Home Mushrooms Sowing seeds of onion exhibition for seedlings. Look Exhibition: reviews. Juicy, sweet onion Exhibition: cultivation. Preparing seedlings for planting in the ground

Sowing seeds of onion exhibition for seedlings. Look Exhibition: reviews. Juicy, sweet onion Exhibition: cultivation. Preparing seedlings for planting in the ground

Onion Exhibition, which is grown from seeds, in one season grows a head weighing from 200 to 1100 grams. and gives a lot of green feather. Gardeners consider the main advantage of this variety to be huge sweet bulbs, which are used to prepare salads and hot dishes.

Exhibition is grown as an annual crop. Farmers and gardeners who want to harvest giant bulbs should be aware of the agricultural practices of this Dutch onion variety, which is grown in 2 stages through seedlings.

The State Register of the Russian Federation gives a detailed description of the Exhibition bow. This is a mid-late variety that fully matures 100-130 days after germination. It forms a white turnip with a pleasant sweet taste. It has long, juicy greens that can be used for cutting. Exhibition is recommended for cultivation in garden plots and small farms.

How seeds are sown

Like all varieties of onions, Exhibition does not tolerate the July heat. From high temperatures, its roots die off, and the bulb is covered with scales, painted straw-yellow. In order for the root crop to acquire the maximum possible weight before the onset of the dormant period, onion seeds must be sown in closed ground as soon as possible.

Many gardeners start planting in mid-February, when daylight hours are longer and the seedlings are getting enough sunlight and warmth.

This planting allows farmers to get well-ripened bulbs, but requires a lot of attention. Plants in closed ground sprout unevenly, seedlings are stretched.

When using soil contaminated with fungi, seedlings die from a black leg. From an excess of lighting, the green mass is actively growing, which contributes to the development of bacterial diseases.

To prevent the difficulties that arise during the cultivation of exhibition onion seedlings, you need to properly prepare the seeds and soil for sowing.

Soil preparation

Onions love well-drained soil. To prepare the mixture take:

  • 10 parts of sod land;
  • 9 parts of humus;
  • 1 part rotted mullein;
  • 2 parts sand.

The soil is thoroughly mixed and spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate, made at the rate of 1 g per 3.5 liters. This allows you to destroy the pathogenic microflora, which harms the seedlings.

The mixture can be heated for several days on the stove, until smoke appears, in order to destroy fungal spores. The prepared soil is scattered in 200 ml plastic cups, or other containers. Wooden boxes, at least 10 cm high, or various containers with drainage holes are suitable for sowing.

Seed preparation

Seeds need to be treated with biostimulants and fungicides. This is an important procedure that increases the storage time of mature root crops.

For seed treatment, a 1% solution of potassium permanganate is used, which is prepared at the rate of 1 g per 100 ml of water. The seeds are placed in it for 45 minutes, and then they are washed well with running water.

On sale there are preparations intended for the destruction of pathogenic microflora on seeds. Can be used:

  • Phytosporin;
  • Bakotofit;
  • Albite;
  • Trichodermin;
  • Alirin-B.

Exhibition onion seeds need to be treated with biostimulants. Their use in the preparation of seed material for planting allows you to increase the percentage of germination and improve the protective properties of a mature plant.

Pre-sowing treatment of seed material with Kornevin accelerates the growth of the root system. For Siberia and the Urals, seed treatment with potassium and sodium humates is needed, which increases resistance to a sharp change in temperature. To improve the survival rate of seedlings, the seeds are kept in Epin-Extra solution. In order for the seeds to sprout evenly, a solution of Zircon is used.

If it is not possible to use modern active substances, the seeds are placed in cotton cloth and poured for 8-12 hours with potato or aloe juice, honey water, ash infusion or onion peel decoction.

These liquids contain active ingredients that allow onion seeds to germinate faster and fight pathogens.

Seeds that have been processed are slightly dried. When they cease to stick together and acquire flowability, they are sown in the ground.

Sowing seeds in a container

Sowing is carried out in moist loose soil. If the seedlings are grown in cups, then 3 pcs are placed in each container. seeds to a depth of about 1.5 cm. If a box or box is used to grow seedlings, then grooves are cut, the distance between which should be 4-5 cm.

Seeds are laid out in them at a distance of one centimeter from each other and covered with sand or peat.

The containers are covered with cling film and placed in a dark, warm place where the average daily temperature will be at least 20ºС. After the appearance of the first shoots, the film is removed, the seedlings are put on the south or west window and left to grow there.

When the air temperature outside rises to 15ºС, and the seedlings have 2 true leaves, they begin to gradually harden them off. A week after the start of the procedures, the boxes can be left outside for the whole day, bringing the seedlings into the room overnight. A week before planting, the boxes are no longer brought in, leaving them in the open.

Care consists in top dressing and timely watering. If the green mass is actively growing, it can be cut off 1 time, leaving 5 cm above ground level.

Sowing seeds into the soil

Exhibition onions, which can be grown from seeds immediately in open ground, are sown in the garden at the end of March or at the beginning of April. At this time, the soil is already thawing by 3-4 cm, and cold-resistant crops can be sown. In order for the seedlings to actively develop and not require transplantation, the seeds are sown using a seeder in the beds prepared in the fall, located on the south side of the site.

When manually sowing, the treated seeds are mixed with sand (1:10) and sown in chopped rows. If the manufacturer indicated on the packaging that the seeds have undergone antifungal treatment, then sowing can be facilitated. To do this, the seeds are glued onto narrow strips of toilet paper using a paste.

For cooking, take 1 tsp of starch and pour 100 ml of boiling water over it. First, with a brush, a paste is applied pointwise, at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Then 2 seeds are placed in each drop. After the paste dries, the tapes are rolled up and stored in paper bags or cardboard boxes.

When the time comes for sowing in the ground, the tapes are unfolded in the garden and sprinkled with moist soil. This method of sowing allows you to save seeds and get the right distance between shoots. During the summer, excess onions are removed from the garden, allowing other bulbs to fully develop.

Interesting: Exhibition after 5 weeks after germination forms an oval bulb, weighing up to 100 g, suitable for food.

When sown in open ground, onions do not have time to grow a large mass of seeds one season before the onset of the July heat, and will go into hibernation with a turnip weight of about 300 grams.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Onion Exhibition, growing through seedlings which allows the plant to go through a full growing season, loves land located on the south side. Choose places where gourds or legumes grew last season. When digging the soil, black soil, completely rotted mullein, wood ash, complex fertilizer for onions and garlic are added.

Planting seedlings Exhibition begins in late April - early May. In Siberia and in the northern regions, where the threat of frost is present until mid-June, the plants are planted in the garden, well hardened when perennial onions grow. Holes are made at a distance of 35 cm from each other. Distance between rows 15 cm.

Before planting in open ground, the onion is watered abundantly, the green leaves are cut to 10 cm. If the seedlings were grown in cups, then leave 1 root and plant it with a clod of earth in a moist hole so that the neck of the stem is free from the ground. Excess plants from the lump are carefully removed and planted in a separate row. They will need more time to adapt.

If the plants grew in a box, then they cut not only the stems, but also the roots by 1/3 and dip them into liquid clay. Onions from boxes are covered with soil so that the white part of the future bulb is completely covered. The soil near the root is compacted by pressing it with your fingers.

The first week of planting is kept under a non-woven covering material. When the plants take root and grow, the cover is removed. This allows you to get a large percentage of established seedlings.

You can watch the video on how the cultivation of Exhibition onions goes through seedlings.

Landing Care

Onion Exhibition, the cultivation and care of which requires moist loose soil and sufficient nutrition, requires close attention. To grow a healthy crop, you need to monitor the condition of the plantings and remove diseased plants from the garden in a timely manner. The focus of infection is sprinkled with wood ash, which has disinfectant properties.

After watering, the soil is mulched, which increases the access of oxygen and keeps the soil loose in the heat. Weeds are removed to increase sun exposure and control pests that harm ripening bulbs.

What is fertilized

When the Exhibition onion grows, it needs top dressing in the open field. The next day after planting, the plants are watered with a solution of humate.

When the mass regrowth of leaves begins, foliar top dressing is carried out.

The first should contain a large amount of nitrogen and trace elements that improve the taste of greens. To do this, you can use liquid complex fertilizers suitable for garden crops.

Important: Exhibition should not be watered with mullein infusion, because the variety has a low degree of resistance to bacteria. Such top dressing will lead to bacterial rot.

The second and third top dressing is carried out with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, which stimulate the growth of the underground part. To do this, dilute 40 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium chloride in 10 liters of water.

Top dressing is completed in early July, allowing the bulbs to start and gain weight.

Gardeners who sow seeds in the ground in the spring, in the middle of summer, begin to understand that the plants that have not yet gained full strength stop growing. They are looking for something to feed the Exhibition onion in July so that it begins to grow actively.

Important: In the heat, the natural process of the bulb going into hibernation occurs, and it cannot be canceled. Excessive feeding worsen the keeping quality of the turnip and reduce the quality of the crop.

When the crop is harvested

Harvesting a ripe crop from the garden begins when golden scales appear on the bulbs, and the neck becomes soft to the touch. Do it during the day, in dry and windy weather, starting from the end of July. If the seeds were sown in February, then by this time the plant had gone through the stages of development, and the harvest will please with its abundance.

Important: You do not need to choose a long time when to remove the onion. With a decrease in temperature and an increase in humidity, the bulbs wake up and grow again, starting a new cycle.

Root crops are carefully selected from the ground, digging them up with a pitchfork and shaking them off the ground. First they need to be treated in an antiseptic solution to increase the shelf life.

To do this, make a 2% solution of potassium permanganate (2 g per 100 ml) and dip the bulbs into it one by one so that the bottom is in the solution for about 30 seconds. Then the turnips are laid out

in the sun to dry them. In the evening, the crop is transferred under a canopy for long-term drying. The tops are cut to 15 cm. When the neck becomes thinner, the bulbs need to be sorted out, diseased specimens selected, and the remaining root crops removed for storage.

In the photo below, you can see what kind of crop the Exhibition onion gives.

How to save the harvest

The description of the variety in the State Register contains a warning that Exhibition quickly germinates during storage and deteriorates.

Onions should be stored in dry rooms at a temperature not exceeding 18ºС and a low level of humidity. Onions can be stored in braids, bundles, cardboard boxes or plastic boxes. Mistresses use nets or nylon stockings for this.

The more work was done on the disinfection of seeds and soil, the longer the root crops will be preserved. If the rules for growing Exhibition are violated, then its storage will be short in time. Onions rot in 2-3 months after harvesting. This circumstance makes it difficult to obtain seeds and breed the Exhibition variety on its own.

How to grow onion seeds?

At home, breeding seeds is complicated by the fact that the Exhibition deteriorates by the middle of winter, and in the spring there are no bulbs that can be planted to produce seeds.

Nigella is obtained in greenhouses, where a constant air temperature is maintained, and the bulbs are planted in the ground as they germinate, starting in September.

First selected to obtain Chernushka bulbs need to be processed immediately after cleaning the fungicide. There must be at least 50 root crops, because the percentage of waste can be 90%.

Then the selected bulbs should be dried well, first in the sun, then on the roof. In autumn, tie them into a separate braid and hang them in a warm and dry place in the house. If the bunch is constantly checked, removing rotting specimens from it, then by the end of winter the most viable turnips will remain, which will need to be planted in the ground as soon as possible. They will give seeds. However, their germination rate can be very low.

What are the reviews

Onion Exhibition reviews are positive, because gardeners like the taste, appearance, and weight in it.

Elena, 55 years old, household plot, Spassk-Dalniy:

Onion Exhibition I plant every year for seedlings on February 15 and dig out in early August. All the trouble is pleasant, because as a reward for the work you get a great harvest when the onion harvest begins.

Mishukov Andrey, 40 years old, farmer, Moscow region:

Wonderful variety. Excellent taste, it turns out a large and juicy onion, which can be used raw.

Olga, 35 years old, summer resident, Yekaterinburg:

I feed Exhibition all June and get large bulbs. It is difficult to grow it, but the results of the work are pleasing.

The exhibition onion stands out from the background of its counterparts with its large head size and sweet taste without pronounced bitterness. It is for this that many gardeners love him, despite the labor-intensive cultivation. The Dutch breeders did a great job. To get a full-fledged harvest, it is important to take into account the requirements of this crop for agricultural technology, which will be described below.

Description of the variety Exhibition

Exhibition refers to late varieties. When ripe, the culture forms a large, attractive bulb, which has an unusual taste. The mass of the head is from 300 to 500 grams.

If you grow onion seedlings, the fruits will be even larger (individual specimens can reach a weight of 1 kg). The bulbs covered with golden scales on top have a rounded shape. The taste of a spicy vegetable is sweetish, without bitterness characteristic of onions, the pulp is delicate in texture, very juicy.

There are fewer essential oils in this onion than in other varieties, it can be cut without the risk of "shedding tears." Due to its properties, Exhibition is excellent for fresh consumption and salads. Bulb maturation occurs in 90-100 days.

The variety can be grown by direct sowing in the ground and through seedlings. The seedling method gives the advantage of earlier ripening, the crop can be harvested as early as August. This is an important advantage of the crop for growing in cold regions.

On a note! The variety has a high yield, but does not have a very long shelf life, which can be considered its minus. Even when creating ideal conditions, the bulbs will lie only until December.

When growing onions, Exhibition is demanding on agricultural technology, without observing the recommended conditions, it will not give you the harvest that it is able to give. Experienced summer residents advise growing this variety through seedlings.

Only in this case, the bulbs will grow strong, huge. In warm regions, this rule can be neglected and seeds can be sown directly into the ground, however, in this case you will not get kilogram bulbs.

With the seedling method, it is worth considering that at least 80 days will pass from the moment of landing on the ridge to the harvest. The development of seedlings takes about 2 months. It will be necessary to sow seeds in the Moscow region in the second decade of February, and in August full-fledged bulbs will already ripen.

Landing dates are adjusted depending on the region. Since the threat of frost disappears later in Siberia and the Urals, it is better to sow seeds for seedlings in the first half of March, since the timing of its planting in open ground is also postponed.

With the purchase of onion seeds Exhibition should not be a problem. They are popular, so they are in almost any store for gardeners. Before landing, you need to do preparatory work.

Land and seed preparation

With the preparation of seeds, you can not be particularly "wise". The whole procedure takes place in three stages:

  • the seeds are wrapped in gauze and dipped in warm water for several hours to swell;
  • after that, the material is left in the same gauze, or wrapped in a damp cotton cloth and placed in a plastic bag to retain moisture for several days;
  • before planting, hatched seeds should be soaked for 2-3 hours in a pink solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect, after which they are slightly dried.

It is better to prepare the soil in the fall by mixing garden soil and sand with humus in equal parts, adding 1 cup of wood ash to the bucket of the mixture. If this is not possible, land for seedlings from the store is suitable. For sowing, you can use boxes, cassettes and plastic cups. If the container is reused, it must be thoroughly washed with soap and a brush, and then rinsed with boiling water.


  • Seeds are sown densely, in pre-moistened soil.
  • Furrows 1 cm deep are cut on the surface of the soil, where the planting material is distributed.
  • From above, the crops are lightly sprinkled with earth and moistened with water from a spray bottle.
  • After that, the container should be covered with a film to create greenhouse conditions.
  • Now the seedlings should be placed in a warm shaded place for 1-1.5 weeks before germination.

The optimum temperature for this period will be + 25 ° C. Watering is not necessary. As soon as the first sprouts appear, the container is placed in a lighted place and the temperature in the room is slightly reduced (up to 17-18 ° C). If the window sills are cold, the pots should be placed on heat-insulating supports so that the roots of young plants do not freeze.

In order for seedlings to grow healthy, they need to provide sufficient lighting, proper watering, loosening and top dressing. To grow seedlings of onion Exhibition, the daylight hours should be at least 10-12 hours. This can be achieved by installing additional lighting with fluorescent lamps.

Seedlings should be watered with settled warm water. Watering should be moderate, but regular. The watered soil must be loosened so that a hard crust does not form on the surface. It is best to do this immediately after watering. Be careful not to damage the delicate roots. Feed onions once a week with complex fertilizers for vegetable crops.

Advice! The room where the seedlings stand must be regularly ventilated, while protecting the seedlings from drafts.

A feature of the seedlings of this onion is that it expels a long feather, which is recommended to be cut, leaving no more than 10 cm in length. This technique stimulates the active growth of seedlings and, moreover, feathers in this case will not interfere with transplanting into the ground.

2 weeks before planting seedlings in a permanent place, it must be hardened, accustomed to weather conditions. A box with seedlings is taken out daily to fresh air, gradually increasing the hardening time. This technique contributes to the health of seedlings and its rapid adaptation in the garden.

In the middle lane, Exhibition onions are planted in the garden in mid-May. By this time, the seedlings should be two months old.. The ridge should be positioned so that it is well lit by the sun and at the same time protected from the winds. Onions love loose and nutritious soils with neutral acidity. If the soil is acidic, neutralize it with dolomite flour or limestone to get a good harvest.

It is necessary to prepare a place for planting onions in the fall. Fertilizers are applied to the soil in the form of superphosphate, potassium salt and humus. Fresh manure and not rotted compost should not be used for top dressing.

As soon as the positive temperature is established outside, the seedlings can be planted in open ground. When landing, use the scheme: 30x30. Do not plant Exhibition more often, it needs space.

In the summer, Exhibition onion care is quite standard. It includes watering, fertilizing, loosening, weeding and mulching. Immediately after planting over seedlings, it is recommended to install arcs for film shelter. Under such conditions, the onion will take root faster and will be protected from the vagaries of the weather, unexpected frosts. At first, the bed will look half empty, but soon everything will change. The bulbs will grow and pour, in such free conditions the culture will develop very comfortably.

  1. Exhibition is watered every 15-20 days, avoiding waterlogging. Do not use water from a well or well, it is too cold. Let it sit for a few hours to warm up. Towards the end of July, watering is reduced, and then completely stopped - this will contribute to the formation of high-quality bulbs.
  2. Loosening is carried out immediately after watering, to prevent the appearance of a hard crust near the bulbs. This must be done very carefully, the Exhibition onion protrudes above the surface and the heads are easily damaged. Weeding is also carefully carried out.
  3. Top dressing is carried out using a complex mineral fertilizer and organics in the form of infusion of mullein and bird droppings. Organic fertilizers are applied only in the first half of summer. Fertilize once every 3 weeks. Doing this more often is not recommended. A month before harvesting onions, fertilization is stopped.
  4. Aisles are mulched with mowed grass or straw. It is undesirable to use sawdust for these purposes, as they change the acidity of the soil. Recently, many people use black film with slots for bulbs instead of mulch.

During the cultivation of onions, experts do not advise cutting off the feather, otherwise you will not get large heads.

Huge bow in one season. Sort Exhibition: video

Diseases and pests

Of all the diseases, onions are most often affected by bottom rot. W The problem can only be identified at the harvesting stage. Affected bulbs subsequently begin to rot and soften; such heads are not subject to storage. In this case, it will not be possible to save the crop. A disease occurs due to improper care, when water stagnates in the garden after irrigation. It is necessary to drain the soil or water the plants moderately before planting seedlings.

It happens that onions are affected by smut - a fungal disease. You can recognize it by the appearance of longitudinal gray stripes on the leaves. This disease has no treatment, affected plants must be removed from the garden in a timely manner so that neighboring bulbs do not become infected. The spores of this fungus persist in the ground for up to 4 years. Therefore, the next time you can plant onions on this bed no earlier than after a four-year period of time.

From excessive watering, onions can be affected by gray rot. The root neck begins to deteriorate, and then the whole plant. Sick bulbs are destroyed. Prevention of the disease is the correct agricultural technology.

You can harvest from mid-August. This moment is determined by the state of the pen, if it turned yellow and lay down - it's time to start collecting the bulbs. For digging and drying, they take in a fine sunny day. It is most convenient to dig onions, prying them from below with a pitchfork. After that, the soil is shaken off, and the onion itself is laid out right on the ridge.

Then the crop is transferred to a dry, ventilated room for final drying. It could be a shed or an attic. You can also dry onions by tying them in bunches and hanging them upside down. The feather is cut off after the bulbs are completely dry, leaving stumps 3-5 cm long.

Exhibition onions should be stored in a cool room at a temperature of 4-5 ° C. Since table varieties are stored for no more than 3-4 months, during this time the bulbs must be eaten.

For good health and strong immunity, various vegetables must be present in our diet. A special place among vegetables is occupied by onions, which are present in almost all dishes: vegetable, meat, fish and others. Therefore, breeders have bred a wide range of varieties of this tasty and healthy vegetable.

But relatively recently, no more than 10 years ago, summer residents began growing exhibition onions. This is a gigantic salad onion with a delicate, slightly sweet taste and almost no characteristic onion smell. Even those who couldn’t stand onions at all before became fans of this variety.

This is an annual variety of onion, bred by Dutch breeders, which can be grown in two ways: through sowing and through seedlings. If everything is more or less clear with sowing, then there are many nuances in growing seedlings. In this article, we will take a closer look at how exhibition onion seedlings are grown.

Growing onion seedlings

To get a good crop of exhibition onions, as in the photo, you need to take care of the seedlings in advance. For this, several conditions must be met:

  • fertile soil;
  • Quality seeds;
  • Compliance with the light regime;
  • Regular watering;
  • Hardening before planting.

So, we stock up on fertile soil in a specialized store or harvest it in the fall. We prepare a suitable container and sow onion seeds in the soil in mid-February. To do this, pour a layer of soil into the planting container and evenly moisten the surface from a spray bottle with settled warm water. Now we sow the seeds quite densely and cover them with a thin layer of soil (0.5 -1 cm). We tighten the container with a film and leave it in a warm place.

A week later, young shoots appear. As soon as this happens, remove the film and expose the container to the light. So that the seedlings do not stretch and turn yellow, they need a lot of light. Therefore, daylight hours for onion seedlings must be extended by several hours. To do this, you can use fluorescent lamps.

As the seedlings grow, you need to feed them. As soon as the first hook-leaves straighten out, we introduce complex fertilizer (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). Such top dressing should be carried out every 14 days until the landing in the ground.

When the third leaf appears, we shorten the shoots by 2/3 of their height so that the seedlings do not lie down and break.

A month before planting, it is mandatory to harden the young onion. We take out the seedlings on the loggia or on the street on a sunny day. Gradually increase the hardening time from 10 minutes to 1 hour.

Planting onion seedlings

Grown seedlings of exhibition onion can be planted in open ground no earlier than the second decade of May. At this time, night frosts are already unlikely and seedlings will take root faster in warm soil.

Before planting, we water the seedlings abundantly so that the earthen lump is well soaked and the young roots are less damaged during transplantation. The roots themselves and green shoots are also cut a little. And so that the roots do not dry out, we place them in a bucket with liquid earth or clay mash.

We plant the exhibition onion grown through seedlings in watered holes made at a distance of 30 cm from each other. A distance of 15-20 cm must be observed between plants. Onion seedlings should not be buried, it is enough to sprinkle the white part of the stem near the rhizome with earth and press it well with your fingers.

In order for the young onion to take root better the next day, it must be watered with a solution of humate.

Further onion care consists in regular watering and loosening of row spacings. Harvesting begins when the bases of the stems dry out and the feathers bend to the ground.

Video about growing exhibition onions from seeds

One of the common vegetable crops found in our gardens is onions. Widely popular are such species as onion, multi-tiered, onion-garlic Rocambol, Batun, etc. We talked about them on the pages of our Online magazine Gardener and Gardener. Some species are grown for turnips, others for greens. Along with this, summer residents are beginning to actively develop other, new types of this culture, which are not typical for our regions.

A striking example of this is the medium-late onion Exhibition. This species, bred by Dutch breeders, is distinguished by its rather large size. With the right agricultural technology of growing from 1 m 2, you can get a fairly high yield of this crop (up to 3 kg). In this case, the weight of one bulb can vary between 120 - 500 grams. In addition to high yields, Exhibition has excellent taste characteristics. It has a sweet taste. And it lacks the bitterness characteristic of many types and varieties of onions. At the same time, it is not possible to store it for a long time, since Exhibition belongs to salad varieties.

WARNING: Excellent tasting heads are difficult to preserve after harvesting the whole crop, they begin to deteriorate after three to four months.

Growing through seedlings

The seedling method of growing onions of the Exhibition type is the most difficult and troublesome. But on the other hand, when using it, you can get the largest heads, reaching their maximum weight. The optimal time for planting seeds for seedlings is the month of March. But before that, all seed material should be prepared. How to do it?

  1. Soak the seeds in warm water for several hours.
  2. Wrap in a damp cloth and leave for another 3-4 days.
  3. Before disembarkation, disinfection must be carried out.

DISINFECTING METHOD: It is necessary to prepare a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). To do this, 1 gram of potassium permanganate is taken per liter of water. In this solution, the seeds are kept for about 8 hours. It is very important to maintain a constant temperature of 40 ° C.

The next step in growing seedlings of Luca Exhibition is the preparation of boxes with soil. The main point is the soil mixture. Prepare it by mixing the following ingredients:

  • Humus - 9 parts.
  • Sod land - 10 parts.
  • Overripe mullein - 1 part.
All this is thoroughly mixed and prepared boxes are filled with this mixture. After that, the pre-prepared and disinfected seeds of Exhibition are densely sown to a depth of 1.5 cm, and the box itself is covered with plastic wrap or glass. Next, the box is placed in a dark and warm place. With the advent of seedlings, and this happens after a week and a half, the cover is removed, and the seedlings are transferred to a well-lit place.

Caring for seedlings of onion Exhibition in the future comes down to maintaining the temperature regime, moderate watering with warm water and regular airing. Speaking about the temperature regime, they are different for different periods of development of the onion crop:

  • In anticipation of seedlings, the temperature should be within 22 ° C.
  • When young leaves appear:
  • daily t o 17-20 o C
  • night t o 10-14 o C

Two months later, the grown seedlings of the Exhibition onion, two weeks before planting, begin to harden. Planting of mature plants occurs in the first decade of May. For this, an unshaded area of ​​\u200b\u200bsoil with neutral acidity is selected. At the same time, it should be sufficiently loose, moisture-absorbing and breathable. Having formed the beds properly, holes are made in the soil according to the scheme 20cm x 30cm, where the seedlings are planted.

NOTE: Exhibition onions are well cultivated on soils that were well fertilized with manure two years before. Using manure before planting will cause overgrowth of greenery and the formation of loose bulbs.

Basic Care Activities

  1. Moderate watering;
  2. loosening;
  3. Weeding;
  4. Pest control.

Since this onion crop is very fond of water, it is very important to keep it in the soil. To do this, you can use a technique such as mulching the soil. This measure will also get rid of many weeds. Do not forget that the plant also requires regular loosening. As an effective one, rows of onions can be alternated with rows of carrots.

Weeding, loosening and watering are the main summer concerns for growing strong heads of Exhibition. They are formed in such a way that they are almost completely located on the surface of the beds, which facilitates harvesting. Dig the heads with a pitchfork, without cutting the feather. To dry, they are laid in the attic, where they are ventilated.

Growing from seeds

The seed method of growing onion varieties Exhibition is quite simple. It does not require such thorough labor as the previous method. Since the seeds need to be planted in the month of April, you can prepare for planting in advance. Somewhere in late February or early March, in their free time, seed material is prepared, which is glued to specially prepared strips of toilet paper. But first things first.

The need for gluing Dutch onion seeds is dictated by their extremely small size. For this procedure you will need:

  • Prepared paste;
  • Roll of toilet paper;
  • The seeds of Exhibition themselves;
  • Solid surface.

First you need to prepare a paste. This will require the following ingredients:

  • starch;
  • cold water;
  • AVA fertilizer;
  • a plastic container and a plastic board for spreading the seeds.

Pour half a glass of cold water into the pan, with constant stirring, add one teaspoon of starch. On low heat, continuing to stir, bring the contents of the saucepan to a state of not too thick sour cream, let cool.

After preparing the paste, you need to glue Exhibition onion seeds on a pre-prepared paper tape with it. The width of the tape depends on the width of the beds and the number of rows, so if the width of the beds is - 80 cm, then eleven rows are obtained.

  • A paper strip is rolled out on a hard surface.
  • With the help of a toothpick, droplets of paste are applied to the tape;
  • One seed per drop.

Preparing Exhibition onion seeds for planting in this way allows you to place the plants evenly on the garden bed, and eliminates the tedious pulling of thickened plantings. After the droplets with seeds dry out, and usually one day is enough for this, the tapes are twisted into rolls and placed in plastic bags. Such "sowing" is more comfortable than spring planting in the ground at their summer cottage. At home, sitting in a comfortable chair at the table, you can take care of each seed, carefully and carefully spread them out, without overstraining from an uncomfortable posture.

Onions are one of the most popular vegetable crops. In this review, we want to tell you about such a variety as Exhibition. It was bred by breeders from Holland and has a fairly large size. Under the condition of proper agricultural technology, up to 3 kg of crop yield can be obtained per square meter of sown area. The mass of one bulb is up to 500 g. In addition to high yields, the culture has high taste characteristics. There is no bitterness in Exhibition, like other onion varieties, so it is often used to make salads. The main disadvantage of the variety is a short shelf life. You will learn about the rules for growing a plant and the procedure for caring for it further.

Variety Description

Exhibition onion has many differences from other onion varieties - this is weight, taste, growing technology, and even aroma. The culture belongs to the gigantic, in addition to its huge size, it has a pleasant sweetness (there is no bitterness in the Exhibition, as in others). In growing the plant is also not particularly difficult. For food, onions are used in their pure form or as part of various dishes (mainly salads). The main difficulties associated with the cultivation of culture:

  1. The need to select high-quality seedlings and the need for careful care throughout the growing period.
  2. Short shelf life- it is no more than 4 months.

Subject to all agrotechnical requirements, the culture will grow in 80 days. The methods of its cultivation are seedlings and seeds, but in some regions only the first can be used.

An important advantage of the onion variety Exhibition is a short growing season.

Beneficial features

Onions are a healthy and inexpensive vegetable, a healer for all ailments. Not a single cuisine of the world can do without it - cut into small cubes or slices, it is added to food in its pure form, boiled and stewed. In ancient times, people wore an onion on their chest, it was believed that such an amulet protects a warrior from death. Useful properties of the Exhibition variety:

  1. High content of vitamins and valuable substances- these are nicotinic, folic acids, vitamins C, group B, carotene, zinc, copper and so on.
  2. The presence of phytoncides- these elements kill viruses and bacteria or suppress their activity.
  3. Immunity Boost- although skeptics say that regular consumption of onions in the cold season does not protect them from colds, this is not so. If prophylaxis is carried out correctly (in optimal volumes and regularly), and most seasonal viruses and colds can be forgotten.

The onion has a specific taste due to the presence of esters in the composition.


In areas where the summer is not very hot and rather short, Exhibition onions are recommended to be grown through seedlings - the main method of its propagation. This technique is more troublesome than seed, but it speeds up the process of crop development. Please note that the plant can only be transferred to the ground after it reaches the age of 60 days. Read about the onion root system.

Good to know. It is advisable to grow onions for two years - first sow the nigella on the set, and then grow the turnip from the set.

The most favorable soil for growing Onion Exhibition is turf and humus, mixed in the same proportion


There are two ways to grow an Exhibition onion variety - from seeds or seedlings. The first is simpler, but the second has its advantages.

Planting seedlings

Seedling cultivation is a troublesome process, but it allows you to achieve maximum yields. Before planting, you will need to take care of buying high-quality seeds, choosing fertile soil, and adequately watering it.

An important role in the cultivation of Exhibition is the correct hardening of seedlings.

After the fertile soil mixture is ready, pour it into the boxes. Seeds are recommended to be planted as often as possible, deepening them into the ground by about 1 cm. Cover the boxes with foil and put in a dark place. Shoots should appear in about 2 weeks - when this happens, remove the film and move the boxes to a better-lit place.

Growing Luca Exhibition from seedlings

Sowing seeds

It is easier to work with seeds than with seedlings, which explains the popularity of this method.. In the month of March, you will need to prepare planting material () and stick it on paper strips - this is necessary so that the plants are distributed as evenly as possible over the garden. Before starting work, prepare a sticky mixture of water, starch and fertilizer, to which you will then attach the seeds.

How to grow onions from seeds will tell.

To keep the bulbs as long as possible, watering will need to be reduced by the end of summer.

For seed planting, start preparing the soil in the fall - loosen it, remove weeds, apply mineral fertilizers. In the spring, you will again need to carefully loosen the soil, make approximately the same grooves in it, into which then lay the ribbons of paper with seeds (be sure to sprinkle them with earth).

Growing Onion Exhibition from seeds

Care rules

The main care for the Exhibition onion consists in its abundant watering, maintaining the optimum air temperature (the culture loves heat), regular feeding and good lighting. When the third leaf appears, pinch the seedlings. In order for the heads to grow large enough, leave the green feathers as they are. This one will tell you about the rules for watering onions.

Before planting seedlings, abundant watering is carried out - otherwise the seedlings will not separate well.

Care conditions:

Incandescent lamps are not suitable for illumination of seedlings of Exhibition.



Exhibition - an onion variety with a sweetish characteristic taste, which is used to make salad. It is unpretentious in care (special conditions are not required), but has a short shelf life (up to 4 months). It can be grown with seeds and seedlings, soil fertility should be given special attention to obtain large yields.

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