Home Mushrooms Why is it important to have a life purpose? What is the purpose of human life? Self-confidence and enthusiasm

Why is it important to have a life purpose? What is the purpose of human life? Self-confidence and enthusiasm

Do you want to have a purposeful life, or do you prefer an empty and meaningless existence? If you answered yes to the first question, then you have.

A goal in life is necessary for a person in the same way that air and water are necessary for him. Without a purpose, a person's life loses its meaning, and he himself suffocates and slowly and painfully dies. It is scary to watch how a huge number of people pretend to be alive, while in fact, they have long turned into the walking dead.

It is especially bitter to see how young people spend their youth in clubs, not realizing that life is short and can end at any moment. In the depths of their souls, of course, they understand all this and the clubs justify it by the fact that they need to live here and now, because tomorrow may not be. Well, how do you object? However, they miss the point: without a future, there is no present.

Have you ever wondered why there are so few successful and successful people in the world and in particular in Russia? I do not mean the material component, but rather the spiritual one (realization of one's goals, dreams, plans). By observing and analyzing, you can come to unexpected conclusions! My past environment consisted of such people who do not think about the future, because their present is so absorbed, and the past pulls down to such an extent that there is no urine to fight and resist these forces.

What is the point of talking about the future, when it is not clear what is in the present, and the past every day does not let you forget about yourself. Logical, isn't it? However, it is so typical to speak to mediocrities who only know that they envy, blame the state, family, but not themselves beloved / beloved for their troubles and misfortunes, and rejoice at the failures of other people. All these excuses for inaction show one thing: such people simply do not have a goal. And if there is no goal, then there will be no action either. And the whole question is: how to find a goal for yourself?

Relatively not so long ago, not only did I not have a goal, but I lost a landmark. I didn't know who I wanted to be. I had no idea what I wanted to do. It was unbearable. For days on end, all I did was look at the list of professions and not find what I needed, but I didn’t know what I needed. Only instinctively understood that all this is not mine. Weeks, months passed, and I did not see the way out of the labyrinth. And the only correct decision from the current situation was to stop thinking about it. “Mine” will come to me by itself, you should not rush things. ”- this is how I reasoned at that time. I call this period of my life.

At some point I came across a quote by Bernard Shaw in English:

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Translated into Russian, it sounds like this:

Life is not about finding yourself, but about creating yourself.

This quote completely changed my view of life. And that's when I started looking for my purpose in life. It became clear to me as daylight that it was useless to search for myself. This is a waste of time, mental and physical strength. While you are looking for yourself, rummaging through your past, remembering your childhood dreams, life passes by. The next period of my life I call "Creating myself."

Finding the main goal in life and striving to achieve it is what really matters. Stop asking yourself: Who am I? What am I? Why am I? Stop doing endless self-digging. If in childhood, instead of asking us the question: “Girl / boy, who do you want to be? We would be asked: “Girl, boy, what is your goal?” I assure you, life would be completely different: there would be many more successful and happy people on earth. Why am I so sure? Because the problem of all people is that they do not know what their goal is and whether there is one at all. But they know who they wanted to be in childhood and who they never became.

To ask children about what they themselves never had and do not have, and about which they have not the slightest idea, would be at least stupid. However, to be interested in what they are well versed in is much more logical. The answer to both questions may be the same. However, this is not the answer at all. Another thing is more important - the very formulation of the question, which makes you think. Often we hear: “What was your childhood dream? What did you want to become? And never: "What is your goal?" Why? Why did the word "dream" replace the word "goal"?

At school, I had a teacher who all her life dreamed of seeing Paris with her own eyes. When one of her students asked her: "What's the problem?" She replied: “I don’t have any money, and I don’t know French either.” Then the student suggested: “Oh, why don’t you learn French first?” The answer was: "Yes, you should."

Sometimes a dream has to be a dream. Otherwise, when the dream comes true, it will cease to exist, and it is very difficult to find a new one that would correspond to the scale of the previous one. This teacher simply did not want her dream to come true, because then she would have to say goodbye to her only dream in life - to see Paris. However, if this was not a dream for her, but a goal, then she would have not only seen Paris for a long time, but also learned French.

The power of the word "goal" is much stronger than the word "dream". The main difference between one word and another is that the goal requires action, while the dream requires contemplation and expectation. I hope I have convinced you of the importance of having a goal more than a dream. If so, then the matter remains small. Only you can do this.

I can only suggest that you do not start immediately with the search for the main goal, because this process can drag on for a long time, as with. Instead, start setting yourself sub-goals (learn English, run a marathon, learn to drive, etc.) that will gradually lead you to the main goal of your life, whatever it is: make a million dollars, start a company, act in theater and etc.

The following exercise will be useful for those who have not yet decided on their main goal.

Write a list of subgoals in order of importance. For example:

1. reset all,
2. create a website,
3. learn to swim,
4. Learn to play the piano
5. Learn French;

Choose the first 2 subgoals and set the deadlines for achievement opposite them. For example:

Then, for each subgoal, write down the actions you will take to achieve them. For example:

1. Lose weight:
Go on a three-day cleansing diet;
Do yoga 3 days a week
Do not eat after 19 hours;
Exclude flour and meat from the diet;

As soon as you have reached one subgoal, another subgoal from the list takes its place. And so it continues until you either reach all of your sub-goals, or decide on your main goal in life.

To get to the 9th floor, you either need to take the stairs or use the elevator, but you can't jump to the 9th floor without going through the other eight. It is the same with the goal: the goal itself is not achieved without sub-goals, which involve actions. So what are you waiting for?

If you want to achieve maximum results in life, then the correct setting of goals will definitely be useful for you. Today it is almost impossible to live without current and long-term planning, because you need to control a huge number of areas, including making money, relationships with family, friends, etc.

Understanding why you need to set goals

There are several reasons why you should set goals. Let us designate and briefly characterize each of them.

  1. High-quality goal setting allows a person to better determine life priorities. If you don’t want to face the fact that you didn’t achieve anything, you don’t like the situation in which only one area of ​​\u200b\u200byour life develops, and in everything else the results are poor, set goals in each area of ​​​​your activity.
  1. Goal setting creates certainty. Daily time planning and setting tactical and strategic goals is the best way to build your life so that your efforts will have the maximum effect. Otherwise, it will be difficult to imagine what level can be achieved in 5-10 years.
  2. Knowing how to set goals, you become more disciplined. In order to realize your plans and tasks, you will have to take responsibility, keep your word, keep promises.
  3. Goal setting will make you a better person. The desire to achieve this or that goal will make you develop. As leading experts on personal success and motivation say, in order to be something of yourself, a person must constantly leave the comfort zone, that is, learn new skills, gain useful knowledge, etc.
  4. Goal setting will increase your lifespan. It has been proven that a person who has a purpose in life lives an average of 10 years longer than someone who goes with the flow without trying to make his life better.

I really hope you enjoyed this article. Happiness to you and good!

It's important to have a goal. What it will be is not so important. Whether it will be money, power, love or something else, it does not matter. The determining factor is the existence of a goal.

In the life of every person there comes a moment when he stops for a while and thinks: “Where is he going?” This question is asked by many people. And it's all about goal setting. Where are you going? What is your goal? What do you want to achieve? Only a small part of people can answer these seemingly simple questions. We ask “What do you want?” in order to understand what a person is striving for, what he wants to achieve?

Every second, every moment of life, a person needs to think about what he really wants. It is very important. The very concept of goal can be characterized as an accentuated movement towards the desired. And the result, the movement itself or the path can be desired. Going to the goal, you consciously understand what you are striving for.

It's important to have a goal. What it will be is not so important. Whether it will be money, power, love or something else, it does not matter. The determining factor is the existence of a goal. A person who has a goal knows what and why he is doing, and why right now he is doing this, and not something else.

It's always important to know where you're going. Purpose and result are two inseparable concepts. You can go to a dream, a desired result, to something. The right goal setting is very important here. You must determine the scope of this goal, how you will achieve it, and what results you expect to receive. What do you need to achieve your goal, and what can you leave behind. What strategies will be successful, what should not be used. How do you see the result? It is best to describe it as fully as possible in order to understand what you are starting to move towards.

Setting a large number of goals is not the best choice, but it cannot be called bad either. You can set multiple goals at once. For example, to develop communication skills, reach the point of profitability of your own business, and competent people management. Each goal is best broken down into several sub-goals. This will make it easier to get started. First you do point A, then you go to point B and move towards achieving the result that lies in F.

There is a huge list of reasons why a person does not achieve their goals:

1. We are not moving towards our goals. It is difficult for us to understand what we really want, as a result of which we cling to everything.

2. Comfort zone. This is a habitual way of life that people do not want to change so much. It is better to stay in the environment that is comfortable for you. And who knows what is there?

3. Excuses. Most often it is: “I will do it tomorrow, then, next time, how will I feel better when I have this and that and so on.”

4. A person does not even take the first step on the way to achieving the goal, but it is he who is much more important. When you start cycling and pedaling, you will reach your goal.

5. Friends. Often the best people in your life will not share what you want to achieve. They are alien to your development. The desire to leave everything as it is prevails over them.

But then what to do? Leave everything as it is, and not achieve your goals? Of course not. You need to start taking action right now. Leave all your affairs and start working on achieving the goal. If someone and something gets in the way, it will be a wake-up call that you are moving towards your goal, since the most pleasant things in your life are very difficult to achieve. But do not despair. The main thing in achieving the goal is movement. Doing something every day that will lead to your goal is much more important than you can imagine. Let flexibility and perseverance be your allies. Every time something goes wrong, ask yourself one simple question: “Am I flexible enough to resolve this issue?” When you give up and don’t want to do anything at all, ask another question: “Is there enough perseverance in my actions?”

When everything starts to work out, when you start to see the results of your actions, when you get out of your comfort zone, you will understand why you started moving towards the goal. Sometimes the path to the goal gives much more than achieving the desired result. You can find friends who will share your goal. You can find a new job, new hobbies and a thousand other things that you would like to do. And most importantly, you will be able to identify new directions (goals) in life to which you will be drawn.

The trouble with many people who don't have goals is that they spend their whole lives running around - they run back and forth without a definite life plan and a clear understanding of what they really want and what kind of results they want. want to achieve. Home-work-home is probably the only plan they have.

A person will not build a house without a plan, will not open a business without goals. But often a person tries to build his life, doing without it.

Do you set goals for yourself? What are your goals for the next 12 months? How about 3 years? 5 years? 10 years? What are your aspirations as you look to the future?

By setting goals in life, you are laying the foundation for your successful progress. This, one might say, is your first step towards success. It is what turns your life into concrete, real actions. Without the first step, the other steps to achieve the goal will have no basis and may simply be pointless.

Have you ever come across people who have a passive attitude towards life? They never bet any, and just "live". You see them a year from now, a few years from now, and their lives are pretty much the same except for a few changes that are the result of other people's actions rather than their own.

Why you need to set goals in life: the benefits

Consider the main reasons why goal setting is so important in our lives:

  • Setting goals in life gives you clarity.

If you do not have a goal in life, you will run all your life and never achieve something for yourself. You will have the illusion that you are doing many things in life, but in reality they are not at all what you want. You are just busy doing a lot of tasks, and you have no time to think about your life. Maybe you've been working your whole life in a job that you don't like, even though it's well-paid and secure.

How are you supposed to achieve what you want if you haven't even set specific goals?

Setting goals in life gives you clarity about what you ultimately want. It helps you formulate your desires floating in your mind. This ensures that you are putting your time, energy and effort into what really matters to you. It makes you live more consciously.

Everything in this world is created from the inside out. Without the spiritual principle, there would be no physical creation. So it is with goals - first you create them in your head, then they appear in reality. If you have set , you have already completed the first part. You have set the creative force in motion and are ready to see it in reality.

  • Setting goals in life pushes you forward.

Your goals are a reflection of your inner desires that motivate you in life. Your innermost desires are a powerful source of motivation. Goals in life serve as a constant reminder of your source of motivation. They are a kind of fuel to keep you moving forward, even in difficult situations.

If you lose motivation at some point in your life - focus on the most important goals in life, especially personal development goals.

  • Goal setting focuses your attention.

Goals help you focus all your energy on exactly what you spend your time on. Goals guide you through life.

When there is no goal, you are swimming around the same thing every day. Your energy and forces are scattered randomly. You are taking part in something that does not play any role in your life. You may have a general idea of ​​what you want to do. But until you clearly articulate this, you will "scatter" your efforts. You will often get distracted because you don't have a goal to keep you in check.

It is very easy to get carried away with the flow of everyday life simply because there are so many stimuli around us in our environment. Without focused attention, your life becomes, so to speak, more "random".

  • Setting goals in life makes you responsible.

Goals encourage you to take responsibility for your life. Now you not only talk about what you want - now you have to act. You assume this responsibility, and do not place it on someone else. When you take responsibility, you actually stay true to your goals.

  • Goal setting will help you become better than you could be.

Goals in life are the way to achieve high potential. Without goals, it will be difficult for you to grow. It won't let you become the best person you can be. It keeps you from unlocking the potential that is within you. Goals in life will create new conditions and new situations that will put you in growth mode. It will force you to rise above the "norm" and reach new heights.

Without goals, you will take the path of least resistance by simply doing something. However, goals will give you face and help you overcome countless obstacles. You will learn much more about yourself and your talents than if you had no goals at all.

  • Goals in life will help you live your life in the best possible way.

This will happen for the following reasons. In the process of achieving goals, you will become a better person, you will gain new knowledge and abilities, and gain valuable experience. You will learn to overcome and win. Your outlook will change. You will look at life with much greater clarity and depth than in the past.

Ask yourself - what are mine for the next 1 year, 3 years, 5, 10 years? Take your time (although it's not a waste) to set your goals and articulate your aspirations, and in just a year, you'll experience more progress in your life.

Is it important to you in your life?

In order to become truly happy, you need to find your purpose in life, your calling. It is like a lighthouse, without which you can easily get lost on the path of life. Everyone has different goals - small and big, noble and selfish, but they are what make us act, wake us up from sleep.

People who live without a purpose live a meaningless and boring life. You can work tirelessly all your life, but without an intended goal, without knowing why all this is needed, a person will never be able to achieve something concrete.

So in the poetic comedy of A. S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit”, the goals of the Famus society and the main character, Alexander Chatsky, were radically different from each other, as well as the means to achieve them. If for the first it is a desire to achieve material well-being, promotion, and they are ready to do anything (for example, Molchalin - for the sake of money he tries to please everyone, flatters; he even gains confidence and plays with the feelings of Sophia - the daughter of his boss).

Chatsky, on the other hand, wants to live his life with dignity, wants to serve the Fatherland without pretense and flattery (“... I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve ...”). To choose a worthy goal in life and not make a mistake, to be honest with others and with oneself - this is the conclusion that can be drawn from the writer's work.

Creative and human feat, great willpower was shown by the writer Nikolai Ostrovsky. A serious illness confined him to bed, and after that he became completely blind. It would seem that life is over. But Ostrovsky takes up writing a novel that will make him famous all over the world - "How the Steel Was Tempered". And now everyone learned about the writer, about his serious illness and amazing stamina and courage.

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