Home Mushrooms You cannot write on social networks. What is undesirable and what is prohibited to post on the Internet: a lawyer advises. So, what should you not post on the Internet?

You cannot write on social networks. What is undesirable and what is prohibited to post on the Internet: a lawyer advises. So, what should you not post on the Internet?

Every year the list of “banned” journalists grows. Nowadays you can break the law without even knowing it; you just need to publish a photo from social networks or indicate the popular name of a particular monument. The good news: most likely, violators will only be issued a fine. But there is also a bad thing: if you don’t learn from your own mistakes and step on the same rake three times, Roskomnadzor may close the media. Primorskaya Gazeta looked into what should not be published on the pages of newspapers and on the Internet.


Seminar “Legal regulation in the media industry” Experts and speakers: representatives of the Roskomnadzor Office for the Primorsky Territory, the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Primorsky Territory. Moderator: Galina Antonets, media lawyer. Auditorium 501 FEFU. June 9 from 12.30 to 14.00.

Prohibited: writing about children without the consent of their legal representatives

The requirements of Russian legislation are now extremely harsh: the right to privacy, protection of personal data, the right to image, protection of minors...

As Primorye media lawyer, lawyer Galina Antonets says, when you look at seminars about what the law allows you to write about, it turns out that you can’t write anything - or you have to build a defensive wall from a pile of papers.

Consider, for example, the situation with the publication of a photograph of a child in the media. Here, both the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code are unanimous: publication of photographs is possible only with the permission of the person himself or, if we are talking about a minor, with the permission of his parents or legal representatives. However, there is one exception.

If a child is missing, then you can publish his photograph without permission, since this case falls under the clause of the law on the use of the image in state, public or other public interests, says Galina Antonets.

But as soon as the child is found, and, pardon the cynicism, alive or dead, the publication of any image is prohibited. Only if there is permission from parents, legal representatives and the hero of the publication himself.

Prohibited: writing about suicide and describing the method

It is even more difficult to talk about tragedies when it comes to child suicide.

Now the media only has the right to write that a certain girl committed suicide, without disclosing either the method (this is regarded as incitement) or the name, without the written consent of one of the parents. It is prohibited to post photographs, even those posted on social networks,” noted Galina Antonets.

So far, the expert says, it is difficult to create a single clear algorithm for how to write about suicide correctly, without breaking the law. The supervisory authorities have a clear opinion on this matter - it’s impossible, almost impossible at all.

Well-known media lawyer Galina Arapova is scheduled to come to the Media Summit. She promised to tell us about innovations on this particular topic, and I will also be happy to listen to her,” noted Galina Antonets.

Prohibited: displaying images of public figures

According to the law, it is impossible to publish a photograph of a person without his consent. There are three main exceptions to this general rule. The first is if you use a person’s image in the state, public interests. But this interest will have to be proven every time a dispute arises. You can use images taken in a public place, at an event, but there is a very important and significant limitation: the person depicted in the photograph should not be the main subject of the image.

If the image can be classified as “story” then there are no restrictions. That is, it is clear that this person was not photographed purposefully, that there is still some action around him, that he is part of the composition, and so on. But if you crop the picture even a little, so that the person becomes the center of the image, then it becomes a portrait and can only be posted with permission,” notes Galina Antonets.

You need to be equally sensitive to photographs posted on social networks. That is, if their publication is reposted, then there is no violation. And if the image is simply saved and posted, then you can safely go to court and demand removal and compensation for moral damages.

Prohibited: showing scenes of smoking without warning

Another complex and controversial topic is the demonstration of smoking, says Galina Antonets.

If we are talking about broadcasting films or newsreels containing scenes of smoking, the media must necessarily precede the broadcast with a special warning.

Newspapers and news agencies do not have the right to publish photographs of people smoking - violation is punishable by a fine.

In 2016, one of the regional media outlets was punished with a very large fine for broadcasting a military newsreel in which a man was seen holding a cigarette. This was the norm at the time, but the media did not include a warning that the material “contains smoking scenes.” For a small regional media outlet, a fine of more than 100 thousand rubles is a lot of money.

Prohibited: writing about banned organizations without mentioning their “banned status” in Russia

There are currently 25 terrorist and 47 extremist organizations in Russia. The full list is posted on the FSB website: www.fsb.ru/fsb/npd.

The difficulty of working with this topic is that there is no clear definition of what “extremism” is. But the law clearly states what awaits violators if any violations are committed. This is both a significant fine and the closure of the media.

Extremism can also be a characteristic image of a Slavic symbol. Let’s say a journalist goes to cover a holiday in honor of Ivan Kupala, we like to organize such “return to origins” on this day. Naturally, the organizers of the event actively use runic symbolism. So, it’s enough to change the color a little or show only one symbol - and such a publication can already be interpreted as extremist, says Galina Antonets.

In addition, the media lawyer reminds, you cannot write about organizations on the list without indicating that their activities are prohibited in Russia.

This point strictly applies only to extremist organizations. Information that they are prohibited must be in the material: in brackets, notes - in any form. Regarding terrorists, there is no such strict ban, and here everything remains, as they say, on the conscience of the journalist,” the expert notes.

Prohibited: disrespect for monuments, symbols and other objects of military glory

As the expert says, “the question is with history.” A precedent arose when one of the journalists from the Syktyvkar news agency asked the famous Russian blogger Ilya Varlamov if he knew which monument the locals called “Women Frying a Crocodile.” The material with this popular title was published, and one of the local residents saw this as an insult to the symbol of military glory and filed a lawsuit. The plaintiff’s arguments turned out to be convincing, and the publication was fined 200 thousand rubles.

So, if journalists decide to mention any popular names of monuments, they may well be charged with insulting symbols. In general, you need to be extremely careful with this point,” says Galina Antonets.

By the way, the now extremely popular law on insulting the feelings of believers works according to the same mechanism. The subtlety here is that all judicial proceedings on such charges are based not on the fact of the insult itself, but on the demonstration of such an act.

For example, a girl lit a cigarette from a church candle and posted a photo on a social network. She will be held accountable not for the fact that she smoked in church, but for the fact that she demonstrated,” notes Galina Antonets.

Everyone knows that a tweet consists of a maximum of 140 characters. This figure set a unique style for tweet communication: messages should be short and bright so as not to get lost in the crowd of similar ones. But popular social networks also have many other restrictions, voiced or unspoken in the rules. Users are not always aware of them. We have prepared a selection of interesting figures and facts about restrictions on Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter, YouTube and other social networks. It does not claim to be comprehensive, so we invite you to add to it in the comments.

For warm-up - a few limits that did not fit into the selection. The VKontakte password cannot consist of more than 1024 characters. On Twitter you cannot follow more than 2000 users. In fact, this limit may be violated, depending on the ratio between the number of your readers and the microblogs that you read. But this relationship is not disclosed. The company notes that a Twitter user technically cannot read more than 1,000 accounts per day.

  1. On VKontakte you cannot make more than 10,000 friends (including submitted applications).
  2. Few people know that, according to the rules, Twitter can delete an account if the user is inactive for a long time. The company recommends logging into your account and sending at least one tweet every 6 months.
  3. On VKontakte you cannot write a message longer than 4096 characters.
  4. You cannot upload a photo larger than 25 MB on VKontakte.
  5. Content ID helps copyright holders on YouTube identify videos that use copyrighted content. If this system has detected, for example, a piece of someone else's music track, the display of the video may be limited. In the Video Manager, the author of a video can delete the audio track with someone else's music (if this is not possible, the part of the video where music was previously played will be played without sound).
  6. Twitter prohibits any automated or batch addition of followers.
  7. Page names on Facebook are prohibited from being written only in caps or using only generic words like “beer” or “pizza” (but who’s stopping that).
  8. You cannot upload more than 1000 photos to a Facebook album.
  9. You cannot join more than 5,000 communities on VKontakte.
  10. You cannot add more than 5,000 friends on Facebook.
  11. You cannot upload videos to YouTube that are larger than 128 GB and longer than 11 hours.
  12. On VKontakte, you cannot edit a post on the wall if more than 24 hours have passed since its publication.
  13. The maximum number of videos that can be uploaded to one VKontakte group is 10,000, per page - 5,000.
  14. A Facebook user can like up to 5,000 pages.
  15. You cannot upload videos larger than 2GB on VKontakte.
  16. You can't add too many friends at once on Facebook because if friend requests go unanswered or if someone complains about such a request, the sender will be temporarily blocked from this feature. Officially, Facebook only accepts adding people you know personally as friends.
  17. On Facebook, like many other social networks, it is prohibited to post nude/erotic photos (which sometimes leads to ). The network administration, however, states that it strives not to limit the right of users to post photos, for example, of a statue of Michelangelo’s David or a photo of a nursing mother.
  18. On Facebook, you can deactivate your account, or you can. Despite rumors that the network stores absolutely all information ever uploaded, the administration claims that if deleted, profile data cannot be restored.
  19. For an unverified Facebook account, the maximum video file size is 10 MB (length is 10 minutes). For verified - 1024 MB and 20 minutes.
  20. You cannot post videos on Instagram longer than 15 seconds or less than 3 seconds.
  21. On Twitter, you cannot send more than 2,400 tweets per day (retweets count as tweets).

Last update: 03/16/2019

Responsibility for reposting and publishing on social networks and what is prohibited

Attention! Update: Soon, the criminal article under which Russians are often convicted for posting materials on their social media pages that are recognized as extremist may be softened.

This possibility was admitted on Tuesday after a meeting of judges by the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. Journalists asked if he thought that the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for disseminating, including reposting, extremist and prohibited materials requires humanization. The head of the RF Armed Forces responded that the Supreme Court collegium is already discussing this issue. The Supreme Court upheld the conviction for propaganda of terrorism.

Let us remind you that the humanization of a particular article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation means either a mitigation of the punishment provided for in the article, or a transfer from a criminal act to the category of a criminal act that does not provide for imprisonment, but can be punished by a fine or compulsory labor.

Last week, a bill was introduced to the State Duma to soften the conditions under which one can be charged under the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses on the public display of Nazi symbols. Earlier in Arkhangelsk, a court fined a local resident who reposted two photographs. One of them is a picture from the cover of the textbook “History of Russia” for grade 11, which depicts the banners of defeated fascist military units abandoned by Soviet soldiers on the day of the 1945 Victory Parade on Red Square. The other is a still frame from an ice show on one of the federal television channels, where the artist is dressed in a German military uniform from the Second World War.

Attention! Update:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 16, 2017 N 1576
"On amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 31, 2014 N 759"

The storage period for information about users and messages sent by them on the Internet (including videos, etc.) has been increased from 6 months to 1 year

It is also determined that the specified information is provided to the authorized division of the FSB of Russia body using the technical means and software necessary to perform the tasks assigned to it, including in the interests of other authorized bodies, by organizing round-the-clock remote access to the information system operated by the organizer of information dissemination on the Internet.

RF Armed Forces: an offensive review on a website may become a reason to protect the company’s business reputation

A subjective opinion about the quality of services expressed on a review site may become the basis for protecting the company’s business reputation in court. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation considers this possible if the author of the review indicates in an offensive manner the illegal behavior of the company.

However, it’s one thing if the review is evaluative in nature. An opinion about the quality of services in itself cannot be considered unreliable and defamatory information. It’s a different matter if the defamatory information was presented in the form of statements, as in the situation considered. This was especially noted by the RF Armed Forces.

Document: Definition RF Armed Forces dated March 28, 2018 N 305-ES17-19225

Control over the dissemination of information on the Internet and, in particular, on social networks is becoming stricter every year. Judicial practice knows many cases where both the authors of extremist posts and those who saved these materials on their page (reposted them) were brought to criminal liability.

In September 2018, the Supreme Court invited judges investigating cases of extremism on social networks to look into the context of publications, comments, account content, number of views and audience characteristics.

According to the Supreme Court, the mere publication or reposting of materials, even those recognized as extremist, does not indicate that the author intended to incite hostility.

Next week, the plenum of the Supreme Court will hold a meeting where it will re-explain its position on extremist cases initiated due to reposts and likes, said a member of the Presidential Council for Human Rights under the President of the Russian Federation. The HRC has prepared its proposals for the Supreme Court, but whether the judges will take them into account is still unknown.

The press service of the court confirmed that a hearing will be held in September dedicated to cases of extremism in social networks. A seminar on the topic will also be organized for judges.

It is important to know that criminal, administrative and civil liability for citizens can arise not only for posting extremist materials, but also for insulting the feelings of believers, slander, distribution of pornography and pirated content, insult, publication of other people's images, etc.


Recently, cases have become more frequent when people were brought to justice, including criminal charges, for statements on a personal page on a social network or, worse, reposting. What can you be punished for publishing on social networks and how can you protect yourself from possible charges of extremism?

Danger 1. Demotivators
In September 2015, civil activist Dmitry Semyonov from Chuvashia was convicted of reposting a demotivational caricature of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on the VKontakte social network. The user himself denied any accusations, indicating that he “liked” the text of the interview, and the cartoon was “linked” automatically.

The court ruled that Semyonov publicly called for extremist activities and imposed a fine of 150 thousand rubles. However, he immediately granted amnesty to the defendant, which did not satisfy the activist: in April 2016, he appealed to the ECHR. Semenov believes that his right to a fair trial and freedom of expression were violated.

What is the danger: according to the court ruling, the demotivator had the inscription: “Death to the Russian reptile,” which was seen as “a call for the physical destruction of Russians.”

Danger 2. Photos from World War II

A high-profile case involving prosecution for a photo with a swastika happened to Polina Petruseva, a journalist for a Smolensk portal. In January 2015, the girl posted a photo of her house during the Nazi occupation on her page on the social network VKontakte. In particular, law enforcement officers were not satisfied with the image of the flag of the Third Reich, which was visible in the documentary photograph. Ultimately, Petruseva was fined one thousand rubles for propaganda and public display of Nazi symbols.

What is the danger: a law banning propaganda or public display of symbols of organizations that collaborated with the Nazis or denied the results of the Nuremberg Tribunal was adopted in Russia in the fall of 2014. However, Roskomnadzor subsequently clarified that images of swastikas without propaganda purposes are acceptable.

Danger 3. Videos
The latest news about charges of extremism resulting in a criminal sentence became known only recently. A resident of Dagestan, Mukhtar Ramazanov, was found guilty under Part 1 of Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity” and Part 1 of Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Public calls for terrorist activities.” The defendant admitted his guilt and received two years in prison to serve his sentence in a penal colony.

According to investigators, Ramazanov posted a video on his VKontakte page in June 2014 aimed at inciting hatred or enmity and humiliating a person’s dignity in relation to religion and belonging to any social group.

What's at risk: Due to recent events in Ukraine and tense relations between the two former socialist republics, the increased frequency of heated and often acrimonious discussions may be at risk.

Danger 4. Ukraine
In Yekaterinburg, a local court found a single mother guilty of inciting ethnic hatred and enmity. Ekaterina Vologzheninova was convicted under Article 282 of the Criminal Code for reposting several posts on VKontakte from the communities “Ukrainian People’s Self-Defense” and “Right Sector” (the organization is banned in Russia. - Ed.). For reposting, the woman received 20 hours of compulsory work. In addition, Vologzheninova’s laptop, computer mouse and charger were confiscated and destroyed.

What is the danger: some of the reposted publications belonged to public pages that belonged to organizations banned in Russia, such as UNA-UNSO and Right Sector.

Danger 5. Insulting the feelings of believers
A 21-year-old resident of Berdsk, Novosibirsk region, was also unlucky. Maxim Kormelitsky received a year and three months in a penal colony for reposting and making harsh statements against the Orthodox. In January 2016, Kormelitsky, through a repost from the “Dvach” community on VKontakte, posted on his page a photo of Orthodox Christians swimming in an ice hole with a comment where, in his own words, he assessed “the mental state of people who sacrifice their health for the sake of religion.”

The recording was seen by Orthodox activist Yuri Zadoya, who complained to the Investigative Committee about the offensive comment. Kormelitsky was found guilty under Part 1 of Article 282 of the Criminal Code, which establishes liability for inciting hatred on religious grounds.

What is the danger: religion has always been a hot-button issue, so it is better to express statements on this topic in a more neutral manner.

Danger 6. Lack of Internet literacy
In March 2016, a 62-year-old pensioner also suffered from careless reposts. Nikolai Egorov, who works as a security guard at an asphalt concrete plant in Chuvashia, was accused of extremism for reposting on VKontakte a material by Boris Stomakhin, whose post had previously been recognized as extremist in content.

Egorov’s lawyer said that his ward “did not post any publications on his page, and due to his limited knowledge of the specifics of the Internet, an unlimited number of people have access to his account.”

What is the danger: be careful about the security of your accounts on social networks and do not allow others to publish something on their behalf. Even for fun.

Repost is not an “article”?

The law still does not define such a thing as repost. Therefore, any case of so-called “sharing” of materials on a social network can be qualified as a statement by the account owner himself or approval of a copied entry.

According to the head of the bar, it is illegal to prosecute citizens for their reposts. But we live in a reality where this is already happening. Therefore, you need to understand that when someone reposts something, they may be subject to liability. Users need to be more careful with the information they post. It doesn’t matter whether this information is unique or reposted.

At the same time, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications considered that likes or reposts are not an expression of opinion.

We are big opponents of the idea of ​​introducing liability for hyperlinks, because we know very well that... You don’t even know what’s hiding under a hyperlink. And today there may be one thing, and tomorrow there may be another. By the way, it’s the same with reposts. You are reposting a certain line, the content of which may change. Therefore, the position of our ministry is very simple: we believe that this is too broad an interpretation of the law, and we are opposed to the idea of ​​​​introducing liability for hyperlinks.

Distribution of extremist materials

Most often, courts consider cases involving the dissemination of extremist materials and calls on social networks. In the legislation of the Russian Federation, the following public activities are called extremism:

  • inciting social, racial, national or religious hatred, committing crimes and offenses for these reasons, as well as for reasons of political and ideological hatred or enmity;
  • justification and propaganda of such extreme political phenomena as fascism, national socialism, terrorism, propaganda and demonstration of paraphernalia and symbols associated with them;
  • violent change of the foundations of the constitutional system and violation of the integrity of the Russian Federation;
  • obstruction by citizens of their voting rights and the legitimate activities of government agencies, election commissions, public and religious associations or other organizations, associated with violence or the threat of its use;
  • knowingly falsely accusing a person holding a government position in the Russian Federation or a constituent entity of the Russian Federation of extremist activity;
  • calls to carry out all the above acts or mass distribution of obviously extremist materials, their production or storage for these purposes (such materials include information in any form on any medium that calls for extremist activity or substantiates or justifies the need for it;
  • organization, preparation, financing of these acts, as well as incitement to their implementation.

Punishment for acts that contain elements of the listed crimes committed using the Internet is provided for in several articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Public calls for extremist activities (Article 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), as well as actions aimed at violating the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation (Article 280.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), are punishable by compulsory labor for up to 480 hours or imprisonment for up to 3 years. Actions aimed at inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliating the dignity of a person or group of persons on the basis of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, attitude to religion, as well as belonging to any social group (Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) entail a fine of up to 500,000 rubles or in the amount of salary for a period of up to three years or imprisonment for a term of up to 5 years. In all cases, punishment may include various types of work and deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions and engage in certain types of activities.

ATTENTION! The official website of the Russian Ministry of Justice contains a list of extremist materials that are recognized as such by federal courts in the place where the materials were discovered. The list is constantly updated and already includes about 4,000 materials. The procedure for maintaining the list is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated December 11, 2015 N 289. Distribution of such materials entails administrative liability for both individuals and legal entities under Art. 20.29 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. For citizens, punishment is established in the form of a fine of up to 3 thousand rubles or arrest for up to 15 days.

Insulting the feelings of believers

In order to protect the feelings of believers, including on the Internet, in 2013 Federal Law No. 136-FZ of June 29, 2013 was adopted “On amendments to Article 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in in order to counteract insults to religious beliefs and feelings of citizens,” which tightened criminal and administrative liability for disrespect for holy persons, religious artifacts, customs and beliefs expressed in words and actions. Now this law is actively used, on its basis dozens of anti-religious communities on the Internet have been blocked, hundreds of people have been brought to administrative and criminal liability.

So, in accordance with Art. 5.26 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for deliberate public (including on the Internet) desecration of religious or liturgical literature, objects of religious veneration, signs or emblems of ideological symbols and paraphernalia, an administrative penalty is imposed: a fine for citizens in the amount of 30,000 to 50,000 rubles or compulsory work for up to 120 hours.
In accordance with Art. 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, public actions expressing clear disrespect for society and committed with the aim of insulting the religious feelings of believers entail criminal punishment: a fine of up to 300,000 rubles or in the amount of the salary or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to two years; compulsory work for up to 240 hours; forced labor for up to one year; imprisonment for up to one year.

Slander and insult

Slander is the dissemination of knowingly false information, including on the Internet, containing information discrediting the honor, dignity and business reputation of a particular person. Civil and criminal liability is provided for libel (Article 152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, 128.1 and 298.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
Unlike slander, insult involves expressing value judgments in an indecent form to the person to whom they relate. Responsibility for insult (criminal - Article 319 and Article 336 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, administrative - Article 5.61 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and civil law) can occur even if the insult was inflicted on the Internet. For example, Ryazan oppositionist Yuri Bogomolov was sentenced to 250 hours of compulsory labor for swearing at a judge (Article 319 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The Supreme Court clarified what repost and personal opinion are

The Supreme Court explained when a post on the Internet can become the basis for a claim for the protection of business reputation. According to the general rule, the text posted by a person on a social network is his subjective opinion. Usually it cannot be the subject of judicial protection in the above-mentioned disputes.

The justice body spoke about exception cases using the example of a company’s claim against a girl who wrote on her page on a social network that the cost of work declared by the organization is underestimated and is “initially dumping”, and also that “the competition documentation indicates either the complete incompetence of its compilers , or about the presence of a corruption component in the form of an agreement between the customer and potential performers.”
The company's management considered such a statement to discredit its business reputation and went to court. The justice body rejected the claim, citing the basic rule for such disputes. The Supreme Court, however, did not agree with this position.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation noted that when considering cases of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation, it is necessary to distinguish between statements of facts, the correspondence of which can be verified, and value judgments, which are not the subject of judicial protection, since they cannot be verified.

The information contained in the defendant’s post can be verified, the court believes. In addition, she herself insisted that this was objective data. This means that in this situation the post can serve as the basis for a lawsuit. The plaintiff only needs to prove the fact of dissemination of information, its defamatory nature and inconsistency with reality.

The Supreme Court sent the case for a new trial.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation explained to the courts that when deciding on the issue of bringing persons to criminal liability for the dissemination of extremist information, it is necessary to establish the presence of intent and purpose of inciting hatred or enmity

It is noted, in particular, that the posting by a person on the Internet or other information and telecommunications network, in particular, on his page or on the pages of other users of material (for example, video, audio, graphic or text) created by himself or by another person, including information previously recognized by the court as extremist material, can be qualified under Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation only in cases where it is established that the person who posted such material was aware of the intent of the act to violate the foundations of the constitutional order, and also had the goal of inciting hatred or hostility or humiliate the dignity of a person or group of persons on the basis of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, attitude to religion or membership in any social group.

When deciding whether or not a person has direct intent and purpose to incite hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity when posting materials on the Internet or other information and telecommunications network, the court should proceed from the totality of all the circumstances of the offense and take into account, in particular , the form and content of the information posted, its context, the presence and content of comments by a given person or other expression of attitude towards it, the fact of personal creation or borrowing by a person of the corresponding audio, video files, text or image, the content of the entire page of a given person, information about the activities of such a person before and after posting information, including on actions aimed at increasing the number of views and user audience, information about his personality (in particular, adherence to radical ideology, participation in extremist associations, previously bringing the person to administrative and (or) criminal liability for offenses and crimes of an extremist nature), the volume of such information, the frequency and duration of its posting, the intensity of updates.


  • Marina, Ivanovo

    Adult teenagers sent the parents of a 16-year-old girl (personal message on a social network) personal photographs of their daughter. All the photos were previously published by the girl herself in the public domain on social networks...what is the threat to those who sent these photos?

  • Portal administrator Marina, Ivanovo

    We have not seen any violations of the law yet.

  • Andrey Petrozavodsk

    Can I post music from the Third Reich on an Internet radio channel? This Internet radio has many different music channels, one of them is dedicated to the music of the Third Reich. There are songs and marches
    German soldiers, about the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and other units of the German army. Can I be prosecuted for publicly distributing such music?

  • Portal administrator Andrey Petrozavodsk

    There is no direct ban, but much will depend on the content of these songs.

  • Andrey Petrozavodsk Portal Administrator

    If I posted information of this kind there, will it help in any way, if anything? :) The channel is historical, informative and musical in nature, does not promote the ideas of Nazism, fascism, anti-Semitism and others, and is dedicated to the music of the German Empire, the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich.

  • Portal administrator Andrey Petrozavodsk

    So far we don't see any problems.

  • Saratov

    Good afternoon My daughter is 16 years old. She posted a video with obscene language on her Instagram page and almost immediately deleted it. The meaning of it is that she doesn’t care about anyone, including the police. I described this in cultural form. Well-wishers took the video to the police. The daughter is being held accountable under Art. 20.1 Part 3 Coap. Dissemination in information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, of information expressing in an indecent form that offends human dignity and public morality, obvious disrespect for society, the state, official state symbols of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Russian Federation or bodies, exercising state power in the Russian Federation. Is this a spread? And is it possible to somehow challenge this?

  • Portal Administrator Saratov

    Yes, this is a spread, it will not be possible to challenge it.

  • Ivan Novosibirsk

    Good afternoon A person who subscribed to my page on Twitter copied our correspondence and posted it on other social networks. networks without my permission for discussion. Perhaps for this punishment under Art. 138 hours 1

  • Portal administrator Ivan Novosibirsk

    Yes. There is such a possibility.

  • Ivan, Novosibirsk Ivan Novosibirsk

    What do you mean.possible? As a result of the continued discussions of my posts and simply large-scale persecution in the media, I and my parents suffered, as well as their honor and reputation.

  • Portal administrator Ivan, Novosibirsk

    Perhaps this means that for an accurate answer you need to study your case and materials in detail.

  • Anton

    Hello! Is it possible to bring to justice a person who recorded a telephone conversation and sent it on WhatsApp, after which it was distributed. In a conversation he says his last name, first name and a question, to which he receives the answer that they will call him back. After which two records with appeals were circulated, but there was no third call when they called back!

  • Portal administrator Anton

    What is the damage?

  • Tatiana Nizhny Novgorod

    Good afternoon Please tell me whether persons who promote false, subjective and unfounded medical views, approaches and methods of treatment can be held accountable. And as a consequence with disastrous outcomes. Without having any medical education? Thank you in advance.

  • Portal administrator Tatyana Nizhny Novgorod

    If investigative actions have been carried out on these facts and the existence of a crime has been established, then this is possible. Just by the fact of publication - no.

  • Elena

    The student posted on his online page a recording of a telephone conversation with a teacher, where the teacher is trying to resolve a conflict between students. The subject of the conversation is a photo of someone else’s explanatory note posted online, taken without permission. There was no warning that the conversation was being recorded. Are there any violations here?

  • Portal administrator Elena 07.05.2019
  • Yulia, Krasnodar

    A photo of my car with license plates was posted on Instagram with a comment about a traffic violation. Is this legal?

  • Portal administrator Yulia, Krasnodar 05.05.2019
  • Natalya, Ufa

    Hello! Administrators of several VKontakte groups published my post on Instagram, adding their own rating to the post and publishing my last name, first name and place of work. There are a lot of comments under their post saying that I, as an official, should not publish something like this. The post was about a children's party and how it was ruined by an inadequate mother. I didn’t mention names or surnames. Can I make a claim against the group administrator?

  • Portal administrator Natalya, Ufa

    Yes, of course, at least for the dissemination of personal data.

  • Nailya. Samara

    Is it legal to go to court for libel under Art. 152 of the Civil Code against the tax authority for publishing a non-existent tax debt in the taxpayer’s personal account and on the government service website? More precisely, it is on the website, but there are no requirements to pay taxes.

  • Portal administrator Nailya. Samara 30.04.2019
  • Lyudmila, Nadym

    Hello. I work in the media. I posted a video on my VK page showing me moving through a snow tunnel that appeared as a result of clearing snow from the roof of the library. It can be seen that its walls are a little more than a meter. Smiling and laughing kindly, I talk about how big the tunnel is, that it is a dead end and that the operator is good. There was no description for the video. The next day, one local news agency fabricated a news story with my video, while installing my I.F. and their logo on it. The essence of the text to it completely distorted reality. The fact is that the day before the Governor instructed all municipalities to remove snow piles. Otherwise, the heads will be punished. So the correspondent wrote that I demonstrate the improper work of public utilities, that people have nowhere to walk (although no one should walk in this place), and everything like that. At my request, they deleted the article, but it was reposted in social groups. In addition, I had problems at work because of this article. They reprimanded me and banned me from posting any kind of photos and videos in the future. Is this a violation of my rights and where should I go to seek justice, regarding the violation of paragraph 3 of the Code of Russian Journalists and the illegal use of my video?

  • Portal administrator Lyudmila, Nadym 30.04.2019
  • Arthur Kazan

    I took a photo of a neighbor in the entrance who was littering and posted his photo in a closed common WhatsApp chat. Can he show me something and what kind of punishment are we talking about?

  • Portal administrator Arthur Kazan

    There will be no punishment.

  • Moscow Portal Administrator

    And if a person in a WhatsApp chat at home posted the person’s personal data (full name, where he works, by whom, tax ID, apartment number) - is this legal? Is there a law on the distribution of personal data to general chat on WhatsApp?

  • Administrator of the Moscow portal

    Illegal. Valid.

  • Elena Magnitogorsk

    Hello! Is it a violation of medical confidentiality to discuss my diagnosis and a hospital visit in general in an open dialogue? Let me explain - my now ex, knowing the time when I would go to the doctor, wrote a review on my behalf (signed with my full name) in 2GIS, not bad and not good, but as if asking me to explain why there was one diagnosis, and then became another. And the hospital entered into correspondence with him, which all visitors read. Shouldn't this site check who is behind the signature of the person who writes the review? And why does the hospital correspond with him (and, as it were, with me) for everyone to see? Who is violating and who is to blame? Who should I write a statement to?

  • Portal administrator Elena Magnitogorsk

    There is clearly a violation if your identity can be established in the dialogue. Contact the police and check the responsible hospital employee.

  • Elena Magnitogorsk Portal Administrator

    Please clarify - is this portal required to verify the identity of the owner of the review? It turns out that they posted it without checking and are provoking dialogue?

  • Portal administrator Elena Magnitogorsk

    No, there cannot be such an obligation.

  • Igor Murmansk

    Hello, if they can be held accountable for video poems on Instagram criticizing the “media” without any specific mentions or names. Only the words “media” are used.

  • Portal administrator Igor Murmansk 18.04.2019
  • Daria Perm

    Good day! I want to publish a post on the social network Instagram about a large employer. The essence of the text is that there is deception with monetary payments. Only the name of the organization will be indicated. Tell me, am I not breaking the law by doing so, or is it better to disguise the name of the organization as “employer”?

  • Portal administrator Daria Perm

    There are risks, it is better not to post such posts.

  • Sergey Moscow

    Hello. They released news in a public audience with an audience of 500 thousand people about sexual assault committed by schoolgirls on their 17-year-old friend. Added links to profiles and photos to the publication. A criminal case has been opened under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the dissemination of private information. However, before the news was released, all the information was discussed in local groups, where, of course, there was a smaller audience, but still. Also, materials were sent to the group’s personal messages by residents of the town (including links to profiles). So was the law broken on our part? You can call us distributors if we are not the original source, but only collected information from several sources and formatted the text correctly.

  • Portal administrator Sergey Moscow

    The original source does not matter; whoever is caught is responsible. Everyone can be attracted.

  • Malika

    Hello. A friend of mine posted a post on her contact wall in which she indicated my first and last name, as well as another fact that unmistakably pointed to me (the names of my dogs). There are no obscene words or direct insults in the text, the facts are turned inside out, the general tone of the message is extremely hostile and offensive. Naturally, she did not ask my permission for such a publication. I can’t write to her, because... She blocked my page a long time ago. This post was forwarded to me by some mutual friends, and was also posted in one all-Russian VK group. What can I do in this situation?

  • Malika portal administrator

    Option one is the police.

  • Anastasia Saratov

    Hello, I have a question. I was renting out an apartment, the tenants were deceived, they moved out and they owed money for utility services. I would like to post this story on social networks in our village groups, so that no one else gets screwed like I did. Can I do this? ? Thank you

  • Portal administrator Anastasia Saratov

    You can, but if there are accusations, you may have problems.

  • Tatiana.

    Social The network is registered to the parent's phone number. A notification assigned to this parent has arrived on VK. Do VK have the right to distribute information about linking a phone number to a page?

  • Portal administrator Tatyana.

    Anyone and anything can evaluate it; there are no legal consequences.

  • Vasilisa, Moscow

    Can police officers create VKontakte groups based on their area of ​​activity?

  • Portal administrator Vasilisa, Moscow

    There is no direct ban on this.

  • Vasilisa, Moscow Portal Administrator

    Thank you for your answer, I also wanted to clarify whether employees in created groups have the right to consult for free?

  • Portal administrator Vasilisa, Moscow

    From a legal point of view, no.

  • Omutninsk

    On VK in the city group they posted a photo of my dog ​​on a chain, indicating the address of the house. Is this legal?

  • Portal administrator Omutninsk

    There are no violations.

  • Lyubov Ivanovna, Novouralsk

    Today, with the district police officer, I vacated the rental apartment from a marginal family and I want to publish the following warning in OK and VK. "Warning to Novourals residents when renting out housing. If N.A. Tazov is renting an apartment with his children and partner - think a thousand times: bedbugs, fires from smoking, incredible dirt and headaches from unfulfilled promises of payment, etc. are guaranteed to you!
    If this lady has her own apartment on the street. Pobeda, 28, then why would she rent another apartment, leaving her own?” Am I breaking any laws by doing this?

  • Portal administrator Lyubov Ivanovna, Novouralsk

    Well, in general, we don’t see anything illegal, but we have to be careful.

  • Denis

    How can I send you a picture - a meme, which I want to post in a public for 3 thousand people? It’s a very pressing topic, but I’m afraid of liability under the article about insulting the feelings of believers.

  • Portal administrator Denis

    Is it worth taking risks because of some meme?

  • Olga

    Can I talk about any situation with neighbors on Instagram without specifying their name, address, or phone number, but calling them only neighbors?
    And the second question, can I use a photo of their dog that they took, but sent to me on WhatsApp a year ago?

  • Portal administrator Olga

    Yes, all this is not prohibited.

  • Maria Moscow

    Hello! In one of the childfree communities on VKontakte, a post was published with me and my child. Below are comments with offensive obscene language. Also, every day they send me photographs of my child with the caption “We mourn” and other humiliating messages in private messages.
    Can I do something about these people?

  • Portal administrator Maria Moscow 21.03.2019
  • Nikolay, Kazan

    Hello, my wife cheated on me, I got divorced. Can I post her correspondence on social networks confirming the betrayal?
    What are the consequences of this?

  • Portal administrator Nikolay, Kazan 21.03.2019
  • Elizaveta Novy Urengoy

    Situation. An anonymous recording was offered to a group called “gossip of the city of X”. The administrator published a post containing insults against the Nth public person, and comments were also opened under this post for general discussion. These insults are slander. Questions: Who will bear civil/administrative liability (the administrator of the group who published this post, or the anonymous author of the post? On what basis can only the author of the post be held liable, and in which case the author and the administrator of the group? What articles are violated in this case? What are the consequences? What can a person who has been insulted do?

  • Portal administrator Elizaveta Novy Urengoy

    The administrator is responsible.

  • Aliya Ufa

    What happens if I write a note about selling cigarettes, just text?

  • Portal administrator Aliya Ufa

    Nothing will happen.

  • Mikhail Moscow

    Following a very ugly act by one person, this case was condemned in a closed WhatsApp group, between neighbors, where this person does not exist. The discussion is in a rather rude manner, sometimes based on emotions and obscene language. Also in this chat they asked anyone who knows this person to send his phone number to the chat. But someone kindly sent screenshots of this conversation to that person and he wants to sell it to the court and the police for insult, violation of personal data, etc.

    Does acting in a closed group result in a real prison sentence or fine?
    The person refuses to negotiate and resolve the issue peacefully.

  • Portal administrator Mikhail Moscow

    It is unlikely that you will even be fined; the police usually do nothing on such statements.

  • Mikhail Moscow Portal Administrator

    Thanks for the answer.
    The person simply filed a statement with both the police and the investigative committee.
    He further said that he would go to court.
    So the question arose precisely in the nuance that the chat was closed

  • Portal administrator Mikhail Moscow


  • Yaroslavl

    Hello. The teacher posted on Instagram a photo of children's work with spelling errors without names and surnames. Can he be held accountable? Is he obligated to delete the photo? Thanks for the answer!

  • Portal administrator Yaroslavl

    There are no violations of the law.

  • Alena, Velsk 03/09/2019
  • Portal administrator Alena, Velsk

    Is. Personal data may be distributed only with the consent of the owners.

  • Elena Ekaterinburg

    Hello, please tell me, the hairdresser gave me a bad coloring job, the next day I filed a complaint on social networks for poor-quality coloring, provided a photo, after much debate, I posted a review about her as a master, provided a photo of my hair and the bulk of the correspondence, without insults from both parties, in correspondence I asked to return part of my money back. After which she offered to come to her and fix everything for an additional 1000 rubles. Then again she wrote to me on social networks and finally promised to sue for libel, is this legal, because in essence I stated everything as it happened. And she provided evidence.

  • Portal administrator Elena Ekaterinburg

    If what is stated is true, then there is nothing to fear, there is no slander.

  • Nastya

    In one of the public pages in the city of N.
    The administrator blacklists me without explanation.
    Fake messages and messages with obscenities take place, and those that reveal the problems of the city are deleted. Is there any authority over such an administrator? Thank you

  • Portal administrator Nastia

    If the public is administered by an independent person, then it will not be possible to force him to publish something against his will.

  • Evgenia Morshansk

    Hello. Question: can I publish on social networks, more precisely in specific city VK groups, information about a person who is hiding from criminal charges. With links to the SSP website itself, where information about this person is posted? And can I attach a photo? The fact is that he owes a huge amount of money and even though I won the case, the bailiffs can’t do anything. I want the city to know its heroes by sight, so to speak. So that others don't suffer like this.

  • Portal administrator Evgenia Morshansk

    You can, but they may make claims against you.

  • Evgenia, Vladivostok

    Hello, this is the situation: in one of the groups a post was posted about an emergency at an educational institution, where, without names, they talked about the victim whose things were damaged. In the comments, one person known to the family from his permanent page (the data does not correspond to the passport) publishes negative statements addressed to Ukrzaliznytsia, allegedly on behalf of the girl’s father, namely: “I will spread rot on Ukrzaliznytsia _”, as well as an appeal to the director of Ukr. that if my daughter had been burned, you would have known what I am like,” etc. By the way, the father did not give any comments and is not registered on this social network. But those students, their parents who have information and the school administration will understand the commentator specific person. The incident was virtually settled after the parties were reconciled by the school and the mother, and financial compensation was received. Question: is it legal to post such comments without indicating a surname, but indirectly pointing to someone else's person? Can this be regarded as slander? And what would you recommend in this situation? Thank you.

  • Portal administrator Evgenia, Vladivostok

    This cannot be regarded as slander; we have not yet seen any violations.

  • Evgeniya, Vladivostok Portal administrator

    Thanks a lot. What if the director called the father himself and said that with his statements he was discrediting the honor of UZ, referring to these comments?
    Should I apologize in a human way for not writing?

  • Portal administrator Evgenia, Vladivostok

    May be used as evidence.

  • Guest 02/25/2019
  • Portal Administrator Guest

    If you can prove that it was she who did it, then you can.

  • Konstantin Portal Administrator

    How can I do this?

  • Portal administrator Konstantin

    You have to come up with this, we don’t know.

  • Samara Region

    The person received the service, as it turned out, he was dissatisfied, without coming to the organization he posted a negative post, instructing everyone not to visit this place. Can I contact the police?

  • Administrator of the portal Samara region

    You can, no one will stop you from doing this.

  • Ekaterina, Smolensk region.

    Good afternoon.
    The situation is as follows: a social network user received a paid consulting service from me under the terms of an oral agreement. After a while, I received a subpoena to declare the transaction invalid, with material demands being presented to me.
    From the case materials, it became clear to me that before the lawsuit was brought against me, I knew the plaintiff under an assumed name. Proof that the plaintiff received a service from me through a social network under a fictitious name is the personal correspondence between us on the social network (which reflects the name of the interlocutor, which does not correspond to the name of the plaintiff); Also, at the request of the court, as part of the demand for evidence, the administration of the social network is ready to provide information about the facts and time of the user changing names.

    Question: How likely is it to defend a claim based on the circumstances of the plaintiff receiving services under a false name? Is the term "improper plaintiff" applicable in this dispute?

    Thank you. Best regards, Ekaterina

  • Portal administrator Ekaterina, Smolensk region.

    If the circumstances of the case confirm the participation of the same person, then focusing on a fictitious name is not promising.

  • Guest Portal Administrator

    Thank you. Best regards, Ekaterina

  • Portal Administrator Guest


  • Marina Ekaterinburg

    Tell me, please, there was a fight on the street, I did not participate in it, but I held one of the participants. A video of the incident was posted on my VKontakte network in several groups, where my face is visible. Is it possible to punish, naturally according to the law, the person who posted this video and if possible, how to do it correctly?

  • Portal administrator Marina Ekaterinburg

    What was the damage caused to you?

  • Dmitry LESNOY Sverdlovsk region

    They called me a child killer on the VKontakte network. Slander. what to do

  • Portal administrator Dmitry LESNOY Sverdlovsk region

    Write a statement to the police.

  • Natalya village CHERNYSHEVSK

    Hello! Please tell me if a person has posted a photo of another person’s personal information on the Internet. And he publicly called him irresponsible and wrote shame on such people. What can be presented to the person who posted this? Is there any article about this?

  • Portal administrator Natalya village. CHERNYSHEVSK

    These actions are illegal and violate the right to privacy. You have the right to write a statement to the police.

  • Inna Saratov

    I voluntarily participated with a group of people in discussing problems with a certain company where negative statements were made. This video was posted by a public organization on the Internet. She did not give consent to the placement. At the moment, I want to delete. Do I have the right to do this?

  • Portal administrator Inna Saratov

    Of course, you have the right to demand, but it is not a fact that your request will be satisfied.

  • Maria Saratov

    Where to turn if the husband of a minister posts a photo of the president with obscene words on his social network. can this be done anonymously? Moreover, the page is without his last name.

  • Portal administrator Maria Saratov

    By contacting the police.

  • Alena, Ekaterinburg

    Good afternoon
    I have information that on an open account on the Instagram network, a police officer posts photographs and stories (not in a police uniform) in which she drinks, smokes, and uses obscene language in her free time. Also, many photos have obscene captions.
    My daughter appears in these photos, which worries me.
    My request to remove the information was ignored.
    Can I submit an appeal in the prescribed form on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs regarding the closure of the account and bringing the police officer to justice? Wouldn't this be an invasion of her privacy and would I or my daughter be punished for this? Will my identity as the person submitting the appeal be guaranteed in this case?
    Thanks in advance for your answer

  • Portal administrator Alena, Yekaterinburg

    Will not be. Just write a complaint addressed to her manager and attach printouts of photographs.

  • Alena, Ekaterinburg Portal administrator

    Thank you very much for your answer!
    And if I ask not to disclose my name in a complaint, is the manager obliged to do this?

  • Portal administrator Alena, Yekaterinburg

    No, he can't do that. Any person against whom a complaint is written has the right to know who it came from.

  • Alexander, Moscow

    Please tell me there is an old page from 2011-2012. There are reposts from groups with photos of 2 guys kissing. There has been no access to it for a long time, can they be held accountable?


When they went out of order the day beforeFacebook AndInstagram, we were scared: maybe our favorite social networks were blocked (the pages didn’t load for only about an hour, but how long those 60 minutes seemed to us!..). And all because the Internet has long lost its status as a “free space”, and each new censorship law is trying to increasingly limit our actions on the Internet. What can you post today on websites, blogs or Twitter, and what absolutely cannot? We consult with a professional lawyer in our regular column.

Maria Korchunova,
legal consultant After a number of laws passed in our country regarding censorship on the Internet, many Russian sites, frightened by the responsibility that had fallen on them, frantically began to add or rewrite user agreements. Well, let's figure out how not to become persona non grata. First of all, let me remind you of a few simple rules.

So, what should not be posted on the Internet:

Pay attention to the subtle points that even the most law-abiding of us can fall for:

On November 15, 2013, amendments to the Law “On Advertising” came into force, as well as the Federal Law “On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption” (dated 02/23/2013). What does this mean for us? Any demonstration of cigarettes is considered advertising and may be banned. There are colossal fines for violations, so be careful when posting your favorite shot from the movie “200 Cigarettes,” a selfie with a cigarette pole in the spirit of Courtney Love, or a photo shoot with Kate Moss in leopard print, with smoky eyes and a cigarette.

In 2012, the law “On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development” came into force in our country, prohibiting the publication of any materials with erotic content (even naked nipples were banned, so when posting a photo in a swimsuit, be careful so that everything is decent and nothing looks out). The law does not apply to materials that have significant historical, artistic or other cultural value for society (that is, Rubens’ paintings are not currently prohibited). But that's it for now! Rospotrebnadzor promises to develop rules by the end of 2015 according to which sites that host works of art with elements of erotica will be blacklisted (I wonder if the novel “50 Shades of Gray” will also become a banned book?). Although the posting of such information is now prohibited on many social networks, apparently this information has no value for the administration.

If we start talking about prohibitions, then we need to list all the points, including those that may seem strange to you. No sane person would post this kind of publication on his page, but the law is the law, so I cannot help but warn you. It's about:

firstly, about materials that contribute to the spread of drugs and child pornography. On November 1, 2012, the Federal Law “On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development” (hereinafter referred to as the 2012 law) came into force, which provided for the creation of a register of prohibited sites promoting drug use, suicide and child pornography. It is STRICTLY prohibited to publish data on methods of manufacturing and using drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as on how to grow and where to look for narcotic plants. Do not even think about posting materials containing child pornography! These include justification of sexual feelings towards minors, obscene scenes involving minors, information about the production and distribution of child pornography and materials justifying it. Remember, ROSKOMNADZOR does not sleep and monitors such information on the Internet.

secondly, about materials that can lead to suicide. A 2012 law banned the dissemination of information about suicide methods. Pages, groups, and any information posted on the Internet that contains calls, arguments in favor of committing suicide, or descriptions of methods and means of dealing with one’s own life are blocked.

thirdly, about materials calling for mass unrest - to control the placement of this information, the state introduced significant amendments in February 2014 to the law “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection.” Now, without regret, sites and pages with calls for mass riots, extremist activities (including the preparation of explosives) and participation in mass public events are blocked. If you decide to practice chemistry, do not write on social networks about the results of your research.

These are the main prohibitions enshrined in law. Personally, I would like to give you a couple of tips for communicating on the Internet:

Try to avoid publicly insulting statements towards another person. If you decide to unleash all your indignation on the offender online, remember that he can record the violation using a screenshot of the web page and scan it in order to have it certified by a notary, and then contact law enforcement agencies. Typically, community administrators “ban” users for insults and obscene language (deleting the message or blocking access to the group). To prevent this from happening, behave respectfully towards other Internet users.

do not post your location data. Those who like to “check in” should remember that information about their whereabouts may be of interest not only to relatives and friends, but also to attackers who dream of taking advantage of the situation and visiting you in your absence.

Do not post messages of an overly personal nature on the “wall”. When talking about yourself and posting your photos on the Internet, remember that you are becoming a public figure. Do you think that at this time this publication is completely harmless, interesting and funny. BUT think about whether it will damage your reputation and career in the future. When applying for a job in a large company, keep in mind: many HR specialists and bosses often look for information about their employees on the Internet and in various social networks.

And finally, I want to give you a little advice: ALWAYS follow the “Think twice, post once” rule before posting or publishing anything on your blog or Twitter.


A long time ago - in those days,

When the human tribes

lived in freedom - to our grandfathers.

There was no law known.

This continued until

Until there was discord,

And lies, and other vices, -

The wide world has become small for people.

Then it's time to say:

- Let there be fair play!

William Blake


Firework! The Internet has long lost its status as a “free space”, and each new censorship law tries to increasingly limit our actions on the Internet. What can you post today on websites, blogs or Twitter, and what absolutely cannot? Consulted by a professional lawyer.

After a number of laws passed in our country regarding censorship on the Internet, many Russian sites, frightened by the responsibility that had fallen on them, frantically began to add or rewrite user agreements. Well, let's figure out how not to become persona non grata. First of all, let me remind you of a few simple rules.

Maria Korchunova,
legal consultant

So, what should not be posted on the Internet:

Pay attention to the subtle points that even the most law-abiding of us can fall for:

  • On November 15, 2013, amendments to the Law “On Advertising” came into force, as well as the Federal Law “On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption”(dated 02/23/2013).What does this mean for us? Any demonstration of cigarettes amounts to their advertising and may be banned. There are colossal fines for violations, so be careful when posting your favorite shot from the movie “200 Cigarettes,” a selfie with a cigarette pole in the spirit of Courtney Love, or a photo shoot with Kate Moss in leopard print, with smoky eyes and a cigarette.

  • in 2012, a law came into force in our country prohibiting publication any materials with erotic content (even bare nipples are banned, so when posting a photo in a swimsuit, make sure that everything is decent and nothing is peeking out). The law does not apply to materials that have significant historical, artistic or other cultural value for society (that is, Rubens’ paintings are not currently prohibited).

  • But that's it for now! Rospotrebnadzor promised by the end of 2015 to develop rules according to which sites will be blacklisted

where works of art with elements of erotica are posted (I wonder if the novel “50 Shades of Gray” will also become a banned book?). Although the posting of such information is now prohibited on many social networks, apparently this information has no value for the administration.

If we start talking about prohibitions, then we need to list all the points, including those that may seem strange to you. No sane person would post this kind of publication on his page, but the law is the law, so I cannot help but warn you. It's about:

  • firstly, about materials that contribute to the spread of drugs and child pornography. On November 1, 2012, the Federal Law came into force “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development”(hereinafter referred to as the 2012 law), which provided for the creation of a register of prohibited sites promoting drug use, suicide and child pornography. It is STRICTLY prohibited to publish data on methods of production and use of drugs and psychotropic substances,

as well as how to grow and where to look for narcotic plants.
Do not even think about posting materials containing child pornography!
These include justification of sexual feelings towards minors, obscene scenes involving minors, information about the production and distribution of child pornography and materials justifying it.

Remember, ROSKOMNADZOR does not sleep and monitors such information on the Internet.

  • secondly, about materials that can lead to suicide. A 2012 law banned the dissemination of information about suicide methods. Pages, groups, and any information posted on the Internet that contains calls, arguments in favor of committing suicide, or descriptions of methods and means of dealing with one’s own life are blocked.

  • thirdly, about materials calling for mass unrest - to control the placement of this information, the state introduced significant amendments in February 2014 to the law “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection.” Now, without regret, sites and pages with calls for mass riots, extremist activities (including the preparation of explosives) and participation in mass public events are blocked. If you decide to practice chemistry, do not write on social networks about the results of your research.

  • try avoid making public insults to another person. If you decide to unleash all your indignation on the offender online, remember that he can record the violation using a screenshot of the web page and scan it in order to have it certified by a notary, and then contact law enforcement agencies. Typically, community administrators “ban” users for insults and obscene language (deleting the message or blocking access to the group). To prevent this from happening, behave respectfully towards other Internet users.

  • do not post your location data. Those who like to “check in” should remember that information about their whereabouts may be of interest not only to relatives and friends, but also to attackers who dream of taking advantage of the situation and visiting you in your absence.

  • Do not post messages of an overly personal nature on the “wall”. When talking about yourself and posting your photos on the Internet, remember that you are becoming a public figure. Do you think that at this time this publication is completely harmless, interesting and funny.

  • BUT think about whether it will damage your reputation and career in the future. When applying for a job in a large company, keep in mind: many HR specialists and bosses often look for information about their employees on the Internet and in various social networks.

And finally, I want to give you a little advice: ALWAYS follow the “Think twice, post once” rule before posting or publishing anything on your blog or Twitter.

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