. – p.128-129
  • A. Paley. Science fiction literature // Literary studies (Moscow), 1935, No. 7-8. – p.129-131
  • A. Vsevolodov. Artist Travin illustrator of a science fiction book // Young Proletarian, 1935, No. 15 - p.44-45
  • A. K. We educate cadres of masters of science fiction // Literary Leningrad, 1935, September 28 (No. 44) - p. 1
  • Ya. [kov Isidorovich] Perelman. Tsiolkovsky - writer // Literary Leningrad, 1935, September 28 (No. 44) - p.1
  • A. Paley. Science fiction literature. Article two // Literary studies, 1936, No. 2 - p.118-132
  • A. Borisenkov. Roman A. Belyaev "Jump into nothing": [Review] // Geography at school, 1936, No. 5 - p.119
  • " Leap into nothing": [Review] // Young Stalinist (Saratov), ​​1937, October 20 (No. 10) - p. 4
  • G. Kremnev [Georgy Moiseevich Trakhtman]. The writer was left alone // Literary newspaper, 1938, February 10 (No. 8) - p. 4
  • B. Weinberg, S. Natanson, M. Eigenson, V. Steblin, N. Chugrov. A writer who popularizes science // Literary newspaper, 1938, April 15 (No. 21) - p.2
  • V. Shklovsky. About the science fiction novel by A. Belyaev "Amphibian Man" // Pionerskaya Pravda, 1938, April 24 - p.
  • B. Weinberg. Why aren't A. Belyaev's books published? // Literary newspaper, 1938, August 15 - p.
  • V. Shklovsky. "Amphibian Man": [About the story of A. Belyaev] // Children's Literature, 1938, No. 20 - p.39-40
  • L. Zhukov. Soviet adventure and science fiction novel: [In particular, about A. Belyaev's novel "Struggle on the Air"] // Young Guard, 1938, No. 8 - p.173,175-176
  • G. [About the novel "A Jump into Nothing"] // What to read (Moscow), 1938, No. 8 - p.59
  • N. Nikolaev. Soviet science fiction novel: [Ann. book: Tolstoy A. Hyperboloid engineer Garin. - M.-L.: Detizdat, 1936. - 309 p.; Tolstoy A. Aelita. - M.-L.: Detizdat, 1937. - 238 p.; Obruchev V. A. Plutonium. - M.-L.: ONTI, 1937; Obruchev V. A. Sannikov Land. – M.-L.: ONTI, 1936; Adamov Gr. Subsoil Winners. - M.-L.: Detizdat, 1937. - 320 p.; Tsiolkovsky K. On the moon. Dreams of earth and sky. - M.-L.: ONTI, 1935. - 132 p.; Belyaev A. Leap into nothing. - M.-L.: Young Guard, 1936. - 303 p.; Grebnev G. Arctania. - M.-L.: Detizdat, 1938. - 208 p.] // What to read (Moscow), 1938, No. 10 - p.57-60
  • A. Ael. On the benefits of fiction // Soviet students, 1938, No. 10 - p.62
  • A. Ragozin. A. Belyaev. "Amphibian Man": [Review] // Literary Review, 1938, No. 24 - p.11-18
  • P. Yurikov. Books that the reader is waiting for // Komsomolskaya Pravda, 1938, December 10 (No. 282) - p.3
  • Yuri Pryanishnikov, employee of the House of Entertaining Science. On the proposal of A. Belyaev to organize a "Park of Wonders" // Bolshevik Word (Pushkin), 1939, January 20 (No. 9) - p.2
  • Lyubov Tsiolkovsky. On the proposal of the "Park of Wonders" // Bolshevik word (Pushkin), 1939, February 10 (No. 18) - p.2
  • Ya. [kov Semenovich] Rykachev. “Head of Professor Dowell” A. Belyaev: [Review] // Children's Literature, 1939, No. 1 - p.50-53
  • B. Belevich. Reader's notes: A. R. Belyaev // Bolshevik word (Pushkin), 1939, March 16 (No. 34) - p. 4
  • Ya. [kov Semenovich] Rykachev. [About Alexander Belyaev] // Children's Literature, 1939, No. 5 - p.23-25
  • V. Vladko. Ways of science fiction: [The review contains an assessment of the works of A. Belyaev] // Children's Literature, 1939, No. 7 - pp. 13-16
  • Ya. [kov Semenovich] Rykachev. Science fiction // Literary newspaper, 1939, December 10 (No. 68) - p.4
  • [Alexander Iosifovich Deutsch]. Science fiction novels by Jules Verne // What to read, 1940, No. 2-3 - p.86
  • A. [lexander Moiseevich] Maryamov. Big Dream Books // Children's Literature, 1940, No. 4 - p.36
  • Alexander Ivich [Ignatiy Ignatievich Bernshtein]. Books about the future: [In particular, about the works of A. Belyaev] // 30 days, 1940, No. 5-6 - p.103-110
  • Alexander Ivich [Ignatiy Ignatievich Bernshtein]. Science fiction story: [In particular, about the works of A. Belyaev] // Literary critic, 1940, No. 7-8 - pp. 154-164, 167, 170-171, 173-175
  • M. [Oisey Lipmanovich] Meyerovich: [About A. Belyaev's novel "The Man Who Found His Face"] // Children's Literature (Moscow), 1940, No. 9 - pp. 46-47
  • Ya. [kov Semenovich] Rykachev. On Soviet Science Fiction Literature // Uchitelskaya Gazeta, 1940, October 23 (No. 137) - p. 4
  • Alexander Ivich [Ignatiy Ignatievich Bernshtein]: [About A. Belyaev's novel "The Man Who Found His Face"] // Literary Review, 1941, No. 3 - p.13-15
  • A. [lexander Moiseevich] Maryamov. Soviet science fiction novel: [About A. Belyaev's novel "The Man Who Found His Face"] // What to read (Moscow), 1941, No. 1 - pp. 25-26, 28
  • S. Golovko. Master of Science Fiction: [About J. Verne, G. Wells, A. Belyaev] // Bolshevik Word (Pushkin), 1941, April 1 (No. 38) - p. 4
  • L. [eonid Ilyich] Borisov. Alexander Belyaev. "Star KETs": [Review] // Star, 1941, No. 4 - p.172-173
  • Iv. Andreev. A. Belyaev. "KETs Star": [Review] // Literary Review, 1941, No. 6 - p.17-21
  • V. Voevodin. A. R. Belyaev and his work // A. Belyaev. Amphibian Man. - M.-L.: Detgiz, 1946 - p.3-6
  • Belyaev Alexander Romanovich (1894-1941) // Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M .: State Scientific Publishing House "Great Soviet Encyclopedia", 1950. V.4 - p.581 - [The year of birth of the writer is incorrectly indicated in the volume]
  • V. Strukova, V. Shevchenko. [About A. Belyaev’s story “Castle of Witches”] // Elementary School (Moscow), 1951, No. 11 - p.53
  • S. Poltavsky. Ways and problems of Soviet science fiction: [In particular, about A. Belyaev] // Issues of children's literature. 1955. - M.-L.: Detgiz, 1955 - p.106-163
  • B. Lyapunov. Foreword // A. Belyaev. Selected Science Fiction Works. In 2 vols. T.1. - M .: Young Guard, 1956 - p.3-20
      The same: A. Belyaev. Selected Science Fiction Works. In 3 vols. T.1. - M .: Young Guard, 1957 - p.3-20 The same: M .: Young Guard, 1958 - p.3-20
  • E. Brandis. In the world of science fiction: [Rec. on the book by A. Belyaev "Selected science fiction works in 2 volumes." (M., 1956)] // Ogonyok, 1957, No. 20 - p.24
  • Alexander Belyaev: Preface to the story "The Last Man from Atlantis" // Knowledge is power, 1957, No. 4 - p.34
  • Alexander Belyaev: [About the author] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 4 - p.34
  • V. Porudominsky. Re-reading Alexander Belyaev: [In connection with the release of a two-volume collection of selected works by A. Belyaev] // Moscow, 1957, No. 7 - p.193-195
  • E. Brandis. In the world of science fiction: [Rec. on the book: Belyaev A. Selected science fiction works in 2 volumes - M .: Young Guard, 1956] // Ogonyok, 1957, No. 20 - p. 24
  • A. Dzens-Litovsky. Creativity needed by the people // Evening Leningrad, 1957, May 29 - p.
  • Yu. Zubov, Z. Shalashova. Adventure, travel, fantasy: A reference index of fiction. - M .: State Library of the USSR. V. I. Lenin, 1957 - p.135-137
  • S. Poltavsky. The second birth of a science fiction writer: [On the significance of the works of A.R. Belyaev] // Zvezda, 1958, No. 2 - pp. 225-229
  • G. Gurevich. Seriously About Fantasy: [On the Development of Science Fiction Literature; On the theory of "near fantasy"; I. Efremov, A. Kazantsev, V. Nemtsov, V. Obruchev, A. Belyaev are mentioned] // Komsomolskaya Pravda, 1958, June 14 - p.2
  • S. Larin. The Art of Fiction: [Review of the three volumes of selected works by A. Belyaev (M., 1958)] // Literaturnaya Gazeta, 1958, June 28 (No. 77) - p.3
  • A. Elkin, E. Rusakova, M. Khvastunov. For the dream of a big flight! To the results of the All-Russian Conference on Science Fiction Literature: [A. Tolstoy, A. Belyaev are mentioned, the term "near fantasy"] // Komsomolskaya Pravda, 1958, July 8 - p.3
  • New books of Lenizdat: [Announcement of the book: A. Belyaev "The Island of Lost Ships"] // Literature and Life, 1958, July 16 - p.4
  • V. Shevchenko. The path of scientific research // What to read, 1958, No. 10 - p.
  • B. Lyapunov. Alexander Romanovich Belyaev and his works // A. Belyaev. Island of Lost Ships. - L .: Detgiz, 1958 - p.5-16
      The same: M.: Detgiz, 1960 - p.5-16
  • Alexander Romanovich Belyaev // I. Trofimov. Writers of the Smolensk region. Bibliographic reference book. - Smolensk: Book publishing house, 1959 - p.98-103
  • Belyaev Alexander Romanovich // TSB, 2nd ed. T.4 - p.582
  • L. Kozlova. Belyaev Alexander Romanovich (1884-1942) // Russian Soviet prose writers. Bibliographic index. T.1. - L .: State Public Library. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, 1959 - p.179-188
  • A. Lushenin. A man with an inexhaustible fantasy // Smena (Leningrad), 1959, March 22 - p.
  • G. Gorin. This is worth reading: [Review of the three-volume book by A. Belyaev (M., Young Guard)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 12 - p.51
  • V. Dmitrevsky, E. Brandis. Modernity and Science Fiction // Kommunist, 1960, No. 1 - p.70
  • M. Sonkin. This is how it began: [About N. A. Rynin - the author of Interplanetary Communications, K. E. Tsiolkovsky, A. Belyaev, B. Lyapunov] // Zvezda, 1960, No. 9 - p.116-123
  • E. Brandis. Ways of development and problems of Soviet science fiction literature // . - L .: Detgiz, 1960 - p.21-26
  • S. Poltavsky. On Unresolved Issues of Science Fiction // On Literature for Children (On Science Fiction and Adventures): Issue 5 . - L .: Detgiz, 1960 - p.92
  • M. Lazarev. On the science fiction works of A. R. Belyaev. (On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the birth) // About literature for children (On fantasy and adventures): Issue 5. - L .: Detgiz, 1960 - p.140-182
  • B. Lyapunov. Poet of science: [About the work of Alexander Belyaev] // Neva, 1960, No. 7 - p.182-186
      Same: Children's Literature. 1960 - M .: Detgiz, 1961 - p.58-81
  • A. Nepomniachtchi, I. Frolov. In the underwater kingdom of Ichthyander: [On the filming of the film "Amphibian Man" based on the novel by A. Belyaev] // Soviet Russia, 1960, October 18 - p.4
  • B. Tolchinsky. Among the foam anemones ...: [About shooting under water by the Lenfilm studio of the first feature film "Amphibian Man", based on the novel of the same name by A. Belyaev] // Literature and Life, 1960, December 16 - p.4
  • B. Lyapunov. A man of a winged dream: [About A. Belyaev] // Seeker, 1961, No. 1 - p.138-140
  • Belyaev Alexander Romanovich (March 16, 1884 - January 6, 1941) // Soviet children's writers. Bio-Bibliographic Dictionary (1917-1957). - M .: Detgiz, 1961 - p.38-39
  • S. Larin. [About the novel "Professor Dowell's Head"] // S. Larin. Winged Dream Literature. - M .: Knowledge, 1961 - p.25-26
  • Boris Lyapunov. Earth is a planet: [Life amends the assumptions of science fiction writers Tsiolkovsky and Belyaev] // Science and Life, 1961, No. 10 - pp. 27-28
  • A. Zorkiy. Lamentation for Ichthyander: [About the feature film "Amphibian Man" based on the book of the same name by A. Belyaev] // Literary newspaper, 1962, January 20 - p.3
  • B. Lyapunov. They dreamed of conquering space: [About the correspondence between A. R. Belyaev and K. E. Tsiolkovsky] / Fig. V. Nazarova // Seeker, 1962, No. 5 - p.74-78
  • Correspondence of A. R. Belyaev and K. E. Tsiolkovsky: // Seeker, 1962, No. 5 - p. 76-89
  • G. Mishkevich. Meeting in Astoria: [About the meeting in 1934 of H. G. Wells with a group of Soviet scientists and writers, among whom were Yakov Perelman, Nikolai Rynin and Alexander Belyaev] // Ural Pathfinder (Sverdlovsk), 1962, No. 7 - p. 36- 39
  • B. Lyapunov. At the origins of Soviet science fiction for children and youth: [In particular, about A. Belyaev] // Children's Literature. Issue 1. - M .: Detgiz, 1962 - p.116-146
  • S. Yakovlev. The Prophet of Astronomy: A Brief Biographical Sketch of the Science Fiction Writer A. R. Belyaev // S. M. Yakovlev. Our winged countrymen. - Smolensk: Book publishing house, 1962 - p.29-37
  • Belyaev, Alexander Romanovich // Brief literary encyclopedia. Volume 1. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1962 - p.543-535
  • B. Lyapunov. Eight volumes of Alexander Belyaev: [Abstract] // In the world of books, 1963, No. 8 - p.13
  • [On the shooting of the film "Amphibian Man" (1961)] // S. Aslezov, A. Dobrov. Grandchildren of Neptune. - M. Soviet Russia, 1964 - p.
  • A. Kondratov. Atlantis or ... Platonis: [V. Bryusov, P. Benois, J. Verne, A. Belyaev, A. Tolstoy, K. Doyle are mentioned] // Science and Religion, 1965, No. 8 - p. 40-44
  • Anatoly Britikov. [About the novel "Professor Dowell's Head"] // History of the Russian Soviet novel in 2 books, book 1. - M.-L.: Nauka, 1965 - p.648-649
  • Anatoly Britikov. Beginning of the Galactic Brotherhood. On the specifics and themes of modern fiction: [Mentioned by J. Verne, Tsiolkovsky, Belyaev, Wells, Yemtsev, Parnov, Altov, Zhuravleva, Efremov] // Children's Literature, 1967, No. 3 - p.10-13
  • L. Podosinovskaya. My meetings with Alexander Belyaev: [An article about meetings with a science fiction writer] / Drawing for A. Belyaev’s story “Above the Abyss” by artist V. Kupriyanov // Bonfire (Leningrad), 1967, No. 8 - p.39-40
  • [Appeal to the readers of the journal about the compilation of scientific and technical foresights of the science fiction writer A. R. Belyaev] // Young Technician, 1967, No. 10 - p. 48
  • E. Zvantseva. Familiar Stranger: [Rec. on the book by B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"] // Moskovsky Komsomolets, 1967, November 16 - p.
  • [IN. Bugrov]. Electronic composer: [A note on one of the ideas embodied in A. Belyaev's story "Mr Laughter"] // Ural Pathfinder (Sverdlovsk), 1967, No. 11 - p.69
  • Vitaly Bugrov. Before Barnard, there was ... Dowell: [An article about the life of the science fiction writer A. R. Belyaev, about the origins of his works and their influence on our lives and scientific developments in the second half of the twentieth century] // Ural Pathfinder (Sverdlovsk), 1968, No. 8 - p.72-74
      Same: Interlocutor. Issue 1. - Novosibirsk: West Siberian Book Publishing House, 1974 - p.78-81 The same: World of Adventures: [Issue 23] . - M .: Children's literature, 1978 - pp. 556-560 The same: V. Bugrov. In Search of Tomorrow: About Science Fiction Seriously and with a Smile. - Sverdlovsk: Middle Ural book publishing house, 1981 - pp. 182-194 The same: V. Bugrov. 1000 Faces of Dreams: About fantasy seriously and with a smile. - Sverdlovsk: Middle Ural book publishing house, 1988 - p.166-180
  • O. Orlov. Preface to the essay by A. Belyaev “Walking on a hydroplane” // Bonfire (Leningrad), 1971, No. 8 - p.43
  • A. Britikov. Let's create Soviet science fiction! // A. Britikov. Russian Soviet science fiction novel. - L .: Nauka, 1970 - p.102-139
  • G. Altov. Ugly ducklings of science fiction, or fifty ideas of Alexander Belyaev // Pole of risk. - Baku: Ganjlik, 1970 - p.201-226
      Same: Talisman. - L .: Children's literature, 1973 - p.604-633
  • Belyaev Alexander Romanovich // Great Soviet Encyclopedia. T.???. – 3rd edition. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1970 - p.549
  • V. Orlov. Three elements of Alexander Belyaev: [About the science fiction writer and his books] // Technique for youth, 1972, No. 1 - p. 63-64, 3rd page of the region.
  • I. Trofimov. Belyaev Alexander Romanovich: [Essay on creativity] // I. Trofimov. Writers of the Smolensk region: [Biobibliographic reference book]. - M .: Moscow worker, 1973 - pp. 96-100
  • Heinrich Altov. Ugly ducklings of fiction (Fifty ideas of Alexander Belyaev) // Talisman. - L .: Children's literature, 1973 - p.604-633
  • E. Brandis. Knight of Soviet Science Fiction: On the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of Alexander Belyaev // Children's Literature, 1974, No. 3 - pp. 22-23
  • V. Dmitriev. From Russian into Russian: [About A. Belyaev's story "The Electric Servant"] // Literary Russia, 1974, March 15 - p.
  • Galina Bunatyan. The founder of Soviet science fiction // G. G. Bunatyan. City of Muses: Literary memorable places of the city of Pushkin. - L .: Lenizdat: 1975 - p.345-355
      The same: G. G. Bunatyan. City of Muses: Literary memorable places of the city of Pushkin. - L .: Lenizdat, 1987 - p. The same: G. G. Bunatyan. City of Muses: Literary memorable places of the city of Pushkin. - St. Petersburg: Lenizdat, 2001 - p.337-346
  • K. Poltev. Murmansk epic of Alexander Belyaev: Unknown pages of the biography of a science fiction writer // Sever (Petrozavodsk), 1975, No. 3 - p.122-125
  • G. Chernenko. Letters to a "Citizen of the Universe": [About the letters of the science fiction writer A. R. Belyaev to K. E. Tsiolkovsky] // Soviet Youth (Riga), 1975, May 25 (No. 102) - p.
  • G. Chernenko. Friendship is close, creative: [About the correspondence of K. E. Tsiolkovsky and A. R. Belyaev] // Neva, 1977, No. 7 - p. 220
  • Evg. Brandis. Manuscript "KETs Stars": [About the work of the science fiction writer A. R. Belyaev on the manuscript of the novel] // Ural Pathfinder (Sverdlovsk), 1977, No. 8 - p.64-65
  • G. Chernenko. Seven letters to the "Citizen of the Universe" // I want to know everything! - L.: 1977 - p.96-101
  • Evg. Brandis. How Alexander Belyaev worked: [On the example of the manuscript of the novel "KETs Star"] // I want to know everything! - L .: Children's literature, 1977 - p.102-103
  • V. Abchuk. The Gift of Prophecy: [From the book "In the Footsteps of the Future". About the predictions of R. Heinlein in the story "The Unfortunate Decision", J. Verne, Wells, A. Belyaev] / Fig. I. Nechaeva // Sputnik, 1978, No. 2 - p.68-72
  • V. Alekseev. “Why look into the future?”: From the second-hand bookseller’s notebook: [About the science fiction writer A. R. Belyaev] // Nedelya, 1978, No. 7 - p. 17
  • V. Ivanov. "Amphibian Man" - 50 years old: [A note on the novel of the same name by A. Belyaev] // Ural Pathfinder (Sverdlovsk), 1978, No. 7 - p.64
  • I. G. Khalymbadzha. Iktaner, brother of Ichthyander // Young Far East (Khabarovsk), 1979. November 3 - p.
  • A. Belyaev. Island of the Lost Ships // Z. P. Shalashova. Adventures and Travels: Recommended Literature Index. - M .: Book, 1979 - p.43
  • A. Belyaev. Head of Professor Dowell // Z. P. Shalashova. Adventures and Travels: Recommended Literature Index. - M .: Book, 1979 - p.86-87
  • Belyaev Alexander Romanovich (1884-1942) // Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1979 - p.128
  • R. Fedorov. Fairy tales have become a reality: New Year's Journey from fantasy to reality: [Fantastic ideas in the books of A. Belyaev and their implementation] // Pravda, 1980, January 1 - p.3
  • V. A. Griboyedov. Alexander Belyaev - artist: On the 200th anniversary of the Smolensk Theater // Change (Smolensk), 1980, December 4 (No. 134) - p.21
  • E. Vikorov, I. Kiselev. Thank you for the book, but ...: [On the reprinting of the works of A. Belyaev and G. Wells in the Stavropol book publishing house] // Young Leninist (Stavropol), 1981, April 1 - p.
  • N. Matsuev. Alexander Belyaev // Russian Soviet Writers: 1917-1967. - M .: Soviet writer, 1981 - p.32
  • S. Belyaeva. Memories of the father: [About Alexander Belyaev] // Aurora, 1982, No. 9 - p.137-145
  • Peter Kapitsa. Our Komsomol youth // Neva, 1982, No. 9 - p.180-182
  • As a famous science fiction writer, Alexander Belyaev flew in a seaplane in 1913 and then described his flight ...: [Foreword to the essay "Walking on a seaplane"] // Iskorka (Leningrad), 1982, No. 10 - p.25
  • V. S. Bakhtin, A. N. Lurie. Alexander Belyaev // Writers of Leningrad: Bio-Bibliographic Reference (1934-1981). - L .: Lenizdat, 1982 - p.30-31
  • Igor Zapadalov. “Bring closer the hour of victory…”: [About science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev] // Neva, 1983, No. 2 - p.179-181
  • G. Gurevich. Piles for castles in the air // G. Gurevich. Science Fiction Talks. - M.: 1983 - p.61-63
  • March 16 - 100 years since the birth of A. R. Belyaev (1884-1942), a Soviet science fiction writer // Calendar of significant and memorable dates for the first half of 1984 - Yaroslavl, 1983 - p.25-29
  • On the anniversary of Alexander Belyaev: [Information of the Union of Writers] // Literary Russia, 1984, January 13 - p.4
  • A. Balabukha. Looking forward: [Article on the centenary of the birth of science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev] // Young Technician, 1984, No. 1 - p. 48-49
  • To the 100th anniversary of the birth of A. Belyaev: [On the creation of an anniversary commission, which includes science fiction writers E. Parnov, A. Britikov, D. Bilenkin, E. Brandis, E. Voiskunsky] // Literary newspaper, 1984 , February 1 - p.4
  • At the origins of Soviet science fiction. To the 100th anniversary of the birth of A. R. Belyaev // Literature at school, 1984, No. 2 - pp. 66-67, 2 pages of the cover
  • Iktaner, brother of Ichthyander: [About the novel by J. le la Ira] // For knowledge (Komsomolsk-on-Amur), 1984, February 29 (No. 6) - p. 4 - [Third issue of Apex KLF, dedicated to 100- anniversary of the writer]
  • Parallels of one topic: [On the topic of organ replantation] // For knowledge (Komsomolsk-on-Amur), 1984, February 29 (No. 6) - p. 4 - [Third issue of Apex KLF, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the writer]
  • Anticipate discoveries: [About the novel " Air Seller"] // For Knowledge (Komsomolsk-on-Amur), 1984, February 29 (No. 6) - p. 4 - [Third issue of Apex KLF, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the writer]
  • V. Peredkov. In the battle for a dream: [About Alexander Belyaev] // For knowledge (Komsomolsk-on-Amur), 1984, February 29 (No. 6) - p. 4 - [Third issue of Apex KLF, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the writer]
  • A. Turlov. Cinematography by Alexander Belyaev // For Knowledge (Komsomolsk-on-Amur), 1984, February 29 (No. 6) - p. 4 - [Third issue of Apex KLF, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the writer]
  • V. Karabaev. Scout of the future: [On the 100th anniversary of the birth of A. Belyaev] // Along the Leninist path (Ufa), 1984. - March 15 (No. 11) - p. - [Error: note author R. Kadikov]
      The same: Under the title "Scout of the Future": [On the 100th anniversary of the birth of A. Belyaev] // Motor Builder (Ufa), 1984, March 20 (No. 21) - p. – [Author's name not specified]
  • V. Karabaev. [Bibliography of the works of A. Belyaev] // Along the Leninist path (Ufa), 1984, March 15 (No. 11) - p. - [Error: author of the bibliography R. Kadikov]
  • V. Gakov. Science fiction classic: [On the 100th anniversary of the birth of A. R. Belyaev] // Kazakhstanskaya Pravda (Alma-Ata), 1984, March 16 - p.
      The same: Communist of Tajikistan (Dushanbe), 1984, March 16 - p.
  • Vsevolod Azarov. Miraculous eye: [On the 100th anniversary of A. R. Belyaev; Memoirs of the author about his meetings with a science fiction writer] // Neva, 1984, No. 3 - p.184-186
      The same: Vsevolod Azarov. Winds of our youth: Tales, essays, memoirs. - L .: Soviet writer, 1987 - p.177-182
  • V. Gakov. Talent of foresight: On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the writer A. R. Belyaev // Soviet Latvia (Riga), 1984, March 16 - p.
  • B. Strugatsky. Dream Knight: [About A. Belyaev] / Recorded by A. Myasnikov // Evening Leningrad, 1984, March 16 - p.
  • Lord of fantastic worlds: [On the 100th anniversary of A. Belyaev] / Fig. V. Buri // Young Far East (Khabarovsk), 1984, March 17 (No. 52) - p.2
  • H. Alymov. Chronology of the work of A. R. Belyaev // Young Far East (Khabarovsk), 1984, March 17 (No. 52) - p.2
  • Memories of a father: [His daughter Svetlana Alexandrovna tells about A. Belyaev] // Young Far East (Khabarovsk), 1984, March 17 (No. 52) - p.2
  • H. Alymov. Chronology of the work of A. R. Belyaev // Young Far East (Khabarovsk), 1984, March 17 (No. 52) - p. ... - [Pseudonym I. Khalymbadzhi]
  • S. Belyaeva. A few strokes // Working Way (Smolensk), 1984, March 15 (No. 64) - p.
  • V. Alekseev, A. Korneev. Nothing foreshadowed glory: [Letter from A. R. Belyaev to V. V. Bylinskaya] // Soviet Culture, 1984, March 17 (No. 33) - p.6
  • V. Marin. The head of the science fiction writer Belyaev // Moskovsky Komsomolets, 1984, March 18 - p.
  • Alexander Kazantsev. Magician from my youth: [About the life and work of A. Belyaev] // Teacher's newspaper, 1984, March 20 - p.3
  • G. Grechko. The poetry of science. To the 100th anniversary of the birth of science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev: [About the writer's work] // Literary newspaper, 1984, March 21 - p.4
  • G. Kuznetsov. Serve Humanism: On the 100th Anniversary of the Science Fiction Writer Alexander Belyaev // Science in Siberia (Novosibirsk), 1984, March 22 - p.3
  • To the Pioneer of Soviet Science Fiction: [About the solemn meeting dedicated to the 100th anniversary of A. Belyaev] // Literary Russia, 1984, March 23 - p.15
  • R. Kadikov. At the forefront of science: On the 100th anniversary of the birth of science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev // Leninets (Ufa), 1984, March 24 (No. 36) - p.
  • Vl. Gakov. Feat: Alexander Belyaev "Professor Dowell's Head". To the 100th anniversary of the birth of A. Belyaev // In the world of books, 1984, No. 3 - pp. 55-56 - (Reader's University / Fantastic fate of fantastic books)
  • Oleg Orlov. The man who foresaw the future. To the 100th anniversary of the birth of the science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev: [Essay] / Illustration for the novel by A. Belyaev "Professor Dowell's Head" // Bonfire (Leningrad), 1984, No. 3 - p.38-39
  • Oleg Orlov. Where did Ichthyander sail?: On the 100th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Belyaev // Iskorka (Leningrad), 1984, No. 3 - p.47-50
  • A. Pavlov. Heavenly fire: On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of A. R. Belyaev // Family and School, 1984, No. 3 - pp. 54-55
  • Svetlana Belyaeva. Memories of the father: [Article about the science fiction writer Alexander Romanovich Belyaev] / Foreword of the editors // Ural Pathfinder (Sverdlovsk), 1984, No. 3 - 4th page incl., p.33-40
  • Dictionary of NF terms by Alexander Belyaev / Comp. members of the KLF "Alcor" (Omsk) // Ural Pathfinder (Sverdlovsk), 1984, No. 3 - p.50-52
  • Two well-known novels: the test of time: [Statements of scientists about their attitude to the novels by Alexander Belyaev " The Head of Professor Dowell" and " The Amphibian Man"] // Ural Pathfinder (Sverdlovsk), 1984, No. 3 - p. 53
  • Svetlana Belyaeva. Memories of the Father // Blue Road. - L .: Children's literature, 1984 - p.165-173
  • A. Sviridov. Dedicated to Alexander Belyaev: [Information of the section of adventures and fantasy of the RSFSR SP in Smolensk] // Literary Russia, 1984, April 20 - p.4
  • Svetlana Belyaeva. The star flickers outside the window...: [Memories of the father] // Fantastic-84. - M .: Young Guard, 1984 - p.312-347
  • P. Khodakov. A look into the future // Tyumensky Komsomolets (Tyumen), 1984, August 31 (No. 105) - p.3
  • G. Kuznetsov. Conviction in the right of people to happiness: On the anniversary of A. R. Belyaev // Working Word (Novosibirsk), 1984, ???
  • Alexander Romanovich Belyaev (To the 100th anniversary of his birth): Methodological materials. - Volgograd: Regional branch of the DOK RSFSR; KLF "Wind of Time", 1984 - 21 p.
  • V. Gopman. Dream immortality. [On the 100th anniversary of the birth of A. R. Belyaev] // Children's Literature, 1984, No. 10 - pp. 35-38
  • A. Osipov. Alexander Romanovich Belyaev: On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth // Soviet Anniversary Writers. 1984 - M .: State Library of the USSR. V. I. Lenin, 1984 - p.17-21
  • Belyaev Alexander Romanovich // Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary. – Ed. 3rd. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1984 - p.126
  • V. Revich. Alexander Romanovich Belyaev // Memorable book dates. 1984. - M., 1984 - p.181-183
  • V. Panteleev. Dreamers' correspondence: K. Tsiolkovsky and A. Belyaev // Literary Russia, 1985, January 11 - p.24
  • L. Geller. The Universe Beyond Dogma: [About A. Belyaev's novel "The Man Who Lost Face"] // London: Overseas Publication Interchange Ltd, 1985 - p.72-76
  • V. Meshcheryakov. Secrets of our childhood: [Rec. on the book: Belyaev A.R. Collected works: In 5 volumes - L .: Children's literature: Leningrad. Department, 1983-1985] // Leningradskaya Pravda, 1985, July 9 - p.
  • A. Belyaev. Miraculous Eye // Return to the Ocean (Science Fiction Nautical Theme): A Recommended Index for Young Adults. - M .: State Republican Youth Library of the RSFSR. 50th anniversary of the Komsomol, 1985 - p.20-21
  • A. Belyaev. Amphibian Man // Return to the Ocean (Science Fiction Nautical Theme): A Recommended Index for Young Adults. - M .: State Republican Youth Library of the RSFSR. 50th anniversary of the Komsomol, 1985 - p.22-23
  • A. Belyaev. Underwater Farmers // Return to the Ocean (Marine Theme in Science Fiction): A Recommended Index for Youth. - M .: State Republican Youth Library of the RSFSR. 50th anniversary of the Komsomol, 1985 - p.37
  • V. Malov. Ariel takes off again: [Rec. to the collected works of Alexander Belyaev in 5 volumes] // Young Technician, 1986, No. 1 - p.20-21
  • [Conversation with S. A. Belyaeva] // Iskorka (Leningrad), 1986, No. 1 - p.8-9
  • M. Levitin. Hereditary honorary citizen // Change, 1986, November 22 - p.
  • E. M. Neyolov. Son of the ocean A. R. Belyaev "Amphibian Man" // E. M. Neyolov. Folk fairy tale and science fiction. - Petrozavodsk: PGU Publishing House, 1986 - p.58-78
  • Alexander Romanovich Belyaev 1884-1942 // The world through the eyes of science fiction writers: A recommended bibliographic guide. - M .: Publishing house "Book", 1986 - p.17-20
  • A. I. Gurzov. The Belyaevs' estate in Smolensk // Working Way (Smolensk), 1987, January 10 (No. 8) - p.
  • S. Belyaeva. New about the writer Belyaev (Published for the first time) // For Knowledge (Komsomolsk-on-Amur), 1987, June 11 (No. 18) - p.4
  • N. Nikitina (pseudonym N. Bezgina). Alexander Romanovich Belyaev: Bibliographic Index // Poisk-87. - Perm: Book publishing house, 1987 - p.398-412
  • P. Kapitsa. Editor Marshak; Fantast Alexander Belyaev: [Literary Memoirs] // Zvezda (Leningrad), 1988, No. 1 - p.184-191
  • Belyaev, Alexander Romanovich // Wolfgang Kazak. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Russian Literature since 1917 / Per. Elena Vargaftik and Igor Burikhin. - London: Overseas Publications Interchange Ltd, 1988 - p.94-95
  • S. A. Belyaeva. Our countryman Alexander Belyaev: [On the 105th anniversary of the birth of the science fiction writer] // Forward (Pushkin), 1989, March 16 (No. 32) - p.3
  • N. A. Filatova. Magical and fabulous patterns in A. Belyaev's novel "Ariel". - Problems of children's literature. – Petrozavodsk: RIO of the Petrozavodsk State University. O. V. Kuusinen, 1989 - pp. 86-94
  • Belyaev Alexander Romanovich (1884-1942) // Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1989 - p.126
  • Victor Storm. Benefit performance of Alexander Belyaev // World of Wonders (Khabarovsk), 1991, No. 5 - p.3-4
  • Igor Khalymbadzha. Unknown Belyaev // World of Wonders (Khabarovsk), 1991, No. 5 - p.19
  • M. Levitin. Under the nickname "live" was held in the secret archives of the gendarmerie science fiction writer A. Belyaev // Smolensk Territory, 1992, No. 1 - pp. 41-44
  • Vsevolod Revich. The Legend of Belyaev, or Science Fiction Zombies // Literary Gazette, 1993, No. 6 - p.68, 73-76
      The same: Fantacrim-MEGA, 1993, No. 6 - p.68, 73-76
  • “Professor Dowell's head" - an autobiographical book: [Material based on correspondence with the science fiction writer's daughter Svetlana Alexandrovna] / Prepared by Victor Burya // Far Eastern scientist (Vladivostok), 1993, September 15 - p.
  • From the editors (To the 110th anniversary of the science fiction writer) // Terminator (St. Petersburg), 1994, No. 1 - p.101
  • S. Belyaeva. My father is Alexander Belyaev // Terminator (St. Petersburg), 1994, No. 2-3 - p.104-109
  • Ivan Pankeev. Do you like to fly?: [About the work of Alexander Belyaev] // Moskovskaya Pravda, 1994, February 17 - p.11
  • Test your memory: Characters of Alexander Belyaev // Ural Pathfinder (Yekaterinburg), 1994, No. 3 - p.84
  • B. Turyanskaya. Seventh-graders about Belyaev's novel ["Ariel"] // Literature (Moscow), 1994, No. 28 - p.4
  • M. Levitin. Alexander Belyaev and Smolensky Vestnik: Behind the line of the archive // ​​Working Way, 1994, July 28 - p.
  • Victor Storm. Eyewitness of the future: [Preface to the publication of A. Belyaev's story "Castle of the Witches"] // Suvorov Onslaught, 1994, December 24 - p.
  • A. Arefiev. Remember Kazinsky... // On the Edge of the Possible, 1994, no.. - p.15
  • V. Storm. Eyewitness of the future: [Preface to A. Belyaev's story "Castle of the Witches"] // Suvorov Onslaught (Khabarovsk), 1994, December 24 (No. 151-152) - p.8
  • A. Bogdanovich. Prototype of the head of Professor Dowell // Working Way, 1995, April 25 - p.5
  • Vl. Gakov. 200 biographies. Belyaev Alexander Romanovich // Fiction of the century. - Minsk-Moscow: Polifact, 1995 - p.572
  • G. Chernova. Blue Rhapsody: [About the work of A. Belyaev] // Priokskaya newspaper. 5th day (Ryazan), 1996, March 1 - page 6
  • [Ann. book: A. Belyaev. Works: In 3 volumes (in the lane)] // Bookstore (Moscow), 1996, No. 4-5 (November-December) - p.9
  • T. Leonidova. Fiction: classics and debuts: [Ann. books, including: Belyaev A. Collected works: In 3 volumes - M .: Terra] // Priokskaya newspaper. Fifth day (Ryazan), 1996, December 13 - page 7
  • E. V. Kharitonov. My Belyaev: [Analysis of the writer's work; on pages 64-71 bibliography of A.R. Belyaev] // Bibliography, 1997, No. 2 - p.61-71
  • M. I. Meshcheryakova. Belyaev A. R. (1884-1842) // Stories about the authors of your books: A reference book for secondary school students. - M.: Megatron, 1997 - p.21-23
  • Yu. I. Mineralov. Belyaev Alexey Romanovich (1884-1942) // Russian children's writers of the XX century: Bio-bibliographic dictionary. - M .: Flint, Science, 1997 - p.61-62
  • S. A. Belyaeva. Belyaev A.R. - science fiction writer // Bibliography, 1998, No. 1 - p.74-75
  • S. A. Belyaeva. My father is a science fiction writer Belyaev: [Memoirs] // Neva, 1998, No. 3 - p.248-251
  • Irina Shlionskaya. Science fiction predicts... Is it possible to guess from the works of science fiction writers what awaits us? [Mentioned are J. Verne, A. N. Tolstoy, R. Heinlein, R. Bradbury, I. Efremov, A. Shalimov, M. Bulgakov, A. Belyaev, W. Le Guin, K. Wilhelm, T. Thomas, A and B. Strugatsky, D. Kunz, S. King, T. More, T. Campanella, G. Wells, E. Zamyatin, O. Huxley, J. Orwell, F. Paul, S. Kornblat, E. Burges and their works] // Horoscope, 1998, No. 11 - p.54-57
  • Evgeny Kharitonov. Ageless film: [The cinematic fate of the works of A. Belyaev] // If, 1998, No. 6 - p.288-292
  • Cryptogram based on the story of Alexander Belyaev "Golden Mountain" / Compiled by S. Kazantsev // Ural Pathfinder (Yekaterinburg), 1998, No. 7 - p.54
  • Evgeny Kharitonov. “But the sea keeps its secret ...”: On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the first publication of the novel “The Amphibian Man” // Book Review, 1998, December 22 - p.9
  • M. Meshcheryakova. Belyaev Alexander Romanovich // Russian science fiction of the twentieth century in names and faces. - M .: Scientific and practical center "MegaTron", 1998 - p.23-27
  • V. Yu. Vyugin. Belyaev Alexander Romanovich // Russian Writers of the 20th Century: Bio-Bibliographic Dictionary: In two parts. Part I [A-L]. - M.: Enlightenment, 1998 - p.161-162
  • Belyaev Alexander Romanovich // Writers of our childhood: Biographical dictionary. Part 1. - M., 1998 - p.51-53
  • March: holidays big and small: // Bonfire, 1999, No. 2 - 3 cover pages
  • S. A. Belyaeva. Roads to nowhere: Home archive of a Petersburger: [Memoirs of the writer's daughter] // Neva, 1999, No. 8 - p.146-188
  • Calendar March 16-22: // Moscow News, 1999, No. 10 - p.16
  • A. V. Konovalov. Belyaev Alexander Romanovich // Writers of our childhood. 100 names: Biographical dictionary: In 3 parts. Part 1. – M.: Liberea; Russian State Children's Library, 1999 - p.51-53
  • Evgeny Kharitonov. Unknown Belyaev: [On works for children by A. R. Belyaev.] // Children's Literature (Moscow), 2000, No. 1 - p.68-69
  • Born under the sign of fish: Alexander Belyaev: [About the writer] // Orakul (Moscow), 2000, No. 3 - p.18
  • Amphibian Man: [A. Belyaev is mentioned as the author of this concept] // On the verge of the impossible (Moscow), 2000, No. 7 - p.15
  • Dina Abramova. Amphibian Man settled in Vykhino: [About the production of the musical "Amphibian Man" based on the novel by A. Belyaev at the Theater under the direction of G. Chikhachev] // Evening Moscow, 2000, August 4 - p.3
  • Elena Strogaleva. Ichthyander with orchestra. "Amphibian Man". Theater n / p Gennady Chikhachev: [About the staging of a play based on the novel by A. Belyaev] // Culture (Moscow), 2000, No. 31 - p. 9
  • V. Karpov. Belyaev Alexander Romanovich // Russian Writers of the 20th Century: Biographical Dictionary. – M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia; Rendezvous-AM, 2000 - p.85-86
  • Belyaev Alexander Romanovich (1884-1942) // World Biographical Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M .: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2000 - p.72
  • Lydia Cheshkova. Forty years ago...: [About the early years of The Seeker. Mentioned are I. Efremov, A. Kazantsev, V. Mikhailov, D. Bilenkin, V. Zhuravleva, Kir Bulychev, R. Podolny, A. Belyaev, A. Green] // Seeker, 2001, No. 1 - p. 5-8
  • Sergei Barbarash. Bots not of my dreams: [About robots. A. Tolstoy, A. Belyaev, K. Bulychev, A. Azimov, K. Chapek are mentioned] // Internet (Moscow), 2001, No. 3 - p.44-45
  • Andrey Krotkov. Pure fiction: [About the life and work of Alexander Belyaev] // Alfavit (Moscow), 2001, No. 5 (February) - p.34
  • Theater with Elena Kovalskaya: [Review of theatrical life; Annotation of performances: “Cyrano de Bergerac” by Vladimir Mirzoev, “The Sandman” by A. Marina, “Cyrano de Bergerac” by O. Efremov and N. Skoryk, “Twelfth Night, or It's All the Same” by W. Shakespeare. Dir. M. Weil, "The Adventures of Pinocchio" by A. Tolstoy. Dir. Y. Ioffe, "The Adventures of Cipollino" by D. Rodari. Dir. A. Badulin, "Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof" A. Lindgren. Dir. S. Mishulin, "Transformation" by F. Kafka. Dir. V. Fokin, "Heart of a Dog" by M. Bulgakov. Dir. A. Tovstonogov, "Jews of the city of St. Petersburg" by A. Strugatsky, B. Strugatsky. Dir. L. Durov, "Where to find Alice?" M. Levitina (according to L. Carroll). Dir. M. Levitin, "The Little Prince" by A. de Saint-Exupery. Dir. E. Elanskaya, "Dunno Traveler" by N. Nosov. Dir. A. Blokhin, "The Snow Queen" by E. Schwartz. Dir. A. Nekrasov, "The Invisible Man" by G. Wells. Dir. K. Nersisyan, "The Master and Margarita" by M. Bulgakov. Dir. V. Belyakovich, "Mowgli" by R. Kipling. Dir. D. Kalinin, "The Sorcerer and Barbie" by K. Bulychev, "The Adventures of Alice in the Reserve of Fairy Tales" by K. Bulychev, "The Mystery of the Anidag Mirror". Based on the story by V. Gubarev "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", "Amphibian Man" (musical based on the novel by A. Belyaev), "The Master and Margarita" by M. Bulgakov. Dir. G. Entin] // Afisha (Moscow), 2001, No. 5 (March 19) - p.101-116
  • S. A. Belyaeva. The mainland of the lost ships: [Conversation with the daughter of science fiction writer A. R. Belyaev Svetlana Alexandrovna Belyaeva] / Recorded by Sergey Mirov // Novaya Gazeta (Moscow), 2001, June 28 - July 1 - p.13
  • Stanislav Slavin. Fantastic reality: [On the scientific background of the famous science fiction novels by A. R. Belyaev " The Amphibian Man" and " The Head of Professor Dowell"] // Alfavit (Moscow), 2001, No. 43 (October 25) - p. 31
  • Gennady Chernenko. Seven letters to the "Citizen of the Universe": [About the letters of A. R. Belyaev to K. E. Tsiolkovsky] // Secret materials of the 20th century (St. Petersburg), 2001, No. 21 (October) - p.24-25
  • Vladimir Chebotarev: Medicine manages to make fiction come true: [On the 40th anniversary of the release of the film "The Amphibian Man" based on the novel by A. Belyaev: A conversation with the film director] / The conversation was conducted by A. Alekseeva; Photo by G. Rovinsky // Medical newspaper (Moscow), 2001, November 23 - p.16
  • V. Zheltov. "Ichthyander" of Russian cinema: [Cameraman Eduard Razovsky recalls the filming of the film "Amphibian Man" based on the novel by A. Belyaev] // Secret materials of the 20th century (St. Petersburg), 2001, No. 26 (December) - pp. 22-23
  • V. I. GRIBOEDOV. Belyaev Alexander Romanovich // Smolensk region: Encyclopedia. Volume 1. - Smolensk, 2001 - p.24
  • Daniel Izmailovsky. The first bestseller: [About the novels by A. Belyaev "Amphibian Man", N. Shpanova "First Strike", P. Pavlenko "In the East"] // If, 2002, No. 4 - p. 220
  • Nikolay Cherkashin. Fantast Belyaev disappeared without a trace: the fate of the "Russian Jules Verne" is waiting for its researchers / Photo by the author // Rossiyskaya Gazeta (Moscow), 2002, September 13-20 (No. 37) - p.27
      The same: Soviet Belarus, 2002, October 19 (No. 244) - p.17-20
  • Vitaly Pishchenko, Evgeny Kharitonov. Alexander Romanovich Belyaev (1884-1942) // Fiction and Adventures: In 2 vols. Vol. 1. – M.: Bustard; Veche, 2002 - p.391-392
  • Fantast Belyaev died in the rear of the Nazis // Express newspaper, 2002, November 21 - p.
  • A. Petrov. The “Beep” gives a start: [About the science fiction writer A. R. Belyaev (1884-1942)] // Gudok (Moscow), 2002, December 21 - p.6
  • Ivan Zhukov. The mystery of the death of the science fiction writer Belyaev: [Interview with Svetlana Belyaeva] // Arguments and Facts, 2003, No. 28 (July) - p.15
  • E. Kharitonov, A. Shcherbak-Zhukov. Belyaev - the first novelizer: [About his story-novel "The Island of Lost Ships"] // Simply fantastic, 2003, No. 7 - p. 5
  • Arkady Iltsev. "Sea Devil" and "Demons": [On the film adaptation of A. Belyaev's book "The Amphibian Man"] // Book Review, 2003, September 8 - p.20
  • The mystery of the death of the science fiction writer Belyaev / [Interview with S. A. Belyaeva to Ivan Zhukov] // Arguments and Facts (St. Petersburg), 2003, No. 28 - p.
  • Alexander Belyaev. Amphibian Man // Books that modern man should know. - M.: RIPOL classic, 2003 - p.227-228
  • "Amphibian Man" and those who are after ...: (The film fate of Alexander Belyaev's books) // E. Kharitonov, A. Shcherbak-Zhukov. On the Screen - Miracle: Domestic Film Science Fiction and Film Fairy Tale (1909-2002): Materials for a Popular Encyclopedia. - M.: V. Sekachev, 2003 - p.47-50
  • K. Gavrilchik. Life and death of the science fiction writer Belyaev // Soviet Belarus, 2003, May 3 - p.
  • Fantast anticipating the future: Alexander Romanovich Belyaev, 1884-1942: [To the 120th anniversary of his birth] // Library (Moscow), 2004, No. 1 - p. 70
  • Andrey Letaev. Lambada Ihtiandra: [About the children's musical "Amphibian Man"] // Book Review, 2004, February 16 - p.20
  • Nikolay Vnukov. Key to the world of adventure. To the 120th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Belyaev: [Essay] / Fig. A. Petrova // Bonfire (St. Petersburg), 2004, No. 3 - p.4
  • A. Chuvilin. A thin intellectual in pince-nez dreamed of interplanetary flights: [Biography of A. R. Belyaev] // Parliamentary newspaper (Moscow), 2004, March 18 - p.6
  • Galina Belyaeva. Windmills of science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev // Northern Saturday newspaper (Murmansk), 2004, March 26 - p.11
  • S. Belyaeva. “He was just a father and a great dreamer for me”: [Memoirs of the writer's daughter] // Smolensk Region (Smolensk), 2004, No. 3/4 - p.67-76
  • M. Belyaeva. My "fantastic" companion: [Memoirs of the writer's wife] // Smolensk Region (Smolensk), 2004, No. 3/4 - p.76-81
  • Maya Kucherskaya. Lomonosov of Russian fiction: 120 years ago the author of "Amphibian Man" was born // Rossiyskaya Gazeta (Moscow), 2004, No. 52 (March) - p.8
  • The head of the writer Belyaev: He worked in the criminal investigation department and as a kindergarten teacher, but it fell to him to become a science fiction writer / [Dmitry Tikhonov's interview with Svetlana Belyaeva] // Trud-7, 2004, April 8-14 (No. 64) - p.
  • Dmitry Tikhonov. S. A. Belyaeva: The head of the writer Belyaev: [Interview with the daughter of science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev] // Trud, 2004, April 9 - p.
  • Hope Kogan. “The Captive Spirit” and Our Joy: Nikolai Berdyaev and Alexander Belyaev (Biographies in connection with anniversaries) // Library at school (supplement to the newspaper “First of September”), 2004, No. 4 (February) - pp. 62-63
  • Fantast Belyaev and his immortal amphibian man // Miracles and Adventures, 2004, No. 7 - pp. 46-49
      N. Cherkashin. That's what they called him - Russian Jules Verne! - from. L. Osokina, A. Potapov. Film legend about Ichthyander - p. About science fiction writer Alexander Romanovich Belyaev; about how the first Soviet underwater film "Amphibian Man" was filmed - p.
  • Leonid Kostyukov. Lord, but not of the rings: [About the novel by A. Belyaev "The Lord of the World"] // NG Ex libris, 2004, No. 31 (August) - p.4
  • Evgeny Kharitonov. Unknown Belyaev // Russian Sphinx. Issue 1. - M .: Elite Club, 2004 - p.163-173
  • Dmitry Zubarev. A. R. Belyaev. Biographical sketch // Anthology of romance and adventure. Volume 1. - M .: Avanta +, 2004 - p.5-6
  • The world of fantasy Alexander Belyaev: [Scenario of the event on the writer's work] // I. A. Agapova, M. A. Davydova. Thematic games and holidays in literature: A methodological guide for teachers. - M .: TC Sphere, 2004 - p.14-22
  • Evgenia Slavorossova. Belyaev had hypnotic abilities: [From the memoirs of the science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev] // Miracles and Adventures, 2005, No. 1 - p. 17
  • A. Gottlieb. Ichthyander's new swim: [About the new four-episode television film "The Amphibian Man", filmed based on the novel by Alexander Belyaev, directed by Alexander Atanesyan, says the film's producer Alexander Gottlieb] / Interviewed by A. Shcherbak-Zhukov // If, 2005, No. 1 - p. 122- 125
  • Edward Kudryavtsev. Correspondence of the science fiction writer A. R. Belyaev with K. E. Tsiolkovsky: [All letters of Belyaev to Tsiolkovsky written in 1934-1935 have been published and commented. and stored in RGALI] // Neva, 2005, No. 4 - p.260-267
  • Nikolay Cherkashin. The fate of the "Russian Jules Verne": The biography of the writer Alexander Belyaev is waiting for its researchers // Selskaya Nov, 2005, No. 7 - pp. 44-45
  • Dmitry Baikalov. Time checks: [Analysis of answers to the question of the questionnaire “Who of the Russian classics, write it now, would have the greatest popularity among readers”, hosted on the server “Russian Science Fiction” (Bulgakov M. A., Belyaev A. R., Efremov I. A., Zamyatin E. I., Tolstoy A. N., Kaverin V. A., Platonov A. P.)] // If, 2005, No. 8 - p. 291-293
  • S. Belyaeva. The day after the war: memories: [About Alexander Belyaev] // Smolensky Region, 2005, No. 5-6 - p.68-70
  • Dmitry Ermolaev. Fantastic Murmansk: [The Murmansk period of the life of the writer A. Belyaev] // Murmansk Bulletin, 2005, August 27 - p.4
  • Alexey Gurzov. Science fiction of Russia "began" in Smolensk: [About the founder of Russian science fiction Alexander Romanovich Belyaev] // Beloved Russia, 2006, No. 2 (3) - pp. 130-131
  • Gennady Prashkevich. Alexander Romanovich Belyaev: The history of Russian fiction from Gennady Prashkevich // Reality of fantasy, 2006, No. 10 - p.185-194
      The same: G. Prashkevich. The Red Sphinx: A History of Russian Fiction: From V. F. Odoevsky to Boris Stern. - Novosibirsk: Ed. "Svinin and sons", 2007 - p.197-209 The same: G. Prashkevich. The Red Sphinx: A History of Russian Fiction: From V. F. Odoevsky to Boris Stern. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - Novosibirsk: Ed. "Svinin and sons", 2009 - p.257-276
  • Belyaev Alexander Romanovich, Russian writer // Great Encyclopedia in sixty-two volumes. T.5. - M.: TERRA, 2006 - p.430
  • Olga Ivanova. The wife became the hands of a sick science fiction writer // Facets (Republic of Chuvashia), 2007, January 22 - p. ...
  • Aliya Alikhodzhina. I now like the sea devil: [About the work of A. Belyaev; Ann. Book: Belyaev A. Amphibian Man. – 240 s. - (Terra-super) (in the lane)] // Terra - Book Club (Moscow), 2007, No. 3 - p.22
  • Alexander Belyaev: the great Russian science fiction writer: [About the science fiction writer A. Belyaev in the memoirs of his daughter Svetlana] // I am 15 (Moscow), 2007, No. 5 - p.2-3
  • "The rebellion of Ichthyander. Alexander Belyaev" // Trud-7 (Moscow), 2007, May 31 - p.21
  • Legend of the "Sea Devil": [Rec. on the audiobook "Amphibian Man". - M .: 1C Publishing, 2007] // Reading together, 2007, No. 7 - p.37
  • Valery Volodchenko. "Tales" for homeless children: [About the life and work of A. R. Belyaev] // Shield and Sword (Moscow), 2007, September 6 - p.7
  • Valentina Shenkman. “You are beautiful, the shores of Taurida”: [In the correspondence tour of the Crimea, places associated with the names of A. Green and A. Belyaev are presented] // Literature (supplement to the newspaper “First of September”), 2007, No. 15 - p. 43- 45
  • A. S. Kovaleva. Alexander Belyaev in Tsarskoye Selo: [The work of the winner of the competition "Luchik" about the fate of the Russian science fiction writer A. Belyaev] // Young local historian (Moscow), 2007, No. 5 - pp. 4-10
      The same: School Library, 2007, No. 9/10 - p.20-23
  • M. Levitin. Under the nickname "live": [On the life and work of the future science fiction writer A. R. Belyaev in Smolensk (based on archive materials)] // Smolenskaya gazeta, 2007, December 25 - p.10
  • Dmitry Mikhailovich. Alexander Romanovich Belyaev (1884-1942): [Biographical sketch] // Anthology of Russian children's literature: T. 1 (A-B). - M .: World of encyclopedias Avanta +, 2007 - p.175-176
  • Belyaev A. R. // Great Illustrated Encyclopedia. Russian world. T.7: Beloomut - Bilibin. - M .: Illustrated Encyclopedia, Russian World, 2007 - p.92
  • [In memory of the science fiction writer A. R. Belyaev] // The world of science fiction in memorable dates. - M .: Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography; Russian State Youth Library, Youth Reading Department, 2007 - p.
  • I. V. Pavlova. Frame interpretation of the images of the category of anthropomorphism of the Russian science fiction text (on the material of the novel by A. R. Belyaev "The Head of Professor Dowell") // Scientific hour of the National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Series 9: Actual problems of modern mentality. - K., 2007 - p.68-72
  • I. V. Pavlova. The mythological foundations of the image of an unreal creature in a fantastic text (based on the work of A. R. Belyaev "The Head of Professor Dowell") // Scientific and methodological journal "Russian language and literature in educational institutions" (Kyiv), 2007, No. 2-3 - p. .35-39
  • Belyaev Alexander Romanovich (1884-1942) // " Belyaev wrote from himself // Komsomolskaya Pravda (Vladimir), 2008, June 25 - p.22
  • Oksana Kalina. “Head of Professor Dowell” Belyaev wrote from himself // Komsomolskaya Pravda (Samara), 2008, June 25 - p.22
  • Oksana Kalina. “Head of Professor Dowell” Belyaev wrote from himself // Komsomolskaya Pravda (Yekaterinburg), 2008, June 25 - p.22
  • Oksana Kalina. “Professor Dowell's head" Belyaev wrote from himself // Komsomolskaya Pravda - Kemerovo (Kemerovo), 2008, June 25 - p.22
  • Oksana Kalina. “Professor Dowell's head" Belyaev wrote from himself // Komsomolskaya Pravda in Kaliningrad (Kaliningrad), 2008, June 25 - p.28
  • M. Levitin. Priest Roman Belyaev: [About the father of science fiction writer A. R. Belyaev] // Smolenskaya gazeta, 2008, July 8 - p.8
  • M. Levitin. Alexander Belyaev - traveler: [About science fiction writer A. R. Belyaev] // Smolenskaya gazeta, 2008, July 22 - p.7
  • Belyaev Alexander Romanovich // Great Russian Encyclopedia. T. 3: Banke-Bolsh. - M .: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2008 - p.298
  • Ichthyander and Dr. Salvator lived in Gatchina // Interesting newspaper. Incredible, 2008, No. 15 - p.
  • Valery Volodchenko. Ichthyander was born in the police ...: [About the possible beginning of the writer's biography of A. Belyaev during his work with homeless children in the Yalta police in 1922] // Police (Moscow), 2008, No. 9 - p. 52
  • B. A. Makarova. "Ahead of time": a literary evening dedicated to the work of A. R. Belyaev, for students in grades 7-11 // Read, study, play (Moscow), 2008, No. 12 - p.14-18
  • Playing with fate: [About Alexander Belyaev] // V. Ya. Zvinyatskovsky, O. N. Filenko. Literature: Textbook for the 8th grade of general educational institutions with the Russian language of instruction. – K.: Osvita, 2008 – p.345-347
  • Homo Aquaticus: [About A. Belyaev's novel "Amphibian Man"] // V. Ya. Zvinyatskovsky, O. N. Filenko. Literature: Textbook for the 8th grade of general educational institutions with the Russian language of instruction. - K .: Osvita, 2008 - p.355-357
  • What is a person responsible for?: [About A. Belyaev's novel "The Amphibian Man" and its film adaptation] // V. Ya. Zvinyatskovsky, O. N. Filenko. Literature: Textbook for the 8th grade of general educational institutions with the Russian language of instruction. – K.: Osvita, 2008 – p.358-360
  • M. Levitin. Actor and director: [About science fiction writer A.R. Belyaev] // Smolenskaya gazeta, 2009, January 16 - p.8
  • Maria Alekseevna Aleshina (teacher). The world of fantasy of Alexander Belyaev: on the 125th anniversary of the birth of the writer: for children 7-10 years old: [Staged conversation based on the works of Alexander Belyaev] // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka, 2009, No. 1 - p.6- nine
  • Nelli Kravklis, Mikhail Levitin. Three lives of a writer: [About science fiction writer A.R. Belyaev] // Smolenskaya gazeta, 2009, March 3 - p.7
      The same: Science and life, 2009, No. 10 - p.126-132
  • G. N. Sokolova. The Prophet of Astronomy: On the 125th anniversary of the birth of A. R. Belyaev (1884–1942) // Dawn (Tyomkino), 2009, June 2 - p.4
  • A. I. Tambovskaya. A story about a real person: a conversation dedicated to the work of the science fiction writer A. R. Belyaev // Read, learn, play (Moscow), 2009, No. 8 - pp. 71-73
  • Vyacheslav Ohryzko. In a plaster cradle: [Essay on the life and work of A. R. Belyaev] / Art. B. Kosulnikov // Literary Russia, 2009, May 29 (No. 21) - p.16
  • N. A. Pivnyuk. True science or true morality?: [Materials for the study of the novel by A. R. Belyaev "The Amphibian Man"] // Russian Literature in Schools of Ukraine, 2010, No. 2 - pp. 24-28
  • Evgenia Gordienko. Dream seller: [Article about the life and work of science fiction writer A. Belyaev] // Change (literary and artistic supplement), 2010, No. 11 - p.28-32
  • T. Kolpakova, K. Anufrieva. We, your children, Galaxy!: A literary and educational game dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of the writer A. R. Belyaev // Scenarios and repertoire, 2011, No. 3 - p.5-19
  • Ekaterina Suprunenko. Formulas and fantasies: [“... Tsiolkovsky’s scientific theories fed Belyaev’s literary searches ...”] // History [Supplement to the First September newspaper], 2011, April 1-15 (No. 7) - p.20-21
  • Nadezhda Osipova. [Preface to the publication of letters from A. R. Belyaev to K. E. Tsiolkovsky] // History [Supplement to the newspaper "First of September", 2011, April 1-15 (No. 7) - p.16
  • Artem Gularyan. He was called the "Soviet Jules Verne": The work of Alexander Belyaev: [Article] // Real fantasy - 2011. - M.: Eksmo, 2011 - p.758-772
  • Alex Panchenko. Remakes: Mironov will play Holmes, and Ichthyander will be diving in Italy in the fall: [About the film adaptation of A. Belyaev's novel "The Amphibian Man"] // Arguments of the Week (Donetsk), 2011, September 8 (No. 36) - p.15
  • T. V. Petrenko. One of the links that helps to unite humanity: A lesson on the study of the novel by A. R. Belyaev "The Amphibian Man" // Russian Literature in Schools of Ukraine, 2012, No. 2 - pp. 25-28
  • Danila Davydov. Marginal genres: [Ann. Book: Unknown Alexander Belyaev. Theater Notes. Piece / Comp. A. Andrienko. - Jerusalem: Milky Way, 2012. - 294 p. – Circulation not specified. - ISBN 978-965-7546-28-4 (o)] // Book Review, 2012, No. 10 - p.10
  • Alexander Belyaev: the great Russian science fiction writer: [The note includes quotes from the memoirs of the writer's daughter Svetlana Belyaeva] // Juliet (Moscow), 2012, No. 3 - p.8-9
  • A. V. Andrienko. Smolensk trails of A. R. Belyaeva // Bibliography, 2012, No. 3 - p.147-151
  • Publications of A. R. Belyaev in the newspaper "Smolensky Vestnik" (1907-1914) / Comp. A. V. Andirenko // Bibliography, 2012, No. 3 - p.151-152
  • Dmitry Mikhailovich. Rec. to the collection of essays by Alexander Belyaev "Unknown Alexander Belyaev" (Jerusalem, 2012) // If, 2012, No. 7 - p.250
  • On the air - "Lord of the World" [About the radio play based on the novel by A. R. Belyaev; Dir. A. Trukhan, cast: A. Tashkov, K. Dymont, I. Kostolevsky] // Culture (Moscow), 2012, November 9-15 (No. 42) - p.14
  • Andrey Vukolov. Although a man is not a bird ...: 70 years have passed since the death of science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev // Medical newspaper, 2012, No. 17 - p.15
  • Igor Kozlov. Alexander Belyaev: [About the life and work of a science fiction writer] // 7 days (Minsk), 2012, December 5 (No. 49) - p.12
  • N. A. Peresadin, V. N. Frolov. Alexander Belyaev: the amazing fate, death and immortality of the great science fiction writer. Life lessons for doctors // Ukrainian medical almanac (Lugansk), Volume 15, No. 1, 2012 - p.105-114
  • [About Alexander Belyaev] // Andrey Vaganov. The genre we've lost. - M .: ANO "Journal" Ecology and Life ", 2012 - p.106-
  • M. A. Davydova. The World of Belyaev's Fiction: [Scenario of an event telling about the life and work of the writer, for students in grades 8-11] // Reading, learning, playing: Magazine-collection of scripts for libraries and schools (Moscow), 2013, No. 7 - p. 40 -44
  • Vasily Vladimirsky. Gospel of Belyaev: [Rec. on the book: Bar-Sella Z. Alexander Belyaev. - M .: Young guard, 2013. - 432 p. - (Life of wonderful people)] // St. Petersburg Vedomosti, 2013, June 13 (No. 108) - p.
  • Vladimir Artamonov. Between fantasy and reality: [Rec. on the book: Z. Bar-Sella. Alexander Belyaev. - M .: Young Guard, 2013] // Literary newspaper, 2013, July 10-16 (No. 28) - p.7
  • Igor Yudenich. From the Don to the Dnieper: [Critical remarks on Zeev Bar-Sella's book about science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev] // Smolensky Region, 2013, No. 8 - p.54-55
  • [Abstract on the book by Z. Bar-Sella "Alexander Belyaev" (2013)] // Rodina (Moscow), 2013, No. 7 - p.122
  • Legal Counsel's Fantasies: [Rec. on the book of Bar-Sella Zeev "Alexander Belyaev" (2013)] // NG Ex libris, 2013, No. 26 - p.7
  • R. A. Huseynov. The Image of a Scientist in the Science Fiction of Jules Verne and Alexander Belyaev // Philological Sciences. Questions of theory and practice. Part 1. - Tambov, 2013, No. 9(27) - p.51-56
  • Margarita Troitsina. Is the disappearance of the Amber Room a myth?: [A. Belyaev is mentioned and that he allegedly worked on a story dedicated to the Amber Room] // Secrets of the XX century, 2013, No. 34 - p.20-21
  • “Writers of the city is great”: [About the writers whose lives and fates were somehow connected with the Smolensk region: A. Azimov, A. Belyaev, M. Bulgakov, B. Vasiliev, M. Zoshchenko, M. Prishvin] // About what says Smolensk, 2013, No. 3 - p.22-33
  • Dmitry Tikhonov. Alexander Belyaev - Smolensk Jules Verne // Smolenskaya Narodnaya Gazeta, 2014, February 6 (No. 4) - p.
  • Yulia Veselova, Y. Shorokhova Fantastic Abode: The House of Smolensk Jules Verne: [About science fiction writer A.R. Belyaev and places in Smolensk associated with his name] // Smolenskaya Gazeta, 2014, February 26 - p.18
  • V. Fedorov. Walking through time (To the 130th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Belyaev) // Chitaika (Moscow), 2014, No. 3 (85) - p. 2-6
  • Angela Barkova, Igor Yudenich. Baptized in Odigitrievskaya: [On the main significant events in the Belyaev family, recorded in the church parish registers of the city of Smolensk] // Smolensky Region, 2014, No. 3 - p.3-6
  • E. Korolkova. Homeowners Belyaevs: [About the houses that belonged to the Belyaev family in the city of Smolensk on Bolshaya Odigitrievskaya Street] // Smolensky Region, 2014, No. 3 - p.7-9
  • Igor Yudenich. A, B and C sat at the same desk: [The paths of becoming students of the Smolensk Theological School and Seminary Ya. Ya. , No. 3 - p.10-15
  • Vladimir Griboyedov. Alexander Belyaev: friends of youth and first love: according to the memoirs of Lidia Nikolaevna Nedachina: [On the active participation in the musical and theatrical life of Smolensk Alexander Belyaev, his friends and his first love - Anastasia Gorodskoy] // Smolensky Region, 2014, No. 3 - p. 16-19
  • Igor Yudenich. A very distant, distant relative: [On the disclosure of the relationship between the Belyaevs and the Yudenichs] // Smolensky Region, 2014, No. 3 - p.20-25
  • A. N. Troitsky-Tryasorukov. About Alexander Romanovich Belyaev and the environment in which his adolescence and youth passed: [Memoirs of Alexei Nikolaevich Troitsky-Tryasorukov, a contemporary of A. R. Belyaev, about the years of study at the Smolensk Theological School and Seminary and the environment in which the adolescent and youthful years of the future passed science fiction writer] / Foreword. V. I. Griboyedov // Smolensk Territory, 2014, No. 3 - p.26-37
  • Igor Yudenich. The Riddle of the Fur Collar: [On the work of A. R. Belyaev as an assistant to a barrister and on establishing the truth of the early autograph of the future science fiction writer on his application to the court of the 1st district of the city of Smolensk in 1911] // Smolensky Region, 2014, No. 3 - p.38-39
  • From the memoirs of Serafima Yakovlevna Budnikova: [Memoirs of S. Ya. Budnikova, sister of Ya. Ya. Alekseev, about Alexander Belyaev and his brother, a childhood friend of the future science fiction writer] // Smolensky Territory, 2014, No. 3 - p. 40- 42
  • Igor Yudenich. Lawyers of Fine Arts: [About the graduates of the Faculty of Law of Moscow University A. V. Ivanov, Ya. K. Kurnatovsky and A. G. Kononov, the organizers of the club "Public Entertainment", colleagues of A. R. Belyaev] // Smolensky Region, 2014, No. 3 - p.43-48
  • Elena Livesey. The grave of science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev has not yet been found in St. Petersburg: [To the 130th anniversary of the birth of the writer; Most of the article is occupied by the story of A. Balabukha about the life of A. Belyaev] // Komsomolskaya Pravda in St. Petersburg, 2014, March 17 (No. 29-p) - p.14
  • Marina Serguchenkova. Smolensk saluted Belyaev's birthday: [On solemn events in the homeland of the science fiction writer] / Photo by Dmitry Prudnikov // Smolenskaya gazeta, 2014, March 19 (No. 9) - p.
  • Denis Zuev. Soviet Jules Verne: [To the 130th anniversary of the birth of the writer] // Literary newspaper, 2014, March 19-25 (No. 11) - p.5
  • Nostradamus of the 20th century: [To the 130th anniversary of Alexander Belyaev] // Seeker. Ukraine, 2014, No. 3 - pp. 86-87
  • O. Fochkin. The life and death of Alexander Belyaev: [About the life and work of a science fiction writer] // Reading together (Moscow), 2014, No. 3 - p.46-47
  • This eternal Smolensk theme // Smolensk, 2014, No. 9 - p.
  • Igor Yudenich. Cartridge of A. R. Belyaev from the Glinka holder: [Representatives of the Glinka family in the history of Russia] // Smolensky Region, 2014, No. 9 - p.20-25
  • Dmitry Ermolaev. “Here the wind is without days off”: March 16 would have marked the 130th anniversary of the birth of the science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev // Murmansky Vestnik, 2014, March 15 - p.
  • S. Rossinskaya. Alexander Belyaev: If people could fly...: [On the tragic fate of the Soviet science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev] // Your Library, 2014, No. 17 - p.12-15
  • L. I. Mukhamadeeva. Victorious fate: [Script about the life and work of science fiction writer A. R. Belyaev] // Read, learn, play, 2014, No. 9 - p.18-21
  • Gennady Chernenko. Letters to a "citizen of the Universe": [Correspondence of A. R. Belyaev with K. E. Tsiolkovsky] // Technique - youth, 2014, No. 11 - p.38-41
  • L. Mikhailova. [Abstract of the book "Unknown Alexander Belyaev", Jerusalem, 2012] // Supernovaya, 2014, No. 45-46 - p.337-338
  • Svetlana Belyaeva. The family saga of Alexander Belyaev: [Excerpts from the book] // Secrets of the XX century. Ukraine, 2014, No. 20 (May) – p.8-9
  • Irina Lukyanova. The man who learned to fly: [About the life and work of A. R. Belyaev] // Russian world.ru (Moscow), 2015, No. 1 - 1st p. region, p.52-57
  • Alexander Belyaev: Briefly about the author // Guiding Star, 2015, No. 11 - p.2
  • S. Mirt. The first muse of Alexander Belyaev: Based on materials: Z. Bar-Sella. Alexander Belyaev; L. Zhukov. Soviet adventure and science fiction novel; M. Belyaeva. My "fantastic" companion; S. Belyaeva. Memories of my father / Prepared [compilation] Sasha Zhukov // Vesta (Voronezh), 2015, No. 8 (243) - p. 52-53
  • The family of a science fiction writer in Barnaul: [Unknown pages of the life of Alexander Belyaev] // Literary Barnaul, 2015, December - pp. 32-33
  • D. I. Startsev. The specifics of the "biological" in science fiction by A. R. Belyaeva (Based on the novels "Professor Dowell's Head" and "The Amphibian Man") // Student Science of the 21st Century (Cheboksary), 2016, No. 1-2 (8) - p. 118-121
  • Russian Jules Verne: [About Alexander Belyaev] // Pioneer, 2016, No. 1 - p.19
  • E. A. Ivanshina. Life or death?: Faustian motifs in the work of A. R. Belyaev // Bulletin of the Udmurt University. Series: History and Philology. T.26, issue 3. - Izhevsk, 2016 - p.29-37
  • Anton Savenok. "Jules Verne" from Smolensk: [On the difficult fate and work of the famous Russian science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev] // What Smolensk is talking about, 2016, No. 5 - p.23-2
  • N. Pupkova. If not for Crimea...: (Alexander Belyaev started writing science fiction in Crimea) // Krymskaya Pravda, 2017, January 18 - p.3
  • . Constructor of ideas for the coming years: [Article] // Belyaev Laboratory. - Yaroslavl: Publisher Mamonov V.V., 2017 - p.300-334
  • K. Kudryashov. Changing reality: [The novels of the science fiction writer A. Belyaev directly influenced life] // Arguments and Facts. Far East (Blagoveshchensk), 2017, January 11-17 (No. 1-2) - p.13 (Appendix)
  • M. V. Livanova. The fourth life of Alexander Belyaev (Sci-fi writer - employee of the Smolensky Vestnik newspaper) // Russian Philology: Scientific Notes of Smolensk State University, 2017, No. 17 - p.269-275
  • Belyaev Alexander Romanovich // Encyclopedia of Crimean Science Fiction. - Simferopol: Taurida, 2018 - p.21-23
  • Alexander Sledkov. The underwater world of Alexander Belyaev. Fiction and reality // Materials of Belyaev readings. Issue 1. - [Krasnoyarsk]: Belyaevsky Foundation for the Support and Development of Literature, KIFAB LLC, 2018 - p.135-154

"A science fiction work must meet all the requirements that apply to fiction. But beyond that, the author of a science fiction work has an additional burden: he must master the scientific material and skillfully present it."

"Science fiction is the most difficult genre. The genre is very laborious and requires a lot of preliminary preparation for each work"

A. Belyaev. B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"

"Some invent and calculate, others present these works more clearly, and still others devote novels to them. All are necessary, all are precious!"

K. Tsiolkovsky, B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"

"What Belyaev has done gives him an indisputable right to one of the first places in world science fiction."

L. Borisov. B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"

"Among the authors of that era, the most significant, in my opinion, is A. Belyaev. When I was in the Mauthausen concentration camp, captured Soviet comrades told me about many novels by this author, which I could not get later. Belyaev's novels I read "I find them just wonderful. The scientific thought is excellent, the story is very well written and the main science fiction themes are well developed. Personally, I would just devour Belyaev's books that I have not read if I found them. I hope that what was not included in the three will be republished volumes of his collected works. Belyaev is certainly one of the greatest science fiction writers."

Jacques Bergier, A. Britikov "Russian Soviet Science Fiction Novel"

He felt like a forgotten writer, forgotten by his colleagues, misunderstood by critics. But at the same time, he considered himself by no means great, he said that the images often fail, the language is not always rich. The plot - that's what he felt his power over."

V. Azarov. B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"

"Belyaev Alexander Romanovich, born in 1884. As a child, he was fond of Jules Verne. He traveled around the world without leaving his room. He dreamed of flying. He threw himself from the roof on a large open umbrella, on a parachute made of sheets, paying hefty bruises.

Later he made a glider, flew an airplane of one of the first designs of Eng. Gakkel, abroad - on a seaplane. Loved to invent. At the age of 16-18 he invented a stereoscopic projection lamp. After 20 years, the same was invented in America.

He received a higher legal education, a musical education in the violin class. Studied art history, traveled to Italy to study the Renaissance. Was in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, in the south of France. In his student years, he earned one time by playing in the orchestra of the Truzzi circus. In 1905, as a student, he built barricades on the squares of Moscow. He kept a diary, recording the events of the armed uprising. Already during the advocacy, he spoke on political matters, was subjected to searches. The diary almost burned down. He devoted at least 15 years to the theater. He directed and played in the provinces and for several seasons in Moscow (in the Sergiev People's House). He was a barrister, but the advocacy - formalism and casuistry of the royal court - did not satisfy. He began working in provincial newspapers around 1911-1912, was a music and theater critic. Collaborated in the children's magazine "Protalinka" in Moscow. From 1916 to 1922 he was seriously ill with bone tuberculosis of the vertebrae. Since 1923, he served in Moscow in the NKPS and NIS and at the same time began to write stories in science fiction terms. Collaborated in the journals "World Pathfinder", "Struggle of the Worlds", "Knowledge is Power", "Nature and People", etc. Separate publications were published "Amphibian Man", "Professor Dowell's Head", "Struggle on the Air", "Island Lost Ships", "Lord of the World", "Jump into Nothing". More than 200 printed sheets were written in total.

B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev". A. R. Belyaev. About fantasy

"For all its originality, science fiction is part of Soviet literature, and the tasks of Soviet literature are participation in socialist construction. Since science and technology are treated in science fiction, the conclusion naturally arises that our science fiction should be one of the means of agitation and propaganda of science and technology, should also expand scientific knowledge, attract the interest of readers and young people in particular to scientific and technical problems.

Science fiction cannot be turned into a boring popular-science book, into a non-scientific-literary bastard. A sci-fi novel, a short story should be equal works of art.

It is necessary to ensure that, having become interested in a pronounced scientific problem, the reader of a science fiction work would himself undertake to study the literature related to this issue, and perhaps he himself would engage in the scientific, technical development of this problem. And from this point of view, the best work of science fiction should be recognized as one that throws a new fruitful idea into the world, contributes to the emergence of a new inventor, a new scientist.

A writer working in the field of science fiction must himself be so scientifically educated that he can not only understand what the scientist is working on, but also, on this basis, be able to anticipate such consequences and possibilities that are sometimes unclear even to the scientist himself.

Soviet social science fiction, or, more precisely, the social part of Soviet science fiction works, must have the same reliable scientific justification as the scientific and technical part.

And above this difficulty - the image of the social future - lies an even greater one - showing the man of the future. This is the task that must be solved for the Soviet writer working in the field of science fiction.

"Let's Create Soviet Science Fiction" - 1938

On March 4 (16), 1884, the science fiction writer Alexander Romanovich Belyaev, the "Soviet Jules Verne", the founder of Soviet science fiction, as they call him now, was born in Smolensk.

1895-1901 - study at the Smolensk Theological Seminary
“My brother and I decided to travel to the center of the Earth. We moved tables, chairs, beds, covered them with blankets, sheets, stocked up on an oil lantern and went deep into the mysterious depths of the Earth. And immediately the prosaic tables and chairs disappeared. We saw only caves and abysses, rocks and underground waterfalls as they were portrayed by wonderful pictures: creepy and at the same time somehow cozy.And the heart sank from this sweet horror.

Later, Wells came with the nightmares of "The Struggle of the Worlds", This world was no longer so comfortable ... "

"Illustrations in Science Fiction"

In the seminary, he was "famous for performing at evenings with vivid artistic recitation of poems. Thin, slender, with dark hair, smoothly combed, Alexander had excellent acting skills, good appearance, high culture of speech, great musicality, a bright temperament and an amazing art of reincarnation, in particular mimic talent was strong." This is how he was remembered by the high school students, helping in the production of the fantastic fairy tale play "Three years, three days, three minutes." Taking the plot of a fairy tale as a basis, Belyaev, as a director, managed to "enrich it with many mise-en-scenes, bloom with bright colors, saturate it with music and singing. His fantasy knew no bounds!".

S. Yakovlev V. Griboyedov "A. Belyaev-artist"

1901-1906 - studying at the Demidov Lyceum in Yaroslavl and the Musical Conservatory in the violin class. 1913 - travel to Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland. “A few jumps, and we have already completely separated from the water. The last time the boats touched with their rear edge the ridge of a large wave. And immediately rose above the water several fathoms.

The sea is sinking below us. The houses surrounding the bay do not seem white, but red, because from above we see only their tiled roofs. The surf stretches like a white thread near the shore ...

Behind us is Italian Ventimiglia, ahead of us is French Nice, and in the middle is the small principality of Monaco ... "

"Hydroplane ride"

"Amazing people, these Italians! They know how to combine slovenliness with a deep understanding of beauty, greed - with kindness, petty passions - with a truly great impulse of the soul ..."

O. Orlov "Alexander Belyaev"

1914 - "Grandma Moira"
1916-1922 - “Illness once laid me in a plaster bed for three and a half years. This period of illness was accompanied by paralysis of the lower half of the body. I didn't feel at all... That's when I changed my mind and re-felt everything that a "head without a body" can experience.

"About my works"

1924 - "In the Kyrgyz steppes"
1925 - "Professor Dowell's Head", "The Last Man from Atlantis", "Three Portraits"
1926 - "Modern Post Abroad", "Lord of the World", "Island of Lost Ships", "Neither Life nor Death", "White Savage", "Ideophone", "Guest from the Bookcase", "The Man Who Doesn't Sleep ", "Fear"

“Wagner set himself the task of capturing more knowledge than the human brain can contain. And the professor achieved this due to the fact that, without needing rest and sleep, he could work almost twenty-four hours a day. In addition, through training, he developed the ability to think with both halves of the brain independently of one another. His eyes also moved independently of each other, and Wagner could thus observe several phenomena at once. He could write simultaneously with his right and left hand ... "

"The Man Who Doesn't Sleep"

1927 - "Above the Abyss", "The Hunt for the Big Dipper", "Among the Feral Horses", translation and notes to the story of Jules Verne "In 2889"
1928 - "Satellite of the letter carrier", "Amphibian Man", "Struggle on the Air", "Eternal Bread", "Dead Head", "Open Sesame!"
"The first fish among people and the first man among fish, Ichthyander could not help but feel lonely. But if other people followed him into the ocean, life would be completely different. Then people would easily defeat the powerful element - water. More than seven tenths of the earth's surface is the expanse of a water desert. But this desert, with its inexhaustible supply of food and industrial raw materials, could accommodate millions, billions of people. Billions of people without crowding and crowding could accommodate in the ocean. "

"Amphibian Man"

"Sooner or later, humanity will settle at the bottom of the sea ... I see a new race "HOMO AQUATICUS" - the coming generation, born in underwater villages and finally adapted to the environment."

Jacques Yves Cousteau

1929 - "The Man Who Lost Face", "Seller of Air", "Golden Mountain", "Light Show", "Created Legends and Apocrypha", "Damn's Mill", "Ancestral Instinct", "Keep West", "Air Pillars" , "Dead zone", "In the pipe", "Riding the wind", "Amba", "Is it easy to be cancer?", "Release". Prefaces to the novels by D. London "Iron Heel" and "Moon Valley"

“Jack London, due to the special conditions of the labor movement in America, had little faith in the success of the working class. Or rather, he believed in the final victory of the workers, but he endured the onset of this in the distant future. In the novel The Iron Heel, the author also outlines the dates for this future: in his opinion, at least three hundred years must pass before the “Era of Brotherhood” comes in. But before the onset of the “Era of Brotherhood”, the workers still have to go through a terrible period of unheard of exploitation, through the era of the “Iron Heel” of capitalism ... A short-sighted and pessimistic “prophet "and the politician turned out to be Jack London in his fantasy novel."

From the preface to The Iron Heel. B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"

"How it happened, the horse could not tell. But Santa Anna himself reproduced the picture. Papelas apparently managed to catch the half-strangled Vianto. He sat on the horse. But Vianto could not bear such an insult and preferred to die along with the enemy. He rushed to the cliff and rolled down down. The horse was lucky: she escaped with a bruise, and the man ... "

"Riding the Wind"

1930 - "Underwater Farmers", "Citizen of the Ethereal Island", "Green Symphony", "City of the Winner", "VTsBID", "Hoyti-Toyti", "Imperishable World", "Rami"
"A mathematician, physicist, astronomer, mechanic, biologist, sociologist, inventor, "patriarch of astronomy", Tsiolkovsky thinks in astronomical numbers, counts in millions, billions, billions. Infinity does not suit him. He turns his gaze to the past of our solar system and calmly says, as about the age of their own children: "It took thirty-one billion years for the birth of all the planets. The Earth separated from the Sun two billion years ago, and our Moon was born by the Earth less than a billion years ago. "A completely newborn baby! What does a billion mean if Tsiolkovsky sometimes deals with numbers for which, in his own words," in order to write them , the whole universe would not be enough!"

"Citizen of the Ethereal Isle"

1931 - "The Earth is on fire", "Kite", "External engineer", "Stronger than God", "Sunny horses", "Storm", "Damn swamp". "Freed Slaves"
1932 - "Blue Coal", "Let's create a Murmansk Zoo", "More about the greening of the city", "Tsiolkovsky", "Sevtraltrest must have a technical station", "The radio center must resolutely restructure its work", "Will this end?"

"No cages of old menageries - these bourgeois prisons for animals! Only "islands" of animals in the open air. Reservoirs. Aviaries for birds and small animals. Natural polar landscape without" underpainting ". Genuine polar sky. What could be better? ..

But such a zoo is not only an interesting and healthy spectacle, especially in Murmansk, which is so poor in spectacles. A lot of scientific and educational work can be carried out in the zoo"

"Let's Create a Murmansk Zoo"

"Our polar scientists-enthusiasts will be heated by icy polar winds... The wind that caused us so many troubles, accidents, losses, will serve us. There is nothing fantastic in the idea of ​​"winding" our trawlers by installing windmills on them... One thing is undeniable - the big Murmansk wind will help us create a big Murman."

"Blue Coal"

"Imagine a huge rocket in the form of an egg-shaped, with a pointed upper end of the car. Inside the car there is a cabin with a supply of oxygen, food for travelers and a large supply of explosive material - gunpowder or oil, gases - that's the "starship" for you.

"If such a projectile acquires a speed of approximately 11 kilometers per second from the explosion, then it can overcome the earth's gravity and fly at least to the Moon, to Mars ..."


1933 - "Jump into nothing", "The fires of socialism, or Mr. Wells in the dark", "Record flight", "Unusual occurrences", "New Year's Eve"
“Your story is more meaningful, more scientific and more literary than all the works on the subject of “interplanetary travel” known to me ... It will spread knowledge and interest in the great task of the 20th century more than other popular stories, not excluding even foreign ones ... As for dedicating it to me, I consider it your courtesy and an honor for myself.

K. E. Tsiolkovsky. B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"

"What attracted him to Russia? An experiment! A great experiment in the restructuring of the world, the old civilization, culture, the creation of a new social system. This daring attempt to put into practice what had been the subject of utopias for centuries. But weren't utopias his forte? the works that the whole world was reading, did not draw pictures of the future, pictures of world wars, even the cosmic struggle of the worlds, the collapse of the old civilization, the birth of a new one, unprecedented technical progress?.. And suddenly these people - the Bolsheviks - announced that it was they who would rebuild the world ! This hurt him as a professional, could not help but worry. "

"The fires of socialism, or Mr. Wells in the dark"

1934 - Meeting in Leningrad with G. D. Wells
"Airship", "Let's Create Soviet Science Fiction"
"I am pleased, Mr. Belyaev, to read your wonderful novels" The Head of Professor Dowell "and" The Amphibian Man. "Oh! They compare very favorably with Western books. I even envy their success a little.

Herbert Wells. B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"

"He (the young reader) loves science fiction, is fond of science fiction novels, hunts for them, reads and rereads them. He forgives the author's inevitable mistakes and growing pains - he is more tolerant and patient than critics and other readers of this genre. He, - and so far only he - morally supports the author on the difficult, responsible path of creating genuine Soviet science fiction.

"Let's Create Soviet Science Fiction"

"The story ... is wittily written and scientific enough for fantasy. I will allow myself to express my pleasure to Comrade Belyaev and the venerable editors of the magazine. I ask Comrade Belyaev to send me cash on delivery of his other fantastic story, dedicated to interplanetary wanderings, which I could not get anywhere. I hope and find the good in it. Please forward the letter to Comrade Belyaev. With regards, Tsiolkovsky."

B. Lyapunov "They dreamed of conquering space"

1935 - "The Miraculous Eye", "The Lost Island", "Blind Flight", "In Memory of the Great Scientist-Inventor", "Academician Pavlov"
"Your warm review of my novel gives me new strength in the difficult struggle to create science fiction works."

"I cordially and sincerely welcome the release of the second edition (Jump into Nothing"), which will undoubtedly contribute to the spread of interest in the masses in extra-atmospheric flights. They probably have a great future ahead of them.

From the preface by K. E. Tsiolkovsky to the novel "Jump into Nothing". B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"

"I sort through his books and pamphlets, published by him at his own expense in the provincial Kaluga printing house, his letters, drafts of his manuscripts, in which he packed the books he sent, his portraits and think about this man who lived such a difficult and at the same time interesting He knew the solar system better than we know our city, mentally lived in interplanetary spaces, felt like a "Citizen of the Universe..."

"In memory of the great scientist-inventor"

1936 - "KETs Star", "D. I. Mendeleev", "Mikhailo Lomonosov", "D. Watt and I. Polzunov", "Flying Carpet"
"I made a great mistake in my politics, that I allowed Lomonosov to become a professor." Schumacher's son-in-law Gaubert said: "Do we really need a dozen Lomonosovs? And one is a burden to us ..." Lomonosov was not mistaken in that he failed to accomplish everything "that he did for the good of the fatherland." But his sad thoughts that “all my useful intentions will disappear with me” did not materialize: he managed to put many useful intentions into practice ... And only today this exceptional person finds himself fully appreciated.

"Mikhail Lomonosov"

"A child-loving father, a kind person, ready to help all those in need, and at the same time a quick-tempered eccentric," a roaring lion ", instilling fear in everyone who knew him little. Almost rude from extreme shyness and extraordinary excitement in front of a new person."

"Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev"

1937 - "Heavenly Visitor", "Professor Dowell's Head", "Mr. Laughter", "New Discovery Skirmishers"
"Thirteen years ago I wrote the story 'Professor Dowell's Head' on the subject of the reanimation of a human head cut off from a body...

For that time, the story in the form in which it was published was quite bold, and the author could be reproached for an unscientific approach to the topic. Since then the situation has changed. Huge advances have been made in the field of surgery. And I decided to rework my story into a novel, making it even more fantastic without breaking away from the scientific basis.

B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"

1938 - "Under the sky of the Arctic", "Dublve's Laboratory", "Invisible Light", "Horned Mammoth", "Cinderella. About Science Fiction in Our Literature", "Let's Create Soviet Science Fiction", "Arctania", "Winners of the Subsoil", "Wonder Park"
"I'm also interested in the man of the future, the life, life of a communist society. The first attempt to give a more or less detailed picture of the life of our future is the novel" Doublewe's Laboratory "... In this novel, I still do not dare to characterize the people of the future - for this I have not enough material. The main attention is paid to the description of the cities of the future, communal institutions, apartments, transport, etc."

"Argonauts of the Universe"

"They say that writers, especially great ones, pay little attention to science fiction, considering it second-class literature. This is not true. Literature is always of the same grade as the writer who created it. Or rather, writers do not favor science fiction because writers, like editors and critics, not too firm in technology, physics, biology. The position of Cinderella in which science fiction resides in our literature cannot but frighten off writers.

"Cinderella. About science fiction in our literature"

1939 - "Castle of the Witches", "Pushkin's Visit", "The Great Transport Worker", "About My Works", "Illustration in Science Fiction", "Argonauts of the Universe", "Pushkin City - a Fish City", "Leisure for Children", "Stalinskaya concern for people"

"The easiest thing is to create an entertaining, sharply plotted, science fiction novel on the theme of the class struggle. There are contrasts, character, and tension of the struggle, and all sorts of secrets and surprises ...
And the most difficult thing for a writer is to create an entertaining plot in a work describing the future classless communist society, to predict the conflicts of positive characters among themselves, to guess at least two or three lines in the character of a person of the future ... But the demonstration of this future society, scientific, technical, cultural, domestic, economic perspectives are no less important than showing the class struggle. I take on the hardest."

"About my works"

"An illustrator of science fiction must have a great imagination and a richly developed imagination. The illustrators of today and yesterday are at the service of ready-made nature, and photos, and illustrative material from magazines, and a wealth of archives. Another thing is science fiction, where you have to operate with things that have not yet existing, and where, therefore, one has to rely to a large extent on fantasy, on the imagination.The artist-illustrator of science fiction, in terms of the power of imagination and fantasy, should be at least on the same level as the author. , and sometimes make up for the writer's omissions.

"Illustration in Science Fiction"

1940 - "The Man Who Found His Face", "Anatomical Groom", "Brilliant Scientist", "Victorious Hero", "Jules Verne", "Mikhailo Lomonosov", "He Lived Among the Stars", "The Birth of Radio", "Interesting undertaking", "Fifteen brave", "Earth in the yoke. Flame in the swamps", "Conquest of the stratosphere", "On the threshold of great discoveries", "Earth and sky", "The hero comes out of the screen", "What are the growers doing?", "At the exhibition of works by Pushkin artists", "For the cultural Russian language", "Palace of Soviets", "Giant on the Volga", "More simplicity, accuracy", "Climate vagaries", "On the history of our city", "About one neglected house "
“For a year and a half, I have been exaggerating in the local newspaper the idea of ​​the need to create an entertaining science corner for children in Pushkin parks, and in particular, interplanetary travel. After examining the rocket, visitors will be able to make an interplanetary journey - a movie booth will be installed behind the porthole..."

From a letter to N. A. Rynin, M. Sonkin "So it began"

"A modestly furnished study. A semi-mobile bunk. Pictures with fantastic images line the walls. A tube receiver hums measuredly. A desk telephone and books ... books ... books ...

They are littered with a table, a bookcase, a wardrobe, and the entire adjacent room - a library - up to the ceiling. On the bed lies a man with a high forehead, shaggy black eyebrows, from under which look clear, penetrating eyes.

S. Golovko "Master of Science Fiction"

"Jules Verne was and remains a brilliant, unsurpassed popularizer of science. His merits in this regard are colossal ... It can be said with confidence that bourgeois literature will not create a second Jules Verne. Proof of this can be the work of G. Wells. In terms of literary talent, he is no less Jules Verne, but Wells lives and works in a different era, the era of the decay of capitalism. Wells has nowhere to get cheerful strong-willed people. "

"Jules Verne"

"You are being modest in vain, Alexander Stepanovich. We all understand very well that you showed us devices for telegraphy without wires. This is the greatest invention! As you wish, but I cannot write down your text in the protocol. You cannot hide such an invention behind these silent lines".

"The Birth of Radio"

“In the literary circle that I lead, most of the circle members are students. There are capable young men among them. But I was deeply upset and surprised when I first got acquainted with their illiterate manuscripts. Even the guys from the literary circle of the Palace of Pioneers write better, simpler, more literate .. "In our universities it is necessary to raise the question of raising the culture of the language. Create circles to improve literacy, literary circles. It would also be good to hold a series of lectures on literature, the history of the theater, music, painting, sculpture, architecture, at least in the most concise form" .

"For the cultural Russian language"

"February 27 marks 4 years since the death of the brilliant physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, who devoted more than half a century to scientific work ... The works of Academician Pavlov created a new era not only in physiology, but also in related scientific fields. We can say that he is completely new light on the work of the body and the "soul" of man and animals.

"Genius Scientist"

1941 - "Ariel", "Pathfinders of the Universe", "In the World of Atoms", "Creators and Destroyers"
"The book made a very good impression on me and deepened my understanding of Konstantin Eduardovich, although I know about him, perhaps, more than other biographers. I myself planned the biography of Konstantin Eduardovich in this way, but I lacked the material that you know perfectly well And so I sometimes had to resort to conjecture and intuition, and this is not always reliable material.

From a letter to B. N. Vorobyov, B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"

"-Listen, Ariel, listen carefully. Now you can do what no other person can do. You can fly. And in order to fly, you only need to wish it. You can rise, fly faster or slower, turn in any direction, descend as you wish. You just need to control yourself, as you control your body when you walk, get up, sit down, lie down. "


"Labor creates, war destroys... We have been forced into a destructive war. What then? We will 'destroy the destroyers.' Our valiant Red Army will prove to the treacherous enemy that the workers and peasants of whom it factories, but also to destroy the "factories of war. No matter how hard the trials we have to endure, the army of a great people will not lay down their arms until the enemy is driven back and destroyed."

"Creators and Destroyers"

On January 6, 1942, science fiction writer Alexander Romanovich Belyaev died in Pushkin


B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev" - M. "Soviet writer", 1967, p. 132-133, 90, 131, 16, 11-12, 41, 57, 87-88, 82, 88-89, 106, 85 -86, 10.
A. Britikov "Russian Soviet science fiction novel" - L. "Nauka", 1970, p. 376.
A. Belyaev "Let's Create Soviet Science Fiction". - "Children's Literature", 1938, No. 15, p. 1-8.
V. Griboedov "Alexander Belyaev - artist" - "Change", 1980, December 4.
A. Belyaev "Walking on a seaplane" - "Bonfire", 1971, No. 8, p. 43-45.
O. Orlov "Alexander Belyaev" - Collected. op. in 8 vols. T. 8- M. "Young Guard", 1964, p. 497-516.
A. Belyaev "About my works" - Children's literature, 1939, No. 5, p. 23-25.
A. Belyaev "The Man Who Doesn't Sleep" - Collected. op. in 8 volumes. T. 8-M. "Youth Guard", 1964, p. 165.
A. Belyaev "Amphibian Man" - Yaroslavl: Book. publishing house, 1962, p. 146.
A. Belyaev "Riding the wind" - M. "Around the world" 1929, No. 23, p. 359.
A. Belyaev "Citizen of the Ethereal Island" - "Seeker" 1962, No. 5.
A. Belyaev "Let's create a Murmansk zoo" - Polar truth, 1932, April 15.
A. Belyaev "Blue coal" - Polar truth, 1932 March 11.
A. Belyaev "K. E. Tsiolkovsky" - Polar truth, 1932, September 15.
A. Belyaev "The Fires of Socialism, or Mr. Wells in the Mist" - M. "Around the World", 1933, No. 13, p. 10-13.
A. Belyaev "Let's create Soviet science fiction" - Literary Leningrad, 1934, August 14.
B. Lyapunov "They dreamed of conquering space" - "Seeker", 1962, No. 5.
A. Belyaev "In memory of the great scientist-inventor" - Young Proletarian, 1935, No. 23, p. 43-44.
A. Belyaev "Mikhailo Lomonosov" - Young Proletarian 1936, No. 21, p.15-17. o"
A. Belyaev "Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev" - Young Proletarian, 1936, No. 3, p. 24.
A. Belyaev "Argonauts of the Universe" - Children's Literature 1939, No. 5, p. 51-55.
A. Belyaev "Cinderella. About science fiction in our literature" - Literary newspaper, 1938, May 15.
M. Sonkin "So it began" - Star, 1960, No. 9, p. 121-122.
S. Golovko "Master of Science Fiction" - Bolshevik word, 1941, April 1.
A. Belyaev "Jules-Verne" - Bolshevik word, 1940, March 24.
A. Belyaev "The Birth of Radio" - Bolshevik word, 1940, May 8.
A. Belyaev "For the cultural Russian language" - Bolshevik word, 1940, September 26.
A. Belyaev "Brilliant scientist" - Bolshevik word 1940, February 27.
A. Belyaev "Ariel" - In the book. "Lord of the World" - Chisinau: "Shtinnitsa", 1982, p. 414.
A. Belyaev "Creators and Destroyers" - Bolshevik word, 1941, June 26.

Belyaev Alexander Romanovich(1884 - 1942)

A. Belyaev was born in Smolensk, in the family of a priest, in which an atmosphere of extreme piety reigned. Parents were deeply religious people, inclined to give charity to poor relatives and pilgrims, which is why there were always a lot of people in the house.

There were two more children in the family: sister Nina died in childhood from sarcoma; brother Vasily, being a student at a veterinary institute, drowned while riding a boat. As a child, Alexander grew up a fidget, loved all kinds of practical jokes, jokes; the consequence of one of his pranks was a serious eye injury with further damage to vision. In games and hobbies, the boy was unbridled, so his parents tried to accustom him to order and a serious attitude to business.

At the request of his father, Alexander was sent to study at the theological seminary, which he graduated in 1901, but the young man refused to continue his religious education and entered the Demidov Lyceum in Yaroslavl, intending to become a lawyer. Soon his father died, the family's funds were limited, there was not enough money for education. I had to look for an opportunity to earn money - Alexander gave lessons, painted scenery for the theater, played the violin in the circus orchestra.

A. Belyaev was fond of nature. From an early age, he was attracted to music; he independently learned to play the violin, the piano, he could selflessly play music for hours. Another "fun" was photography, and in the most eccentric version - shooting "horror photographs" (this was the picture he took of "a human head on a platter in blue tones"). The young man also dreamed of flying: he tried to take off, tying brooms to his hands, jumped from the roof with an umbrella, and finally took to the air in a small airplane.

A significant part of the young man's life turned out to be connected with the theater, which he loved from childhood. He himself could act as a playwright, and a director, and an actor. The home theater of the Belyaevs in Smolensk was widely known, touring not only around the city, but also in its environs. Once, during the arrival in Smolensk of the capital's troupe under the direction of Stanislavsky, A. Belyaev managed to replace the sick artist - instead of playing in several performances. The success was complete, K. Stanislavsky even offered A. Belyaev to stay in the troupe, but for some unknown reason he refused.

In the life of A. Belyaev, mystical coincidences played a certain role. One incident turned out to be tragic: once, while visiting his uncle, the future writer, in the company of relatives, went for a boat ride. Only brother Vasya did not go with them.

Before getting into the boat, Alexander grabbed a piece of clay from both sides, from which he began to sculpt a head - random features turned out to be exceptionally similar to the face of his brother who remained on the shore, but the expression on his face turned out to be somehow frozen, inanimate. Out of annoyance, Alexander threw the cast into the water, and at the same moment he felt uneasy. He hurried ashore, claiming that something had happened to Vasya. The rest returned with him. At the house, a tearful aunt reported that Vasya drowned, and as it turned out, this happened at the very moment when the cast was thrown into the water. What happened made a strange and terrible impression on everyone. After graduating from the Demidov Lyceum, A. Belyaev received the position of a private attorney in Smolensk, and soon gained fame as a good lawyer. He has a regular clientele. His material resources also grew: he was able to rent and furnish a good apartment, acquire a good collection of paintings, and collect a large library. Having finished any business, he went to travel abroad; traveled to France, Italy, visited Venice.

At the age of thirty-five, A. Belyaev fell ill with pleurisy. The treatment was unsuccessful - he developed paralysis of the legs and tuberculosis of the spine. The illness was very difficult. The young wife left him, saying that she did not get married to take care of her sick husband. In search of specialists who could help him, A. Belyaev, with his mother and old nanny, ended up in Yalta. There, in the hospital, he began to write poetry. Gradually there was some improvement.

To live, it was necessary to work. First, A. Belyaev became a teacher in an orphanage, then he got a job as an inspector of the criminal investigation department - he organized a photo laboratory there, later he had to go to the library. Life in Yalta was very difficult, and with the help of acquaintances, A. Belyaev moved with his family to Moscow, got a job as a legal adviser. In his spare time, he tried to engage in literature - as a result, his first story, Professor Dowell's Head (1925), began to be published in the newspaper "Beep" with the continuation. The story was later accepted by World Pathfinder magazine. The publication entailed the establishment of close ties, and then collaboration with the magazines "World Pathfinder" and "Around the World". 4 A. Belyaev lived in Moscow until 1928; during this time, he wrote "The Island of Lost Ships", "The Last Man from Atlantis", "Amphibian Man", "Struggle on the Air", a collection of stories was published. The author wrote not only under his own name, but also under the pseudonyms A. Rom and Arbel.

In 1928, A. Belyaev and his family moved to Leningrad, and since then he has been exclusively engaged in literature, professionally. This is how "Lord of the World", "Underwater Farmers", "Wonderful Eye", stories from the series "Professor Wagner's Inventions" appeared. They were printed mainly in Moscow publishing houses. However, soon the disease again made itself felt, and I had to move from rainy Leningrad to sunny Kyiv. Living conditions in Kyiv turned out to be better, but there were obstacles for creativity - manuscripts were accepted there only in Ukrainian, so they had to be sent to Moscow or Leningrad.

The year 1930 turned out to be very difficult for the writer: his six-year-old daughter died of meningitis, the second one fell ill with rickets, and soon his own illness (spondylitis) worsened. As a result, in 1931 the family returned to Leningrad: ignorance of the Ukrainian language made life in Kyiv unbearable. Constant domestic turmoil prevented writing, and yet A. Belyaev creates in these years the play "Alchemists ...", the novel "Jump into Nothing".

In addition to everyday problems and health problems, big problems also arose with the publication of works: editors ruthlessly reduced and reworked them. At that time, technological progress was considered a particularly important topic in the literature. For the sake of this, the story "Star of the KEC", according to the memoirs of the writer's daughter, "was so shortened that it turned ... into a technical reference book." Only much later was it possible to restore and then enlarge the original author's text.

The work of A. Belyaev is uneven to a certain extent: his early works are more interesting than his later ones; ethical questions often turn out to be more entertaining than the most original scientific and technical hypotheses, and romantic pathos is more attractive than a detective story. The writer was keenly interested in the question of the human psyche: the functioning of the brain, its connection with the body, with the life of the soul, spirit. Can the brain think outside the body? Is a brain transplant possible? What consequences can anabiosis and its widespread use entail? Are there limits to the possibility of suggestion? What about genetic engineering? An attempt to solve these problems is devoted to the novels "Professor Dowell's Head", "Lord of the World", "The Man Who Lost Face", the story "The Man Who Doesn't Sleep", "Hoyti-Toyti". A kind of continuation of these reflections were novels-hypotheses that place a person in different environments of existence: the ocean ("Amphibian Man"), the air ("Ariel"). Behind all these works is the passionate desire of the disabled writer to challenge the physical limitations of the boundless human spirit, a hymn to unlimited freedom and the hope that such freedom makes a person better, more moral, nobler.

"Unfounded fantasies that distract from the actual tasks of socialist construction" were sharply criticized by the authorities, which in the late period of creativity forced A. Belyaev to create works in which the main thing is a list of inventions, discoveries, technical achievements and the glorification of the communist future ("Underground farmers", "Under the sky of the Arctic", "Wonderful eye", etc.).

6 In artistic terms, these works are of little interest. It is no coincidence that the writer's true testament was his last novel in 1941 - "Ariel". It echoes the well-known novel by A. Green "The Shining World", in some way continuing it and, at the same time, refuting it. The hero of the novel is endowed with the ability to fly without any scientific justification for this talent on the part of the author. The image of Ariel is the best achievement of the writer, in which the author's faith in the unlimited creative possibilities of man was realized in detail. Towards the end of his life, A. Belyaev abandoned the technical and social problems imposed on him and fully surrendered to what always attracted him: a romantic description of a person overcoming "earthly gravity".

Shortly before the war, the writer underwent another operation, so he refused the offer to evacuate when the war began. The city of Pushkin (a suburb of Leningrad), where A. Belyaev and his family lived in recent years, was occupied. In January 1942, the writer died of starvation. The surviving wife and daughter of the writer were taken by the Germans to Poland.

Belyaeva S. A star flickers outside the window ... - in the collection of Science Fiction-84. // M.: Mol.guard, 1984, p.312-347

Nelly KRAVKLIS, writer-local historian, Mikhail LEVITIN, member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, local historian.

The expression "The book is the source of knowledge" can be called the motto of the science fiction writer Alexander Romanovich Belyaev. The love of reading, the desire to learn new things, mastering new spaces, new areas of science, he carried through his whole life.

In those years when this photograph was taken, young Sasha Belyaev was attracted to distant lands, travels and adventures - everything that had nothing to do with everyday reality.

“A charming man with a wide range of interests and an inexhaustible sense of humor,” recalls V.V. Bylinskaya, who knew him in those years, “Alexander Belyaev united a circle of Smolensk youth around him, became the center of this small society.

A memorial plaque installed on the building where the editorial office of the Smolensky Vestnik was located.

“In his youth, my father liked to dress fashionably,” recalls the writer’s daughter Svetlana Alexandrovna, “if not to say, even with panache ...”

2009 marks the 125th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Romanovich Belyaev, a Soviet science fiction writer, one of the founders of science fiction literature, who has earned worldwide recognition. A lot has been written about Belyaev, but the years of his life in the city of Smolensk, where he was born and raised, are not fully reflected, moreover, mistakes are repeated in the texts that we correct using archival materials.

Alexander Belyaev was born on March 16 (new style) 1884 in a house on Bolshaya Odigitrievskaya Street (now Dokuchaev Street) in the family of the priest of the Odigitrievskaya Church Roman Petrovich Belyaev and his wife Nadezhda Vasilievna. In total, the family had three children: Vasily, Alexander and Nina.

The plot of land, according to the memoirs of the local historian A. N. Troitsky, consisted of a very picturesque garden, descending along a steep slope into a ravine going to the cathedral.

Alexander's parents were deeply religious people. And Sasha's interests from early childhood lay in a completely different plane: he was fascinated by travel, extraordinary adventures inspired by reading his beloved Jules Verne.

“My brother and I,” Alexander Romanovich recalled, decided to travel to the center of the Earth. They moved tables, chairs, beds, covered them with blankets, sheets, stocked up with an oil lantern and went deep into the mysterious bowels of the Earth. And immediately the prosaic tables and chairs were gone. We saw only caves and abysses, rocks and underground waterfalls as wonderful pictures depicted them: eerie and at the same time somehow cozy. And my heart sank from this sweet horror.

Later, Wells came with the nightmares of "The War of the Worlds". In this world, it was no longer so comfortable ... "

It is easy to imagine how much the boy’s imagination was excited by the event that happened on July 6, 1893: in the Lopatinsky Garden, a balloon with a gymnast sitting on a trapeze rose to a height of one kilometer, after which she jumped off the trapeze. The audience gasped in horror. But a parachute opened over the gymnast, and the girl landed safely.

The sight shocked Sasha so much that he immediately decided to experience the feeling of flying and jumped off the roof with an umbrella in his hands, then on a parachute made of a sheet. Both attempts brought very sensitive bruises. But Alexander Belyaev still managed to make his dream come true: his latest novel, Ariel, tells the story of a man who can fly like a bird.

But the time for carefree hobbies is over. By the will of his father, the boy was sent to a religious school. In publications about the writer, it is reported that he entered there at the age of six. But it's not.

The Smolensk Diocesan Gazette annually published official information about the students of the theological school and the seminary. And in No. 13 for 1895, there is a "List of students of the theological school, compiled by the school board after a year of testing at the end of the 1894/1895 academic year and approved by His Eminence on July 5, 1895 under No. 251." Among the students of the 1st grade: "Yakov Alekseev, Dmitry Almazov, Alexander Belyaev, Nikolai Vysotsky ..." At the end of the list it is indicated that these students are being transferred to the 2nd grade of the school. Thus, Alexander Belyaev was 11 years old in 1895. Therefore, he entered at the age of 10.

The school was located near the Avraamievsky Monastery, not far from the Belyaevs' estate, five minutes walk at a leisurely pace.

Classes were easy for him. In the same statements (No. 12 for 1898) a list of students of the fourth grade is given: “First category: Pavel Dyakonov, Alexander Belyaev, Nikolai Lebedev, Yakov Alekseev<...>completed the full course of the school and were awarded the transfer to the 1st class of the seminary.

That's when Alexander Belyaev becomes a seminarian - at the age of 14, and not at the 11th year, as indicated in the well-established biographical notes to the collected works of his works and in many other publications about the writer.

An expert on the local region, local historian SM. Yakovlev wrote: “The Smolensk Theological Seminary has existed for 190 years. It was founded in 1728 by the former rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, Bishop Gideon Vishnevsky ... "a man of the most learned and great rigor", classes were taught by highly educated teachers invited from Kyiv. The study of Latin, ancient Greek and Polish was compulsory.

In the seminary, Belyaev was famous not only for his success in his studies, but also for his "performances at evenings - reading poems."

In the early years of its existence, the Smolensk Seminary organized spectacular performances of spiritual content (mystery) for the residents of the city in order to strengthen moral and religious principles in the viewer, loyalty to Orthodoxy and the throne. Alexander Belyaev is their constant participant.

In the prefaces to several collections, biographers claim that Belyaev graduated from the seminary in 1901. This is another inaccuracy. Diocesan Gazette (Nos. 11-12 for 1904) provides an alphabetical list of graduates: Alexander Belyaev is among them.

After graduating from the seminary, contrary to the wishes of his father, who saw his son as his successor, Alexander entered the Demidov Lyceum in Yaroslavl (established in 1809 as a school on the initiative and at the expense of P. G. Demidov with a three-year term of study, this educational institution was reorganized in 1833 from the beginning to a lyceum with the same term of study, and in 1868 to a four-year legal lyceum with the rights of a university). In parallel, Alexander received a musical education in the violin class.

The unexpected death of his father in 1905 left the family without a livelihood. Alexander, in order to get money to pay for education, gave lessons, painted scenery for the theater, played the violin in the orchestra of the Truzzi circus. But grief does not come alone: ​​brother Vasily drowned in the Dnieper, and then sister Ninochka died. Alexander remained the only protector and support of his mother, therefore, after graduating from the Lyceum (1908), he returned to Smolensk.

It is known that in 1909 he worked as an assistant to a barrister. But the creative nature of Alexander Romanovich demanded a way out, and he became an active member of the Smolensk Society of Fine Arts Lovers, where he gave lectures, then a member of the board of the Smolensk Public Entertainment Club and a member of the board of the Symphony Society. During the summer months, theater troupes usually toured in Smolensk, mostly Basmanov. Belyaev writes reviews for Smolensky Vestnik on almost every performance that took place in the Lopatinsky Garden, and also acts as a music critic. Signed under the pseudonym "B-la-f". They published "Smolensk feuilletons" on the topic of the day.

Everyone who has read his works knows how sharply the writer responded to injustice. This quality manifested itself in the very first years of independent life and became the reason that in 1909 Alexander Belyaev was under police surveillance. Information is in the gendarmerie file "Diary of external observation, reports on the Smolensk organization of the party of socialist revolutionaries." The Belyaev case was started on December 30, 1908. In the report of Colonel N. G. Ivanenko for November 10, 1909, a list of persons belonging to a local organization led by a certain Karelin is presented. This list also contains the name of Alexander Romanovich Belyaev: “... assistant to a barrister, 32 years old (in fact, he was 25 years old. - Approx. Aut.), Nickname "Alive" (given in connection with the character. - Approx. auth.)". The report indicates that the suspects were searched on November 2, 1909. "Alive" appears in the diary of the Okhrana until the end of its maintenance (January 19, 1910).

We managed to find in the "Smolensky Vestnik" (over the same years) reports on several trials conducted by A. Belyaev as an assistant to a barrister. But one of them - dated October 23, 1909 - is of particular interest, since Belyaev spoke in the trial against the leader of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party. And on December 25, as reported in the newspaper, "... V. Karelin, arrested a month ago, was released from the Smolensk prison." It seems that this can be considered proof of how successfully Alexander Romanovich led the defense. In 1911, Belyaev won a major legal case against the timber merchant Skundin, for which he received a significant fee. He set aside this amount for a long-planned trip to Europe. True, it was possible to make the trip only two years later, as evidenced by the "Statement of foreign passports issued since March 1, 1913 by the Smolensk Governor": "... to hereditary honorary citizen, assistant barrister Alexander Romanovich Belyaev for No. 57."

In his autobiography, the writer writes about the purpose of this trip: “I studied history, art, went to Italy to study the Renaissance. I was in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, in the south of France. The trip became an invaluable source from which the writer drew the impressions he needed until the end of his days. After all, the action of most of his novels takes place "abroad". And the first trip turned out to be the only one.

Belyaev is not an idle tourist, but an inquisitive tester. The biographical note to the 9-volume collected works of the writer confirms this: “In 1913, there were not so many daredevils flying on Blériot and Farman aircraft - “whatnots” and “coffins”, as they were called then. However, Belyaev in Italy, in Ventimiglia, makes a seaplane flight.

Here is an excerpt from the description of this flight: “The sea below us goes lower and lower. The houses surrounding the bay do not seem white, but red, because from above we see only red roofs. The surf stretches like a white thread near the shore. Here is Cape Martin. The aviator waves his hand, we look in that direction, and the coast of the Riviera unfolds in front of us, as in a panorama.

Belyaev will then convey his feelings, in particular, in the story “The Man Who Does Not Sleep”: “Some kind of river appeared in the distance. The city is spread out on high coastal hills. On the right bank, the city was surrounded by ancient battlements of the Kremlin with high towers. A huge five-domed cathedral reigned over the entire city. - Dnieper! .. Smolensk! .. The airplane flew over the forest and smoothly landed on a good airfield.

During a trip to Italy, Belyaev climbed Mount Vesuvius and published an essay on the ascent in Smolensky Vestnik. In these notes, one can already feel the confident pen of not only a talented journalist, but also a future brilliant writer: “Suddenly, bushes began, and we found ourselves in front of a whole sea of ​​black solidified lava. The horses snored, kicked their feet, and they decided to step on the lava as if it were water. Finally, nervously, the horses jumped up onto the lava and walked at a pace. The lava rustled and broke off under the feet of the horses. The sun was setting. Below, the bay was already covered with a gray haze. There came a short gentle evening. On the mountain, the sun snatched out of the advancing darkness several houses, and they stood, as if heated by the internal fire of the crater. The proximity of the peak affected ... Vesuvius is a symbol, it is the god of southern Italy. Only here, sitting on this black lava, under which a deadly fire seethes somewhere below, does it become clear that the deification of the forces of nature reigning over a small man, just as defenseless, despite all the gains of culture, as he was thousands of years ago in blooming Pompeii.

And in the crater of the fire-breathing giant “...everything was filled with caustic, suffocating vapor. He then crawled along the black, uneven edges of the vent, corroded by moisture and ash, then flew up in a white ball, as if from a giant pipe of a steam locomotive. And at that moment, somewhere deep below, the darkness was illuminated, as if by a distant glow of a fire ... "

Alexander Romanovich's writing talent is manifested not only in descriptions of natural phenomena, he also understands people with their contradictions: “These Italians are amazing people! They know how to combine slovenliness with a deep understanding of beauty, greed with kindness, petty passions with a truly great impulse of the soul.

Everything seen, refracting through the prism of his perception, the writer will then reflect in the works.

Probably, it can be argued that the trip helped him finally decide on the final choice of profession. In 1913-1915, having parted with the legal profession, Alexander Romanovich worked in the editorial office of the Smolensky Vestnik newspaper, first as a secretary, then as an editor. Today, a memorial plaque has been installed on the building where the editorial office was located.

Only his craving for the theater has remained unrealized so far. From childhood, he staged home performances, in which he was an artist, a screenwriter, and a director, he played any role, even women's. Transformed instantly. They quickly learned about Belyaev's theater and began to invite friends to perform. In 1913, Belyaev, together with the beautiful Smolensk cellist Yu. N. Saburova, staged the fairy-tale opera The Sleeping Princess. Smolensky Vestnik (February 10, 1913) noted that the noisy great success of the performance “was created by the tireless energy, loving attitude and subtle understanding of the leaders Yu. put on an opera, even if it is for children, using only the resources of an educational institution.

About this side of the creative nature of Alexander Romanovich, a resident of Smolensk, SM, writes in his memoirs. Yakovlev: “The charming image of A. R. Belyaev has sunk into my soul ever since he helped us, the students of the gymnasium N. P. Evnevich, to put together with the students of the female gymnasium E. G. Sheshatka at one of our student evenings a wonderful fantastic play-tale "Three years, three days, three minutes". Taking the plot core of the fairy tale as a basis, A. R. Belyaev, as a director, managed to creatively refine it, enrich it with many interesting introductory scenes, color it with bright colors, saturate it with music and singing. His fantasy knew no bounds! He organically "embedded" his witty remarks, dialogues, crowd scenes, choral and choreographic numbers into the fabric of the fairy tale.<...>His data was excellent. He had a good appearance, a high culture of speech, great musicality, a bright temperament and an amazing art of disguise. His mimetic talent was especially strong in him, which can be easily judged by the numerous photographs of his masks preserved by the writer's daughter, Svetlana Alexandrovna, which unusually accurately and expressively convey the gamut of various states of the human psyche - indifference, curiosity, suspicion, fear, horror, bewilderment. , emotion, delight, sadness, etc.”

The first literary work of Alexander Romanovich - the play "Grandma Moira" - appears in 1914 in the Moscow magazine for children "Protalinka".

Visiting Moscow (which attracted and attracted him), Belyaev met with Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky and even passed acting tests with him.

He's managed everything so far. The future promised success in undertakings. But the year 1915, tragic for A. Belyaev, came. A serious illness fell upon the young man: tuberculosis of the spine. His wife leaves him. Doctors recommend changing the climate, his mother and nanny transport him to Yalta. For six years, Alexander Belyaev was bedridden, three years of which he was in a plaster corset.

And what terrible years those were! The October Revolution, the Civil War, devastation ... Belyaev is saved only by reading a lot, especially translated fantastic literature; studies literature on medicine, biology, history; interested in new discoveries, achievements of science; learns foreign languages.

Only in 1922 did his condition improve somewhat. Helped, of course, the love and care of Margarita Konstantinovna Magnushevskaya, who became his second wife. They got married in 1922 before Christmas Lent, and on May 22, 1923 they registered their marriage at the registry office. After the marriage, “... I had,” Belyaev recalled, “to enter the office of the criminal investigation department, and in the state I am a junior policeman. I am a photographer who takes pictures of criminals, I am a lecturer who teaches courses in criminal and administrative law and a "private" legal adviser. Despite all this, you have to starve.”

A year later, Alexander Romanovich's old dream comes true - he and his wife move to Moscow. A happy accident helped: in Yalta, he met his old Smolensk acquaintance, Nina Yakovlevna Filippova, who invited Belyaev to go to Moscow, giving him two rooms in her large, spacious apartment. After the Filippovs moved to Leningrad, the Belyaevs had to vacate this apartment and settle in a damp room in the basement in Lyalin Lane. On March 15, 1924, a daughter, Lyudmila, was born in the Belyaev family.

Alexander Romanovich during these years worked in the People's Commissariat for Post and Telegraph as a planner, after some time as a legal adviser in the People's Commissariat for Education. And in the evenings he is engaged in literature.

1925 Belyaev is 41 years old. His short story "Professor Dowell's Head" was published on the pages of the World Pathfinder magazine. It's a story, not a novel. The first attempt at writing a science fiction writer. And the beginning of a new, creative life of Alexander Romanovich Belyaev. In the article “About my works”, Belyaev will later say: “I can report that the work “Professor Dowell's Head” is a work to a large extent ... autobiographical. Illness laid me once for three and a half years in a plaster bed. This period of illness was accompanied by paralysis of the lower half of the body. And although I owned my hands, nevertheless my life in these years was reduced to the life of a "head without a body", which I did not feel at all - complete anesthesia. That's when I changed my mind and re-felt everything that a "head without a body" can experience.

With the publication of the story, Belyaev's professional literary activity began. He collaborates with the magazines "World Pathfinder", "Around the World", "Knowledge is Power", "Struggle of the Worlds", publishes new fantastic works: "The Island of Lost Ships", "Lord of the World", "The Last Man from Atlantis". He signs not only with his last name, but also with pseudonyms - A. Rom and Arbel.

Margarita Konstantinovna is tirelessly typing his new works on an old Remington typewriter. The life of the Belyaevs is getting better. They bought a piano. They play music in the evenings. They visit theaters and museums. Found new friends.

1928 was a significant year in Belyaev's work: the novel "The Amphibian Man" was published. The chapters of the new work were published in the magazine "Around the World". The success was extraordinary! Issues of magazines were snapped up instantly. Suffice it to say that the circulation of "Around the World" increased from 200,000 to 250,000 copies. In the same year, 1928, the novel was published twice as a separate book, and a third edition appeared a year later. The popularity of the novel surpassed all expectations. The secret of the success of the critics was explained by the fact that this is a "universal novel that combines science fiction, adventure, social theme and melodrama." The book has been translated and published in many languages. Belyaev became famous! (Shot in 1961, after the death of the writer, the film of the same name was also a stunning success. It was watched by 65.5 million viewers - a record of that time!)

In December 1928, Belyaev left Moscow and moved to Leningrad. The apartment on Mozhaisky Street was furnished with taste. “On the occasion,” recalls Svetlana Alexandrovna Belyaeva, “my parents bought wonderful antique furniture - an office, it had a Swedish desk, a comfortable reclining chair, a large plush sofa, a piano and shelves with books and magazines.”

Alexander Romanovich writes a lot and enthusiastically. His fiction is not far-fetched, but based on a scientific basis. The writer follows the news of science and technology. His knowledge is encyclopedically versatile and he easily navigates new directions.

It would seem that life is going well. But... Belyaev falls ill with pneumonia. Doctors advise to change the climate. And the family moves to Kyiv, where his childhood friend Nikolai Pavlovich Vygotsky lives. Kyiv has a fertile climate, life is cheaper, but... publishing houses accept manuscripts only in Ukrainian! The writer is forced to make another move to Moscow.

Here, grief befell the family: on March 19, Lyudmila's daughter dies of meningitis, and Alexander Romanovich has an exacerbation of spinal tuberculosis. Bed again. And as a response to forced immobility, interest in the problems of space exploration is growing. Alexander Romanovich studies the works of Tsiolkovsky, and the imagination of the science fiction writer draws a flight to the moon, interplanetary travel, the discovery of new worlds. This topic is dedicated to "Airship". After reading it, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky noted in his review: "The story ... is witty written and scientific enough for fantasy." The story "Jump into Nothing" - about a trip to Venus - Belyaev also sent Tsiolkovsky, and the scientist wrote a preface to it. Their correspondence continued until Tsiolkovsky's departure from life. In memory of Konstantin Eduardovich, the writer dedicated his novel The Star of the KETs (1936).

In October 1931, the Belyaevs moved again - to Leningrad, where they lived until 1938. In recent years, the writer was sick, almost never got out of bed. And in the summer of 1938 they change their living space in Leningrad for a five-room apartment in Pushkin.

Alexander Romanovich almost never leaves home. But writers, readers and admirers come to him, pioneers gather every week - he leads a drama circle.

Here he finds the Patriotic War. Belyaev died in the occupied city on January 6, 1942. At the Kazan cemetery in Pushkin, a white obelisk with the inscription "Belyaev Alexander Romanovich" stands over his grave, below - an open book with a quill pen. On the pages of the book is written: "Sci-Fi Writer."

Belyaev created 17 novels, dozens of short stories and a huge number of essays. And this is for 16 years of literary work! His fascinating works are imbued with faith in the unlimited possibilities of the human mind and faith in justice.

Reflecting on the tasks of a science fiction writer, Alexander Romanovich wrote: “A writer working in the field of science fiction must himself be so scientifically educated that he can not only understand what the scientist is working on, but also, on this basis, foresee the consequences and possibilities that are sometimes still unclear. and the scientist himself. He himself was such a science fiction writer.

It is believed, and not without reason, that Alexander Romanovich Belyaev has three lives: one - from birth to the release of the story "Professor Dowell's Head", the second - from this first story to the day the writer died, the third - the longest life in his books.

The journal "Science and Life" became the winner of the Alexander Belyaev Literary Prize in 2009 in the nomination "Journal - for the most interesting activity during the year preceding the award". The prize was awarded "for loyalty to the traditions of Russian popular science and science fiction literature and journalism."

The idea to establish a memorial prize in honor of Alexander Belyaev arose in 1984, when the centenary of the birth of the famous science fiction writer, who wrote not only the science fiction novels Amphibian Man, Ariel, and Professor Dowell's Head, but also the scientific - Popular works. However, it was first awarded in 1990, and in its early years was awarded for literary works in the science fiction genre. In 2002, the status of the award was revised, and now it is given exclusively for works of popular science and science fiction (educational) literature.

1930 - in the Moscow magazine "Around the World" the novel "Underwater Farmers" was published, and in the "World Pathfinder" the essay "Citizen of the Ether Island" was published about K. E. Tsiolkovsky.

1931 , March 19 - at the age of six, the eldest daughter Lyudmila dies of meningitis.

Aug. Sept- in the Leningrad magazine "Around the World" the novel "The Earth is on fire" was published.

September 14- return from Kyiv to Leningrad (the village of Shchemilovka behind the Nevskaya Zastava).

1932 , January- the family moved to Detskoye (Tsarskoye) Selo (since 1937 - the city of Pushkin) to an apartment on Zhukovskaya Street, 15). The publication of works in the genre of science fiction in the USSR has been almost completely stopped.

Spring- Belyaev is hired as a legal adviser to Sevtraltrest and leaves for Murmansk.

March - September- cooperation in Murmansk newspapers.

Autumn- return to the city of Pushkin.

1933 - cooperation in the Leningrad children's magazines "Chizh" and "Ezh".

The novel Leap into Nothing was published.

1934 , 28th of February- in the newspaper "Literaturny Leningrad" Ya. I. Perelman published a devastating review of the novel "Jump into Nothing". End of July - meeting with Herbert Wells in Leningrad.

October- in the Leningrad magazine "Around the World" the publication of the story "Air Ship" began (completed in June 1934).

1935 - The Belyaev family received two rooms in a writer's house in Leningrad (Petrogradskaya side, Bolshoy Prospekt, 51/2). The second edition of the novel Leap into Nothing was published with a preface by K. E. Tsiolkovsky. In Kyiv, the story "Wonderful Eye" was published in translation into Ukrainian ("Wonderful Eye").

July- treatment in Evpatoria (sanatorium "Talassa").

1936 , February - June - in the Leningrad magazine "Around the World" the novel "Star of Katz" was published.

1937 , February March- in the newspaper "Smena" the novel "Professor Dowell's Head" was published.

June - The publication of the novel The Head of Professor Dowell began in the Leningrad magazine Vokrug Sveta (completed in December). Summer - treatment in Evpatoria.

December- in the newspaper "Lenin's sparks" the publication of the story "Heavenly Guest" began (completed in July 1938).

1938 , February 10- "Literaturnaya Gazeta" is outraged by the indifference of the Union of Writers to the plight of Belyaev (illness, loneliness, his works are not published).

April- magazine "To fight for equipment!" began to print the novel "Under the sky of the Arctic".

Summer- moving to the city of Pushkin.

July - December- in the Leningrad magazine "Around the World" the story "Dublve's Laboratory" was published. Three books of the writer are published during the year: in Leningrad, a new edition of "Amphibian Man" and the novel "Professor Dowell's Head", and in Khabarovsk - "Jump into Nothing".

1939 , May - July- in the magazine "Young Collective Farmer" the story "Castle of the Witches" was published.

1940 - two novels were published - "The Man Who Found His Face" (an adaptation of the 1929 novel "The Man Who Lost Face") and "The Star of Katz" (new edition). By order of the Odessa Film Studio (director I. Rostovtsev), work has begun on the script for the film “When the Lights Go Out”.

22nd of June- the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Unsuccessful attempts to "rebuild" his work in the spirit of wartime.

September 17–19 - The Germans occupied the city of Pushkin. The female part of the Belyaev family received the status of Volksdeutsche.

Not later than December 23- Alexander Romanovich Belyaev died of starvation at the age of 58 in the occupied Pushkin.


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